University of South Carolina Libraries
JjlWTTia^M"?IMF Wri M W LMfl p ? w LOCAL ITEMS. 'i a Beaufort, S. C. August 24 1876. Ten dollars and costs is what the Intendant charges for a row, when water pitchers are the weapons. * ^ 9ST Republican campaign clubs must be formed at every voting precinct in the county. United we stand, divided we fall. I # I IfiT The hottest weather of the season ?* ?;n Raq mPnrf nn Satur WW ICIIVIAI ill 1<V.. day last. The fashionable poeket-handkcrchief for the occasion was about three jrrds long by one broad. The thermometer was up in the hundreds. The county convention, to elect delegates to the State convention that meets in Columbia, September 12, has been called for the 4th of that month. See call published in another column. The trial of Hutto, at Barnwell for the murder of the colored marshal at Al~ lendalc, and the speech of Judge Aldridge who said the prisoner was a brave manjust such a man that the State of South Carolina needed, and his acquittal on the ground of insanity, is still fresh in the memory of our readers. A correspondent to the Charleston Journalof Commerce, recounts his recent attempt to take the life of Mr. Simon Brown, of Blackville, and his threats against the life of another store keeper on the S. C. K. R. and also his resistance to the demands for tare, of the conductor of that road. At last acoounts he was being pursued by a posse of white men armed for arrest When juries are thus controlled for political *. ends, the general public will have very little sympathy with the people of the county, on aooount of other outrages that guch men may commit HEAD QUARTERS U. R. PARTY. BiAtTORT, S. C., Aug. 21, 1876. NOTICE is hereby given that a contention of the Union Republican Party of the County of Beaufort will be held in the Arsenal, in the to^n of Beaufort, on Monday the 4th day of September, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of electing seven delegates to represent this county in the State Convention to be held in Co lumbia on the 12th day of September, and alio to elect seven delegates to represent this county in the Congressional and Circuit conveutious to be held at such times and places as the Congressional and Circuit chairmen may designate. The several parishes are entitled to the following quota of delegates, which shall be elected at the places and upon days hereinafter named: 81 Helen* Parish 24 as follows; Brick Church, five; Coffin Point, two; Lands End, two, to be elected at the Brick Cburph, Monday the 28th of August Beaufort, five; Port Royah one; Lady's Island, two; Grey's Hill, three; Myrtle Bush, two; Pari* Island, two; to be elected on Saturday, the 2d September. Prince William's Parish, 16 as follows; Chisolm's Landing, two, on Saturday, September 2d. Gardner's Corner, five; Poootaligo, two; at Eustis' on Fridaj the 26th of August. Peeples, two; Vowvilh, one; gnjnsop, foqr; or) Saturday the 26th Awst. 81, Lake's Ptrfefe H *4 follows; Hilton Head, five; Saturday, Augrjs WbBluffton, three > tfenesis' X Roads, one; on Thursday August 31st. Grahamville, two; on Thursday Augus 24th. GiUisonville, 2; on Saturday Augus 26th. 81. Peter's Parish, 15 as fallows; Bellenger Hill, three; Lery'a H Roads, 2; at Levy's X Roads pn Friday September 1st. Hardeeville, one; Henois' ^ lloads, one; Brighton two; Lawton's Church, odc; Matthews Bluff, two; Beech Branch, one; Black Creek, one; Nixville, one; on Saturday Septemtx 2d. LawtonvPk four;?(alrcady[elected.) o The sub-committee-men of each of th precincts will immediately upon the n t peipt of this call give ample and full n< tice to the voters of the same and adhe to the rules of theparty. He is requin to call the meeting to order and tei porarily preside until a chairman u ele< fd. Delegates are expected to be in town < jhc afternoon of tbe 3J. pros., as the o ?????? vention will be called to order promptly at 10 o'clock a. m., on the -1th. ROB'T. SMALLS, Chv'mn. IT. R. Party, Beaufort Co. MARINE NEWS CLEARKD.?ST. HELENA SOUND. i August 14th Br. Bp. Ottawa, Lodwic, master, 29 j days from Fuuchal, in ballast to Campbell, Wyll'e and Co. ^ N otioo. Office Town Treasurer Beaufort, S. C. Aug. 22nd 1876. \T0 ACCOUNT AGAINST ANY TOWN EM1 li ployoe will be collected through this office;? neither will any orders against the pay of any employee be accepted?Merchants and athors having accounts must collect the same. J. C. RICHMOND, Town Trfasuror 2 t Administrator's N otice. ! ______ NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned as administrator of the estate of J. J. Pope, deceased, will on the 16th dav of September next present his accounts before the Court of Probate for Beaufort County for allowance, and apply for a discbarge as isdministraior. H. G. JUPD. Bft. Aug. 21, 1876. aug.24-8t Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned as administrator of the estate of Charles Owens, deceased, will on the 16th day of September next, present his accounts before the Court of Probate for Beaufort County. for allowance, and apply for a discharge as administrator. H. G. JUDD. Bft. Aug. 21,1876. ' aug.24-3t. ^sh^ifFssalk. L. W. Youmans, AJm'r, vs. Jane Sherman. 0 Judgment Foreclosure. By virtue of a judgement for foreclosure to me directed, in the above stated case, I will sell at public outcry in front of my office in the town of Beaufort, on the first Tuesday In Sep.t next 1876, beinR the filth day of said month between the legal hours of sale the following property to wit: All that plantation or tract of land situate lying and being in ^the county of Beaufort and State of South Carolina, on Broad Creek, waters of Coosawhatchie river, bounded north by lands of Frank Parnell, east by lands of Frank I'arnell, south by lands of Thoa. Smith, and west by lands of Pompev Smith containing three hundred and sixty-two acres more or less. Terms cash. WM. WILSON, S. B. C. Bft S. C. Aug 14, 1876. 17-3t. Board of Equalization. OFFICE COUNTY AUDITOR, BkaI'FORT S. C. Aug. 15,1876. N'OTICE is hereby given that the County Board of Equalization will meet in this office on the 4th day of September, next to consider such grievances relative to valuation of property as may be jald before it. L. S. LANG LEY, aug!7-3t. Co. Auditor. 1776. 1876. CEBrTEN"N"IJi.L. PORT ROYAL RAILROAD CO., Office Gen. Passenger Agent, Augusta, Ga., July 1, 1876. \ Full line of Centennial Excursion tickets to -tY. Philadelphia, at greatly reduced rates, are now on sale, via Augusta, embracing all the popular routes to the North. For ticket* and time tables showing schedule of the different routes, apply to P. H AMILTON, Agent. Beaufort, S. C. A. 31. HAMILTON. Agent, Port Royal, S. C. T. S. PAVANT, Gen. Pass. Agent, Augusta, Ga, H. M. STUART, M. P., Cor. Bay A Eighth Streets, Beaufort, S. C. DE.VI.KR IX ! DRUGS, AND CHEMICALS, FAMILY MEDICINES, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES STATIONERY, PERFUMERY, BRUSHES, Ac., Ac., Ac., Together with many other articles too numerous o mention. All of which will ^e sold at the lowes price for cash. Physicians prescriptions carefully compounded. feb.Dl Ij^RANZ, JOHN?General Dry Goods House, j Bay St. Beaufort. See advertisement. Barber. "DUTLKDGE, R. M.?Barber, shaving hair cutXV ting, shampooing and dyeing done in the neatest manner. Bay St. /COOPER JOHN?Dry Goods Clothing, MUlina ry. French ana Domestic riwi , Goods, notions, do. Bay St, See advertisement. Carriage Paint#? t \zCcGREGOR, J AS. E.?Carriage mater, sign apd JLVX carriage p^infey, Bay apt} Charles Sts. See advertisement. Professional Cards WIGGINT, P. L.?Attorney at Low. Solicitor of 2nd Circuit. Bay St. *1 PORT aOVAl RAILROAD, ,, Magnolia Passenger Pouts, CHJJ\*GE OF SCHEDULE. SUPERIN'TS OFFICE PORT ROYAL R^ILR'D) Acocsta, Ga., May 1, 1876. J The followiug Fasaenger Schedule will be operated on and alter May 1, 1876. GOING SOUTH. Train No. 1. Daily. ! fceave Augusta 8 30 a in I Leave Yem; sse *12 35 p in | Arrive fort Royal 2 .10 p m Arrive at Savapnah 8 30 pm ! Arrive at Charleston 4 20 p m j Arrive at Jacksonville 8 35 p m GOING NORTH. Train Wo. ?. Pally. Leave Jacksonville 2 10 p ni 'r j Leave Savannah 9 00 4 " L? *e Charleston 8 30 a it -ve Port Poyal 10 15 a u j L^are Yemassee *12 30 p n I Arrive at Augusta 5 00 p u ^ | *Pinner. 'a* The only line making close connection witl g. ! the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad at Savannah, an< from and to Jacksonville and al! points in Florida y. avoiding the long, tedious and well-known Omnlbu i transferer through that city The only line running Through Pay Coaches with j oat change between Augusta and Savannah. 1(j Connections made at Augusta with the Sviitl Carolina Railroad for Aiken. S. C., Charlotte. Co! utnhla ant! Augusta Railroad for all points Nort . gnd Southwest, West and Northwest. 1 Sleeping Car Berths engaged at Augussa by aj I plying to agents at Beaufort or Fort Royal. I Baggage Checked Through. )n I R. G. FLEMING, Superintendent. T . T c. PAY ANT. ' Gen'I. Pass A FOOD I FOK Tin; STARVING!; INSPECTED AND CONDEMNED I STORK'S will l>o sold at r r.ur AUCTION to the highest bidder under official orders from | the Navy Department. By Jas, M. Crofut. | Government Auctioneer. At his stores on Ray street, in Beaufort, commcnc- j ing on SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1870, at 2 p. m., and continuing eaeh Saturday until the | /.ntiro vf.K-b is llisiH'Seil of 44 BWs. Moss Beef, 8800 lbs. 171 Cases Fresh IMf, 8208 lbs. 47 Packages Navy Bread, 41."52 lbs. 2 1-2 RWs Flour, 41K) lbs. 1 1-2 Bbls. Rice, 38.=) lbs. 4 Boxes Coffee, 2-V) lbs. 8 Bids. Beans, 238 gallons. 1 Box Tomatoes, 84 lbs. 12 Cases Bessicattd Potatoes ami Onions, 60 1-2 Yds. Blue Satinet. 66 Yds. Blue Flannel. 5 Lbs. Sewing Silk. 2 Pr. Kip Shoes. 9 Tin Cups. 24 Prs. Scissors. I Mess Kettle. II Kegs Pickles. The above will be sold in small lots to suit pur i chasers. GRIND CLSSiilG OUT SUE! AT THE STORE OF E. A. Scheper, The Leader in Low Prices Will close out his complete stock of ; r*~"1 -Tfl SPRING&SUMMED GOODS Ever before offered to the Beaufort public. Consisting of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, MATTING Ac I offer an entirely fresh stock of SPRING DRESS GOODS, Selected in New York with special view to their adaptability to present season, climate Ac. EXTRA INDUCEMENTS will be offered in all departments, as I am determined to make this one of the most attractive establishments in town. Call before purchasing elsewhere and examine the stock of goods at E. A. SCHEPER. BANKING HOUSE, Win. II. Lock wood. BAY ST., BEAUFORT, S. C. GOLD AND EXCHANGE ?ON"" New, York Charleston & Savannah Bought and Sold, Collections made on any point in the ijfotnc Arwmnts received subicct t liiivu ? ? to check at sight. ap.27.6m. SAFETY ANDBRILLIANCY7 VESTAL OIL, Gives a better light than any other oil, ami will no explode. For sale by m. kressel, ap.13. Bay St., eaufort. "take DR7 DE NNI S7 System Renovatorand Blooi! PURIFYING SYRUP. For Dyspepsia, Piles, Heartburn, Sick Headache I Fevers, Sores, Ac. m. j. graham, act., mar.30-lm. Beaul'ort. P. M. WHITMAN, WATCILWAKER AND JEWELLER, Bay Street, Beaufort, S. c., Has just retruned erom tiie north with a Sue assortment of goods at S?fiTortb.ern Prices, WEDDING RINGS, $3.00 to $12.00, SILVER RINGS, 30c. to $1.50. SILVER NAPKIN RINGS, $2.00 to $4.00. LrADIES GOLD W4TCHES, S30 to $50. o?? 5 Bay & I Day. Striking Clicks, S2.sC ts SC. o GENTS' GOLD CI1IANS, PINS, RINGS, SLEEVE BUTTONS, BJUPS, WATCH CHAINS, LAPIES GOJ.Dand PLATED JEWELRY, GOLD PENS, AC., AC. GBiVTS' QOLD ^ SILVER V?/AfCHES, Call and esaniine beAorc purchasing, and satisfy yourself you cap save ten to^twenty-tjve per ecnt from Charleston or Savannah prices, i W. H? CALVERT. i ? PRACTICAL :1 Tin SfcsstTron. Copper Wcrks' ^ DEALER IN Japanned and Stamped Tin Wares. Constantlyo hand, Cooking Parlor and Ib>x Stoves. TERMS CASH. b l Agent for the Celebrated i Chartir Oak Cooking Stovas. W. II. CALVERT, Bay at. botwe* n Sth A :uh us. Beaufort, S. tizzj.'/ v:.. 3 .vt g......-j ju1:..' A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN. .!>:st'tiirtl, ill a JCll /V.Vly K . / Vov xif <*f/?'*. A l.fclurcon the Vjiturc, Trentiiient. A. Kaclicul can- of Seminal Weakness, or Sjier i atorho-.M induced l?y Soli'-A huso Involuntary Kinis-ion* IinjM>rt? ncy, Nervous I>i 1 iliiy, ami Ini|? -liments to Marriage g-nerally ; Consumption, Epilepsy, and I 'its ; Mental and Physical I nea parity, Ac.?Py IJOBEUT J. Cl'LYKHWIXL, M. I?., author of the "Green Hook," At*. The world-renowned author, in this admirable t ?.i..irlv nrovi's fmm his own experience that the awful fons 'qufiifi s ?f Self-Abuse may l?c effectually removed without medicine, and with out dangerous surgical oj?cr.uioirs, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials ; pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every suffer, r, no matter what his condition may l?o, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. & >) This lecture will prove u boon to thovsands and thousands. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamp Address the Publishers. F. BRIGMAN & SOX, 41 1 Jin St., Xrw York Tost Office Box 4."??G july 9th 1-y. .State ok Sot'Tit Carolina, ) t? r,, County of Beaufort.)1" (onimon PkasJ. L. Duncan vs. C. E. Warren. It appearing t the satisfaction of the Court, that the Plaintiff herein has filed his petition against the Defendant to foreclose a mechanic's lien on certan buildings in tlie " City of Port Royal " in a.oresaid countyf the property of the Defendant, and it appearing that the Defendant is a non-resident of this State and that his residence after due diligence cannot be ascert; ined.On motion of Pell and Barnw. 11 Plaintiffs Attorney; Ordered; that the Defendant C. E. Warren do appear and answer the petition therein on the 1st day or August 1876* and serve a copy of said an swer on Plaintiff's attorneys at Beau'ort S. C. and this notice to that end he seived by publication of this order in the Port Royal Standard and Com mercial once in each week for six weeks. June 12th 1876 JOIIX J. MAKER, Attest; II. G. .TI'DD. t. C. C. P. June 22 6-t. jas7e. McGregor, CARRIAGE MAKER, HOUSE, SIGN, and CARRIAGE PAINTER. Opp. Express Office, Beaufort, Si C. All kinds of Scroll and fancy rawing. All kinds of repairing promptly attended to, on reasonable terms. Satisfaction guaranteed. 4JT" Agent for Barnes' patent foot power scroll saw, which can be seen in operation at niv shop. J AS. E. MCGREGOR. Julyl-ly. "MRS. E. HOLZACH, B R BREAD V D Cake, and Cracker Bakery BAY ST., COR. FREE LANDING, BEAUFORT Just received a large and selected stock of FRENCH CANDIES, which will l?c sold at pries to suit the times. Will so keep on hand ail kinds of CAKES, PIES, FRUITS, Ac Ac. sep.23-t f. . W. K DEVLIN, Carpenter I Builder All kinds of BOAT WORK, CAULKING, and SPAR MAKING o OFFICE AND SHOP COR, BAY and CHARLES STREET BEAUFORT, S. C. PORT ROYAL Saw A Planing M BEAUFORT, .S C. D. C. WILSON & CO., manufacturers op and dealers in YELLOW FINE TIMBER AND LUMSE! and Cypress Shingles, a wo Builders & Contractor; PLASTER, LATHES, AH kinds of JOB SAWING promptly done. Flooring & Ceiling Boards always on hai Orders for Lumber and Timber by the car promptly filled. Terms Cash. nov.28-Iv. D. C. WILSON, A CO | M. POLLITZER, COTTON FACTOR asd Commission Merchan B E \ IT p O It T S . C J. c. kichmondT Trial Justice, I All business Intrusted to him will receive e: j ful and prompt attention, office Custom Hoi ; Building. Beaufort S. C. april 2' THEPARKERCUN. SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR ! PARKER BRtfSv WEST MERIDEN,CT.X i (Shiniestern ^dicvtisfmcnts. i . _.. L>. OWKJLL & SONS, * wiiol: s.\i t HEAt.i.ns in BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS AND VALISES, INTo, 33 Hayno Stroot Charloatou S. C. apri.S-lyr. j 0 ' (\ nzis .Cut: jo <">} jno ssujf) puis sjnml Sumui oj uaAi* iioijHojjr [ i 'tf Vl.T.VT'dJIT IT, (1 V V a\Arl HJjIIIAV 'Movauoo axv s am iisli 'SKIIVA IMX >T S3XIAV 'SlIO.lOl'I o *S ';.xojtiwoa; "AS ^?it 'ojlvxk/s SILVER PLATED WARE. Eleclro-PIaled Silver Ware AND | Ornamental Art Work, IN GREAT VARIETY. MANUFACTURED BY TUE MERIDIAN BRITANNIA COMPANY, 550 BROADWAY NEW YORK. The best Plated SPOONS and FORKS are those Silver Plated heaviest on the parts where necessarily the most wear comes, and bearing the Trade Mark. 1874?ROGERS BROTHERS?XII. N. B. ?This great improvement In Silver- Pla <*1 nnit Forks Is armlied alike to each grade of Plate, A 1,8 and 12 02. as ordered. The Process and Machinery for manufacturing these goods are Patented. The Extra'or ''Standard Plate" made by this Company is stamped A 1, simply, and is plated 20 percent, heavier than the ordianary market standard. ?iT* First Premenms awarded at all Fairs where exhibited, from World,s Fair of 1852 to American Institute Fair, 1674. incfusive, mar 9-6 m. tf>f fn d>0[) per day at home. Samples worth Si UW lU free. Stixson A Co., Portland' .Maine SEND 25c. to (j. P. BO WELL A CO., New Yorkfor Pamphlet of lOo pages, containing list of 30<;0 newspapers, and estimates showing cost of advertising (hit) a day at home. Agents wanted. Outfit and tJlZ terms free TRUE A CO., Augusta, Maine. mar9-ly. * JOHN FliANZ, Wholesale & Retail Grocer, SHIP CHANDLER O Family Groceries and Cabin .Stores a specialty. ?0 Constantly receiving from St. Louis. 1 the best FAMILY FLOUR. WHOLESALE GROCERIES, LIQUORS PLANTATION SUPPLIES at the princple Store, formerly occupied , by J. Fylcr, Corner Bay and West St reel BAKERY. Having just completed the erection of a bakery at my premises, at the corner Ba} and Scott Sts., I shall keep a eonstani supply of fresh BREAD &c. I have se cured the services of an experienced ba * * * * h - * /vuOilAC A' ker, and by using uiu Illll'M ^lauvo v flour, shall endeavor to secure a share o public patronage. Call and inspect sam pies. GROCERIES. a speciality at the Store Corner of Ba? 9 and Scott Street. JUST RECEIVED, r AT TIIE I STIIiDtRD&COMMERCIil JOB PRINTING OFFICE, A full line of superior PAPER, ENVELOPES, RILL HEADS, J LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, CARDS, ETC. Job printing done neatly and cheaply. All orde promptly attended to. s Crist anil .feed. S II WALLACE, Cotton Factor go AND ~GRIST MILLER Wholesale Dealer in r.M!? on?. ML. PEED. Etc,, VHttill) U'.HIMI , t Sea Island Cotton ? j Bought, Ginned and prepared for in; j ket. Advances Made on Consignment? sro Having the best machinery for ginni i!>e cotton and grinding corn and meal. Ik prepared to execute all orders on t r-t shortest possible notice. ? j The highest price paid for Cotton and Corn. j Cotton ginned on toll. iar .71. 8. ELLIOTT, B emu fori 8. C. BAVEJVEL, K CO., CharteaIon 8 | THE BEAUFORT i STEAM MILL C0M?AH Having pit rp a grist mii.i, at tii old stand, are prepared to furnish (irist, Feed and Meal, j any qaautirr, an 1 at reasonable rales. p" w."s'ci ! . ^ jSgRyta mM Imported 3 ISO! SK itrmi Croc!ei ' 'ltpH.1 Bnyst., |jt ni "Jffiakajsssssg SEA.ISLAN1 II A S B E E X UI THE PATRONAGE OF THE TRAVE JAMES ODELL, CLEARING AT THE OLD I Jacofe REGARDLESS OF COST of our entire? st FANCY GOODS DOMESTICS &c., we arc Best Quality Prints 7 and 8c. Best 4-4 Bleach, 9 and 10c. Best 4-4 Bleach, 11 and 12c. Best 7-8 Bleach. G and 7c. Best 4-4 Brown, 8 and Good Alpacas, 18 Best Alpacas. Linens, Muslins, Lawns? Na at an actual sacrifice. Give us a call. Thanl Bay Street. JACOB AFi Are You Goii THEN USE NEW YORK E GHEM1CA Ready for use in White, and over One Hi strictly prime White Lead, Rinc, and Linsec I much Handsomer and Cheaper, and to last 1 It has taken the FIRST PREMIUMS at tw< and is on many thonsamh of the finest house* Address: N. Y. EN rRIE RED LED SA MPLEARD SEXT FREE. 1 THE ' ; SEWING MACH j Is prepared to offer the i TO MERCHANTS ^ ?Who will d Sewing Macliines or ' f. FAMILY FJ Its Name Indicati Refer to 250,000 Families . oNAMED GENNRAL F1 Adapted to every possible grade of i ledges tl For Tailors an< ? IT STANDS WITHOUT Weed Sewing Ma Dec. 30. Xos. 51 i TWO IMPORTANT INV or iKTzassr to evsjz l*t. A PIANO OR PARLOR OR with an adjustable back,?made to support the while leaning forward in the ordinary position ! a simple arrangement, which gives it a backwai ' ' j time a downward movement, follows his motirn in any position without interfering in the leas of his movements. 1 fSrtinfort gasiitfss pitcrtcru. Y1 IITC!Il'.l.. \Y.?niart.mhh. In.rsi'sli.n'in-, ami ! 1*1. geutral Miiitli A^ork. Magnolia St. pip QAVAOE.JERRY -Win 1 right. Repaint, prompt1,1 L ^ lr vxtfulrtl. Jla ;t.??lia St. DEVLIN. W. II.?Luil?'cr and Contractor, It;ty auil liarlcs Sts. S* adwrtWriiPiit. I ' j jnvx r- N, i 1' s> K 1!. >OPENED. LLINO PUBLIC IS SOLICITFD. Proprietor. OlITM STAND OF ock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHI3&, i selling 9c. and 20c. 40 to 00c. insooks, Cambrics, 4c., vful for past- favors.?I am Resp'fy, RLE, Beaufort, S. C. lg to Paint? najfel paint co.'s L PAINT lwdred Dieferent Colors made of d Oil, Chemically combined, warranted ?\VICE AS LONG as any other Paint. ;nty of the State Fairs of the the Unions ?in the country AMEL PAINT CO. 103 Ctamta Street, Hew Tort WEED tlNECOMP'Y;, most lil)eral terms i AND OTHERS, cal in? >. of its Man'fture. IVORITE, es its Qualities. Who Have Them in UseW* iVORITE, BECAUSEirork.?Our competitors acknowliat 1 Shoemakers, ' A EIVAL. Address, chine Company, nnd 53 St. Charles St., Baltimore, Md. i back of the silttr for playing, and by DnKjQ rd and at tbe same jBy with the freedom 2d. APLATFORM ROCKER ON CAS TORS* *'ith thc l?nZ ev7 movement of the old style, without the projecting rockers to mar other rorniiure and the bssee of rooms; being, in fact, the only Platform Rocker made that has a perfectly satisfactory movement Manufactured for the trade by ALBERT BEST & 0., 3 BUFFALO, N. Y., and for sale by the principal dealer? throughout thc United States. }^ff If not kept by any your town, send to us for Price List and catalogue. P.unter and Glazier. IOI'KZ, EDWARD*?Painter and (Unsier. House, J Sign and ornamental'painting done at leason- able rates and with promptness ami disputed. BUVCE, J AS. E.?Wholesale ard retail' dealer in tlroeeries Liquors. Sepys, Dry (ioods and general merchandise. l?ay St. Groceries.