University of South Carolina Libraries
Aidk&frt i'l iTAV:vv - .*ift ? - " " - - A?' LOCAL ITEMS. - aufbrt, 8. C. 20 July, 1876. % .... MARRIED. WILSON?BOYCE.?Married at St. Peter's Catli olic Chuach, Beaufort, July 17, 1676, by the Rev. J B. Tardy, Wm. Wilson of Beaufort, to Miss Maggie Boyee of Charlt-sK>n. We publish this week, a lengthy account of the speech of Governor Cham berlaiu delivered in Beaufort on Friday last, in order that our readers who were un-ble to attend can form an idea of the views eutertaiued by the chief executive of the Sftite on questions of State and national politics. Th^ sale of condemned stores was postponed by the auctioneer, James M. Crofu? from last Saturday until Saturday next. News has been received of an attack on Sunday last, on Mr. R. N. Kittles, who lives near Yemassee. His house was , , ._ v_sA CDtered and Mr. JVittie9, wdo wa> m ucu, received two violent blows on the head. ^" The most healthy place to be sick in that we have seen lately is the sick bay on board the U. S. S. New Hampshire, but strange to say, although it looked so attractive, there was no one on the sick list This speaks well for Port Royal. On Tuesday Last, at the Rhett place, Port Royal Island, a little colored boy, who was chopping a log, was bitten by a rattlesnake, and died from the wound in about five miuutes. ww* IVThe pilot boat F. W. Scheper, Jr. J that has been coppered in New York, and left that city on the 12th., arrived at heiJ dock in Beaufort, yesterday morning. She proved to be quite a fast sailer. She was only a week in going to New York. Vere Dux, the correspondent of the Union Herald, must be a mathe-1 matician. He states there were from eight hundred to a thousand people present at the meeting on Friday. We 'are not much at figures ourselves, and therefore have to rely on the statements of others. On Saturday, the 29th inst^a J mass meeting will be held at the Brick church, St. Helena Island, to ratify the nomination of Hayes and Wheeler. Hon. Robert B. Elliott has called | upon prominent colored men in the State to meet him in conference in Columbia J t to-day, iu view of the recent u gross aud unprovoked outrage " at Hamburg, and to take such Deaceable measures that J they may deem advisable for their protection. The delegation from this county have bfeen invited to atteud. ggp' Last Wednesday a young colored man named l)avid Simmons, of Perryclear place, and emoloyed on wasn boat No 3. on Coosaw river, went into the river to bathe. He bad dived several times into the water, and returned to the washer, and the last time he remarked "he would take a long dive and come up at the store " he disappeared and apparently was swept by the tide under the washer, and when he came to the surface his face was seen to be disfigured and he saok immediately. His body was lound on Saturday and aD inquest held by Dr. John A. Johnson the same day. The verdict was that he came to his death by drowning or by being sruck on the head by the machinery of the washer. Frou) other information it is more probable, the water being very shallow, that he injured his head by sriking the rocks that form the bed of the river at this place. ft- On the 16th inst, about three o'clock a. m. the store of E. I. Holmes, at the works of the Coosaw Mining Co.. was entered and a safe that contained, in addition to books and papers, some seven hundred dollars was taken away, and opened by drilling and its contents carried off. Those who committed the robbery were eviden tly well acquainted with the interior arrangements of the store, an i the most rigorous steps should be taken to bring them to justice. ft- The town council held a special meeting on Tuesday evening, auditing a number of bills. Their term of office has almost expired and from what we know of the financial management of the past year, their report, which we shall publish in the course of a week or two, will give the citizens satisfaction, that the town government has been conducted with honesty and economy. MARINE NEWS ARRIVED.?ST. HELENA SOUND. July 3rd Br. Bgt. Emily, Harris, master. 14 day > from St. Thomas W. Indies, in ballast to Campbell Wyllie and Co. 44 6th Br. Bgt. Caradoc, MeRea, master, 22 days from St, Vinoent Cape de Verd Islands, in bal last, to Campbell, WyHie and Co. M 7thRussian Bk. Hero, Henriksson, master M jdays from Rio Janeiro, in ballast to Campbell Wyllie and Co. July 10.?Br. Bg. Maggie, Evans master, 22 dayg ' Xrom Par^ Brazil, in ballast, to Campbell, Wyllie 4 Co. CLEARED.?ST. HELENA SOUND. July 11.?Russian Bk. Alma, Hjulman master, for London, with 1100 tons phosphate 'rock from Oak Point mined. July 12.?Ruspian Bk. Ruhticas, Anderson mas* tor, for London, with 911 tons phosphate rock from Pacific min x. July 10.?Norweigan Bk. Lorenzo, Kittlesen master, for Aberdeen, Scotland, with 730 tons ot phosphate rock, from Coosaw mines. July 12.?Br. Bk. Maggie, Jenkins master, for Bel. fast, Ireland, with 556 tons phosphate rock from Gc**w mines. July 13.?Br. Bkt. bjarion, Evans roaster, to1 London, with 620 tons phosphate rocb from Ceo' saw mines. > July 14.?Br. Bkt. Nushka, Welch master, lot Bristol, England, with 812 tons phosphate rock frene Coosaw mites. July 14?Br. Bg. Empress. Edmunds master, for Plymouth, England, with 115 tons of phosphau rock from Coosaw mines. Painter and Glazier. LOPEZ, EDWARD.?Painter and Glazier, Hou-.e Sign and OmamcnvJ pain tin." done at reason lb!* rates and with prcmotr?ss ard dt?rs??fc. i ? Vwii I mn i ? v nt ?alc.s. ^hmiffISSA L'E. PrcRrr. ffm. T?. Glllison, vs. the s^n an tah and Charleston Railroad Company. By virtue of an order of Hon. J. J. Malior lo me directed, and lodged ? my office, I will sell at public outcry iu front of Juy ollice in i the town of Beaufort, on the first Tuesday iu(August next Wilier the first day <>f said , | month between the legal hours of sale the following j w ?? ? Thirteen acres and seven roods of a plantation called " Spring Hill " situate lying and being in St. Luke's Parish, in the County of Beaufort and State of South Caroliua, now in the possession of the ] Defendants under an award of Commissioners duly appoiuted to set oft* and assess a right of way hrough the :aid plantation. Terms cash. 1VM. WILSON, s. n. c. Bft S. C. July II, 1976. *0-St. i SHERIFF'S SALK Decree. g Thomas A. Gregorio vs. The Savannah and Char- ^ leston Railroad Company. By virtue of an order of Hon. J. J. Mahor to me directed and lodged in my office, I will sell at pub- \ lie outcry in front of mywotfice in the Town of ti Beaufort, on the first Tuesday in August next 1976 1 being the first day of the month between the lega a hours of sale the following property, to wit: Ten acres and two roods of a plantation called J the " Farm " situate lying and being in the County of Beaufort, and State of South Carolina, now in the posession of the Defendants, under an award of Commissioners duly appointed to set off and assess a right of way through the said plantation. 1 Terms cash. WM. WILSON S. BO. Bft. S. C. July llth 1876, 22.'Jt. 1776. T 1876. oH^TisBarixrx^ij. | PORT ROYAL RAILROAD CO., Office Gen. Passenger Agent,m Augusta, Ga., July 1,1876. ^ A Full line of Centennial Excursion tickets to Philadelphia, at greatly reduced rates, are 1 now on sale, via Augusta, embracing all the popular routes to the North. For tickets and time tables showing schedule of the different routes, apply to P. HAMILTQN, v Agent, Beaufort, S. C. A. M. HAMILTON, Agent, Port Royal, S. C. j T. S. DAY ANT, Gen. Pass. Agent, Augusta, Ga, FOOD ' 3 run xnc> i STARTING! INSPECTED AND CONDEMNED Stores win be sold at r blic auction to the highest bidder under official orders from ( the Nary Department. e By Jas. M. Crofut. Government Auctioneer. At lus stores on Bay street, in Beaufort, comment*- S ing on N SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1876, [ at 2 p. m., and continuing each Saturday until the entire stock is disposed of 44 Bbls. Mess Beef, 8800 lbs. 171 Cases Fresh Beef, 820S lbs. 47 Packages Navy Bread, 4182 lbs. 2 1-2 Bbls Flour. 400 lbs. 1 1-2 Bbls. Rice, 385 lbs. 4 Boxes Coffee, 230 lbs. 8 Bbls. Beans, 238 gallons. 1 Box Tomatoes, 84 lbs. 12 Cases Dedicated Potatoes and Onions, 601-2 Yds. Blue Satinet. 66 Yds. Blue Flannel. 5 Lbs. Sowing Silk. 2Pr. Kip Shoes. 9 Tin Cups. 24 Prs. Scissors. I Mess Kettle. II Kegs Pickles. The above will be sold in small lots to suit pur chasers. PROBATENOTICE. Bt Ridlet K. Carleton, Probate Jvixjf. WHEREAS Jam^s E. Boyce hath made suit to me, to grant him Letters of Administration of the Estate and effects of Harry McMillan .farmer. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and , singular the kindred and creditors of the said liar- j rv, McMillan, deceased, that they be aud appear, before me, in the Court of Pobate, to be held at Beaufort, on the 29th day of July next, after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to shew cause, if any they have, why the said Administra- 1 tion should not be granted* oivAn under mv Hand, this thirteenth day of July. Aqqo Dominni 1876. RIDLEY K. CARLETON, Probate Judge. A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN. Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope .Price six cents. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment. &, Radical cure of Seminal Weakness, or Spcru.atorhoea induced by Self-Abuse Involuntary Emissions Importency, Nervous Debility, and Impediments to Marriage generally ; Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits ; Mental and Physical Incapacity, Ac.?By ROBERT J. CULVERWELL, M. D., author of the "Green Book," Ac. The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed without medicine, and with out dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials ; pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. MS" This Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamp Address the Publishers. F. BRIG MAX & SOX, 41 Anm St., Sewr York Post Office Box 4580 july 9th 1-y. Pratt's Astral Oil. A perfectly safe illuminating oil. Insurance companies recommend it. For sale by GEO. W. ROBERTS. H. M. STUART, M. D.,! Cor. Bay & Eighth Streets, Boaufort, S. C. DEALER IN DRUGS, AND CHEMICALS, FAMILY MEDICINES, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES , STATIONERY, FURFCMKRY, BRUSHES, Ac., Ac., Ac., r Together with ^aaaDy other .articles too numerous i o mention. All of which will be sold at the lowes price for cash, rhysicisns prescriptions carefully compounded. feb.ll i ll^YCE, JAS. E.?Wholesale and retail dealt" r in -' JTI Grocerie*. Liquors, Soft.v. Dry Goods srd pe-'fTA? icerrha5dic>e. Ba" P* GREAT EXCITEMENT! ! AT Tin: STOKE OF , E. A. Srhepcr. j i The Leader in Low Prices! Having .irsr kkti knf.d from n kw j VOKK. I am prepared I" .-how a larger ami J nore compote stock ?>f spk mils gibs Ever before offered to the Beaufort public. Consisting of )KY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS. AND C^PS, BOOTS AND SHOES, MATTING Ac 0 offer an entirely fresh stock of SPRING PRESS GOODS, elected in'New York with special view to their daptability to present season, climate Ac. EXTRA INDUCEMENTS rill he offered in nil departments, as I ain dcteroined to make this one of the most attractive ostabishinents in town. Call beforepurchasingelsewhere ,nd examine the stock of goods at E. A. SCHEPER. BANKING HOUSE, Wm. IE. Lockwood, BAY ST., BEAUFORT, S. C. GOLD- AND EXCHANGE ON ?ew, York Charleston & Savannah Bought and Sold, Collections made on any poiut in the Jnited States. Accounts received subject 0 check at sight. ap.27.Gm. "tfHS COSMOPOLITAN," BEAl'FORT, S. C. A. First- Class RESTAURANT and SALOON, Opposite Free Landing. Choice Wines, Liquors, AndSegars. (TEALS furnished at all hours on the shortest no ice. mayll-tf. S. BEAR, Proprietor. SAFETY AND BRILLIANCY? VESTAL OIL, iives a better litfht than any jthcr oil, and will no xplode. For sale by M. KRESSEL, ap.13. Bay St., eaufort. "Take ?r7den n is7 1 y s t e ra R e it o v a I o r a 11 d Blood PURIFYING SYRUP. 'or Dyspepsia, Biles, Heartburn, Sick llcadache fevers, Si>n s, Ac. M. J.GRAHAM. Ar.T., nar.30-lm. Beaufort. ' P. M. WHITMAN, WATCHMAKER AM) JHMEI.LEli, Bay Street, L'cnuiorl, s. u., Has just retruned from the north with a fine assortment of goods at Nortlicrn Prices. WEDDING RINGS, $3.00 to $12.00, SILVER RINGS, 30c. to $1.50. SILVER NAPKIN RINGS, $2.00 to $1.00. LADIES GOLD WATCHES, $30 to $50. 0 3 Say & 1 Day Strikiag Slacks. 53,50 to 50, GENTS' GOLD CIIIANS, TINS, RINGS. SLEEVE BUTTONS. STUDS, WATCH CHAINS, LADIES GOLD and PI.ATEI) JEWELRY, GOLD PENS, AC., AC. GENTS' GOLD Si SILVER WATCHES, Call and examine before purchasing, and satisfy yourself you cati save ten to*#twenty-five per eent from Charleston or Savannah prices. dec.6.1y W. H. CALVERT. practical Tin Sheet Iron. Ccpper Worker DEALER. IN Tapanned and Stamped Tin Wares. Constantlvon tl hand, Cooking I'arlor and Box Stoves. TERMS CASH.. Agent for the Celebrated Charter Oak Cooking Stoves* W. H. CALVERT, Bay St. between 8th A 9th sts. Beaufort. S. f ~ jas. e. McGregor, CARRIAGE MAKER, HOUSE, SIGN, and CARRIAGE TAINTEF Opp. Express Oiling lieaufort* S. ( All kir.ds of Scroll and fancr -awing. a I All kinds of repairing promptly attended to, o } reasonable torma. Sutisfa t ion guaranti ed. Ageflt f<>r Barnes' atent feet j ewer scro! saw. w hi? h can be s -en iu :> ration at my shop. JAS. E. jV' *y ? ' % : *. '?jj IS hereby civen that tin* undcrsLncd will on the, 3lst day of July, IcTt'. at 1 > .'.! !., apply to Ridley K. Carle ton, K.s-j., Prolate Judge, at His of-"* 7 f u>- " "u. .! flieanfnr . ' r "... f:v J ;/. ?v adnvui-trairt* of ihe c-ta:e rairieli M. Au.iiky, ihvca-ed. J! jf; iti:ir??ii:i M* ANAI.I.V, j Jne.22-tf. A iniini-trat rh JE, To Holders oi' < u;nm riirrks or .': Audited Maims, prior to Novrai-* her 1. IS7 >, # ^ OlTlCK OF THE CorNTY fOMMISsiONnRS, Beaufort, S. May Sth, IS70. I IX accordance with the pr visions of a Joint Res-'- * oi lit ion entitled " A Joint 111? ?1.* t i-/n authorizing!! he County Commissioners ? ' Beaufort County to; evy a special tax,''dated April 7, l>7:t, aiul"An?act to amend the .same," approved the 2:Uh day of' . Jamiary, 1-7-1, scaled propo-ais will be received at this ollice from parties huldtn /hecks or audited claims contracted prior to November 1, 1*72, until, THURSDAY, AUG. 10, 1S76. :?? at 12 M., at which time said bids will be opened* i and tie: beard of county commis-ioners will draw order.- on the Treasurer to the amount of one thousand dollars, in favor of the person or persons who -hall otli r the largc-t per ecu.'ton discount 011 their.! checks or audited claim<. , Proposals -houldbe addressed to the chairman of the board of County Cetnmissmrv and endorsed "Proposals f,,r the settlement of Past Indebtedness of Rey 11 fnrt. cotint \*. p. pnnvirARn, m. p. ' V. S.JifOTT, i It. J. MAiJTIX, County Commissioners i Titos. II. WlIKET.rR, Clerk of Boanl. feblO-lt."? Statk of South Carolina. ) . n .? County of Beaufort.) Iu Common Plea^ . * -t' J. L. Duncan vs, C. E. Warren. It appearing .tt the satisfaction of tins Court, that the I'laintHE herein has filed his petition against the Defendant to foreclose a mechanic's lien on certan buildingsin the " City of Port Royal " in alorvsaid county the property of the Defendant, and it appearing tha^ the Defendant is a non-resident of this State and that his residence after due diligence cannot be ascertained. Oil motion of Bell and Barnwell i'luiufiffs Attorney; Ordered; that the Defendant C. E. Warren do appear and answer the petition therein on flic 1st (lay of August 187G and serve a copy of said an swer on Plaintiff's attorneys at Beaufort S. C. and this notice to that end be sotved by publication , of this order in the Port Royal Standard and Cow niercial once in each week for six weeks. June 12th 1S7G JOHN J. MA1IER,; Attest; II. G. JI'DP. c. c. c. r. June 22 G-t. "* 1 SMOKERS! SMOKERS ' t. A. ASHLSY CHRIMZB5R3, ! lLs opened a Cigar store, and News d>pot on ' Bay St., Beaulort, where can he found some o^vthe choicest brands of Cigars and Smoking Tobacco^ A < fine stock of riPES, POUCIIFS, CIGAR HOLDERS, Ac, DAILY and WEEKLY papers. Orders filial promptly for any book, magazine or newspaper published. Tie only News Depot in Town. lVb.21. | "MRS. E. HOLZACHr B R : BREAD V D Cake, and Cracker Bakery BAY ST., COR. IK HE LANDING, BEAlFOKT Jiis?t received a large and selected stock of FRENCH CANDIES, which will b sold at prices to suit the times. Will so keep on hand all kinds of CAKES, PIKS, FRUITS, Ac Ac. ser>.23-t f. W. H. DEVLIN, Carpenter; Builder o?fAll kinds uf BOAT WORK, CAULKING, and SPAR MAKING. OFFICE AXD SHOP COR. BAY and CHARLES STREET, BEAUFOETT S. C. ~ PORT HOYAL S;iw A Planing Mill BEAI FOKT, S C. D. C. WILSON & CO., MASCKACTCKEKS OF ASD DEALEKS IS 7ELLCW FINS TIMER AND- MKtER ASD Cypress SZiinglos, ALSO Builders & Contractors PLASTER, LATHES, . All kinds of JOB SAWING promptly done. Flooring & Ceiling Boards always on M Orders for Lumber and Timber by the cargo promptly filled. Terms Cash. nov.2S-ly. D. C. WILSON, A COM. POLLITZER," COTTON FACTOR " AND Commissioa Merchant K E A V V <> R T S . C J. C. R1C H M 0.N D Trial Justice. All business intmstcd to him will receive care ful aud prompt attention. OiEce Custom House building. Beaufort S. C. april 27-t THE PARKERCUN. ' SEND STAMP FO^lii^)^ "! . PARKER BRO'St. WEST MERIflENjCT. ; \ J ' * -A . ? : ' - ^if . , fc ' _ ?har!?.stcra suutrtisfutfitts. I>. OWEILL & SONS, aVHOLLS-M-t I>nAIfK> !V BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS AND VALISES, I No, 33 Ilayac Street Clifti'loston S. C. aprl.S-lyr. ' ^(1 ozis .Cm: jo anpjo oj jno Ssflu*) put: >)nind Suixim o) ur>Aiif uojuioiji: [tunodg axiioaHnxaxv avar[ hjihav 'sIIO 1>U? 'ssi:lO aovemoo axv sam usiii 'sxhva '* * 'Sa.VIAV '>!'! sTmayo, Boy S t. Bcoiifort, S. C SILVER PLATED WARE. Electro-Plated Silver Ware AND Ornamental Art Work, IN GREAT VARIETY, MANUFACTURED BY TIIE MERIDIAN BRITANNIA COMPANY, 550 BROADWAY SEW YORK. The best Plated SPOONS and FORKS arc those Silver Plated heaviest on the parts where necessarily the most wear comes, and bearing the Trade Mark. 1874?ROGERS BROTHERS?XII. N. B.'?This great improvement in Silver-Plated Spoons and Forks is applied alike to each grade of Plate, A 1, Sand 12 oz. as ordered. The Process and Mcchinery for manufacturing these goods are Patented. The Extrajor '"Standard Plate" made by this Company is stamped A 1, simply, and is plated 20 per cent, heavier than theordianary market standard. to - First Premcuius awarded at all Fairs where exhibited, from World,s Fair of 1S52 to American Institute Fair, 1671. Inclusive, mar 9-6 m. Af fn AQn per day at home. Samples worth $1 tpd IU tJZU free. Stixson & Co., Portland' Maine SEND 25c. to G. P. ROW ELL A CO., New Yorkfor Pamphlet of 100 pages, containing list of 3000 newspapers, and estimates showing cost of advertising All)a day at home. Agents wanted. Outfit and tJliZ terms free TRUE A CO., Augusta, Maine. mariMy. JOHN FllANZ, Wholesale & Retail Grocer, x and SHIP CHANDLER Family Groceries and Cabin Stores a specialty. ?T".? Constantly receiving li|^n St. Louis, ; . the best * FAMILY FLOUR, wholesale groceries, liquors plantation supplies, at the .princplc Store, formerly occupied by J. Fyler, Corner Bay and West Street BAKERY. Having just completed the erection of a bakery at my premises, at the corner Bay and Scott Sts., I shall keep a constant supply of fresh BREAD Ac. I have secured the services of an experienced baker, and by using the finest grades ot flour, shall endeavor to secure a share of public patronage. Call and inspect samples. # GROCERIES. a speciality at the Store Corner of Bar and Scott Street. JUST RECEIVED," AT THE STEDaCGSffi JOB PRINTING OFFICE, A full line of superior PAPERS, ENVELOPES, pill heaps, LETTERHEADS, NOTE HEAPS, CARDS, ETC. Job printing done neatly and duply. All orders prom fitly attended to. . (Srist and .frcd. m MWALLAfiS, Cotton Factor AM) a-R. TST MILLEE, J AV aMm rwr _ Wholesale Dealer in mt W, mi FEED, Etc,, Sea Island Cotton Bought, Ginned and prepared for market. Advances Made on Consignments. Having die best machinery for ginning cotton and grinding corn and meal, he is prepared to execute all orders on the shortest possible notice. The highest price paid for Cotton and Corn. Cotton tinned on toll. jan.T. W. S. ELLIOTT, li<mufin't S. C. . ! ' .V < O., <ha>h?ton S. 4\ THE BEAUFORT I STEAM MILL CQMPAHT, Having itt ie a oiifcsr mili, at ntr.ii; old r>r? |uroit to I ' Gnsl, Feed ami Meal, iipr q i'ls* f -tiihlf r*'es. I. & Fr.r.T^TT. F. W. SCHEPER, I SKA 1SI,AM) HOTEL, I HAS BEEN RE-e^KED. THE PATRONAGE OF TJ3E TRAVELLING PUBLIC IS SOLIC1TFD* J A 31 E S 0 I) E L L , - - - - Proprietor. AT THE OLD STAND OF . ] *y J'^yfr4 V. * \ Jacob Apple. , ?_? jr.-. ' - . I HAVE TflE PLEASURE TO-ANNOUNCE TO MY FRIENDS AND PA-" irons, that I have ju>t received aeoujplotastock of . . * > SPRING-, AND SUMMER GOODS, Such a* DRESS GOODS. TANkNS. NOTIONS, nod the handsomest lot of EDGINGS end IN3E1WINGS, ulsb CLffl'IIING, HATS, GENT'S FURNISHING Boots and Shoes, All of the latest styles. Give us a call and j^d^e-lbc prices lor, yourselves. Bay Street., JACOB apple, ; Beaufort, S. C/ ? . ' A '* " Arc .You Going to Paint? then use new york enamel paint co.'s CHEMICAL PAINT Ready for use in White, nod over One Hundred ' Pieferent Colors made of strictly prime White Lead. Riuc, and LinsoW 0?4, ChmieaBy-combined, warranted much Handsomer and Cfoaper, anTto last TWICE A& LONG as any other Paint . * >y It Mfe taken the FIRST PRKMPUMS'at twenty of the State Fairs of the the Ifaioa1' and is on many thousands uf the unest houaesyn die,coin try. Address: N. y. ENAMEL PAINT oov PP TP- Pfni'r:T) ino nhnwthrttvi Offend Unm TaA 6AMPLE ART) S"XT jp.zE m W.iiiiflJIiS OUTffil, TICTT IlHlr TfiSE' WED SEWING MACHINE COMP'Y., ! Is prepared to offer the most liberal terms TO MERCKMTS AND OTHERS, ?Who will dcalin? v Sewing Machines of its Man'fture^ -&rw, ' v !'i FAMILY FAVORITE, Its Name Indicates its Qualities. " Refer to 250,000 Families Who Have Them in Use* ' y J NAMED GENNRAL FAVORITE, BECAUSE Adapted to every possible grade of work.? Our competitors acknowledges that }? ^ For Tailors and Shoemakers, IT STANDS WITHOUT A RIVAL Address, ' Weed Sewing Machine Company, Dee.30. Xo8. 51 and 53 St. CbarIe?StM Baltimore, Md. :J port hgval railroad. mjew~miiiiiinert. FOB THE ggSlHlliS^ I Spring and Summer 1376. Magnolia Passenger fio&to. CH.KVOE OU SCHEM LE. . JUST RECEIVED ATJ SUPILKIN"TS OFFICE PORT ROYAL RAILED I .. *' t,?.,y,H.?vi?cJ oilii Cooper s I tt-d vii awl aUor Oiay 1, ;$.6. ? (JOl.VO SUi TlI. Trula\o.l.Dall)r. i COR. BAY endCARTERET 8TS., BEAUFORT. Leave Augusta b 3;> a w .. Leave Yemasse -12 31 p m LADIES DATS. Arrive Fort lima! 2 S) p m MISSES HATS Arrive at Savannah; 3 30 pm - -j Arrive at Charleston 420pm ArrivttA jAcks-mville 8 33 n m .. . . . , . - - - I rpnrli andAmericanFlowers* I GOIXG .NOIiTII. Train JlOi x. uniiy. j ? ? Leave Jacksonville 2 10 p ni J " j Leave Savannah 9 ?0 a m 1'^her with a general assortment of I L2 VC Charleston 8 30am ]\ 1) V /I A A C? J ^ ,ve Port I'dyal 10 15 am JJ it I U U U JL/ O , L ave 1 eiuassee *12 30 p ni Suitable for Cic season; all of which he offers alf j Arrive at Augusta 5 00 p m rf -C3 to saU t,M I * Pinner. ' ' '. I "a* The only line making el"*1 connection with the Atlantic atnlcirlf !iai'r<>a-I at Savannah, and TI A ~ g g% ! from and to Jacksonville and all points in ! i. rvla, j 8 i J*i ' 1 > Bij " avoiding the'on*. ti(li?i.:s Mil ucll-kuown (ltnr.i;ius transferer through that eiiy a ? ^ - ... ; * COHAUT A EMMQBS, ca^i* ? ? r*a!K???2 - 105 NOW PHEPARKD TO FUR' um;>i-i and At; ..Ma Railroad for alt H?ts>rll. * NISJ1 I,;E |n :u?y quantity CltttOmerf v.;; J,:;."n< fr<Mn,I,,,irIw***** jlvjug to agents at Iteaufort or I'ori Uoyal. SaiCA7 01ltll 0tro*t? V* ft J0HNC0NANT, J. A. EMMONS ,r" A