University of South Carolina Libraries
?u LOCAL ITEMS. Be anf.irt, S. C. July 6. 1876. 7IIF. RY II. t5. JfDI>. Ling out the joyous. silvery bolls, A hundred stroke for a hundred years; ?ach one a wonderful story tells, Of orange and cypress, liopes aud fears. Hve scor" of years in a century ! Of all who in seveuteen seventy-fire. ^ Strove %t the boon of liberty, Never-a-one is to-day alive. Heroes of Moniuouth, and Bunker Hill, llare long been deal' to the bugle call, But th-'iruanies and virtues linger still, A sacred inheritance for all. Looking hack o'er the painful way they trod, From Lexington onward to Valley Forge; Trusting In Washington only?and (Jod? To fight their battles with English lioorge ; Pushingthe column with earnest zeal; Retreating only to fight anew; Western pluck against eastern steel, Tha British red against I'uion blue: Whether to honor thmi most, or first. For courage, that nerved to such gallant deeds, Or perseverance which through the worst Was the licpe and bulwark of public needs: How much the mothers and wives of men, Who perilled all in the darkest time, Contributed to the great work, then. Or sacrificed, with a faith sublime; And what in the way of fruit has come From seed they planted in toil and tears, The value to all mankind, aud sum Of good piled up in these hundred years. It was surely a cherry task to scan The pages written by human thrift; To note the impulse that sturdy man Has given to progress, the breadth and lift; And if the level of human affairs Has been upheaved to a higher plane, Who reared the ladder, or built the stairs? Which we must climb, if the bights we gaiu, Is a pertinent question ; the mighty flood I? easily traced to the mountain spriugs? We sometimes search for the highest good In gilded chambers of queens, and kings, Butoftenerare impelled to bow, To the subtle genius, in humbl > guise, That smites the anvil, or drives the plow, Whom loving nature makes wondrous wise. Thus genuine heroes have mainly sprung From the toilers, with hand o: with busy brain, As nature's treasures are chicdy wrung By steadfast labor and travail pain. And the nations leatn, or they ought to soe, That principles ouly, or men are groat? Which are broadly founded in liberty? Or who faithfully work for the race, or state. And worthily wilt this roundel age, Its names historic, its grand renown, IUumine and honor tho brightest pare In our history, writtcu and handed d >wn . If the best of the Nation's sheaves are bro ight, Gathered aud kept for this jubilee, The grain of a Century's noblest tho,i rat, lifted and pure, for the vorl 1 to see. , July 4,1875, ft- The town whs not as crowded as usual on such occasions, on the fourth. Sk- Three mills for schools in the Beaufort school district. Education is the bulwark of liberty. . f&f" The'County Commissioners meet on the 10th inst, and award $!.(KR) from the (inst indebtedness fund on the follow-' ifltts day. ? 1 > I We were the first pai>cr in the State to announce the result of ihe Si. Louis convention. *trw e bnny out our banner on the outer wall on Friday last, with the names of Hayes and Wheeler, thereon. ?? Bgk This kind of weather makes a man feel energetic and kindly, and he gets up betimes in the morning, eats a hearty breakfast, looks over the garden path, takes his hoe and spade, and? puts them in tho shade, and goes down town to see a man. 16?" The Treasurer has a warrant on the State Treasury for $4,400.46, for the auinuut due from the apportionment of the $33,000 available from State taxes for school purposes. UST The Union Band, led by Mr. Macon B. Allen Jr. serenaded Lieut-Gov. Gleaves, at his residence Beaufort, on the evening of the fourth.' They were cordially entertained; the " day we celebrate " being enlivened by a display of pyrotechnics. It must be said to the credit of this band that they are showing signs of marked improvement. AST* At the "JjertflTs sale on Wednesday, Mr. James Ward of Savannah, purchased the steam "launch Flirt, for $375. The plaintiffsto the suits against Dr. Warren have given bonds indemnifying the Sheriff. Major Wiggin, and E. A. Scheper, purchased two horses cheap. School Meeting The adjourned meeting in school dis trict No. 1, assembled in the town hall Beaufort, on Saturday last. The board of school trustees n adc the following report which was on motion received as information, and afterwards adopted with the exception of that portion referring tc the sale of the lot at Higginsonville : To the annual meeting of School Districl No. 1: The board of school trustees respectful < ii \ ly report as umows: \ RECEIPTS. Local taxes, (3 mills) $ 1,500 68 State apportionment 1,873 22 Total. $3,373 91 DISBURSEMENTS. Teachers' salaries (cash) $3,340 1Tcachers' school books, 22 J; Expense account, 444 0Total. . $3,806 2< This leaves a deficit of $432.39. There is now in the State treasury, anc ready to be paid to the. respective coun ties, $33,000, of which amount we wil probably receive sufficient to pay all due which have accrued duriug the seholas tic year just closed. We regret to state that the sehot house (owned by the district) at Higgiri sonvilJe was accidentally burnt one nigh la>t winter \\ e th.erefore propose t dUuciisj with a -eh?r>! j:? this 1oca lit nnm1? n??MawwMBMPaoraaaia^vjjtiMi :r<mr during the next scholastic year, and eon- j 1 scquently ask permission to sell said lot. j We congratulate you that we havehccn i j euablcd to continue the rural schools a ! month longer than last year; and the j town schools were not closed until the j hist week of May. We have been kindly seconded in our : educational efforts by the board ol I . i School Commissioners, who have dis bursed the funds at their dispose' with j an alacrity and liberality worthy of the i government they represent. Although the levy for scliools has ncv- j j er been sufficient, yet, in view cf a heavy I State axation, we do not desire more i than tfc ce mills for the fiscal year of 1876. Respect fully submitted, L. S. Lavgi.ey, Clerk Bd. Trustees, J>ist. No. 1. Messrs. Watcrhousc, Thos. IT. Wheel-1 er, and Geo. Holmes, were appointed a committee to examine the books ol the j board and audit the accounts. They reported that they had found the receipts corresponded with the amount stated as dishurscd in the report, and as farps they could see the books were correctly kept. The following resolution was carried : Resolved: That a tax of three mills on the dollar be, and is hereby assessed on j the taxable property of School District No. 1 know as Beaufort Township, for the support of Free Common Schools. Resolved: That the money collected from said tax may be used at the discretion of the Trustees, with the approval of the County School Commissioner, to pay any school claims, lawfully iucurrcd during the Fiscal year 1874, remaining unpaid, as well as the expenses of the fiscal year commencing November 1st? 1876. An interesting debate ensued on the question of mixed schools, on the introduction of a resolution by Mr. Waterhouse: requesting the trustees not to appoint a teacher to the white school only on recommendation by a meeting of the heads of white families. This resolution was supported by Messrs. Geo. Waterhouse, D. C. Wilson, M. Pollitzer, and oppomd by the trustees Messrs. Gleaves and liangley and by Thos. H. Wheeler. The trustees claimed that they knew no white or colored schools and only estab lished free common schools, and were not willing to place themselves on record against what they believed to be the law, and which under their oaths of office they were pledged to support. The resj olution was withdrawn and the meeting adjourned. This subject was discussed 1 in a much more calm and dispassioned spirit than when it was raised in the | s hool meeting a year ago. ?<7?* Q?<~ l or Asx>sm< lit of lVt j los Township set' j special notice in our advertising columns. N?\v J l'o>ti-rs will also Ik* sent to variiuis parts of l lie j To* ii*iiip gi\ iitg notice of time ami places for makj lu^ It. tarns. A Seaman Drowned. ' 0 ? Sunday last, Deputy Coroner D . ! j John A. Johnson, held an inquest at the ; Custom House, Beaufort, on rlu holy < f * 1 _ John Srrandt, a seaman on Doaru u e J Martin's Industry Light-ship, who was ; d owned the previous day near Port j Royal. The deceased was proceeding : from Beaufort to the aecom . j panied by a number of o.hers in a boat, and shortly after leaving Port Iioval, the tide and wind failing them, they decided to eoine to anchor to wait for the ebb title. Strandt proposed to. take a bath and divesiiug himself of a portion of his clothes plunged in and returned to the boat. Against the wishes of his friends he again plunged in and by his strange movements attracted he attention of Capt. Young who was in the boat. While watching him he immediately jumped overboard to his rescues | He dived after him several times but | failed to find him, and the deceased nevj cr came to the surface again. His body , was found on Sunday morning, badly ! disfigured by fishes and crabs. Thirty ; two three oents'stamps and $50.80 was ! found ou his person. The jury returned a verdict of accidental drowning. The body was buried the same eveuing in the M. E. Church 1 burial ground. ARRIVED.?ST. HELENA SOUND. June?2Gth Br. Bg. Empress, Edmunds, master, 35days from Funckal, Madiera, in ballast to Campbell, Wyllic and, Co. " 27tli?Br. Bg. Tawe, George, master 22 days from St. Vincent, Cajw do Verde Islands, in ballast to Caiupb.'U, Wvllieaud Co. I " 27th?Br. Bk. Laura Emily, Johnson, master, 42 j days from Liverpool iu ballast to Campbell Wyl, lie and Co. CLEARED. | June?Oftth from St, Helena Sound Br. Bk. Gly I nllifou, Taliuek master, for Dublin, Ireland with ^ I 572 tons of phosphate rock from Coosaw Mines. , I Assessment Notice!! Assessment 1S7G. Peoples Township. By a miscarriage of the mails the Blanks sent to Wj J. Gooding, Esq., for Asscsment purposes in aceor: dance with notice herefore, given failed to reach ' j their destination,?therefore I will be at the fol| ; lowing named places to assess Personal property. . } viz: ) ( Hoovers, Wednesday July 12th j Varusvrile, Friday July 14th Brunson. Monday July 17th. ! | W. F. Mole's, Wednesday July 10th. j I Whippy Swamp, X ltoads Thursday July 20thL. S. LAXGLEY. * | County Auditor. j MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS. A MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS OF The Beaufort Bathiso House Company, will be held in the Custom House, on Saturday 1 next, ( July, Sth, 1S7G > at 4 o'clock, p. in. G EOltG E WATER lit) USE. President, } I Beaufort, S. C., July 6 1876. Administrator's Notice. ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST )1 the estate of F. Kreu. on, of Savannah Ga, are ro|. quested to present theru and those indebted to the ^ s lid estate are required to make immediate payin to the undersigned. ? GEO. GAGE. I V Via GREAT EXCITEMENT! AT TIIK STORM <?? ' I'], A. SeliPiMT. The Leader in Low Prices Having .ti'st i:KTi*i:Ni:i? ki:mm nkw YORK. 1 it<>t prepttivu to t,ho*Y a larger ;n:?l more complete stock of . Kvcr before ollVrcA toWie Beaufort public. Consisting of dry goods, CLOTHING, HATS, AND CArS, BOOTS AND SHOES, MATTING Ac o I offer an entirely> stock of SPRING PRESS GOODS, Selected in New York with special view to their adaptability to present season, climufeAc. EXTRA LXD UCEMEXTS will be offered in all detriments, as I ani determined to make this one of the most attractive establishments in town. Call l?cfor?'purchasingelsewhere and examine the stock of goods at E. A. S CHE PER. BANKING HOUSE, Win. II. Lock wood, BAY ST., BKAUFOET, S. C. GOLD AND EXCHANGE ?ON? New, York Charieston & Savannah Bought and Sold, Collections uiade on any .point in the United States. Accounts received subject to check at sight. ap.27.Gin. "TUS COSMOPOLITAN," BEAUFORT, S. C. A First- Class RESTAURANT and SALOON, Opposite Free Lnnding. Choice Wines, Liquors, AndSegars. MEALS furnished at all hours on the shortest no tico. mayll-tf. S. BEAR, Proprietor. SAFETY AND BRILLIANCY. VESTAL OIL, Gives a better light than any other oil, and will no explode. Fur sale by M. KRESSEL, ap.13. I ay St., eaufurt. Butter ! Butter !! TIIE BUST BUTTER IN THE MARKET. 40CTS PER LB. CHOICE PART.:: BUTTER U.UjS PER LB. COOKINCr BiTTid: :an rs. i l l: L GEO. V.". ROBERT'S. P M WHITMAN^" WATCHMAKER AND J?WEULEK, Jfny Street, Eeaufoit, S. C., Has jest reteuned ekom the north with u fine assortment of goods at 2M or "tlx cr xx Prices. WEDDING KINGS, SC.00 to $12.00, SILVER RINGS,:**, to Si,50. SILVER NAPKIN RIN<IS, $2.00 to $1.00. LADIES GOLD WATCHES, $36 to $."0. 0 S Day UBij Striking Claslss, S3.SC to li o GENTS' GOLD CI11ANS, PINS. RINGS. SLEEVE * BUTTONS. STUDS, WATCH CHAINS, LADIES GOLD ami PLATED JEWELRY, GOLD PENS, AC., AC. GENTS' GOLD ?Si SILVER WATCHES. Call and examine before purchasing, and satisfy yourself you can save ten to* twenty-five t>c." cent from Charleston or Savannah prices. W. H. CAE.VERT. Illllll PRACTICAL Tin Sheet Iron. Copper Worker DEALER IN Japanned and Stamped Tin Wares. Constantlyor hand, Cooking I'arlor and ltux Stoves. TERMS CASH. Agent for the Celebrat; d Charter Oak Cocking Stoves* W. II. CALVERT, | Bay St. between 8th &. Oth sts. Beaufort. S. ( : JAS. E. McQREGOR, I CARRIAGE MAKER, HOUSE, SIGN, an I CARRIAGE I'AINTEJ | C]ip. Express Office, Beaufort, S. ( All kinds of and fam-v sawing. All kinds of repairing prompliv attended to, e reasonable terms. Satisfaction guaranteed. AZ." Agent for RarwV patent f< t power sen | saw, whieli can be seen in oj?eratinn at :,tv shop. I .; M.'.RECOIL dnl My. i.lJ * X ?' -Ji IS hereby ?'iv, ii tiiul tir1 timl*-.-?:?i?l wui o;i t;.o . :1 J-t <l.iy of July, !at 1> ;'< !? !: : . in., apply *' ' Hiilli'V K. Carh-toii. ai hi> n|- | tii-c in I 1k? inn ii of li.'sn:!' rt. Iht dbobareo .i-lp.'iii-ii.uii% iIn- L M. Mi ! I A naliey, iIci'Mm I. JUltiMil.T .Mi ANAU.Vj J:u\22-<AdiiiiiiblratnVB To Holders of Comity Cheeks or Audited Claims, priorjo \ovem| her 1, ?872, j OfFWK Of THK C'OI XTY Ht-anT??rt, S. <\t May 8th, 1S7?>. j j IX accordance with tin- |?r?.*vf>"loii?i of a Joint Ros- j olntion entitled "A Joint Resolution authnri/.tm; ! ! lie County Commissioners of Beaufort County to j j cvv a special tax." dated April 7. IST-'t, and "All ' i art to amend the same," approved the 2t>th day of i January, 1874, scaled pp?|?osals will be received at i tliis office from parties lioldu. diocks or audited j claims coutrai ted prior to November 1. 1S72, until TUESDA V, JULY 11. 1870. at 12 M., at which tinrt' said bids will bo op<-n<u? I 11..1 iln> lmnnl of cotintv coniinis'ioticrs will draw ] orders on tlit* Trcasitrcr to tin* Miumtht <>l one thous iihI dollars, in favor of tlie jtorson or persons wh > -hail offer the largest /Kr irulnu discount on tii ir j checks or audited claims. | rrojK'sals slnmldhc addressed to the cli ?Lilian of | the boap.1 of County Commissioners, and endorsed ' IV nn>a!> for the settlement of Past Indebtedness of Beaufort county. P. PUITCH.ViJP, M. P. V. S. S< ; )TT, K..i. martin. C ouuty Commissioners I Titos. IF. W?r.rt.r.!t, Clerk of Hoard. feMO-lt. Statk ok South Car<>:.:xa, ) . Couuty of Beaufort./ In ( oninion 1 ???S J. L. Duncan vs. C. E. Warren. It appearing t the satisfaction of the Court, that the Piaintitf herein has tiled his petition against the Defendant t? foreclose a mechanic's lien on ce. tan buildings in the " City of Port Royal " in a.oresaid county the property of the Defendant, and it appearing that tl.e Defendant is a non-resident of this State and that his residence after due diligence cannot benscert. ined.Cn motion oyicl! and ilarnwvll Plaintiffs Attorney; Ordered; that the Defendant C. E. Warren | do appear and answer the petition therein on the 1st day of August lsTG and serve a copy of said an swer on PlaiiitilTs attorneys at Beaufort 3. C. and this notice to that end be seived by publication of this order-in the Port Royal Standard and Com lucrcia! once in each week for six weeks. June Pith IMG JOHN J. MAIIER, Attest; II. G. Jl'DD. C. C. C. 1*. June 22 G-t. SMOKERS! SMOKERS; A. ASHLEY "CHRIHTZESRG, H.\S opened a Cigar store, and News depot on Bay St., BeauJort, where can be found some of the choicest brands of Cigars and Smoking Tobacco. A tine stock of PIPES, POUCHFS, CIGAR HOLDERS, Ac. DAILY and WEEKLY l?pcrs. Orders filled promptly for any book, magazine or newspaper published. Tie only News Dejet in Town. Fell. 24. MRS. E. HOLZACH, j B R BREAD D | Cake, and Cracker Bakery j BAY ST., COR. FREE LANDING, BEAUFORT t ' Just received a largo and selected stock of FRENCH CANDIK3, which will be sold at prices to suit the times. Will *- - -- I- : ?n ?r SO ill'l'j) OU lit'ill! .w..,. CAR lis. PIES, FRUITS, Ac Ac. ser>.? >-t f. W. H. DEVLIN, | Curpeiiter1HiilMer I ?0 Ali kinds of BOAT WORK, CAULKING, and SPAR-MAKING. 1) OFFICE AND SHOP COR. BAY" and CHARLES STREET, BEAUFORT, S. C. IPOHT ROYAL ISawlc Phming 1111 BKAUFOHT, S C. | D. C. WILSON & CO., MANUFACTURERS OK AND DEALERS IN YELLOW PINSTim A8D LUMBER AND Cypi'c/gs Qhlngloa, Al5sO Builders & Contractors PLASTER, LATHES, All kinds of JOB SAWING promptly done. ricoriiii & Coiling Boards always oa-M Orders for Lumber an.l Timber by the cargo promptly filled. Tonus Cash. 1 iiov.'S-ly. D. 0. WILSON. A CO* M. POLLITZEK, cottoyfacto;: AND -; Commission Merchant |! K ICPORT S . C J. C.'RICHMOND Trial Justice. All business intrusted to hint will receive care j fill and prompt attention. Otficc Custom IIousi Building. Beaufort S. C. april 27-t | THE PARKER GUN. >ti : SENO STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BROV. WEST MER!DEN,CT. *1 i. art ? s t v i'_?. u ? t'. i > c n; r s t %. i). IV?1 i'ii 2jiij Ci SOS>', v?ii??iitam: I'K*t:*is BOOTS, S i O F.S, TRUNKS AND VALISES. KTo. EC 3EIay:io Street CJb.,arlc?^on JE>? C . apri.s-1-r. ?> -coo *oz:<? .Cm: jo nj jn."> pu?: s-jupJ Siuxpao) noAii [vo.tdvj mxiixh.ih,u<ixv (iv:n hiulw '*;!(> pm: s(iu?(( *sn:io aovuuoj axYSHm iis'i/i V'xiiva i:ix Sn.VIAY <8UOilt)!1 -14/*ri ? o H'v ' >5r^. I //> vv^:'4^V N> s. iMYUf X3rty?i3-f. SSoanfort, ?15. O SILVER PLATED WARE. # Eleclro-PIaled Silver Ware AND Ornamental Art Work, IXGRKAT VARIETY. MA xn\IC7L'11EI) BY THE j MERIDIAN DRiTAN'MA COMs'ASV. 550 BKOADWAY NEW YORK. The best Plated SPOONS and FORKS are those Silver Plated In aviest on the parts where neccssa- | rily the nmst wear comes, and bearing the Trade j Mark. 1871?ROGERS BROTHERS-XII. N. R. ?Tliis great improvement in Silver - Pis- ! teil Spoons and Forks is applied alike to each grade of Plat *.A 1, X and 12 oz. as ordered. The Process and Mcchinery for manufacturing these goods a: e Patented. The Extra or ' Standard Plate" made by this Company is stamped A 1, simply, and is plated 20 per cent, heavier than the ordiaiiary market standard. iftj - First Prem earns awarded at all Fairs where exhibited, from World,s Fair of 18-32 to American Institute Fair, 1G74. inclusive, mar 9-6 in. OA fn OOn P r '^a>* at home. Samples worth Si y)J Id (JZU free. Stixson &. Co., Portland' Maine SEND 2.V. to (i. P. ROWFLT. A CO., New Yorktor Pamphlet of 100 pages, containing list of 3U<*) newspapers, and estimates showing tost ol'advertising. (hi I) a day n? home. Agents wanted. Outfit and $14 terms free TRUE A CO., Augusta, Maiue. marJ-ly. JOHN FRANZ, W holesale & IRJaii Grocer, iSHIP CHANDLER Family Groceries and Cabin Stores a specialty. | Constantly receiving from St. Louis, the best FAMILY FLOUR, WHOLES A Lti GROCER 1ES, LItil'ORS PLANTATION SUPPLIES, at the princple Store, formerly occupied | by J. Fyler, Corner Hay and West Street BAKERY. j Having just completed the erection of a j bakery at my premises, at the corner Hay and Scott Sis., \ shall keep a constant supply of fresh HKEAl) &c. I have sccuied the services of an experienced baj ker, and by using the finest grades ot i flour, shall endc-avor to secure a share of : public patronage. Call and inspect samples. GROCERIES. I a speciality at the Store Corner of Day and Scott Street. | *" JUST RECEIVED, I ! SJiiiU I fflfei! JOB PRINTING OFFICE, I A full line of superior PATERS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, CARDS, ETC. j Job printing done neatly and ehepJy. All orders promptly attended to. Caist and .feel | ?. I. WALLACE,? I Cotton Factor AND GRIST MILLER. Wholesale Jlcnler in | 5?,Ail', H mi, FEED, Etc,, i Sen Island. Cotton ; Bought, Ginned and prepared for mar ! kct. Advances Made on Consignments. : Having the best machinery for ginninj , cotton and grinding corn and meai, lie i prepared to execute all orders ou th shortest possible notice, j The highest price paid for Cotton and Corn. | Cotton ginned on toll. Jan." ?T?. fit, A S. /. t OT 7', HtHUS'ot'l S, 4'. / './ X '.' .'i7,'i, i,' CO., Charlcnton S. t THE DEAUFOHT cirxkV WTT.T, ' TTAVIN'f. 1*:T l*r \ ?:ITIST MILT, AT THKI . ; I jl uM stai.'l, an: prvjiari-d to furnish Ci'isl, r?e:! sntl Meal, 1 s?v i;'.iat?iity,a:?'l reasonable rates. A >. ELLIOTT. y ; Vw Q r R l.1 p 1:1 P r > .V/ . v' ii x j.j it . ! .";!rtTJtrv'no?n:.,D?r'o Li I .: .' f/; i lit Li 1 >1 iiJui Ji.~ I'' i >.' 1 !J , j / j j | ^^^^^inei'SE itshsbim '^I^Sfciilicry (Mery, SalwarerSE^ SEA ISLAND HOTEL," ~ W^maH^T*) 2 t . -- , .W '"' - - - - & HAS B E E X ilE-OPEiYED. THE PATRONAGE OF THE TRAVELLING PUBLIC IS SOLICITED. J A M E S 0 D E L L , - - - - Proprietor. jjfuiij oww rip nrinne / M 511114 uf fjyjJo AT TIIE OLI) STAND OF Jacob Apple. 1 HAVE TIIE PLEASURE TO ANNOUNCE TO 31Y FRIENDS AND PAi'RONs, that 1 Lave just received a complete stock of / SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Such as DRESS GOODS. LINhXS, NOTIONS, and the handsomest lot of EDGINGS and INSEllTlNGS, al,o CLOTHING, HATS, &c. GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, Boots and Shoes, All of the latest styles. Give us a call and judge the pricc9 for yourselves. Bay Street. JACOB APPLE, Beaufort, S. C. Are Yoir Going to Paint? THEN USE NEW YORK ENAMEL PAINT CO.'S ... CHEISIGAL P A INT ~. Rc.idy for use in White, and over One Hundred Diefebent Colors made of strictly prime White Lead, Rinc, and Linseed Oil, Cham'cally combined,'warranted much IfnuLomcr and Cheaper, an I to last TWICE AS LCNG a3 any other Paint. It has taken riie FIRST PREMIUMS at twenty of the State Fairs of the the Union and is on nutay thousands of* the finest houses jin the country . ? * 9 Address: N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT CO. ? iv.Arit srXT fT/.r. io3 nhamteK Street, New Tort TliM WED" SEWING MACHINE COMPY? T .1 t-A / - ff.\M ?L A Apt 1I1VM?AI 1.5 [HCpaiCU LU UiiUi mc uiuat iiuviai u;?uio ; TO S22SROHAKTS 1KB OTHERS, ?Who will deal iu? Sewing Machines of its Man'fture, family favorite, Its Name Indicates its Qualities. Refer io 250,000 Families Who Have Them in Use. NAMED GENNRAjj EA"V OPtlTE, BECAUSE Adapted to every possible irrade of work.?Our competitors acknowledges that For Tailors and Shoemakers, IT STANDS WITHOUT A RIVAL. Address, V/ecd Sawing Machine Company, Pec. 30. ^os- 51 ar-d 53 St. Charles St., Baltimore, Md. PORT BOVAl RAILROAD. 1 Manhood! Hob Lost, Hoy Kwtwii I"*; Just published, a new ed ?? & -.'.y . Timj kf i tion of Dr Culrerwtil'i ,3i - *?$?'..-| n ^Celebrated Essay on the ^ | radical cure (without medicine) of Spkematoehhoka L^jgaEaP.!.?^' " 3^-'~^y%-"Sr'k ift or Seminal Weakness, Iuvoiuntary Seminal Losses I ''^"**1. 21 1 ' *>a Ijjpotency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impel; mcfi ts to .Marriage, etc,; also Consumption *Da11 + A i Etxlefsy and Tits,induced byjelf-indulfeaee o ?&S$S&gS? ttOuvOi j sexual extravagance, ,fcc. %OE <Hf fit'31 EE it. E. Xo * Price, in a sealed envelope, only six cents. I SITLillN'TS OFFiCF. PORT ROYAL RAILU'D ( Tiie celebrated author, in this admirable Essay Aucusta, tia.. May 1, li>7?. ) ; clearly demons:, atcs, from a thirty years successfur Tiie following i'a-si-ng.-r Sc'iiMule will be opera- practice, that the alarming consequences of self* te.l on an I alter May 1, 8.(5. ^ ^ abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous (JOIN G SOI Tit. '1 r.iln No. 1. Dai.j . (ia0 of internal medicine or the application ?fiber Leave Augusta ,s y a 1,1 knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once simpl - Leave Ycmasse M_.>> p in ccrtaju all(i effectual, by means of which every ; Arrive Port Royal - P su sufferer, no master what his condition may be | Arrive at Savannah * P U1 may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically Arrive at Charleston 4 2" p m , g-n. This L?'ure should be in bands of every ; Arrive at Jr.cks?oii> die vouth and every man In the lard. g i GOING NORTH. Train -No. ?*?> _ j * ^ under ^ jn a lnln en?elopei ,ny S Leave Jacksonville - 2 in p m i C i Leavn Savannah - 9 M a m ' drc^i^pa,d, ou receipt of aix ceuU or two poe| LJ'Vt ""'IT) ' ,0 r a m 1 ^AddlTthe PoMfche*, i ave :i~?? * p"!; f. bregma* & boi, i Arrive at Augusta. 0 CO p la 11 A na fit., !Ve>v York Tost OiSce Box 4380 Dinner, April 27th 1-y, The only line nfakin* close connection with "" T ^."?"1 *- ' the Atlantic .iii??<lii!f K.i!:r.:ilat Savannah. ami I I ' 1j' W I M 1 1j* j fiuin snd to jKvltM>tivillc al! uiiuts In Florida, 11' Pi # 11/ Pi a H'. oMiiir t'n !??tiir. t <!i" ^ .ml well-known Oiui.ibus *5 H mm 1 mm . j l. ( < >i I l|f't f 1< '11 > !!l .! !? A' . U H 14 .1 hi . fII _ _ ^ | -j ^\ * ?% vx tITTTV Carelina lia:ir<>a?i t?>r Aiken. CJaflo'U', Col- j 4 nl'j ^R.KPTO FUR ^'i i a; Au^u.^a .laiii ... i f.r-Si poiow iv'orih ^ Nisii It'K in any quantity Customers ' s !',u, -s'-uv:' a,"! N"r'l!lH';:Sf; ?,. , . . ? i may desire, from their Ice House, Meej>:!;, < ar Ikrtt.s e:n<a^ >1 at Aiuunu Ly ap- * . ' '* 11\ i.:?-1 ?agents at S'- i.ttf.'il or 1 ort ie yal. fc>OVOXXtll Otreota ; 'JOHN CONANT, li.G. FLEMING, ' *? Sitpcriutciuieut. j. a. emmons' ; T.? PA V A NT. (