University of South Carolina Libraries
r LOCAL ITEMS. Be aufort, S. C. June 29,1876. fta?" The School meeting (hat wa: held in the town hall Beaufort on Saturday, adjourned until Saturday next. t<. allow time to the School Trustees to prepare a report of expenditures for the ipast yea". _ 31 ore new buildings have been erected in Beaufort during the past two years, thai! in any two years of its previous history, and the coming fill will also witness a large increase. The dawn oi prosperity has arrived. ~ The Benevolent society of the Tabernacle Baptist church is in a flour ishing financial condition. They have just completed the erection of a large assembly hall, with a spaccous store underneath. 8?&?. Was the weather hot enough for you ou Sunday ? The Georgia coal, with which ex. pcriments have been made on board the U. S. S. Plymouth at Port Royal, is said to be highly satisfactory. Steam can be got up very rapidly with this coal. This place will eventually become a great coaling station. + . tSi- Congress has passed a joint resolu tion recommending that at the approachk ing centennial anniversary, each town in the United States shall have delivered an historical sketch of the town from its jrmation, and that a copy of the sketch eh read shall be filed in the clerk of the court's office, aud another copy in the office of the Librarian of Congress. Who will be Beaufort's historian ? i Igk. Ouly one prisoner in Beaufort ail charged with murder, to be. tried :.t the October term. But this is doina ;.retty well for Beaufort, as the June ;.x m is ouly just over. The Sloop Keystone came iutc P ' ^cftufort on Sunday, with about a thouf.r.d olack fish in her well. Mr. Kressti intends to supply the Augusta market i fith fish. tST The Pilot boat F. W. Schepcr, sailed for New York on Sunday last, with *he owner and a few friends, to 1 c coppered?not the owner aud his friends, but the bo?v They have lived in Beaufort loo long to need coppering. 9&F President Wilson, of the P. R. I?. R., has the thanks of ti e relief committee at Yarosvillc, for sending a special train with contributions to the sufferers in that section of the county. * ? Last week the yacht W. W. Johnson, that was formerly owned as a pilot boat by F. W. iMieper, but which ^ was sold in Charleston, when lie had the ' F. W. Scheper built, sank in Charleston harb ?r, an! two- of her crew were drowned. She had been fitted up as a pleasure yacht, and whilst waiting for the return of her small boat that had been take?to land a passenger on Sullivan's Island, the schooner dra.-ged he anchor and wi nt aground on the Drunken Dick shoal. Shelaloud heavily on the return of the tide, and on being got ofl leaked so fast, that she settled down .without much warning. Her captain 4(Jul one man were saved by a boat rotu the Island, hut two others, as before stated, lost their lives. An attempt hai been made to raise her.but she is so rotten that nothing but her sails and run ning gear h ve been saved. ?The Fourth of July has been decider as the time to hold the Hayes and Wheeler ratification meeting iu Beaufort. We understand Professor Greener, oi Columbia will address the meeting, The 0. M. Pettit that left fot Savannah with an excursion party for a day's pleasure, on Monday got aground and did not return to Beaufort unti Tuesday evening. Rgk- The people of Beaufort did noi generally regard the proclamation of th( Governor to make a holiday of W ednesday in commemoration of the Moultru Centennial. Piano and Organ Tuning ! Mr. A. Pohl, from the Pianofort* Manufactory of T. W. Biere & Son, Cin cinati, Ohio, is in Beaufort for the pur pose of tuning and repairing Pianos, Organ* and Melodeons. Mr. Pohl is j good workman and is well recommended Those wanting Pianos or Organs wcl tuued and repaired will find it to thei interest to call on Mr. Pohl. Order left at Mr. P. M. Whitman's Jcwelr store, will be promptly attended to. 8@T Orangeburg had a nother destruc tive fire on Saturday la.-t. It appears t bj the most unfortunate town in th state, and Beaufort the most fortunate Z>&~ Mr. A. A. Chrictzbcrg, formed co-partnership on Monday last in Floi ence S. 0. It is leap year, but we arc no aware if this is the effect following thi cause. You don't say he is married Yes ! that is just what we started out t< say, but haHly knew, not being cxpe rienced, hv.v to say it. Mr. John Ohlaudt has laid th foundation for his new store, and Mi James E. Boyce will commence wor immediately at his new store on the L>a\ Signs of prosperity. The first excursiou from Beaufoi t) Savanmui, this season was made o board the steamer (). M. Pettit, o Monday. The number who went wa not large. ? 7??:? ^ A ratification meeting is ta'.kc of in. Bce.ufort. i 1 / I J K-rJ" .\iSlC! ViOUi l.l liiO ? ' u iC'l a cool juke. i JBG^A-lvordse in the iStaxdaiu> and j < . (JvLMMF.ilt'IAL. ' . i Administrator's \otiee. all n:n>0n< iiavinu ct.aiSis alaixst i t!ie cstatt* of F. KronNon, of .Savannah La, j;r<* r - j j quested to pros'-itt ih'-tn and tli'?o finlebtetl to the ! said estate are rctjnin*! to it. i?o imrm-tliaif ]>:n- , ( i liK'Dt to the unit rsL.'itV. : (iK?>. CALK; M A>lmiiii>tr sto". j 1 sr.,,K ? ,? [ j i i t Dttnean vs. C. E. Warren. It appearing to | the satisfaction of the Court, that the Plaiiitiirj herein ha* filed Ids petition against the Defendant ; t<> foreclose a mechanic's lien on eerian building | in the " City of Port Royal " in a.urcsaid county ; the property of the Defendant, and it appearing tha/ j the Defendant is a nsident of this State and that his residence a. lUcdiltgcTicc cannot lie as- ' cert; lnetl.Cn motion of Pel! and Barnv.- II Plaint ill's Attorney, Ordered; that tlie t>cfendani.C. K. Warren .do appear and a'n*wer die petition therein on the S 1st day of August 1 876 M-ive ? copy of said an- ' a swer on PlaiirtiTs attorneys at Pan irt S. C. and this notice to that end be setved by publication ' of this onler in the Port lioval Standard and Cc?m_ , mercial once in each Week lt>r six weeks. j T June 12th 1*76 r ! J01IN J. MAKER, 1 Attest; II. O. JIPD. a C. C. C. P. i June 22 6-t. NOTICE IS hereby given that the undersigned will on the 31st day of July, 1876, at 10 o'clock a. Tn., apply to Ridley K. Carieton, Esq., Probate Judge, at hisof* i tice in tiic town of Beaufort, for her final discharge as administratrix of the estate of Patrick M. Me. A n alley, deceased. 1 BRIDKET McANALLY, i jne.22-tf. Administratrix.^ Final Discharge. ! Notice Is hereby given that I will apply to the ! Hon. It. K. Carieton, Judge of Prolate for the Coon- j! *y of Beaufort State of South Carolina, for a final discharge us Administrator of the estate of James 15. Seabrook, deceased, on the 2Mb day of Jtiae next C. A. SEA BROOK, Adrn'r. ; Hilton Ilcad, 8. C. May 20th 1876. j no. 1-4. ( 1 To Holders of County Checks or * r Audited Claims, prior to Xovem- t hfr I, 1872, Office of thf. Covsty Commissioners, I Beaufort,S. C., May Mb, 1876. IN accordance with the provisions of aJoint Resolution entitled "AJoint Resolution authorizing lie County Commissioners of Beaufort County to I evy a special tax," dated April 7, 1873, and ''An act to amend the same," approved the 2bth day of January, 1874, sealed proposals will be received at j this oflice from parties holdin ?'liecks or audited 1 claim*contracted prior to November 1, 1872, until TUESDAY, JULY 11, IST6. : i at 12M? at which time said bids will oe opemd* and the board of county commissioners will draw orders on the Treasurer to the amount ot one thousand dollars, in favor of the person or jvrsons wlio shall offer the largest per crrtum discount on th. lr checks or audit.-d claims. Proposals should be add rea*cu to the chainnan of ' the boft.'d of County Commissioners, ami endorsed ( j ''Proposals ibr the settlement of Past Indebtedness j e 1 j of Beaufort county. I. P. PR ITCH A BP, M. D. | V. S.SCOTT, R. j. MAirriS. County Commissioners T!!<*?. If. >V/Ji:r.t.KtJ, Clerk of Hwanf. frMo-lt. ' ' s? . a i i ' H. M. STUART, M. D., i1 * ** *"t.v?...,?i ? I vor. j S i Beaufort, S . O'| I>K.\LER in i 1 I DRUGS. AND ClI&flCAlA FAMILY MEDICINES, FANCY AND TOILET AUT21LES ' STATIONERY, PERFUMERY, BRUSHES, Ar., A'-., Ac., i Together with many other articlo too nunierois o mention. A!' of which will bcsoMat the loww I price f??r cash. Physicians prescriptions carefully 1 compounded. feh.P1 Pratt's Astral Oil. A perfectly safe illuminating oil. Insurance coin- j panics recommend it. For sale by GEO. W. ROBERTS. 1 NEW MILLINERY. FOR THE , Spring and Summer i 13 7 8. j JUST RECEIVED AT, John Cooper's } COR. BAY antfCARTERET STS., BEAUFORT. j LADIES 1IATS. J MISSES HATS # BOYS HATS French ami American Flowers, i Together with a general assortment of ! DRY GOODS, Suitable for the season, all of yrliivli he offers at * ' prices to suit the times. Just Received. I i I r 4 ^ MOST COMPLETE elegant ass. rt men t of ' " Sl'lUNG AND SUMMER .DOTGOODS, CLOW, e| ?AND? !' GEHT3' FURBISHING GOOES.! Will Ik' sola at prices to suit the times,also a fresh , j stock of *! LADIES', GENTS' & CHILDREN'S i ,? BOOTS AND SHOES. -! -ATW. C. BELLOWS. 81 JUST RECEIVED k ! { from I NEW YORK. ! A Select assortment of DRY HOODS, n READY MADE CLOTHING, ,S | LADIES A CENTS STRAW A KELT HATS j Call ami sec f??r a bargain at i i D. li, HUTCHINSON, ' r .rt Royal S. C. ^?.tilliit i.i x ui'i iiW 1 ! AT Tifi: stoki: <-v MJj ;aa ?3v alt ft The Leader in Low Prices itavixu jot i:;:n i:nk!? i-tjom ni:\v ; II YoLK, I :;?ii prepared to .-Ivjh a larger and lioro.coiiipletC stock >1 Kill* Kvcr before offered to tlu? Kcaufort on 1 >lic. j Consist ins; t?f >f;Y GOOI';?, . ' CLOTH ISO, * I 1iats. and cats, r.o<?trf an}> sikh.s, mattim; ?vo j offer ;Ui t ntircJj fresh stock of j < i-jiivss imnD v 'fleeted in Nov York with special view t>? their I (laptuhility to present sonant, cl'nnteXc. EXTRA IXDUCLXIEXTS rill be offered in all do; nrtnicnt*. as I am det r- j i ninod to make this one of the ie<>vt itt na tive estah- ' ' ishmcntsin town. fall before pun h irin<elsewhere md examine the stock of eo.ids at E. A. S CHE PEE.!; BANKING HOUSE, j Win. II. Logwood.! i BAY ST., BKAl'FOIiT, S. C. 1 GOLD AND EXCHANGE j'; OX ( i ' Mew, York Charleston & Sav-;. annah Bought and Sold, ;! Collections made on any point in the ! United States. Accounts received subject ' o check at sight. ap.2T.0m. t "THE COSMOPOLITAN," BEAt'FORT, S. C. A. First- Class restaurant and saloon,' Opposite Free LtmcUng. Choice, Wines, Liquors, And Segars. dEALS furnished at all hours on the shortest no ice. inayll-tf. 5. REAR, Proprietor. SAFETY AND BRILLIANCY. VESTAL OIL, tires a better li^ht than any other c/il, arid vfill no | :x|dodo? For "ale by ft. KRESSEL, tpdl. i ay St., eaafoit. Butter ! Butter!! TIfE REST BUTTER IX TilE MARKET. 40CT& PER I.R. * CHoli'E rARLE IU'TTKR ti?'Is j PER LB. COOKING BUTTER A'K'TS. !-: R L j GEO. \Y, ROBERT'S. J, p. m. whitman, | 11" ATCII3I Alt KR AS I) JKV/ELLER. i I rtiij- Stiect. Etniifbit, s. C? ctfX'^X I lljtj. Aft: Has jest retkunkd krom the north ; with a fine assortment of goods at INTortlicrxt. I?riccs. WEDDING RINGS. ?1.00 to *12.00, SILVER RINGS, :40e. to Sl.oO. SILVER NAPKIN KINGS, ?>.00 to *4.00. LADIES GOLD WATCHES, ?S6 to 8*0. ?0? SBaj&IDay Strikisg-Chcks, S3.50 to SS.' 0 BENTS* GOLD CI! !ANS, PINS, KINGS. SLEEVE lil'TTt)NS.ST!'! S, WAT< 1! t il A! NS, I.ADIES GOLDaudl'LATED JEWELRY, GOLD PENS, ??C., AC. UEXTS' GOLD & SlLVEIt WATCHES, Call an J examine be/ore purchasing, and satisfy yourself you can save ten t'?^t veiitv-iivo P?r cent from Charleston or Savannah prices. uecAly w. | PRACTICAL Tin Sheet Iron. Copper Worker; i DEALER IN Jnfeanned and Stamped Tin Wares. Constantly on hand, Cooking l'arlor and l.ox Stoves. TERMS CASH. Agent for the Celebrated 1 ? - ? * ~ . Charter Uali CccKing Stoves* ? W. II. CALVERT. Bav St. brtwcen Stli Pth sta. Bcarifort. S. C ! jas. e. McGregor, "i ?3L 1 # CAKKLUiE MAKI-:(:V n?>rsi:,si<;x, ami CAKRIAC.E l'AIXTMK. Opp. Express Oflice, Beau fori, S. (\ All kinds of Stroll and fancy yawing. All kinds <>f repairing promptly att? tided to, on reasonable terms. .Satisfaction guarantied. <j* Ap'Ot for Barnes' patent foot power scroll saw, which can be seen in ojn-nition at my shop. i JAS. !'. Mi/JI:KC??B. Jul} I-'y. V tl U \ 0 i V i. ... .? '' 1 * !* * J * I Croc. lies. ;> *? r ; f Win - I ' , .. ! - I i w I i J ^miiti >! ?<* !?a% .M., i?>:i. T)M>( |:. \Vh..|.-;i!i-: U'l r. ta t .! :??. r in , 1.) I irir- 'ri* s. I.i .v. l.M'j > i ; !i' r..i huh}:. ii;;v M. I Pry Goods. \ I'., y ( . <>}?. ( a;i?1 : Nn'iiniis, A.-., i5; y >!. J *II \ \/, Jn ii \ - ?.i n*fs' !'*" > i I ! 1 lUiy >t. IruulWi. . a-!;: . :i .'in, ni. (Kiui'MI! .4"i! V--!>r.v *]- i !? i'lii r. 'SiliitaLy ry. i-'n i-i'ii 1 ki it- 1 Caiu-y ' ? i*. Ac. ! . y .*'?'< a-Ivcvii >:. Barter. A ItTlS. \.?I?;ir. Hair ciiii in.', -!i;;v,'n : *h- :.i- i . L. :i:ni tlyi ii!^. \Vv.--t St. I > x' m-r.irb. r. sbavin,' I A T: tv. !:-: ?? ijj an I dyei: ?lo'ne in > n ;;j. >! manner. Hey s . Blacksmith. A r i'I <"111"f.. W.?l'laokstirf'i. !i..n O.^ iny, and L? I " "f:sI?Ii work. A!a,*!i?;!i-St. t / a. vy 'y - X J. ^ J SAVAtlE, ?Wln't hiclit. Repairs prompt- | It e.veu'ed. Ma^iri'lia .St. I>rnggisi? ? - - ^ I ^ I lAl.T. !i. 31. IHl.-i5nn".'i>ta!id A|v>thercary ^ ^ J'.ay St. IV-auf ir". Sec advertisement. ^ Builder and Contractor DI-.VI.IX, 3\". If.? Huilder and contractor, Ray art.l I'lutii.-r .Sf*. *. e : 1vi rti !. C.ll - .1... ^, -3 / \ J <11 i.t."II. .T.V**. i:r. rt* *, sign an 1 \ i cavria?v j uiuur, Kay aud 1 lurhs .Sis. Sec ' livfrtis-nu nt. j Professional Cards IX/li'l'IX, IV L.?Attorney at Lovr. .Solicitor of ? V? 2ml Circuit, llav St. SMOKERS! SMOKERS j A. ASHLEY CKRIEYZBSRG,! I I T i -v i J AS opened a Cigar store, and News ucpot on lay St., IVanlort, win re can Ire found some of the hoicest brands of Cigars and Smoking Tobacco. A iue stock of t< riPEs.roucirrs, CIOAIl HOLDERS, Ac. a DAILY ami WEEKLY ti >apers. Orders filled promptly for any book, ninga- j :iue or newspaper published. Tte only Now Depot in Town. Feb. 24. I MRS. E. MOLZACIE " B $ T~> BREAD I .V 1 D , < Cake, and Cracker Bakery ! 11AY ST., Colt. KRi:i: LAXPIXa, HKAlFOKT j " lust recciviil a larg" m l selvt I rWek of ( FRENCH CAttDiES, which v. ill b sold at file " t'i suit the times. Will : so k. ej. on hand i'li kinds of cainEk. i'.*::-. ruirrrs, Ac Ac. , - . I ' W.E.DEVLIN, j) Carpenter I Bulkier All kinds of BOAT WORK, j; CAl'LKlXd, an J SI'AK MAKING. | ' I 0 . i j <5*Fli k AXi> Slit*? j i COR. BAY .111:1 CtiAXLitt STREET.!< i 1 L 1: .1 L F 0 R T , S . C . | 1 j ] Saw A Mug Sill!, IIISAUFOKT, S C. j 1 D. C. WILSON & CO., j MASPFACTt'KEES OF AXO PEA LIES IX YELLOW ril'S Yil'lEES AND LESSER AND i Cypress Slainslcs, j ALoO Builders & Contractors P L AS T K It , L A T It E S, | All kinds o.r JOIt SAWING promptly done. nooriBg & Ceilli Bw always on Mi Orders for Lnni'rrr and Timber by the curgo j promptly filled. Teims (.a.->h. nov.2S-ly. 1>. C. \\ ILSOX. ?v CO* M. POLLITZER, j COTTOS FACTOII AND Commission Merchant ! B 1: \ V F O ft i' S . c TAKE DR. DENNIS' S y s I e 111 li e n 0 v a i 0 r a it <1 Blood | FITCIFVIXG SVRI P. ** - ,,r* i.tiro llratlaclic ' I or I?}"?}>? ji?ie. i luTi, it... Fevers, Sorts, ?Vc. M. J. GRAHAM, j mar.3M?i. Beaufort. J. C. RICHMOND. | Trial Justice. .VII bu>ii;Oss iutru<ie.l lo liiiu wi!l receive care ful ;uui attention. Office Custom House Building. Beaufort .S. ('. a?>ril 27-t TO PARKER CUN. I ^ ^ ^ SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BROWS'. j WEST MERIDEtf,CT.; ? 1 * 1 i>. o\\f.;4 A; so\y, BOOTS, SHOES, | TRUNKS AND VALISES. NTo, 23 St2*oci ; C li.n i*l coi on S. C ? ajrl.S-l yr. i ?? Vt>(| | Xuv ;o 01 im put; .. L W I jUMvuuoj i; vu^ uript >:pr [v:.i,?!^ | . . . ( ax:vi :uiiia\ j **L!0 pm: sjup.^i 'KSJVUUO.MlXV s'M\Tf \\<Ul 'is\:iVA I:IX 'SUXlAY I'I ViN. x a - ) ..< ' A ! * to?* ^ "//irN *4Spb r > r-\ x v < ,/ ' -N Kuril iU W JJ Oay Q\ i i3catifort, !S. O 1 uryrn P? ATwn i J i a-j V ?? V 1 i i.i i a A ?.J !,i Jiiillul I Eleclro-Plaled Silver Ware ! AND Ornamental Art Work, j IN (JIIilVT VAUIETY. MANUFACTURED BY THE IEIUSMA5 BRiTASNIi (0)1 PAW. 530 BROADWAY NEW YORK. The best Pielc'I fP0?KS ttr.d FOUK ^are Ihiw ilwr Plated heaviest <'n the pari? "here iteeessaily tlie most xrear ce?ius, unvl beatify the Trade I , lark. 1874-ROGEltS UKOTtfftftS - ATI. X. Ik?Tli is groat Improvement in Silver-Pla. >1 Spoons and Fork* 5- applied alike to cnrlt grade f I'lntc, A 1. Sand 12 ox. as ordered. The Process nil Muthiwry for manufacturing these goods are 11 atenUd. The Kxtra or ' Standard Plate" made by !iis Company is stamped A 1, simply, and is plated ) per cent,heavier than theo.dianary market stauard. l?- First Premetuns awarded at all Fairs whore xhibited. from World,s Fair of 1852 to American u litute Fair, lt>74. inclusive, tar 9-rt m. ^/? tn CJO'T 1' r * *' >" at he me. Samples worth si )J ! tPiU fis-e. Stin?>n a Co.. Portland* Maine 11 !N I > 25c. to G. P. HOWELL & CO, Kcv Vo:k ^ (for Pamphlet of I'Ht pa-.vs. containing list of '* " 0 g icwspapeis, an I estimates showing Cost of advert!*MQ a day at h"iii(\ Agents wanted. Outfit and term's free lTtI'M A. CO., Augusta, .Maine. nariMy. JOHN FRANZ, ? ? o Wholesale & Kfiail Grocer, AND SHIP CHANDLER gl family GrocariDs and Cabin Stores! 1L a specialty. j 1 > Constantly iceeivir.g ft cm Ft. Louis. a| tiic bc>t FAMILY FLOUR, iVIIOLKSALK GROCERIES, 7 i.muons 1 PLANTATION SL" PPUES, it the princple Store, formerly occupied _ jy J. Fyler, Corner Bay aud West Street BAKERY. fe Having completed the erection of a y ittikery at my premises, at the corner Hay wd Scott Sts., I shall keep a constant supply of fre: h 13KKAD eke. I have leaned the services of an experienced baker mid by using the finest grades of flour, shall endeftvor to secure a share of public patronage. Call and inspect samples. ? GROCERIES. | a speciality at the Store Corner of Bay j !Uk1 Scott Street. I JUST RECEIVED, j * AT TUB. mUMUM! . JOB PRINTING OFFICE, j A fi.Il lino of si:?>orior PAPERS, ENYEI/iPES, | DILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, CARDS, ETC. print ilia (lciio neatly aiul eliqily. All onlcr* promptly attended to. (f>rist ;>i>rt .ffrd. & a. WALLACE,' j Cotton Factor | GRIST MILLS R, Wliolcitnle Dealer in MBmmi,fSS3,2tt., Is i1 Boa Island Cotton Bought, 0it!tied ami prepared for mar- | ket. | Advances Aiadc on Consignments, j; j Having the host machinery for ginning cotton ami grinding corn and meat, he is j prepared to execute all orders on the j shortest possible notice. ( i The highest price paid for , Cotton and Corn. Cotton ginned on toll. jan.7. .11. 6. ELLIOTT, lira ti r?:'l : j h%! x */ .'. V/.' Tj, y ('?}., Vhrtrirnfon s, v. THE BEAUFORT ST3AH lllll COHPAHT,!; [ r.Wl Nt; ITT IT \ HI." 1ST MILL AT THEIR j 11 old stand, a." j.i > pared to hiruisli f?r:st, Feel and .Meal, any .jnantDy, rra I it r -as-inaMe rates. > .,ru rnTT 0 p/ t * t ' .* 1 i ) 2^ "LJ I iv . ri v li 1 1 j r% ^ ( ? (3 Jrhsj -"> rf->>. - i/^n al c?-m:Jxss.dr. :.?<?.* - h d"'^\/r.^v y vr <tp?prv f) f " 'j 4 * ** K w;?* V-M ! I | i FAMILY" GROCERIES [/>i U >>s-r^?35r' r% : ' v. -- . I *tS|" ! 1 r^gr^jgjjP' A:fi'coi\ii.^ViDrr, ,. ? .<> ;>J ?|J /' A* ' fr'/*;-"' :N * t'<;' v'T' * ' "?v?kif; j-^-,1 <*? '4 ^jr'jjT * I <$> ' ?:% *"*> <#:)r,?v7 r^crJ'?r*r n.^jlxira C' P wjfit"1 \ .0^; 'J .... .. . - ". ^ SKA ISLi A: !J U9TEL, ~:"^y f has r;Ki: u aa-otusED. THE PATH OX AGE OF TflK TiLVYELLING PUBLIC IS SOLICITED. james o b el l j - - - - Proprietor. If STOCK BP ill AT THE OLD STAND OF J'&eefe Apple. 1 HAVE THE PLEASURE TO AXMMINCE TO MY FRIENDS AND PAthat I Have jn*t receive I A complete stoek of SPRING AND SUMMER goods, Such as DRESS GOODS. T.lNhNS, NOTIONS. attd the handsomest lodofEDGINGS and INSEltTlNCS, also CLOTHING; HATS, &c. GENT'S furbishing GO Otis, Boots arid Shoes,. All ol' the latest styles. Give us a call and jodere the prices for yourselves. lay Street. JACOB APPLE, Beaufort, S. C< Are You Going to Paint ? then t'sz njiw yodk esamed paint co.'s O H 23 Sfl S S3 ii Ea FAIN * Ready for use in White, and ov or One Hundred J)if.pereNt CoLb'ds made of rictly prime White Lead, Rinc, and Linseed Oil, Chemically combined, warranted inch Ilni'.l Gin-1- and C'nciiy<.\ an I to List TWICE AS LONG as any other Paint, t has taken the l/lRST PR EM I EMS at twenty of the State Fairs of the the Uriiod ud is on many thousands of the finest houscsju the couutry Address: N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT co. . *1B vsnn:LVriE .ir.n103 CteiteStreet, New Tit " TI313 WED SEWING MACHINE COMP'Y., Is prepared to offer the niost liberal terms FIZZ JSTSYb fsTTTISllft. JL *** AJ.& .1 Jh. W A ?Who will deal in? Sewing Mai'Imies of its Man'ftiirdi :0 W, . PiiMIlIsY F.a^OlITE, '. lisName Indicates fis Qualities; Refer to 250,000 Families Who Have Them in Usc> V -T?fl *5 J&- Q NAMED G3NNBAL FAVORITE, BECAUSE Adapted to evciy possible * . ' -v? rk. ?0 ur corn pet itois acknowledges that For Tailors and Shoemakers, IT STAN'OS WlTllOtT A RIVAL Address, Weed Sewing Machine Company; Pcc.CO. Xos. 01 and 53 St. Charles St., Baltimore, Md. PORT ROYAL BfiilROAP. ' Maafcsodt"Uow Lost, How ResUrodl . . .. ,^-f* . . % yT^ I J "St ptitdfehed, a new d - - ' v- "A Vf <*>? ef l)r Cnlwerwell*. ^ ^rr-.!' 'It V Celebrated Essay on the ^ ^ j^V" C, | ra-lictl rv> (without iHcdiein^ofSPKBXATORBIiOEi | ?>r tSeutirstl Weakness; Inrohwtaty Seminal Ix?se* ?' - " jv^drkj"'^', Mental p?1d I'b^KKl JhtitptcUy, Im; .-l;uKiil- i> Marriege, etc.; ilfia C^??W'*pnox Magnolia Passenger Soute, ? OF WMBSH't*K. i. Price, i>i :i sealed envelope, onlr six cent*. L'PliKlN'Ti'OFl'K'K P'?UT CoVAl. PAf! I'?'I> I The oiebratetl author, iu this admirable Essay i (.? M-iv ' Ks7,'> I . . .. . .- ? . .i i_... ' .i? 1.1 . . ?, ...... .... , ?-1? .1 y oemons-rates, ironi a uiiriv jian sucwssrur TV V'*11 ** ,,:K'ta" : fractfv, that the ubrniiu* confluences of self oil 011 and atior Jla; 1, ? >. ,, ...... i GUIXG SCI 'l*a. '1'rnin Xo. I. l.Vrily. :,b"s0n,a>' lv ra.lically cured without the dangerous use of Internal medicine or the application of the .eavo Au>mstn > an: , . ? # T * .. Kiiire;| itnlin^ out a mode of cure at once simp! .rave '!-' > pi' . , _ . r v . . ? i f-'rtalu and effectual, by moans of which every rrivt or .o. a . ^ , , sufferer, no null tor what lib condition may bo rriie at . \aiiii. 1 may cure liiiusolfcheaply, privately, and nidicalty \rrive at Charleston 4 2*pm . , ,,, ? , , , * WriwaUackf-mvilic >"'? > '? f 1 \. Tins lecture should be in .hands of every GUI At; AOIITU. Train >??. r;. Unity. youth and every man fu the lard, heave Jacksonville - ! ? !' ?> *'5,f Mn'1' r * !' 1,1 3 l,,af" cnTckH*, any adl.e-ve.^ivanuali - .) <? a ia ?'r-o n receipt of six cents or two po*i Lr*c Charleston S W 11. j . VC iV.t i'oj; 1 1 > 1-. a m AMn>* tho r,lbl,*hnr?. I??v.I'uJ, n so Pp. F. BKITAM k SO.V, . _ Arrive at Augusta S 'W|?u -II Aau St., Stw York Pott Otfice Box o]tinner. . i April 27tli I?j. "v The only 7v.t ' ' . , r * "~ the Atlantic ami Gulf ltaMrord ?! av.;;.- !i. :11* t i | 1 Ijl ? ; | #1 n jf f rrmn and io Jacksonville and all point* mi l twrMa, 8^5 1 I # ' . V. ? 1'. " avoiding lie- l<oe/. hdions and w> !:-!c;o.\.? < n. us v-/a GOHAHT t ft&Qll r.;.-Couiiections made at Au^tista with ilcS-with I ,?.,h Carolina I.'ailr.?a<l fur Aiken, is. C., Clarion.'. Col- ( h j*, ^OW } Hhl ARhlj TO Hjll uuihia and Au.uir ta Railroad tor a. 1 points ^ NIS1I I? K ill any quantity CllStOUierfl A.,*,** byap- U,:V dw?rc' lVoUi th Icc I lyin^ to ul> at I'm .uitoil o{ i. (Tsovcnth. Street. Tiuuqfh. JOHN CORANT, I?. <<. I I.s.M i >'?, i ' . , _ s.J. A. EMMONS T. >. I?A 'AM. p ' t:*!. f';t >. - rtt 1 ;