University of South Carolina Libraries
.1. ? ie:vc?e.2?. 'l'i11: i?v>ii*r i:: ?va:.. STANDARD &;iJ lisiViifiLnLiAi. A. < ' . TiidMA"? ? Beviforfc, S. 0 , Jhne 2\ 1S7(;. SI liAIPTIO.VS. Our War, ? J ?!(' Kl\ Moullu, 5 Ot> Advrrtisirmt'ah will Ik- i:??.vvf<w :\i ih? ratr of SI V) per sMjnnrr, 10 )lu"<>, for the :lr-f in<cill?n: ??*'?t<i ..I In-tn-lloiu J>y ron'rart, .?<>!! I'UINTINT. ANi> -i ATloNI.UV. WV have '"i" "T!ii_ iti-?t empiric JOK OlTIOTis n the State, ami ?1<? work as \\\ ii and at as low priors a? In the cities. Our stock ?>t'SYATIONKKY islprgr Pul will Ik? sold \vlv?l* s;ih* juul Mm', riiarlfsti?n au?l Savnuiuth. IVvils arul law blanks la jjror.t variety. Oilicial Paper of itoaufort Connl*" C\^- A i <&y> V^l-V *<FOR PSSSECTT, RUTHERFORD 0. HAYES OF OHIO. FOR VIC'S FRE3ID3NT, WILLIAM A. WHEELER, OF NEW YORK. WHO IS HE! Rutherford Birchard !Iayo > the nominee of the Republican party ibr President was bom in Delaware, Ohio, Oct. 4d\ 1822. Tie graduated at Kenyon. College in 1842. an 1 the same year commenced the study of law in Columbus and in 1843 graduate 1 at the Law School of Harvard University, was admit el tn the bar at M arietta, an 1 commence 1 hi practice at Frccuiont. He common-cd official life in 183,8, as city solicitor o{ Cincinnati, and was at this time c >nsi?lcre<l one of the most brilliant youn*. lawyers at the Cincinnati bar. In, he joined alio Union a" v _ . At -i' .1. - .,i i ai -i . ?> major, ui ine wn;o, mutuny. which he, together with Judge Mattla w<" Lad raised. His career as a military g'Lce. was as brilliant as it had been in civi! li'b. rising rapidly to the rank of Lieut. Colonel, and Colonel, until in 1S?'4, tor gallant services in the battles of \Yinchester, Fisher s 11:11, an l Cedar Creek In wa promote 1 to Brigadier General a it' brevetted Major-General, and it has be.n said 1 no braver or more dashing ant enterprising commander gave his s irviee to the republic than Gen. If ayes." lie w; is not one of those who seek hon ors or place, but rather had honors thrust upon liini anl tin p'.ne sought the man. i?uch was his patriotism, and high sense of duty that when in t!u muuimn of 1SC4 he was nominate I for Congress by the Republicans of In Second district of Ohio, he made the following characteristic reply: In, " "Yours of ?is received. Xliank-. J have other business just now. Any mar who would leave the army at thi< time u electioneer for Congress ought :. l< scalped. . Truly vonrs, 15. B. Hayes. *' lie was however elected, beating tie: democratic nominee by a majority o 2, loo, anl in 1^06 was re-elected by ; majority of 2,550, anl in 1 <07, In defeated Allen (t. Thurman, for th? governorship of hi^ state. In In To although in tho previous election th, democracy had carried Ohio by 17,0 0 (Jen. Hayes, as the only man the Bepnb I"cans eould nominate with any hope oi mi cess, was placed in Bid lb;] 1 again.r Allen, an 1 such was the warmth anc energy t h it he threw into tho canvas that it brought out the large t vote In over-03,000 ever ca-t in Ohio. It i.evident from the above brief sketch thai tho party has placed in tho held one o! the strongest canlidatcs tnat c u! possibly be named and a lie it ted to be v. by tho opposition. nat ire an 1 goaliu of oar c ).;nt y demand parties for its prote tion an1 jr nernuient. conse ;vc itly cacli party 111 i-t have advocates whose support is founded upon some conviction of the truth o! their principles or policy; an I when journals like the T i'juue j rofess to haw woparty it is because it has no priuo'i eto advocate. The reason the IriLiuc stirted out as an independent journal a:r promised to " yo for ' people was !>; t.u-\ by such a programme it capeetci to i* bought up by ulficials who had a Ivertisim. to do, ail thus it hoped to pay its \v:>\ and give its editor a living. J)ut as tat public had 110 confidence iii the character or influence of that independent sluCi i axed wroth and began a war upon tlie IVunty'' r a urer, in which it 1. is not bad the sympathy or open support <?r'u dc-.eiit man in the whole county. There has Icon no time in the history of that paj or. with no principles to support, ihat it could not have been bought out body ami smuI with a little advertising from eounty o'fi Tals. I lad the county treasurer give n the 1 ribnne advertising it would never have contained a lire aramst that o'iicer. ? roxtiHESsM v.v ^malis is <ti;l working energetically ibr this so :tiou. (> i orilny iist lie succeeded in having piaeed ii. the appropriation bii!, an ayienduicu! appropriating-^4-),Olf.) ibr the constriction of a light house on Hilton Head, an I oa Hay iVint, which iriil be of great sorvie: t .> tiic increasing eommercitl imp r :iii -c ol idort lb .yah " * ' ? T* -Cft... - .. ??!*? 1' . -. ; \ > *.'am. * . ' ! o:\ r". i: iy a ' ... \ n:_ in_l'aij.-! :u the u \\%\i i* , 1 l'? ' | >i i%l \ *?1 1 'til C I'.' ' ' lv.'i it ihe* :v 4 -tii.Mj-Iiiii' iit 4,w riiijrc :i. *!> a? c ! i !' .;? ! I; : i ;-!i 1 t?:iy t'oiiit rtiliaikv !< il tjjii ?;% South Caiolhia. The e hatl' ir <ft" t'lTi iioyal i n \v t?;:o of the c best or; r 1 Attyu.iocoast. and according 1 to thfnpioimi.iif eminent Ongi icers :tt ;l I l; other i ob.ervcys. i* might at a n co::ij a rati oly small expense be male ?1 the be t port of entry on the Atlantic i cea.-t. l\ ft Ilova: is now the terminus of | a railti ad and b Is fair at -v\ early day to 1 l.cvotne a dace of con.adorable cummer- l * .al importance. 'iho appropriation was ; 1 1 secured in spite of the (leorgiu delega- >" iion, who were unremitting in their ef- i forts to haw the naval rendezvous re- ; n t<? Tybce i-!an !. To no one is : J i.' lioya! ?j:tv indebted for this sue- | i ee-1 than .Mv. Smalls, iiis success as a ? >dot in the navy during the late war an i t 1....v a, ! i a vn|'iiu?i *'i a > uu.iu in utv '|ua? ?v. ...?? j tor's tli-; artmenf. t ag other with 'tis devo- 1 tiou to the Lo t interests of the navy, I have won liini the confidence an t esteem ; ; of aii the naval officers ot* this city.?Au-, 1 ! lianaf 1?'. I t | 'IIIri Iv.?lid Jury of Colleton County>> i j> o.-ented the County Commissi tiers ' ( ' and tJu<!> c Mahcr directed the Snlloitor | to p c.are in I let in en ts, but was inform- ; 1 : ed that the indictments had been already . prepared by the Attonn y-<Jenoral. These in liefnsvtiis were prepared be | fore the comt met in Colleton, and before any presentments bad been made by the (j rand Jury. The Attoroey-bienoral was not at the Colleton court awl therefore the Judge saw through the con-pira- ( cy and refused to try the ca-e this term, l saying that 44 tho nunc tiling had been ' attempted at Iheaufort, but had fallen . through and that he intended to wash, ] li s bauds of this dirty business.This ) part the Tribune seems to have forgotten.' ( Tmk bill which passed the House of tteprc.seafativc.-i at \\~a: hington, to | equalize the homilies r-f .ohiicra and, -ailors, provides tlnit all who were hon-' irably discharged. wh 3 'served between' April I ST.I and May ISO's shall receive eight dollars and a third per month for the time of service, deducting therefrom any aula1! bounties already paid by the j United States or by any statv*. It is generally concede 1 that the chances of its! passage by the Senate are more favora- ! i b!e now than they ever wme. ? Gov. Haves is an honest n a\ < He is , | x gentleman; he i> rich; Hi-, licighbnre | i ill speak well of"Iiiui; lie is re-pee ah'e { in every relation of life, publirnnd pri\ ate 11:-- nbilitioare fair, his judgment good, his mnga of information suHivieiit lor practical purposes, and the finalities and temper of his mind are reasonab'y above j the level of safe mediocrity. There is im i ?ccci:tr:c:ty about him, political or other. ; tnd he belongs to his party throuah and j through. We suppose lie has never ; failed to vote in his life and has never , voted a split ticket. There is nothing about him to rend the s ppo t of any Republican. He will be. Lacked at the polls by the fall strength of bis oarty. tnd probably .-ome thing mo:e. - X: J'. Sut. :? Tito Tn'tnnc has never announced itself democratic or republican ; but its olitoran 1 ?>nb!i*her is one of the out east j '''giJoonitj.<, who, having neither | courage or patriotism to light, followed in the wake of the Go ion army old clothe; and religous tracts to he freedmen, an l oecasionally buying j a few p<Hin Is of cotton from the negroes, j When the war ended he migrate 1 north with that noble ban 1, an I after a few years returned to his.oil haunts, and m-ccee.ssfuHy began his career, as clerk. ' a or and storekeeper, in each he was a : Now he riin* a new paper with out principles, expecting both parties to believe be is in their supp >rt, but in this lie has fade 1. The next we expert to } ao v Al'tltie ** lull4 f. I.fv' 9 u f !V?H ttauv vu.iviik V ..c 4 10 11A.U j ho h is turno.l minister and i- trying to ! enlighten, as ofyme his eyorc.l brerhorcn by nst'uj ic'th (ho gospel. Truly in thrs m:?:i tho.c is consolation , for the '?> .noerucy, a bright an.I burning ! licit* hi 1 unJer a bushel. lie nob'y " 5 j fltilc I as a repeb iean ho -,.u -e there was 1 a j imhrv in it.We pa: t with him iu 1 tears, au.,1 hue 1 hint ovor to tho tender) metrics of tho Jo:n >.*; .: -y, with the! request that they subscribe dating tbo \ < campaign to the TriLuue. f, Ns i i CovcRNOtt Hayos, the Republican Presidential candidate, has it seems, ! boon Ire'cy i;i ie.'uuiirv as well aspolitiia! ; ' m tcrs. His moans are said o he lil ) . iai. tw) b.i luloi uncles 1 aving left 1. in the one a quarter of a million >1 dhtrs, ami ( the o hor a1 uut four hundred thousand !, . v .lobars. *ak? ? ?S ) it was n ?o v! tiling that lhs.; Tweed wasconvivle 1, and u it vra.? a good thing for that hor I of u. t ::.s 'At lire I upon free 1: an'.- and societies and the i refits of old clothes arrl religous ! tracts sent out by unsuspecting chrbt-' ] i t:':is to ehri.-iain'ze tlie, an 1 tho e I who could mah^ three or futr graves oat ; i oft he hones of one poor soldier, or h!l a ' i half dozen graves from the ancient relies 1 J of a government mule. i ' ! There wore self yaeriSolng patriots in j t.h'v-e ueys. What a glorious thing it | wa- that they were in the quartermaster's ring, ami that it was in military times, ! amd that it was all done n elevate tho i I po ?r lit gro. 1 If courts, indictments an I liw, had been in vogue then, there would be a 1 I /? * . . 1 .i. 1 i 1 j j !_".v ro ' rare hmo:u ntne-iy \vjk::i i itare's oo >;p >;tun:iy fur tliviu to .steal. <,?>* ? 1 A KoutuckLiu 0:1 Port Koval. j The Thomas L. Jones i:i >| c; k- * , iti_r to tlie amendment to the appr>pv:a- a t:on biP. introduced hy C\>ng:e>sman 'Smdk >:r 1: " I I.??,v tJiis amendment wi'i he t< yv barb. . of cult lliyu ! ' (k?\v out; j f r!; ?,i . .!; At!:?n le an1, i\.. i.ll.. 10 tllC OO.Iii.'.l Ui ill 1 J * 'Is %l i.kt M lit . ??? i ; - V lh v?0- V I \ V'i Slight III 0 ?mp t:M Ve:V Sin 1 xpiuse bo made the very be.-.t pt?rr f ntry on the American coasr. 1 would ike to enlist the svmpatliies ?f this com* * ' iiitlee for th oM State ul S"Utli Candi- ! i t in tliis regard. the is in a most liiapidutcd and. forlorn condition: and, t' we catii-H re-tore h_v to her former dace a- a i iuLde.-tu d pow-w in this Ju o . we u ay at lea-1 very greatly p:on itc Iter in erects in a material way. I lave a tender regard fur the th avoid <tato atr.i all its people. Port ltoyal is io\v iho terminus of a railroad, and eve nil of the most important railroad >r?>jects are tending in that direction. It s therefore emiuentiy to the advantage the wliole count ty, an I -especially ol .lie southern country, and more especially >f the Suite of South Carolina, that this larbur should he improved, and the resaratiou of tlusc head-lights is essential is a beginning at 1 -as: ofgrcater improveuoiiK L hope the amendment of (he remleman from South Carolina will Le dlowed to go into lite bill. ' ... ? French ought to know whether the ireaaucr s ohicc is a ki flesh pot or lot. lie seemed to have more money svhen he was clerk, in that office than any time since, lie has been financially a failure in everything .since he lott that position. The 31 en to be Beaten. % Governor TildcnJ was noininatctl yesterday as a ea didate, on the democratic platform, at St. Louis, for President. IIknduicws, is the man that Wheeler has to beat for Vice-Presidency. <*> Ji P :k 31 ah or, rcfeniug to the tr'als of the officials ol this County, sa d in substance when an attempt was made to iniet officials, at Walterboro, u cases of a similar nature, which savored more of a persecution and oppression, than of fraud on thepait of the treasurer or County Commissioners, have been tried in litaufort. " ? . 4 *S> 11 Port Moultrie Centennial'' is the expiessive title of a Jiror/nnr. handsomely illustrated and of considerable literary merit, which we have received in advance, from the publishers, Messrs. Walker, Kvans iV Cogswell. Part i. which is in hand, is an account of the'doings at Fort Moultrie June L'Sth, 177t). Many new an i interesting features of this strugg'e arc brought ou which gives peculiar value to the pnhlica tion. The engraving of .Jasper Restoring the flag is a leproductiou ofLeuze": famous pa'iriug, which was deployed in I Stj 1. A sketch was save 1 by an amateur, from which the engraving was made, fins, or the splendid engraving of thai elegant gentleman and gallant soldier. Geul .Moultrie, is alone worth the < nJn price of the book. There are a la:gnumber of v. tiicr interesting an I new engavinas of (paint old thing . Pari II, we !<?<?! ; forward to with great interest, as it will he an idu-tratetl account of-.he Grand Ceufetmial Celol ra tion. Lao" Part soils for 20 cents j?; copy. edition. 3d cents per copy, and will be sent per mail, postage pre -m ? :... -J'. i... .i in: l. }?HIU, Uli J'l'Wipj <Jl pilCO, IJY V.JJC J'HMili-IIers. ? . . It: lief. The relief committee of Yarnsyiile acknowledge, in addit ion to those noticed by us last week, the following contribu lions: From Messrs. Riordan, Dawson & Co.. 257 pounds bacon. Through Messrs. Riordan, Daws on, & Co.: Cash ?5. from kkA. Broker, "cash ?5 from "A Widow's Mitecash ?5 from "Combahee Su'fererscash, SJ, from '\Mite;" cash, ?5 from Sympathizer. ' Through W. 11. Mooro Esq., City Editor Augusta Constitutionalist, cash, *9 25. Young Men's Christian Association. Augusta lr 20 Lu-hcls meal. Through .Messrs. Wn ker <0 Fleming, of Spartanburg, eusii ?36. Through Maj. Win. Elliott, of Beaufort, from a friend, 50 cents. James \V. Moore, E <p, GUiisonville, c*a h, ?10. T. B. J one. who was granted a change of venue by Judge Maher to Colleton County was acquitted of the cliarge of murder of the colored train hand at Yemasscc. Tiie testimony varied somewhat from the account we received, and published, from a friend of the : r'sonc. a i attack upon the prisoner w!io was in fear of his life at the hands of the deceased being alleged. Great excitement prevailed and threats ol bodily injury we:o expressed, against Judge Malier, and the prisone.'.; counsc' \Y. J. Wlfpper, Esq. The jury was composed of eleven white men and one colored man. Mr. Whippcr's plea was ;i masterly effort so effectively delivered is to draw tori's iiom both spectators and jurors. The 41 Seaweed,"' that tabes the place of the Fortune as tender to the Sleet at Port Royal, earns up to Beaufort for the first time on Fi e is quite a handsome craft. Admit al Leltoy with the flag-ship Hartford arrived at Port Royal on Tucslav, an/ "ill probably sail for Philadelihia on ? unlay. ? V corresponde it of the X. Y. Jl>'i'<r.I writes of Port Royal, that it is lenlthy the year round, and no finer i.irlor can be found in the country. ? ?Why should our nominations please he (hangers? Because they arc !way- delighted when Hay's up" f/7" Quite a number our citizens wen, o the Hou'tiie Centennial celebration at ' " '.1 ' I' 1 '! "S lilj.". MA KINK NfciVS. 1'i.r.AUi.n.?June -1st from St. Helena : Sound ??r. i?e\ \\. (\ fucker. Miller, I master. for Swaii.-ea with IA tons nfj phosphate r??ck from Coosaw Mines. 4* June iM.-t Swedish l?k. Orskar, j J(4;an-S!in, Master. h?r Loudon with 701 tons m' ph?> phate reck from Coosa w * Mines. " June iMst? Russian Bk. YvstavaC ' j . Rurnnm, master, for Dublin, Ireland, t with i,t'OJ tuns uf phosphate rock front 1 . Oak Point Mines. \\ I | Judge : 4: Have you anything to offer ! to the court before sentence is passed on j yon Prisoner. " No judge; I had! j ten dollars, hut my lawyers took that. j I. . . ,T . , . Tijmns ?air.5. K. A. Scliper, vs. K. Warren. W. W. I.claud, vs. ('. IT. Warren. II. Myers A Era'*., vs. C. F. Warn n. (J. Waterhiuise, vs. C. E. Warren. W. If. Calvert, vs. C. K. Warren. T. J. I'unbar .fc Co., vs. C. E. Warn n. l'.y virtue of a writ of fieri facias to mo directed j^ntl lodged in my offer, T will sell at public outcry j in fr-'iH of my office in the town of Beaufort, on I the first Tuesday in .Tuiy next, 1S7G, being (lie ttli J day of said month between the legal hours of sale I th following property to wit: All the right tills and Interest of C. K. Warren, in and to 8 Wd-deads; 1 el i amber sot; 12 mat trashes; 4 wash stands; 23 sheets; 24 pillows; 2d pillow cases! 12 pair blankets 4 counterpanes; 5 spreads; 3 towel racks; 2G chairs; 2 ret king chairs; 38 fine chairs; r icking ciiair-; f>*niall tables; 2 common tables; 0 fine round tables; 1 extension table; 6 bed spreads; 19 common curtains; 0 tine curtains; 1 bureau; 2f> towels; li spitt-'vsns; 4 looking glasses; 230 yards o^ mailing; d slop tubs; 9 table c?>rer?: S3 doilies; 8 chamters; 1 lot lamps; 1 bung borer; 1 picture; 4 brackets; 4 waiters; 2 wash tubs; 1 coffee mill; 1 wati r cooler; 1 cigar lighter; 3 yds gr. melton; 2 oil cans; 1 ice box; 1 cupboard, 1 safe; 3 shakers; 1 tine side board; 2 sofas; 1 fine ale pump; 1 cooking range and fixtures; 9 iron pots; 2 large codec pots; t frying pans; 2 tea pots; 3 dish pans; 4 .tin sauce pans; 5 tiu buckets; 1 large tin cake can; G baking pans; 2 covers; lot tin measures; 111 assorted plates; 73 -mall cups and saucers; 10 covered rice duhes; 0 utcat dish s; ids assorted vegetable dishes; 2 soup dishes; 4 milk pitchers; 4 sugar dishes; 1 zi^c meat boater, 4 large pitchers; G butter dishes; G wire fruit stands: 11 ?;la?s cake stands; G large jolly dishes; 22 "ma'l jelly dishes; 4 custom; 10 celery stands; 6 decanters; ^0 goblets; 41 wine glit-sea; 11 wine glass11 v/.In fimibli rs* 11 u.*iiio .1 hitler bul tics; Hit bar glasses; 0 fine bar glasses; 1G tea spoons' 41 tablespoons; G bar si>oons; 5 butter knives; 21 | tabic knives; 21 forks; 1 silver strainer ami 2 wire j strainers; 24 galls, whiskey more or less; 4 1-4 galls- J ."-i.( roix rum; 12 galls, gin more or less; 1 gatl brandy; 4 galls, -tien-v; 1-2gall. Jamaica rmn;5 bottles syrup: 4 bottle* claret; 1 1-2 bottles alisynthc; bottles Con ;rvsS water; 21 bottles ale; 1 do/., bottles port-er more or less; 2 bbla. ale; 11 dctnijons; 2 horses; 1 buggy, and set of.harness; 1 steam tug? ai.d otln r aitielcS? levied upon as the property ol (J. E. Warren at the suit of E. A. Scheper and others. Terms cash. W.M. WILSON S. IIC. Eft. S. June 10th 1?7:?, 22.2!. siu:nitrs E. A. Srheper, vs. C. K. Warren. W. W. Leland, vs. C. E. Wanvn. II. Myers A Bros. vs. ('. E. Warren. (i. Walerliouse, vs. ('. E Warren. W. II. Ca-vcrt. vs. <\ E. V'arnn. T. J. l>it bar A vs. <\ E. Wstt -n. By virtu* of a writ ut'fieri facias to mo d'recti d iml i'idgiil in tr.y olfieo. I will sell, at public out' -try, at I'.ut Itoyal on Wo lues lay, the tilth day ot it ly next, 187(1, between the legal hours of sale ih. olhvviug personal j r<'|? !ty to wit: All the right title and interest oft'. E. Warren, in ami t>2 billiard tables; II bur decanters, 20 wine lass >; IS champa me glasses: SI Utr glasses; 8 gol . ! (>; 12 bottles whisk<y; 12 bettks wine; 8 bolt lest wati r, is boili.s champagne; is bottles wine or syrup; 5 bitter bottles;; J sugar bowls; 1 water cooler, 1 beer pump; t jogettraco; 1 1-2 galls corn whiskey; 2 g-.tlls. rum; 10 galls.colored spirits' "? galis. scotch whiskey; s galls, port wine; 1-2 gall' catavvha vvfn 7 2 galfs. applebrandy; 10 galls, .slurry win"; 24galls, whiskey; I case gin; 4 doz. ale; t; h >; ties c-doring; 2 1 Kittles maraschino; 4 boxes rock *nnly; 2 tables; 1 rubber hose; 1 ice chest; lie. tour. "< brackets: 1 duster; 0 spittoons; 1 water coolcr:?i cue rack; 2 kegs; ] funnels; 2 t' rufjons: 2slop buckets; 1 box corks; 1 crihbage l*>x; 1 slate; 2 brooms; 1 sprinkling pot; 8 chairs; 1 brace and bill 16 faucets; 1 wagon; 1 hum *ss; 1 lot carriage fit mi lure; 12 c lery glasses; 1 lot empty barrels; 21 black pai u'.ed ehiirs; 1 tuck hammer; 2 canopies f.?r b -ds. ! building anl appurtenances; 1 lot old and new bodes; 4 bottles ink; 2 bottles essences; and lot of other articl-s levi xl upon a< the property of C. E Warren, at the suit of E. A. Scheper et. al. Terms cash. WM. WJE50X. Sf B. 0. Eft.. June 20,1S7G 22.2-t SHERIFFS SALE. Ilaheoek and Wilcox, vs. The Port Royal Cotton. Compressing Warehousing and Power Company. L. C. Warner, vs, The Port Royal Cotton, Com pressing Warehousing ami I'ower Com pan v. By virtue of a writ of fieri facias to me directed and lodged in my otfice I will sell at public outcry in Bout of my office in the town of Port Royalon the first Wednesday, the fifth day of July ncxt 187fi, between the legal hours of sale the following personal property to wit: All the right title and interest of the Port Royai Cotton Compressing Warehousing and Power Com, pany in a: d to I.ots 17,18, Id, 37, 38. 39, 40, 14, 15' ::4, 35, in Block 33 and lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 21, 22, 23, 24 2-7 in Block all in the City of Port r Royal in the County of Beaufort, and State Of .South Carolina, under a ! ase and agreement executed by 1>. F. Appletou to George A.. Bennett and . no. MeFall dated July 21st 1ST3, recorded in the ! r.girter's olTico of Bcaulort County, book >"o. T> page C-55 and bv Ihciu ossigucd to the Port Royal I Cot ton Compressing and Warehousing Co, Also 1 steam boihr, and all.appurtenances, including steam and water guages; 1 Boetor pump connected j therewith; 2 iron pifkcrs; 1 hoc; 1 blacksmith's an- j I vil; 1 blacksmith's bellows; 1 stationary boiler, out of l j order,1 piecesiuokestack, new;2 pieces.nnoke staik. j I old;5;WKi feet lumber more or less ; 1 stationary steam in ;ino; 1 hydraulic pump; 1 s<?t iron pipes between steam engine ai.d b liter; 2 s ts iron pipes between steam engine ami boiler; 2 iron vices; 13 cast iron urate liars; 1 lot iron pipes, old; 2 iTon lifters; it water buckets; 1 truck wheel; 1 boiler head; 7 pieces j new iron pipe; 1 lot band ends; 1 lot scrap iron; 1 large iron wren h; 1 lot iron bolts; 1 journal; 1 .-team connection; (thee chairs; 7 pieces due. j piping;2 iron rods; 1 piece sheet irou; 14 grate bars, j burnt out: 1 bucket tallow; 2 cotton comp:ess, good | drder; 1 cotton compress, bad order; 1 lot of iron | bauds, no buckles; 1 lot iron bands, with buckles; 3 sets shafting and six pulleys attached; 1 pump, lift : ami force comb ined and pipe attached; 1 wooden wat r tank; 1 small lift pump; 1 large'" live oak" log 1 coal stove an J pip* s; 1 lot machinist's tools and iron piping; 3 steam guaires; 1 water gunge; 1 lot j j twine; 3 leather baud#; '1\Z keg nails; 3 wliite wash | | brushis; 2 lots gum packing; 1 puce heavy leather ! i 1 hand pump; 1 office stamp; levied upon as the i | property of the Port i!?>yal Cotton Compressing ' Warehousing and Power Company at the suit ol | Pabeoek and Wifcox and L. C. Warner. Teruis cash. WM. WILfON", ' i , t . U, S. MAIL.'; v i 11 SOUTH CAROLINA. POST OlTlt K I>EPAKTMKXT, 1 e. \V\-HlH>.T(iN. I). C. . *T- .*' May 20th., ls7G.) . PROPOSALS v. ill r. ii\vd>ttho Contra't of- ' lic<* (if litis Ijiririin.-iit until :> o'el.iek p. in. of v i.Ttii of July, ls7 i, tin I*1 decided iiy i li.t ::i>t July.) tl !i>r carrying lit mails of tin* Fnited .States from Oe- ! ober 1st.. lSTil. to Juno lSst), on the following i routes in the State of South Carolina, ami Itv the j >chcdtilc of J iiartures an I arrivals herein specified riz: i IIJIT.? rami ehnrli sfun t > I.c.'aivviile, 20 mil' r ami ba? lc. once a w1"1' j : Leave Charleston Weduc. ay at 0 a. in; Arrive at Legarcville by 3 p. ir; ! , Leave L 'u'areville Thursday at G a. m. Arrive at ( liarleston at S|>. in. 1 Solid required with hid, cOOO. < 14210?Front Graham's Cross lioads, bv Siitirhdarv- ; ville and Indiuiitow n, to l arrnway's .'50 ' ( miles and back, once a week. Leave Grahams t 'ro-s Loads Saturday at 7 j | i Arrive at Carraway's at (i p. ni; L ave Cj rrnway's Friday at 7 a. in. Arrive at tiralinni's Cross Loads by 0 p. tr?. ' Horn! required with bid, $100. 11217? Niehol's by Page's Mills, Ward's and Alfordsville, to Shoe Heel, X. C., 44 miles . attd back, onve a week. Leave Niehol's Thursday at C< r, m; Arrive at Shoe Heel by K p. m; Leave Shoe Heel J'riday at f? a. m; Arrive at Niehol's by s p. in. llond required ^tii bid, $500. 14218?Frotn Gr.-euvillcC. II., by Ashntore's, Sterling <irove, t.iak I.ltwn, and Wilson's I Iridic, to Williamston, 2o miles and back, one.* a week. Leave Greenville C. II. Thursday at 8 a. nt. Arrive at Williamsten, hy .?p. in. L -ave Williamston Friday at 8 a. m. Arrive at Grccuvilie C, 11*. by 1 p. ni. llond required with bid, $300. 14211A?From Jkl^eiiehl C. II. to Abbeville C. II. 41 mill a ft ml nti.v n \r<b*lr Leave Edgefield t". II. Saturday r.t ? a. in Arrive at Abbeville ('?II. by 7 p. m, Leave Abbeville C. H. Friday nt (i a. m. Arrive at Edgefield C. II. by 7 p. m. lJoud required with bid, j-VW. 1 1220?Emm Woodruli?, iry Farley wood, Enoreo, and Tylorsville, to Clinton, 27 miles and i luck, once a week. I. aveA'oodruL'i) Thursday at 8 a.m. Arriv*f Clinton by G p. 111. Leave Clinton Friday at b a. in. Arrive at Woodruffs by G p. m. Dond required with bid, ?300. Instructions to Bidders anil Postmasters; Containing also condition* to Ic incmpomUd in the contracts to tlx extent the Department mag deem proper. The Tost master General warns bidders and their sureties to aeqnant themselves fully with the laws of Congress relating to contracts for the carrying of the mails, (the important provisions of which are citid herein,) and also to familiarize themselves with the instructions and forms herein furnishedbefore they shall assume any liabilities as such bidders or sun-ties, and to prevent misapprehension or cause of complaint thereafter, Postmasters are required to make themselves fa miliar with the laws and these, instructions that they may be able to inform and direct others. 1 Seven minutes are allowed to each intermediate office, when not otherwise spccifi'-d, for a-sorting the mails. 2 On routes where the modes of conveyance admits of it, I he special agent of the Fast Office Pepartm nt also jH?st office blanks mail bags, locks and keys are to be conveyed without extra charge. 3. "Way bills" or receipts, prepared l.y^p *traasters or other agents <?f the Ih-partm -ut, will accompany the mails specffylng the number and destination of the several Ivigs, to h examined by the postmaster-, t . insure regularity in the delivery of bags and pouches. 4 X'o pay will be f >r trips not performedand f >r each of stteh <>tui>dons, ii the fallnce be occasioned by fb-fault of the contractor or carrier thre * lira s of the trip will Ik- deducted. For arrivals so far b hind titu as to break eeunycMen with depending''mails, and uot sufucieirtlv - xcusM one fourth of:lie <rsni;-ew?ntin.i tor tii trip is sabject to forfeiture. F<-r r peat."J delinquencies of 1 lie kind herein stj?--.-i<-ed, enlarged p'-mtlfios proportiom-d to '.be nature then of and the import a net i?i im? i:a?i!if lr- iv;u?\ . ">. For leaving Uhinri or throwing off the mails, <>r any p. rtiuu of them, for the admission of pas; ti-;crs, or for'taring c u -erned in setting up or running ;:u express conveying intelligencvj in advaneedf tlie mail, a quarter's pay may be deduetod. t?. Fines will be imposed, unless the delinquency l?e promptly and -ati-facturiiy explained hy certificates of postmasters or the affidavits of other credible persons, for failing to arrive i:i contract time, for neglecting to take the iu.ti! from, or deliver i; into, a post oltiee; for suffering it to 1*; vret, injureddestroyed, robbed, or lu-1; and lor r? fusing after demand, to conwy the mail as frequently as the contractor runs, oris concerned iu rnnuiog a couch ear. or steamboat on a route. 7. Tin* IVstnix-ter General may annul the contrail for rep at -! f/lures to run agrc ab'y to eont?act; for assigning the contract; for violating tinpost office laws, or disobeying the instructions of the Department; for refusing to discharge a carrier when required by tbe Department to do so; f >r running an express a-< aforesaid; or for transporting p r-ons or trackages conveying mailable matter out of the mail. T'ao Fust master General may order an increase of service on a rout e by allowing therefor a pro rata increase on the contract pay. lie may change schedules of departures and arrivals in all cases, and particularly to make them conform to connections with railroads, without increase of pay, provided the running time be not a' ridged. The Postmaster Gcnetal /nay also discontinue or curtail the service, in whole or iu |?irt, in order to place on the route superior s rviee, cr whenever the public interests, in his judgment, shall require such discontinuance or curtailment for any oih< r causa; he allowing, as full indemnity to contractor, one month's extra pay | on the amount of services dispensed with, and a pro j rata coinja-nsation for the amount of service retain- J cd and continued. 9. Paj merits will be made by collections front, or j drafts on, postmasters or otherwise, after the cxpi- ( ration of each quarter?say in November, February, Slay and August, provided that required cvidonee of service has le*cn received. 10. The distances given arc believed fo Ik? sub- j stent tally correct; but no increased pay will be al- \ lowed should they he greater ilian advertised, if the {xjinfs to bo supplied are correctly stated. Millers must inform thcmsrlrrs on this paint, and also in rcf" crence to the weight of the mail, the condition of' bills, roads, streams, Ac., and al! toll bridges, turn J pikes, plank roads, ferries or obstructions of any ! kind, by which expense may be incurred. No claim for additional pay, based on such ground, can be considered; nor for alleged mistakes or misapprehension as to th-i degree of service; nor for bridge s di si rr yed, ferries discontinued, or other obstruc- > tioiis causing or increasing di: lance op expense occurring during the contract term. OiSccs established aft . r this adv* rt iscmeut is i-mcd, ami also during the con tract term, art' to bo visited without ex- i tra pay if the d'saucc be not inert feed. 11. Bidden are caution d to mail their#projiosals 1 in time to reach ti.e Department by the day :m:<1 J hour named in the advertisement, as bids received after that time trill nA b: considered in competition with hids of reasonable amount received in time. Neither can bids '> c>nsidcr<-d w hich arc w ithout the hot; I, oath, and certificate required by section 213, act of .Tunc 2"i, 1ST!. 12. Bidders should tint projiosc for service strict- , ly acconling to tiie advertisement,and then, if they ; desire, fcpnmMy for different service; and if the ' rcyr/i'r hit! be the lowest offered for the advertised 1 scrvic , the other prop i*itions may be considered. 1.'!. 1 here should be but one route hid for in a pro- ; posal. Consolidate*! or combination b'ds ("propos- I ing one sum for two or more routes") cannot be! lO.lsidc red. 14. The route, tlte scrvic, the yearly pay, the ' name ami residence of the bidder,(that is, his usual p.?t office address) and the name of each mcmbcrof ! a firm where a company offers, should be distinctly stated. 1*. Bidder* are requested to use. as far as'practicaMe, the'printel proposals famished by the"Depart- ! ! ;?:.; w r it . f.;!' . -urn >>( iludr ' ids, and ? ? r' 'a:*- "ft loin. ; N .1 i i d i;i ilie : ?' U\ the ->, the yearly | ay, or !?? nam.' ?i|" th bid U r, !?y eraseres or inriiii at ion*, -beiiid ir.t !> - Mihiuit ted; and it' so I ii1 i u..i i '* e< n?i<ler< <1 in awarding the*. N'? wi'hdrawal ? !'? ??i?l wiil allowed j ti iho v ithdrawuli- ivid i w inty-feur hour* j T ri > ions t<> I lie tinii' fixed tor ojh triig the pnipesals. ^ tl 1In ca>e of failure of the a? ? ? ptvd binder to n- ji elite a contract, or of t!te abandonment of s. rvice 8: riir.' th contract term, the sen ice ?rHl he r>-ad^ rt iseil a n 1 re-let atthc expanse d'th" failing hid- ii 1 -r or con traitor, and buy accepted bidder who shall rr ingfttlly refuse or fail to enter into coutraet in i a hi" form, and to perform the service described in J ii? j>roj>. sa!, tnay he ilceiiuit gttilfy of a misdem. - li ior, an 1, on conviction thereof, la? tined and im- s >ri~>:nd t he re for. - j ? 17. The Postmaster General, reserve* the right to , y reject any bi?l which may be deemed extravagant; i 11 in.l :i!s i to disregard the bids of failing contract* rs < " in i bidders. Xo contract 1*t carrying the mail shall lie made, " with any person who has entered or projiosed to' liter, into any combination to prevent the making ' >f any bid for carrying the mail, or who has tntde any> m?nt, or given or performed, or proiiiiscd | ' to give or perform, any consideration whatever to j ? in luce any other personnel to bid for any such < 1 contract. ! No bidder for carrying the mails shall ho n leas d ' fr>tn his obligation under his bid or proposal, not- 1 withstanding an award made to a lower bidder, tin- ( til a contract for the designated erviee shall have ' been duly executed by sneli lower bidder and his ' sureties, and accepted, and the service entertd upon 1 by the contractor to the satisfaction of the Poetmaster General. * By regulation of the Department, no carrier can he employed who is under sixteen years of age; and n ? bidder will b,- accepted who is under twenty-one yi ars of age, or who is a married woman. 18. The hid sh ?ul I be scaled, superscribed "Mail Proposals, State of South Carolina," address, d ' Second Assistant Pus' siu tcr General, Contract Office.'* 19. Iircry proposal mast be accompanied by a liond with two or more sureties approved by a p< ;st in aster, and in cases where the amount of the bond exceeds five thousand dollars f$.~,0001 by a postmaster of the first, sccoud or third class. Bids for service, the pay for which at the time of the advertisement exceeds five thousand dollars, must be accompanied by a corti led cheek, or draft,'payable to the order of the Postmaster General, on some solvent national bank of not less than five per centum on the amount of the annual pay on such route, and in case of new or nndified service, not less than five per centum of the amount of the bond accompanying the bid, if the amount of said bond exceeds ($?,000) five thouiid dollars. Tli? r.mount of bond required with bids, and the p vsent pay when it exceeds (So,000) five thousand dollars, are stated in the advertisement under the appropriate route. Sureties ou the bond of a bidder must take an oath before an officer qualified to admiuister oaths that they are the owners of real estate worth, in the aggregate, a sum double the amount of said bond, over and above ail debts duo and owing by them aid all judgments, mortgages, and executions against thein, after allow ing all exemptions of every character whatever. 20. All checks deposited with bids will be held until contract is executed and the serrice commenced bv the accepted bidder. Checks will then be returned by mad, on the written r^uest <f the bidder, or deliver < d to any o.i" on hut order. 21. The c-n'ra-ts are to be executed and returned to the Ve.turfmen/ by or before the i'Mh day of September, 1876 o'h- ririsr On acccjttrd bidder tcifl be considered us harH'j /tiled, cm! the I'ostmaster General may proceed to r<entrust for iht service with ether pstfiied, according to ' 'aw. Assignment; of contracts, or of interest in contracts, arc forbidden by law, and consequently can" not l>e allowed. Neither can bids, or interest in bids, he transferred or assigned to other parties, bidder* w ill therefore take notice that they wil! be expected to perform the service awarded to them through t!i i whole coutract term. 22. S xlion 249 of tlie act of June 8, 1872, provide that contracts for ihcotianaportatiouof the mai shall be "awarded to *;Ue lowest udder tendering silii ei tst guarantees. for faithful performance. wi;h? out other reference to the mwlo of such iramportalion than may he necessary to provide for the dm cderity, ccrtuiuty, and security theroof." I'ude tliis law bids tbat jripose to transport the uiail.vit'i "cderTy, certainty, and securityhaving bee.'I ' i l' l to b: the tm'y '-gal bide, arc construed us prorit'i.iyfrr the entire imiil, hour re r targe, and whatever 1 may be the tuoJ of muvrgunce necessary to insure it* 'c t rt'y, c-rt tin'y, u.i I seciiritg," and'hart the pref.r '.ice urrr ail there, and no others are considered. t xivpt tor st ^iiiiboat routes. 23. A in slid aiion <>fa bid in any of its e.i-cutiaj t'wms is t.uit.-iuio int to a new bid. and eannot be r?eciv tl so as to inteifere with regular competition. Making a new bid in projier form is the only way to modify a previous one. '2i. Postmasters are cautioned under penally rmiovttl. not to sign the approval of the tx>nd of any bidder before the bond is signed by the bidder and Ins sureties, a: d rntun entirely s la led of the safGcicncy ot'the aureti p. No pout mast r, assistant p?>t:uastei*, or clerk em ployed ia any pu?t office, shall be a coiuracti r or c niccrucd in a contrJbt for carrying the mail. 2">. lVtmasters are aUo liable to dismissal from office for acting as a: cuts of contractors or bidders, v ith or without compensation, in any business, matter, or thing relating to the mail service. They arc the trusted ageuts of the Department, and cannot consistently act in both capacities. 26. In ease the route is not supplied with pouches locks, and keys, requisition must be made upon the Second Assistant Postmaster General for the same before the date of beginning service. -I^rop" sils altered by erasures or interiincat ions of the route, the service, the yearly pay, orthe name of the bidder, witl not be considered. FORM OF PROPOSAL, BOND, AND CERTIFICATE. Proposal. The undersigned , whose post office address is , county of , State of , proposes to tarry the mails of the United States, from October 1,1870, to June 30,18 , on route No. , bclweeu and , State of , under the' advertisement of the Postmaster General, dated May 20, lSjti, "with celerity, certainty, and security," for the annual sum of dollars; aud if this proposal Is accepted be will enter into contract, with sureties to l?e approved by the Poefnuwter General, within the tunc prescribed in said advertisement. , This propositi it nunie with full knowledge of the distance of the route, the weight of the mail to be carried, dial all other particulars in reference to the route and service; and also after careful examination of the laws and instructions attached to advertisement of mail service. Dated Bidder. Oath required bg section 243 of an act of Congress approved June 23, 1874, to be affixed to each bid for ran ging the mail, and to be taken before an officer qualified to administer oaths. I , of , bidder for carrying the mail on route No. , from to , do swear that I have the ability, pecuniarily' to fulfill my obligation as such bidder; that the hid is made in good faith, and with the intention to cuter into contract and perform the service in case said bid shall be accepted. Sworn to aud subscribed before me, ? for the of , this d:,y of , a. i?. 187 , and id testimony whereof [seal.] I hereunto subscribe my name and affix my official seal the day and year aforesaid. Note.?When the oath is taken l>cforea justice Of j the peace, or any other officer not using a seal, ex- I ce. t a judge of a United States court, the certificate | ./ i.. ,i K , ort.i.-i ... i </l inu tiWi \ v* a vvuu v* ivvutu n?uow u*; auvim^ uU" der his seal of office, that the person who admi cd the oath is duly qualified as such officer. Hi h m net be aavuipanUd by a certified check, or draf I on tome solvent national bank, jmyuble to Out order of i thj Posttuaster Gene;al, equal to o per centum on the | pre.-cut niimi0( pay"on the. route, when the present pay i exceeds ?.?,iK)U; or incase of netc service, not leu than i )>er centum oftke amount of the loud accompanying the h '</, if said bond exceeds $5,000. The projHwal must be signed by the bidder or bidders, and the date of signing allied, idrcrttothe "Second Assistant Postmaster Gen i..I I cturtnv. ul, Washington, l?. C* I.,..! ."-tale <>f S nab Car' lina."1 ill .Nil. Directsout. tf. 4 Insert the names of the principal and sureies in full in the holy ?>t' th?: bon-l; also the ?lat? he signatures of the bond -hould In- witnessed,^nd lie certificate nu the iu?ide should l?c signed by a jstice of the peace, adding his official title, or if igucd by a Notary Pabiie.he should alfix hi* seal. Know all men-by thesepresent.-,Uiat ,of u the .Stale or -?, principal, and and of ??, in the State of , as surrtle*, re held and firfiily Ixiuud iinto the United Slate* of tmerica i the just arid full sum of doilais awful motley uf the Uuilcd Stales, to be paid to t h aid Uuited States of America or its duly appointed 'r authorized officer or officers; to the payment of rhich truly to be made and done, we bind ourselves iur heirs, executors, and administrators, jointly acd overall}*, firmly by these preseut*. Scaled with our seals, and dated this ? day of ?. 1ST . Whereas, by an act of Congress approved Jane 23, 1874, entitled "Au Act making appropriations for he service of the Post Office Department for the iscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred md seventy-five, and for other purposes," it is provided : "that every proposal for carrying the mail ihall be accompanied hy the bond of the bidder, villi sureties approved by a postmaster,M in pursuince whereof, and incompliance with the pro visions ;f said law, this bond is made and executed, subject '.o all the terms, conditions, and remedies thereon in the said act provided and prescribed, to accompal ny the aforegoing and annexed proposal of the said 2?cw. the condition of the said obligation 1? aueh, that if the said , bidder as aforesaid, shall, within such time after his bid is accepted ax the Postmaster General has prescribed in safal advertisement, enter Into a contract with the United States of America, with good and sufficient turetict to be approved by the Postmaster General, to perform the service proposed in hi* said bid, and further shall perform said service according to his cootract: then this obligatiou shall be void, otherwise to be in full fore-' and obligation In law. In witness w hereof we have hereunto net our hands and seals this day of , 187 . , [8I1AL.] . [SEAL.] . [SKAL.] , [8KAL.J j Witness: / . / Any alteration by erasure or interlineation c. / a material part of the foregoing bond will cause it to be rejected, unless it appears by a note or mec-v,randurn, attested by the witnesses, that the tion was made before the bond was signed anu sealed. When partners are parties to the bond the partnership name shouid not be used, bat each partner should sign his individual name. STATE OF 1 CocMTY or j J On this jlay of , 187. , pcrsona'ly aj- A pea red before me and . 4 sureties in tbe aforegoing bond, to me known to b-J ^ the persons'named in said bond as sureties, and who have executed the same as such, who being by no duly sworn, deposes and says, ho bat cxecui-ed tho within bond, that his place of n?id? nee is cormtly stated therein, that he is the owner of real estate worth the sum hereinafter i t against his nameovrand above all debts due and owiug by him, and all judgments, mortgages, and executions against him, after allowing all exemptions of every character whatever, the total sum thus assured amounting to ($ ) dollars, being double the amount of the foregoing bond. Subscribed and sworn before me this ? day of , 187 . Nc/TK.?When the above oath is taken ht-fcn a justice of the peace or any other officer not using a seal, exuopt a J udj. s >. : a U. 8. Court, the certificate of a clerk of a cunts of record must be added, under his seal of utiicc, that the persou who aituittistered the oath is duly qualified as such officer. STATE OF > K, t.'ol'NTY OF... i, cferfc of the the same being a < oui t of Record, do hereby certify that _ whose g nuiuc signature appcars to the foregoing affidavit, w s at the tim j of >icuiug the saute, a justice of the peace in aud for the Couuty and SUlc aforesaid, duly quniifl d, and that all his official acts as ?urh are entitled to full taith aud credit. In testiniouy wb-rvd, I hare her.-unW> act my hand as clerk, and affixed tbe seal of said cou t, ou this ........ day of _ 187 . [L. S.] Clerk. j CFRTIFICATE OF IlteTMAKTER I, the undersigned, postmaster at Stat* of ...... ., after the exercise of due diligence to inform tuysi if of the pecuniary ability and respondbility of the principal and his sureties in tbe aforegoing bond, and of tbe unincumbered real estate owned by them, respectively, do hereby approve aid bond and certify that tbe said sureties are sufficient? sufficient in tuy belief to insure the pay uxciu ui uouuie uie enure amount 01 me saia Dooa ; and [ do further certify that the said bond vaaduly signed by .............. bidder and . .......... aud hi* sureties, before signing this certificate. , Pott natter* Dated , 187 . For forms of proposals, bond and certificate, and also for instructions as to the conditions to bo embraced in the contract, Ac., see advertisement of this data in pamphlet form inviting proposals for mail service ia Maine, to be found at the terminal post offices of the above routes, and to be bad oa application to tike Second Assistant P. M. General. Bills sboukl bo sent In sealed envelope*, superscribe J : ".Mail Proposals, State of South Carolina,' and addressed to the Second Assistant Postmaster General. MARSHALL JEWELL, i\u areata Cenertl. EXCURSION TICKETS, TICKETS FORPHILADELPHIA to the Centennial Exhibition and return, can be purchased at Port Royal or Beaufort, by twelve different router, good for sixty days for $42.50. P. Hamiltox, Ticket Ag't P. R. R. K. ?ffiriat Sottrrj. AS S ESS MENT FQR 1876^ AVPTfT fVifTVTV ilTMTA? v/*- r iv/ii v vv ?iai n v i/x a \/n? Ikaufori, 8. C, May 22,1876. The assess went Tor the fiscal year 1876 will com* mence on * THE FIRST DA I* OF JUNE. and continue until the 20thday ot July next. Th? assessment will be for PERSOXA L PROrER TY OSL Y. but those failing to assess lauds last year, or who have sold or purchased lands since the last assessment will note said (bangeson their returns, together with any chaoses that may have taken place in the boundaries of their lands, consequent on such sale or purchase, with a statement as to whether said lauds so sold or purchased ia plow, meadow, or wood laud. This statement is uoccssi rv hi every case where lands have changed binds, and will save taxpayers much trouble, as wrll aa conduce to the correctness cf the official record, and greatly facilitate tlie tbo payment of taxca. EACH LASD OWSER, must answer the questions on the returns *i to bth l'ost-office, in a legible baud, as this will render correspondence bet ween this office and taxpayers easy whenever inquirict ;.:-e neresfSry, * The boundaries cf every trait of land must be given this office \v>Jere too same has not already been furnished,) so that the Auditor may know the exact locality of every piece of land in the county. Jo makiug returns great care must be Uiken to have them correct, as errors iu returns invariably (when not discovered in this office) get on ihe Tax L>uplicale; often proving expensive to taxpayers, as well as troublesome to the Auditor. Further notice wi!! be given in due time. !.. S. LANGI/KV. ;ncl-lf. ' oupty Auditor.