University of South Carolina Libraries
. LOCAL ITEMS. Be aufort, S. 0. June 22,1876. The rule against F. D. J. Lawrence, to show cause why his name shonlcj v not be ttricken from the roll as an attorney was discharged without prejudice or costs. ^? mr Rain again on Tuesday. Accounts from the Savannah river section of this county, show much damage by last week s rain. #?? ft. The attention of purchasers at U. S. land sales, who have not yet received their deeds, is called to the fact that they are now ready for delivery at the office of the deputy collector, Beauiort MT* A gentleman from near Grahamtille informs ns that the recent heavy rains have created sad havoc with the roads and bridges in his section of the county. Bridges have been washed away, and the roads ia some places were several feet under water, Mr The only case tried last week on the civil docket in open court was that of Ja& A. Rhode, and others, vs. R. G. Hoboes, being a claim for the recovery of lands near Ahneda and damages Judgement was given for the plaintiff for the laadaad damages, ft. Liet-Gov. R. H. Gleaves, was one of the vice presidents cf the Cincinnati otaveatiea. ww. tnvv ^ rerv noor ODinion J U JA.M. ?? ? , of the indictment tad evidence presented against the county commissioners, and therefore found t verdict of aot guilty. P9" Try Dr. Dennis' Liver Iovigorator tad Blood Purifier, sold by the agent for Beaufort, M. J. Graham. I#' The aanoai meeting of School Distiw*. No. 1, will convene at the town hail en Saturday the 24th instant. As this meeting is for the purpose of levyiug a school tax'we hope there will be a large attendance. Let those who grumble of heavy taxation be present. On Friday last Messrs. Bell, Moore and Wiggia, in open court examined Dr. Tfcos. G. White, for admission to the bar. At the conclusion Dr. White was sworn in as an attorney at law. One of our inmates of the poor house had made all the necessary arrangements to enter into the holy bonds of matrimony. He had seen the parson, purchased the ring?a brass one?and hal plucked up courage enough to -ask pe m ssioii fro u Commissioner Martin?re are not sure whether he did not ask Conin issioner Martin to perform the delicate task of giving the bride away, a blushing maiden of sixty summers?but on the alternative being presented of living in the ? ?j i poor house IB single Dieweancss, or leaving it and taking npon himself the support of his aged bride?a clear loss to the eon tractor of twenty cents per day? he thought better of it, and decided to live the remainder of his days a disconsolate bachelor at the expense ol the ooaoty. ^ Belief for the JMerhig. The relief committee at Varoeville tender their thanks for the foDowiag contributions: Through Messrs. Geo. W. Williams & Co., of Charleston, fifty bushels of corn, ten barrels of flour. Through the Charleston New* ami Cornier, cash $3. From Messrs. Dowie & Moise, cast $10. From Messrs. Holcombe, Hall & Co., of Savannah, one barrel fiour, 100 pound; bacon, one sack oera. From J. L. Vilblooga, of Savannah five bushels corn. From M^j. William Elliott, Beaufort cash $10. From Miss Hannah B? Longstreet, ol Augusta, cash $2. In reply as to the amount of corn ue cestaiy to supply the existing demand foi help until the harvest, the committee bej leave to state that ten thousand busbeli will be required; but until the reports o the sub-committees hate been handed in this reply can be regarded only as an ap proximation. M1EISE HEWS. AJUUVED-ST. HELENA SOUND. Jnue IS.?Norweigaa Bk. Lorenao, Kittelm matter, 58 day i ftw Arendal, Norway, is ballast to CkupMI Wylie A Ce. IN QUA&AKTINB. Jue 1A?Br. Bk. tHyallifow, Tallack master, 5 daya from Uo Janeiro. Br. Bk. Maggie, Gale master, 48 daya from Ri Janeiro. Br. BkL Noakka, Welch master, 56 days fiou Buenoa Ay res. , Juae 11?Bk. Marion, Edwards maatei, 58 day Bosnrio. CLEARED. Jnne IS.?Br. Bg. Prioress, Shephsrd master, fo Newcastle Eng., with 464 tons phosphate rock frot Cooaaw mines. June 14.?Br. Bkt Anne and Sophia. Allen mai ter, for London, with S44 tons phosphatg rock froi Coosaw mines. query. Editor Standard <k Commercial : Sir?Many of your fellow townsmei would be glad to learn how French crep in as a grand juror? We are awar that it was for the purpose of assistin Gilbert, and one or two othefs, iu findin some irregularities against Treasure Holmes, we are also aware that they di their very best to have him indicted b the last two grand juries; and the variou 9 machinations that this pair of noble broti en have resorted to, to accomplish thei end. Eveiy one knows of these fraterna attentions, but we do not know who ai sis ted French or how he became a gran juror. U. WAdvertise in the Standard an Commercial. ????????? 1876. 1876. FORT MOULTRIE CENTENNIAL. PORT ROYAL RAILROAD CO, OFFICE, GEN. FREIGHT A PASS. AGENT, Augusta, Ga., June 21,1876. PROM JUNE 24th. to 27th. inclusive, ROUND TRIP tickets from Port Royal and Beaufort to Charleston, will be sold, at ONE FARE, Good to return until 2d July inclusive. By order <J?n. Pass. Agent, A.M.HAMILTON, Agent, Port Royal. PAUL HAMILTON, I in* *>2-11. Agent, Beaufort Statu of Socth Carolina , 1 t_ p,^. County of Beaufort. /1,1 Common P,efcaJ. L. Duncan vs. C. E. Warren. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the Plaintiff herein has filed his petition against the Defendant to foreclose a mechanic's lien on certan buildings in the " City of Port Boyal " in aforesaid county> the property of the Defendant, and it appearing that the Defendant is a non-resident of this Bute and that bis residence alter due diligence cannot be ascertained. On motion of Bell and Barnwell Plaintiff s Attorney, Ordered; thac the Defendant C. E. Warren do appear aud answer the petition therein on the 1st day of August 1876 and serve a copy of said answer on Plaintiff's attorneys at Beaufort 8. C. and this notice to that end be served by publication of this order in the Port Royal Standard and Com. mercLU once in each week for six weeks. June 12th 1876 JOHN J. MAKER, Attest; H. G. JUDD. G a a P. Juno 22 6-t. XOTIOB IS hereby given that the undersigned will on the 31st day of July, 1876, at 10 o'clock a. m., apply to Ridley K. Carletoa, Esq., Probate Judge, at his office in the towa of Beaufort, for her final discharge as administratrix of the estate of Patrick M. Mc. Anallcy, deceased. BRIDGET McANALLY, jne.22-t?. Administratrix.? Final Discharge. Notice is hereby given that I will applv to the Hon. fw K. CaHeton, Judge of Probate for the County of Beaufort State of South Carolina, for a final discharge as Administrator of the estate of James B. Seabrook, deceased, on the 28th day of June next G A. SEABROOE, Adm'r. Hiltoea Hend.S. G May 2fith 1876. jne.1-4. ] To Holders of Couty Checks or ! A _ Aadiled itaias, pnvr i? ntrcmt*r 1, 1872, OFFICE OF THE COUXTT COMXfSSIONERS, Beaufort, S. CL, May 8th, 1876. IN accordance with the provisioM of a Joint Resolution entitled u A Joint Resolution authorizing be County Commissioners of Beaufort County to evy a special tax." dated April 7, 187*, aad "An act to amead the same," approved the 2Mb day of January, 1874, sealed props?Is will be received at this office ft?u parti? heMin checks or audited claimscontracted prior to November 1, 1872, until TUESDAY, JULY 11, 1876. at It M? at which Usee said bids will be opened* and the board of county commissioners will draw orders on the Treasurer to the amount o( one thousand dollars, iu favor of the person or persons who shall offer the largest per cemimm discount on their cbecis or audited claims. Proposals sheuldbe addressed to the chairman of the hoaad of County Commissioners, aad endorsed *-Prcposals for the settlement ef Past Indebtedness of Bea ufoxt county. P. PRITCHARD, M. D. V. 8. SCOTT, . R. J. MARTIN, County Commissioners Tnos. H., Clerk of Board. febKWt. H. M. STUART, M. D., Cor. Bay ft Eighth Streets, Beaufort, ? . O. DEALER IX DRUGS, AND CHEMICALS, FAMILY MEDICINES, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES STATIONERY, PURFUMERY, BRUSHES, Ac., Ac., Ac., Together with iwauy other articles too numerous o mention. All of which will be sold at the lowes price for cash. Physicians prescriptions carefully compounded. feb.1*l Pratt's Astral Oil. . A perfectly safe illuminating oil. Insurance comf panles recommend it. For sale by GEO.W. ROBERTS. NEW MILLINERY. FOR THE *1 , - I Spring and Summer 18 7 8. " f JUST RECEIVED AT, ; John Cooper's l COR. BAY and CARTERET 8TB., BEAUFORT. ' LADIES HATS. ^ ' MISSES HATS ' BOYS HATS French and American Flowers. Together with a general assortment of DRY GOODS, 1 Suitable for the season, all of which he offers at ' prices to suit the times. , Just Received. 0 a ^ MOST COMPLETE and elegant assortment of , A SPRING AND SUMMER : DRT GOO DS, CLOTHING. h I -AND? GENTS'FURNISH1HQ GOODS. Will be sold at prices to suit the times, also a fresh I at Bj LADES', GENTS' & CHILDREN'S 1! BOOTS AND SHOES. e i g " ?A T? x| W. C. BELLOWS. d 'JUST RECEIVED y B FROM N E W Y 0 R K. lr ^ I A Select assortment of j. DRY GOODS, d READY MADE CLOTHING, LADIES A GENTS 8TRAW A FELT HATS Cull and see for a bargain at ? ? i D. 11, HUTCHINSON, ! J'ort Royal S. C. j n\:.\ 11 l-?. GREAT EXCITEMENT! at the store of E. 4. Sclieper, The Leader in Low Prices :0: Having just returned from new YORK.T am prepared to show a larger aud more coraplet e stock of SP8ING&SUMMIR GOODS Ever before offered to the Reaufort public. Constating of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, IIATS, AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, MATTING Ac 0 I offer an entirely fresh stock of SPRING PRESS GOOPS, Selected in New York with special view to their adaptability to present season, climate Ac. EXTRA IXD UCEMENTS will be offered in all departments, as I am determined to make this one of the most attractive establishments in town. Call before purchasing elsewhere and examine the stock of goods at E. A. SCHEPER. BANKING HOUSE, Wm. H. Lock wood. BAY ST., BEAUFORT, S. C. GOLD AND EXCHANGE ON New, York Charleston & Savannah Bouaht and Sold, Collections made on any point in the United States. Accounts received subject to check at sight a p. 27.6m. "THE COSMOPOLITAN," BEAUFORT, S. a A First- Class RESTAURANT and SALOON, Opposite Free Lauding. Choice Wines, Liquors, And Segars. MEALS furnished at all hours on the shortest no tice. inayll-tf. S. BEAR, Proprietor. SAFETY AND BRILLIANCY. VESTAL OIL, Gives a better light than any other oil, and will no explode. For sale by M. KRES8EL, ap.13. Bay St., eaufort. Butter ! Butter!! THE BEST BUTTER IN THE MARKET, 40C1S PER LB. CHOICE TABLE BUTTER 40CTS. PER LB. COOKING BUTTER SOCTS. PER L GEO. W. ROBERT'S. Tm. whitman, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, flay- Street, lleaifort, S. C., Has just retruned erom the north with a Hue assortment or goods at Xorth.ern Prices. WEDDING RINGS, 83.00 to $12.00, SILVER RINGS, 30c. to $1.30. SILVER NAPKIN RINGS, $2.00 to $4.00. LADIES GOLD WATCHES, $36 to^O. 3 Diji I Stj Siiikiag Clocks, 33.30 to 33. o gents' gold CHians, pins, rings, sleevi buttons. studs, watch chains, ladies gold and plated jewelry, gold pens, AC., AC. GENTS' GOLD 6t SILVER WATCHES Call and examine before purchasing, and satisfy yourself you can save ten to^twenty-five per een from Charleston or Savannah prices. dcc.6.1y W. H. CALVERT, practical Tin Sheet Iron. Copper Worhe: dealer in Japanned and Stamped Tin Wares. Constantly oi hand, Cooking Parlor and Box Stores. TERMS CASH. | Agent for the Celebrated Charter Oak Cocking Stoves. W. H. CALVERT, Bay St. between 8th & 8th sta. Beaufort. 8.' JAS. E. MCGREGOR, CARRIAGE MAKER, HOUSE, SIGN, and CARRIAGE PAINTE1 Opp. Express Office, Beaufort, S. ( All kinds of Scroll and fancy rawing. I All kinds of repairing promptly attended to,c i reasonable terms. Satisfaction guaranteed. MS' Agent for Barnes' patent foot power sere J saw, which can be seen in operation at my shop. jas. e. McGregor. j Julyl-Iy. 1graufort business pimtorit. j Groceries. BOYCE, J. P ?Groceries. Win. ?, Liquors, and Sega rs, South iide Bay St., Beaufort. BOYCE, JAS. E.?Wbole>a!" and ivra:l dealer in Groceries, Li,uor.-. Sog-rs, Dry Goods and g:-ne:al iuer>. handle. Bay St. Dry Goods. A PPLE, J.?Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and 1\. Shoes, Xotious. Ac., Bay Sr. IT'HANZ, JOHN?Genera* Dry Go>kIs House. Bay St. Beaufort. See advertisement. CCOOPER JOHN?Pry Goods Clothing, Millinn/ ry. French and Domestic Flowers, Fancy Goods, notions, Ac. Hay St. See advertiseni >nt. Barber. A IITIS, A.?Barber. Hair cutting, shaving shamijL pooing and dyeing. \\*e>t St. RUTLEPGE, R. M.?Barber, sharing hair cutting, shampooing and dyeing done in the rnatest manner. Bay St. Blacksmith. MITCHEL, W.?Blacksmith, horseshoeing, and general smith work. Magnolia St. Wheelright SAVAGE, JERRY?Wheelright. Repairs promptly executed. Magnolia St. Druggist, QTl'ART. H. M. DR.?Druggist and Apothercary Bay St. Beaufort. See advertisement. Builder and Contractor DEVLIN, W. 1I.?Builder and contractor, Bay and Charles Sts. See advertisement. Carriage Painter MCGREGOR, JAR, E.?Carriage maker, sign and carriage painter, Bay and Charles Sts. See alvertUcment. Professional Cards TTTIGGIN, P. L.?Attorney at Low. Solicitor of VV 2nd Circuit. Bay St. SMOKERS! SMOKERS A. ASHLEY~CHRIETZBERG, Has opened a Cigar store, and News depot on Bay Sc, Beaufort, where can be found some of the choicest brands of Cigars and Smoking Tobacco. A fine stuck of PIPES, POITCHFS, ctc.ip nm.nEits At. I DAILY and WEEKLY paper*. Order* filled promptly for my book, magazine or newspaper pnblished. Tie only News Depot in Town. FcU 24. MRS. E. HOLZACHr B R BREAD V D Cake, and Cracker Bakery BAY ST., COR. FREE LANDING, BEAUFORT Just received a large and selected stock of FRENCH CANDIES, wlileh will be sold at prices to suit the times. Will so keep on hand all kinds of CAKES. 1*1 ES, FRUITS, Ac Ac. 1 sep.23-tf. " W. H. DEVLIN, Carpenter | Builder All kinds of BOAT WORK, CAULKING, and SPAR MAKING. OFFICE AND SHOP COR. BAY and CUARLES STREET, BEAUFORT, S. C. aug5.1y. PORT ROYAL Saw A Planing Mill beaufort, s c. D. 0. WILSON & CO., manufacturers of and dealers in ' 7SLI0W FIR TIKBEE ADD LUMBER r and t Cyprosw SLlnglos, also Builders & Contractors i PLASTER, LATHES, All kinds of JOB SAWING promptly done. Flooring & Ceiling Boards always on band Orders for Lumber and Timber by the cargo promptly filled. Tertns Cash. nov.28-ly. P. C. WILSON, A CO~ M. POLLITZER, . COTTOy FACTOR and ? Commission Merchant be a u fo rt s. c TAKE DR. DENNIS' ~ m 4 a w n n A R1 AAfl sy siem ticiiu t ai vi auu mwu PLRIPY^TG 9YRUP. For Dyspepsia. Piles, Heartburn, Sick Headache C Fevers. Sores, Ac. M. J. GRAHAM. Agt., mar.SO-lm. Beaufort* J. C. RIC HMO N D. Trial Justice. All business intrusted to him will receive care ful and prompt attention. Office Custom IIousi Building. Beaufort S. C. april 27-t " THI PARKER Cl/N. STAMP FOR CIRCULAR ! PARKER BROX WEST MERIDEN,CT.. ? mrnmrnmimimmimmmm -n. CTryrr r**; uy tfhavlrston 3l(ltrrtiSi: cuts. D. O'NEILL & SONS, TTIIOLLSALE DEALERi IN* BOOTS. SHOES, TRUNKS AND VALISES. No, 33 -Xfvjsao Street CiiarloHton S. C. i aprl.S-Iyr. o *5>?a *07is? .Cur jo .mpjo o) jm ssitj j) pur Suixittio) uoijuojjr [tu.xxl^ axim?ra:ix<i.\*v avort iiini.u 's[!0 l>uw '^l!lO aovauoo axv sum hsu, 'SXUVA 1U\T SH.VIAV 'SHOAfell 'B 'XJOiimorr a^s ^vrr 'DAVIU 'S SILVER PLATED WARE. Eleclro-PIated Silver Ware AND Ornamental Art Work, IN GREAT VARIETY. MANUFACTURED BY THE MERIDIAN BRITANNIA COMPANY, 550 BROADWAY NEW YORK. The best Plated SPOONS and FORKS are those Silver PlatvjJ heaviest on the parts where necessarily the most wear comes, and bearing the Trade Mark. 1874?ROGERS BKOTHEKS-XII. X. B. ?This great improvement In Silver - Plated Spoons and Forks is applied alike to each grade of Plate, A 1, Sanjl 12 oz. as ordered. The Process and Mcehinery for manufacturing these goods are Patented. The Extra.or ' Standard Plate" made by this Company is stamped A 1, simply, and is plated 20 ner eent. heavier than the ordianary market stan dard. First Preraeums awarded at all Fairs where exhibited, from World,a Fair of 1852 to American Institute Fair, 1674. inclusive, mar 9-6 m. $f tn tfjOfl per day at home. Samples worth $1 tJ)j IU tJ)ZU free. Stinsox & Co., Portland* Maine SEND 25e. to O. P. KOWELL A CO., New Yorkfor Pamplilet of 100 pages, containing list of 3000 newspapers, and estimates showing cost of advertisln? $11) a day at home. Agents wanted. Outfit and tJ)lZ term's free TRUE A CO., Augusta, Maine, maro-ly. JOHN FRANZ, W holesale & Retail Grocer, and SHIP CHANDLER Family Groceries and Cabin Stores a specialty. o Constantly receiving from St. Louis, the best FAMILY FLOUR, WHOLESALE GROCERIES, LIQUORS PLANTATION SUPPLIES. at the princple Store, formerly occupied by J. Fyler, Comer Bay and West Street BAKERY. I Having just completed the erection of a bakery at my premises, at the corner Bay and Scott Sts., I shall keep a constant supply of fresh BREAD &c. I have se-1 cuied the services of au experienced baker, and by using the finest grades ot flour, shall endeavor to secure a share of public patronage. Call and inspect sam pies. GROCERIES. a speciality at the Store Corner of Bay and Scott Street. JUST RECEIVED, AT TIIE STUIDIRD&COMHERCUL JOB PRINTING OFFICE, A full line of superior PAPERS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, CARDS, ETC. Job printing done neatly ami cheplv. All otders 1 promptly attended to. 6rist and ?tti. S. I WALLACE, Cotton Factor AND GRIST MILLER, Wholesale Dealer in l * mm B'UUV writ. rt!EB. fits. tfAAiflj B: iftiil i | Soa Island Cotton I Bought, Giuucd and prepared for market. Advances Made on Consignments. , f Having the best machinery for ginniu^ cotton and grinding corn and meal, lie is ! | prepared to execute all orders ou the i shortest possible uotice. ; The highest price paid for Cotton and Corn. Cotton ginned on toll. jan.7. I .H. 8. ELLIOTT, RtamforI 8. V. RJ I'EJS'EL, X CO., Chmrlfttom 8. C THE BEAUFORT STEAM MILL COMPANY Havinu rt r rr a grist mill at theii old stand, an? prepared to furnish Grist, Feed and Meal, , any quatuity,and at reasonable rat.-*. ' .M. S. KU.IOTT. rr>i i' i iiirrm rumMVAa-utcui F. WS C I FAMILY '^^^SjCollor? Crocks] sf.A" T&T.ANI II AS BE E X R ? THE PATRONAGE OF THE TRAVE JAMES 0 DELL, NEW STOCK AT THE OLD i JrcoIi i I HAVE THE PLEASURE TO ANNO! raoNs, that I have just received a complete s SPRING AND SU. Sucli as DRESS GOODS. UNfeftS, tot of EDGINGS and INSKIMNG8 GENT'S Boots and All of the latost styles. Give us a call j Bay Street. JACOB API Are You Goii THEN USE NEW YORK E C H E m I C A Ready for use in White, aud over One H strictly prime White Lead, Rioc, and Linscc much Handsomer and Cheaper, and to last 1 It has taken the FIRST PREMIUMS at tw and is on many thousands of the fiuest house. Address: N. Y. EN PR JE RED VET) SAMPLE ARD SENT FREE. THEl SEWING MACE I Is prepared to offer the TO MERCHANTS ?Who will d Sewing Machines o*v FAMILY Fj Its Name Indicati Refer to 250,000 Families 0Ot? NAMED GENNRAL Adapted to eveiy possible grade of i ledges tl For Tailors am IT STANDS WITHOUT Weed Sewing Ma< Dec. 30. Xos. 51 i PORT ROYAt RAILROAD ; I Magnolia Passenger Route, CHJJS'UE OF KCHEDVLE. SUPERIJTTS OFFICE TORT ROYAL RAILF.'D > ' AiursTA, Oa.. May 1, 1870- / ; The following Passenger Schedule will be opera- j ted on and alter May i, 13,'6. .GOING SOUTH. Train No. 1. Dully. Leave Augusta 8 30 a in Leave Yemasse *12 3"> p in ; Arrive Port Royal 2 30 p in Arrive at Savannah 3 3'i p m , Arrive at Charleston 4 20 p 111 Arrive at Jacksonville k 35 p in ! GOING SOUTH. Train No. ?. Dally. ' Leare Jacksonville 2 R> p in 5 Leave Savannah .. 9 Warn' L-" v c Charleston 3 :t0 a ni 1 j .ve Port Poyal ....... 10 15 a in L ave Yemassee ..... *12 30 p m | Arrive at Augusta. 5 (tip 111 Dinner. The only liuc making close connection with the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad at Savannah, and j from and to Jacksonville and all imints in Florida, avoiding the long, Ndious and wefl-kuowu (mini ?ns > transferer through that city * The only Hue running Through Day Coaches with-! ; otit change between Augusta and Savannah. 4*'Connections made at Augusta with thcSwuth 1 Carolina Itailroad for Aiken, S. C., Charlotte, (??1uiiihia and Augusta Railroad for alt points North ' and Southwest, West and Northwest. , ! Sleeping Car Berths engaged at by ap* plying lo agents at Beaufort or Port Royal. Baggage ( 'lurked Through. ll.tL FLEMING, Superintendent. T.S. DAY ANT. * ' Gcn'l. P.?-v \g? lit. v-w. av-?r--.A?s L E 1' K 14, tfyirii., j|x^ ^ GROCERIES | j^Uj IIV\<: Minns. [l^v Jrek I) HOTEL, ~ ' l-OPENED. LLINO PUBLIC IS SOLICITFD. Proprietor. An annnn I mm STAND OF ipple. JN't'K TO MY FlilENDS AND PAtock of MMER GOODS, NOTIONS, and the handsomest I, al>o CLOTHING, HATS, Ac. ' HINGGOODS, Shoes, md judtre the prices for yourselves. PLE, Beaufort, S. C. lg to Paint? SAMEL PAINT CO.'S L PAINT undred Dieferent Colors made of d Oil, Chemiadly combined, warranted rWICE AS LONG as any other Paint cnty of the State Fairs of the the Union iTin the couDtry [AMEL PAINT CO. 103 Chamters Street, New lort. WED [INE COMP'Y., most liberal terms I AND OTHERS, leal iu? of its Man'fture. s^r IVORITE, es its Qualities. Who Have Them in Use. ^T LVORITE, BECAUSE vork.?Our competitors acknowlat , :1 Shoemakers,. ' A RIVAL. Address, chine Company, ?nd 53 St. Charles St., Baltimore, Md. Hauiiood: How Lost, How Restored! i^ Just published, a new ed . tion of Dr Colrer well'* \ Celebrated Essay on the uilUytt mre (without raedicine^ofSPMUCATOMUiOEA >r Seminal Wealcne*, Involuntary SemhuiLessee Impotescy, 31ental and Physical Iacapnefty, 1Mb l?fsliin nts to Marriage, etc,; also CossrxiMR Ei'ilkwy and Fits, iaduced by self-lodslgeMe sexual extravagance, Ac. i. v- Price, iu a sealed envelope, o?ly six cents, ihc celebrated author, in this admirable Eaety clearly demunstrates, froiu a thirty years saeeeaefar practice, that the alarming consequences of self abuse may be radically cured whhoat tWte|N?H nse of internal medicine or the application of the knife; minting out a mode of cure at ooce simp! certain and effectual, by means of whicb every sufferer, no matter what his condition aay be may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radlcaUp . This L-cture should be In bands of every, youth and every man In the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any addr***. post-paid, on receipt of six coots or two postage stamps. * Addr.-ss the Publishers, # # F. BRFGJIAM & SOU* 11 Ann St., Ittw York Tost Office ButMM .Vpril 27th l-y. ICE! ICE! .comri msm 4 he xmv PEKPAtep to fur A mmi Ics in atiy quantity CWeaicrs may desire, from their Ice House,* Sovontb. Street. JOHN CONANT, A. ennons^IH