University of South Carolina Libraries
LOCAL ITEMS. Be&ufcrt, S. C. June 8, 1873. 99T Fresh Mackerel in Cans at Robert'* J. P. Lovett of Brunson, M. D. EHis of GiUiionviUe, and M. P. Fitts of Allendale have been drawn on the jury to serve at the July tenn, of the United ^ States Court in Charleston. 90u Samuel E. Whitwell, was the successful candidate, at the competitive examination held last week, for reooiumetidation for appointment to the Day J seadsmy at Annapolis. > - ? ~ ?? * ?a IT U ranges ami rigs 3( MWCi v ? 19" The marine and two seamen, wh? dbserted from ike monitor > augu*. end were captured by Sheriff Wilson, assist ^3r his constable Michael Mohan, have been tried by court marshal. ipi mf On Monday last, some of the members of the" Washington S. F. E. Co, came out with their engine for practice. Whilst throwing a stream on Bay 8t. by some unforeseen circumstance, (at least unforeseen to the horse) the stream truck the horse attached to Mr. Conant 8 milk team, which made the animal show hie age in such a spirited manner as to upset the wagon, causing quite a corner in the Beaufort milk trade. 3*4. Robert's ha-* just received a choice lot of English Breakfast Baoon and Hams. SOL The attendance at the delinquent land aaies which opened in Beaufort on Monday has not been large, and a great amount of property has been forfeited to the State. To the credit of the auditor however, it should be said that there has never been a time when so few pieces of hod, having no extenre, have got on the - tax books, which if it were otherwise, might aoeount for a considerable |>ortion of the property forfeited to the State. j VflL. Something new Cros?e an 1 B'a kwtU's Table Salt Mare at Rot *<%.? * _r A mate, named cumin 01 i.-ic i Pawaec, was wiously injured on Thursday sight last by failing through the - railroad trestle nea: Port Royal. Ho was I m Us way to Beaufort, or? foot, and was m seriously nyured by the &H, that he j ?u unable to move. His cries for assis* taaee btoofht a colored man to his rescue who procured a team and brought him to the Sea Island Hotel, where he was atmicd by Dr. fttaart It was found that [ Us Up beat was fractured He is slowly recovering. ?w^W" ? Natural yca;;t calces fresh at . ' Mart* - > #? WU We hear that a now newspaper is about ta be started in Beaufort, by Dr. J I . White. The more the merrier Dp, J If yon eaa start bow in the blaekbernH and plum season, you may possibly tide otw cnti! hnchloheiij' time and then hold at until the ay of water H million " greet* you? ear, then green com and peaches #-e available, but taking all the mmmtUmem into consideration we know I of mn hotter county la the State for three smjipm. A knight of the quill io this way ww Lamented that there mire three newspaper* and only one poor ? ?????? W Gat your T of Robert e. i A aartesp>odei?t from Varnsrffle writes as of a large fire that occurred there bat twfc, oaasing a loss of about #400, vkieh a ** known " to be the act ef ae iaeemitary, and strong suspicions art entertained against parties near there. At ewe time the Bail road depot the hotel, and Col. Peoples' store were in great danger. ^ The inert Lemons in town at Robert's. . . Transfers ef Beat Estate. The following transfers of real estate bare been recorded in the office of the register ofme^ne conveyance at the court bouse, Beaufort, since our last notice * Charles M. and Rena 0> Rivers to Hester E. Faulk 452 acre3 in Coosawh&tchie for $1,000. Amelia Pringle tb Ellen Fripp, 1 lot in^Bcaafbrt for 350. Wbl Wil on S. B. C. to Sarah Jane Holmes 423 acres People sfor $100. Wa Wilson to Sarah Jane Holmes 10 acres in Beautort Tor tiza. Wm. C. Howard to Non is Jones, 22 aoros in Coosawhathchie tor $100. J. G. Goethe to N. W. Ellis, 166 aores in Lawton for $400. Elizabeth E. James, trustee to Wm. WHttM, 1 lot in Beaufort for $1300. A- B. Estes to James F. Lands rs, 800 acres in Goethe for $4,500. tST New Potatoes and Cucumber . Roberts. MARINE NEWS. CLEARED.?ST. HEI^NA SOUND. May ?23rU Russian ship Alexander Ah'.ber piaster, for London, with 1030 tons of i'hosi>hali rock from Cow# Mines. e?? i m J ? . ^ ? ^ ?JBWTinxax,; U, EXCURSION TICKETS, =<tn? TICKETS FOR PHILADELPHIA 1$ the Ceqtenqlal Exhibition and re t?ra, m be purehwd lit Fort Royal o liNMlIbrt, by twehre different routes feed tor si*ty days Ito $$2 W, p. Hamilton, Tidte* Ag't P. R- ft. ft Butter ! Butter!! THE BUST BUTTER IN THE ^>OT ffdt LB. choice TABLE 0UTTKR 40CT! pat LB. COOXTNG BUTTER 30CTA PER L 610. W. F^ELTT'^ ! Just Received. MOST COMPLETE and elepant ass-rtm-n* 01 SPRING AND SUMMER DRT 600 DS, CLOTIIIfP, -iSD? GBNT3' FURNISHING! GOODS. Will be sold at prices to suit the times, also a fresh stock of LADIES', DENTS' S (MEN'S BOr,TS AND SHOES. I ~AT~ . O. BELLOWS. P. }.]. WHITMAN, AKD JEHF.LLER, flay Street. Heaitforl, S. C., HM8 just retruned erom the north with a Ane Maortmeo t of goods at :?Tortlxem Frioes. I WEDDING RINGS, MM to $12.90, SILVER RINGS, 30r. to *1.50. SILVER NAPKIN KINGS, *>.(*) to *1.00. LADIES GOLD WATCHES, ?3G to |50. * 8 Si? & 1 Daj Striking Clocks, 83,50 to 88, ?o? . j GENTS' GOLD cn IANS, PINS, RINGS. SLEEVE BUTTONS. STUD8, WATCH CHAINS, LADIES OOLDaud PLATED JEWELI?Y, GOLD PENS, AC., AC. UBMV GOLD A SILVER WATCHES. 1 Call and c^aviiue Vfore pureh?*iny, and satisfy 1 youwelf yon c. i ;?ve ten to^torenty-Sre por eent a fr^ia Clip.rl- ster, g: Savanaah prices. t 1" w, ii. c^?.vert. i ] 1 * 1 ~ I PEACTTCAL Tin Sheet Iron, Copper Worker DEALER IN Taj<en?fft aikl Stamped Tin Wan*. Constantly or J taad, (dokiug Parlor and Box Stores. TERMS CASH. AfOAt ft* ?fco Crlsbratrd ' I Charter Oak Cooking Stoves. W. H. CALVERT, Bay St. bMwwn Rth A 9th sts. Beaufort. . C ICE! ICE! AAtt ft ft** A m% MPAttft WUMi * 44URVU3) Ark now prkpabbd to fitr NWH Ic? hi Rtijr quantity Cuatotuerp uiojr desire, from their Joe House, ovesnth Street. JOHN CON ANT, JK A. EMMONS . ap.27 t-f JAS. E. McCREGOR, r 'fe . V 'N'/ C:t^j 4 S:.'V v 'V C/RRJLACiE MAKER, HOUSE, SIGN, ftDd CARBI AGE PAINTER. 0^? Express Offlce, Beaufort, S. f. All kinds of Scroll tnd fancy owing. Alt kinds of repairing promptly attended to, on rewnsble terms. Satisfaction guaranteed. Agent for Sanies' patent foot power scroll saw, which can be seen In operation at my shop. JAS. E. MCGREGOR. Jnlyl-ir. BANKING HOUSE, Win. If. Lockwood, BAY ST., BriAUFOKT, S. C. GOLD AND EXCHANGE ?GK*New, York Charleston & SavannaiiBought and Sold, Collections e:i any poiut in the Uuited Stater. .A.? Pints received subject j to cbeck at sir- :. ap.27.6iu. iok ROYAL HAllfiOAD. itagnoHa Passenger Eoute. TOF SCHMVLK. SUPERIN'TS OFFICE PORT ROVAL RAILR'D) Auoi'sta, Ga., May 1, 1S76. j The following Pasaenjjer Schedule will be operai ted on and alter May 1, 1876. GOING SOUTH. Train No. 1. Dally. r Leave AuRuata 8 30 a m ?fcave Yemnsse..., *12 3> p m ^ Arrive Port Royal...,. 2 30 p m Arrive at Savannah 3 30 p m Arrive at Charleston 4 20 p in Arrive at Jackaonville S 35 p m GOI5M3 NORTH, Train No. 8. Daily. Leave Jackaonville 2 10pm l^vePftvaonah,.,,. , - 9 oo a m Le*v? Cfciricston 8 30 am s Leave Port PojFal,10 15 a ui - Leave Ycmaasoe *12 30 p m Arrive at. Augusta 3 00 p ni "Piurser. Final Discharge. Notice is hereby giTon that I will apply to the ' Hon. R. K. Carltuon, Judge of Probate for the Conn- I tr of Bean fort State of South Carolina. M a final discharge as Administrator of the estate of James H. Seabrook, deceased, on the 2Sth day of June next C. A.SSABftOOK, Adm'r. HI ton Head, 8. C. May 2$th I876. jnc.l-t. Executor's Notice! ! A LT, PARTIES HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST Jx ihe Estate of Ferdinand Schultr deceased arc requested 10 present the same forthwith, at the undersigned place of business at Beaufort, and all parties indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment of the same to F. W. SCHEPER. Executor, Beaufort S. C. may 11th 1876. 1-nl. To Holders of Cob my Checks or Audited Claims, prior to November I, 1872, Office of tiik County conmifwiosers, Beaufort, S. C., May 8th, 1870. IN accordance with the provisions of ajoint resolution entitled " A Joint Resolution authorizing he County Commissioners of Eeaufort County to evy a special tax," dated April 7. 1873, and "An act to amend the same," approved the 29th day of January, 1874, sealed proposals will be received at this office from parties holdm ihecks or audited rlaim* contracted prior to November 1, 1872, until TUESDAY, JULY 11, 1876. at 12 M., at which time said bids will be opraedf and the board of county commissioners will draw orders on the Treasurer to the amount ol one thousand dollars, In favor of the penou or persons who shall offer the largest per centum discount on th.-ir checks or audited claim*. Pro petals shouldb? add reased fo the chairman of the board of County Cumniasioaers, and endorsed ''Proposals for the settlement of Past Indebtedness of Beaufort county. P. PRITCIIARD, M. D. V. S. SCOTT, R. J. if ART IN. County Commissioners Tiioa. H. Whrxlkr, Clerk of Board. feblft-U. Pratt's Astral Oil. K perfectly safu illuminating oil. Insurance companies recommend it. For sale by GEO. W. ROBERTS. NOTICE. HOLDERS of paid up stock in the Beaufort Bathing Uoutt company are requested to meet at he Custom House Thursday evening June 1, 1878, iy> o'clock. IT : . J. G. THOMPSON, ? Preaident. TAKE DR. DENNIS' System ReisvattrBlot* PURIFYING SYRUP. For Dyspapsit, PHaa, Heartburn, Sink Headache, Fevaia, Bona, Ac. M.J. GRAHAM, Apt., war, 18 dm Beaufort. HEW JfILLIKJBRYr"^ FOR THE Snvinflr ami SlllMllCr 111^ UUU * 1 8_7^8 . JUST RETFJVKD AT, John Cooper's COR. BAY^nd CARTF.RFT ST^ BEAUFORT. LADIES MATS. MISSES HATS BOYS HATS Frach ai4 American Flowers. Together with a general assortment of DRY GOODS, SuitaM? for the season, all of which he oflbrt at prices to sett the limes. 1 1 . GREAT EXCITEMENT I at the store of .?. A. Scheper, The Leader jn Low Prices TTAVING JUST RETURNED FROM NEW XI YORK, I am prepared to show a larger atul pore complete stock of SPRH6ftSIHIIKR?Q00S Ever before offered to the Beaufort public. CemUtlag of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, ANJ) CAPS, BOQtS AND 8HOES, matting Ac _?7"0-^?^ I offer an entirely ircsa noes u* SPRING DRESS GOODS, Selected in New York with special view to their adaptability to present Reason, climate 4c. EXTR4 IND UCEMENTS will be offerod in all department, as I am determined to make this one of the most attractive cstab- i lishments in town. Call before purchasing else where and examine (fee stock of ?oous at E. A, SCHEPER. JUST RECEIVED" FP.OM NEWYORK. A Select assortment of DRY GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING, LADIES & GENTS STRAW & FELT HATS Call and see for a bargain at D. H, HUTCHINSON, Port Royal a C. may 11 4-t "THH COSMOPOLITAN," BEAUFORT, S. C. A First- Class RESTAURANT and SALOON, Opposite Free Lauding. Choice Wines, Liquors, And Segars. MEALS furnished at all hours on the shortest no tice. niayll-tf. 8. BEAR, Proprietor. SAFETY AND BRILLIANCY. VESTAL OIL, Gives a better light than any other oil, and will nc explode. For sale by M. KRESS EL, ' ap.13. Bay 8t., eaufort. i BOYCE, JAS. E.?Wholesale and retail dealer ii Groceries, Liquors, Segars. Pry Goods an< general merchandise, R:(v St, % sSraufcrt gusiurss glmtertt. Groceries. j BOYOE, .T. P -Groceries, Wines, Liquors, and So- i gars, South side Bay St., Beaufort. I Dry Goods. A PPLE, J.?Dry Goods, Clotbiug, Boots and il Shoes, Notioos, Ac., Bay St. f?RANZ, JOHN?General Drr Goods House, F Pay St. Beaufort. Sec advertisement. C100PER JOHN?Dry Goods nothing, Millina/ ry. French and Domestic Flowers, Fancy Goods, notions, Ac. Pay St. See advertisero >nt. Barber. ARTIS, A.?Barber. Hair cutting, sharing shampooing and dyeing. West St. RtJTLEDOE, R- M.?Barber, sharing hair cutting, shampooing and dyeing done In the n atest manner. Bay St. - .t.. iii BiacKsiinm. MITCTIEL, W.?Blacksmith, borwihoeing, and general smith work. Magnolia St. Wheelright SAVAGE, JERRY?Whoelright. Repairs promptly executed. Magnolia St. Druggist, STUART, II. M. DR.?Druggist and Apotborcary Bar St. Beaufort. Sea advertisement. Builder and Contractor DEVLIN, w. H.?Builder and contractor, Bay and Charlea Sta. Sea advertisement. Carriage Painter cGREGOR, J AS. E.?Carriage maker, sign and iYJL carriage painter, Buy and Charles Sta. See adrerUeeipeot. Professional Cards WIGGIN, P. L.?Attorney at Low. Solicitor of 2nd Circuit Bay St SMOKERS! SMOKERS A. ASHL5Y~CHRIBTZBSRQ, Cigar stare, and News depot on Bay St, Beaufort, where can be found aoaae of the choicest brands of Cigars and Smoking Tobacco. A due stock of PIPES, POUCH FS, CIGAR BOLDERS, 1c. DAILY and WEEKLY i imm,. Order, filled prompt]; for any book, maga- I sine or newspaper published. Tie oily News Depot in Town. Feb. 24. M. POLLITZER, COTTOX FACTOR AXD Commission Merchant BEAUFORT 8. C MRS. E. HOLZACH, BREAD h Cake, and Cracker Bakery BAY ST., BEAUFORT, 8. C. ?? Just received a large and selected stock/bf \ FRENCM CANDIES, . \ which will ly* sold at nrico? to adit the times." Will so keep on hand ail kimja6f CAKES. PJES, FRUITS, Ac Ac. sep.23-tf. 4C^ 5> W. H. DEVLIN, Carpenter * Builder 0 All kinds of BOAT WORK, CAULKING, and SPAR MAKING. o OFFICE AMD SHOP COR. BAY and CHARLES STREET. ? BEAUFORT, S. C. aug5.1y. fi?w A?; tManinar Mill 11 VW M lliiuiig iibaii BEAUFORT, 8 C. D. C. WILSON & 00., MANUFACTURERS or and dealers in 7ELL0W PIUS TIXSEfi AND LOKEEfi AND Cypres* Bhinsles, ALSO Builders & Contractors PLASTER, LATHES, /HI kind* of JOB SAWING promptly done. Me & Ceiling Ms always oa tail Orders for Lumber tad Timber by the cargo promptly filled. Terms Cash, nor.28-1 y. D. C. WILSON, A CO' S. MAYO, Bay St. Beaufort, S. C LIQUORS, WINES, Ac. NET YARNS, FISH LINES AND CORDAGE. G-lass, Paints and Oils, WHITE LEAD AND TURPENTINE Special attention given to mixing paint and Glass cut to order of any size. Doo. 6 At. 8, ELLIOTT, Mum fort 8. C. MAVEJTEL, 8 CO., Chorltaion 8, I THE BEAUFORT STEAM MUX COMPART Having put up a grist mill at thei old stand, ore prepared to farniafa Grist, Feed and Meal, n anj qnaatitj, and at reasonable rates. . ELLIOTT. SILVER PLATED WARE. Electro-Plated Silver Ware | AND Ornamental Art Work, IN GREAT VARIETY. MANUFACTURED BY THE MERIDIAN BRITANNIA COMPANY. 550 BROADWAY NEW YORK. The b<**t Plated SPOONS a;id FORKS ir>* th-i?e Silver Plated hoariest on th part* where ne?-*iwarily the most ?ear cornea, and hearing the Trade Mark. | .1814?ROGERS BROTHERS?XII. N. B. ?This great improvement In Silver - Plated Spoons and Forks is applied alike to each grade of Plate, A 1,8 and 12 or. as or Wed. The Proems and Machinery for manufacturing these good* artPatented. The Extra or ' Standard Plate" made hy this Company is stamped A 1, simply, and is plated 20 percent, heavier than theordJanary market standard. *? First Preraeums awarded at all Fairs where exhibited, from World,a Fair of la52 to American Institute Fair, 1674. inclusive, mar Mm. . $/? tn tOn P?r day home. Samples worth $1 <w Ui <wu free. Stinson A Co., Portland' Maine SEND 25c. to O. P. ROWELL A CO, Nnr Yorkfor Pamphlet of 100 pages, containing list of 3000 newspapers, and estimates showing cost of advertising. A1A& day at home. Agents wanted. Outfit end (Jlfl terms free TMJE A CO., Augusta, Maine. marS-ly. JOHN FRANZ, o Wholesale & Retail Grocer, AXD SHIP CHANDLER 0 Family Groceries and Cabin Stores a specialty. ?o? Constantly receiving from St Louis, the best FAMILY FLOUR, wholesale groceries, LIQUORS PLANTATION SUPPLIES, at the princple Store, formerly occupied by J. Fyler, Corner Bay and \Ve3t Street BAKERY. Having just completed the erection of a bakery at my premises, at the corner Bay and Scott Sts., I shall keep a constant supply of fresh BREAD &c. I have secured the services of an experienced baker, and by u?ing the finest grades of flour, shall endeavor to secure a share of public patronage. Call and inspect samples. GROCERIES. a speciality at the Store Corner of Bay ana Scott Street rrrcim mnnPTTITPTl J UOl HJCiV?ii T xii/, AT THE WillB&COMMra, JOB PRINTING OFFICE, A full line of suporior } PAPERS, ENVF.I/IPES, BILL HEADS, ^ LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, CARDS, ETC. Job printing done neatly and cheply. All orders promptly attended to. (SUartrstao SAdrrrtismrnts. D. O'NEILL SONS, WHOLESALE DXALKBS IK BOOTS, SHOES, TRUMK8 AND VALISES, No, 88 S*yzie Street Olmrleaton 0.0. aprl.8-Iyr. <Sri$t and ?et&. , tff. hallacbt. Cotton Factor AND GRIST MILLER, W IIOlCMie veun u> mil FHIliT, HEAL, fEED, Stab, Sea laland Qotton Bought, Ginned and prepared for market. Adyances Made en Consignments, Having the beat machinery for ginning cotton and grinding corn and meal, he is prepared to execute all orders on the shortest possible notice. The highest price paid for Cotton and Corn. Cotton ginned on toll. jan.7. G. P. GARDNER, DEALER IX GROCERIES, Liqnon, Dry Hoods, Boots, Shots, Etc., HILTON HEAD, S. C. Cotton Ginned and Corn Ground at th< above place. Grist, Bread and Feed always on hand. For cash all order) will be promptly attended to. THt PARKE RfllH. R ?ENO STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BROX WEST MERIDEN,CT,vf F. W. SCHEPEK, SEA ISLAND HOTEL, "~ . ' ' F* g ^ UJ < ^^k&3OE^^9HI^S^^^Eb K ^^|BB^^^gl^^gMIBjK ^ , ' > ^ j '* . "* HAS BEEN RE-OPENED. THE PATRONAGE OF THE TRAVELLING PUBLIC IS SOLICITFD! TZTRMS, $2.00 FXH DAT. JAMES ODELL, - - Proprietor. PORT ROYAL CLUB HOUSE " ? ? - e. I .1 1..I. U ?Va Lxi:.. (U??L 1..1 ? i.V JtlOS Deen ntrea up in aim. uutss nijic, iu mc uuiiuiug tviuicu; uiuwu mm vuv BEillFHT^lOTEL, The RESTAURANT will be supplied with the choicest viands that the^marketa of Savannah, Charleslon and Beaufort * i can supply.* MEATS, fish, oysters and game in iti season. Long experfence in this line of business has enabled me to serve the choicest delicacies on the +. * shortest notice. " c. e. Warren. i Feb. 24. Proprietor. Tsmswiir 11 LI VI UIUVU Ui UUUUU AT THE OLD STAND OF Jacob Apple. . I HAVE THE PLEASURE TO ANNOUNCE TO MY FRIENDS AND PAvbons, that I have just received a complete stock of SPAING AND SUMMER GOODS, Such as DRESS.GOODS, LINENS, NOTIONS, end the. handsomest lot of EDGINGS and INSER'i lNGS, also CLOTHING, HAlS, to, GENT'S FUBNISEING GOOES, Boots and Shoes, All of the latost styles. Give us a call and judge the prices for yourselves'. Q '}[ *. Bay Street. JACOB APPLE, Beaufort, S. C, HEZ HUSSEY, , Wholesale and Retail Grocer, ;?"35 and dealer in DfA/lnno ftnH Plantation RnTmlioa VUUliUi Jr A 1 VUUUV) MMVft ? 173 Broad St., fUnder Augusta Hotel,v Augusta Ga* ? 0 KEEPS constant^ on hand a large and selected stock of GROCERIES and PLAN TATION SUPPLIES all of which we offer cheap to the trade. Satisfactio^ "guaranteed. The patronage of Beaufort and adjoining Counties respectfully solici te r Are You Going to Paint? THEN USE NEW YORE ENAMEL PAINT OX'S CHEMICAL PAIIffT * < Ready for use in White, and orer One Hundred Dieferent Colors made of * strictly prime White Lead, Rinc, and Linseed Oil, Chemically combined, warranted much Handsomer and Cheaper, and to last TWICE AS LONG as any oth^fPaint, It has taken the SIRST PREMIUMS at twenty of the State Fairs of the tfie,Union and is on many thousands of the finest houaes'in the country > . f^Address: , N. Y. ENAMEL P^flNT CO. pbj elba rd SEm ^|q3 chamtjers Street, flew YmL 7 THE WE D -*4 1 #? SEWING MACHINE COMFY, Is prepared to offer the most liberal terms "*** TC* MERCHANTS AND OTHERS, ?Who will deal in? * * , Sewing Machines of its Man'Attire. O \ v'-l FAMILY FAVORITE, :, Its Name Indicates its Qualities. Refer to 250,000 Families Who Have Thejm in Use. . | 0k, V, NAMED 0?NNRAL FAVORITE, BECAUSE r Adapted to e?eiy poeaftk ^jradeof work.?Our0(>mpe^otd||MrFor Tailors and Shoe9tipfe& ET STANDS WHBOCT A RIVA3L. 'djfcfim, V ^ Weed Sewing Machine Co-Eapany, TW.Sfc -V. 51 and 53 Si. -jjf ' -t