University of South Carolina Libraries
Lawton, L. W. 40 arable ami *--? woou. Martin, A. M. 300 arable, 100 meadow, 1200 wood j and 3 buildiugs. Martin, A. .100 arable, 100 meadow, 1100 wood, and j 1 building. Martin, Mr*. Catharine M. 200 arable and 633 j wood. Martin, Mrs. EL M. 600 arable, 400 meadew, 2300 j wood and 1 building. Peoples, E. H. 400 arable, 189 meadow, 142<^fod and 2 buildings. Riley, T. J. 62 1-2 arable, 861 wood, and 2 build Jogs. ~ T OA ?KUanH 00 viuwl Ktiey, jr., 1. J. ?V klUViV V-r .. Rhode*, George 330 arable, 175 meadow, 995 wood and'2 building*. Riley and Child, Mary Ann 300 arable and 1602 wood. South wood, Smith 270 arable 270 wood and 2 buildioga. . Southwood, Smith 150 arable and 450 wood. Thomas, J. P. 50 arable, 150 meadow and 200 wood Tuten, A. G. 50 arable and 229 wood. . Tharin, Mrs. L. A. 150 arable and 233 meadow. Wikox, C. H. 105 meadow, 286 wood and 1 building. Wikox, Charles 6 arable, 7 1-2 wood and J building. WUeox, W. P. 150 arable, 50 meadow, 400 wood and 1 building. , Wilcbx, L. F. 50 arable, 17 meadow, and 133 woodAlso 1 lot and 1 building. PEEPLES. Hoover, Josephine A. 300 acres arable 3865 wood and 2 buildings. ROBERT. Buekner, tin. S. A. 557 wood. Gregorie, J. M. 280 meadow and 584 wood* Lawton, A. J. 1S8 arable 62 meadow 2400 wood and 2 buildings. Lawton, agt. II. R. 200 arable 500 maadow and 2360 wood. N Mulford, Furman S. 25 arable and 875 wood. Richardson. Z. 900 wood Richardson, Z. 600 wood. Richardson, Z. 249 arable. Richardson, Z. 1000 acres wood. Richardson, Z. 800 wood Richardson, Z. 622 wood. Richardson, Z. 82 wood. Richardson, Z.,5 arable. Richardson, Z. 99 wood. Richardson, Z. 440 wood. Richardson, Z. 20 arable and 1 building. Richardson, Z. 117 wood. Richardson, Z. 527 wood. Richardson, Z. 1099 wood. Richardson, Z. 25 arable 235 wood. SHELDOX Adger and Mordecal 1097 wood and 6 buildings. Brown, George L. 200 meadov and 600 wood. Brown, George L. 300 arable 1700 meadow 2000 and 15 buildings. Bissel, J. B. 275 arable 625 meadow 800 wood and 2 buildings. Coosaw Mining Co. 4 buildings, Fuller, Dr. Win. 75 arable 70 wood and 2 buildings. Fuller, Sr. H. M, 200 arable 100 medow 575 wood and 5 buildings. Fuller, Jr, H. M. 100 arable. Fuller, Est. Dr. H. M. 240 arable 150 meadow 731 wood and 5 buildings. Fuller R. B. 100 arable and 400 wood. Leverett Est. C. E. 35 arable 90 meadow 100 wood and?l building. Jfiddleton, Williams 350 arable GOO wood and 5 buildings. ( ST. HELENA. Davis and son Win. B. 205 arable 100 meadow 300 wood and 5 buildings, also 8 Lots, Lands Eud. Dark, agt. Wm. B. 195 wood. Dark, agt. Wm. B. 300 arable 200 meadow and 108 wood, VEMASSEE. Blakewood, Est. J. S. 859 wood. Guerard, Wm. P. 1 Lot and 2 buildings. Guerard, Est. G. H. 5400 wood and 3 buildings, al*e 1 Lot. Hey ward, W. N. 1 Lot and 2 buildings. P Lowndes, 1st. James 130 arable 50 meadow and 1312 wood. Lowndes, 2nd, James 280 arable and 10 buildings. Rk hard son, Z. 300 wood. Richardson, Z. 1160 wood. Richardson, Z. 1000 wood. Richardson, Z. 800 wood. . Richardson, Z. 170 wood and 2 buildings. Richardson, Z. 1600 woed. Richardson, Z. 830 wood also 1 Lot and 1 building Strain, Jin R. J, 50 arable and 942 wood. BEAUFOET. ] Coleman, Edward J. arable. Old Fort. Bought of R.G. Holmes^'.- T' "? " " ?n4 a KnlMineg. Port Royal. Lrajjc, utvtp ** -? . ? Green, Clarissa 10 acres arable and 6 acres wood. Lot No. 90, sec. 26, 1 s. 2 w.; at Jericho. John Green tract. Green, Sharper 1 lot and 1 building; block 10, corner of Lawrence and Pinckney streeta Parker, Rhoda 1 lot and 1 building: opposite Baptist Church, Charles street. LA WTON. Smith 6 Bro., S. 1 1-2 acres wood, and 1 building; adjoining Smith, Barnwell Public road, Riley and Augusta Public road. , PEEPLES. Yarn A Wood 48 acres arable and 1028 acres wood near Varnsville. POCOTALIGO. Fuller, Est. Thomas 8 acres wood. North by Pocotaligo Road, west by P B. R. R, South by estate of Win. Heyward and east by Hezekiah Bing. ST. HELENA. m. Jackson, Jim 10 seres arable. Hazel Farm. YEMASSKR Ferguson, Est John B. GO acres wood adjointog estate of Washington Pelot, Dr. Paul Pritchard and Gorard. OFFICE COUNTY AUDITOR Beaufort Coukty, S. C., Beaufort, May 17th., 1876. Notice is hereby given that the whole of the several parcels, lots and parts of lots of Real Estate described in the proceeding list, or so much thereof as will be necessary to pay the taxes, penalties and assessments charged thereon, will be sold by thi Treasurer of Beaufort County, S. C., at bis office in said County on the 5th., day of June 1876 (being the first Monday of said month,) unless said taxes, penalties and assessments be paid before that time, and such sale will be continued from d*y to day (tt> prscribed by law) until all of said parcels, lots and parts of lots of Real Estate shall be sold or offered v fer sale. g a . L. S. Langley, . County Auditor. ?&eriff'$ fairs. ^^Stephen^rKittiraT^"Richard N. Kittles. ^ By virtue of s writ of fieri facia* to me directed sod lodged in my office, I will sell at public outcry in front of u?y office in the town of Beaufort, od the first Tuesday iu June next, 1876, being the6".b day of said month between the legal hours of sai'e the following property to wit: All the right title and interest of Richard N. Kit Met, in and to all that piece parcel or tract of land situate lying and being near Blountville, in th> county of Beaufort and State of Sou Carol in a, 01 which P. D. Givens now resides, containing toi acres more or less, bounded south by the road ti Raltkeh&tchie, and on all other side* by the landt o It. N. Kittles, levied upon as the property of R. >' Kittles at the suit of Stephen A Kittles. Terms cash. WM. WILSON S Ii c Bft. 8. C. May 17th 1876, 18^t SHERIFF'S SALE. ~ Claghorn A Cunningham, vs. Jos. M. Lawton. By virtue of a writ of fieri facias to me directe and lodged in my office. I will sell, at public cut cry, iu front of my office, in the town of Beauf-ri on the first Tuesday in June njxt 1876, be in ' the sixth day of said month, between the kg) hours of sale the followiug property to wit: All the right title and interest of Jos. M. Lavto in and to all that tract of p;ne land situate 1; lug and being in Lawtonville township, in the ccui ty and State aforesaid, bounded north by lands of' J. Riley, east and south by lands of the estate of J - t * * * li. '1 lMin, John A. '1 ison, Hud li. il. i'Lun, and v??t by the name, eoutaiuing threa hundred aniFtwenty teres more or less, levied upon as the property of J. M. Lawton at the suit of Claghorn A Cunninghar ' Terms cash. WM. WILSON, S. B. C. Bft May 17, 1876. lS-3t. SHERIFFS SALE. * Miller aud Bisseil and others, ?. R. G. Holmes. Jt. Af liari Wits tome ' By virtue or sunary ( dieted, and lodged in uiy office, I will sell J at public outcry in froflt of my office in I the towu of Beaufort, on the first Tuesday in June next 1376 being the sixth day of aaid month between the legal hours of sale the following property to wit: Ail the right title and interest of B. G. Holmes in to all those pieces parcels or tracts of land situate lying and being on Port Royal Island in the County of Iteaufort and State of South Carolina, and con. tain ing six hundred and forty one acres more or less ALSO. Alrthose other tracts or parcels of land situate lying and being ou St. Helena Island, in the County and State of aforesaid containing nine hundred and fifty nine acres moie or less. ALSO. All that other tract or parcel of land situate lying in Coosawhatchie Township in the County and State aforsaid, containing one hundred and fifty acres more or less, ALSO. All that other tract of land situate lying and be. ing in Peeples Township, County of Beaufort, and State, of South Carolina, adjoining lands of Peeples J. W. Bennett G. D. Stanly, Thomas Stanly and Win. Davis, and Susan Davis, containing eight thousand four hundred and ninety four acres more or lea?, ALSO. All that other tract of land situate lying and beiog in Sheldon Township in the County and State aforesaid adjoining lands of Thomas Screven and others containing seventy six acres more or less, levied upon as the property of R. G. Holmes, at the suit of Miller and Bissell and others. Terms cash. WM. WILSON. 8b B C 3ft,. May.16,1876 8-t SHSRIFF'S SALE. W. C. Butler vs. F. Schlegelmilch. By virtue of a writ of fieri facias to me directed a;id lodged in my office I will sell at public outcry in front of my office in the town of Beaufort on the first Tuesday in June next 1876, being the sixth day of said month between the legal hours of sale, the following property to wit: All the right title and interest of F. Schlegelmilch In and to all that tract of land situate lying and be! -.?? in Riuffton township in the county and State " ? aforesaid, (formerly belonging to Isaoc Tuten) adlands of B. Wiggin and near the Fording Island road, containing four hundred and eighty-five acres more or less. Also, All that other tract of land situate lying and being lc Bluffton township county and State aforesaid, adjoining lands of H. G. Verdier and others, containing one hundred and twenty-two acres more or lessAlso, All that other tract of land situate lying and being in the county and State aforesaid, containing two hundred and seventy acres more or less, this tract csnveyed to F. Schlegclmilch by N. B. Myers, levied upon as the property of F. Scbelgelmilch at the suit of W. C. Butler. Terms cash WM. WILSON. 8. B. C. may. 27 1876. 18.2-t Xotioo. NO PERSON is authorized to purchase stores of any kind for the steerage mess of the U. S. 8. dictator*, except for cash, f THOS. F. B. FRANK, my.l8-lt. Caterer of Mess. ?ffirial gotirrs. To Holders of Coil nty Checks or Audited Claims, prior to November 1, 1872, OrFICE OF THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, Beaufort, S. C., May 8th, 1875. IN accordance with the provisions of a Joint Resolution eotitled "AJoint Resolution authorizing he County Commissioners of Beaufort County to evy a special tax," dated April 7, 1878, and "An act to amend the same," approved the 29th day of January, 1874, sealed proposals will be received at this office from parties boldn. jnecKs or aucuieu claims contracted prior to November 1, 1872, until 7EURSDA Y} JUNE 8, 1876. at 12 M? at which time said bids will be opened* and the board of county commissioners will draw orders on the Treasurer to the amount ol one thousand dollars, in favor of the person or persons who | shall offer the largest per centum discount on their checks or audited claims. 1 Proposals shouldbc addressed to the chairman of i the board of County Commissioners, and endorsed j ' Proposals for the settlement of Past Indebtedness iof Beaufort county. P. PRITCHARD, M. D. V. 8. SCOTT, R. J. MARTIN, County Commissioners TUOS. H. WHEELER, Clerk of Board. feblfMt. f rtf tfoods. I ^U?treceived FROM NEW YORK. A Select assortment of DRY GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING, LADIES A GENTS STRAW A FELT HATS Call and see for a bargain at D. H, HUTCHINSON, Port Royal S. C. may 11 4-t BANKING HOUSE, Will. H. Lock wood. BAY ST., BEAUFORT, S. C. GOLD AND EXCHANGE , ON ' New, York Charleston & Savannah Bought and Sold, e Collections made on any poiut in th< 1 United States. Accounts received subjec , to check at sight. .f ap. 27.6m. ' H. M. STUART, M. D. Cor. Bm.y & Eighth Streets, Beaufort, JB . O. DEALER IX DRUGS, AND CHEMICALS, .f FAMILY MEDICINES, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES * STATIONERY, PERFUMERY, BRUSHES, Ac., Ac., Ac., n Together with many other articles too numeroi r' to mention. AH of which will be sold at the lowe ip price for cash. Fhyjicians prescriptions carefol K. j compounded. feb.1'1 luii iiOLkiAitS uLi^ Aiiii) WILL BE PAID by the undersigned for information that will les<l to arrest ami conviction of the disreputable and contemptible party, writiug anonymous letters to us, DICK A SMALL. Bft May 10, 1376.?11-lt. Steam Launch Tor Sale. 0 Fine swift, nearly new steam Launch, 82 feet long, 6 feet beam. Wooden roof 10 horse power engine, simple machinery, no engineer required. Goes 10 miles an hour, and is in fine order. Price $1,400 cash?.Address II.S. P. O. Box, 46 Savannah Ga. may 11 2-t Executor's Notice!! All parties having claims against the Estate of Ferdinand Schultzfdeceased are requested to present the same forthwith, at the undersigned place of business at Beaufort, and all parties indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment of the same to f. w. scheper. Executor, Beaufort S. C. may 11th 1876.1-m. TAKE DR. DENNIS7" System Renovatorand Blood PURIFYING SYRUP. For Dyspepsia, Piles, Heartburn, Sick Headache, Fevers, Sores, Ac. M. J. GRAHAM, Agt., mar.30-lm. Beaufort. XfWMILLINERY. FOR THE Spring, and Summer 1 8^7_G . JUST RECEIVED AT, John Cooper's COR. BAY and CARTERET ST3., BEAUFORT. LADIES HATS. MISSES HATS BOYS HATS French and American Flowers. Together with a general assortment of DRY GfrODS, Suitable for the season, all of which he offers at prices to suit the times. QUARANTINE NOTICE. OFFICE-HEALTH OFFICER, Beaufort, S. C., April 24, 1876. The attention of Pilots and Masters of Vessels is called to the following provisions of the Quarantine Act which will be rigidly enforced on and alter the first of May, proximo: "Vessels from any place -1?? Mv.t.ninni rtr infectious WUCTC bini, wu??^tvuv V* ,... diseases existed at the time of their de^-arture, or shall have touched at such ports. Vessels on board of which during the voyage, or at the port of their departure, any person shall have been sick; and vessels from foreign ports, shall on arrival at the quarantine ground be subject to visitation and examination by the Health officer." Vessels from a contagious or infectious port, or having on board such disease, will be anchored in the lower bay, belsw the present anchorage of the Fleet. Vessels subject to visitation and examination wijj display their colors in the main rigging. Those not subject to such examination will set their colors in the fore rigging. , 8. B. THOMPSON, M. D. Health Officer, Port Royal. Ap27.1m. Naval Cadet. In consequence of the failure of Mr. White to pass the examination for admission to the Naval Academy I am requested by the Secretary of the Navy to recommend some one to fill the vacancy. The following gentlemen will conduct a competitive examination in the town of Beaufort on Tuesday the 30th of May next; for the purpose of filling said vacancy. Dr. II. M. Stuart, P. L. WIggin, Esq and Rev. J. B. Middleton. Any male citizen ofthe 5th Congressional District between the ages of 14 and 18 desiring to enter the Naval Academy is invited to appear before the Board promptly upou the day designated. Whoever passes the best examination before the Board will be recommended for appoint ment by me. BOBT. SMALL8. M. C. 5th Con. Dls' J. C. RICHMOND. Trial Justice. All business intrusted to him will receive care ful and prompt attention. Office Custom House Building. Beaufort 3. C. april 27-t Manhood: How Lost, How Restored; iiMiiiM Just published, a new ed tion of Dr Culver well'( Celebrated Essay on thi radical cure (without medicine) of Spermatobkhoe. or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses Impotency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Im pediments to Marriage, etc,; also Consumption Epilepsy and Fits, induced by self-indulgence o sexual extravagance, Ac. J&S" Price, in a sealed envelope, only six cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable Essay clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years successfi practice, that the alarming consequences of sell abuse may be radically curod without the dangerou use of iuternal medicine or the application of th knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once simpl certain and effectual, by means of which ever sufferer, no matter what his condition may t? may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radicaU S3, This Lecture should be in hands of ever youth and every man In the lard. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ac dr ess, pott-paid, on receipt of six cents dr two poi tage stamps. Address the Publishers, F. BRIGMAN & SON, 41 Ann St., New York Post Office Box 458< April Z7in l-y. "THE COSMOPOLITAN," BEAUFORT, S. C. A First- Class RESTAURANT aud SALOON, Opposite Free Landing, Choice Wines, Liquors \ And Segars. MEALS furnished at all hours on the shortest e tice. mayll-tf. S. BEAR, Proprietor, FOR BAZjZ3. A fine 7 octave Stein way A Son's piano, in perfi order, with covered stool. Cheap. Apply to M. POLLITZER, ap.13. Bay St, Beaufort NOTICE. THE u .dersigned, Treasurer of the Beaufc and Port Koyal Turnpike Co., will oj books for the receipt of subscription to the stock said company, on and after this date. JOHN FRANZ, us Treasure) t Bft. April, 10,1876. 13.t ?l ly TX7 ATERHOUSE, GRORGE-Groceries, and 1 VV Goods, Furniture, Ac. A new stock oflai and chandeliers. Bay St. - - *? ???* >? III ar ? >.U . M?C, . ?* -< r-v-Agraulort gusuuss girrrton;. Groceries. BOYCE, J. I'.?Groceries, Win<*s, Liquors, ami Segars, South aide Bay St., Beaufort. Dry Goods. APPLE, .L-rDry? Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Notions, Ac., Bay St. I . V ; : . IJMi.YNZ, JOHN?General Dry Goods House. 1 Bay St. Beaufort. See adverti-ettent. C' OOPF.K JOHN-Dry Goods Clothing, MiUinary. French and Domestic Flowers, Faucy | Goods, notions, Ac. Bay St. See advertisement. Barber. ARTISf A.?Barber. Hair cutting, shaving shampooing and dyeing. West St. RUTLEDOE, R. M.?Barber, shaving hair cutting, shampooing and dyeing done in the n utest manner. Bay St. Blacksmith. MITCHEL, W.?Blacksmith, horseshoeing, and general smith work. Magnolia St. Wheelright SAVAGE, JERRY?Wheelright. Repairs prompt- , lv executed. Magnolia St. Druggist, STUART. H. M. DR.?Druggistand Apothercary 1 Bay St. Beaufort. See advertisement. Builder and Contractor i DEVLIN, W. H.?Builder and contractor, Bay and Charles Sts. See advertisement. ( Carriage Painter MCGREGOR, JAS. E.?Carriage maker, sign and carriage painter, Bay aud Charles Sts. See ( advertisement. Professional Cards WIGGIN, P. L.?Attorney at Low. Solicitor of 2nd Circuit Bay St. J SMOKERS! SMOKERS : a. ashleyHribtzberq, Ha, opened a Cigar store, and News depot on I Bay St., Beaulort, where can be found some of the choicest btands of Cigars and Smoking Tobacco. A fine stock of PIPES, POUCHFS, CIGAR HOLDERS, Ac. DAILY and WEEKLY : papers. Orders filled promptly for any book, magazine or newspaper published. Tie only News Depot in Town. \ Feb. 24. M. POLLITZER, COTTON FACTOR AXD Commission Merchant BEAUFORT g.C MRS. E. HOLZACH7 B * BREAD A D Cake, and Cracker Bakery BAY ST., BEAUFORT, S. C. Just received a large and selected stock of FRENCH CANDIES, which will be sold at prices to suit the times. Will I so keep on hand all kinds of CAKES, TIES, FRUITS, Ac Ac. sep.23-tf. W. H. DEVLIN, Carpenter Builder \ # 0 . All kinds of BOAT WORK, CAULKING, and SPAR MAKING. o OFFICE AND SHOP TAD Ukv and CHARLES STREET, VVIM mnum. ! BEAUFORT, S. C. f PORT ROYAL : Saw& Planing Mill i , BEAUFORT, 8 C. I D. C. WILSON & CO., i MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IS i YELLOW FINE TINSEL MS LENSES AND Cypress Shinsles, ALSO 's Builders & Contractors PLASTER, LATHES, J All kinds or JOB 8 A WING promptly done e 7 Flooring & Ceiling Boards always on hand l. Orders for Lumber sod Timber by the cargo promptly filled. Terms Cash. m nov.28-ly. D. C. WILSON, A CO* S. IQAX u, 5_ Bay St. Beaufort, 0. O LIQUORS, WINES, Ac. NET Y4RNS, FISH LINES AND CORDAGE. G-lass, Paints and Oils, - WHITE LEAD AND TURPENTINE xt Special attention given to mixing paint and Glass cut to order of any size. Dec. 6 1_ ,n. A ELLIOTT, Bemufort 8. C. MUVEJTEL, K CO., Chmrlctom 8. C ? THE BEAUFORT 7, STEAM Ml COMPANY Having put up a grist mill at theij old stand, are prepared to furnish r_ Grist, Feed and Meal, )rJ any quantity, and at reasonable rates. "'"l ELLIOTT. SiLVEK PLATEU W ARE! Eleclro-Plated Siiver Ware AND Ornamental Art Work, j IN GREAT VARIKTY. MANUFACTURED 111' WE MERIDIAN BRITANNIA COMPANY, - ? i-^ut ?-noir 550 iJKOALMV A 1 niiin iv??, The best Plated SPOONS and FORKS are those Silver Plated heaviest on the part* where nm-ssarily the most wear coiues, and bearing the Trade Mark. 1874?ROGERS B KOTHICRS?XII. N. rt.?This great improvement in Silver-Plated Spoons and Forks is applied alike to eacli grade of Plate, A 1,8 and 12 oz. as ordered. The Process and Machinery for manufacturing these goods are Patented. The Extra or ' Standard Plate" made by this Company is stamped A 1, simply, and is plated 20 per cent, heavier thau the ordianary market standard. * " ?5- First Premeums awarded at all Fairs where exhibited, from World,s Fair of 1802 to Americau Institute Fair, 1674. iuclusire, ' - mar 0-6 m. (t/? tn (tOn I-f Rl home. Samples worth $1 IJ)0 IU tJ)ZU free. Stixson A Co., Portland' Maine SEND 25c. to G. P. ROW ELL A CO., New Yorkfor Pamphlet of 100 pages, containing list of 3000 newspapers, and estimates showing cost of advertising. (11) a day at home. Agents wanted. Outfit and J>1Z terms free TRUE A CO., Augusta, Maine. mar9-ly. JOHN FRANZ, Wholesale & Retail Grocer, ASD SHIP CHANDLER 0 Family Groceries and Cabin Stores a specialty. ??o Constantly receiving from St. Louis, the best FAMILY FLOlJlt, . WHOLESALE GROCERIES, LIQUORS PLANTATION SUPPLIES, | at the princple Store, formerly occupied by J. F.vler, Corner Bay and West Street BAKERY: Having just completed the erection of a bakery at my premises, at the cdrrier Bay - - i II i- ? and Scott Sts.,^ snau.aeepii UUUSiaiu supply of fresh cREAD Ac. I have secured the services of au experienced baker, and by using the finest grades of flour, shall endeavor to secure a share of public patronage. Call and inspect samples. GROCERIES. a speciality at the Store Corner of Bay ana Scott Street; "JUST RECErVEDT AT THE HflD&CHIRCIU JOB PRINTING OFFICE, A full line of superior PAPERS, ENVELOPES, Tm.T. HEADS. LETTER IIEADS, NOTE HEADS, CARDS, ETC. Job printing done neatly and chcply. All orders promptly attended to. ?barU$ton gMwrtisrwrnts. D. O'NEILL & SONS, wholesale Dealers in BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS AND VALISES, JSTo. 83 Hayne Street Oharletftbn S. O. aprl.S-lyr. (Srlst and Xf WALLACE, Cotton Factor AND GRIST MILLER, Wholesale Dealer la mil B0UU7, mi FEE?, Etc., Sea Island Cotton Bought, Giuned and prepared for mar ket. Advances Made on Consignments* Having the best machinery for ginninj cotton and grinding corn and meal, he i prepared to execute all orders on th shortest possible notice. The hignest price paid for Cotton and Corn. Cotton ginned on toll. jan. 7 r? "D n A"RT>N"RR, JL VI mt - ? j DEALER IN GROOBRIB8, Liquors, Srj Coeds, Soot:, Shoes, Etc,, HILTON HEAD, 8.0. ' Cotton Ginned and Corn Ground at tl above place. Grist, Bread and Feed always on hand. For cash all orde: will be promptly attended to. a THI PARKER CUN. PARKER BRO'S v WEST MERIDEN.CT. F. W . S C H E P E K> IBs! FAMILT grocei!ies ill SEA ISLAND HOTEL," " H A ? BEEN RE-OPEJfED. THE PATRONAGE OF THE TRAVELLING PUISLIC IS SOLIC1TFD. TBriMS, $BOO PER DAT. JAMES ODELL, - - - : Pboprict'or. PORT ROYAL CLUB HOUSE % / . t 9 Has beeti fitted up in first class style, in tlie building formerly known as the ^ ^ The RESTAURANT nil] be supplied with the choicest viands that thcjmarketrof Savarirtah, Charleston and Beaufort can supply! MEATS, FISH, OYSTERS and GAME in its season. Long cxperience in this line of business has enabled me to serve the choicest delicacies on the shortest Uotice! < , , v C. E. WARREN. Feb. 24. Proprietor; NEW STOCK OF GOODS AT THE OLD STAND OP ' u pr is BSDVBDAitp LBi KD SEST frek 103 chambers Street, New Yort THE WEED / SEWING MACHINE COMFY.; * Is prepared to offer the most liberal terms TO MERCHANTS A2VTD OTHERS, ?Who will do^in? ,e Sewing Machines of its Man'ftureV o ? l FAMILY FAVORITE, Its Name Indicates its Qualities. Refer to 250,000 Families Who Have Them in Use.. NAMED GENNEAL FAVORITE, BECAUSE I Adapted to every possible gradeof work.?Oar competitors acknow-" ledges that For Tailors and Shoemakers, IT STANDS WITHOUT A KIVAU. Addreae, Weed Sewing Machine Company, Pec.30. Nttfc 51 and 53 Sf. CliarV . BaMwdws Mif* w A Jacob Apple. I HAVE THE PEEAStjRfi TO. ANNO.USCE.TO Mt FRIENDS AND piTROtfs, that I have just received a complete stock of v S RING AND SUMMER GOODS, Such as DRESS GOODS,.LINltNS, NOTIONS, and the handsomest lot of EDGINGS and INSEKlINGS,;al? CLOTHING, HATS, 4c. GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, Boots and Shoes, I I All of the latost styles. Give us a call and judge the prices for yourselves. Bay Street. JACOB APPLE, Beaufort, S. C; HEZ BUSSEY "T1 >* -i -i W IlOlGSdlG dim nc tun vjrutJt?r^ AND DEALER IN-? Country Produce, and Plantation Supplies; 173 Broad St;, fUrider Augusta Hotel,; Augusta Ga: 0? KEEPS constantly .6n hstad a large and selected stock of GROCERIES nn!<i i>T A V TATION SUPPLIES all of which we offer cheap to the irade S?S guaranteed. The patronage of Beaufort and adjoining Counties respectfully solicited; Are You Going to Paint? THEN USE NEW YORK ENAMEL PAINT CO.*8 G H 12 M I G A L PAX ST T Ready for use in White, and over One Hundred Dieferent Colors made of strictly prime White Lead, Rinc, and Linseed Oil, Chemically combined, warranted' - much Handsomer and Cheaper, and to last TWICE AS LOXG as any other Paint' It has taken the FIRST PREMIUMS at twenty of the State Fairs of the the Union' and is on many thonsands of the finest houses j'n the country & f Address: N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT CO.