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hi. ?. -?"? in i THE X'Oivl KOY^U STANDARD and COMMERCIAL A. ?. TUOSIASS i ' Editor, . " , , Beaufort, S. C., May 18, 1876. SIHoCKlPTIONS. On? Tear, 9* 00 j fell Month*, ' 1 00 | Advertisements will be inserted at the j Vat* of 91 30 per sqnare, 19. Nonpareil | lltM, for the Arst Insertion; subsequent insertions by contract. JOB PRINTING AND STATIONERY. Ws bars one of the most complete JOB OFFICES li the State, and do work as well aod at as low prices j ti in the cities. Our stock of STATIONERY is large f kfld will be sold wholesale aod retail, as low as in Charleston aad Savannah. Deeds and law blanks in great rariet j. , Ofleial Paper of Beaafort County. In consequence of pressure of advertia ing wc owe our readers an apology foi lack of our usual budget of news, but we have noticed that there is always a detaand for the papers containing advertisement of the land sales. We wish to make amends however by publishing, a supple tteut next week. The German steamship Berlin took "part of a cargo of cotton at Charleston, and aailed to Savannah to take in the balance. She had to lis at Tybee, eighteen miles helow the city, and wheu loaded drew twenty-one feet, and had to lie nineteen days there waiting for a sufficiently high tide to cross the bar. Agents were sent to Port Royal and such were their reports that arrangements are being made by the owuers of this vessel, who have a number of others of heavy draft, to load iu future at Port Royal. The House of Representatives at Washington, before passing the appropriation bill instructing the SecreVaw in fat fastens tn establish liM J V* VUV wv ? a naval rendezvous at Tybee. had better 4>&use and carefully consider the information they can readily obtain of the disadvantages that place labors under. Hutto, the prisoner who was confined in the Beaufort Jail, tor the murder of the marshal at Allendale, was conveyed to Barnwell on Monday last for trial before Judge Maher. It is said that the oouusel for the defence are paid by a demo cratic club. Port Royal has become aroused by the report of the committee on the appropriation bill, instructing the Secretary of the Navy, to establish a naval rendezvous at Tybee. They have held a meeting and to-morrow (Friday) evening, the town council of Beaufort will convene in special meeting to take into consideration a co-opporation with Port Royal, to send a delegation to Washington to make a clear statement of the advantages offered by the present rendezvous of Port Royal. The committee on appropriations must have been woefully misinformed cr they would never have placed a proviso in favor of Tybee in the bill. It would only occasion the government expense, as the lack of sufficient depth of water, and the other inconveniences that the flflgfr would labor under there, would compOT a speedy change. The attempt being made by Mr. Blount's committee to remove the naval rendexvous from Port Royal to Tybee Island, is pronounced totally impracticable by persons acquainted with the superior advantages ot Port Royal. Congressman Smalls, who is well posted in nautical affairs, and thoroughly acquainted with the waters ir these harbors, emphatically declares that the exposed loca tion of Tybee to north east gales, together with the shallowness of water and narrow-uess of the river, will make it entirely impracticable as a plaoe for moving our fleet Should an attempt be made to rendesvouse the fleet at Tybee Island, serious inconvenience and loss must necessarily accrue to the Government.?National Republican. ' The rice planting interests of this county and state are endangered by the proposed Hawaiian treaty to admit rice from those islands free of doty. The South is oj posed to free trade, at least in rice. STOYES AND BIRD CAGES. The celebrated Acorn Stoves have arrived at W. H. Calverts. A fine assortment of bird cages. Call and enquire the prices. . ? Card of Thanhs, At a meeting of the vestry-men of St Peter's Catholic Church, the following resolutions were adopted : ltesolv&i, That the cordial thanks of the Pastor, and Board of Trustees iu behalf of the members of said church be riven to the citizens of Beaufort who participated by their presence and aid in m4kioir a success of the pic-nic held on . . _r M .,. uf f'lifKlwirl'n Point I tne loiu ui ?? ; ? ?- ~ ?? Grove. ? * * Resolved. That to Mr. James Cole, of Cutbbert Poiut we return our hearty thanks for lis liberality and generous heartcdness iu tendering the free use of his place, and we cheerfully recommend said grove to the public generally, and may bis kindness be rewarded both here and hereafter. R&olcrd, That we extend our sympathy to Messrs Dick and Small by reason of the accident of their Steam Tug on the eve of our pic-iicand wed sire to retain our warmest thanks to Capt. Small of the tug "Agnes ' for his noble conduct in stopping his boat at a late hour of the nignt to take off the last of the happy nic-nicers and returning them safely in Beaufort. Resolved, That to Gapt. A. W. Weaver U. S. S. Dictator wc beg to returu our sincere thanks for kindness extended for music furnished and also to the musicians for their faithful perforiuauce of their parts. J. B. T. Tardy, Pastor, John Franz, Tresurer, Wui. Harrison, Franklin Talbird, Wm. Kresscl, James E. Boyce, Johu P. Boyce, x Aaeorrc Dick. oiira sin List of land in Beaufort County on which Taxes, Peualties and Assessments remain unpaid for the Fiscal Fear of 1S75, as retnrned by Geo, Holmes, Esq., Treasurer Beaufort County, BEAUFORT. Brown 1st.. Geo. 1 lot and 1 building, block No 93, town of Beaufort. Frown, Caber, 20.acres aiable, lota Nos.ol ioi 52, cc. 9,1 a. 2 w. Br ran, Pri onus 5 acres arable and 5 acres wood, Chaplian place. Port Royal Island. Fames, Lj mua )5 acres arable at Jericho. Barnes, Sarah C. 1 lot and building, town of Beaufort. Black, Paul 10 acres arable and 10 acrea wood, Edding* place, Paris Island. Black, Chloe 14 1-2 acres arable, near Port Royal. Burnham, Tom 2 1-2 acres arable, 4 1-2 wood, Ellis piace. Bellinger, Eli 1 lot and 1 building, town of Beau, fort. Bush, Sarah, 5 acrca arable and 5 acres wood, at Porters. Campbell, Israel 10 acres arable, Woodward place. Cohen, Samuel 1 lot and 1 building, block No. 4 on "the Point," town of Beau fort. Cuyler, Sr., Win 5 acres arable and 5 acres wood, Laurel Bay. Port Royal Island. Cormick, Beater 2U acres arable, Eddings place, Paris Islan l. Castle, (aetar 1 lot, Higginaonville, tub lot 3 O'Connell street, in lot 50, aec. 31,1 n. 1 w. Caintuck Mrs., lleeter 1-3 of an acre, adjoining Caesar Her ward, et? al; being a part of the Magnolia plantation tract. Drayton. John 10 acrewarable and 10 acres wood. ; Grey's Hi]'!, * i Doctor, lit. Lazarus 118-4 acres arable and 5 acres wood, Eddings place, Paris Island. Deas, Morris 10 acres wood, adjoining Anthony Phillipa, Minus Manigo and Malissa Phillips, at Porters. Fripp, Nancy 20 acres wood land. Fripp, Simon 12 acres arable and 8 acres wood. Porter\OJd Field. Fields, 4 uy 10 acres arable, lot 36, sec. 4,1 n. 2w. Beabrook. Fields, Wm. 10 acres wood, Fuller place, Paris Is land, formerly belonging to Will Eagon. Green, Middleton 10 acres arable, Laurel Bay, pert of Wn. Barnwell tract. Green, Joseph 10 acres arable and 10 wood, Oakland. Green, Charles Agent for Elcy Manigault; 10 acres arable, Eddings place, Paris Island. Gadsden, Robert 20 acres arabie. Swamp place. Gadsdcr, Tom 20 acres arable, Laurel Bay. Gibbs, Fst., Maurice 15 acres arable and 5 wood, Corn Island. Geddes, Brister 5 acres arable and 5 acres wood, Horse Island. Geddes, Nat 4 acres arable and 6 acres wood, Mills place. - - - ? /V-V. Geddcs, Ben 5 acres arable o acres woea, uu mulligan. Gillison, Sylvia 7 acres arable and 8 acres wood, Stuart Point. Grayson, Daniel 1 lot and I building, Hancock St., Beaufort. Garrisoa, 8am 20 acres arable, Habersham. P. I. Goldwiie, John 10 acres arable, lot 24, sec. 21,1 s. 2 w. Broad River. Gilliarc., Catharine lot 10, in block 51, Beaufort. Gordon, George 1 lot in block 92, Beaufort. Haseil, Sarah 10 acres arable, Wm. Perryclear place. Howard, Stepney 10 acres arable and 5 acres wood Elliott place. Holmec, R. G. 20 acres wood. Holiaeu, R. G. 126 acres arable, 465 acres wood and 1 building. Hol-ues. R. G* 15 acres arable and 15 acres wood. Hey ward, Joseph 2 acres arable and 8 acres wood, let 53; sc\ 3,1 s. 2 w. Habersham. Hey ward, Andrew 10 acres arable, Perryclear. Hunt, Saucy 4 acres arable. Haynes, Phoebe 11 acres arable and 11 acres wood, Edgerly jdace. Harms, Joe and Affie 1 acre arable and 9 acres wood. Swamp place. Hick, Jghn 12 acres arable, Julius Chaplin place. Jenkins, Sam 10 acres arable and 6 acres wood, Rhetu place. Jenkins, Jones 20 acres wood, Horse Island, Paris Island. Jenkins, Flora 10 acres arable and 10 acres wood, Greys Hill. Jenkius, Est., Kitt 10 acres arable and 10 acres wood, Csmpbell. Jenkins, Isaac 1 lot and 1 building, Beaufort. Jenkins, Isaac 10 acres wood, Tom Island. Jenkins, Prince 10 acres arable and lOacreswood, Horse Idaud. Jones, Wm. 1 lot, HigginaonviUe. James, Posey 1 lot, Beaufort. Bought of James M. C rofut Lawre nce, Wm. 10 acres arable, 10 acres wood and 2 buildings, Magnolia place, on Shell Road. * ?? vuKIa ami 1A B/?rAi Ui?n ucv, ijvtor; iv mm ?> ? .? ? wood, it agnolia place. * Midd.'etoo, Wm. H. 20 seres wood. Cotton Island, in Whaie Branch rirer, and Broad river, near Woodward plantation. Murray, Kitt 10 acres arable, Laurel Bay. Mack, Est., Sam 12 acres arable and 8 acres wood, near Cb'erry Hill place. . Mack, Benj. 10 acres arable and 10 acres wood, Swamp place. Mani-^auit, Martha 8 acres wood, Ann Perryclear. McChod, Pbilo 10 acres arable, Fuller place, Paris Island. McPheraoa, Eat., Kero 20 acres arable and 1 building, Habersham place. M iad leton, Joshua 20 acres wood, Seabrook place. Matthews, Jam's 1 lot, Pout Royal. Osmer John 1 lot corner 10th ATenue and 9th St., Port R ij-al. O'Dritcol, Ellen 1 lot and 1 building, lot Ho. 20, block Ho. 36, (Nichols survey) Port Royal. Parker, Rachael 1 building on lot A. block 12, town Beaufort. Polite, Daniel, 10 acres arable, ^pabrook place. Procior, Est. Frederick 5 acres arable and 17 acres wood, 'ISdgerly place. Pettigru, Jacob 20 acres arable, Mean's place Paris Island. Priiey, Nelson, 10 acres arable, Eddings place Paris Island. Pritt hard. Primus 10 acres arable, Eddings place Paris Island. , Pinckoey, Edward M. 1 lot and 1 building; corner King and Bladen 8ts;, Beaufort. Taxes due for 1874. Parker, Fay 3 acres arable and 10 acres wood, Bice Park near, Port Royal Ferry. Robinson, Jr., Neptune 10 acres arable, Eddings pUcc, Paris Island* Robinson, Lucy 10 acres arable, Meant place, Par is Island. Richardson, Joe 5 acres arable and 5 acres wood, Buruard place, on Broad River. Rictardson, Elcv 5 acres arable, Stephen Elliott I?tace. Reed Peggy 10 acres arable, Fuller place, Pari" Island. Rk-hus&k Hagar 10 acres arable, Fuller place, Paris iJR Rotvn, Adam 2 3-4 acres arable, lot No. 7, sec. 3.1 n. 2 Verdier place, near Port Royal Ferry. Reuben, Caesar 0 acres arable, fraction B., lot No. 32, sec 26, 1 n. 2 w. Simmons, Marcus W. 5 acres arable, 5 acres wood and 1 building, Baynard place. Sim nons, Eat. Daniel 5 acres arable; adjoining Elijah Frosier;, lot No. 43, sec. 1,1 n. 2 w. Simmons, Moses 15 acres arable and 5 acres woodt Stuar! Point, near Port Royal Ferry. Smalls, IthmaeL 10 acres arable, Baynard place. Small, Hannibal 10 acres arable and 10 acres wood lot N-\ 61, sec. 30,1 n. 2 w., and lot?No. 64, see. 24,1 n. 3 w. Woodward place. Smalls, Monday 10 acres wood. Laurel Bay. Smells, Binah 5 acres arable and 5 acres wood, Old Fort place, near Port Royal. Scott, Ben 10 acres arable, Fuller place. Scor.t, Abrara 10 acres arable, lot No. 26, sec. 17,2 s. 1 w. Paris Island, Staart, Est., Caesar IS acres arable and 2 acres wood, Mills place. Sweet flower, Simon 8 acres arable and 10 acree wood, Baynard place. Sil-a, Francisco de 1 building., Port Boysl. Thuiusou, Mrs. C. M. 1 lot aud 2 buildiuga, block i 53, corner West aud Craven Sts., Beaufort. Verdier, Bella 13-4 acres arable Verdier place, near Port Royal. Washington, Moses P. 10 acre? of wood; adjoining lauds of Abratn Taylor, Sam Green, and Polly Williams. Wright, Richard 8 acres arable and 7 acres wood, Habersham. Wright, Simon 8 acres arable and 2 acres wood, j Tom Means; Pari- Island. Wright, Richard 7 acres arable and 3 acres wood 1 i Habersham. Formerly owned by Jack Johnson. White, Rebecca I'J acres arable, Fuller place, Paris ' Island. Wallace. Caesar 10 acres arable, Lone Island. A'l- j | joining Paris Island. Young, Benj. T.8 acres araolc and 2 acrca wood Tom Means place, Paris Island. BLUFFTON. Brown, Fxigar 1 lot village ol'Bluffton. Bedon, Peter . 13 acres arable and 137 acres wood, north, by Public Road, east by Chechesaee River aud south by lands of Glover. Brabham, L John 243 acres wood north by lands of Dr. Paul Pritchard, east by lands of Stoney, south oy lands of McKay, and west by lands of Jenkins. Becket, Patrick 10 acres arable and 30 acres wood1 north by the Charleston and Savannah road, south by lands of Wiggins, west by Will Campbell, et. al. Barrett Mrs. G. F, 1 lot and 1 building, village of oiuuivu* Cooler, Andrew north by lands of Law, south east, and west, by lands of Boddington. Cooler, A. D. 40 acres wood, north, south west and east by lauds of 0. P. Law. Canter, Judith 1 lot Tillage of Bhiffton. Campbell, Will 20 aires wood, north, south, east and west by lands of Wiggins. Ellis, Robert 25 acres arable, 60 acres meadow A 85 acres wood north by lands^of Waterhouae and Co, east by lands of Dr. E. E. Ellis, south by lands ofT.B. Ellis and west by lands of J. A. Hasel. Epping, Mrs. Ann E. 12 acres arable, 100 acres meadow. 2088 acres wood and S buildings, ftbrth by Hazzard Creek, east by the same, south by Chelsea plantation and lands of estate of Hey ward and west by public lands. Eason, James M. 150 acres arable, 725 acres wood and 4 buikli ngs, north east and west by Colleton river and Foot Point Land Company and Col. Colcock. . Ferrebee, John Est. 600 acres wood north by lands of Garvin and estate of Ferrebee. east by lands of Garvin and south and west by lands of Bobbins Boddington and Co,; known as " Carter's " Bay. Foot PointJLand Company 130 acres meadow and 214 acres wood, north, by Colleton River and Foot Point, east and south by lands of Colcock and west by Colleton River. Kceler, E. W.25 acies arable, 25 acres meadow and 70 acres wood, north and west by lands of J. A. Hasel, east by lands of estate of Ellis and south by Okeetee river, known as u Myrtle Grove " Law W. H. 161 acres wood, adjoining George W. Law et. al. Law, George W. 15 9 acres wood. Law, 0. P. 600 acres wood, north by lands of estate of John Ferrebee and Garvin, east by*Garvin, and south and west by lands of Bobbins, Boddington and Co. Law, O. P. 8 acres meadow and 29 acres wood north and west by lands .formerly belonging to A. Oemler aud south east by the public road. Law, 0. P. 1 lot Boundary street Tillage of Bluffton. Law, 0. P. 600 acres masbland, north by lands of Holmes, east by lands of Glover, south by lands of Mack, south by lands of estate of J. Ferrebee and west by lands of Nat Ferrebee. Miller, Albert 1 lot Calhoun street, Tillage of Bluff* ton. Moore, James W. 150 acres arable 2750 acres wood and 15 buildings, north and east by Bolan creek, west by lands of Farr et al known as " Bolan Hall " and Verdier tract, McKenzie, Hamilton 1 lot in Tillage of Bluffton. McPbenon, Peter 1 acre arable and 1 building. Peterson, Benj H. 1 lot village of Bluffton. Robertson, Mrs A. G. and J, D. 20 acres arable, 20 meadow, 650 wood. Robertson, Mrs, A. G. and J. D. 8 lots Tillage of Bluffton. Richardson, estate 80 acres wood north and east by Brabham, south and west by Guerard and Hey ward. Schlegeliuilch, Fred 800 acres wood lands formerly owned by Isaac Tutco, and Paul Hamilton. S^uth^rn, J, P. 100 acres arable, 100 meadow, 4800 acres wood and 5 buildings, north by lands of Robertson, Sioney and May Rirer, east by lands Of Box and Hamilton, south by lands of Waples and New Rirer, west by lands of Robertson and New RiTer. Verdier, estate E. A. 50 acres arable, 200 meadow and 3000 acres wood, north by lands of Schiegelmilch, east by Charleston Road, lands of Finley and Co, south by lands of Law, H. F. Verdier and Pritchard and west by New Rirer Swamp. Winningham, estate Wm. 1 lot Tillage of Bluffton. COOSA WHATCH IE. Anders, Mary 7 acres arable and 23 acres wood, adjoining Larenier Cohen John Tuten et. al. On Bull Head Bay. Andrews, Wm. 60 acres arable 60 acres meadow and 60 acres wood; adjoining Maty Anders, Phillip Reed, Robt. Cleland et, al. Bowers, James 20 acres meadow and 80 wood, adjoining Martha A. Mew, T. D. Pope, Daniel Fields and Wm. Pope. Bowers, Martha 250 acres wood; adjoi ning Wm Bowers et. al. Bolan T. Y. 10 acres arable and 5 buildings; adioininc T. S. Bebn et, al. Bing Thomas 1 acre arable 99 acres wood; adjoining lands of Johnson andS. F. Ellis. Bing, Harriet 5 acres arable, and SO wood. adjoin' ing lands Franch Orr, H. Primus, and A leek Jones. Bryan, F. J. 8 acres arable and 192 acres wood, adjoining lands of Wm Pope, W. C. Johnston et. al, Behn, P. S. and T. H. 360 acres wood, adjoining state of Charles JXipont, Dr. M. Sommer, public road et. al. Beck, Mrs. Laura E. 1 lot in Grahamville. Bennett, Wm. T. 10 acres arable, 10 meadow and 142 acres wood. Cleland, Mary A. 20 acres arable and 45 acres I wood. Adjoining lands of B. F. Sauls, G. W. Harvey and S. A. Sauls. Cohen, John SO acres arable, adjoining Reed, Cleland, Tuten and Anders. Bought of Lavenia Cohen Darant, estate B. J. 40 acres arable 399 acres wood and 1 building; adjoining James Morrison et. al. Dubois Sam 10 acres arable and 240 acres wood. Dawson, estate Thomas 50 acres arabie and 356, teres wood, north by lands of Wm. W. Farr, east by Coo3awhatcbis Biver and south and west by lands of Adams. DeVeaux, Sam 200 acres wood, adjoining Hodge, S.robhart, Dupont and Frank Smart. Dickenson, and Co. 15 acres arable, 852 acres wood and 8 buildings, Fork of Beaver Dam Branch and Cypress Creek. Ellis, Alexander, 150 acres wood, adjoining A. Winn, H. Dooling, Ellis and Findal. Fields, Daniel 25 acres arable and 150 acres *o d, a Ijoining lands of Henry Newton, James Pope, et. al. Fields, Jonas, 6 acres arable, and 47 acres wood. The H. Brant tract. Ferrebee, Nathan 60 acres arable, 358 acres meadow, and 1 building, north by estate Wilson Ferrebee, east by N. Ferrebee, south by BobbinsBodding* ton A Co., and west by the public road. Grantham, Edward A. 26 acres arable and 210 acres wood, north by laDds of estate of PatUrson, and south by lands of Cullen Wilson. Jones, J. 8. 50 acres arable, 179 acres wood, and 1 building; adjoining lands of A. W.Crosby, Bill Miller, and Jim Johnson. Jones, Sarah 3 acres arable, and 29 acres wood, north by Honey Hill Battery, south by Joe Barnttt; snd east by the C. A 8. public road. Johnson, James M. 40 acres arable and 610 acres wood. Johnson, James M. 40 acres arable and 160 acres wood; north by lands of Wm. H. Shaman, south by lauds of John F. Grincr, east oy tanas 01 ?enj. u nuerjind west by lauds of W. R. Smith. Jeakius, Horace 8 acres arable aud 70acres wood; adjoining Thos. Jeukius, et. al., Bought of Thomas Jenkins. Jeukins,Thomas 3 acres arable and 19 acres wood, adjoining Horace Jenkins, et al. Knight, James W. 20 acres arable and 320 acres wood; adjoining lands of Wm. Robertson, Frohberg, and Wm. Tuten. Law, O. P. 35 acres arable, 116 acres meadow and 1)75 acres wood, and 5 buildings. Law, Jane 19 acres meadow; bounded north and west by estate of C. C. Dupont, east by the public road and south by Rufus Mew. Mew, John 12 acres arable and 195 acres wood; bounded by V. Tiudal, Peeyles and Terry. Muliord, K arm an L. 600 acres wood; bounded by , u at.dfc of Smith. Mew, Tindal aud Tuten. I ? Mew, S. K. 40 acres arable and 300 acre* wood. Hasher, Isaac 25 acres arable ami 61 acres wood; j adjoining lands of 0. P. Law, Wilson Ferrebce, et, ( . Bought of X. Ferrebce estate. Stanley. Eat., Mrs. M. T. 100 acres wood; adjoin- I ing lands of Wm. H. Tucker, Thaddcus Buckner e and A. I.angford. Smith, Trust. F^t. Mrs. Josiah E. 30 acres arable 420 acres wood; bounded by iandiof Mew, Petcrman ( and Freeman. Salisburg, John 200-acres meadow and 60 acre* i wood; bouniod by'KepublicanHall plantation," W. ( T. Roberts, and Euhaw creek, "Boyd's Landing." Smith, Est. Kimmy 350 acres wood; adjoining i lands of X. W. Ellis, Lucinda Smith, et. al. Tutcn. Jerry W. 3 acres arable and 8 wood; north by lands of Win. P. Tuten, east by lands of Mrs. , i Ann Mew, south by the same, and west by lands ' of Wm. P. Tutcn. Winn. Mra. Elizabeth M. 75 acres arable and 383 acres wood; adjoining lands formerly belonging to Allison Winn. The Win. Winn estate tract. GOETHE. Airs, Zilphia, 70 acres arable and 163 acres wood, adjoialsg lands of Cooper Cone, B. R. Bostick and J. M.Gray. Brisbane, Bcnj. L. 30 acres arable and 213 acres wood, near late Thomas Willingham old place now owned by Wood. The Martha Jane Jaudon, estate. Dempsey, Caroline 15 acres arable. 209 acres wood, and 1 building, adjoining lands of Abram Ruth' Joeiah and Wesley Smith, Canty Creech and Mew Tract. Dowlinf, Wm. Jr. H. 300 acres wood; adjoining lands of Jerry Tuten, Findal and Winn. Dowling, trustee James Y. 28 acres wood; adjoining lands of J. J. Youmans, Julia R. Speaks, Sarah C. Goethe, Surfers et, at. Dawson, Richard 1.9 acres wood. Bought .of Richard D. Smart. Ellis. N. W. 125 acres* wood; adjoining! lands of Michael, DeLoach, Jesse De Loach and D. M. Nix, Harrison tract. Ellis, N.W.5Q acres arable, and 217 wood, adjoining landa of Griner, Sweat, Mixon, and Buckner, Griner tract. Goetkfc Francis R. 7 acres arable and 147 acres wood; adjoining John Tuten, J. B. Trowell, J. H. Johnsoh and M. D. Ellis. Goethe, Francis, R. 30 acres arable & 225 wood, adjoining landaof Jno. R. Trowell, J. H.Johnson and Ellis. X. W. Goethe Win. 150 acres wood adjoining lands of Henry Hespe Wm. Peeples andestate of John Smith Gilford, Mrs. E. M. 385 acres wood; adjoining lands of W. T. Breland, east and south by Gilford, B. T Lawton and Wm. Mears. Gray. John P. 303 acres wood Bought of W. W. Williams. Hadwin, Sarah 5 acres arable and 95 wood, adjoining la nds of L. Mixon, J. D. Johnson and Mor ris Bunn. Hull, Ellen P. 50 acres arable, adjoining lands of John Griner, H. C. Portress and T. 8. Tuten. Johnson, James M. 20 acres arable, 20 acres meaHAW flnH Ififl orr?t vrwv? Johnson, Jr. W. C. 30 acres arable and 134 acres wood, adjoiuing lands of B. F. Buckuer, Wm Youmans, est. Pope, and Goethe. Levin, Barak B. SO acres arable, 263 acres wood and 3 buildings; adjoining lands of estate af Shuman, M. A. Dowiing and J. A. Long. Mixon, Mrs. Elizabeth 3 acres arable 145 acres wood. Mew, Rachael 237 acres wood; adjoining Smith Padgett and Ten y. Mears, Est. fcancy 50 acres arable and 148 acres wood; adjoining lands of W. H. Mears, B. T. Lawton, and F. Johnston. Pope, Georgia C. 10 acreSj.arable and 40 acres wood; aijoinipg A. M. Ruth and M. W. Terry. Padgett, Martha W. 713 acres wood; adjoining lands of estate of Winn, Winborn Smith, McNeai etal. Parnell, Harriet 100 acres wood. Bought of Annie Compton. Roberts, Irwin J. 10 acres arable and 146 acres, wood; adjoining G. W. Terry, Estate of M. P. Gibson and Wm. Tuten. Smith, J. Uidson 50 acres arable and 211 acres wood; adjoining lands of Abner Ginn, Nat t rapse W. B. Airs, and A. J. Gill. Smith, Marrietta 151 acres wood. Smith, Est. Henry So acres arable and 235 acres wood; adjoining lands of J. D Nix, W. H. Shuman and Saveutor Youmans. Sweat, Silas 31. 100 acres wood. Stafford, Lee 83 1-2 acres wood. atone, \\ m. 8 acres arable and 32 acres wood; adjoining lauds of J. Iioaier, Abner Ginn and Wnr Boaier. Smith, Mrs. Madison P. 40 acres arable and 220 acres wood; adjoining lands of Abner Ginn,; N. Crapse, W. J. Airs, and A. J. Gill Smith Mary, 40 acres arable and 460 acres wood; adjoining lauds of Win. Airs, Smith and Bassett aud Googe. Terry, M. W. 12 acres arable and 83 acres wood adjoiniug estate of Hampton Creech, John M. Ter . ry and Georgia Pope. Terry, George W. 30 acres arable and 120 acres wood; adjoining W. P. Tulen, R. A. Roberts, and Wui. Altman. Tuten, Absolom G. 279 acres wood. Tuten, Martha S. 140 acre* wood. Rebecca C. Doyle tract. W'iun, E. M. 301 acres wood. The Annie E. T.uth tract. Youmans, Saventor 50 acres arable and 175 acres wood; adjoining lands of Lawrence Mixson, J. W. Smith, and Mike DeLoach. Youmans, Wm. F. 50 acres arable 200 acres meadow and 450 acres wood. The T. H. Willingham plantation. HILTON HEAD. Baynard, Joseph 400 acres arable and 200 acres wood, part of Bull Islaud. Chaplin, Wm. F. GO acres arable, 157 acres meadow and 140 acres wood; southwest part of Dawfoxkle Island. LAW TON. AlUton, Amos 87 acres arable and 200 acres wood; adjoining lands of Dr. Nathan Johnston, Sam Shuman, et. al. Bought of D. N. Johnston. Anderson, Jr. E. C. 265 acres arable and 635 acres wood; adjoining lands of Mary Levin, H. C. Ruddell* C. J. Col cock, and Savannah River. Bealer, Allen W acres wood; adjoining landi of George Bealer, ana estate of Col. A. J. Lawton. Brantley, Joe 5 acres arable aud 35 acres wood; adjoining lands of Bryan Stephen, J. W. Maner and John G. Lawton. Causey, James F. 30 acres arable and 222 acres wood; adjoining Mrs, M. 0. Mason, Wm. Russell Est. of J. I). Johnson, A. M. A A. Martin, et. aL Clarke, S. J. M. 50 acres arable and 50 acres wood and 1 building; adjoining Rev. W. A. Lawton, J. J. Rhodes, Charles Wilcox, et. al. Cooler, Ja.ob 30 acres arable adjoining lands of 1 T. J. Williams, Mike O'N al estate of Varner and ft 1 W. Buford. Davis, Wilbcr E. 45 acres arable and 107 acres : wood adjoining lands of Joseph M. Lawton, T. F Davis, and R. W. Davis. Goethe, Ellen 50 acres arable, and 250 wood; adjoin- 1 lng lands of Jno. Boetick, Wm. Stokes, Wm. Smalls and L. R. Bostick. i Gordon, Mrs, Elizabeth 100 acres arable, 151 acres ' wood and 1 building, adjoining lands of estate of Scott, E. L. Knowles, Sam'l Russell and George 1 Rhodes. < Ginn, Mrs. C.G. 20 acres arable, 80 acres wood, and 1 bwllding. Garner, Notony % acres arable and 38 acres wood; < adjoining lands of Norton, Tuteu and Shuman. Johnson, J. D. 250 acres wood; adjoining bnls of ' Johnson, Tuteu el aL ' 1 Johnson, Gideon 100 acres wood land; adjoining lands of James Cujler, A. J. Lawton, and Robt. G. ] Norton. Kitles est S. A. 20 acres arable 20 acres meadow ' and 110 acres wood; adjoining lands of Garner and W. J. Cause j. * Lawton, Joseph M. 100 acres arable, 75 acres meadow and 4325 acres wood; adjoining lands of C. Man- J er, R. Davis, Savannah River, et, aL 1 Lawtoo, Catherine 7 acres arable and 9 acres wood adjoining lands of Elizabeth Gordon, and estate of ' Scott 1 Miller, and Bissell 60 seres arable and 156 acres wood; adjoining lands of Russell, Fitts, DeLoach 1 and Stokes. ? Mason, Wm. 8. 32 acres arable and 220 acres wood adjoining lands of Rachel Mason, Mary O; 1 Mason ct al. Orr, John J. 12 acres arable and 43 acres wood; ad- d joining lands of Alex. Jones, A. J. Lawton and 1 Matthew Biog. Orr, Jtmcs3acr?i arable- and i5 acres wood, ad- t # iuiu,'J- vV. Mau;r, est. John Orerstreet and Sarah tepherson. Orr, lsiah 6 acres arable and 108 acres wood; adoining lands of George Siephcrson. Jr. H- nry Orr, xstate Augustus Orr, and Harriet Bing. Russell, Bryant 145 acres wood; adjoining lands of Frank Causey, Richard Stafford and Edward Rus*11. Rccd, Sandy 35 acres wood. Shu man,Harriett 2') acre.-, wood; adjoining lands )f a. T. Mason, J. H. Roberts, and L. A. Boot irk. Solomons, Mrs. C. A. 350 acre* arable, 1050 acres wood and 16 buildings; adjoining lands of Rud-I iell, Johnston, Warnock, Horton, Roberts, et al. Sbuman, J. E. 90 acres arable and 60 arras wood. ! Bought of T. O. B. Wood. Stokes, B. E, 3 acres wood. Stafford, George W* 20 acres arable 35 acres meaiow, 28 1-2 acres wood and 1 building; adjoining Tuten, Wood and Lee Stafford. Turner. Est. R. R. 180 acres arable and 600 acres wood; ftdjoining N. H. Johnsten, Buford, Est. of R. R. Turner and J. W. Lawton. Turner, Eat. R. R. 400 acres arable, 500 aorca wood aud 5 buildings; adjoining lands of Buford, Est. of IT i f How r.inn an/1 5relAm/\n? Turner, Est. R. R. 214 acres wood; adjoining Dan* iels, Daily, Davis, and Solomons. Williams, and rbildren, Laura E. 80 acres arable, and 176 acres wood; adjoining lands of William* Johnston, et, al. Williams, Mary E. 60 acres arable and 440 acres wood; adjoining lands of Dr. Johnston,.Perry Wesley. W. W. Williams and J. C. Addison. Williams, W. W. 200 a.res wood; adjoining Gray, Airs, Dr Johnston, et. al. Wood, Agt. T. 0. B. 600 acres arable, 950 acres wood and 10 buildings. PEEPLES. Barnes, Mary S. 35 acres arable and 131 acres wood adjoiuing lands of J. A. Tuten and J. D. Rivers. Buckner, Perry F. 1 lot Yarnsfille. . Brill, Richael 1 lot and 1 building, Brunson: Brothers, J. C. 1 lot and 1 building Brunson. Benniek, Rivers and Co. 1 lot, at Hoovers Station' Bowers, Robt. D. 10 acres arable and 25 wood. Bought of Ellen A. Terry* Bowers, Rosa V. 80 acres arable and 79 acres woodBought from estate of John Bowers. Bowers, Henry E. 30 acres arable and 79 acres wood. Bought of estate of John Bowers. Cope Sam'l 12 acres wood; adjoining John F. Lightsey and D. H. Platts. Davis, Jeff 25 acres arable and 75 acres wood; adjoining lands of Bowers, Lewis and Hoover. Davis, Martha A. 60 acres arable, 10 acres wood and 1 building; adjoining lands of Hay, Smith and Wiley. Dowling, O. P. 40 acres arable and 79 acres wood1 adjoining lauds of Hogarth, Bowers and W. M. Dowling. Dowling, W. M. 56 acres arable and 70 acres wood; adjoining lands of B. F. Wyman, E. A. Hogarth aud W. P. Hogarth. Ellis, N. W. 1 lot and building. Brunson. Ellis, N. W. 40 acres arable and 60 acres wood; adjoining lands of Smith, Ellis, Ihly et. al. Ellis, Emily C. 2 acres arable and 2 buildings; adjoining lands of Hoover and Burwell Tuten. Ellis, Emily C. 1 lot and 1 building. Hoover's Station. French, Lavinia 1' lot. Brunson. Vanna>.?ll UT 1 10 VI. km -* * VMHHV1I, IV* A. AO A11UIC, AO ?C[T9 WUUU and 2 buildings. Bought of John Fennwell. Gooding, Laura J. 100 acres arable and 152 acres wood. Bought of David F. Moore, and adjoining Great Salkehatchie rirer, and lands of M. E. A D. Farmer, Moore, et. al. Hadwin, Wm. 1 lot, Vansville; adjoining lota of Connor, Preacher, and Woods and Vara. Holmes, R. G. 200 acres arable 8294 acres wood, and 4 buildings. Station at Almeda. Hogarth, Eliza 20 acres arable and 43 aeres wood; adjoining lauds of R. E. Youmans, trustee, and IEdy. Kinard, Lewis 29 acres arable and 90 acres wood; adjoining lands of Thomas and S. W. Pulaski. Lec A Co. E. E. 1600 acres wojd. Near Varnsville. Lightscy, John A. 60.acres arable and 204 acres wood. Bought of J. W. Matthews. Load holt, Miles 76 acros wood. Bought of S. H. Adkerson. Mew, Howard W. 135 acres wood. Bought of Jno. Mew. Mew, L. C. 15 acres arable and 120 acres wood. Bought of John A. Mew. Moore, David F. 200 acres arabl , 110 acres woed, and 1 building, adjoining Laura J. Gooding, et. al. McMillan, A. C- 60acre* arable aud225acres wood adjoining D. F. Moore, I. Edy and E. B. Kichardson. Nelson, Sophia 8. 30 acres arable and 371 acres wood. Bought of W.G. Cliftton. Rivers, R. J. 30 acres arable and 105 acres woodBought at SheiilT ssalc. Hirers, Susan A. 10 acres arable and 100 acres wood; adjoining lands of W. W. Hirers, W. G Bsrnes, W. F. Mole and O. B. Barnes. Riley, Emily C. 1 lot, Brunson. Riley, Thomas G. 25 acres wood; adjoining lands of J. A. Lightsey and Hans Cleland. Searcy, Mary J. 1 lot. Main street, Brunson. , Tuten, J. U. 484 acres wood; adjoining lands of Peeples, Est of Altman, Tutcn and Burwell Tuten. Tuten, Jr. Burwell 20 acres arable and 280 acre* wood; adjoining R. G. Holmes, Jame* Glover and Susan Davis. Tuten, James A. 20 acres arable and 150 acres wood; adjoining J. M. Rivers, John B. Rivers and W. B. Barnes. Tucker, Joseph 1 lot, Branson. Terry. Jacob A. Susan E. 16 acres arable and 85 nfM vnnH a/iinirtlntr land* nf P. M Rivera T M Terry, J. A. LJghtsey and R. J. River*. Wyman, J. F. 200 acres arable, 50 acres wood and 2 buildings. Bought of W. J. Wyman. Williams, Mrs. Isabella H. 75 acres arable and 129 acres wood, and 1 building; adjoining lands of N.C. Terry,C. S. A. R. Terry, Mary Bowers and C. H. Bowers. Williams, Isabella H. 1 lot and 1 building, Branson. Wiggin A Co., N. 1026 acres wood. Bought of A. McBride Peeples, and adjoining Peeples, Tatenand estate of McBride. POCOTALIGO. Barnwell, Referee Hon. Joseph W.1764 acres arable 4236 acres wood; and 20 buildings; adjoining lands of Banker, Bradbury and Butts. Part of estate of Wm. Heyward. Coleman, E. J. 1300 acres wood. Bonght of R. GHolmes. Fickling, Trus'ee F. W. 30 acres arable and 490 acres wood. ** The Forrest " Plantation. Sellers, B. T. 20 acres arable and 430 acres wood, adjoining lands ol John W. Gregorie Wm. Heywood estate et. aL ROBERT. Allen, Sarah 35 acres wood; adjoining lands of Wm. M. Tison, Davis, Roberta, aod Est. R. H. Tisou Burrison, Simon 16 acres arable and 40 acres wood. Chovin, Rev. C. E. 30 acres arable, 170 acres meadow, 1092 acres wood and 1 building; adjoining lands of Roberts, Porcher, Brabham and McKenzie. Crapse, Catharine J. 40 acre* arable, 37acres wood and 4 buildings; adjoining lauds of Roberts, Davis, et. ul. Davidson, H. B. 370 acres wood; adjoining lands of Ferrebe, Morecock, and Wright and Jones. Davidson, Mrs. M. 25 acres arable, 75 acres wood, and 1 building; bounded north, south, east and west by lands of H. B. Davidson. Ferrebee, Mrs. Adeline E. 20 seres arable and 82? acres wood; adjoining Humbert, Law and Ferrebee, Jones and Richardson. Ferrebee, John 286 acres wood. Ford and Poicher, 54 acres arable; adjoining lands : >/* V At at ra o. a w, v*. mi* Green, Jimmy 23 acres arable, Mi 105 acres wood; unjoining lands o# Tom Pritcbard, Daniel Brown, kV. J. Lawtoa, eC al. Humbert, F. 344 acrea wood; adjoining lands of EticbanlsoD, Railroad Co., and Malpbeua lfodgins, Wm. 14 acrea arable and 469 acrea wood. Taxes due for 1873-74. Holme*, R. G. 240 acres wood. The L. C. Robert! racL law, 0. P. 50 acres wood; adjoining lands of Est F. Ferrebee, Bobbins, Boddington 4 Co., Wilson ferrebce and Davidson. Law, 0. P. 317 acrea wood; adjoining lands of "crrebae, Moore, Duncan, Kuh, Richardson and dalpbeus. Law, 0. P. U?14 acres wood; adjoining lands of Eirk estate, Buckner, Rub, Strobbart, Porter an 1 Savannah river. Law, 0. P. 145 acres wood; adjoining lands of iichardaon, Dawson, Blakewood eC al. McKenzie, B. R. 5 acrea arable,and 362 acres mealow; adjoining lands of Chovin, Brabham and McEenzie. McKenzie, Agt. G. T. 15 acres arable, 75 acres neadow and 810 acres wood. r" * tw 9 Preisttr. c-arah 2 ac?e? arable ana 4 seres wood, i adjoining laud* of Proman, Boy lea and Floyd. Richardson, Z. 99 acre* wood: adjoining land* of McKcnzie, estate of McKcnzie et. al, Say*, Moses 5 acres arable, and 75 acre# wood; adjoining land* of Stevens, Stephensou, Smith A. Bro. et. al. I Tison, Wb. M.80 acres arable and 3430 acres wood; adjoining lands of K. H. Tison, Lartigue I.awton et. al. I Trowel), K. S. 3 acres arable and 95 acres w*od. I Bought of W. F. Cro6by. Toorner, Peter 30 acres arable and 77 acres wo?d; adjoining lands of Roberts, McKenzie, Dupont etal. Williams, John 600 acres arable, 4400 acres aord. Woods, Dennis E. 10 teres arable "and 28 ac es wood; adjoining lands of Sauls, Porcber et. al. SHELDON'. " Garrett, June 4 acrea arable and 1 acre woodf Oakland place. Bought of Dr. Wm. Fuller. Jonss, Clement G. 13 acres arable and 1 acre wood; part of Oakland plantation bought Dr. Wm. Fuller. Williamson, Henry 13 acres arable and 12 acres wood, adjoining lands of Henry M. Fuller et. al. Washington, Hector 4 acres arable and 6 acres of wood. At Sheldon Station, Port Royal Railroad. Yates, Thomas] 20 acres arable, 100 acres meadow, 230 acres wood and 3 buildings. ST. HELENA, Aiken, Toby C. 22acres arable and 9 acrea wood; lot No. 9 sec. 21 Isle, also lot No 58 A. sec. 20 l.s 1 e. Aiken, Peter 10 acres arable, Hope's place. Anderson, Butler 7 acrea wood; Corner farm. Bryan, Ham 10 acres wood; Saxonville on Frog more. Bryan, Molly 4 acres arable and 6 acrea wood Jane Pritchard place. Bowles, Tyra 7 acres arable, Scott place. Bradley 2d Dick 10 acres arable, Jane Pritchard place. Brantley, Israel 3 acres arable and 17 acrea wood; Saxonville on Frogmore, Bowen, est. Jacob 10 acrea arable, Tom B, Chaplin place. Bowers, Wm. 20 acres arable.'Hopes place. Bowers, Wm. 7 acres wood, Capt. John Frippa place. Bennett, est. Thomas W. 10 acres wood. Saxon ille on Frogmore. Byas, Toby 18 acres arable and 1 acre wood. Barnwell, Miley 20 acres arable. Pope place. Chaplin, est. Morris 18 acres arable. Wallace place. Coaxum, Pompey 28 acrea arable and 10 acrea wood, Phil brick Lands. Dale, John J. 15 acrea arable. Bought of Henry Parker. Eddings', Thomas 15 acres arable and 5 acrea wood. Dr. White place. Frasier, Moses 10 acres arable. Scott place. Fields, Will 10 acres arable. Robt. Fuller place. Fields, Toney 1 lot at Lauds End. Green, Joseph 22 acres arable and 10 acres wood. Polllwana Island. Green, Tamar 10 acres arable. Wassa Island. Grant, Simon 1 lot. Lands End. Grant4 Sam 7 acres arable and 3 acres wood. Dr. Croft place, Long Island. Grayson, Jr. Frank 7 acres wood. Fractional B. of lot 40, sec. 29.1 a. l e. Gardner, 2d Benj. 7 acres arable and 3 acres meadow. Robt. Fuller place. Glover, Richard 15 acres arable sad s acres wood. Dr. White place. Gadsden, S. 5 acres arable. Bought of Solomon Sams. Glorer, Julia 1 lot at Lands End* Holmes, Rigor 5 acres arable and 5 acres woodRose place. Jenkins, James 2 scree arable. Coffin Point Johnson, Sampson 1 lot. Ben Chaplin place, Lands End. Johnson, Est. Morris 9 acres arable and 1 acre wood. Dr. Pope place. Lowndes, Robt. 10 acres arable. Frogmore. Lag roe, James 10 acres arable. Hope's place. Lewis, Emma 4 acres arable aud 1 building. Indian Hill. Middleton, Richard 10 acres arable. Olirer Fripp place. Middleton, Wm. 8 acres arable and 7 acres wood. Oliver Pritchard place. Mack, Henry 13 acres arable. Jane Pritchard place. Myers, Albert 10 acres arable. Scott place. Mitchell, Mike 10 acres arable. Lot No. 60, sec. 29, 1 s. 1 e. Mattis, Toby 5 acres arable. Wiasaw Island. Mattis, Sandy 6 acres arable. Wassaw Island. Matthews Sam 10 3-4 acres arable aud 2 acres wood. Waasaw Island. Nesbct, Colatchet 11-4 seres' arable and 10 acres wood. Lot No. 12, see.29,1 s. 1 e. Owens, Sarah 8 acres arable and 2 acres wood McTureus place. n-H.. V.J. a I a a_kia VUnr. Pnlnt ionic, ivn * ?-* vwi rr - Perry, Wbl 10 acres arable. Frogmore. Pickney, Jack 10 acres arable and 0 acres wood. McTureus place. Rivera, Summerset 10 acres arable. Scott place. Rivera, Jaaaee 20 1-4 acres arable and 10 acres wood. Cedar Grove. Rivers, Ishmasl W. 8 acres arable, 2 acres wood, and 1 building. McTureus place. Richardson, Adam 9 acres arable and 1 acre wood. Hope's place. Richardson, Toney 6 acres wood. Paul Chaplin place. Roach, Neptune 6 acres arable and 0 acres wood. Lot No. 1, a*. 4,1 a la. Rhodes, 8. W. 100 acres wood. Pine Island. Richards, Harry 20 acrts arable. Lots Nos. 68 and 69, see. 19,1 a. 1 e. Rundktt, J. C. Lot No. 1, Lands End. Rundlett, J. C. Lot No. 8, Lands End. 44 ? Lot No. 6, Lands End. M M Lot No. 7, Lands End. " 44 Lot Na 60, Lands End. 44 44 Lot No. 62,sLands End. 44 44 Lot Na 64, Lands End. 44 44 'Lot No. 55, Lands End. 44 4 4 Lot No. 105 Lands End. 44 44 Lot No. 107 Lands End. 44 Mrs. Ellen 1 lot Lands End. Richards, John 10 acres arable and 9 acres wood. Lot No. 63 sec. 24,1 s. 1 e^ and Na 64, sea 24,1 a 1 e. Richardson, Sancho 10 acres arable and 20 acres wet Extreme northerly end of promontory kno* n ss "Fripp Point." Simmons, April 7 scree arable and 3 acres wood. Orange Grove place. Simmons, Ned F. 12 acres arable an I 8 acres wood. Hopes place. Smalls, Ned 5 acres arable. Fripp Point place. Singleton, Primus 6 acres arable and 3seres wood* Jane Pritchard place. Singleton, Solomon 10 acres arable. Scott place. Smashum, A bra in 10 acres arable. Lot No. 6, sea 24,1 s. 1 w. Oaks place. Sampson, Jacob 10 Aes arable. Orange Grove place. Sheppard, Jack 10 acres arable. Eddings Point. Snipe, Jack 40 acres arable and 10 acres meadow and 3 buildings. Lot No. 48, sec. 24,1 n. 1 w., and lots Nos. 36 and 37, 44 sec. 25, 1 n. 1 e., lot Na 40, sec. 19,1 n. 1 and lot No. 33, sec. 24,1 n. 1 e. Sykes, est Straffon 10 acres arable, lot No. 47 sec. 23 I s 1 w. Smalls, Stmon 8 acres arable and two acres wood. Fripp Point place. Stewart, Larenia 4 acres arable and 6 acres wood. Jaae Pritchard place. 8bainan, est Henry 10 acres arable. Tom Fripp place. Vender bo rst, Posey 4 acres arable and 5 acres wood 8axonTille on Frogmore. Washington, Moses 10 acres arable and 5 acr?| ' wood. Frogmore. Washington, Joseph 40 acres arable 10 wood and 1 building- Anna Pritchard place. Washington, D C. 9 acres arable and 1 acre meadow. Frogmore. Washington, Barcus 4 acres arable. Coffin point Williams, Cuffee 10 acres arable. Scott place. Wigg, est Moses 20 acres arable and 8 acres wood Capt John Fripp place. Wright, Betsey, 15 acres arable and 5 acres wood, Hopes place. Wells, George M. 60 acres wood. LADIES ISLAND. Allston, Thomas 5 acres arable and 10 acres wood. Webb place. * i Alden A Waters, Agent 40 acres wood; adjoin tag Bluff Farm. Allen, Robert 6 acres arable. Coosaw and Corn Islands. Bryan, Joe 10 acres arable and 10 acres wood. Cora Island, Bryan, Adam 15 acres arable. Bloomdeld. i ?-< - - *?.. 4|> g-y - orowu, Jam s 1-j acre* arable i.ud lu acres wood. Lot No. 52. ace. 34, 1 n. 1 w. Brows, Maria 6 acres arable, 4 acres wood and 1 building. Webb place. Brown, Minuio 10 acfcs stable and. 10 acre* wood. Corn Island. Browu, Rinab o acres arable. Danner Field, lkrnwell, John 20 acres wood and 1 building. Capers place. Burmougb, John 10 acre* aralrie. Pleasant Point Cohen, Joe 10 acres arable. Coosaw Island. Cbisolin, Est. Polidore 10 acres arable. Capers Place. Fields. Ten ah 1.5 acres arable. Cooeaw. Fields, Tom 12 acres arable and 5 acres Wood. Coosaw. Frasier, Jonas. 10 acres arable and 10 acres wood. Lots Noa. 62 and 63 sec. 17. 1 N. 1 W. Chaplin Place. _ ...... i wj r *'' Green, Jr. Peter 10 agres wood. Briek Yard. Green, George 2 acres arable and 3 acres wood. Corn Island. Green, Charles 14 acres arable. Corn Island. Huggins, Est. 1 buDding. Hazel Farm. 1 ^ Holmes, Carolina io acrts wood. Fripp Fairfsid Hey ward, Scipeo 10 rm wood. Cora Island. Hamilton, Sarah 10 acre* weed. Springfield. Hudson, Ljdia 10 acres arable. Springfield. Jenkins, Jane 10 acres arable. Blooeaffeld. Jenkins, Est. Scipeo 20.acrw arable and 10 acre* wood. Turn bull. Jones, Sylvia 3 acre* arable. Orange Grove. Lynch, Est. Hon. Jam :* Lots No. 33 sec. XL 1 K. 1 W. Lynch, Est. Hon. James Lot No. 84 see. 22,1 N. 1 wLynch, Est. Hon. James .Lot No. 47 sec. 22 IN. 1 W. Lynch, Est. Hon. James Lot No. 41 see. 22 IN. 1 W. Lynch, Est. Hon. Jamas Let No. 49 see. 221 N. 1 W. Lynch, Est. Hon. James Lot No. 80 see. 221 N. 1 W. Lynch, Est. Hon. Janeee Lot No. 13 see. 24 1 N. 1 W. Lynch, Est. Hon. James Lot No. 04 see. 22 1 N. 1 W. Middlcton, Joshua 10 acres arable 10 actee weed and 1 building. Cooeaw. Pinckney, Peter 15 scree arable and 6 acres wood . Pope Place. Parker, Eat. Pompey Wyne 10 acres arable and 10 acres wood. Springfield and Terdler Places. Phoenix, Will 5 acres arable and 5 acres wood. Cooeaw. Robinson, Job 6 acres arable and 14 aerea wood. LoU 16and 17aec. 191 N. IE. Rivers, B. 8. 5 acres arable and aerea weed. Cooeaw Island. Rivers, Ned 5 seres arable. Richardson, Doctor 10 aciet arable and 10 acres wood. Tom Island. Riley, Rebecca 5 acres stable and 5 acres weed. Hazel Farm. Simmons, Betsey 8 acres treble and 1 seres wood. v.ipcn risce. Simmons, Ned 16 sexes Arable. Hazel Fans. Simmons, Monday 10 seres arable Lot No. 23 see. 20 1 N 1 W. Simmons, Amelia 5 acres arable and 5 acres weed Lot No. 50 sec. 24 1 N. 1 W. Coosaw. Singleton, Charles 10 acres arable. Whitehall. Smalls, Est. Isaac 10 acres arable. Pleasant Point. Stapleton, Thomas 10 acres arable. WeoasftsM. Scott, Nellie 5 acres arable and 9 7*8 agree weed. Hazel Farm. Sykes, Stephen 10 acres arable. Pope. Sheppard, Est. Bicbard a acres wood Let 18 sec. 17 18.1 E. Wyne, Hagar 9 acres arable 1 acre wood aad 1 building. Lucy Point. Wallace, Stephen 9 acres arable attd 1 acre weed, Loogfield Place. Wallace, Est. Caesar 18 acres arable aad 7 acres wood and 1 building. BlooeifieM. Webb, Cuffce 10 acres arable. Hazel Fans. Y EM ASS EE. Butler, Siah 10 acres wood. Bennett, Dembo 20 acres wood; adjoining Bob Shadd. Dasher, John 50 acres wood; adjoining F. Hardee and the Stoddard's. Fen wick, Gabriel 5 acres wood. Was. Haseil tract. Fickling, Mrs. D. B. 1 lot; Hardeeriila. Green, 2d. Abraa 50 acres wood. Bought ef Teniassot, Golding. Graves, Edmund 80 acres wood; adjoining the Stoddard's. -* # llay nes, Zachariah Kkecrcs arable, 99 acres mendow and 400 acres wood; adjoining estate of Jones, New river, Cook and Adaia Bright. Humbert, F. 25 acres arable sod 475 acres weed; adjoining Law agent; Kail toed, Ferrebec A Jeoea. Johnson, bancho 10 acres wood; joining Mm Shadd. Law, O. P. IJMO acres vrojd; adjoining Ferrebse( Bobbins, Boddiagton A Co, Campbell and Humbert.' Law, Agt. O. P. 800 acres wood; adjoining Bobbins, Boddington A Co, and Humbert. The Dawion tract. Rivera, Mahals 25 acres wood. Bought af Caesar Rivers. ouaaa, n. c,. w meres wwa; adjoining rijf, Dennett, Shadd, et ml. Williams, Jo?Ub 1 lot. Bought of Z. Richardson. I List of Tax-payers who made Tender of Bills of the Bank of the State for State Taxes. BEAUFORT. Apple, Jacob 2 lota and 2 buildings. Beaufort. Benton, 8. M. A C. U. V. 65 arable, 75 meadow, 90 wood and 2 buildings. Count, John 110 arable aodrtOO wood. Also 2 lots and 7 buildings. Beaufor;. Crofut, Agent, Jas M. 69 arable and 190 wood. Al> so 1 lot and 2 buildings. Beaufort. French, M. 1 lot and 1 building. Beaufort. French, M. J. IB arable . Gage, George 4 lots and 4 buildings. Beaufort Msyo, 8.290 arable, 76 meadow, 76 wood and 4 buildings. Also 6 lota and 4 buildings Beaufort. Rice, L. C, 60 arable, 100 meadow and 40 wood. Rich, A Co., John lo meadow and 9 1-2 wood. Also 1 lot and 2 buildings Beaufort Sams, John H. A E. E. 1 lot and't buildings Beaufort. Schepcr, F. W. 2 lots and 2 buildings Beaufort 8cheper, E. A. 1 lot and 1 building. Beaufort Tonking A Jenkins, Mrs 1 lot and 1 building. Wilson, Wm. 1 lot and 2 buildings Beaufort Walker, Rev. Edward F. 100 arable, 690 woed and 1 building. BLVFFTON. Campbell, Rer. J. B. 433 wood. Heyward A Guerard, 1.60 arable, 260 meadow, 2600 wood and 12 buildings Lowndes, James 60 arable MO meadow, 660 weed and 1 building. Stoney, M. M. 50 arable, 100 meadow, 1609 wood and 2 buildings Also 1 lot and 1 building. ??nn? vr v inn irthl* inn iia wood. Abo 1 lot. COOSAWHATCHJE. Dudley, T. A. 18 arabio and 178 wood. Glover, Col. Joseph 180 arable, 7870 wood aad 1 buildings. Also 1 lot and 8 buildings. Glover. J. Hay ward 1400 wood. Howard, W. C. 850 arable, 828 meadow, 8381 wood, and 4 buildings. Abo 1 lot. * Lawton, A. J. 100 giable, 80 meadow, 2118 wood and 4 buildings. Dance, Mrs. L. M. 1 let and 1 building. GOETHE. Lawton, M. J. 800 meadow and 1309 wood. Long, Jacob A. A. G. W. 100 arable and 518 wood. Feeples, Edward H. 1000 wood. LAWTON. Davis, Richard W. 75 arable 846 wood and 2 buildings. DeLoach, Jacob C. 75 arable,277 wood and 1 building. Johnson, Dr. N. H. 200 arable, 100 meadow, 1000 wood and 1 building. Lawton, Sarah G. 40 arable, and 1990 wood. Lawton, John 831 arable, 72 meadow 522 wood, and 3 buildings. Lawton, O. G. 40 arable. 1919 wood and 1 build* insLaw ton, W. A. 280 arable, 200 meadow, 1050 wood snd 1 building. Lawton, Mrs. M.J. 40 meadow and70 wood. Lawton, Francis A. 850 arable, 100 meadow 888 wood and 1 building. Lfcwton, Maner S. 150 arable, 100 meadow, 800 wood and 1 building. Lawton, Ageut Joseph M. 100 arable, 75 meadow aad 4325 wood. t