University of South Carolina Libraries
10 C \ L I T EM S Bdanfort, 8. C? May 4, 1876. j A- Ouf introduction to Queen May I was very cool, probably on account of the i extreme cold weather in the northern ! states. ' ? ISF* An exchange says: 'The stomachs of persons living on the sea coast, ; where oysters and clams arc abundant, j ri*e and fall with the tide." 9^ Get the best job work by sending . ?1 ?- - .V nf ika Qt ? vn. 1 your ornerw iu utv j??u uukc vi Wv I ard and Commercial. t&*Tho AfJxxiflt Medium says "drink-1 ing whiskey is on the decline about Ab- ! beville." Just so in Beaufort, the trou- | Lie with it is consumption. h5l. Get your advertisements, though ly circulated by advertising iu the Standard and Commercial. 9S&m Major Carl Berlin, of Kiisto, ha? purchased a one-f urtli interest iu the steamer Pilot Boy, that plys between i Charleston, Edisto and Beaufort, making i a round trip each week. 1^. The committee of the grand jurr ? of this county were in session on Tuesday J and Wednesday, examining the books ; and papers, the records of the fiuancia' J status of the county. ? ? Mi. Fringes for ladies dresses are unusually rich, this year, and will be worn j very long?long enough to reach to the bottom of a man's pocket, probably. never hope to equal the Fe ich man at the manufacture of coubentrated | ( lye;but we know his motive in trying his ' , own hand at it. He begrudges the fifteen ; ( cents per week to his Washington eorresp ' j ondent for manuscript to put into his lye j j pot, so he is now using his own. Ecoi;- 1 omy. I&. We hear of nien confessing on 1 their death bed to the crimes of murder 1 abduction and incendiarism, but whoever ' heard of a dying man confessing to steal- 1 ing papers? Nobody! Death cannot ' care that man. ISf* The body of Bosan Bird, one of the five persons who was drowned in Bull Hirer on Friday last, was found at the j ' mouth of the river on Tuesday morning ' last, and an inquest was he'd yesterday j by Trial Justice Carlelon. ( ? I?- From the County Auditor's nl- ( ^ street ot the delinquent taxpayers in rhir j , * Couiy, it appears there are J11,756. ST ] being about twenty five percent, of the State tax; #3,979.69 county tax; $1,6 )5. . 14 district school tax; and 51,772 poll tax making total with |>ena!ties of $22,582.06 i delinquent taxes. tOT The Charleston Journal of Comm*rcr, the new daily that appeared on the l<t inst., is a newsy journal, and has been *? '! received in the city by J lie sea. It was a necessity, and we hope, n'though i * views differ from ours jmlitieally, that, it will sums). WL Mr. J. C. R ichinond. the town treasurer, has this week paid off the town ( employees for the third quarter of this ^r tiwurlu^wifli the audited ac I count* to date, ataWbfmg to over $9.'{<). The town is out of debt; and there is a re*|>ectable balance on hand ti? pav the current expenses of the fourth quarter. Quite a creditable report. Look at the tickets for the excursion to Cuthbert's Poiut Grove, to the picnic to be given on May 10, by the St. Peter's Catholic Church. Purchase one and spend a pleasant time, and mentally determine that when you have anything to do with arrangements for pic nics &c., to get your tickets printed at the job office of the Standard & Commercial. , f?T The centennial exhibition opens in Philadelphia on the 10th., and 011 the same day in Beaufort an excursion and pic nic will be made to Cuthbert's Point; Grove. It will be a day of excitement in more places than Philadelphia. If you cannot go to the centennial, you can compromise on the pic nic. 9 WffL. The naval force at Port Royal has been scattered considerably. The Pii/niouth and Vandtilia are in Havtien waters 5 the Huron is cruising in the Gulf; the Ho r( fort I Marion Shatcmul and Sicatara have gone to Tampico; the Congress is going to Philadelphia, and the Mononffahrla to Portsmouth, N. H. This dis-; tribution of the force disposes "of the pro j j_mi ?j : t> 't> 1 posca unn auu c?rci?:N ui run ik^ui ; ior some time to come at least. 1^. The following are the delegates from this county to the State Democratic j convention, that assembles in Columbia to-day . From Coosawhatehie Townshin. Messrs I Tames W. Moore, Charles E. Bell, and Joseph Glover; Pocotaligo Township, L Messrs. Charles J. C. ITutson and Jesse 35. Deloach: Beaufort Township, Messrs John G. Barnwell and W illiam J. Verdier; Yemassec Township, Stephen K. Whitehead; Lawton Township, Alfred M. Ma'tin and Dr. Ruddell; Peoples Township, Wm. J. Gooding and Jeff Warren; Goethe Township, Henry Geothe; Sheldon Towohip. Henry M. Fuller. BOAT ACCIDENT. _____ Five Persons Drowned. v * On Friday last, Harry Jenkins. Samuel " Johnson, James Chaplin. Peter White, Alex Jackson. Bosan Bird. Joseph Bird, and Silvia Minort. started from Oik Point mines in a batteaux boat, at about half-past three o'clock in the afternoon, to return to their homes on the James Vripp pV-c St. Helena Island. About f*??tr o'clock. when near the Summer house, some thae miles 1'roui Coosa w river, a wave broke over the bow, partially tilling the boat, so frightening the occupants that they ceased rowing, and the boat settled down and sank in the trough of the sea, leaving the parties struggling in the water. They ail clung to one side of the beat and it turned over, then Joseph Bird succeeded in placing the woman on the bottom of the batteaux, but it immediately turned again, and Joseph Bird and Silvia Minort were drowned. The others then left the boat and attempted to swim to shore They all got separated except Ilarrv Jenkins and Samuel Johnson, who kept together and made a landing near the uiouth of Bull river. James Chaplin was seeu by the tug " Ivanhoe " and picked up; Peter White, Alex Jack-on, and Bosin Bird drowiug in attempting to reach the shore. Town Council Meeting'. At the last meeting of the council the committee on accounts approved of the following bills which were ordered paid : < trace Myers, $10; Alex Brown $12; Tribuc $9.GO; Clara Sanchcs $1.30; Win. i Middle ton $2; P. C. Wilson $9.46 Sam- j uel Cohen $5. The following were referred to the committee : John Talbird Lymus Frazier $2.25; Geo. Waterhouse $79.50; Alfred Williams $00; and J. McGregor $4.50. A license was granted to Dr. II. M. . Stuart. Xlie firc committee reported that the j New York llosc Co, agreed to sell their liose reel to the town for $50. The board of he were instrueted to I ake into consid ration what steps, if any were necessary, for quarantine as a pre-j ;antion against small pox and contagious overs reported in Savannah and Charcston, Mr.? Lock wood, appeared to protest j igainst a tax on banks being imposed I ipon him, and a discussion of the mealing of the word bank, sent the members >f council home to consult their dictionaries preparitory to deciding the question it the next meeting. - * Meeting Pilot Commissioners. The above board met in their office in .he town of Beaufort on Monday evening j ast, a full }M>ard being lm sent. J ?li!i O'Brien presented hints If fori examination for branch for Fort Bovil bar, but not passing to the satisfaction ! if tlie board he was allowed until the text meeting to make himself thorough ; ly acquainted with the .South channel. The following notice was received from he Light Ilonse board : ()fkt('E Lir.irr ITouse Board Washington 1>. C. April loth IS7#>. Notice is hereby given that the light ' it trie southeast point ofCouibahee slioa' ^t. Helena Sound, numbered 3oP iui Light house li-t. CMi-rected to Jan. 1st lS7t?. will be disco". .inued o and al'te. the iiOth day of June IS76. By ordei of the L'ght Home Board. Joskpii Henry, Chair num. Pilot Dupnng in behalf of the pilots) deprecated Mich action on the part of the 1 government, as the discout nuance ofthi> i light would seriously effect pilots in en- j t wing St. ILlena Sound and would great- j Iv increase the danger to vessels entering ; therein. The board resolved to send a ' petit ion to the Light House board at Charleston to take such steps as to prop erly represent the necessity of continuing said light. petitions of Pilots Cox, Samuels, San. ] tos, for additional branches were laid over until next meeting. Complaint of Pilot Cox against Pilot Early, for boarding a vessel on the bar from a lion registered pilot boat, contrary to the bye-laws of the port, was considered and the vessel was awarded to Pilot Ccx. Pilot Dupong, notified the board that the boat u Pet " would leave the bar this , i j .1 & xr ? i % : i w? ok, ana me jaecu resume nor pmce. Meeting adjourned till the first Monday in June. Exchange Clippings. ?A crowd of fifty five convicts?fifty colored and five white?passed through Charlotte a few nights ago, on their way to the work on the Spartanburg and Asheville Railroad. North Carolina utilizes its convict labor. ? Oyer one thousaud colored people in Greeuville, signed a pledge to drink po intoxicating liquors between January and May 1876. ? Wc have been shown a sample of rice raised by Col. Ralph Nesbit, and milled by P. R. Lachicotte & Sons at the Waverley Mills, ?n the Waccamaw. It is to 1 e sent to the Centennial Exposition at Philadelphia, where, in all probability it will carry off the palm. Col. Nesbit is a careful and successful producer of this grain, giving his whole time and study to its culture so as to bring it to its highest point of agricultural merit aud excellence. The sample shown us is not a select one, but taken from the bulk, aud is, therefore, a general average of crop of lice. Messrs. Lachicotte & Sons have put upon it that fine satin fiuish of which the giaii is so susceptible, and for which their mill: are noted. ? Georgetown Comet. ? The Richland cottage, one of th( finest residences in Aiken, was burned t( the ground on Saturday night last. I was occupied as a private boarding houn by Mrs. Sharlock. Loss ?10,000, full; injured. ? A policeman named Clary, atfcnip ted to kill Ch ef-of police Hendricks 01 Saturday morning last, by firing into hi hou.-e, Beaufaiu St. Charleston. ? The Schutzenfest of Charleston ' opei.e 1 on the 1st ? The workshops of the Wilmineto Cnhiinhia and Aucusta 1* II. have Kv ?. _ jLm J n4Bi "i " "i" r. *z?z~*i*. ?* (ntfHMi ' removed fnun \\ ilin-ugtoti, X. C. to ' Florence. S. C. ? Preliminary arrangements have boon made for the speedy re opening of the j South Carolina Institute for the Deaf, j (Dumb and Blind, at Cedar Springs Spartanburg county. S. C. Mr. Newton , j F. Walker has been re-appointed Super- j intendent. ? The Elliott Hook and Ladder Com- j j pany, of Orangeburg, has applied t<> i | .Judge Deed for a mandamus to compel j ! the county commissioners to pay rent for j the company hall, which they have u.ed ; i ~ I tor a courthouse. t | ? There wa< no business for the paml' ijury at the May term of the United ; States district court. j ? In Greenville on Monday last more ; than a thousand colored Good Templars ! j marched to music, banners and regalia i through the streets to the College .Spring j i and took a picnic dinner on temperance j j principles. It is a great and good move, J ! and the credit is chiefly due to Rev. Mr. J j Hunter, of the Methodist Kpiscopal | 1 Church, North, and 0. A. Pickle, Ksq. I { of' that city. ? A teacher in a Sunday school, says j I the New York Keen in;/ I'isf, was ex- i plaining to ffis class of boys the meaning ! of44 Jacob's ladder. ' when one of the j number, in re inquisitive than attentive. ; ' inquired : 4* If the amrels had wings j ' what was the need of a ladder for them?" i This was a poser, and while he was medi- J tat'ng a reply and unable to answer, I another boy exclaimed, " 1 11 bet I can ; tell what they used the ladder for. " ! 44 Out with it, then " said the teacher. 44 Oh, I guess they were molting. '' <?> MARINE NEWS. CLEARED.?ST. HELENA SOUND. April 24 th.?llr. Rk. Hidalgo, Phillips, mast or, for Swansea, with 474 tons of phosphate risk from Coosa w Mines, A pril 27th?Br. Bg. Ottawa, Howells, master for j Bristol England, with 474 tons of phosj hate rock' from Coos-tw Mines. April 281 h?Russian Bk. Ival", SpolawP-r, master ( with 97.>4oiis of phosphate rock for Copenhagen, 1 from Oak Point Mines. April 28th?Br. Pg. Cootnassie, Taylor, master, for >ewcasuu, i npiiBii, ?mi t>-*i nms ui jiun^maiv rock fmm Coatav Mines. AKRIVED.-M. HELENA SOUND. April 2 Jth?Iliisshui 15k. Hoppct, Frt Icrlckson j ' master, .17 days from London, in ballast to Cani|>- j ' bell, Wy llie and Co. April 27th?Br. Bg. Florence, Foster, master, 16 days from Georgetown, British Guiana, in ballast to <"ampi> 11, Wyllie and Co, April jfHth?Br. Bk. Acacia, LeMotte, Master !2 days from Funchal Madiera, in ballast to Camp, bell, Wyllie and Co. April 2Sth? Btissian ship Alexander, Ahlbcrg master, S7 days from Liverpool; in ballast to Camphell, Wyllie and Co. ' JMotics. \ LL l'EKSONS HAVING PILLS AGAINST :'l E. A. Bourne Wardrmmi Steward U. 8. S. l>iitator are notilicd to send the same to tiie oGicera o! the L'ietator hv May 6th. ma. -till t-t. QUARANTINE NOTICE." CFFK E HEALTH OFFICER. ! , Bi aitfor!, S. C., April 2t, 1X76. i i Th attention of Pilots ami Masters of Vessels Is | railed to tin* f.?!I<>w:n ; provisions of the Quarantine i Act which will ls> rigidly enfonsd ori and aft. r the ! tirst of May. proximo: "Vessels from any place | where pestilential, contagious or inf.tttous | diseases existed at the time of their depar-j , ture, or xhail have touch xl at s-eh jioris. Viss-Isj oil li > >rd which during the voyage, or at the port of their departure, any person shall have been sick .....i .u norts. shall on arrival at the quarautin ground he suhje.-t to vi.sit iMoti ami | examination l?v tin* ll-alth oilie r." Wick-Is fr.<m a contagious or infect iout port, or ; having on board such disease, will l?.> anchor, d in j the lower bay, hdow tlie |>res nt anchorage of the j Fie -t. Vessels subject to visitation and examination wij! display their colors in the main rigging. Those not subject tosueli examination will set their colors in the fore rigging. S. It. THOMPSON, M. 1). j Health Otlicer, Port Royal. Ap.27.1ni. ]\'nvul Cndet. In consequence of the failure of Mr. White to pass the examination for admission to the Naval Academy I am requested by the Secretary of tli Navy to recommend someone to till the vacancy. The following gentl-inen will conduct a competitive examination in the town of Beaufort on Tinsday the 3'ith of May next; for the purpose of tilling said vacancy. Dr. II. M. Stuart, P. L. Wiggin, Esq and Rev. J. B. Middleton. Any male citizen of tli 5th Congressional Pis- j triot between the ages of 14 and 18 desiring to enter j the Naval Academy is invited to aj>| pear before the Board promptly upon the day designated. Whoever passes the b *st examination before the Board will be recommended for appoint mqut by me. ROBT. SMALLS. M. ('. 5th Con. Pi*.J. C. RICHMOND. Trial Justice. All business iutrustcd to him will receive careful and prompt attention. OJBce Custom Hous? Building. Beaufort S. C. april 27-t f j Manhood: Hon Lost, Low Restored* j ? -! ; J',st published, a in w i | j tion of Dr Culver we IPs j ^' elcbratcil Essay on the | ; radical cure (w ithout medicine, of sperm atobhhoea ! ! or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses ! Impotency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Imi p?dinients to Marriage, etc,; also CoKsmpxiox | Epilepsy and Fits, induced l>y self-indulgence or 1 sexual exiravagance, ?xc. Price, in a seal-d envelope, only six cents. I The celebrated author, in this admirable Essnyclearly demons:rates, from a thirty years successftt > i practice, that the alarming eons, quences of self j abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous , | use of internal nodieincor the application of the , knife; pointing out a mode of euro at once simpl j | certain and effectual, by means of which every i sufferer, no matter what his condition may be I 1 may cure himself cheaply, privately, ami radically This Lecture should be in hands of every ; youth and every man in the lai d. I | Scut under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad1 dress, post-paid, on receipt of six cents or two pos' ' tage stamps. < j Address the Publishers, F. ISIfK.MAN & SOX, ? 41 tnil St., S< xv York Post Office Box 4T36. April 27th 1-y. t! POU SSA.XjZS. ^ I " | A fine 7 octave Steinway A Son's piano, in perfect f order, with covered stool. Cheap. Apply t . M. POLLITZEK, ap.M. Bay St. Beaufort. NOTICE. S i i TflEu dereigncd, Treasurer of the Beaufort nml Port K ojr:?l Turnpike Co.. will open I, books for the receipt of subscription to the stock of t said company, on and after this date. JOHN FRANZ, ^ 'I p n-nrer. II P.ft. \pril. 10. ts;,;. <m.?... r _? am'A i ii ? ii ?i i f m " ? Beaufort f ircrtoru.' Groceries. i)OY('E, J. I'?<Iroccrios, \Vin"s, Li<j'mrs, and So13 pars, S>utli side Bay St., B-autort. Dry Goods. * PI'EE, .!.?1 ?ry (Biols, Clothing, Bouts and ' . \. Shoes. Notions. At'., Bay St. I^liANZ. jOilN?(jenoral Pry Co.hIs House. J. Bay St. Beaufort. Sec udrertiseni -tit. p(H>PKR JOHN?Ptyflo^b Clothing, MillinaV.' rv. Crouch stud I'omestic Flowns. Fancy j (f.->ods, notions, Ac. Bay St. See ndvertisoiu ?nt. | Earfcer. i; i \ IJTIS, A.?Barber. Hair cutting, shaving shaiu1\. {moing awl dyeing. We.-t .St. R!'TM:1m;K, I!. M.?Rarl*T, shaving hair cutting, shampooing and dy. ing done in the n at- . est manner. Hay St. Blacksmith. I j \ flTCHKL, W.?Blacksmith, horseshoeing, and t IVl gonvral sniiih work. Magnolia .St. . c Wheelright - ? - -V ^ - -v I O AVAfiK, .lr.RHV?WhceJright. Repairs prompt- I t O lv executed. Magnolia St. j j Druggist, 1 OTl'AHT. H. M. DR.?I) racist and A|m?! hercary i| O Bay St. Beaufort. See advertisement. '< Builder and 0on tractor j IXKVLIX. W. H.?Uuil-Vr and contractor, Bay t and Charles Sts. See advertisement. jfl Carriage Painter ' j !! ATcORKOOK, JAS. E?Carriage maker, sign and i iVl carriage painter, Bay and Charles Sts. See f. :?d vert isement. Professional Cards TTTIOdTX. P L.?Attorney at Low. Solicitor of; VV 2nd Cirruit. Bay St. J SMOKERS! SMOKERS [ I A. ASHLEY~CHRIETZB33Cf, fl AS opened a Clpar store, ami Xcws depot on Bay St., Beaulort, where ean b.> found some of the rhoicest brands of Cigars and Smoking Tobacco. A ine st*?c k of* PIPES, POUCHFS, v CIOAR HOLDERS, Ac. DAILY and WEEKLY ? ?aj>ers. Orders filled promptly for any book, magn i..n n..u'snatier published. Tio only Nsws Deist in Town. I. Feb. 24. * M. POLLITZER, ? S COTTOy FACTOR AND fl Commission Merchant {j B?5 *UFOHT S . C MRS E. HOLZACH, a B .1 R BREAD V D Cake, and Cracker Bakery \ 1IAVST., Ili;.M"FORT, S.O. ? fust received :i lar^c awl selected stock of FRENCH CANDIES, rlifcli tvill In soM at nrfces to suit the times. Will so kee?> < i) hsiulall siml* of CAKES. IMICS, FRUITS, Ac Ac. sei>.2a-tf. W. H. DEVLIN, h farncater I Builder: - i -- a o All kinds of BOAT WORK, CAULKING, 3 and SPAR MAKING. 0 OFFICE AND SHOP COR. BAY and CHARLES STREET, BEAUFORT, S. C. # , : FORT ROYAL Saw A Planing Mill i BEAUFORT, S C. D. C. WILSON & CO., manufacturers of and dealers in YELLOW FINE Tim AND LUMBER and Cyproaw Slilnslcs, iuo Builders & Contractors PLASTER, LATHES, All kinds of JOB SAWING promptly done. riooriug & Ceiling Boards always on hai! Oidcra for Lumber and Timber br t!ie cargo ; promptly tilled. Tonus Cash. nov.28-ly. D. C. WILSON, A CO' | S. MAYO, Bay St. Beaufort, 8. O LIQUORS, WINES, ?fcr. | NET YARNS, FISH LINES AND CORDAGE. O-lass, Paints and Oils, i WHITE LEAD AND TURPENTINE. I I Special attention given to mixing paint ami Glass cut to order of any size. Dee. 6 | .7/. S. tit.t.tOXT, lira* fori S. (\ It J ftUVULf A* lO., Chavlrtt on S. f. ; THE BEAUFORT ; STEAM MILL COMPANY, Having pi t up a grist mill at their old stand, are prepared to furnish Grist, Feel anil Meal, any pi antitv, an! at reasonable rates. M. s I.I.MOTT. mmm niiriiwi hm rr fry- jr-xrmjrjz - .4 SILVER PLATED WARE. Eleciro-Pialed Silver Ware j AND Ornamental Art Work, I IX MU-:AY VAUIKTY. JL1 XL 't\I < 77 HKl) nv Tin-: NCRMI.M BRiTlXM.l HWWX Wl II34<)A DiV.VV X W *1 U f !v. I Tit It >1 SIMONS ai:d l-'<)KK*; nr-' tn . >ilv? r I'laftd li.-jtvi ! mi ;If i ;?iJ:< <>sirily the in >at wvar i miiis, and i.v.ui.:,' i!iJ Mark. i 1871?HOG E2l> HI'OTHKHS-XH. | N. It. ?This coat imjirnv'-rn lit i:t Silver- | IM Spoons uiul Forks i? applied alike lo eaeh grid- i ?f I'lat *, A l.Satid 1J o<t. a* ur.ertd. The l'r.K-oss md Machinery for manufacturing .Iks - goods :?i? I'atcnt d. Tliv- l.xtra or ''Standard I'iate" mad h\ his Company is stamp <1 A 1, simply, and i* phitto in per cent, heavier than thcordiaiiarv mark't xtanlurd. H#~ First I'rcniMinis at ail Fairs wiser, xhibind. from World,s I air of iMig to Am.riia; iistiiute i'air, 1G74. iiiciusiic, nar !M5 m. H fa (J10(1 I, r day at home. Samples worth *i 1J spZ'J lr.-e. Stinsox A t o., I'or.lai.d' Mr in: 1KNI? iic. to (5. I*. WW*FX!. A CO., New York (tor Pamphlet of I no pages, containing iisi of :tn.:0 icwspapcis, and estimates s's iwiiig tost of adrertL'>.-? (ina day at lioinc. Agents wanted. "utii; ami )lh terms free Till'L A CO., Au,u?ta, .Maine. nartMy. JOHN FlvANZ, W holesale k Ketail (irocer, 3HIP CHANDLER 'amily Groceries and Cabin Stores a specialty. Constantly receiving from St. Jjouis. the best FAMILY FLOUR, WOLESALK OUOCFIUFS, LIQUORS PLANTATION SFPPLIi> t tlie princplc Store, formerly occupied y J. Fyler, Corner Bay and West Street BAKERY. T.ovi'n.r invf mmnleted the erection of : nkery at my premises, at the corner Bay lid Scott Sts., T shall keep a constan upplv of fresh HKEAD Ac. I have r:e med the services of an experienced ba er, and by using the finest grades o oar, shall endeavor to secure a share o mblic patronage. Call and inspect similes. GROCERIES. speciality at the Store Corner of Ha; n l Scott Street. JUST RECEIVED, JOB PRINTING OFFICE, i full line of .ciiKirior r a pi: its, envelopes, KIEL* HEAPS, LETTER HEAPS, NoTK HEAPS. CARPS, ET'\ o1? jirintinc <lon* neatly ai d ehcjdy. Ail ord?: nmijitlv at!oi:d ?! to. t luvlcfi'cn Adrfrtisonrut?. 1>. OWEILL & SONS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IX BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS AND VALISES, MTo, 33 Haync Stroot Cliarlestozi ?3. Oaprl.S-lyr. Grist and iffd. S. fl. WALLACE, Cotton Factor AMD GRIST MILLER. H !;olesale It enter in mi im, m, fess, Etc., Sea Island. Cotton Bought, Ginuod and prepared for market. Advances Wade on Consignments. Having the best machinery for ginning cotton and grinding corn and meal, he is prepared to execute all orders on the shortest possible notice. The highest price paid for Cotton and Corn. Cotton ginned on toll. jam 7. G. P. GARDNER, DEALER IX GROCERIES, ,1"'M SWa. Etc.. hitjUUfS) ifi'Jf WUVUS) ?W?Vkj HILTON HEAD, S. C. Cotton Ginned and Corn Ground at the above place. Grist, Bread and Feed, always on baud. For cash all order*5 will be promptly attended to. JH? PARKER GUN. SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BROY, WEST MERIDEN.CT. . . ? i fT nv". S (' is K I'Kli, I^^I^J^WTI^eeper, |f| ^ ;pMfe|jME FAMIL? GROCEMrpAj Imrsort^d Liquors, Fll!1[XHI5(i (J0##S' iWlff ?.Hi *-eJf SEA ISLAND HOTEL, 1ias ?3 e e x re- opened. ^ Tin: patkoxage of tfik travelling iteltc is soLicnri>. 02.00 I=I3n DAY. i ^ V m e s 0 d e l l , - - - - proprietor. POET ROYAL CLUB HOUSE7" Has been fitted up in G:sl class style, in the lu'IJing formerly known as the 1IABF0RMTEL, The RESTAURANT will he supplied with the choicest viands thafcthejnarkots.of Savannah, Charleston and Beaufort an supply. MEATS, FISH, OYSTERS and GAME in its season. Long experiJ nee in this line of business has enabled me to serve the choicest delicacies on the hottest notice. C. E. WARREN. Feb. 24. * Proprietor. WW AT THE OLD STAND OF Jaeofe Apple. i iiavktiii; pi,KAsn:i; ro annoi xok to my friends and paitoNs, that J have just received a complete stock of , SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Such as DRESS GOODS, LINENS, NOTIONS, and the handsomest lot uf EDGINGS and INSK1MN08, also CLOTHING, HATS, Ac. GENT'S FURNISHING GOO\DSt Boots and Shoes, All of the lalost styles. Give us a call and judge the prices for yourselves. 3ay Street. JACOB APPLE, Beaufort. S. C. 1iez bussey; Wholesale and Retail Grocer, AND DEALER IN Country Produce, and Plantation Supplies, 173 Broad St., OJnder Augusla HoleU Augusta Ca. 0 KEEPS constantly on hand a large and selected stock of GROCERIES an ; 1*1.1M. TATION SUPPLIES all of which we offer cheap to the trade. Saii*fatiioD guaranteed. The patronage of Beaufort and adjoining Counties respectfully solicited. Are You Going to Paint? Tligi USE NEW YORK ENAMEL PAINT CO.'S OEEMIOAL FAINT Ready for use in White, aud over One Hundred Dieferent Colors made of Tin.T or.fl T.iiunn,] Oil ,Vy?/7m onmhiriorl nfnrrantftl strictly prime >> uuu ucau, iuuv, u.??^ vw~.v.*.^v., much Handsomer and Cheaper, and to last TWICE AS LONG as any other Paint. It has taken the FIRST PREMIUMS at twenty of the State Fairs of the th?' Union' and is on ninny thousands of the fi: est houses "in the country Address: N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT CO. pr i r rldi jft vrLI, A RD SEyr PREB 103 Ciffita street, New Yiif, | THE WEED SEWING MACHINE COMFY., Is prepared to offer the most liberal tcravs TO MERCHANTS AND OTHERS, ?Who will deal in? j Sewing' Machines of its Man'ftiircv c\ ! " w* F A XS3 X I* Y FAVORITE, Its Name Indicates its Qualities. Refer to 250,000 Families Who Have Them in Use/ i "* NAMED GENNRAL FAVORITE, BECA USE' Adapted to every pos ib!f prade of work.?Our competitors acl iiov. ledges that For Tailors aud Shoemakers, IT STANDS WITHOUT A IIIVAL. Address, Weed Sewing Machine Company, I V/. H ' X'? *.1 and .VI 5'f. Oliarlf l-'t.. Fr.ll * ? J*. j .