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f vrw-jz'.-rx.- v-- ' .. .-a 1j V ;'1 * < ! ' ' j 1 > ! V 4 \J vy .. i. ij 4 i U . x O Beaufort, S. C., April 13, 1876. Sinali-pox arc prevailing in SavannahCHAMBERLAIN was elected a delegate to Cincinnati, yester-day. IIPyou Lav? a good thing advertise it If you Kven't don't. The monitor Dictator has been in I'ort Koynl harbor one year. " m i Next .Sunday is Raster ?unaay, the close of the lenten season. 1 " 9^. America's patron saint in l.STti? St. Knnial. Don't advertise. If you do rou will have to do more work to attend to I your business. The best job printing in town at the office of the Standard and ComMUtriAU ^ i Wm. Peronneau Finley, Esq., who was born in Beautort in the year 1802, died in Aiken on Saturday last. A large advertisement once and j then discontinued creates the impression that the man has fizzled. Continuous advertising is the secret. JW One hundred and forty-eight bales of cotton were ' shipped over the Port Royal Railroad for the week ending Friday the 7th inst. A- The Treasurer of the Beaufort and Port Royal Turnpike Co, announces that the books are open at his office for subscription to the stock. Tuk fleet at Port Royal is said to be too lar from the markets, but what would be said of lying at Tybee, which would be a still greater distance. rill MMiprtone editor of the T, ittune has got the sea wall oa the braiu. He is in a very precarious condition. He was standing wjth his back to the wall when it fell. ?; 19" The State Treasurer says he will be able to pay this mouth about twothirds of the amount due the various couutics, of school money as apportioned by the Superintendent of Education. Mir The executive committee of the National Grange, has voted $J,UU0 to the relief of destitute members of this order iu the counties of Colleton. Beaufort, Barn well and Charleston. SO- A party of gentlemen from Beaufort, on board the steam yacht Falcon, p tid a visit to Admiral Lolioy, and the flag ship Hartford, ou Monday last. They received the most courteous attention. t # i ?? ?? ?? made to the i lYtf~ A {KCiuaiik hi|' mm. fleet, by a number of ourcitixous on boar i the steamer Pilot Boy, ou Friday last. They visited the monitor Dictator, which % is a model of engineering skill. 1?- The tine profiler "* 1 h _>s. Mor- gan, from Georgetown, is in Beaufort, and makes three trips daily to the U. S. Meet. We wish them success in their eu: tcrprise. HrHe this week priutcd an extended price list lor Mr. John Fraux. lie has two la stores in town, aud carries a heavy of .goods. He has learned the value of pii.ilcr s iuk. % iSU The Port Koyal Laundry has now been completed. The machinery and appliances are ail new, so the Port lioyaliies can now enjoy the luxury of a '"clean boiled rag," every Suuday at least. 6k. The Demorest's Illustrated Mouthly is the largest, and has the largest circulation of aoy fashion tuouthiy publish ed. They give a splendid chromo, already mo an tea tor framing. J9~Mr. Odeli, the baker, who has the contract tor bread lor the tieet, is as busy as a bee. He has two large ovens cou stantly at work, and has sent lor some skillful bakers, in order to keep up with the times. ?- We call atteotiou to the advt. asking proposals for lumber for the Beauiort aud Port Koyal Turnpike Co. There are about five miles of road to be built, and tho.-e securing the contract for ibe sectiou to the depot, will stand a good chance for the balance. HBu On Friday the second of a sera 3 of boat races between the crews of the Brooklyn and Cougress came oil. The boys of the Brouklyu were the favorites. The course was two utiles aud u half se. ward and return. The .Congress' bom, which won the first race was again the winner by about one uiiuute. ft- The interior of the Al. E. Church, Beaufort, has been repainted, and carpeted, and otherwise beautified. We arc instructed to thank those whoso cheerfully respouded to the call for contributions tor this work. On Suuday evening a festival in commemoration of Easter will take place in this church. I^Dr. Warren, late supply contractor to the fleet, left on business to Washington some time ago, when a rumor was cir" onlated that he had left the state for the purpose of defrauding his creditors, who swooped down upon his property in Beaufort and Port Boyal and plastered it all over with attachments, Dr. Warren sect dowu a power of attorney to his agcut tc make an 4- sigument in favor of his creditors, From tfie number of lawyers whe a e iu such good v - uot this week, a fat thing is evidently expected. ?w' Ifcal Estate Transfers. Since our last report the following . ..1 .. .........1 . t?: :.r rr a- >v sr(?tie.\?i-K. .? j Luther ivk. iv? .*i. .v, Sum is. I 9j acres in Lawton for $4o<> 00 Henry R Si Andrew P. Lawton, to Edward Stephenson, GO acres in Kobert for 90 00 Z. Ilayues, to Saiuuel Ferguson, Sandy Drayton and A. Johnson. 100 acres for 250 00 ; Wui. Wilson. S. B. C., to Crcs' w?ll Purvis Si Leopold, Com I .. V-.., { uilssiuiiere Frciduiau's bank, j 250 acres in Beaufort for 4,750 00 Political Notes. [ ' Tlic New OrJtuis Pacayune says: "It ! is a mistake to suppose that all the enc" aiies of the south in congress are mem-, bers of the republican party. The opposition of some northern democrats, and even of a few southern democrats, to the appropriations proposed for works of internal improvement in this section is unjust, ungenerous and unwise. " The Baltimore American, speaking of j the democratic legislature of Maryland ! says There are lavish appropriations made or proposed whitewashinirs of defaulting officials and the kind ed jobery, insolent refusals to treat election contests in a fair and righteous R'-irit, and a conteui tuous spurning of the protest and petitions of a large and respectable portion of the community. The New York correspondent of the; Chicago Tribune says : ilBy common em sent, James G. Blaine is regarded by republican editors, politicians and representatives in this state, as the most formidable cat didatc. The^opposition against Blaine is inspired by a fear that he will be nominated. This j opposition is manifested in political clubs | ?at Albany, in newspaper o:Bees and elsewhere?not by a direct assault up- n Mr. Blaine or his record, but by a covert attack u >on the idea that any New Knglaud man can <-?rrv New York.'' This writer says - - 4 ? ?in ?i^: 1 ex-Governor John A. Uorris win ultimately go for him, although his first choice is Secretary Fish, believing that he is surer than any one else to carry New York. ' A Canticle of the Church. OV EASTER EVE. Sleep, sleep, my Lord! Soft silence curtain o,cr Thy rest. Soft lie the white robes on Tliy broast, * In breathless awe. Angils, with drooping wings, stand near, With hushed intent they watch Thy bior; Sleep, sleep, my Lord. Sleep soft, my Lord! White lilies stand beside the door, Red roses droop th. ir full spheres o'er Thy place of rest. Blooiu, crown of thorns, around the brow That sleeps so free from sorrow now Sleep, sleep, my Lord. Sleep on, my Lord, So sneering Toieeof disbelief. No traitor's kiss, no untold grief Shall wake Thee now. The tears are wept, the woe is borne, Untroubled till the coming morn, Sleep, ab-ep, my Lord. Sleep, sleep, my Lord. Perfumed and white the lioeu fold Enwraps Thy form, as white, as cold/ No hands unkind Shall ever touch Thee. Holy One. No spear shall wound; Thy passion done, Sleet? on. dear Lord. Slcop on, <lear Lord. Rest, Hands that toiled, that fed, that bleat Unthankful :uan; at last they rest. Sleep, slefcp, dear Hand'! Rest, Feet that trol a toilsome way To find t^iis rest at ch*e of day; Sleep, sleep, dear Lord. Sle?p sloep, dear Lord, Sl-ep, Hero of the battle fleji, ; Uncoiifju red sleep; for wreath and shield, j 'i hr thorn at.d cross, Sleep, Lamb unstained and innocent, From Heaven to earth as offering lent; Sleep soft, my L>rd. Sleep soft, my Lord; No more to watch by night alone; The ang< Is watch inside the stono, ! The guards without, I And Thy Church watches, prays and weeps By the strange shrine wherein He sleeps He sleeps, her Lord. Sleep now, dear Lord, j Not yet draws near the dawning hour < When Thou slialt rise, in light, in power, To shine, to reign. Soon, through all tiiuc to shine afar, Earth's Life, her Bright, her Morning Star, Sleep now, dear l/>rd. MutUUT. St. iMma, S, C. j MARINE NEWS. CLEARED.?ST. HELENA SOUND. March 27.?Br. Pg. Francis John, Bcutley, master, for Newcastle, Eng., with 430 tons rock from Coosaw mines. March 23.?Br. Bgt. Elta. George, master for Newcastle, Eng., with 420 tons rock tr??m Coosaw minesApril 1.?Dsni?h ship Atlantic, Nerison, mast?rk for Newcastle, Eng., with cargo lumber from Da j ritn.Ga. April 5.?Russian Bk. Rapid, Jacohsson, master : for Aarhuus, Denmark, with 600 tons rock from Coosaw mines. ARRIVED.?ST. HELENA SOUND. March 29.?Russian Bk. Ivalo, Spolander, rna-trr, 57 days from Antwerp, in ballast to Campbell, Wyl lie A Co. AH RIVED.?PORT ROYAL. ] April,?7th I". S. S. Shawiuut, from Pcnsacoia. April.?7th " Monitor Ajax " from Pcusacola. April ".?Steamship Ashlaul,Crowell, Fernandina VdW | April 9.?Steamship 01 n?aims, JHUVfl, A-*vm Turk. April 10.?IT, s. 8. Swatara, from Raosarola. April 10.?Monitor Mahopju., from I'epsacola. j Sohr. Chaa, J3, Rlllier, Coombs, Woods Hale, fuano, to P. K. It. R. SAILED. April 7.?Steamship A?hlund, Crowcll, New York* April 10,-^Stcatu?hip City of Dallas, Hiiiea, FerpaiMlin*. ARRIVED?BEAUFORT. April 10,?-Norweigan Bk.Jorgen Lorentzcn, Petoraon, from Limerick, Ireland, to Atlantic Saw Mill. 1 April.?9th Schr. Charlotte Jameson, Jameson. JQ days from Rutlaud, Me, with ice to John Oon?QL CLEARED.?BJ?AUFORT. April 10.?Norweigan Big. Alliance. I-arseu, fronp Aflautic-Kiv Mill, with timber to West Hartelpool i Eng. '. :! MEMORANDA, j j The Fttp-lia Osterniup. for Bull River, S. C. sailed from Gloucester,England. March 23. h pou sZiEii! A flue 7 octavo Stelnway A Son's piano, in perfcci > order, with covered stool. Cheap. Apply to . j M. POLLITZER, ap j.3. Bay St. Beau fort. notice. THE u der-ijjned, Treasurer of the Beunfon Port Iti.yal Turnpike Co., will opei > l??>ok.N for the r-veipt of sulneriptlon to the stock < ti_: -? ?- grxn?i>^c.'omi- -: i ifiaulort ?u?iUi$? $mrior.i. w Groceries. BOYOE, J. 1'?Groceries, Wines, Liquors, and Sugars, South side Itay St., Beaufort. I QOYCE, JAS. E.?Wholesale aud retail dealtr m JJ Groceries, Liquor*. Segars, Dry Goods and I gonernl merchandise. Bay St. Dry Goods. ATPLE, J.?Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and ; Shoes, Notions, Ac., Bay St. TTtRANZ, JOHN?General Dry Goods House. -T Bay St. Beaufort. Sec advertisement. COOPER JOHN?Dry Goods nothing, Millfna- j ry. French and Domestic Flowers, Fancy Goods, notioiiB, Ac. Bay St. See advortiseiu %nt. 1X7 ATERIIOUSE, GEORGE-Groeerfea, and Dry | j VV Goods, Furniture, Ac. A new stock of lamps and chandeliers. Bay St. ' * *?ov*t>v ?iiminHfi Wines, Liquors J I II AKMfl nr?i>UA?-? 1 XI Dry Goods, Toys aud Fancy Goods, Bay St I , Beaufort, S.C. Auction Commission. CROFUT, JAMES M.?Auction Commission Merchant, and Broker in Ileal Estate, Bay St. See Advertisement Barber. ARTIS, A.?Barter. Hair cntting:, shavinf shampooing and dyeing. West St. RUTLKDtiE, R. M.?Barber, sharing hair cutting, shampooing and dyeing done in the n*at| est manner. Bay St. Shipping. BERTHA SCIIRs-Capt. Trerett, master, Beaufort to Savannah every week. Freight and passage. Blacksmith. MITCHED. W.?Blacksmith, h?r*e*hoeing, and j general smith work. Magnolia St. j Wheelright SAVAGE. JERRY?Wheelright. Repairs promptly executed. Magnolia St. Surveyor. VTTCHOLS E. G. Connty Surveyor, Civil Kngin1s neer, Draughtsman. Twenty yemra experience. Corner of 8th A B. St, Beaufort, S. C. Druggist, STUART. II. M. DR.?Drueglatand Apothercary Bay St. Beaufort. See advertisement. - -? e?? Builder auuuuuunvwt DEVLIN. W. H.?Builder and contractor, Bay and Charles Sta. See advertisement. Carriage Painter McGRFXIOR, JAS. K.?farrlace maker, sign and carriage painter, Bay ana Charles Sts. See advertisement. Professional Cards Tl^IGtJIN, P. L.?Attorney at Low. Solicitor of VV 2nd Circuit. Bay St. ~??r?kdmtisrmfit$r SMOKERS! SMOKERS A.' ASHLSY~CHRISTZBSRa, Has opened a Cigar ttore, and News depot 011 I Bay St., Beaufort, where can b" found tome of the choicest brands of Cigars and Smoking Tobacco. A One stock of PIPES, POITIIFS, CIGAR HOLDERS, Ac. DAILY'ami WEEKLY papers. Orders filled promptly for any book, magazine or newspaper published. The only Hews Dspot in Town Feb. 24. SILVER PLATED WARE. Electro-Plated Silver Ware AND Ornamental Art Work, IN GREAT VARIETY. MANUFACTURED BY THE MERIDIAN BRITANNIA COMPANY, 550 BROADWAY NEW YORK. j The best Plated SPOONS and FORKS are those a;u-?r Plated heaviest on the ports where neccstn rily the most wc?r conies, aud hearing the Trade Mark. 1974-ROGERH BROTHERS-XII. X. B.?This great improvement in Silver-Plated Spoons ami Forks is applied alike to each grade j of Plate, A 1, 3 and 12 ox. aa ordered. The Process and Mwhinery for manufacturing these goods are j Patented. The Extra or ' Standard Plate" made by i this Company is stamped A 1, simply, and is plated 20 per cent, heavier thau theordlauary market stan- 1 dsnl. *S~ Firat Prem?Mim? awarded at all Fairs where exhibited, from World,s Fair of 1M2 to American Institute Fair, 1674. inclusive, mar 9-6 m. Af fn Ann per day at home. Samples worth $1 <J>3 IU tpoU 'fee. SmtsoN A CVx, Pohland' Maine SEND 25c. to G. P. ROWELL A CO., New Yorkfor Pamphlet of 100 pages, containing list of 9000 newspapers, and estimates showing coat of advertisipo? mil)a day at home. Agents wanted. Outfit and , $1/ terms free THUE A CO., Augusta, Maine. mar9-ly. : M. POLLITZER, COTTOX FACTOR AND Commission Merchant BP, 4VFOIIT 8. C JOHN FRANZ, Wholesale & Retail Grocer, AND SHIP CHANDLER Family Groceries and Cabin Stores a speoialty. Constantly receiving from St. Louis, I the host FAMILY FLOUR, WHOLES AL? GROCERIES. ,1 LIVID"!** I PLANTATION SUPPLIES, at the prinople Store, formerly occupied 1 by J. Fylfcr, Corner Bay and West Street BAKERY. ! Haying just completed the erection of a 11 bakery at my premises, a.t the corner &iv | and Scott Sts., I shall lceep a constant i supply of fresb BREAD &c. I have secu ed the servjfces of an expe? iencedj' ba -; ker, and by iping the finest grades oi . flour, shall endeavor to secure a share oi ; public patronage. Call and inspect sain ,' plef. f: i . . . t-Mt":" vo;vv. r w-s. . ZKmnm*rt>^icamamt v. ii. iiiiiciiiiKon. i ' WIIOLESALE AM) RETAIL GROCER j I? j I PORT ROYAL, S. C. j ?<,A_ I JJAVIXC. jast put in a large stoek of GROCERIES, I am prepared to supply the trad* at figures that cannot fail to PROYE SATISFACTORY. | All my goods are bought from first hands, and come | direct from Keif York, Boston and Baltimore, I and I can, then-fore, compete w?:h dealers in Charleston and Savannah. Mess Beef and Pork, Dry Salted and Smoked Meats, FLOUR, SUGAR, MOLASSES SOAP CANDLES SYRUP COFFEES. CANDIES, TEAS, JF.LM1X SARDINES, CRACKERS. CHEESE. CORN. CORN MEAL, HAY AND FEED. CANNED GOODS AND PRESERVED FRUITS. BY PURCHASING from me. patties can make a per rentage on their good*, on account of lower freight Port Koval than at C harleston or Savannah. D. H. Hutchinson. Jy-2J-6m. For Sale. O-VE THtR.) INTEKKRT IN THK Port Royal STANDARD ?, COMMERCIAL. ?APPLY TOJ. W. Collins. Doc.? ?iW-tf. mrsVeT holzach, brIad X D Cake, and Cracker Bakery BAY ST., BEAUFORT, B.C. Just received a laixc and selected stock of FRENCH CANDIFS, which will he sold at price* to suit th? times. Will so keep on hand all Kinds of CAKES, PIES, FRUITS, Ac Ac. sep.2it-tf. " MRS. 0. SMITH" WEST STREET, Between Crarei and North Streets, AND COR. SCOTT A NORTH STREETS, Beaufort, 8. O. p ROCERIEB, Y.T \ TEATS, CANDIES, iVl rjiOBACCO, FANCY CAKES, AND SEGARS. Dry Goods, and Clothihg. All of the host quality and at the lowest figures, constantly on hand. _ _ w H~DEVLIN mvAiitnit 5 Ruilder I fli pCUIVl ^ lfuimvi o All kinds of BOAT WORK, CAULKING, and SPAR MAKING. ! i .. ??? OFFICE AND SHOP COR. BAT and CHARLES STREET, BEAUFORT, S.C. PORT ROTAIj Saw A Planing Hill BEAUFORT, 8 C. D. C. WILSON & CO., MAXCPACTTRKRS OF AXD DEALERS IX 7ELL0W PiNE TIMBER AND LUMBER AND Cypress Sbinglos, ALSO * Builders & Contractors PLASTER, LATHES, All kind, of JOB SAWING promptly doue. Flooring & Ceiling Boards always on band Orders fnr Lumber and Timber by the cargo promptly filled. Terms Cash. nov.28-ly. D. C. WILSON, & CO* S. MAYO, ~ ??-?. *DAa? Fr-tW. Bm O LIQUORS, WINES, &<-. 1 NET YARNS, FrSH LINES ANI> CORDAGE. GtIhimm, Paints and Oilw, WHITE LEAD AND TURPENTINE. Special attention given to mixing paint4 j and Glass eut to order of any size. i; Dec. 6 , I Ji. 8. ELLIOTT, It to n fort 8. C. . j MJfKJVJtE,, tr CO., 1'hmrleatoH 8. f }\ THE BEAUFORT r STEAM MILL COMPANY ; ' HAVISO ri'T UP A on 1ST MILL AT THKIl old stand, aro prepaml to furnish 4}rtat, ? " tsnaricston ^tfifrtisrmruts. JOHN W. L1NLEY, & CO., 190 KING STREET, ! CHARLESTON, S. C. r ^ o C~E R S , And Importers General Merchandise. No Freight to Pay! No Freight to Pay ! Our price* are below those of any nthei dealer in tlx'United State*. No cxtr* trtnm tu.iriiiri itr fi'0tnjlt IF* prepay freight* ami deliver aood> free at any deixtt on the line, of the Am th Eastern y Wilmington and Columbia. South Carolina and Charleston and So vanvah Hail Road*; alto to all points ?V South Carolina, Georgia and Honda having direct uxitcr comm un.cation icith C harleston. ALL GOODS OCARAMTEED. " Terms?O'*/' by P. 0. ortler or reg istcred letter?on 30,-f>0, or 90 days in ar ceptauce icith interest added at the rat> of 1 per cent a month. " Always endos* this advertisement icith order if convenient. List of Net Prices. Koexpeaseto ad< Finest quality Young Hyson Tea?quality unsur passed, exquisite flavor, and (treat strength, $1.2 per lb. This Tea specially recommended. Fine* quality Oolong. Soucnoug, (lunpowder, and Hyaoi Teas, 51.20 per lb. Setotul quality Teas, 8tic. p?r lb Third quality Teas; sold by other dealers at $1 pet lb., you can'have delivered by us at 60c. p.r lb Crushed and Powdered Sugars 13c. per lb.; Granulated A Sugar, 12c per lb. Ij^hl Brown Sugar, 10c. l?ei lb. Li nicy's Fearless FAMILY KLOUII 1* LBS. FOR Si* or$10 per bM. (Jnnd Family Floor, 22 Ihs. for $1; $a.50, and Sy.OO per l?nrrel. Kxtra Choico Fit ely Flavored Hants, 17%, 18c. per lb. Aiood Hams, !.*< . per lb. BREAKFAST STRIPS, EXTRA CHOICE, 17%e. per lb. Choice Tumbler Jellies, larg size, 12 l-2c. each. 2 lb. Canned Tomato**, 1? each; 3 lb. Canned Tomatoes, l*c. each. lib. .Salmon, 2.7c per can; 2 lb Canned Pine Apj le, Peaches Damsons and Pears, 23c. per can?6 cans for f!.Su Beat quality mixed Vinegar Pickles?pints 17e eacl quarts, 27c. each; Callous 60c. each. Condeuan ' Milk, Eureka and Eagle baand, 2.V. each. (>ant> Seafoam, 1-2 lb. 23c; lbs. f>0c. per can. Lemon Sugar. 40c. per can. booley's Yeast Powder, 13c, 25c. and 40c. per can. Kngllsii l oosing ooaa, or riri> age .Soda, 10c. per lb. 1-4 boxes Sardines, 26c.; l-i boxes, Sardines, :t-V;. each. Shadines, 1-2 boxes, 25c. each. Cox's Sparklin Gelatine, 20r. per pack. C? pers.40c.; Olives, 50c.; Worcestershire, Walnut ami Mushroom Sauces. genuine imported, 40c. per hot tie. Imitation French Mustard, 2ttc.GenuineFrem I. Mustard,25c. French Prunes, 18c. pr lb. ltaidn*,20i. Citron, 40c. Currants, lOe. Cheese, 20c. Full weight Caudles, first quality, 23c. per lb. Baker'* Chocolate, 45c. per lb. Cocoa, 50c. per lb. Brums GOc. per lb. German Chocolate, 30r. per lb. Ordina ry Rio Coffee, 4 1-2 lb*. for $1.; choice " Rio Coffee 4 lbs. for $1.; choice Laguayra Coffee, 3 lbs. foi 91; Old (forcrniueut Java Coffee, 2j4 lbs. for fl; Roastrd and Ground Coffees, 5c. additional, each grade. Duryea's Starch. 9 lb-, for $1. Satiu Glo a Starch, 75c. per box. Cbrn Starch, 13c. per pack, Box Blueing, Sic. per dozen. Barley, 12 1-2*. per Jb Durham Smoking Tobacco, 65c. per lb. Gill Kdg* Butter, 40c. per lb. Choice Goshen Butter, 35c per lb. Biscuits?Soda, 12 lbs. for Si; Extra Pilot, 10c. Lemon, Wine, Ginger and Butter, at 15c per lb. Xic Nacs, 18c. per lb.; Fancy Cakea 25c. per lb; Black Pepper, 30c. per lln; Suite, 30c. per lb.; Xu megs, 15c. per ounce; Mace, 15c per ounce; Ginge , 25c. per lb. Rose and Vanilla Mat Stick Candy,, fine article, 25e. per lb.; Ordinary stick candy.pur* 20c. per 11k; Rock Candy, any color, 22c. per lb. Col gate's Toilet Soaps?60 different kind*, a specialty o' ours, at manufacturer's prices?fr m 25c . to $4-0 per dozen cakes. Colgate s Handkerchief Extracts 50c. per bottle. Cashmere Bouquet Pewder, 25c. p* box. Cleveland's Pomade Yasaline, a restorati* and preservative uu equal led for the hair, 20c. pe bottle. Old Corn Whiskey, fl.80 per gallon. K* Whiskeys, 91.60, 92.00, 9-'t.O), and $4/>0 per gallon. Blackl>e'rrj and Cherry Cordials, a pleasant drink 91.K0 per gallon. Table Port and Sherry Wine, |2A? per gallon. Fine Old Mad ira, 94.00 per gallei. English and Scotch Ale and Porter; bottled, |2.7 Serdozen. Bremen Lager Beer, bottled, 92.70 p?. ozen. Demijohns for Liquor*, extra?1-2 gallon 40c.; gallous, .~>0c.; 2 gallons, 60c.; 3 gallons, 75c.; ' gallons $1.00 each. > A very Extensive Assortment of Crockery ant Glassware always on hand. Plates?Dinner six* 51.50 per d?zcu; Rr?akfant, 91.25; Desert, tl.00 Tea, 85c. per dozen, Cups and Saucers, 91.00 per set. Covered Dishes, 65c. 75c., and 91.00 each. Tumble > 60c., 75., $1.00, $1.25, anl $150 per dozen. Tabl* Gobi-to. $1.20, 91.50, $2.00, $2.50, and |3.00 per dosat Win# (?lapses, $1X0 per dozen. Lamp Chimney'* Sun O and A's, 4 for 25c. B's 3 for 25c. Student o Area ml Chimneys 3 for 25c. Xuraherlesa article* unrarnt iont-d. Information cheerfully given, iiu firm wai estHolielied in 18?T7, and our buNlnfs* rpotation and facilities are of the highest order We will do all we promise. All orders should b addressed to JOHN W. LINLEY, & CO., <K.J Box 184) lOO King St., Jn.lT-lr. CHARLESTON, 3. C. Crist and rd. l M. WALLACE, Cotton Factor J AMD GRIST MILLER, Wholesale Dealer la 5RAIS,S^KiT, KEAL, FEES, Etc., Boa Ipland Cotton Bought, Ginned and prepared for market. Advances Made en Consignments. Having the best machinery for ginning cotton and grinding corn and meal, he ie prepared to execute all orders on the shortest possible notice. The highest price paid for Cotton and Corn. Cotton ginned on toll. jan.7. G7P GARDNER, DEALER ur I I j OROOBHZSfl, Liquors, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoot, Etc., HILTON HEAD, 8.0. Cotton Ginned and Corn Ground at tht above place. Grist, Bread and Feed, always on hand. For cash all orderi will be promptly attended to. D. O'NEILL & SONS, W1I0LE9ALK DKAI.KRS IX BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS AND VALISES, j No. 88 Sityne Street Cliarleeton M. O. j aprl.S-Iyr. I , THE PARKER CON. t SEND STAMP FOR C1RCULAH PARKER BRCTS '* - >.V>. X2 ?rr-?."iy irrwi in?Mtaaa???mm?mm?< ???? F. W . S CHE PER, Liq ' k (jPSmmm musk nimishik vmn, jfijllffii "MSM Cutlery (Men, Hariirsre f|9|l Buy HI., Br ?u fort, BflHV SEA ISLAND HOTEL* ^ .. . ': ' adif* .< ? "' . * HAS BEEN KE-OPENED. THE PATBOXAGE OF THE TBAVKLLIXG PUBLIC IS SCLIClflW' J A M K S 0 D E L L, - - PtoHurroC PORT ROYAL CLUB HOUSE ? J Has been fitted up in first class style, io the building formerly knew* u tW BEADF0RT?H0TEL, __ ' A The RESTAURANT will be supplied with the choicest viands that thejmarketa of Savannah, Charleslon and Beaufort *an supply. MEATS, FISH, OYSTERS and GAME in its season. Long experience in this line of business has enabled me to serre the choicest delicacies on the hottest notice. ' C. E. WARREN, Fch.24. Proprietor. ' BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS* AX THE CHEAP STOEB. Jacob Apple, ANNOUNCES TO HIS FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC, THAT HE HAS JU8T, eceircd direct fiom New York, & large and well selected stock of FALL AND WINfEIl GOODS, which he will offer at the lowest prices. Consisting of DRESS GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTION. Silks. Poplins, Lustres, Black and Cord. Alpacas, Reps, and Plaids, alas a flae lei *f Prists sad Bleached food*. Fine Plaid sod Ottoman Shawls, Ladies KM Glewea, fsatflel Drew Els" Tstwn, Hosiery it ad Finer Goods, Balmoral Hose, Ruflingaad EmbroMeriee, Latest styles * " " * *-? P--A.? mil fnfr BMM HI.iV. TrinniDn inu nuiiwu, rnugawKi ? ? ? - ? ets and Domestics, Oil Cloth and Matting. Special attention is called to tho Gents' Furnishing Department. Which la complete with the latest atylea of Bows aa I Ties also, the celebrated Centeaatal pa- ' per Collar. Clothing Boots and Shoes. Hats and Caps, and other article* to sail the wants of all. Oome and be Oouvlnoed. Bay Street. JACOB APPLE, Beaufort, S. C HEZ BUSSEY, Wholesale and Retail Grocer/ and dealer ik Country Produce, and Plantation Supplies, 173 Broad St., fUnder Augusta Hotel, Augusta Ga. 0 KEEPS constantly on hand a large and selected stock of OROCKEfESand PLAN. TATION SUPPLIES all of which we offer cheap to the trade. Satisfaction' guaranteed. The patronage of Beaufort and adjoining Counties respectfully solicited. Are You Going to Paint? * then use new york enamel paint co.* CHEMICAL PAINT i Ready for use in White, and over One Hundred Diefbreivt Colors made of strictly prime White Lead, Rinc, and Linseed Oil, Chemically combined, warranted much Handsomer and Cheaper, and to last TWICE AS LONG as aay other Paint* nn.?,Trr%>a x x_ ~rXL- Oi.x. W-I? ?L. ,1.. It his taken the K1KM ftiftjnujio at twenty ui mc omw cwu vi un vhiww and is on many thonmndi of the fit est housesjn the country Address: N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT CO. PR a, skxt mc 183 (Tkaatos Brat, lit T?t the: weed SEWING MACHINE COMFY, ' Is prepared to offer the most liberal terms ' TO MERCHANTS AND OTHERS, nru~ ?:n ; ? If liU Will uvm IV Sewing Machines of its Man'fture. tr. ?#v FAMILY FAVORITE, Its Name Indicates its Qualities. Refer (o 250,000 Families Who Have Them in Use. o?? ** w# NAMED OENNEAL FAVORITE, BECAUSE J >. Adapted to every possible grade of work.?Our cowpatitow acknowledges that For Tailors and Shoemakers, fr STANDS WITHOUT A RIVAL. Address, TT. cii Sprhi ! ? '' b 1 n 0 o in v 3 n y. J ?. s *> \ r mfVs S' BsiMTOP* Sid