University of South Carolina Libraries
\ LOCAL ITEMS. Beaufort, S. C., March 16, 1876. *S?"Th 2 moon partially eclipsed j on Thursday night. IPfc,. Yrte best job printer in town lias j charge of our office. toy Had not the New York Ilose Co. better re-organize ? . We compete in style and price] with any job printing office in the State. The country schools in the Beaufort 1 school district, so wc are informed, will close at the end ?*f this month. j1 *<S> fc-iS"" New tvre just received at the of- j flee of the Standard and Com me id ial j . Satisfaction guaranteed. There were 043 hales of cotton j shipped over the P. 11. K. R., for the | week ending March 10th. < The sea wall, which will make j such a decided improvement to Bay St., I is rapidly approaching completion. j' JtaT Mr. Rawson, travelling agent for j < the Southern Music House, of Savannah, . Ga., arrived in Beaufort on Saturday last? j i aud will remain here a week. ,( 1 The steamer Carrie, brought her j -j full quota of sight-seers from Savannah j ( to visit the I*. S.# fleet at Port Royal, on j j Monday. j ^ The attention of parties having audited ! claims against the county for the fiscal) year 1*73, is called to the advertisement ' for registration in anotlier column.' We received too late for publica- k tion an obituary of the late Mifcs K. E. ( Rolliu, who died at Brunsou, ou the 3rd 'F inst. |1 The hotels at Beaufort and Port Boy a are crowded, but still all who coiue can be j f accommodated. Plenty of room fo: prof t itable investments here. J f j S A change has been made in the beet . contractor, but we tbink I)r. Warren, when the facts arc known in Washington. , will be retained. t?" Send in your order- for cards, bill heads, circulars, letter and note heads, j . cuvcIojkjs, Ac., to this office. j tgu The steamier Gen. Sodgewi.-k, ' .1 came horn Savannah to Beaufort with an ' excursion party, on Sunday hi>t. We !i ? |} tieed the familiar faees of several former | } readouts of lii aufort auiongst them. : SO?" The supreme c> urt of this State 1 has just decided that under a fo:eeio>ua.* ' ot mortgage, the mortgager is not enti- ' ( tied to reserve a homestead i'rota the j 1 mortgaged premises. ? 4^ > fciT The ;i Phoenix Fire Co.. j t*ri?ed out for the first time to a fire on \ Tuesday morning. They are evidently I , lively boys, and will be a valuable a !-f| junet to ihe fire d tparinient of our town. he time for oaymcnt of tax- s Srithouf penalty has been extended until April 1st. T1 is is probably the ItM ex- j tension and all parties ought to come for- J and pay up. B&T No for merchants and i 11 j 1 %* -1 - I siness wen wow lor scuauig i uou ?;uci.- j for printing out of the town. We can, satisfy the demands of the most fas;i- J. dious taste in this line. fflu The new st >r j of M . ,A. A drey. j Chrietzbcrg is rapidly filling up wilh i cho:ee articles for tiu lover> of tht weed. < He also fills w'th dispatch orJ r fo newspaper, periodicals, maga/.n s; b ?ok Ac. , ( - i' The monitor Catskill. and the third ! rate frigate Alert, amved in Fort Royal, j from Hampton Roads this week. The j vessels that went to Key West to to.v the monitors there to this p rt have not yet j returned. BSk" News was received in Beaufort, la-t night of the death of the Rev. Man -field Frcuch, the father of W. M. French o?" this town. lie was during the war a resident of Beaufort but removed to New York several years ago, where he ( died, aged seventy years. B0L. Call and examine specimens and i I ascertain our prices before sending yjtir job work elsewhere. An alarm of fire was raised on Tuesday morning. Il was found that in. cleaning up the burial ground of "the Cath( lie church, the fire had caught some of the head boards, lmt it was got i under before the arrival of the fire en- j gines, which, three in number, arrived in few minutes after the alarm was given. On Friday evening next an Ice Cream Festival will be held in the Ly-; ceuin Hall, under the au pices of the la- j dies connected with the Charles St. Baptist church. Beaufort. These l.-nlics bv their exertion have already furnished this church with carpcttin: ."as, chairs &c., and desire to procure funds for painting and other decorations. We' wish them success in their enterprise and trust that their festival will be well-attended. She came down in u towering mgo. and planted a pair of number eight gutters in the middle of the otlue floor. \\ e turned our gaze on her and instinctively arrauged the few remaining locks of hair, over a bald spot. It is a habit we h ive acquired under the delusion that we thus hide from an unsymnsithizing public the inroads that old father time ha- made upon us, and on this occasion we thought that the baneful glare of her cross-cut eves w-t? intently fixed on this idoniical spot. 41 What for you pet my name in ? your paper " she exclaimed. k" Why ^ ' \ ?nikT un a,ii . ^ v^s^a?3iJw^Tyf:ar.r my dear madam, you must be mi>in-; formed " we said soothingly, but unfoi-! Innately wc looked iior in the eye. 4,Me J misforuied ! Mc Eve ! who you put in the police court, " and she made a step towards us. The truth dawned upon us that His Honor the Mayor, did make some allusion to Eve, in the police court, and we begged the Eve present to calm ' herself and we would explain. We then! gave her a touching account of the fir>t j chapter of the history of the world?o* Adam ami Eve and the garden of Eden* : It evidently had a soothing efleet, and I when we concluded by remarking there were no newspapers in those days she appeared better satisfied, and at Jeav ine said " that if we had not talked so nicely to her, and told her such a nice story, she would have made us wish we j had a mother-in-law to comb our hair,''j and we believe she would. j1 The private Theatricals at the j Sea Island Hotel, last week, given by . the officers of the fleet, was an elegant af-1 < fair, an intellectual treat that was greeted t enthmijastically by those present. The j? p'ecc selected was " The loan of a love . 1 the ens* was well arranged and caphnHv 1 sustained. Tiie cast was as follows : j ^ Captain Amorsfort. Mr. Adams; Peter! ^ Spyk, Mr. Diamond. Swysel. Mr. Dral.; j > Delve, Mr. Sel fridge; Gertrude, Mi<s. . ? Rundlo; Ernisti c Rosendaal, Mi s. En-1 ' *lish. The entertainment concluded ly <j :he recitation of" Shaiuus O'Biicn " I 11 jiven by Mr. Diamond, who in response i :o an enchorc gave " Roger and I. " He j s an eh cut'onist of considerable power. ?<* >? ? The State Superintendent of Ed-1 leation having apportioned the State i '' School appropriation, which gives to this i s jaunty S13.210.40, the school commis- j ti doner has made the lollowimr apporuouueut atuonir the school districts in this j ; n : Beaufort, Bluffton j < 33.63 CW'ttwhatehie $1,021.56: Geo-' 1 he ...> n? 20; Hilton TTead $761.48; Law-1 ;on $S8S.50; Peoples $706.06; Ptxsualigo ?412.00; Bobort $773.50; St. He'ena j *2.0SS.22: Sheldon'$766.74; Yemassoc r p7S3i60j - Ladies Island $672.02. This 1 > tppoitionaier.r is made on the ratio of the ' ; vhool attendance in the several school ! listricts. i r ??>? Daniel Webster said: "Small is t);e j Mini that is requited to patronize a news- | [taper, and well rewarded is* the patron, 1 'are not how humble or uupieteodim; the gazette which he takes. It is next to itn vossihle to till a sheet with printed matter vitho'.if nulling somethiuir into it that is Tort l the subscription pri-.-c. Kvry ?:ireut, who<e son is awav at se!i>j should supply him with a new-pap !, t v x j! reui -mhe:- what a mark.' I riiden n c r dime was between !hove of mv >c.n>?>l? ii tics who had at:d ho-e w!k? had not at -; ess to newspapers. (>:her thine- be nj ; r j.p.i the fi; >t were always superior to the I a-t ;h debate, coin position and iir.el .- j jv-noe. j 4 ;i 3IAR?NM XMWS. j J Ar;:!yKj? ?March 1st at St. Helena " nukv.I Br. By. "Francis John, * Benticy i i%-!er. 20 days from Barbauoe?, in La 1 ' est to Campbell. Wyllir und Co. 0la:ch 2nd l>r. By. Flo-ence. Beyiiou. master. 35 days from Fuji dial, in , I :.'Vt to Campbell. \tyliio and Co. Cleared.? March !st from St. II ! - j na S out J Br. Bjrt. Morua, B van, nn s ;ci, for Be!(k.^t Ire! art 1, with 431 tons of pho-pliatc r;x:k from Cooswv Mines. " Mau*lt I>t Br. T>j. IVno'oju* Tutton. < Junes, lousier, for Bristol Kn^riaaJ witli 400 tons of phosph ite rock i'.oui Coosa w Mines. ARRIVED.?ST. HELENA SOEM*. ! March 7.?Knssian lik. liuhtiuas, Week* .!. mas- j t ?r, 2day* Lorn Eavnnnah In ballast, to Hull liver Danish Ship Atlantic, Vrlcur. master, ? days from j riuirlct>ii>? l<ar, in distress laden with lumber from | Dnrien, Ga., drawing too much water to enter t liar- j le>twu. Norwegian Ck. Kiskop K.*nn, Jaenbsen, master, 1 i nays from St. Lucia, W. I., in halhist to Campbell Welle A Co. Krgt. Edi'li, Allen, master, 2 days from t liarkntin in ballast, to Pacific Milling Co. March 10.?Dr. Kg. I no, Phillips, master, ."7 days j tr >iu Kucnos Ayrv>, in ballast to Campbell, Wylie I & Co. ! Kr. Kgi. Elta, George, master, 51 days from Lon" j d m, in ballast, to Campbell. Wylic A Co. ( LEAKED.?ST. UELENA SOI"N"D. March U.?Kr. l?kt. Glads one, P.urch, master, ."01 tons phosphate rock from Coosaw mines, lor New ; Castle, Eug- * j MEMORANDA. Lit <* ' ? m'* CP A Ml t.kJ i ? The Danish ship "Atlantic** arrived at Ku'.l river ' on the 5th ins*. She was loaded with timber at I?arien, Ga., and while at sea sprung aleak. She ran ! for Chari 'stoii hut found she drew too lunch water to enter ;hat port. and had to tuake for this port to 1 lighter. The bark Kniannei, with phosphate rock, from Kuil river to i/oiidon. put iul<> 'lybec ill distress 1 we k. A board of survey was held which lvcom- J melid?d that a portion of her cargo lie discharged 1 fill thnt she b docket*, fir further examination. The steamship Hun srille, formerly running lc w *n New York an I Port Itoyul, will b-sald in t Wtrcanuah on the 21sX lust. under an award in libel tn tli1 ease ?1" John Itoavh lit) i ant, vs. Victoria (.i iix'fc'i*, :is owner. tttotfiirs, &r. AUCTION Commission House, j i i i Consigned Goods sold for Cash and ; Cash Only. Gits as a trial. Orte promptlv iiilotl. | . Butter, . \ from 20 to 40c* | Coffee. ijoui 2") to oOo. Candies, from IS to 25o. Cheese, from IS to 20c. | Codfish, from S to 10c. j Herring, from 25 to 4oe. Sardines, froui 20 to 35e. Kerosene, 20e. gal. Mol asses, from 2t) to 45c. j { Kiee, from " to <Se J i Candles, from 2n to 50". i S'?aj>, from *' -3 to t'c. Sugar, from S to 10c. Starch. from 5A to Sc. Tohaeco. from 50 to OOe. i Scirars, from to .^50. Cider. 40,*. gal. Vinegar. from 25 to 40c. Tea. (C rccu) Jellies. Mate lies, JAJIKS 31. CKOFCT. iUu- A slmlisf incuts. SILVER PLATED WARE.; 1 i Electro-PIaled Silver Ware AND Ornamental Art Work,! IN (iliKAT VARIKTV. MANUFACTURED BY THE MERIDIAN' BRITANNIA COMPANT, 1 550 BROADWAY XEW YORK. j The best Plated SiN>OXS and FORKS arc those Sliv? r Plated b.-avi -st on tho parts win-re necessarily the Most wear comes, and Is-uring the Trade .Mark. 187-1?I?0(iEU>? BROTHERS? XII. X. B. ?Thisgirnt improvement in Silver - I'laa ted Spoons and Turks is applied alike to each grade j >f Plate, A l.sand 12 oz. a> ordered. The Process md Machinery for luauiifuetiiring these goods are J * Patented. The Ivxtra or ' Standard Plate" made hv j his Company is statu]**! A 1. simply, and is plated I .n percent, heavier than t he ordianary market stau- ' ' lard. C?C First Pr-nt uins awarded at all Pairs where | xhibited. from AVorld.s l air of 1S62 to American 1 [nditute Fair, 1671. inclusive, nar 0-6 t-t. [if fo fxrtfj per day at h me. Samples worth 81 1 PJ iU Ou'J ir e. Si'tNso.N A i'ii., Portland' Maine. 1KM> e. to (i. P. IP: AVI.I.I. A CO., N -w York S }tor Pamphl. t of pvi pages, containing list of :?.'iw I lewsjctjK-rs, an t estimates showing cost of ad vert is- . tig. j t }1Qa day -if homo. Agents wanted. Outfit and )l?j terms tree TUCK A ( H., Augusta, Maine. narMv. Aiiiaini^iralor's Notice. Pursuant to an older of the probate court, for the ounty ol* Beaufort, the personal pmjtertv of 'he csato of Robert Ta-ssington, late'of St. Helena, will * sold in front of the otl'.ee of Jas. M. Crufnt, Ksq.t f n Saturday isih Ma eh next. The property coil ists of one mure, one stallion, one con, one sunvej , | larness, tables, bed* and bedding, cottun gins, ouc liver wutrli. etc. Terms of sale.?Cash. ^ II. C.. .Tl'DD, Administrator. !ft Feb. 25-1 "76. ol.Jt. Aflmini^raScr's Notice. All persons hiddin-r c-iaiins against th-* estate o Vter I' iwcll, deeeas'-d. late of Coosawhatehic townhip. amber hy notified that th-- same must he pre. nted duly attested, at the ofSceof the undersigned ! I n n -auf- rt, within the time limited and allowed by t ;w, and all p rsons indebted to the said estate are cquircd to make immediate ?^11!e nciit wf theirac- ^ our-ts at the satn.* place. 11.(1. J I'DD, Clerk, ;rt. Feb. C5, lS7f? ? Adin'r. ; w Ahmini. !ra!orS No! ice. All persons Holding claims against the estate o, i ntnnel Cooler, doceawl, late of Blolfion township J ?*c here- y ir-tilied that the same must he prescnt?1 duly attested, at'th office of the undersigned in ! aufert, within the time limited and allowed by iw, and all peisous indehted to the said est ate are e:piir<! imui -diate settlement of theirac unts at U: .-ant-.' place. II. (i.-Jl'DIt, Clerk, 1ft., Ktfh. :*, ]87 ?.? !N-It. Ad.n'r. An Outfit Free. j i We want.- an- on- in ev.-rv county to lake ord<*fs j aid dejiv-r goods tin* the old and original C. <>. J> douse, la'.rtp- cash wages. Splendid chance in ev j y neigh'*-rh?o ' for th - tight jsrsnn ofeirtier se\ i ttngoro'd. Samph " ft-ei am! |?o-t psith end for t a! once and make money at your honn-s. { ( idres i' il I LtLt C' -. (5 A*, //-o' -f- -/ S'frt 'ia'dnf/re. jlfi.'. oet.'l-"iii. j 1 M. POLLITZER,CVTTO^f FACTOR j ' and Commission Merchant - - - * ! i li Wi 1 V. r w I* ^ ] johtTfrANZ, i Wholesale & Hot nil Grocer, . AND ' ] SHIP CHANDLER | Family Groceries and Cabin Stores a specialty. ?<) Constantly receiving from St. Louis, the best FAMILY FLOUR, j? \V1 IOLKSA LE OKOTO IKS, LIQUORS I . PLANTATION SUPPLIES. | j ! at tLo prlneple Store, formerly occupied j by J. Fylcr. Coiner Lay and West Street' | BAKERY. |1 Having ju-d completed the erection of aj bafcerv at my premises, at the corner Bay and Scott Sts., I shall keep a constant j supply of fresh BKEAD &c. I have se- < cu cd tr.e services of an experienced baker. aed by u-ing the finest grades of, flour, shall endeavor to secure a share of public patronage. Call and inspect sam- j p!c.s. GROCERIES. a speciality at tbe Store Corner of Lay and Scott Street. W, H. GAIiVSRT. | PRACTICAL Tin SheetIron* Ccp:er Worker! DKAT.ER TX Japanned and Stnr?ipr>*l Tin Wares. Constantly or J J hand, Cuokin*- Parlor and Rnx Stores. TERMS CASH. Agent for the Celebrated Charter Cak Cocking Stoves* W.H.CALVKBT, I Cay SI. between Stli A r-th sts. Peaufort. S. If* &. J'.LHOTT, Htnuiorl S. C. /?.# FV.'A'A'//, A,* CO., CitnrltMfnn N. f. j THE BEAUFORT STEAM MtLt COIIPAHT,j HAVINC PI T CP A GPIST MI VI. AT THEIR ; old stand, are prepared tu furnish firlst, Fred nnd Mrnl. any quantity, and at reasonable rates. M. S. ni.LIOTT. 1). If. IIllt('hii!M)ll, | 1 W HOLESALE AM) RETAIL GROCER j PORT ROYAL, S. C. j I o j < ?JAV1X<; just put in a large clock o it 11 0 (' E IS I E 4 s * ' am prepared to mipply the trade at figuros that cannot fail to PROVE SATISFACTORY. VII inv goods are Itought from first hands, and come ' direct from ?iv York, Boston and Baltimore, j nd 1 can, therefore, compete with dealers iD Charleston and Saraunllh. j Hess Beef and Pork, Dry Salted and Smoked Meals, 'LOUR, SHiAIi, MOLASSES SOAP CANDLES SYKt'P COFFEES, PAN OIKS, TKAS. JKLI.II->, SARDINES, CRACKERS. < 1IKKSK. CORN. CORN MEAL, . IAY AND KEEP. CANNKD GOODS AND ' PRESERVED KIM ITS. i BY prnnTASINi; rmm tne, partiesean make a percfiit.^T mi their jewels, on account of lower | reiglit charge-?.at Port Royal than at ( harlcston or | avannah. J D. H. Hutchinson. , v-29-fint. 1 For Sale." ' r OXE-THIR J INTEREST IN THE i Port Royhl I I iTAHDARD & COMMERCIAL I I ? A P P L Y T O ? I J. W. Collins. I >cc.? ?C-f f. H MRS. E.HOLZACH, 11 V B R . BREAD X. D S !ake; and Cracker Bakery < BAY ST., BEAUFORT, S. C. j I list received a '.urge and .-elected st<xk of j FRENCH CANDIES, j hieli will he sold at prices to suit the times. Wi'l * 10 keep on hum! all kinds of j CAK LS. rues, FinriTS, Ac Ac. sep.fcl-t f. j MRS C SMITH,"" | ?1 7 i Between Crater and M Streets. j LND COIt. SCOTT A XORTH STREETS, j * Beaufort, ?3. O. | 't nocEiui-s, rr.vr* f A\T?ns. IV L 'j^ODACl O, FARCY CAKES, AND SEGARS. . I 3ry Goods, and Clotnihg : VII oft lie lxvt tjnality and at tiie lowest figures, Constantly on hand. I ' W. H. DEVLIN, Carpenter % Uniidcr All kinds of 30AT WORK, CALKING, and SPAR MAKING. o-4-2? OFFICE AND SHOP TOE. BAY ami CHARLES STREET, BEAUFORT, S. C. nig3.1y. PORT ROYAL ?aw& Planing Hill DKAt'PORT, S C. D. C. WILSON & CO., MAXl'FACTt'KER.S OF AXD DRAI.KRS IS (SLLOff PIl'S TIUESB- AND LUMBER ASI> Cypress Siamglcs, Al-SO Builders & Contractors i P LAST K I!, L A TII E S, All kinds o'.TOB SAWIXC promptly done. Flooriag & Ceiliug always on M Orders for Lumber and Timber by the cargo pr tntplly filled. Terms Cn-m. \ nov.iS-ly. 1). C. WILSON, A COS. MAYO, Bay St- Boaufort, 8. C %iiP LIQUORS, WINES, *o. NET VAl'NS, FISH LTXES AXD CORDAGE. | Gla5H, l'itinls and Oils, WHITE LEAD AM) TURPENTINE. Spccisil attention ^ivcn to mixing paints <1 Glass c order of any s.'ze. R. IT. WRIGHT. HARNESS MAKER, Carriage Painlerand Trimmer Harness repairing promptly attended to. 31 AG X () U A > t. Next 1'< ):'T OF FIFE. BE ArroiiT, S.C. P3?bbw ? ? >i i ii ?Mnrwrgrmg? Charleston JUrcrtisrmrnts. | JOHN W. LINLEY, & CO., I?() KING STREET, C H A R L ES^TO N , S. C. j GROCERS,) A ml Importers of General Merchandise. | Vo Freight to Pay ! \o Freight to Fay ! I Our pries are Iwloic those of- (inj/ of/or lra/ir in the L it it i< I Shifts. No extra J charges for ifrni/tigc. hoxiui/ or freight. i'"" ? r.,l,lirff a noils " ' I' ' ' /? " free at (hi}/ depot on the line of the So) th Eastern % 117/nun (/ton a ml (Jo/nmbin. Sooth Citrofinn and Ehsirtcsfon ami So- > vamuth Jloi! Roads ; also to nil points m South (xtrolina, Gtore/hi and Honda ho ring direct loater comninn.cation wit/. C ha rfest on. AL?, HOODS GI ARAXTEED. '' Terms?Cosh by R. 0. order or reg- i isterrd bffrr?on 30.-1*0, or 90 dug* in or- j ?eptonce with interest added at the rote if I percent o month. " A/ways enclose 'his advertisement with order if convenient. List of'N'el Prices. No rxptnsp to add Finest v Young Hyson Tea?quality unsurpassed, exquisite flavor, n*n<l gr-*at strength, $1.2u per lb. Tiiis Tea specially recotuinemh d. i im*: piality Ooloti;;, Souchong, Gunpowder, ami Hyson leas, jl .20 |kt ill. Second quality Teas, SO.-. j?.;r 1 i> fluid quality Teas, sold l?y other dealers at Si per b., y.iti can have delivered by us at tide. p. r lb 'rushed ami Powdered Sugars 13c. per lb.; t.ranuated A Sugar, 12c per lb. Light hrown Sti^ar, 10c. >ei lb. Linley's Peerless FAMILY FLOl'K is LPS. FOR $1. irSlO j?er hbl. flood Family Flour, 22 lbs. $1; fs/ni, ai.d SO.OO jkt barrel. Extra ( liokc Fit ely 'lavorcd Hams, 171-j, ISc. j>er lb. flood Ha as, I.e. ?er lb. BREAKFAST STRIPS, EXTRA CHOICE, 7T^c. per lb. Choice Tumbler Jollies. largi ize, 12l-2e. each. 2 lb. Canned Tomato's, bV ach; " lb. Canned Tomatoes, l?c. each. lib. Saloon, 25c per can; 2 lb Canned Pine A pi le, Peaches, Jamsoiih mid Pears, 2to. jier can?ti cans for ;1.W. hat quality mixed Vinegar Pick lea?pints lie each |uarts, 27c. each; Gallons (?<> . each. Cowleowd ililk, Eureka and Eagle haand, 2.*ic. each. Gantz s-aloani, 1-2 lb. 2 ? ; lbs. .'>0c. p-r can. Lemon Supir. 40c. per can. 1 moley's Yeast Powder, 15c., Sic. nd ioc.-tnT can. English Cooking Soda, or l'ack,gc Soda, 10c. ]*sr lb. 1-1 boxes Sardines, 20c.; 1-2 nixes, Stfrdhies, 35c. each. Shadiues, 1-2 boxes, 23c. acli. Cox's SparkHu Gelatine, 2o<-. per pack. Caicrs, 40c; OliVes, 50c.; Worcestershire, Walnut ana lush room Sauces, genuine imported, 4'ic. per botle. Imitation French Mustard, 2'kr. Genuine French 1 itustard,25e. French Prunes, lXc. pr lb. Raisins,2?<e. 'itron, 40c. Currants, 10c. Cheese, 20c. Full reight Candles, first quality, 2'lc. per lb. Baker's .'hoc-date, 45e. per lb. Cocoa, .10c. per 11*. Broma. dc. per lb. German Chocolate, JV. peril*. Orlinay Rio Coffee, 4 1-2 lbs. for $1.; choice Rio Coffee \ lbs. for Si.; choice Laguayra Coffee, :i lbs. for 1; f *ld Govcrnuieat Java Coffee, 2,<lhs. for Si; toasted and Ground Coffees, 5c. additional, each trade. Duryea's Starch. ITilis. for Si. Satin Glo-s itareh, 75c.* per box. Corn Starch, Lie. |**r pack, iox Blueing, ?k\ i>cr do/."ii. Barley, 12 l-2c. i*er lb' ? * - ? i'L. L'.t... )urbiuiSmoking Tuiiwi'o, wc< p.-rio. uiu Sutler, 40c. p*r lb. Choice Goshen Butter, :fc?o. ?cr lb. BIscuitsr-Soda, 12 lbs. for Si; Extra Pilot, lrtc.: ^nion, Wino, (linger mid Buii<t, at l.V per lb. S'ic Nacs, 1 sc. per lb.; Katie? < ale s 25c. per It; Jlaek i'epjier, HMc. per lb.; Spice, :hk\ per lb.; Xu> negs, 15c. per otinee; Mae*, 15c per ounce; <iinge:, !5c. |H*r lb. Rose and Vanilla Mat .Slick Candy,; in- article, 25c. per lb.; Ordinary .-tick cand**. pure Kio. p r lb.: Rock Candy, any color. 22c. per lb Colta'.-'s Toilet Soaps?60 dill'-rcnt kind* a spec altyo! mrs, at mannfactur.n'- prie *?fr m 25c . to ?4.(K K?r dozen cakes. Colgate's iiaiidkerjuict Extracts sic. |ter bottle. Casiiui *ra Botupict t'owder, 25c. p.u >ox. Cleveland's i'oniado Ya.-aline, a restore! iv. tnd preservative uucijualbM for the hair, 20c. |k?ottfe. old Corn Whiskey, p?r gallon. It* Whiskeys,$1.6n, (fi.O), S't.oo, and $!.1U per gallon, itlaek berry and Cherry Cordials, a pl-asant drink |!.S') per gallon. Table 1'ori and Sherry Wine, $2 .V. ;>er gallon Fine Old ira >4.U" per gallon English and Scotch Ale and Foil lutl id, $2.7' j rdozen, Bremen Lager Beer, bottled, $2.70 pe: lozen. Deiuij dirj* for I.i<iU<?rs, extra?1-2 gallon , I < : gall >n.-, 5'je.; 2 gallon.-., OJc.; .'5 gallon-, 7.">c.; fallons sl.'Jdt aeh. .Air rv Kxteiisive Assortment <4 Crockery am ila-swarc always on band. IHstrs?Dinner -i.:<* jl .50 jht dozen; Brcaklu I. $1.2">; R-.?rt, Sj.on ft a, s"?e. j??r do/. : , Clip* ami Saucers, si .00 per set. overrd l?i-lies, ') ".*. 75c., and ?1.00 each. Tumbleis k'e.. 75.,, Si 25, ate ?! <0 per dozen. Tabb iobl t-. jC.5'1, $2.'Ml, $2.50, ami -d.00 i?.*r dozer Wine (ila-!*s, Sl.l.;) per dozen. Lamp Chimney'.Sun o and A's, 4 lor 2V. It's 3 for 25c. Srudout o; Argand ( himiicy- 3 for 25c. Numberless article- J nniM-'iitiotied. Ii;f tiiiuti<ui c .e-rlitliy given, (lu i lirin was estaolisti/d in 1 '?;, ami our business r< I utat; ni ami facilities ar of the highest ordsr j We svl!I do ail no prortls-j. All ord-is should b* i address- d to JOHN W. LiNLEY, & CO., I Key Box 1S4) XXLiTRXy Jne.17-1*. CHARLESTON, S. C. Christ and Jhrd. S. Itt WALLACE. ! Cotton Factor AN? GRIST MILLER, "Wholesale Denier in . nil o-tlf fT 1 * p4(| WtWi ? ffii.'ii Skkiik) {any, a*,, Qca Island Cotton Bought, Ginned and prepared for market. Advances Made cn Consignments. Having the best machinery for ginning cotton and grinding corn and meal, he is prepared to execute all orders on the shortest possible notice. The highest price paid for Cotton and Corn. Cotton ginned on toll. jam 7. ~ G. P. GARDINER. DEALER IX G-nocisniEs, Libert Sty Goo;:, Sat", iboss, St;., HILTON HEAD, S. C. * Cotton Ginned and Corn Ground at the above place. Grist, Bread and Feed, always on hand. For cash all orders will be promptly attended to. D. OWEILL & SONS, wjiolKSALK DEALERS IS BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS AND VALISES. No, 33 Knyno Stroot Cliarlooton S. O. I aprl.S-Iyr. | THI PARKER GUN. SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BROY WEST MERIDEN,CT. ! i'. w. s( ii 1: l'KK, SEA ISLAND HOTEL, HAS BEEN RE-OPENED. THE PATRONAGE OF THE TRAVELLING PUBLIC IS SOLICITFD' TJEZYmLS, $2.00 PER DAY. J AMKS ODELL. - - - - Proprietor. . POUT ROYAL CLUB HOUSE' IIus been fitted up in first class style, in the building formerly known is the IIHPMT^IOTEL " w-- ~a 1 The RESTAURANT will be supplied with the choicest viands that the nt.rket# 0^ Savannah, Charleston and Beaufort can supply. MEATS, FISII, OYSTERS and GAME in its season. Long experience in this line of business has enabled uie to serve the choicest delicacies on the .diortest notice. C. E. WARREN, Feb.24. * Proprietor. BAR G A INS! B A R GA INS! I QUICK SALEETAND SMALL PROFIT'S! A T T II E CHE A P S X 0 R E. Jacob Apple?, AXXOT'NCES TO IIIS FRIENDS AND THE ftJBMC, THAT HE HAS JUs? cceived direct fioni New York, a large ninl well sefwVed stock of FALL AND WINrER GOODS, which he will offer at the lowest prices. Consisting of DRESS GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTION. Silks, Poplins, Lustres, Mack and Col'd. Alpacas, Reps, and Plaid*, also a line Jot of Prints and Pli-ach' d goods. Fine Plaid and Ottoman Shawls, ladies Kid <doves, OulciMiial Dress Kir* vators. Hosiers* and Fancy <?oods, Balmoral Hose, I;n 1Hlug and Embroideries, latest styhwAf Trimming* and Button*. Winges and Laces. A tine lot of Perfumery and fancy Soaps. Blanket* and Domestics, Oil (.loth and Matting. Special attention is celled to the Gents' Furnishing Department. Which D complete with the latest styles of Bows and Tfe<, also, the celebrated Osteoma] i&per Collar. Clothing Boots and Shoos, Hats and Caps, and other articles to salt the wants 6(alt. Como and tod Otoiivlncod. Say Street. JACOB APPLE,_ Beaufort, S. Cr fitEZ BUfSSK Y, Who! esale aiid Retail Grocer* ??AND DEALER IJT? Counti*y Produce, and Plantation Supplies, 173 Broad St., ('Under Augusta Hotel,/' Augusta Ga. ??0 rri.irnc ? in. <rA nnrl seWtwl stnek of GROCERIES nnd PLAN- * 1/ JMIiro WWiminj) mi ? n. ? ? LY TATION SUPPLIES all ot'which we offer cheap to the trade. Satisfaction guaranteed. The patronage of Beaufort and adjoining Counties respectfully solicited. Are You Going to Paint? THEN lTSE NEW YORK ENAMEL PAINT CO.'S CHEMICAL PAINT Bc.tdy far u?e in White, aud orer One Hundred Different Colors made of strictly prime White Lead, llinc-, and Linseed Oil, Chemically combined, Warranted* much ILmthonier and And to last I'WICE AS LONG as any othte'r Paint.-It has taken the FIRST PREMIUMS at twenty df the State Fa!f i of the the Union*1 and is on many thousands cf the finest howgsjri the coifntry Address: N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT dd. FBWEuivra*^card srxtFREp_ JD3 Qujjligfj Jfgj ' THE WEED SEWING MACHINE COMFY., Is pre pit red to dffer the most liberal terms TO MERCHANTS AMD OTHERS, ?Who will deal in? "V Sewing Machines of its Man'fture, I FAMILY FAVORITE, Its Name Indicates its Qualities. . i i Refer to 250,000 Families Who Have Them in Us<5? Ot ! NAMED GENNRAL FAVORITE, BECAtJSfi Adapted to every possible grade of work.?Our competitors acknow ledges that [ For Tailors and Shoemakers, IT STANDS WITHOUT A RTVATj. A<Hrp?s, Weed Sewing Machine Company, Pttn.-'O. Not*. 51 ati'1 5.1 S<. Oliarlr* St.. UnitImorr.