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TliK POUT ltOVAJi. i STANDARD and COMMERCIAL; Jt\. O. THOMAS / | (alitor, Beaufort, S. C., March 16, 1876. ; Sl'BVClUl'TJUXS. Vuc Trar, Si 00 Sti Months, 1 00 j AdrertUrwittn will h* initfrtKl nt thr rate of $1 50 per square, 1U Xonpaicil lines, for the first insertion; subsequent Insertions by contract. JOB rHINTTNC; ASH STATIONERY. Ws have one of the mo<t complete JOB OFFICES ~ ? ' 1- ?-v ?. ?,n.l nt ns low oriel's IB toe outu', ami uu wvik ??.- ?v.. ...? , in the cities. Our stock of STATIONERY i< large mad will be sokl wholesale ami retail, as low as iu Charleston and ^arnnnah. Deeds and law blanks In gr-at variety. Official Paper of Beaufort fount}. SEW HAMPSHIRE ELECTI05. Belknap'* Sins not to be Visited upon ThCi Party.-Tlie Bepnbl eats Victorious, Fears wore entertained that t lie exposures at Washington would have .such a damaging effect u; on the e'ettion in New Hampshire, that it was questioned whether the republicans could carry the State on Tuesday, but it is evident from the partial returns that have already been re eeived that they have gained a sweeping victory. The republicans have made gains ii?ahuost eveiy town in the State. The democratic roosters are all sick. Republican majority 3,000. Indiana will present Hon. 0. P. Morton, as a candidate for president to the Cincinnati convention. He will carry considerable stiength with him into the convention. The English papers needn't read us any homilies about the Washington corruptions being the result of the workings of Democratic institutions. The most thoroughly corrupt Government in the world in its administrative affairs is Russia, which is a purely one man despotism. The British Government has been worse tnan that of the United Suites. Grant, is ? saint compared with George IV. Belknap, : the Secretary of War, sold some offices . through his wife. The second son of ' George III, the Duke of York, while in the same position, three-quarters of a century ago, allowed a large portion of the contracts and a large number of the offices to be disposed of by his favorite mistress. Mrs. Clark, as was proven to his disgrace lefore a Parliamentary and legal inves ligation. The A tic# and Courier takes a very sensible view of the Centennial and the South, by showing what an effect the ex* hibition of her resources will have in drawing the attention of strangers who will visit the centennial, who may thus be induced to invest their capital here, and illustrates this by the impetus given to Tennessee by the exhibition of her minpruls at the Vienna Exposition, which caused $1,200,000 of capital to be invest ed.ra that State the following year. A large portion of the Southern press xhavc ridiculed the idea of this Centeuniahexhibition, but it will be seen that those Southern States that make the best display will derive the greatest benefit from the investments that will be made in this country by foreigners during the.year'next succecdiug this exposition. The South cauuot stand aloof without \ injury to herself. j So.VK of our up country exchanges are beginning to look at Port Royal in the right light. The Progressive Age this week calls attentiou to the importance of having commuuicatiou from the interior portion of the State, by railroads counect "ing with the Port Royal R. R., and "are satisfied that life and vigor could be imparted to our waste places by coiumuication with any point capable of sustaining direct trade with Europe, and such thi.port most undoubtedly promises." ItcoudSudcs with the following ju>t tribute to the energy of the two gentlemen in whose hands this road is at present: "Since the P. R. R. R. has passed into the management of ir.s present direction urd *r Pre.-i leut Wilson and Super' ? tendent Plcmming, its prospects are said to have brightened, showing what live railroad men can do with an honest ad ministration of the public trusts." I Judge Mackey, has always been con I sidered a wann friend but an iujplacable enemy,?a man of contradictions?a man 1 of such versatile attainments that the p> ople would not be surprised at anything that he might do. On the bench he has pursued a very cratic course, taking unto himself powers that were never intended to belong to any judge, it) some instances making hiuiselfjuuge, jury, and prosecutor, in fact such is his temperament that. it would not be Mackey if he acted other j wise. | An attempt has recently been made for an investigation, an initiatory step for his impeachment, but it has fallen through, not from any inherent love or respect that the members hold for him, but from the circumstances .that surrounded some ofj his accusers, that cast suspicion on the ] motives that actuated them. It fails, and ! immediately Judge Mackey orders the | arrest of one of his accusers, Treasurer j Yocum, on the train near Chester, to an | awer charges, that he had himself made against him of defrauding the county of I Chester by abstracting and re-issuing u?-1 ca nee Hod school certificates, for years tu which a tax for deficiencies had been levied. Judge Mackev, in his circular, to tin ' Lo^i.JiituR has already pronoun*, cd Yo i cuui guilty, a id as the impropuery of sit ting on the hencli when this case is tried may not occur to him, we call attention j to it. Treasurer Yoeuui mnv he guiltv of' all that is charged against him. hut a fair ; and impartial trial is guaranteed to him by the constitution of the State, and it I would he aiecredirting Judge Mackey with superhuman powers to say that he could I ; now enter into this case devoid of preju; dice. I Legislative Notes. i ! Nothing of interest but investigation. The impeachment of Montgomery Moses I Jrm-Ve nlniur. From I Mill."* Ultimo ll.A .1 .-.V"..,. the evidence so far, it looks as if the judge will be brought in guilty. It is a j pity that a judge cannot live on a salary j of&4, 500 without having to borrow so 1 much money. The Maokey investigation looking to* wards his impeachment has fallen through by a vote of 34 to 14. Treasurer Voeum o! Chester will have short shrift now h' Maekcy is |>ermittcd to preside at his trial. The committee that is investigating the official conduct of Judge Heed is hard at work. They have not yet made any report. The atmosphere ot Columbia is thick with investigation. The act to character the Ladies Island and Coosaw River Mining Co., has been ratified by the governor as has also the act to charter the town of Brunson. Messrs. Hayne Sloau and Boston have been appointed a committee to investigate Solicitor Buttz of the first circuit No signs of adjournment yet. Beaufort Tolice Courl. Ills Honor was a lit Je bit out of sorts this week, the boys knew it at a glance and the Marshal evidently felt it keenly, when he brushed past him without poking his ribs, or even winking or smiliug ouce. Tiie bloom of youth had a * ? .i . grayish cast, and it struts us mm prubablv, sonic one had palmed off on hiui an inferior brand. We noticed that lie did not play with his eyeglasses with his accustomed sprightliucss. He was ahead of time, and the Marshal had not yet marshalled his host of offenders against the numerous ordinances that the council amend, repeal aud re-enact with such striking regularity. He gave a faint smile of recognition, as he passed us before taking his seat, and we thought we might venture a few remarks, and probably draw him out'as to the cause of the change we noticed on his fair yet man. ly brow. ''Rather cold this morning. Judge. ' "Yes lather," he-slowly replied and began to tap the table with his pencil, ihe end of which he had already chewed into a shapeless mass. What do you think of the situation now, " lie said "judicial investigation appears to be abroad in the land, in fact it is epidemical. They have got Judge Montgomery Moses 011 the hip, and .Mac-key, if he was a less shrewd man. would have been in* vestigated long ago. Then there is Judge Reed. If that man Courtcuay continues to write such letters, as lie has recently I don't know but Judge Reed will be put through the mill, in fact as 1 said before judicial investigation has taken an epidemic form. Why, sin they'll investigate me next. " Ho was evidenty getting excited, and thinking to calui hiui we said, " It might do some good, " referring to the investigation ol the other judges, and uot to his Honor of the Beaufort Police Court. " Do some good, no sir ! " he indignantly replied' "1 ..Unll nn rirrlif r\V._ ill tllO OOUl"Sfi T have J. siiaii gv nf,... v, ... mapped out for myself. I aui determined to make Beaufort, the most peaceful town iu the Union. Xo Sir !?do some good?Xo Sir ! '' Mr. Marshal, bring in c prisoners. '' u Xow Robert Stoney, I have had my ?$es on you for a long time. I know I you make a stray dime now and againi but the trouble is you do n?t make enough of them, so you have been arrested for vagrancy, for having no visible means of support. It is a very grave offense, which is assuming gigantic projjor. tious, in fact only last night on uiy way home, I saw three young men clinging very lovingly to lamp posts, which wathe only thing that prevented me having the 111 arrested on a similar charge. Can you lay bricks, Robert ? '' "1 do'no ?SiY I replied Robert. " I thought not " said the court. " You don't know anything and ought to be sent to school, but then rhat sea wall must be built. " " MrMarshal, turniug to that official who had slyly appropriated. His Hinor's eyeglasses, and was amusing himself ly holding a mock court with the police offi' cere, and did not respond immediately to His Honor's call. 41 Mr. Marshal, .take j this youngster and introduce him to the boss of the board of public works, and tell him to make a bricklayer of him in the next ten days. " ''Emanuel Sauches, your offence is a i very dangerous pastime, prohibited by i the wise and good men, who are associated with me in the government of this municipality. You have been caught dis-i Ir? fKIs Ciwii ?itrl if IM1UI?IIJ? Ult XI IU>J JK tuw your youth did i*ot plead for you, I would send you to loiter round the sea wall lor seven days, but I was youn? myself once, and so shall discharge you on ; promising not to appear hetore uicagain." "John Lewis, you say you acquired the habit oi' shooting in the streets, with Sherman, and cannot get over it. I am sorry for you. habits are easily formed cspeeially when they are bad ones.''?'"Now jf I was the President,"?and his Honor has consideral le ambition?,;I would do- i elare war on Cuba just to accommodate j such fellows as you, but I am only the j president of this court. Put still I can I accommodate you iu the guardhouse for j seven days, which 1 will, unless you dc-1 posit with the chancellor of the town ex- j chequer, five dollars and costs. " "Allied Plyun. y u are a trjugcrii. tli .' town, and my officers have taken you in. They say you have not a cent, and there- 1 fore you should not stay round here. Wc j, call it vagrancy. But you have a bright i and promising countenance, and as a [ friend of'mine lias paid a small fortune I for the privilege of selling pop corn at the I great centennial, if you will promise to ' leave the town, I will discharge you and i give you a letter of introduction to him, and he will give you a job. Start right now, and avoid populous cities like Beaufort, where her lynx-eyed officers may nab you, and you will get there before the ; great show opens." And he went. | "Jim Williams, you are an industrious j i young man;" said his Honor, putting on one of his blandest smiles. 4 'You are evidently a good hand at taking down bricks, i as you made a pretty large hole in j the guardhouse wall last night.. It is a J pity that you arc charged with vagrancy, ! or I might make you boss of the public ; works at the sea wall, and in my opinion j your crime is tlie more henious because i of your failure to escape, but if you bad 1 the town would have lost your valuable services for the next ten days. Mr. clerk. I put five dollars and costs, or ten days, op! posite this young man's name." 'This I court now stands adjourned," and his Honor left the bench, and came over to where wc were standing aud renewed the conversation as to the impeachment of i his brothers of the circuit courts. ?-3?* Last Thursday night the house of the Rev. Frederick Jonc , was entered and his gold watch, pants and pocket book stolen. No clue as .vet to the thief. Wc are glad to notice however that our police arc arresting suspicious characters that infest our town. Sheriff's Sales. ?1!MUFF'S SAI.K. In,'re. Est I>avid O. Jackson deceased, By R. O. Ifolrae? administrator and Principal Creditor. Trohaie Court. _ ! By TfrMic of ori'r of R. K. Carlton IYbViIc Judge in tho above stated case to nie di.v ;*tod. I a ill sell at public outcry in frun of my office in the Town of Beaufort on the first Tuesday In April ncx'1?7?*> being the fourth day of sa?d month between the 'bgal hours of said the following property ta wit: I/?t number 13, Section Town-hip onu(l. south and one (1) West, situate lying, and being on Port Koral Island, County of Beaufort and .State of Sr nth Car/lina. Purchaser* lo pay for papers. Terms cash. WM. WILSON*. S. 13. C. BR,. Mar.13.1S76 5-t SHERIFF'S SALE. Amos Wiggins, James Wiggins, vs. Margaret Fer ribee, Oliver I*. Law, Y. Richardson, Charles E. Bell, Nathaniel Ferribec, Edward E<yMington Kiebard Robbius, John Powers. Probate Court. By virtue of an order of It. K. Caricton, Probatv Judge, in the above stated ease to nie directed I will sell at public outcry in front of my office in the Town of Beaufort on the first Tuesday In A|>ri, next 187d, being thrt fourth day of said month, Ik-* twecn the l-'gal hours of sal.-, the following proper!} to wit: All that tract of land situate lying and b-ing in the County of Beaufort and State of South Carolina called tho "/font* Stewf containing five'hundred acres more or less,bounded north by bin Is of J. fi. Reeves, cast by P?!?lk* Road from (irahamviile t, l'umburg, south bv lands of the Est of 1 hailo iioy wa.d and west by lands of Joliu Forribec. Also, All that otlnr tract of land t>ituntc lying and \A ing in the County and State aforesaid called "lla j Island" eonlaiuit'gUiiit*n hundred acres more t.r less, bounded north by lands of the Kst of Jo hu and WillUain Ferribce, east l?y lands^of John. Ferritin called "Carter I?ay," south by lauds of km ate o1 i lmrles Hey ward aud west by lands, of Estate o' John Ferri e ? Also, All that other tract of land situate lying and being in the County and State afire aid called "( arter Bay" containing twelve hundred acres morn or less, bou.'dcd north hy lands o't'.ie Estate of Joliu Ferrlbeo and Tuten, east by lands of Wiggins R-iuth by lands of O. P. Law and west by lands of Estate of Charles Hey ward. A lsi, All that other tract of land situate lying and b In; :n die county and State aforesaid, containing nine | hundred acres more or less, hounded north hy land* | o'iginnUy laid out to Muckenfii vs, a id lands of Jos. Glo er, east by lands of Wiggins, south by lauds of estate of John Ferrilre, and west by lands of estate of Johu Ferribce. Al*o, Ail that other tract of land situate lying and he. ing in the county and State aforesaid, called "Brails* ford" containing one thousand acres more or less, bounded north by estate of Chailes Ileywaid and ( WiNou Ferribce, cast by lands of estate of John Fcr.ibec and ("has. Heyward. south hy the sameaud west by lands of estate of Wilson Ferribce. Also, All that oilier tract of land situate lying and being in the county and State aforesaid, called "Ray Shaw," coutaiuing six hundred su r -s tnorc or less bounded north, south and cast hy land of the estate of John Fcrribee, and west by land of the estate of Wilson Ferribce. .Also, All that other tract of land called Davidson, situate lyiug and being in the county and State aforesaid,containing five hundred acres more or less, bounded north by the estate of John Kerrlbee cast by lands of ('lias, lley ward, south by lauds of M J. Humbert, Zaut and Middleton. Also, All tliat other tract of land situate lying and lieing in the county aud State aforesaid, containing four hundred acres more or less, hounded north by lands I formerly of the estate of John Humbert, eaM by j land of the estate of John Ferribee, south by land, j of the estate of Cha*. Hey waid and John Fcrrlbeo J aud west by land unknown, and tbo "Bay thaw" | t.nct of estate of John Ferrilice. Terms.?One lialf cash, balance secured by bond I of the purchaser aud mortgage ut the premises, to the Probate Judge. Bond bearing interest at seven per cent, from date, payable annually. WM. WILSON, | ' S. B. C. ! Beaufort, March 13, 1876. 16-.'*-t SHERIFF'S SALE. Brigham Hoist, aud Co., vs. Luther B. Bostick, Beaufort County In the Common Pleas. Foreclosure and .Sale. By virtue of an order of Hon. J. ,T. Maher to me directed iu the above stated case, I will * 11 at public outcry in front of inv office in the lowu of Beaufort, on the first Tuesday in April j next, 1876, being the fourth day of said mouth be" , twecn the legal hours of sale, the following proper- j t j to wit: All that plantation or tract of land situated in St. Lukes Parish Beaufort County, containing eight j thousand two hundred acres more or less, bouuu", cl north and northeast by lands of II. T. Mason, ; John II. Bucket, estate of Shuman, cast by lands of j W..!, i.-iwton K. (iolly .1. Maun, south hy lauds of , s. Mmij ,f.b. Lisii.rj, Sjianntli Liver, and wr5t i ? h? lands (). ]'. HjsicL, Man ha Pierce, L. M.Moj Kenzie Dr. Giiflin. Parsonage lands and lands of j - * * -..-1 l.-An I H?wkt t ! J. if. l^awion, jonn ii. DUMitK .tiiii excepting however twelve bundr-d acres llier.v>_ I rcserv-sl for tin* defciidai. ' homestead, th" bound: ries of which will he given on the day of sal". Terms cash. I'urhasers to pay fir papers, W.M. WILSON. S. It. C. Beaufoit, S C., Mar 16. 1S76. lG-3t SHERIFF'S SALE. Oliver P. Law, vs. Francis Humbert Judgment of Foreclosee and Sale. By Tirtue of a judgment of Foreclosure in the above stated case to me directed I will sell at pub" lie outcry in f>oai of in- office mi the town of Beaufort on the first Tu -sday in April next 1S7G, b dug the fourth day of said month between the tegaj hours of sale, the following property to wit: All that tract of land situate lying and being in the County of Beaufort and Stat of Sou th Coro* lina bound- d north by Z Richardson, cast by lands of F. Humb. r , south by Savannah and Charleston R. R. Co's land and west by Colcock and Son, and containing three huudred and seventy one acre more or less, Term cash. WM. WILSON S. PC. Rff. S. C. Mar.tGth 1876, 3t SHERIFFS SALE. Sarah Williams, vs. Hamilton Robinson and Catharine Frtzer. Judgment for forechsue-? and sale. By virtue of a judgement of foreclosure in thabove stated case to me directed I will sell at pub lie outcry in front of my office In the town of Beaufort on the first Tuesday in April next ls7G, being tii- 4th day of said month between the legal hour^ of sale, the following property to wit : vu flint lot of land situate in the town of Beau f?rt,and known a* lot It, in l?loek 57, according to the plat of said town made hrthe r. S. Direct T*x Commissioners for the District vf South Carolina, measuring and containing eighty-three feet along the west line of xtli St., and 121 feet along the line of K St , and bounded north by K.St., east by lot A, south by lots C and D, and west by Sth St.. being the land ami premises that wore sold to the said Sarah Williams by said Tax Commissioners in 1S04} Terms : Ofce half cash,?balance on six months J credit, secured by mortgage of the premises and j bond of tlie purchaser. W.V. WILSON, Hft. March 1,1,137(1. S. It. C. SHERIFF'S SALE. L. C. ts. The Tori Royal Conipfessing Warehousing and Power Co. Rabcock St Wilcox, vs. Same. Ry virtue of a writ of fieri facias to tnc directed, and lodged in my office. I will sell at public ontery in front of my office in the town of Beaufort, on the first Tuesday in April next 1376, being the fourth day of said month between the legal hours of sale the following property to wit: All the ri,.ht title end interest of tha Port Royal Compressing, Warehousing and Power company, in and to lease from D. F. Apploton of the following lots situate lying and Icing in Port Royal, city county of Beaufort, and State of South Carolina, viz:?17, IS, 19,17,13, 39 40, 14, 1.5,14,15 in block 36, lot.- N s 1, 2,1, 4, 5, 21, 22, 21, 24, 25, in block 29, (>aid lease expires July 25,1370,) leTied upon as the property of said company at the suit of the said L. C. Wnrnw, aud ltalcock and Wilcox. Terms Cash. WM. WILSON, 8. It. C. Beaufort, Mnr-h, 11,13J.5. KW. miEK/rrs SALE. W. J. Verdier, vs. M. Weig-rt. Ry virtue of a writ of fieri fttfias t?? me direcUd and lodged !n my office. I will sell, at public out rv, in fruit of my office, in the town ?>f Beaufort . , . on the first TtimIit in April next is.?, ngng iJm* fourth day of said monthj betw.-on the legal hmrsofsah; the following property to wit: All the ri,'h. title awl hit Tost of M. Weigcrt, in uid to all that piece par.el awl lot of l?nd situate lying and heingon Port Royal Island, in the county uid State afor said, h-aimled north by land of John Kit.-tehli, east by Beaufort Itlver, south by Smart Washington, and west hy oiio acre reserved being the rrniaii dci r.f > lot, containing three and one quarter acres more or bs? l-vi d upon as the prop rty of M. Weigort, at the suit of W. J. Vcrdier. Term; cash. WM. WILSON, S. B. r. ... Bft March 13,1S7.?. 15-Jt. sriKRirrs sale. M:lakl C. Warren, vs. Wm. C. Davis. By virtue of a writ of fi *ri facias to me directed tnd lodged in my office, I will s I! at public outcry in fr?>nt of my office in the town of Beaufort, on tic first Titular in April next, 1S7i?, bring the 4th day of said month hrlwrrn the legal hours of sale tho fd'owing property to ? it: All tho right title and interest of Wm. f\ Dav' , in and to all that tract of land situate lying and h " ing in the county and State aforesaid, bounded by Salkahatcliie lands Lorcn III ley, It. G. Holmes, (formerly X. K. Thompson and K. I). Ilnguod,) and lands of ,Tos. Glover, containing 425 acres more or less, levied upon as tho prop rty of Wm. C. Davis, at the suit cf Malaki C. Warren. Terms cash. WM. WIT,SOX, nn. Ma.t h, iff. i?v:t. s. b. c. shkritfs sale M. J. Humbert, vs. Francis Humbert. By virtue of a writ of fieri facias to inc dir.rhd :n 1 lodged in my office. I will sell at public outcry J in front of my office In the town of Beaufort on the tirsf Tuesday In April next, tfiTfi, being the fourth day of said month, between the legal hours of sale the following property to wit: AH the tight title and interest of Francis Hum. berl in and to all that tract of land situate lyirK and h?ing in the county and State aforesaid, bound* ed north south and west by lands of Z. Richardson and east by lands of Mrs. Margaret Jones, containing eight hundred acres mere or less, levied upon as the property of Francis Humbert at the suit of M. J. Humbert. * I Terms cash. WJI. WILSON s. n. r. B aufort. March 13,1876. HI .It. SHERIFF'S SALE. Claghorn A Cunningham, vs. .Tas. M. Law ton. By virtue of a writ of fv*ri faeixs tome directed and l?>dgfd in my office, I wili sell at public outcry in front of my office, in the town of Beaufort on tl.e find Tuesday in March next, 1876, oeing the fourth day of said month, between the legal hours of sale tho following property to wit: All the right title and interest of J. M. Lawton in and to all that plantation or tract of land known as "Hamilton Ridge," situate lying and being in Lawton Township, county and State aforesaid, containing five thousand acres more or less, bounded north by land* of N. F. Mancr and R. W. I>avi.? northwest by A. M. Martin, and Abram Martin' south by the estate of R. II. Tison, an I west by Savannah river, levied upon as the property of J. 51. Lawton, at the suit of Claghorn A Cunningham. Terms cash. WM. WILSON, lift. March 13.1876. S. U. C. SHERIFFS SALE. John Sly vs. Geo. F. Lincoln. By virtue of a writ of fieri facias to nic directjd and lodged in n?v ntfiec I will sell at public outcry in front of mv office in the town of Bcafuort on the first Tuesday in April next, being the fourth day of said month bctwoen the legal hours of sale ! the following property to wit: All the right title and interest of Geo. F. Lincoln j in and to seventy acres b.'ing lots 43, 50, 65, 6-t, section 17, and lots 41, 57, 58, section 16 i Township one south range , one cast, being part at school farm No 2, situate lying and being on St. Helena Island in the County of Beaufort and State of South Carolina levied upon as the property of Geo. K. Lincoln at the suit of John Sly, Terms cash. WM. WILSON" S. B. r > lift. I)-i. 13,1870. . u'l ' .ti^.r.3a??w? r FOn SiLljE. The stern wheel steamer BENXETTSVILLE, in complete order. Suitable for cord wood trade or carrying passengers. Will t?e sold at a sacrifice. Apply to .T. II. MI'JIBAV, mar.10. 27 Broad St., Charleston, S. C. Administrator's Sale, T1TK personal property of the estate of the late PKTEIt BOWEL, consisting of ; One double team wagon, One buggy, One sot mill stones and gearing, One double barrelled gun. atul other articles will j lie sold at public auction in the village or tiratiamj villc, on Wednesday March 26, to the highest bidder I for cash. ii.o. JUDD, ncli9-3t. Adm'r Administrator's Sale. First Class Cows, Calm ami Steers! The un l*rsij{ncd will sell at public auction, at Grahamvillc, on Wednesday March 29, lust., twenty to twenty-five Cow, Calves and Ste -rs, the propely of the estate of tfAMUELCOOLKR, deceased. Term* of sale?Cash. H. O. Jl:I>D, mcli.O-Si. Adin'r., To Holders of County Checks or Audited Claims, prior to November 1, 1872, Office ok tub County Commissioners, Beaufort, S. C., March 7, 1876. IN accordance with the provisions of a Joint Resolulion entitled " A Joint Resolution authorizing lie County Commissioners of Beaufort County t?. evy a special tax." datctl April 7, 1873, and "An act to amend the same," approved the 2Sth day ol January, 1S74, senl-d proposals will be received ul this office from parties lioldn, jhocks or audited claims contracted prior to November 1,1?72, uutil TUESDAY, APRIL 0, 1876. at 12 M? at which time said bids will he opened ami the board of county commissioner* will draw orders on the Treasurer to the amount ol one thou sand dollars, in favor of the person or person* wh( shall offer the largest per centum discount on thcii checks or audited claims. Proposals shouldbc addressed to the chairman ol t!rt> board of County Commissioners, ana onaomx ' l'r ijmsaN for th<* settlement of Ihwt Indobtcdurs: of Beaufort county. T. PRITCHARD, M. P V. S. .SCOTT, It. J. M ARTIN. County Commissioners Titos. II. "VViiKF.r.rR. Clerk of Boanl. fell '-It. SMOKERS! SMOKERS A. A. CHRISTZBKRG, . ri AS opened a Cigar store, and News depot 01 Bay St., Itcaulnrt, whore can bo found some of tb choicest brands of Cigars aud .Smoking Tobacco. DAILY and WEEKLY papers. Orders filled promptly for any book, maga /ine or n .-wspaper published. Fob. 24. For Sale at a; Bargain. NE Engine and B?>iler, about eight horsv powe: Twd cotton gins for long staple, One whipps r, One seed sifter, and Three moling tables. Also, One Sixty Saw Cotton (tin, for short staple cotton. For terms apply t > D. II. HUTCHINSON, Port Royal. C OR N . V large l?t of host white C?rn just rcceired and t* .ale at bottom figur -s. At I), n. HUTCHINSON, Feb? 1.1m. ' Port Royal. NOTICE. ni'1?MC NoTl K N hereby given, that an appll I Cation ha> this day been tiled ill the odiea c ih" CI rk of the court of common pleas, for th i.unty of Beaufort, in th" State of South Carolin I r a chatter of the Episcopal church, in the villa., ofGnihamvill v in the county of Beaufort, in th stale orSouth Carolina, under the name and stvl of "The Church of the Holy Trinity?Graham ville, W. F. COL'Of K, CI I AS. E. BELL, For thenuvlres and othen. H"t., Fell. 12, 1S76. 17.4t. fraufort ^usinrss Ttirertorg Groceries. I JOYCE..I. 1*?Opjccriea, WiiM Liquors, and Sc i gars, South side Bay St., itcaufori. BOYOE, J AS K.?Wholesale and rvt;t;l <l*aler 11 Groceries. Li>|tiora, Sogars, Dry G'xxls an< general mervliaiHli* . Bay St. Dry Goods. \ PPLE, J.?Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots an( 1\. Shoes, Notions, Ac., Bay St. ITHtANZ, JOHN?General Dry Go.mL+ House 1 Bay St. Beaufort. Sc*< advertisement. pOOPEK JOHN?Dry Goods Cloth fag, Millina V ry. French and Domestic Flowers, Fane] Goods, notions, Ac. Bay St. See advertiscm int. Vt-ATEHTfoI'SF, GEORGE?Groccrfet, and Dri V Goods. Furniture, Ac. A new stock of lamp: and chaudcliers. Bay St. HARMS HENRY.?Groceries, Wfnes. Liquor Dry Goods, Toys and Fancy Good.*, Bay S ; Bean foTt, S. C. Auction Commission. CROFTT, JAMES M.?Auction Commissioi M rrhant. and Broker in Heal Estate, Bay St Sec Advertisement Barber. \RTIS A.?Barber. Hair cutting, shaving sham |H.oing and dyeing. West St. RL'TLEIXIE, Ft. M?Barber, shaving hair cut ting, shampooing and dyeing done in the n at est manner. Bay St. Shipping. BERTHA SCIIK-?rapt. TrcTett. mater. BeaufrTt to Savannah every woefc. Freight ami passage. Blacksmith. MITCH EL, W.?Blacksmith, horseshoeing, and general smith work. Magnolia St. Wheelright SAYAfiE, .TERRY?Wheelright. Repairs promptly executed. Magnolia St. Surveyor. "VTTCIIOLS E. (5. Connty Surveyor, Cirll Enginis neer. Draughtsman. Twontv years expcrieuco, Corner of 8th A B. St, Beaufort, S. C. Druggist, STt'AItT. II. M. DR.?Druggist and Apothercary Bay St. Beaufort. Sec advertisement. Builder and Contractor DEVI.IN. W. H.?Builder and contractor, Bay and ( baric* Sis. See advertisement. Carriage Painter McGIlEtJOR, J AS. E.?'"arriage maker, sign and carriage painter, Bar and Charles Sts. See advertisement. Professional Cards TIT|<?riIN, P. E.?A'torijey at Lew. So!fc:torof VV 2nd Circuit. Bay St. ii -r- r*i? ?rir?rutrrr i " rrrinur (Official Notices. HEAD QUARTERS. I I Republican Party Beaufort, S. C., March 4, 1876. NOTICE is hereby given that a eon-' vention of the CMOX REPIBLICAX PARTV, of Beaufort County, will Ik.* held at the | Arsenal in Beaufort, on Friday, the 31st day of March insfc.. at. 4 o clock. p. iu.. I for the purpose of electing .sevm dele- j pates to represent tins umnry in income Convention, to be holden on the 111 b day of April next, in the city of Columbia, and to transact such other business as the convention may deem proper. The convention will he composed of seventy-two (72) delegates to l>e elected at the times and places hereinafter mentioned in accordance with the rules adopt1 cd by the last State convention for the government of the party. All precinct chairmen upon the receipt of a copy of this call, will give due notice 1 of, and assemble promptly, his primary meetings as herein directed, for the purpose of electing the quota of delegates to which his precinct is entitled in the county convention: St. Helena Parish. : Brick Church, seven delegates; > Colli n Point, two, i To he elected at the Brick Church, Sa r urday March 18th. t Ladies Island, two; . Beaufort, five; 1 Myrtle Bush, two; Gray's Hill, three; Port Boyal. one; > Paris Island, two; Monday March 20th. Prince Williams' Parish. ' Chisolm's Landing, two; Gardner's Corner, four; r Pocotaligo,.two; t Varnsvillc. two; t Branson, three; Peoples, two; Saturday March 18th. St. Luke's Parish. Gillisonville, two; Bluffton, three; Hilton Head, four; GrahamvUle, two; i Geuuis' X Heads, one; Saturday Marc!. * 18th. St. Peter's Parish. 1; Hardoevine. one; ? Levy's X Roads, two; Rice Hope, three; Ileimis* X Roads, one; Law to n Church, one; Brighton, three; Lawtonyillc, four; Stafford's X Iioads, one; Nixville. one; Bluek Creek, one; Beech Branch, one; Matthews Biuff, two; Saturday March 2 oil). Delegates are expected to attend promptly on the 31st inst., at the hotr designated, as the work o.' the convention oaunot be delayed. 1 S. JO XLS BAMPriBLD. ^ Dep. Co. Chairman DofiCiYncies For 187:). Omcp. of foestv Commhtionfk.s. , County S. C. Fob H 1*76. IN QRI>ER to carry oat tlio provisions of an "Acj :o rais-? supplies for the v.'ar 137.7," wtiercW a ou ill tax was levied topay the d:.1eicwy off In* ftscal year of 187S All parties holding audited claim or the fiscal year 1873 must present them f" the u?. licrsi^'ued for r gistxation on or before tho Otii day f -?f April, 1*76. THOS. 11. WIIEKI.ER. Cleric of Hoard. Fcb.l7-lna n frit ?cods. .SOW IS THE TIME Td SA7? MONEY!! ?0? j . Grfat Drives in all kinds af Dry | Goods and XolioiiSi at fi. A. Schcper, i The Leader in_Low Prices r IJAVING .Tl'ST RETURNED PRO.V NEW 11 YORK, J am |m>and to show a large and well selected stock of ' FALL & WINTER GOODS, CoiMiitiig mt \ PUT GOODS, r CLOTHING, HATS. AND CAPS, s BOOTS AND SHOES, TRUNKS, CARPETS, Ac ? * 1 at prices to suit the times, and invite heads of families who desire to save money, to inspect my stock before purchasing elsewhere. Special attention is called to the following dej part incuts: BLACK ALPACAS and Mourning Drew Goods, Black Silks, Fancy Goods, Linens, Notions, Hosie' rv, Gents' Famishing Goods, Cnsslmeres, Jcaos Flannels, and Blankets. TIIK BOOT and SHOE department, contains the best made good at the lowest prices. At : E. A. SCHEPEH; Law Blanks For Sals. ' Tt^"OTE, with lien 011 crop, J^EASE of Land, secured by lien on crop, r* IIATTEL Mortgage, to secure note annexed, I ?tOXVEYANCE8 of Land?various foma, ^^ORTGAGES of Real and Personal property, Y^rARBANTS of Attachment. For sale in quantities or singly, at the CLERK'S OFFICE, In the Court IIous?. Rft. Jan. 2n-.1ni. FRANK COB'S AMMONIATED RONE !a. SUPERPHOSPHATE. Having been appointed Sole Agent for this State ; for the sale of the above old and well known FER; Tll.IZEll, we sltall always keep a full supply on baud. Orders eutrus ed to our care shall meet with I protupt atieulion. , The merits of this fertiliser arc too well known ; and appreciated to require a more extended noticeJ We will enly state that each consignment is snl>tect tq the severest analysis, and that th<; original staiulanl is fnlly maintained. I). II. PIXCKXEY * our travelling Agent, and any communications to us through hiiu shall nave ev *ry care and disjlatch. PIXCKXEY BROTHERS. .1 Commercial Wharf, Charleston, S. C. I Jan.20-':m. Publications. | _ ^ [ J / lOMMfltCIAL, ASTANDARIU'ORT ROYAL J ' Vy Pnbiiihfd weekly, SC.bO per yea?, BjMnv *?* rxj6UT~A?jMaagwiiM(iMMB Encourage Home People, ?ANI)? 1 HOME ENTERPRISE, I : D ? O R S , ] Sash and Blinds!. ' F~" . *" -* i fc^JS^gijIri JJtlll I 1 jyffiMjflHW mj iJmmHU' GEORGE S. HACKER, CUABLESTON", S. C. ONLY Carolinian engaged In the manufacture ot MOULDINGS, SASH, BLINDS, and. TURNED WORK in Cliarl^ton, S. C. t'ricinaslov as any other house, and all worfc first class. '< P. M. WHITMAN,H'ATfUMAkER AXD JEWELLER, rtny Street. L'eunfort, 8. C* Has test RETrryrn erom the no arm with a tine assort men t of goods at North.erzi Prices*. WEDDING ICINGS, $3.00 to*$l 2.00, 0 SILVER RINGS, UOr. to 81 JO. SILVER NAPKIN RINGS, 82.00 to$4.00. LADIES GOLD WATCHES, |3d to loft. ?Y* # c* s 4 e-? 0 8 S&j & I Dij Striking Clccks, S3.S0 to SJ. 0 GENTS' GOLD CIIIANS, PINS. RINGS. SLEEVE * Ul 1 1 I IK*, II AK 11 I/HAIAC, LADIKS fiOLDand 1VLATEI> J EWELRY.C.OLD PENS, AC., AC. tilSXTS' OOLO ?b 8ILVEII IVATCIIEN, Call and examine before purchasing, and aadiafjr yourself you can save ten to. twenty-five par cen* from Charlinton or Savannah prices dceJJ.lT MANSION mm PORT HOYAXj 8. OSITUATED AT THE TERMINUS OK the l*?-rt Loyal Railroad, where connection Is in de with the last suilit g, first-class ?l?anur* Mostoomkky and llryrxviUK, s-?f!in.' io New Vork every Friday. This is an entirely new and M-gantiy furnish t5 house. Sifuatim unsurpas* d, surrounded witls inngnifieient live oak", com a tiding a spl nd:d prospect of the *u:r.ui?diug emmtrv, the ii<aifort? mid Port Royal Rivers, and offers'lidnsna! .ttracti ns to travYlrrfc. or to parties who desire Hoard or to spend a few days m ar the salt water. Table supniied with everything the narhl affords. l'r> >n milk, host r, fish, vegetans and fruits iu their season. Rest of Cooks and Atteiidtsnts. Tortus liberal. C. K. WAP.::EN, Proprietor, juric. C-lt. NEWM I l.\A XK It V Fall aodWlfiter 18:7-5 JUST RECEIVED AT, .Tnlin nnnnw'a BAY STREET RLAITOBT, LADIES 11 ATS. "MISSES 11ATS BOYS HATS French a ariFopjcslic Fiew?r*. A tK the atmve tr>r:e tW-r with t. Inr^e rtloek ol KALI, awl WINTER I n- (. od*, Rrers Goal*, Clotkittg, Domestics, 1 somg Kioto, Jre., Ac., mar .20-13. jas. e. McGregor* ' i * | CARRIAGE MAKER, HOUSE, SIGN, and CARRIAGE PAfNTEROpp. Express Office, Be&cfcrt, S. All kinds of Scroll and faker rawing. I Allkfudsof repairing promptly attended to, e* reasonable terras. Sat ul'action guaranteed. Agent for Barnes' patent foot power seroll aw, which can be scun iu operation at my ?h?p. ,(as. e. mcgregob. Julrl-ly. . THBAUFOKT HOUSE" BE A UFOR T, S. C. Having opened and refurnished this eld estabished IT n TT O TT" , , ?. V w o a, I am prepared to accommodate tranaient and permancut boarders, at reasonable rates. MRS. AGNES MANX, oet.21-3ni. Propriotrwo* professional (Sard*. VERDIER WALKER AND B?r COT. PROCTORS IX ADMIRALTY AND ATTORKKTSAT LAW, BEAUFORT, SO. CA. Walker A Raoot, j W. J. Verdibr. Charleston. | Beaufort Refer to the British Consulates in the South, ao4< specially to the British Consulate, at ChaHwtM.. Octlt-L * HT M. STUART, M. D., Cor. Bay A Eighth Streets. Boniafort, 8 . c . DEALER iy jr. DRUGS, AND CHEMICALS. FAMILY MEDICINES. FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES STATIONERY, PURFCMEKY, Brushes, <te., Ac . Ac , Together with many other artlele. too numm-eu*. * ^ tome'ntion. Al' of which will he .old at th? lower t price for cash. Physicians prescript'" caeetVIS ronipc-.udcd.