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mm > ?in 111 : -ma. LOCAL -IYKMS. Beaufort, S. C., March 9, 1STC. 8^. A slight fire occurred on Tuesday, in an outbuilding in the rear of IV. Stuart's houso. vO* ? uPelerk of the board of County Commissioners left for (Yntcnnidelphia this week, (Jood bye T in. ^ ? m XfQr. A correspondent asks. ' What wood ix good for winter use?*' Vour neighbor's wi o:l is pretty good, if kept in a dry place." . j SkS " The town police are doing good i :? v... n?,.wMii;r nn.l bringing to trial. | mrvicv u) m. Hi ?those vrho u-e profane an 1 in leeent Jan-1 guagc on onr streets. S%&' Last week Bin ley (Ja i l, one Oj the hands employe*! by Mr. Torien'^1 Srevedoreat Port Royal, fo!i down the hatch way of the steamer ( ify of Paha , and broke his ba k We have not luard j whether he has since died, but lie was in a very precarious condition. The funeral ot the Rev. Jas. W. I Morris, late pastor of the A. M. K. elm: eh ! here, and also late principal of the colmvd grammer school, was attended at Bethel church, Providence, H. 1., bv fourteen hundred persons. The services were eon- j ducted by Rev. Jno. T. llaslett. a sisted j by Rev. Win. Ash. ?SrThe freight and conductor's car on the night train from August i on Tuesday night, was thrown from the track, by run rung over two cows, near Bcldock, on the P. R. R. R. By the prompt action of Conductor Brvson, who drew the coupling out of the passenger eon eh, none of the passengers were injured. The vrbcel* of the car that left the track were completely demolished. A matter that the fire couimi - j sioners should take into immediate consideration is the great number of stove i1 pipes that are run out through windows [ and through the weather boarding of buildings. Only on Tuesday nigh' when a perfect gale was blowing, one of these pipes took fire, aud belched forth sparks, that if immediate steps ha l not been ta ken to extinguish the fire, might have ! caused the destruction of a valuable per- 1 ti'>n of tlie town. These dangerous pipes should be taken down forthwith. We believe there is an ordinance that regit';: tetheir erection that ought to be strenuous- ' ly enforced csj)ecia!ly in a town like Bia ifort where the majority of the buildings : are of wood. ?'3* The Edgefield Advertiser pub]If h- j es the foiiowing on she!! lime, which can ' be manufactured in large quantities on j the 8 <sa Island: '"Here is what an oil and experienced farmer tells ns of oystt r shell lime: Broaden t from five to t n bushels oyster shell lime to an a -ree a< t p j dressing over small grain in March. Af r j cutting grain plow stubble unlor; c*s: I cow peas, when p a vine c mmen e to j bloom, broadcast from ten to fifteen b^h- i els liuie over pea v'ne> an I plow u:.dc . The following spring plant in cotton or ! corn, an l the yield wid be astonishing, j Have seen red clay lands, which the year > before only yielded fifteen bushel- tone e. ; by a?mbvatioii a> above yield one hund.c u ancflW bushels. recommend the following f I those merchants in town who do not J ' f veiti e. They may probably see the point: j ' Tell u? not in m iuruful numbers That you m ist economize : f or me nrui wui uum ium Aud neglects to advertise. Trade revives and tra<l-? inrr-^ea If in miRagMnonl you're wis..-; Hard time* will rip all ;hiu.;s to pieces, If you fail to advertise. Let every one be up and doing. With brave heart-t and o;>en eyei, Stil' achieving?still pursuing? Learn to work and advertise. &On Saturday last, on the Fu!ler place, St. Helena -stand, the house of Win. Gregorie, caught fi-e. Ilis wife! escaped by jumping through the lower story window. His mother, who was i sick in an adjoining building, rushed out 1 catered the burning building and rescued two children. The house was soon en- j tirely destroyed when it was discovered that a little girl named Amy A'bright j who was acting as nurse in tne family? j was missing. Search were made for Iter i and her charred remains were found in the smouldering debris. She had been asleep in one of the rooms on the secon 1 floor. At the inquest, held by Deputy Coroner, j T\? T/vkr. A -T.iLncrtn ft wrilir-f fit* mfvi- ! JL/I t/UUU IX* V V/XIU*JVI?1 w ? V. - | dental death was returned. Mr: Grego-' rie, was absent from home at the time attending to his duties as clerk in the store of Messrs. J. (r. Nichols and Go, j on the Oliver Fripp, Plantation. St. ' Helena Island. lie has lost in the fi e, the accumulation of years of hard and steady work. ?<2J>? i JST" The pilot commissioners met on j Monday night with a full board. The investigation into the changes against Capt. j Samuels was postponed until Wednesday evening, March 15. The application of Abram Casey, was refused, he having sis months further time to serve as an apprentice. Capt. Wm. S. Cox pas-cd a creditable examination and received a full branch. A communication from Mr. j Wm. Kressel. owner of pilot boat No. i calling attention to the fact, that Pilot) Dupong had appropriated the whole j amount of pilotage whilst attach .-d to his ! boat, was laid over for consideration at 4hc next meeting. The application of C. I 0. Neil for a full branch was refused. The application of Jno. O'Brian for a li- j cense was laid over until ihe next meet- j ing, when he will l?e examined. A peti-, tion of Capt. Buckley, to restrain the board from paying money over in their hands to Pilot Alston, wis considered, hut an order v, is issued t-? j ay the ni >noy. 15c an fort l\>lice Court. I * is Honor oanic into court smiling. and by the manner in which he slyly poked the ribs of the marshal, and talked to the ; hoys about grow ng up l:ke George ' M ashmgton and becoming the lathers of I their country. he was evidently in a sportive mood. He had met policeman 4 and 0 in the hall way and had been told there were lots of cases on the docket. Ho i ver mueli his Honor, the Mayor, may wee in private over the depravity of thm town, he always appeals in court vnil the bloom of youth upon his face, (Huigens we bei:cvc he uses) an;! every vestige oi hi> irrict carefully removed, the hues of care toned down with Magnolia lalui, an 1 the old offenders have he- j gan to look upon his face as a barometer, j frora which they went ally calculate at a j glance whether it w'Jl be four. >ix. or ten | days. He caiefuily lays away his hat, adjust* his eye glasses, and with a benign expression scans the array of prisoners, bat as his eyes fall upon the besotted i countenanceof'John Smith, a frown mars I the beauty o- '* caiui and peaceful brow i *4 John Smb.!. says his Honor, " you here again." " The last time I sent you j up you promised to sign the pledge"! " May it please your II nior, hie ! I'm j not drunk. I've got the fever, " replied ! John. 4 Well John, you must not ex-! I o;e yourself, or it may prove fatal, so I'll mark you down for three days, be-1 ncath the cooling shad w of the guard house. You won't have the fever long there. " " Edgar Cohen and John Willis, you have been using abusive and profane lan j centre, within the sacred precincts of this body politic. What have you to say for , yourself ? " 44 Your Honor Ed. called ! uie?44 No I didn't but John said that I j was"?4* Stop right there," sternly remarked his Honor,'* I see you are both cuiltv, so vou must contribute fori i our use oi.e dollar ail 1 cost?, or work on .h - streets for three days. " '4 Mr. Marsh d there's a diain wants fixing near the i hou>e of one of the wardens, put thciu to work at once. 44 Lizzie Jenkins, can't you see his Honor's got his eye on you. Stand up, " calls the Marshal. 44 Now Lizzie, " feelingly remarked the court, " you have plead guilty to using abusive language 011 the street." 441 am sorry to have you bcrore me, in fact, I am always sorry to pass sentence upon a woman. Eve w?is the first woman, hut as she did not live in Beaufort, 1 have no recoid on my doc- ! ket that ?ho was ever guilty *of such a ' grave offense. if she had been I might 1 (t'i you off lightly, i ut as it is you must j drop one dollar and costs into the trea-u- I I rv. j " Cynthia Grant, Lucy Biustraw, Hetty | Wallace, Elsie Anderson and Caroline Myers," cries the Marshal, " stand up. j look the court in the eye and don't smile I >L.*c. or he will stud vou up for thirty i kv-;" His Honor's face fell considerably at .his array of prisoners. His mind tra.a'lc !. ba-k to the days of Lis boyh ! ) i. to th- little log school house on j t ' l.i;l. t) the Hetties tbo El.-ics and the ! Carolines >:';hc loo: ago, to the g^mes j tii \v j !. yc 1 toye'her, and of one particular litt-e blue bonnet beneath which peepe 1 out a pair of flailing black eyes. ro-y oh- oks and tempting lips, and in the ! ' * 1 * - 1__ I ii; vi.-t oi" J?reverie no unconsciously heaves si.b a si eh a- to break tlie spell and he straightens himself up and frowns seve^ly on the 44 sea of upturn, d :aces. " 4' L in suing to put a stop to this business,?profane language on the streo ?vagrancy,?living in such a manner as to be a d .-grace to the community 44 Cynthia you must go up for ten days, or pay a fine of $5 and costs. Lucy and Hetty, seven days, or $3 and costs. Elsie and Caroline seven days or $2 dollars an 1 costs. " "Mr Marshal, clear the court, and Mr. clerk." turning to an urbane and dignified gentcman in the corner "collect the tines." H - Honor left the room softly , h i ruling " Twas the last rose ofsunimir. " Mooting County Commissioners. The above Board met in the Court Ilou-e, Beaufort and continued in session three days. The County Treasurer made the fol-; lowing report : County Fund. Dr. To amount on hard per last rej poit 734.18 j To amount collected to March 1st. 1,056.01 I i 1,790.19 Cr. By County checks paid 036.43 l>y Balance on ha id 1,153.76 1,790.19 One Mill Deficiency. . Dr. I To a uoant on hand per last re- ! port 1.590.331 To amount collected to March 1st 357.85' 1,953.18 Past Indebtedness. Dr. To amount on hand per last report 4.172.01 To amount collected to March 1st 716.72 1 4889.56 The cn>y parties who put in a bio for past indebtedness were The Frcedman's Savings Bank and Mr. Nivcr. The bank hi 1 five per ccdt. discount and received $994.10 and Mr. Niver twenty per cent.* and received $5.84. After i suinrr sundry checks, the board ad' jourucd to April 0. ' 87\.. A Ivertlse in this paper or bust. |lctt* ^Urrrttjicmfnts. SILVER PLATED WARE. j Electro-Plated Silver Ware AND j Ornamental Art Work, j IXGREAT VARIETY. MANUFACTURED BY TIIB j ! .MERIDIAN CRITAXMA (ONPAXY, 1 I 550 BROADWAY XEW VOKK. Th?h>t Plated SIMONS ami l-'OTllvSan' tli >>?* | Silver Plated heaviest on the parts u here iiecc>s.i- j rilv the in >st wear comes, ami U-ariug the Tisde j Mark. lsri-KOGliRS BROT5Ii:RS?XII. i X. It. ?This g-oat improvem lit in Silver - J'la- j ted Spoons and Forks is applied alike to each grade I Of Plat-, A 1,8 and 1. oz. as orer.d. The Proo?ss j and Machinery for manufacturing thes-goods arc Patented. The Extra or ' Standard Plate" made hy j this Company is stamped A 1, simply, and is plated | > i per cent, h 'avier than the ordianary market s:au- j dard. | First Preni urns awarded at all Fairs where ! exhibited. from World.s Fair of 1S32 to American I ' Institute Fair, 1G74. inelusire, mar 9-fi in. (JtT fs GJ'ld per day at heme. Samples worth Si { ?3l3 IU iyZ'J tree. S'UNSOS A Co., Portland' Maine. 1 . RENDi-V. to G. P. llOWEEL A CO., X ;w York : .* jjfor Pamphi. t of l'do pages, containing list of ttOOO newspapers, an 1 estimates sh >wing cost of advert is(MOaday at. home. Agents wanted. Outfit and terms free Tit I'M A CO., Augusta, Maine. inariMy. Administrator's Notice. Pursuant to an order of the probate court, for the county of llcaufort, the personal property of the estate of Robert Lcssington. late of St. Helena, will be sold in front of the oSce of Jas. M. Crofut, Esq. ( on Saturday 18th March next. The property eon- i si<ts of one marc, one stallion, one colt, one sulkev, I harness, tables, bedv>"d betiding, cotton gins, one j silver watch, etc. Terms of sale.?Cash. ! j H.G.JUDD, Administrator. Rft Feb. 28-137G. 31 "?t. I Ad minis! ra tor's Police. All persons holding claims against (he estate o I'etcr Powell, dcct&srd, late <?f Coosawhatchie t?'Wi?>hip, are hereby notified that the same must lv pre. s mt.-d duly attested, at the office of the un.b r>ign<d I in Beaufort. within the time limited and allowed by law, and all persons indebted to the said estate are required to make immediate settlement of their a.conuts at the same place. II. G. Jl"r>I>, Chrk, rr t. Feb. 2f, is:? ? 3;-st. Adm'r. __ . v Administrator's Aolicc. All persons holding claims against the estate o .Samuel Cooler, deceased, late of Bluifton township, arc hereby notified that the same must b(\ present- ! ed duly attest, d, at the office of the undersigned in ! Beaufort, within the time limited and allowed by I law, and all pet sons indebted to the said estate arc! required to make imin nliute s 'Clement of their r.ecounts at the sanir place. 11. G.JUDP, Clerk, BH.. Feb. 2?, isrfi.?3I-0t. Adm'r. An Outfit Free. We waut some one in every county to take orders and deliver goods for the old and original C. " I> House. Large cash wages. Splendid chance in ev erv neighborlmo' for tlm right po.'xut ofeither sex [ y 'ungorold. Samples free cn;l p?M |>?id. , Send for it at one and make tnoney nt your bourns. ? Address H. b il ILL *S? to, 6 A'. Jfntrar>i Street i 3tlkti*orf. tfd. 0Ct2t-"m. j 1 M. POLLITZER, jC or Toy FACTOR I ' I AND | Commission Merchant i BE tUPOltT S . C | JOHN FRANZ~ Wholesale & Retail Grocer, AN'D , j SHIP CHANDLER Family Groceries and Cabin Stores! a specialty. Constantly receiving from St. Louis, the best FAMILY FLOUR, < wholesale groceries, liquors | !, plantation supplies, i . at the prir.cple Store, formerly occupied j by J. Fyler, Corner Bay and YVest Street | BAKERY. j1 ! Having just completed the erection of a bakery at my premises, at the corner Bay j and Scott Sts., I shall keep a constant supply of fresh BllEAD &c. I have sc- < eu ed the services of an experienced ba- j ' ker, and by using the finest grades of; flour, .shall endeavor to secure a share of public patronage. Call and inspect sam- ] pies. GROCERIES. a speciality at the Store Corner of Bay 1 and Scott Street. W. H. CALVERT. ! PRACTICAL Tin Sheet Iron, Cspr^r Wcrker dealer is Jayanned and Stamped Tin Ware*. Constant!v on j hand, Cooking Parlor and Box Stoves. terms cash. Agent for the Celebrated I Charts: Cak C::king Stoves* W. II. CALV^t r, l ay St. between 8th & 9th sts. Beaufort. S. i .U, S, ATT, limn for! S. C. /;./1 A j I THE BEAUFORT I STEAM MILL COMPAHV, Having put up a grist mill at their < old stand, are prepared to furnish Grist, Feed and illsal. any quantity, and at reasonable rates. M. S. ELLIOTT. ' ?1? I li I T-*wn? 5?EW? ? ? D. II. Hutchinson, I IVHOLESALK A\J RETAIL GROCER j PORT ROYAL, S. C. j I JTAVIXC. just "put in a large stack a (i R ? (' E K I S S. I am nr.iiaml t?? supply the tmlc at figures that j cannot fail to FK07E SATISFACTORY. A'lnty ?'M,l>arcb.m^hf from first hands, an.l conn; direct from >(mv York, Post on m::l Pallimore, wd I can, therefore, conijote with dialers in (liarlestou and Savannah. Mess Peef a:td Pork, Dry Salted anil Smoked 3Icats,, MOT.ASSKS St)Al' ( ,\Ni?L'*.S SVItl'l* (.OlTEFS, CASHiiS. TKAS. jkm.ti s, SAHinXl-S, i itaf KF.nS. <hkj:sk. ( coitx mi:al, hay ani?i i:i:t>. (.'AXXKP Gf'OTV AMI l'USSKitVED I" It I" ITS. JAY rrnrnA^IXt; from in \ i1!-ties can make a i) percentage on I heir goods, on account of lower r-istht cliar^cs at I'oit Iloyal than at (. harlcston or htvaunah. D. H. Hutchinson. | iy-'29-(?m. wot? Salo? OXE-TflIR.) I XTEIi K.-'T TX TtJE Port jPS.03-*v1 STAKDA3D & COMMERCIAL : ? A P I' L f TO ? J. W. Collins. >CC.? ?iwf. J | .MRS. K. UOLXACji, ; B R BREAD A D !' ^ake, and Cracker Bakery j BAY ST., BEAI'FOHT, S. C. ust received a large and selected stock of FRENCH CANDIES, rhicli will lx? sold at prices to suit the times. Will ' *o keep < 11 h all Kiiuls of CAKES. PIES, FRUITS, Ac Ac. sep.23-lf. MRS. C. SMITH, ! -CvT.TSSJT STREET, Estwcea Cra7si! asJ Mi Strceii?. : I tXD (OR. SCOTT A XURTII S 1 IiEETS, Hoaixfoi't, S. O. i ; I r* kocfries, U "? TEATS, CANDIES. i\I rpOBACCO, , 1 I FANCY CAKES, AND SUGARS. | Dry Goods, ar.d Ciclhihg 1 VI of the hest q !n!:ty and at tho lowest l!.ra,c-. constantly on hand. W. H. DEVLIN, Carpenter? Builder o . All kinds of 30AT V.'ORK, CAULKING, and SPAR MAKING. o OFFIC E AND SHOP COR. DAY and CHARLES STREET, r. EAUFOKf, S . C . POUT 2^.^-xT^.JLm ?aw& Planing Mill BEAl'FOKT, S C. D. C. WILSON & CO., xiaxcfactvREr.s or and dealers in pillow ?ms vmi m lnsb and I Cyi^roas Sliinslcs, AISO Builders & Contractors I'L AST E 1!, I AT II ES, All kind*, o* JOB SAWINO promptly done. Flooriai & Csiling Boarfis always oa iani Orders f?r Lumber and Timber by the cargo promptly tilled. Terms Cash. ?Ov.2vly. P. C. WILSON, A CO" S. MAYO, r 23ay J551. Sca"Jtfort, 3. C WwZ ffir I.IQAOKS, V%INES &c. net yarns, FISII LINES ANI) CORDAGE, j Olastf, X'aints and Oils, WHITE LEAD AND TURPENTINE.! Special attention given to mixing paints <1 Glass c order of any size. Dec.rt R. JT. "WRIGHT. HARNESS MAKER, Carriage Painter and Trimmer Harness repairing promptly attended to. .MAGNOLIA St. Next POST OFFICE, B E A UFORT, S . C. Charleston ^dmtisrmcuts. JOHN YV. L1NLEY, & CO., 159 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. G R O C~E R S , And Import-r* of General Merchandise. Xo Freight to Pay! Xo Freight to Taj! Our prices arc In low those of dug oth> r ihohr fu the United States. No ex'ro charges for dragage, boxing or freight. 11*/' )>repag freights and deliver good* free nt am/ depot on the line of the Snith Ra.itenp Wilmington and Columbia. South < 'arolinn and Charleston and Savannah Rail Roads ; <dsn to all points in South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, baring direct icater commun cation icith C luirlcston. all goods guaranteed. '* Terms?Cash In/ R. 0. order or registered htter?on 30,-60, or 90 dag* in accepfanee with interest added at the rati of 1 percent a month. " Always enclose this advertisement with order if convenient. List of Art Prices. So expense io add } in-st quality Young Hyson Tea?quality unsurpassed, exquisite llavur. aud great strength, ?1.20 por In. This Tea specially recommended, l-'inest quality Oolong. Soueli nig, Gunpowder, and Hyson Teas. <1.20 per lb. Second quality Teas, Hue. per lb. Third quality Teas, sold by other dealers at Si per lb., you can have delivered by ns at (ate. per lb Crushed and Powdered Sugars 13c. per lb.; Granulated A mi gar, 12c jier lb Light lirowu Sugar, 10c. pet lb. Linley's Peerless FAMILY FLOCK IS LBS. FOR $1. orSlOpcr b'?I. Go.k1 Family Flour, 22 llw. for si; ?s.5?t, and ?9.00 per barrel. Kxtra Choice Fii ily Flavored Hums, 18?* l'*r 9i. Good Ha us, la:, per lb. BREAKFAST STRIPS, EXTRA CHOICE, per lb. Cboiee Tumbler Jellies, larg* size, 12 1-Je. eacli. 2 lb. Canned Tomatoes, lot each; 3 lb. Canned Tomatoes, liSc. each. 1 lb. Salmon, 25c per can; 1 lb Canned Pine Apple, Peaches, Oamsoiis and Pears, 23c. |>er can?S cans for $1.30. ib st quality mixed Vinegar Pickles?pints 17c each quarts, 27c. each; Callous GOc. each. Condensed Milk, Eureka and Engle baand, 25c. each. Gantz Sea loam, 1-2 lb. 25c ; lbs. 50c. per can. Lemon Sugar. 4oc. per can. Hoolov's Yeast Powder, Inc., 25c. and 4<>c. per can. English Cooking Soda, or Package Soda, 10c. per lb. 1-4 boxes Sardines, 20c.; 1-2 boxes, Sardines, 35c. each. Shadines, 1-2 boxes, 25c. vach. Cox's Sparklin Gelatine, 2oe. per pack. Capers, 4be; olives, 5oe.; Worcestershire, Walnut and Miisbrooui Sauces, genuine imported, 40c. per bottle. Imitation French Mustard. 2Uc. Genuine French Mustard,25c. French Prunes, lsc. pr lb. Raisins, 20r. Litroii, 4?*:. Currants, Me. Cheese, 20e. Full weight Candles, first quality, 23c. per lb. Raker's Chocolate, 45c. }*>r lb. Cocoa, 50c. per lb. Rruma, S-tc. per lb. German Chocolate, 3>. per lb. Ordinary Rio Cotfee, 4 1-2 lbs. for $1.; choice itio Coffee. 4 Pis. for $1.; choice Eaguarra Coffee, 3 lbs. for tfl; Old Government Java Cotfee, 2U Ik for $1; Roasted and Grouud Coffees, 5c. adJitioual, each grade. Duryea's Starch. 9 lbs. for $1. Satin Gluts Starch, 75c. per box. Corn Starch. 1.1c. per pack, c l> - A?1 llofAn UfirlllV 1*> 1.')p f?Or 111 n Diuiiu^ o?n.. |ai u</i>vii. fun.;, .. . g.?. .? Duihani Muokiug Tobacco, Wc. per II). liiit ? Butter, 40c. p r lb. Choice Goshen Butter, 35c. " per lb. Biscuits?Soda, 12 lbs. for Si; Extra Pilot, 10c.; ? Lemon, Wine, Ginger and Butt-r. at 15c per lb.. Sic Xacs, lSc. per lb.; Fancy Cat- s 25c. per lb; Black 1'epjn r, 30c. perlb.; Spice, 30c. per lb.; Kmmegs. 1-V. pt r ounce; Mace, 15c. per ounce; Ginger, 25c. | er lb. Rose ami Vanilla Hat Stick Candy, a fin-- article, 25c. per lb.; Ordinary stick candv.pure 2!-c. p -r lb.; Rock Candy, any color, 22c. per lb. Volga' T-.ilct S..aps?00 different kinds a spec alty ol oars, at manufacturer's pries?fr m 2.5c , to 84.00 IK-rd -zcn cakes. Colgate's Hnudker-Incf Extracts. Wc. jK-r b.?;t!e. ('asInn r.- Bouquet Powder, 25c. pel box. Cleveland's Pomade Yasaltne, a restorativ. and preservative unequalled for the hair, 20c. pe bo II,-. Old Corn Whiskey, SI.H0 p>'f gallon. Ky Whiskeys,?l.Gu, 8"2.0h, $1.00, and SL'Hl per gallon. Blackberry and Cherry Cordials, a pleasant drink $1.80 |h r gallon. Table Port and Sherry Wine, $2.5: p.r gallon. Flue Oil Mad ira, 81.00 per galloi English and Scotch Ale and Porter; liwtt rd. $2.7 p-r dozen. Bremen Lager Beer, bottled, 22.70 pei dozen. D-mijohns for Liquors, extra?1-2 gallon. J tie.; gall >ns, 50c.; 2 gallons, Ode.; 3 gallons, 75c.; 5 callous Sl.'io each. A very Extensive Assortment of Crockery am | ilasswaro always on baud, l'lates?Dinner size l.5o p-r d'Z.-n ; Breakfast 81.25; Desert, $l.oo l'? a, 8-V. per doz *n, Cups and Saucers, $1.00 per set. 'overcd Dishes, 65c. 75c., and $1.00 each. Tumble;) 'sVr.. 75., ?1.00, Si.2$, aim ?150 per dozen. Tabb i iohl i s. $1 .-jo, 31.50, $2.00, $2.50, and *5.00 p -r dozei Win" Glass, s. $!.?..') per dozen. Lamp I iiimney'Sun O and A'-*. 4 lor 25c. B's 3 for 25o. Student oi \rgau-l t liimneys 3 for 25c. Numberless article unr.iciitioncd. Information cheerfully giv--n. On irnt was cstaolishcd in 1307, and our business r% -ur iti.-r. ami facilities are of the highest ordur We will do all we promise. All ord-rs should ^ ad ires*. d to JOHN W. LINLEY, & CO., , (Key Box 184; 190 KillgSt., ,tnc.l7-ly. CHARLESTON, S. C. fcrist and jftftl. S. I. WALLACE, ' Cotton Factor AND GRIST MILLER, Wholesale Dealer In a-IIIIH Kill ?(? Hi. C'EAIN, B ttfUi fiitCi) Soa Island. Cotton Bought, Ginned and prepared for market. Advances Made oil Consignments. Having the best machinery for ginning cotton and grinding corn and meal, Ijpe is prepared to execute all orders on the shortest possible notice. V The highest price paid for \ * Cotton and Corn. 1 Cotton ginned on toll. ian.7. G P. GARDINER 1 DEALER IN anocEniBS, Liquors, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Etc,, HILTON HEAD, S. C. Cotton Ginned and Corn Ground at the above place. Grist, Bread and Feed, always on hand. For cash all orders will be promptly attended to. D. O'NEILL & SONS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IX BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS AND VALISES, No, 33 Ilayno Stroot Charleston S. O. j JHIPARKERCUN. ! PARKER BROY. WEST MERIDEN,CT.\ | I _ i. lb. " > 'WOWWW?aar?w?y.iw? r j - -? > ???r ?' i' " " " F. W. SOU Kl'ER, 9W '* ?|^l h ?1 * _ :Tl' " /? igb^-iTw. sciaiiiiiiT^[/ TTr^SSFBV -SL 4 PTf'H i: I "T? ;r ^ri';T,T>.JTO ' r^* V 1 > 0 i JSISiWi^ }klH .-.f.r..ti.,..u..,, IVJ^I df*?' -/ "- ::fMfi'i'vv.;- - ' rScS^'l # /4wrr 7 ' ' :' < " fv-i-^-r 1' ?iL "T" ,*r \ % R .JM . Il.oal- .:.S,C. :'Er^;?giw < ci- ---- - ? * ?SEA iSLAKl) HOTEL, 2 4*^- . ?;r.;-; " j > HAS B E E N K K - O P E N E t) . THE PATRONAGE OF TIIE TRAVELLING P3LIC IS SOLICITED. J A M V', S 0 D E t L , - - - PiwraiCTon. PORT ROYAL CL OB fiOOSE Has been fitted up in fiist class stVe. in the bull linj (orderly known as the Bp nipois^ a i? n p T MSFujhfffluifiL, The RESTAURANT will be supplied with the eh >iee-:t viands that the markets of Savannah, Charleston and Beaufort an supplj*. MEATS, FISII, OVSTERS an 1 GAME In its scaron. Long experinee iu this line of business has enable 1 uie to serve-he choicest delicacies on the hortcst notice. C. E. WARREN, Feb. 24. Proprietor. "BAKU A INS! 'BA11 GAINS!! QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS! AT TIIE CHEAP STORE. Jae?Is> Apple9 ANNOUNCES TO IIIS IT.TENDS AND TIIE PUBLIC, THAT HE HAS JUST cecived direct fioin New Yoik, a large and well selected stock of FALL AND WINFER GOODS, which he will offer at the lowest prices. Consisting of DRESS GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTION. Silks. Poplins, Lustres, Pluck arid Col'd. Alpacas. Iter3. aT(l fluids, a'soa fine lot<*f Prints and PL-ached uoods. Fine Thud and Ottoman Shawls, Ladies Kid Gloves, Centennial Dress Elevator*, Hosiery and Fancy Goods, Pahnoral Hose. Riiffling and Fcibroideries, latest stvles of Trimmings and Buttons, Fringes and La;-.*. A titfc lot of P. rfuwery and fancy Soaps. Blankets and Domestics, Oil Cloth and Matting. Special attention is called to the Gents' Furnishing Department. Which is complete with the latest sty I s of IV. ws an I Tie--, n! o. tlic cddMatcd Centennial paper Collar. Clothing boots and Shoes, Hats an I Caps, and other ariiclosWsuit the wants of all. Coirto nncl loo CorLviu.cod, Bay Street. JACOB APPLE, Beaufort, S. C. IIEZ "BUSSEY, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, AND DE.M/Ti IN Country Produce, anu Plantation Supplies, 173 Broad St., ('Under Augusta Ko!e!,/> Augusta Ga. J1.??1 *>r ?P' s?:cc,i'1 ?!"* of GROCERIES and PLAN. LV lA110-\ Sl PI LLhb a:! 01 which we offer cheap to the trade. Satisfaction guaranteed. The patronage of Beaufort and adjoining Counties respectfully solicited. Are Yon Going to Paint? tii?:x ivr: x::v: vohk enamel paint co.'S C H B EE I GR $3 P A I Iff T Ready for use in Wilts. au.l over O.Vr: Hundred Dilfzrest Colors made of strictly prime White Lead. Rine, and Lin* ! Oil, Chemically combined, warranted v uracil Handsomer ami Cheaper, an 1 ta !a*t TWICE AS LOXG as any other Painty [t has taken the FIRST PREMiU.'I.i at twenty of the State Far, of the the Union and is on many thousand.-: of the fine>f hou>es\;n the country Address: N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT CO. ?<? x*>rc^pLE cjsd sext ^ m Sto(j m M THE WEE? : SEWING MACHINE COMFY* Is pre pare J to offer the most l:bcral terms TO MEROHilEfTS 1KD OTHERS, ?Who will deal in? Sewing Machines of its Man'fture. FASEILI FA TO RITE, Its Name Indicates its Qualities. Refer to 250,000 Families Who Have Them in Use. ?**.?* *r> -* v. !< *.-. J v? NAMSP GENNRAL FAVORITE, BECAUSE Adapted to cverv 1 o.-wlA rn; Jo of work.?-Our competitors acknowledges that For Tailors and Shoemakers, IT STAX1>S WITHOUT A RIVAL. Address, Weed Sewing Machine Company, Pec.X'.v. 51 aud 53 St. Charles St., Baltimore, Md."