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TIIK I'OiiT KUVAJ-. STANDARD anS COMMERCIAL ^V. (r. *ri U).MAS Bo an fort, S. CM March 9, 1S76. SUKSCiUl'TIOAS. One Ye?r, S * 00 Six .Uaul'-M, 1 00 ! i AilvrrMsrnrni* ui!! tx- Insvrt'Hl n{ t!?? rate of Si 50 jc r 1<> ^Jonyr.u l; llnM, fjr t;?f first lnii'2'll9!i; ?:ih?(q;nn1 I'.uertloaj by ronini't. JOB PKISTINV. AVI) STATK'NKKY. We have oncof tho o'ttipMe ' * i la ths State, an 1 do work as well and at as law i?r?cvs ; as in the cities. Our snick of STATIONERY isiare- | an J will be sol.l wh;?!.-?a?e and lvtail.^s low as in Charleston and Savannah. Pee ls and law Manic* in /rent variety. \ i Official I'aafr of Beaufort Count -1 l The late ^ecieta y of War Belknap,' has placed himself in a po. iiio: that ipainful to contemplate. An exposure of! the most astounding character has Ihecn made of his corruption in his ofii -ial char 1 acter; by his reejiving regularly ;h in^an > of dollars from his ap olntees to trading posts on the frontier, which will blast hi refutation for all coming time and which is all the more painful from th; fact it j has implicated those bound to him by the uio>t sacred tie-?that of wife and I mother of his children. General Belknap has a splendid war i record, and in private and official lift-1 > was respected ai l esteemed, as a man above leproach. and the dcveloper.icnt of the facts against him, h is 1 eon a shock to his frienls, and i shock to the alrni narration, the evidence against h;L?i ! being so st: ong and the proof of hi-j guilt so convincing. He has tendered his resignation which has been accepted by the President, yet 1 Congress is taking steps for his impeach- j went wh'ch can accomplish nothing, i Nothing Congress can do, can add to the punishment of the degradation under which Belknap is now suffering. They can only remove him from an office from j which he ha* ahealy resigned? and disqualify him from a ~a:n holding any po- j sition of trust under the government, a disqualification tlu.t needs not the pnmulgation of a court of impeachment, j after the facts of his guilt shall become generally known. Thee would be sufficient causes for till* impeachment farce to be dropped, even if there was no consti tutional question involved. Gun. Bel knap, not being an officer of the government is not under the constitution ameuablc to impeachment. The courts have taken the matter in hand, he having been indicted by the { Grand Jury, and investigation through' the proper channel should not be preju- . diced by the very questionable mode of procedure adoptc 1 by Congress. There Is going to bo suuc sort of a celebration on the 3rd of May or on the 17th of June, at least that is what we might , surmise from the News and Courier of i Tuesday. Colored fin men and masons I who desire to take part in the j arade can 1 apply for full particulars to F. \V. Fuw- . 1 son, editor of that paper, lie is about : the only man in South Carolina, who j' knows what is le-t for all citizens, no matter what their status in society or to , 1 what party they may belong, or of what race. lie knows all about those cebbra tions, but bo makes so many changes J 1 about election time, that we ;von lor if i1 ; j this is not some Jo Joe to secure tlic j i j negro vote for his wing of the democia tic party, or conservative pa.ty, or fusion ; 1 ticket?or whatever else he is go big * advocate as the best policy lor the A Courier. CLUB HOUSE SPIIIXUS. Pare Water for the Xnvr?A Beautiful j < Spot--Lntcri)n>i!ig Contractors. On Saturday we embarked on board t the steam water boat ''Agnes," with . which Messrs. I>ich <\* Small supply tli; j > U. S. fleet, a i l the shipping in Port R.?y p.l and Bull River, with water, and visited j their water supply at Club llou e springs. <5 This spring is situated on Aibevgottic ; creek, and derives its name from the CI b a .House of anti-bcl'um cel. brity, which was situated a short distance i. >u the, which has been noted for the purity of a its waters for almost a century. During , the war the club !i<??-e w>s destroyed and j the spriug became choked, in a mass of vegetation, becoming al ho c impenctra- ! ble with undergrowth of live oak and 1 f vines, that lu::uratcd in the moisture of1 ?, this neglected spot. This was its con li-' p tion when the attention of Messrs. Dak ;i & Small were called to it. They went to r, work at once an 1 have succeeded in leak u ing a complete tra i-formation, by c'ur- { ing away this underg'ovrih an 1 leaving live oaks at regular distances so that in ?A the course of a few years the spring will be surrounded by a grove of these majes-! tic trees. The spring is thirty loot above [ ' high ti !o water, and to c t a sufa/.ent .. flow of water, excavations were made some tilt ecu or twenty feet i: 11 : the ban'; where a hrgo cavity was found, almost j large enough to admit a man on horse back, into which the water w n rushi ig in a continuous >trea:n. This cavity they J; bricked aalcemetine love", thusterming ;i r.< sediment tank. The water is led rom b. here through a three inch to a tank tl which holds 9.0O0 gallons of water, the; o overflow of which runs into anotherwhite I of cxlar tank that holds 15,001)gallons. An- p( other tank with the capacity of 9,000 j at gallons is in course of construe*;! n. but; av yet villi all th:.?e apphmees fully twen y o! tho "sand ga' o! we e n*o aw., * . < r i i y:,- : r". o.-.d.ev ' -n! four woIJijiir s?> a"1 e v.thn'ou 1 tIiro?V;u^ up v.*a!0" 1 lie 1> of !l <d ;.u e white sat: I. To H I :'ic tank of tl>e wafer :-<at thev !;ave *w ? dx i:w*h ]?*:.;is eighty feet long. lealinar front tile tanks to the creek. where the I) ?;it eaii come ;o the hank, mi l these two leads water at the i;;lc of 1, gallons pee i::in-i'e. The lau t SUtTDUii liny the -prim.' l;:ts Veen laid >!it as a warden, and every: hini has a e'ean pu.e appearance. On,ihe ; .ity of ' 1 . v.... tilC water oo?i-"uniou uepvn t> u? u Cw .'nttlie heath of the large holy of II1CT. I! ?',v in ? 1:0 navy at Poit lloynl, ni;\ i is is iii-u, has spared no orqvn e in sccni" ng >uh water and guarding it again-! impurities. Heaufort. also. by liaung a steam water boat, lias another safeguard in (too of tire in the lower portion of the town, as they have a ve y powerful discharge pump on bo. ul, that can di.-cha'ge mere \v-; i or minute than our steam tire on*'ne. an 1 although we trust the necessity rbr its use may never arise, yet it i* some satisfaction to know that such power is in the Inn Is of men ready an 1 willing to Sen 1 their aid should such an emerge n *y arise. \\ e hope tiie navy will remain s<> long in our waters that this P.vm will become a permanent institution of our town, and that the navy may always be so fortunate a- to dv nk as p: re water a-* that which flows f.o;n the Ciub House Spring--. ?-or>? CJLUalUIA. What ? Citizen of Lhaufort (Links of the Legislature. Coi.UMtUA, S. C. Lvfc. 20, 1876. Editor St""d u d a:td Ounhicrcitd: A few of mv first days and first in;pre; sious at, and within tI:o II.ills of Legisla tion oi' our Stale?plainly the order cf day is business, business, and nn unflagging attention to business, and no waste of time. Among the Kopre nlatives oi our people, it would sc?m, the interest of the State, as well genera', ceial, and local. was equally and carefully cared for ?nothing however unimportant, as well, the more, and most important of matters, bat what is thoroughly canvassed, and well understood by each, and all, her Representatives, before it bee incs effectual?Then again, the harmony and respect of the Representatives, one with the other, whether, concur! ing or differing on questions involved, with the gentleman';* courtesy 5hev.11 and accorded each other, is noticeable, and interesting to the looker-on. In my earlier, as well later, acquaintance, and observation in Legislative bodies, seldom have I seen that dignity ot person, and uuiform ur banity. and at same time, intelligent business dispatch, that I am phased to accord to the President of the Senate, the Hon. Lieut. Gov. R. II. Gleaves. The constituency of Lean fort, r.u 1 as I think may be said of the several J' trie's throughout the Stale, cannot reasonably complain 0!' inability, or i: a fer.t oo to bu iness and wi:'i strict reference to jusiiee, in their respective Rrepresentatives ?generally there seems to be a prcdoiul nnting ambition, and commendable zeal, in emulating each other, how mo-i. and to the groate.-t purpose. best, to snlveny i) v> ho:}a publico; an>l hence, as it is the order of the day, to correct the evils that may perchance grow out of Lng:s'a?ion, ml a? well the j urging cf political iv rungs, every matter that comes under their consideration, thai may snufT of taint, or corruption meets with the elo-vs' 3'rutiny, and criticism, and, correspondingly, v> lie re there are measures, an! mi tiers committed in charge of importance an I merit, they are n > closely c.irc fully and zealously attended to. I nee! iiot refer to the late investigation of one )f our Itepre.-cntafives, (whom I luul e-p et from my little persona! acqnti n'inee) more thai to add?that it wouM seem the proceedings. and investigation ?f charges, and specitications involved, tad upon which, action has been had, vere quite summary, when the con clucnces and results incident, are of so sc-1 ions and grave a character. !t is possible, because of corruption j tow go preva'ent, and the overweening I , , . ...... lesire and anxiety to mil it from cur J rii'l-ts may be offere 1 in extenuation f; r j ome -uppo"C 1 informality. I offer n>j "indieetion for the guilty. The proper. s also, now the popular .enthnent ! 'let net the guihy escape." One comfo.t iovrever in the discussion <y:ite apparent mong tlie peers, of the late re present a- i ivc, was. more the feeling of regret than 1 hat of acrimony?and well it was said. r th'V-o wa< error hi their action?"to mr i human. t- !'o 'giveis divine."?and how eaadfnily an 1 apropo, could hare bvn ! onsiti MC i the sentiment espresso 1 by ti e >:rl <>f Avon: 4 The quality of metcy is droppeth a the i:cn-lc : i tin ol idoaven. u]?on the jut a::.: the; iiju-t; u is twice bic-se 1; it idossoh h:m hat gives, an 1 him that thu:; my earthly powers shew likes: God-; . hen mer y season- iustice." ?, L. II. iiz Adiiia Atlantic sei AiHiox. * ? i TIj.- tlia'-vniotuh sl it iu k'jrb '*Tiir VntUy Ji at l! ? ' ii u tfi ' "i-uufar! n Sit .to *> *?:*; t'l ? : fidolnj at \:ii/ V?tal. PEN 3ACola, FLA., I-VO. 20, 1370. I'art of the squadron arrived here t > y in the following order. 0>>i;>oe, M J ongaheht, and Swatara, tlie Slmwmut 4. " , . , V t, ? ] o \iur mi:i Oil me * ;*}. kunci i*uej ie anchorage at Furl Koyal at 2 p. m. i Thursday 2-Lh.. under the guidance 'Pilots Young. Stevens Ilock an 1 1>j>ng, we were soon outside the bar buoy i Inn lor steam and canvas strcthing ray to southward an I eastward, for an ?. . i (> i , *r 1 i IJ ^ iii liiC iOil0?Vili(T Oivith! Jl t O-sippee, GwOara ani jP .awmut, 1' hi h ho: r v. c! "a . -n ' i: i , r- i ?t-~. jrrrrcnvrvj n t- of the I:if: v-r ! 1 eio.g out of i -'it. f>r at daybreak. ??i? <,a:r tenna-trr ; oi':lie wa\h. a wenheileaten oM Triton. ! after Sv the horizon with Yi< g'a<s. remarkY; to the deck officer: ''i'ioa. o sir the Ch :;:'m'.>u'h aint vi siirlit. This resninds n e of an i.ueidint oi" the war on | the con t of South Carolina. \vh u the ! ! "Wi.-sahiohnn" was engage 1 with a ' atte:y. the ouarton;;:i -tor of another res el aavim hi- attention called to Iter by the li-lug. repented: * l !i 11 /./?/*/ }ir/yh* i>. at it strain sir." Steering more to south'arl v.i li f.ivor! n- gale-, the Cluwiaoath (T hog pardon. Shnwunv.t) ce.nic up with us an 1 took her place again in line. 1 ut ill? ?! tv"euneur n? me m?.'j \\h.-> much for he:* rpi:e of ?tud<ii:i,r sails and steam, an ! win*:) the lien 1 .-hips were up with Cape Florida she wn> rapidly drop-1 p iiif a si >rn. and was soon out ofs^ht. We met a very larco fleet of merchant vessels ( working tip through the Florida channel. ; an 1 o.T Key We-t pi?so1 the pilot boats | "Xonparcl." "Magpie," and a beautiful new pilot boat called the "Telegram," , we carried the favoringbreeze until round ! the Totluras and nothing of interest oc; eurrcd until our arrival here, except tar, get jvac-fiec by some of th.e ships ou the ! way lasting an hour or two, the run j I fn?:n I.ngge'.hend Light up being very; peasant. and the water as stnooth as a ; millpoud. Penvaeola seems to be jammed j with .-hipping, but have had no opportu-1 I ijity to yet up there yet. Ilardlv any- j It* % j i thine dohig in the navv yard here but a ; ' . * j few slight repairs to the monitors (which j ! we arc to tow) and preparing them for i . t i sea. Hope our stay here will not be long ! ! for Beaufort is a "heap" be.tor than Pen- j ( sae da. Ajuoator. * THE CEMEXNIAL. i i Tho Centennial (Jrounds?More Ceauli- j I'<;1 than Sydenham, or the Champs i Elysees.? [Fnm our O'.-n C>rrfxpou<fm'.] I'lnr.apvi.miia $aich, G:1j 1876 l'liilaJclpiiia is not the phuc for our ; Centennial Exhibition from an historical ! p ?'nt of view alone, although so many I anil such important events in the early [ history of our nation are centered here, j that Philadelphia might not inappropiiaI tel.v le termed 44 The Centennial City, ,r I (d" which more hereafter) but we question ifgrounds so well adapted to this pur i pose can be found so near any of our larger American cities. The grounds car. be made as large as i those who want the most elbow room in ; 1 this world could wish they are high, dry and airy, and by nature beautiful.?for j Fainmmnt Park, you must know is one of lb.- lovliesl hs well as one of the most { extensive parks in the world. Our Centennial grounds arc also far more extensive and beautiful than Sydenham where the London, or the Champs E'ysees. where the Paris Expiation wa- held and while the Prater at Vienna is perhaps not wanting in length and breadth, it is 1 ?w, f;tt and wet. its only beauty being the large forest trees which were so jden tiful i\- to ob. tract, in the genera! tbite.e s >f tilings, any general view of the Exposition Buildings. ITere. on the other hand from George's Hill a point of some historical interest which lies but a few hen bed yards back of the Machinery Hah a splendid view of the Centennial grounds, and indeed of j the entire city can be obtained. The space allotted for Centennial pur : poses con a ning about four hunched and j twenty acres, is in space an irregular triangle. and is to be enclosed by the high fbuee over three miles in length, with thirteen gates, representing the thiitcen j original states. T],/? fitn'.<!ni<-9 *iir?ln.1iu.'r intnn fed j iio 1 ?.?vo v ! for exhibits, and th?>e for :?!! o-'her purI po. es arc about or.c hundred in number j and cover an area of about seventyI five acre.- , this area being from two to ; three times mere than that covered at any of the International Repositions yet I he'd. Tln-re buildings arc scattered quite [ irregularly over the whole area, Lat tuny for convenience sake be very properly divided into the groups. The fir^t of which consists of the MuiuExhlbition Building, Memorial Hull, Judges Pavilion, Centennial Photographic Association, Pavilion Olficcs of the CcntCniral Commission and Finance Bureau, Centcsmia! National B ink, Vienna Bakery, Carriage FactoryJapanese Bazaar, 1'airy titan's Asso-.-'aiion Buiiding. German and Imperial i'a J . lion, and o. her structures of minor im. I po lance. '1 hose buildings a e collected at ilie southern extremity of the in the e.usest pioxnnitv to the city and e.i.-io.-t rciyjlio l by any cr' the street car lines. The Fccoud group stands, to the north under the brow of George's Hill, and here i <* t r . \r....t.: it..n t* q ! may i>c huiuu t.iu .hciv-ijisjc. \ v. i.Laboratory and Hospital, the three buii" of the i>:iiti>h Government, Pennsylvania liailroad 'Jo's. Centennial J)e;>ot> ] Sh ?e and Leather Manufactory, the Catholic Total Abstinence Fountain, Tourb-ts Ticket OfSice of Cook Son & Jenkins, Japanese Pavilion, the Commission Puild' of Massachusetts, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, j Michigan, M i?oii>in, New Hampshire I and P'd.rvair. Stove Works, Gias.s Fac- i tovy \\ . i'. Cadets Encampment, and ! va.ious iestau.ant.: a:i I soda founts. Osi | the cast nearer the river aifl easily i ii a he J by beats, are scattered in- th iVrd gr?>up ihe Horticultural liall, Agri- ' " cultural Hall, Kansas and New Jersey, j State lLiiidings, American Prowers' 11 Pii'ding, New England Log House c A'cmaus Pavilion, numerous large res taiirant;, school houses and minor bail dings. The strictest order is preserved throughout the grounds by an efficient j pohce force, 1 ut the Centennial guard j w'l 10 ie o.gan'ee I o' c died into a> j t: > i until ju a be!or 'he opening cf the 1 l!i<! v.v;test weather a M?f'c and comfort- ! able trail-il from I?t iu to la:i!?l!iiir. | \* X:ur?w vnu.eo tiaeks have been laid c iiiir t!:o 111roc cv up.s of buddings of which i have spoken upon which in a 11 tir-ular route those who do not choose to walk may ride and :est theins Ives. The main building was completed on St. A alcntincs day, awl lnis been virtually turned < vor to the and State {1oi:i;:ii>sioners for tlmm to complete the interior arrangements for the aceommoda- ' o I'lii) <?f heir respective exhibitors and," exhibit-. Spain is leading in this work, ? her castle within a ca-t!e l.c-Triir already} neatly erected. The heavy thunder storm of sunday night showed \cry effect- j ualiy the defects in the va.-t expanse of roof, and the busy workmen arc laboring i with their hammers and white lead as if i ! they would tuakc even* crevice airtight, j c as well as water tight. ; And it is well that they should he thus j *' particular, for millions of dollars worth of 0 goods were lost to the exhibitors at the Vienna exposition from imperfect protection against the elements. r The external work upon the machinery hall has been for some time completed and some of the bulky foreign exhibits are ahcady in their places. In the large wing on the western side of the building excavations are being ma ic for the furnaces and engines which arc to propel all the machinery in hall < and in the leather and Carriage factories f which are now in the process of erectu n j not far distant. In front of Machinery j ( i lull an artificial lake'has been formed which with its central fountain and its sodded hanks, its gold fish and its swans, * will add much to the beauty and variety ' of the grounds. The U. S. Building, s standing to the left of the lake is also completed an 1 cannon, mortars naval ar- c mamonls and piles of shot on I shell , are being placed in martial array around 4 it, indicative at once of the strength of 1 our govemmeut and that dire necessity of all organized governments self assertion and self protection. The Horticultural Ilall will exteriorly soon be completed. This tasty and appro" ' priatc ediiice stands at a considerable dis- j tanee from those before mentioned, upon an eminence overlooking the Schuylkill river, and from its steps a most beautiful view may be obtained down the river into i the heart of the city, and up the river, to < tlie Laurel Ilill cemetery an l the manufactories and mills of the suburbs. hast conceived, last planned, and last , to be finished stands, at soiuc distance to the North and. Last, the Agricultural Building. It is still so incomplete that one can hardly judge what its appearance ( will be when it shall be ready for exhibitor.. It is to cover a large area, being ilvrd in size of the Centennial Buildings (Official Notices. 11L H etUilfl t lull J, I ' IhATKOirr. S. C., March 4. 1S76. ! VyOTiCE is hereby given that a collie 1 vention of the , HIvS RLTZJDLKMX PASTY, .P Tln.,i,r.v4 \r!!l ln? lii'hl at tlif i ? i/laufii . ?? ... ?.x ? .... j A .-e ::i! i:i Beaufort. on F.-iday, the ol-t lay of March inst.. at 4 o'clock, p. in . for the purpose of olot ti i.?r sewn dele- 0 .rates to "eprcsent this Comity in thcivate Convention, to he holdenon t he 1 i t!i day o! An ii nest, in the city of Columbia, and to transact such other business as the e coir en: ion may deem proper. fj he convention will be composed of ] seventy-two (72) delegates to be elected at the times and places hereinafter nun- .= iioned in accordance with the rules adopted by the last State convention for the, government of the party. j All precinct chairmen upon the receipt of?, copy of this call, will give due notice j of, and assemble promptly, his primary ] as herein directed, for the pur- I pose of electing the quota of delegates to which his precinct is entitled in the county convention: SI. Helena Parish. j Brick Church, *even delegates; Coffin Point, two, _ ( To be elected at the Brick Church, Sat- <; urday March 18th. Ladies Island, two; i Beaufort, five; \ Mvrt'e Bush, two; ~ (1 ray's Ilill, three; j Port 1 loyal, one; n Paris Island, two; Monday March 2 );h. Prince Williams' Parish. Chisoliu's Landing, two; f (lardtier's Corner, lour; Pocotalijro, two; Yamsville. two; Brunson, three; Peoples, two; Saturday March 13th. St. Luke's Parish. } (rillLonvillo. two; Bluffton. three; Hilton Head, four; Grahamville, two; | I (renins' A lioa Is, one: Saturday .March ' 18th. St. Peter's Parish. HarJecville. one; 3 Levy's X Knack two; Kice Hope, three; ileniiis' Roads, one; Lawton Church, one; ? Brighton. throe; ? kiwtonvilV, four; Stafford's A Roads, one; I Xixville. one; j ^ Ivack Creek, one; Beech Branch. one; ? Matthews Bluff, two; Saturday March : loth. Delegates are expected to attend, sf womptly on the f>lst iu^t.. at the hour t lesiynated. as the work of the convention i " aunot be delayed. S. JONES BAJIPHELD. i I Dep..Co. Chairman = * Administrator's V TIIE pTsou-l property of the Mtat"! of the late HJ. 'ETFK POWFL consisting of Cue double wagon, ('MIV buggy, I ^ i?-?j?m?wi'irwj- i ?r> g?ww 1?r On." dotiMc l>arie!l??' -;nr,. 3,>. J ? i'.i- r ar.'i. l.s v. HI 1 * <.?M at I'lihlii-niu-ii-.ii :r: th?* .of <ii*a!;ilo. < ? Match t'l I:, hi !>i Mcr | >r c.i h. ir.G.jrnn. icliO-Tt. A itn'r Atlffiiulsn'aior's Sal?. First Class Car, Cajps ssi Mi ; Tik' tin l"rsi :n .1 will s.-Ii a I j.iililfc a'iciioii, at I Irali.uaviMi, o:i \V? ?Ia <! y March twenty n 1 \v> nfr-fivc ('i.Vf. t'alvcs i: i Si" rs, thcjipi'ji. ty j !' til1' esiate of >AM l"Iil.('i ) 'Liii!, dec. as d. 1 enr.s f -:?!??Cash. II.G.Jl'IU), | nc!?.'J-:*t. Adni'r., 1/iScicsicirs l or Office OK COI X IY ('< M M I ss J ON E as. Beaufort, County S. ('. Feb H l>7t5. I IN" ORDCR to carry out the provisions of an "A< t o raise supplies for the y-ar is;.')," whereby a one | i.ill tax was levied to pay the deficiency of the fisal year of 1S7.1 All parties holding audited claim or the fiscal year 1873 nntst pro :.t them to tin- uri Icrsigned for r? jist ration on or before the "tIs day j if April, 1*76. TITOS. II. WTTKFI F.n. Clerk of Board. Feb. 17-1 m To IloItJers of Couniy Checks or Audited Maims, prior to Sovember i, Sb72, Office of thi: Countv Commissioners, Beaufort, S. C., JIarili 7, 1873. TN accordance with the provisions of a.Joint Resduiion entitled " A Joint Resolution authorizing he Coan:y Commissioners of Beaufort County to evv a special tax." dated Aj ril 7, 1873, and "An let to amcnu the same," approved the 29th day of ranuarv. 1874, sealed proposals will be received at his o.Tice from parties hnMu, .-hecks or audited lainis contracted prior to N<v 1,1872, untH 11'L\S D AY, AVU1L f>, IS TO. it 12 M? at which time said 1.ids will be opened' i al the board of county conuaisdoners will draw irdcrs on the Treasurer to the amount of one thou- | und d' llar-, in favor of the person or p ts >ns wh > hall ofli r the largest yr cen'nm discount on tli ir hecks or audited claims Proposals shouldbc addressed to the chairman of he board of County Commissioners, and endorsed "r. nfisi' i the settlement of ".ist Indebtedness I >f Bta :fort county. r. PR ITCH AIH>, M. P. V. S. SCOTT, It. J. MARTIN. County Commissioners Ti;os. H., Clerk of Board. fcilMt. SMOKERS! SMOKERS A: A. CERISTZB3RQ, i l AS opened a Cigar store, and lfews depot on !>ay St., Beaufort, where can Ik found sonic of the dioicest brands of Cigars and Smoking Tobacco. I)AILYcnul WEEKLY tapers. Orders filled promptly for any book, tungatiue or newspaper published. Feb. 21. For Sale at a Bargain. QNE Engine a:.<l Toiler, about eight hora-1 power. Two cotton gins for long staple. One whippi r, One seed sifter, and Three umting taM s. Also, >n"*Si\fy Saw Cotton Oin, for short staple cotton For terms apply to J>. II. HUTCHINSON", Port Itoy-.l. " CORN. V large lot of best white Corn just roc iv 1 and fo. ale at b-.ttoiu iieur s. At ' P. ii. 11 FT; HlNSoy, Vb24.ini. Fort It ?; al. I707XOS. OrHT.T'- XOTI K hereby given, tl'.at an npp'iL cation has ti:is day been fikd in the office of ' ( !. rW of the court of common pi as. for the junty o! L attfort, in th" Stat-of South ? r a rhait t of the E;?i.?coj?al church, ia the \IIIu o t?raiiatuvillr-, fu the county of Lcanfort. i i flu tute of South t.urolina, under the iam> and ?tyl? f "Xhe ('hutch A the Holy Ttisrty?Graliumvilic,' \V. r. ( (>!S ( HAS. E. HELL, Tor themselves and others, t t., Feb. 12, 1S76. 17.41. yaofsrt Husincss Pircftor;;. Groceries. TOYCE, J. I1?Groceries, Win-s, Liquors, and *> . 3 gars, >out a side Lay St., Beaufort. |><)Y(*E, .IAS. E.?Who!-, a!- and ivta i ot-aier i.J Gm? ri s. Liquors, St-ar>, L'ry Goods :.mi LMicral merchandise. Hay St. Dry GjoJs. VPPLK, J.?Dry Goods, t lothiug, Boots and Shoes, Notions, Ac.. Hay St. HtANZ. JOHN?General Dry Goods Jtoa-e. . Hay St. Beaufort. S-t) advertisement. 100PER JOHN?Dry Goods ( l. thing, Millica^ ry. French and 1 omestic Flowers, Fancy < ods, notions, Ac. Lay St. See advcrtisciu ?nt. I7ATER110I SE, GEORGE?Groeerhs, and Dry >? Goods, Furniture, Ac. A now stock oflaui^s nd chandeliers. Bay St. . J ARMS HENRY.-Groceries, Win's. Liquors 1 Dry Goods, Toys and Fancy Goods, Lay St can fort, S. C. Auction Commission. 1ROFUT. JAMES M.-Atietion Commission J M. fl.ant. and Lroker in Real Estate, Lay St. .*e Advertisement Barber. V ItTIS, A.?Rarh-r. Hair cutting, shaving shum1. pooltig and dyeing. \f. ?t St. ") UTLED'?E, R. M.?Larivr. shaving hair cutV. t::iif, sharu;ioo;ng and dyi ing done in the u Utd manner. Lay Sr. Shipping. lKKTITASCHR'?Ta|?. Trcvctf, master, H.-auJ furt to Savannah every week. Freight and ssa^. Blacksmith. IITCIIEL, \\\?Blacksmith, horseshoeing, and gcir-ml smith work. Magnolia St. V/heelright '.WAGE. JriRRY? I right. Repairs proiupt) ly executed. Magnolia St. Surveyor. "I 'HOLS E.G.Connt*Surveyor, ''ivil Engini neer. I^rmghtsman. 'Twenty year* experience. Corner of >ih & it. St, Beaufort, S. C. Druggist* i iTFATIT. IT. M. I>B.?I>rnjri.-tand Apothercary . ) Bav S:. B< aufor:. See advertisement. ; 1 Builder and Contractor \EVLTX. W. If.?Builder and contractor, Bay / and Charles Sfs. See advertisement. 1 ? - .... _ s Carriage Painter ( rc^BEnon, J AS. E.?Canrfagc makT, sign ami rar-'ng^ painter. Pay and Charles Sis. See v rtisoni: nt. J Professional Cards Cnc.MS. I* I..?Attorney at Lot. Solicitor of i ' *wTaa>^- -am: r,?m i I ?II . -rrrx^~ ilailroatls. j PORT ROVAt Miuim | I i Magnolia Passenger Route, or settnnvlk, SUI'KIIINT.SOI FI' i: POUT FJOVAI. KAILR'D) ' .\riiL?T.\, *fA.. 1'CC. i, l*)0. ) I OX AX I) A1'TICK THIS DATE, TRAINS OX j this road will run a* follows UCI \ <? S' H TII. Train So. 1. Leave Augusta 7 *0 a ni Arrive at Yemassee 12 10 p ni avo Yetnasse 12 3> p Bi Arrive at B-aufort 2 01 p ni Arrive Port Royal 3 2:1 p in Arrive at Savannah .. .., 3 2> pin Arrive at Cliaileston 4 30 p in GOING SOI'TII. Train No. 3. Leave Augusta 8 45 p in Arrive at Yemassee - a in Leave Yemassee 2 40 a in Arrive at Beaufort 4 05 a in Arrive at Tort Royal 4 30 a in Arrive at Savannah - 7 00 a in Arrive at Charfeston 0 30 a in GOING it OK Til* Train Xo. 2. Leave Savannah - 9 20 a m Leave Charleston 8 15 a m L -ave Port Poyal 10 20 a m Leave Beaufort i 10 40 a ni Arrive at Yerias ec *12 00 ni I*eave Ytniassee 12 31 p ni Arrive at Augusta 5 20 p b: GOING NOltTII* Train No. 4. Leave Savannah 10 20 p ni L aw Charleston 8 30 p ni Leave Port Royal 11 45 p in Leave Beaufort ......12 10 a in Arrive at Yemassee ^ 40 a m j Ix*ave Yemassee ... 2 15 a m Arrive at Augusta 7 20 a m Traius 1 ami 2 run daily except Sunday*, Xos. 3 | and 4 run daily. All trains connect at Yemassee j with the trains of the Savannah and Charleston } Railroad for Charleston and Savannah, and at Au! irust?with trains<>: th-> Georgia Railroad, for the I West, and Charl tte, Columbia A Augusta Railroad I i I... - 1 I-*.. * P.Lsseii/ers iakintr trains Xos. 1 and 3 make close ail rail connect i< its at Savannah with Atlantic and Gulf Railroad tor Jacksonville and all joints on the St. John's Ki ver. Through Pulttinta Sleeping Car* on nil Xfght Trains to Savannah. *L>:unor. It. 0. FLEMING, Superintendent. T, S. PAVAXT, (len'l. Pass. Ajjcnt. AfariM H?ssl MsJal at Visiina. 3, i h, t, mmn a co? 591 3ioadway, New Yorki (Opp. Metropolitan II.,tel.) MaauPrs., Importers & Dealers iu CHROMOS and FRAMES, Stereoscopes and Views, Albums, G niphoscopes and Suitable Views. Photographic Materials, I We are Headquarters for everything ii. the way of 3 tsreiptfcons & liagic Lantsms Being Manufacturers of the riCriO-VIKNTIr*If LaXTKRN, STEKE" PAN'OPrt' ON, L'Xl VEItGTY STnPI?PTI''ON, ADVEIJ rtSER'S STEIlKOPTtCtH^. AKPiprirox. - I i ' )l. l..\ ;? 1 I .ti S, I .i.Mn.I 1 PEOPLE'S LANTERN. !aeh style 1) dug the l?ost of its thus ir. the market CnfaVgnes of Lanterns a.' d Slides, witii directions u-iii ; sent on application. Any e d- rpri ing man can make money with a l i.'ic Ltntcrn. r-if* Cut this out for future reference. SS? 1% ?ry ?oodjs. NOW IS THE TIME TO SAVE MOSEY!: Jr?al Drives iu all kinds cf Dr> Coo !s ar?:I Xoffcns, a( E. A. Sclieper, f he Leader in Low Prices :o: Having just returned from new YORK, I am prepand to show a large and well selected stock of FALL & WINTER GOODS... (cnd?tlng of dry goods, clothing, hats. and caps, boots and shoes, trunks. carpets, a. at prices to suit the times, and invite heads of fam Fes who d. sire to save money, to inspect uiy stock before purchasing elsewhere. Sjx.fial attention is called to the following departments : BLAPK ALPACAS and Mourning Dress Goods, Black Si4ks. Fancy Goods Linens, Notions, Hosiery. Gents' Furnishing Goods, C'assimeres, Jeaus Flannels, and Blankets. THE BOOT and SHOE department, contains the best made good at the lowest prices. At E. A. SCHEPER. i Law Blanks For Sals. V"OTE, with lien on crop, J EASE of Land, secured by lien on crop, /CHATTEL Mortgage,to secure note annexed, SJ OX YE YANC'ES of Land?various foms, ly.JORTGAGES of Real and Personal property, * YTARRANTS of Attachment. V i For salo in quantities or singly, at the CLERK'S OFFICE, In the Court House. ^ Lift. Jan. 23-3m. 17 FRANK COBTS AM.MONIATED BONE s ill. SUPERPHOSPHATE. Hiving been appointed Sole Agent for this State fjr the saie of tlie above old and well known FEEIT: IZLR, v. e shall always keep a full supply on tand. Orders entrus t-d to .our care shailmeet with prompt atu-nlion. The merits of this fertiliser are too well known ind appreciated to require a more extended notice! iVe will enly state that each consignment is sub- j ect to the severest analysis, and that the original itandard is fully maintained. D. II. PIXCKNEY. s our travelling Agent, and any communications to is through hiiu shall nave every care and dispatch. Q PINTKNEY BROTHERS, I " 3 Commercial Wharf, Charleston, S. C. Ian.20-3m. Publications. ? t fUJMMEKCUI., A.STANDARDrORT ROYAL I ' O Published weekly, fj/jC per year. i?* ?IUII ii-" ?J?a???I Encourage Home People, ?AND? HOME ENTERPRISE. D0 ORS, Sash and Blinds! GEORGE SICKER, CHARLESTON, S. C. ONLY Carolinian engai^d in the manufacture ef MOULDINGS, DOORS SASH. BLINDS, aud TURNED W< ?I:K in Charleston, S. C. Prices a-low as any other house, and all work fir.-t class. oct.l4-Um P. M. WHITMAN, M'ATCli MAKER AM!> JEWELLER, Bay Street. Itennfort, S. C., Has just retruned erom tut: north with a fine assortment of goods at PJortlicrii Priooa, WEDDING RINGS, >0 to $12.00, SILVER RINGS, :?)r. to $L-W. CTI VLM> V tDL'rv DtVtld Mno u no oi b t iva aai aia iv ladies gold Batches, i3o to $.:o. o S Eiy 111:? Slrisag Sleeks, S3.50 to 13. o GENTS' GOLD CHIANS, PINS, RINGS. SLERVE BUTTONS.STUDS, WATCH CHAINS, LADIES GOLDami PLATED JEW'ELKY, GOLD I'LNS, AC., AC. GENTS' GOLD & SILVER WATCHES, Call and examine before purchasing, and satisfy yourself you can save ten to tweoty-fivo per e?nt from Charleston or Savannah prices. dec.6.1y MANSION HOUSE POUT nOTAIi s. oOITrATED AT TIIE TERMINUS OF ^ the Port Railroad, where connection is in de wiili the last sailing, first-elaiM sfanicrs MoNTUOMKKY ?ud litsisvil LK. sailing to New York every Friday. This is an entirely now and ch gr.ntly famished iious.Situation unsurpuss u, surrounded with ma/nifiuicnt live oak*. cum ai ding a aplrndid pro>{?cct of the surrounding country, the Beaufort, and I'ort Roynl Kivi rs, ami offers unusual attracti its to tr?v lent, or to parties *ho desire Foard or to spend a f w day* near the .-alt water. Table s-ij.-jdh-d with everything the market affords. I rish milk, butt r, fi.?h, vegetables sad fruits ir< their season. Heat <?i Cooks and Attendants. Terms iib. raJ. C. E. WARKEX, t'roprictor, "5-11. .mm i m ?- in ?Y?iW NEW MJS.IANEUY. Fall and'Wist er 1875 JUST RlvCKiVED AT, John Cooper's BAY STR.'.'ET BEAUFORT. LADIES HATS. MISSES HATS BOYS tyATS J French and Dontstlc F!ew*rs, . A A fine ajsnrtni'ut of the above together with a stock of I AM. and W1N1KR I rv (? ads, V,Clothing, 1-uiiKstics, Long Cloth, Ac., fl ' 1 jas. e. McGregor, . 1 CARE I AGE MAKER, HOUSE, SIGN, and CARRIAGE PAINTER. Oppj Express Office, Beaufort, S. f. All kinds of Scroll and fancy sawing. All kiods of repairing promptly attended to, on reasonable t rim;. Satisfaction guaranteed. K*i~ Agent for Barnes' patent foot power scroll jaw, which can be seen in operation at my shop. JAS. ii McGREGOR. Julyl-ly. BE A17 FORT HOUSE, B E.i IFOR T, S. C. HaYING opened and refurnished this old rstabisbed it ouse, [ am r>rer?ared to accommodate transient a ad tier luancut boarder*, at reasonable rates. MRS. ACN& MANN, oct.21-?m. * Proprietress. grofrttionaf (Cards* VERDIER WALKER AND BACOT. ?RO(TORS IN ADMIRALTY AND ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BEAUFORT, SO.CA. Valkf.R A B.VCOT, I AV. J. VERDIKK. Charleston. | Beaufort Refer to the British Consulates In theSoath, and peciallv to the British Consulate at Charleston. Octlt-f. 3. M. STUART, M. D., Cor. C*y A Eighth Streets* TA oAufort, S. O. dealer in >RUGS, AND CHEMICALS, FAMILY MEDICINES, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES TATIONEBY, PCBFUMERY, BRUSHES, Ac., Ac., Ac., To-jetber r.-ith manyo- jr article* too numerous o mention. Al' of which will be Bold a1: the lowest ^ r:>e f.-r cn?l?. rhjslciajJB preacrfl'tioue earefttfjj 0!!'JC;" d-xl. teh,l*\