University of South Carolina Libraries
???? LOCAL ITEMS. _ Beaufort, S. C., March ,2 1876. Ift- The i4 Dispatch " -Commander Koger^Atith Commodore Shufeldt. left Port Kmfiu for Key We*t on Sunday. She will call at Port Koyal on her re* turn. ??? ft. The Hartford, Marion, Vandalia, j ? Plymouth and Huron, will sail from J Hampton Roads for Port Royal th's week, ft- Dr. Wilder, late treasurer of this j rnnntv has made his settlement with tie i State and has received warrants on the treasury for over twenty five hundred dollars which was ound to be due hint from the State. We congratulate the doctor. Oscar G. Sawyer, during the late war the naval correspondent of the N. Y. Herald, has just been coujniissioned by the navy department as secretary to Commodore Cliti. He will at once proceed to his ship at Port Royal. Captain Mitchel, the jailor at the Beaufort jail died last Dight about 10:30 p. m. A little over a week ago he was in robust health and strength, but at a party in celebration of Washington's birthday, he overheated himself; went out into the night air, took a chill that brought on pleurisy, that resulted in death. JCT The Sea Island Hotel, was always a success and will coutinue to be so as long as the prospects for Beaufort remain so bright and encouraging as they appear at r,w*jpnt The proprietor, Mr. James y. Odell, informs us that the hotel has been j crowded with gtests for the last three or j four weeks, and is likely to continue so for some time yet. In the back part of the town where new buildings and fences are being erected almost every day, parties are encroaching on the streets to such an extent as in some instances to have almost entirely blocked up the streets. The town council ought to take immediate and decided action to compel these prop ?i1y holders to step back into line. Land for gardens and buildings i- cheap enough without using the streets for this purpose. We are informed that the streets in this portion of the town are laid out sixty feet wide, and yet in some p'aces but twenty feet remains unob , structe). This evil that mars the beauty and symmetry of our streets should be ' stopped immediately. I 19" Mr. J. Wallace Ainger, of Char- 1 lestoa. who is the travellin^'agent tor the E ectic Magazine in this S'ate. paid us a visit this week. The Eclectic is an o'd e tahlLhed magazine, published by K. K. Pelton, New York, at $>.00 per year. Or dors will be received at Mr. A. A. Chrictz burg's news depot. jWu Asa sign of improvement rh.r Beaufort is now undergoing, the town ? "I Vlil T- ut loiKt c-eifc nit- rutcu IP ?i'ai .ivb. > > .VBthirtv thousand dollars would be added to to the assessment books of the town. Great impetus to building and improve mentof property was given by the sale oi the prou*tv in this town a few weekairo by i^^governiuent. This property has hitherto produced no town revenue, and the biddings thereon were rapidly going to decay. In the hands of private parties ihey are being renovated and the vacant lots are being improved. The noise of the hammer and the saw are heard on almost every street in town. Transfers of Real Estate. The following transfers of real estate have been recorded in this county since our last notice : H. G. Ely and wife to J. P. O'Brien, 330 acres on Port Royal Islaud, for *7,000. R. D. Smart to Mrs. E. D. Warnock, 121 acres in Gcothe township for *2420. John H. Robert to Jas. M. Bostick, 2527 sacres for $1362.13. Wm. Wilson to Robt. Mclntire, 400 acres on Hilton Head for $200. Lavinia Cohen to Edward T. Davis 30 acres, in Coosawhatcbie for $30. R. K. Carletou and M. W. Williams, to Sabey White, lot, G block 76 lor *40. j Frank Wineglass et al to Patsey Richardson 5 acres on St. Helena for $25. Eilen Horton to James E. De loach, 3 acres for $15. J. P. Southern and J. M. . Mackay to Jauics M. Cox, undivided 28th of Spring jdsland for $5,000. Mmrtmm nens. Arrived.?Feb. 25th at St. Helena i Sound Br. Bg. Margam, Thomas, mas-1 .ter, 57 days from Swansea with 500 tons ;of coal for Campbell. Wyllie and Co. 44 Feb. 25th Br. Bk. Gladstone, Burch ! master, 31 days from Georgetown, British Guiana in Lallast to Campbell, Wyllie aud Co. ^ 4 |Feb. 25th Russiau Bg. Luomalinen, Herlin, master, 51 days from London, : England, in ballast to Campbell, Wyllie :and Co. 4' Feb. 22nd at Helena St. Sound Br. Bgt. Morna, Bevan, master, 24 days from Para, Brazil, in ballast to Camp- . bell, Wyllie and Co. 44 Feb. 23ri Br. Bgt. Maggie Reynolds Kinney, master, 17 days from Havana, Cuba, in ballast to Campbell, Wyllie and Co. 44 Feb. 26th Br. Bg. Raven, Williams master, 30 days from Para, in ballast to Campbell, Wyllie and Co. " Br. Bk. Talisman, Baker, master, 7 days from Savannah in ballast to Campbell, Wyllie and Co. t4 Feb. 24th Br. Bg. Pen.lo.)e Tutton, Jone , master, 35 days from Funehal in ballast, to Campbell, Wyllie and Co. Cleared.? from St. Helena Sound Feb. 21st Br. Bg. Empress, Edmunds paster, for Ply mouth Englaud, with 40} MMMaaraMMammHransHi f4?us <?f phosphate rock from Coosaw Mines. Feb. 25th from St Helena Sound >wedish Bk. Fmauuul, Hansen, master. for London, with 850 tons of phosphate rock from Oak Point Mines. 41 Feb. 25th from St. Helena Sound Swedish Bk. Orskar, Johnson, master, for London, with 650 tous of phosphate rock from Oajc Point Mines. ? The advent of the U. S. S. Dispatch, Commander Fred Rogers, which brought to this port on Saturday last Commodore Shufeldt, ehiet of the bureau equipment, whom it is reported has come to inspect the location, and ascertain the wants of the equipment department, at this point and report as to a location for a 1-? Vino onrfiin raised sue: ula ("Uitliug Hgu.u tion as to where the government will ultimately decide to lj. itv.. and is discussed pro and con accordingly as interest ay dictate. Of course Port Royal is urging her claim strenuously for Battery Creek, and the parties in interest propose a water front adjoiuing the railroad wharf, with a depth of water of three aud | a hah* to four and a quarter fathoms at i low tide. This is about twenty miles | from th^ bar, with a streight and direct j channel, and possesses the preseut ad- J vantage of good railroad facilities. In opposition, more particulary to Bat tcry creek, i? Foot Point, on Colleton j river which communicates by Chechassee ! river with Broad River, and thence to Port Royal entrance. This is the point that was spoken of as the terminus of the Port Royal Railroad until the present terminus was decided upon. It is about t venty four miles from the Bar, and has j about the same dej th of water rs Battery Creek, but the channel is so : ewhat wider. The nearest point to railroad communication is some seventeen miles. The Southern shore of Colleton river is a high and commanding bluff, Spring Island rx?ine on the opposite side the river lit this point Land's End, where during the war the government erected doeks and workshops is also mentioned. This is on the opposite side the river to the city of Port Royal, nearer the entrance, and has a depth of water of from tour and a quarter to five fathoms. At this point the government has a reservation of laud, a school farm, which could be utilized. It has however the disadvantage of no railroad. Pa-is Island is another point spoken ofThis island on the Beaufort River shore, along its entire length has from three and a quarcr to four and a half fathoms of water. A coaling station was established on this islaud luring the war. Fort Littleton is the ncare.-t point to Beaufort, at which the government has a military reservation of five acres, ceded to it by this State in 1805. Alih ugh there is sufficient depth for a vessel to be .it a wharf, unfortunately in consequence of a bar a short distance lower down, with mly seventeen feet of water at low tide, essels could not leave at low water. This b r of pli sp'iaiic deposit can be removed j it an expense ot about $-,500, which would give a sufficiency of water. The rep >rt of the CouimcKJore ani the action of the department will be looked forward to, with great, interest by the people of Port Royal and Beaufort. Legislative Notes. Judge Montgomery Moses, of the seventh circuit has appeared before the Seaate, sitting as a court of impeachment, plead ' nut guilty" to the charges preferred. He is represented by J. B. Campbell. Esq., of Charleston, Cob J. H. Rion, of Winnsboro, and Messrs. J. M. Baxter, Silas Johnson, and Y. J. Po]>e, of New berry. Messrs. Elliott, Couch, Bauip- ; field, Wallace, Mettle and Barnwell, are the board of managers to conduct the ; prosecution. The trial has been adjourned until the 7th of M; reh. The consideration of the report of the committee on privilege and election as to the charges made against Mr. J. D. Robertsou, representative from this county, which recommended his expulsion, was commenced ?n Thursday. The House came to a vote on Friday night, expelling Mr. Robartson by a vote of 56 to 25. The Senate has passed the appropriation bill, with several amendments, such as raising the penitentiary appropriation from $30,000 to $40,000, and public printinD from $25,000 to $50,000. The liouse concurred as to the peuitentiary, but not as to the Other amendments, and a committee of conference has been appointed. In answer to a resolution requiring Pnr nfr TrMsiirers to renort the amount of bills of the Bank of the State tendered for taxes, every county, with the excep" tionof nine, has reported. The total amount teudereJ iu the State is $57,675.61. The bill authorizing the hireing out of convicts Irom the penitentiary has been killed in the IIou?e. Administrator's Notice. Pursuant to an order of the probate court, for the county of Beaufort, the jiersonal property of the ec? tatc of Hubert Lessington, late of St. Helena, will be sold in front of the office of Jas. M. Crofut, Esq., on Saturday 18th March next. The property consi>ts of one mare, one stallion, one eolt, one sulkey, harness, tables, beds and bedding, cotton gins, one filter watch, etc. Tenua of sale.?Cash. H. G. JUDD. Administrator. 3ft Feb. 28-1876. 31 Administrator's Notice. All persons holding claims agai list the estate of Samuel Cooler, deceased, late of Blttffion township, are hereby notified that the same must be presented duly attested, at the office of the undersigned in | Beaufort, within the time limited and allowed by law, and all peisens indebted to the said estate arc required to make iwm diate settlement of their acI counts at the samo place. II. G. JUDP, Clerk, Bf t., Feb. 28.1876.?Sl-3?. Adm'r. Administrator's Notice. All persons holding claims against the estate of Peter Powell, deceased, late of Coosawlutchie towni ship, are h?r by notified that the same must be pre ntvd duly attested, at the orticoof the undersigned ( in Beaufort, within the time limited and allowed by | law. and all persons indebted to the said estate are required to make immediate settlement of theirac" ; counts at the same place. H.G.JUDD, Clerk, lift. Feb. 28,1876.?31-3t. Adin'r. For Balo. gCHOONER YACHT JENNIE, 4 S-l tons burden, PRICE, ?3t>0. Enquire of WATERHOUSE A RICKER. &r. AUCTION Commission Ifonse, I / ' Consigned Goods sold for Ca$h and Cash Only. Gi?e ns a trial, JMers promptly filled. Butter, from 20 to 40cJ Coffee. from 25 to 50c. Candies, from 18 to 25c. Cheese, from 18 to 20c. Codfish, from 8 to 10c. Herring, from 25 to 4(>c. Sardines, from 20 to 35c. Kerosene, 20c. gal. Molasses, from 20 to 45c. ltice, froui 7 to 8c Candles, from 20 to 50c. Soap, from 6J to 9c. Sugar, from 8 to 10c. Starch, from 5* to 8c. Tobacco, from 50 to 90c. Segars, from $2<) to $50. Cider, 40c. gal. Vinegar, from 25 to 40c. Tea, (Green) Jellies, Matches, Jute Twine, 20c. lb. Tea, (Black) Hats and Caps, Women's Shoes, Pain Killer, Pills, Pickles, from $1.50 to $4.50 doz. Oysters, from 1.25 to 1.50 doz; Lobsters, from 2.50 to 3.50 doz. Peaches, from 2.00 to 3 75 doz. Damsons, from 3.00 to 4.50 doz. Plums, from 3.00 to 4.50 doz. Cherries, from 3.00 to 4.50 doz. Strawberries, from 3.00 to 4.50 doz. Pine Apples, from 3.00 to 4.50 doz. Whortleberrries, u 2.50 to 3.50 doz. Green Corn, from 3.00 to 3.50 doz. Greeu Peas, from 3.00 to 3.50 doz. Tomatoes, from 2.00 to 3.00 doz. Brandy Peaches, " 3.00 to 5.00 doz. Flour, from 6.00 tO 8.00 bbl. S. R. Flour, Tapioca, Borden's Milk, Chow Chow, Coleman's Mustard, Berry Pepper, Table Salts, Castor Oil, Hams, Shoulders, Salt Pig's Toneue, Smoked Beef Tongues, Fulton Market Beef, Sides, Ribbed, Clear Ribbed Sides, Clear Salt Sides, Dried Beef, >t Ham Sausage, Breakfast Strips, Spiced Pig's Feet, Smoked Jowls. Leaf Lard iu Pails, Mackerel, $6 to $10. Salmon, Washboards, from $2.00 to $3.50 doz. Sopoaj^r} " 2.75 doz. Tubs, 8 in nest, " 3.50 Jute Rope, 15c. Potatoes, from $2.50 to $4.50 bbl. Ouions, from 3.00 to 5.00 bbl. Apples, from 3.00 to 5.00 bbl. Turnips, from 2.00 to 4,00 bbl. Oranges, from Lemons, Dried Apples, from 8 to 10c Dried Peaches, from 12 to 20c. Dried Currants, from 12 to 20c. Raisins, Cocoanuts, Filberts, Wrapping Paper, Soda Crackers, 7$c lb. Pilot Bread, 6ic lb Ginger Cnkes, 12o lb. Sugar Cakes, 12e !b. Hames Mule Collars, Garden Seeds, " , m i I f ish lacKie, Padlocks, 34 Augusta Sheeting, 7c yd. Prints. 7c to 10c. Spool Cotton, 50c per doz. [Pack, White Linen, Thread Pins, and Needles, Buttons, JAMES M. CROFUT. JOHN FRANZ, Wholesale & Retail Grocer, AND SHIP CHANDLER 0 Family Groceries and Cabin Stores a specialty. o Constantly receiving from St. Louis, the best FAMILY FLOUR, wholesale groceries, liquors plantation supplies, at the princple Store, formerly occupied ' " ' ^ ti j o. by J. ryier, corner oay ana n est street BAKERY. Having just completed the erection of a bakery at my premises, at the corner Bay and Scott Sts., I shall keep a constant | supply of fresh BREAD &c. I have sei cured the services of an experienced ba-1 ker, and by using the finest grades of flo ar, shall endeavor to secure a share of public patronage. Call and inspect samples. GROCERIES. a speciality at the Store Corner of Bay ana Scott Street ,V, 8. ELLIOTT, Memufmrl 8. C. ma VEJ\*XL, tf CO., Ch?rl,*ton 8. c. THE BEAUFORT ; STEAM MUX COMPACT, Having put up a grist mill at their old ?tand, are prepared io furnish Tirist, Feed and Meal, n any quantity, and at reasonable rates. M. S. ULLIOTT. % < ?7n~i 1 1 1). U. Hutchinson, W HOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER PORT ROYAL, S. C. JJAVING just put iu a large stock of ti n a r v. r i k a I !1V V mlm M. w m. j I am prepared to supply the trade at figures that cauuot fail to PROVE SATISFACTORY. All my goods are bought from first hands, and come direct from New York, Boston and Baltimore, and I can, therefore, compete with dealers in Charleston and Savannah. Mess Beef and Pork, Drj Salted and Smoked Meats, FLOUR, SUGAR. MOLASSES SOAP CANDLES SYItl'P COFFEES, CANDIES, TEAS, JELLIES, SARDINES, CRACKERS. CHEESE. CORN. CORN MEAL, HAY AND FEED. CANNED GOODS AND PRESERVED FRUITS. BY PURCHASING from nie, parties can make a percentage on theirgocxls. on account of lower freight charges .at Port Royal than at Charleston or Savannah. D. H. Hutchinson. Jy-29-6m. For Sale. ONE-THIR J INTEREST IN THE Port Royal STANDARDS COMMERCIAL ?APPLY TO? j. w. Collins. Dec.- ?IMf. MRS. E. HOLZACH, B R BREAD V D Cake, and Cracker Bakery BAY ST., BEAUFORT, S.C. Just received a large and selected stock of FRENCH CANDIES, which will be sold at prices to suit the times. Will so keep on hand all Kinds of CAKES, PIES, FRUITS, Ac Ac. sep-23-tf. mrsTc7 smithT" WEST STUEET, Between Craven and North Streets, AND COR. &COTT A NORTH S TREETS, Beaufort, E. C. ? O R0CERIE5, \JT \ X EATS, CANDIES, SVl rjpoBACCO, FANCY CAKES, ANDSEGaSS. I Dry Goods, and Clothihg All of the best quality and at the lowest figures, constantly on hand. wth7devlin7 Carpenter? Builder o All kinds of BOAT WORK, CAULKING, and SPAR MAKING. o OFFICE AND SHOP COR. BAY and CHARLES STREET, BEAUFORT, 8. C. PORT ROTAL Saw A Planing Mill BEAUFORT, S C. D. C. WILSON & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN YELLOW PINE TINSEL AND LENSES AMD Cypress SMnsle*, ALSO Builders & Contractors PLASTER, LATHES, All kinds o." JOB SAWING promptly done. ___ ^ Flooring & Ceiling Boarls always on hand Orders for Lumber and Timber by the cargo promptly filled. Tonus Cash. nov.28-ly. D. C. WILSON, A CO P. P. TO ALE, Manufacturer of Doors, Sashes, BLINDS, FLOORING, kt? Slc. Dealer in Builder's Hardware Paints, Oil, &c. Sole Agent for The National Miiefl Paint Co. Tie Great American Fire Eiting'shr. Co Page Machine Belting Co. SEND FOR PRICES. Office and Warerooms, 20 & 22 Hayne & 33 & 35 Pinckiiey Sts FACTORY cud YARD, Ashley River, west end Broad Street, CHARLMT05. t. C. Charleston Jkflwtlsfmfnts. JOHN W. LINLEY, & CO., 190 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. G R O CTE R S , And Importer* of General Merchandise. No Freight to Pay! No Freight to Pay ! Our price* ore below those of t'ny other dealer in the United States. No extra charges for drayage, boxing or freight. We prepay freights and deli err goods f A A1 .. /*._ t A! \* . A I. jreem uny arpui un >w: imt- <tj im ^.yiiiii Eastern, Wilmington and Cohunfnu. Smith Carolina and Charleston and Savannah Rail Roads ; also to all points in South Carolina, Georgia and Honda, having direct water commun cation with C harlestun. ALL GOODS GUARANTEED. " Terms?Cash by P. 0. order or registered letter?on 30,-00, or 90 days in acceptance icifh interest added at the rate of 1 percent a month. " Ahcays enclose this advertisement with order if convenient. List of Set Prices. So expense to add Finest quality Voting Ifyson Tea?quality unsurpassed. exquisite flavor, and great strength, ?1.20 per ll>. This Tea specially recommended. Finest quality (Joloug, Souchong, Gunpowder, and llyson Teas, ?1.20 per lb. Second quality Teas, sue per lb. Third quality Teas, sold by other dealers at 31 per lb., you can have delivered hv us at fiOc. per lb Crushed and-Powdercd Sugars i3c. per lb.; Granulated A Sugar, 12c per lb. Light Brown Sugar, luc. pel lb. Linlejr's Peerless FAMILY FLOUR 18 LBS. TOR $1. orSlOperbM. Good Family Flour, 22 lbs. for ?1; $M.50, ar.d 39.00 per barrel. Extra Choice Finely Flavored ii&ius, 17*^, 18c. per lb. Good Hauls, 13c. per lb. BREAKFAST STRIPS, EXTRA CHOICF., 17per lb. Choice Tumbler Jellies, large size* 12 l-2c. each. 2 lb. Canned Tomatoes, 15c each; 3 lb. Canned Tomatoes, 18c. each. lib. Salmon, 25c per can; 2 lb Canned Pine Apple, Peaches, Damsons and Pears, 23c. per can?6 cans for $1.30. Best quality mixed Vinegar Pickle^?pints 17c each quarts, 27c. each; Gallons 60c. each. Coudcnsed Milk, Eureka ana Eagle baatid, 25c. each. Gantz Seafoatn, 1-2 lb. 25c ; lbs. 50c. per can. Lemon Sugar. 40c. |>cr can. Dooley's Yesst Powder, 15c., 25c. and 40c. per can. English Cooking Soda, or Package Soda, 10c. per lb. 1-4 boxes Sardines, '20c.; 1-2 boxes, Sardines, 35c. each. Shadiues, 1-2 boxes, 25c. each. Cox's Sparklin Gelatine, 20?\ per pack. Capers, 40c; Olives, 50c.; Worcestershire, Walnut and Mushroom Sauces, genuine imjiorted, 40c. per hot 110. initiation rrcucil .uusiuru, -iv. wuuuiin- r ruutu Mustard, 25c. French Prunes, 18c. |?r lb. Raisins,20c. Citron, 4oc. Currauts, 10c. Cheese. 20c. Full weight Candles, first quality, 2%. per lb. llakcr's Chocolate, 45c. per lb. Cocoa, 50c. per lb. Broma, 60c. per lb. German Chocolate, 30e. per lb. Ordinary Rio Coffee, 4 1-2 lbs. for $1.; choice Rio Coffee, 4 lbs. for Si.; choice Laguayra Coffee, :l lbs. for SI; Old Government Java Coffee, 214 il*?. for Si; Roasted and Ground Coffees, 3c. additional, each grade. Duryea's Starch. 9 lbs. for Si- Satin Glos Starch, 73c. per box. Corn Starch, 13c. per pack, Box Blueing, .33c. per dozen. Barley, 12 l-2e. per lb Durham Suiokiug Tobacco, 63c. p.-r lb. Gilt Edge Butter, 40c. per lb. Choica Goshen Butter, 35e. per ib. Biscuits?Soda, 12 lbs. for Si; Extra Pilot, 10c.; Lemon, Wine, Ginger and Butter, at 15c per lb.. Nic Nacs, 16c. per lb.; Fancy Cakes 25c. per lb; Black Pepper, 30e. per lb.; Spice, 30c. per lb.; Nutmegs, 15c. per ounce; Mac -, 15c per ounce; Ginger, 25c. per lb. Rose and Vanilla Flat Stick Candy, a fine article, 25c. per lb.; Ordinary stick candv. pure, 20c. per lb.; Rock Candy, any color, 22c. per lb. Colgate's Toilet Soaps?60 different kinds, a specialty of ours, at mannfacturer's prices?fr m 2oc., to $4.00 per aozen ca'.es. Colgate s Handkerchief Extracts, 50c. per bottle. Cashmere Bouquet Powder, 25c. per box. Cleveland's Pomade V .-walinc, a .restorative and preservative unequalled for the hair, 20c. per bottle. Old Corn Whiskey, 81.80 per gallon. Rye Whiskeys,$1.60,82.00, &L0o, and $4,00 per gallon. Blackberry and Cherry Cordials, a pleasant drink, 61.80 per gallon. Table" Port and Sherry Wine, 62.59 per gallou. Fiue Old Mad ira, Ci.00 per gallon. English and Scotch Ale and Porter; bott ed, $2.70 Serdozen. Bremen Lager Beer, bottled, $2.70 per ozen. Demijohns for Liquors, extra?1-2 gallon, 4'>c.; gallons, 5vc.; 2 gallons, 6X-.;3 gallous, 75c.; 5 gallons si.00 each. A very Extensive Assortment of Crockery and Glassware always on hand. Plates?Dinner size, *!.5?per dozen; Breakfa-if. $1.23: Desert, Sl.00; Tea, 85c. per dozen, Cups and Saucers, $1.00 per set. ('ovvT'd Dishes, 63c. 75c., and $1.00 each. Tumblers 60c 75 Si y* $1.25, ano $150 per dozen. Table Gobi u'lia* $2.00, $2.50, and $3.00 per dozen Wine Glasses, ?t.C0 ft Chimney's Sun O ami A's, 4 for 25c. 3 23c- Student or Argand Chimneys .3 for 23c. J?timt?.?rleA? article? unmetjtinned. Information e .ecrfttlly jiven. Oui firm wxs established In 1S67, and our business re 1 putatlon and facilities are of the highest order. I We will do all wc promise. All ord?rs should b I AUUltaOi u vv JOHN W. LINLEY, & CO., (Key Box 184) 10O BUng St., Jue.l7-ly. CHARLESTON. S. C. DAILY STAGE LINE, -TO? RORT ROYAL. S. C. WALLY GREEN, PROPT. ON and after Monday, Nor. 15, there will be n regular Daily Stage Line established between Beaufort and Port Royal. Will leave the Sea Island Hotel at 1 p. ni., returning, leave Port Royal at 4 p. m. FA HE, 8BVEXTY-FIVE CQSTS. All orders left at the Sea Island Hotel will b* promptly at ten led to. . uov.ll-ly. Crist and S. M WALLACE, Cotton Factor AND GRIST MILLER, Wholesale Dealer in MAIN, imi mi, FEES, Etc., Soa Island Cotton Bought, Giuned and prepared for market. Advances Made on Consigninents. Having the best machinery for ginning cotton and grinding corn and meal, he is prepared to execute all orders on the shortest possible notice. The highest price paid tor Cotton and Corn. Cotton giuuedon toll. jan.7. j ~ G. P. GARDINER DEALER IX anocERiES, Lienors, Dry Hoods, Soots, Shoes, Etc,, HILTON HEAD, 8. C. Cotton Ginned and Corn Ground at the above place. Grist, Bread and Feed, always on hand. For cash all orders will be promptly attended to. D. O'NEILL & SONS, wholesale Dealers ix BOOTS, SHOES, j TRUNKS AND VALISES, No. 33 Ilnyzio Street Cliarloston SI. O. I aprL8-Iyr. F. W . S (' I SEA ISLAM IIAS BEE X R * THE PATROXAGE OF THE Til AVE I TERMS, 92.00 JAMES ODE LL , portroyaTTc Has been fitted up in fiist class style, in t BEAUFORT^ The RESTAURANT will be supplied wiih Savannah, CharlesU can supply. MEATS, FISH, OYSTERS ao ence in this line of business has enabled trie to shortest uotice. Feb. 24. BARGAINS! I quick salesanSI "AT THE CflEA Ja^ob 1 ANNOUNCES TO HIS FRIENDS AND T received direct fiom New York, a large and w TEll GOODS, which he will offer at the lowt DRESS GOODS OF AL Silks. Poplins, Lustres, Black and OoPd. Alpacas, fi Bleached goods. Fine Plaid aud Ottoman Shawls, rators. Hosiery end Fancy Goods. Balmoral Hose. | Trimmings and Buttons, Fringes and Laces. A tint ets and Domestics, Oil Cloth and Matting. Special Gents' Furnishing Which is complete with the latest styles of Bows :ir per Collar. Clothing Boots and Shoos, Hats and Ca Coxno and. toe < Bay Street. JACOB API IT 1/ 7 BT1 JLJL* JLi JLI XJ V/ Wholesale and 1 AND DEALE Country Produce, and ] 173 Broad St., fUnder Augi 0 KEEPS constancy on hand a large and selet TATION SUPPLIES all of which we guaranteed. The patronage of Beaufort and a THE 11 SEWING MACII Ls prepared to offer the i TO MERCHANTS ?Who will do Sewing Machines < o? W* 3 FAMILY F i! Its Name Indicate Dnr?nin 000 Families 1 11UIU1 IV/ iUWjV/VV A UIIIUIVW G, 1 NAMED GENNRAL FA Adapted to every ]>osaibIc grade of w< ledges tiu For Tailors and IT STANDS WITHOUT Weed Sewing Mac Dec.30. No?. 51 ai S. MAYO, ' j 1 Bay St. Beaufort, S. C L1Q.UORS, WINES, &<\ NET YARNS, 1-ISH LINES AND CORDAGE. J Grlasn, X^aints and Oils, WHITE LEAD AND TURPENTINE.: i Special attention given to mixing pa in to d Gats c order c"any L-iie. i Dec.6 N I E P E?~ fj GROCERIES | ' d hotel, l-OPEXED. fiLINljr PUBLIC IS SOLICIIVD. PER. D^LY. PROPRIETOR. . clubhouse lie builvling formerly known as the ^ HOTEL, , . . ' A the choicest viands that the markets or inand Beaufort . . , 7 rl GAME in its season. Lr/ng experii serve the choicest delicacies on the C. E. WARRED , Proprietor. JARGAINSir SMALL PROFITS! P STORE. kpple, Hit: PUBLIC, TI1AT HE HAS .JUST ell selected stock of FALL AND WIN-" ;st prices: Consisting of L DESCRIPTION. leps, and Plaids, also a fine lot 'f Print* an. Ladies Kid Gloves, Centennial Dress ElaKuffiiitfr and Knjl>roid<rles, Latest styles of } lot of Perfumery and fancy Soaps. Blankattention is called to the Department. H Ties, al?o. the Celebrated Centennial pa- ' ps, and other articles to suit the wants of all. Convinced. ?LE, Beaufort, S. C.' :,SS..EYdetail Grocer,' :rln? Plantation Supplies, / isla Hotel,; Augusta Ga. :tcd stock of GROCERIES and PLAN.; offer cheap-to the trade. Satisfaction djoininx Cpuuties respectfully solicited. . FEED INK COMFY, most liberal terms AMD OTHERS, al in? of its Man fture.* ... L VORITE, * s its Qualities. Vho^Havc Them in Use.' VOPTTTT. -RTSnATTSm V w O. JL-i y A/AJ VAA W ^rk.?Our competitors acknowit I Shoemakers,A I1IVAL. Address, hine Company, id 53 St. Charles St, Baltimore, Md. m. H. CALVERT. PRACTICAL 'in Sheet Iron, Copper Worker* DEALER IN spanned and Stamped Tid Wirea. Constantly on Land, Cooking Parlor and Box Stores. TERNffc CASH, gaol far tka Calabrated Charter Oak Cocking Stcvei." \T. H. CALTERT, , Day St. between Sth A 9th ?U Deau/orl, 5. C -- - ?'