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Beaufort, 3. C., February 17, 1576. court of common pleas opened in j j^Ptufort on Wednesday. * ])r. Jeukinsrcecivcd some severe brui.s \ es on Tuesday evening, by billing down J the stairs of the Club House. ??- V messenger has been appointed in > the custom house, Beaufort, at a salary of $20 per month. i 1 ^ i feirOu Sunday the Rev. R. F. Bvth -j wood added several members to his church < by the rite of baptism. Remember the Lyceum entertain' mcut this evening. Prepare for the ball of the Wash- J ] ington S. F. E. Co., in celebration of 1 Washington's birthday, on the 22d iust. On the 8th inst., a boy near liar- < deevillc, was crushed to death by a tree, : that he had just cut, falling on him. I Esjr The appointment of Geo. Gage, (the present incumbent) as collector of \ customs for Beaufort S. C. has been con- i firmed by the Senate. < o i Cotton shipments over the P. R , i. } 11. It., have been Driver uns \>a\ m?., ( last. The amount this week was 1,259 bales. 1 ^ ^ 3%. We sec that Gov. Brown lias of-1 k fercd the officers of the U. 8. licet at t ort \ Royal one hundred tons of Georgia.coal ; for experiment. j ' ^ * S K&-On Saturday, Mr. Jas. M. Grofut. auctioneer, soM 333 boxes of hard bread at 41 0") per box, and 104 bbls. of pickles at 10c. per bbl. Condemned naval stores. : e S&~On Saturday afternoon Clara Green 1 struck Milly Davenport with a stick, in- ? flicting severe wounds on her head and i face. The unfortunate womau was taken ' ^ to the office of Dr. Gibbs where her wounds | \ were dressed. Clara Green was taken to I the guardhouse. 1 ^ 11 1?L A new post office has been established at Pritchardville, between Hardee- c ville and BlulTton. Mr. C. F. Pritchard 1 $ ba s been appointed postmaster. j ( 8?. A few days ago, Mr. Win. B. Pc j lot, an old and respected citizen of Har- ! dceville, died suddenly from heart dis?ase, whilst sitting in a chair engaged in j 1 a conversation with some friends. i f ??> | ' The town authorities we see, are I taking steps to raise the sea wall running 1 1 along the shore on the upper portion of! 1 Bay St. This will add great lv to the ap- 1 i j pearancc of : he street. :md the r gradua'-eiicroarhiiiont of the tide. ?<<> I s We hear that the committee ap- u pointed by the grand jury to continue e ? _.:?: I, their inve ligations <J tne recevs win , r look into the affairs of the trial justices, r as to the amount uf fines received and j s amount accounted tor. j The f*:l!t?wii?ir vessels of the V. S. j F eet arrive* 1 in Pott Koyal this weelc : J ^ TW^luwmut.' commander G. 0. p the "Mouongahcla" and tl.c ? " Brooklyn." i?S>< fcsCP On Sunday night. on the Sav- \8 Jiiuiah and Charleston 11. 11. an unknown j man, a Spaniard, was crushed to death f jit the Giahamviilc depot. It was sup- j posed lie was taking a free ride, and ! tailing asleep tell on tlie track and was , * crushed by the cross bea i s of the bieaks. | 1 The first section of the sea wall ; c that .skirts the shore along the upper por- j 1 lion of Bay St. was raised into position ; \ on Wednesday. This wall, so we are in- j s formed, was thrown down by the action 1 of a storm ami high tide in the year 1834. Beaufort is showing sigss of improvement. 1 1 1 r County Auditors have boon instructed t by the /Comptroller General, to strictly j enforce the penalty on delinquents after j sixty days from the time the office of the itreasurer was opened for th receipt of J taxes. The office in Beaufort was opened i on the 8th of January, so that the penal* ty will attach in this couuty on all taxes j J remaining unpaid after the .8th of next | month. ! i On Saturday kst a Mr. Creech, at < his store at Hardeeville, shot a man named Parcel), the ball entering his left aide. It appears that a dispute aro?c between the parties and Creech ordered . < Purocll out of his. tore, lie refused to leave and is reported to have attempted to raise an axe wheu Creeeh ??v;>t * him. I Dr. Pritchard examined the wound which is not considered fatal, but failed to find j . the ball. . We hear that a number of rcpre- j sentative men from all classes in the! northwest, have projected a visit to Port Royal. The various railroads have agreed -to issue free ticket? to properly author-! ized parties. This is move in the right .direction. A personal visit to this port ,can do more to convince the iniblic of the i advantages this^oi^t possess for shippers ! than columns of printed matter, written ' ;by interested parties. The preparations .being made for the ball of the Washington & F. R Co.. | to be held at the Sea fsland Hotel, on ; the 22d inst., give promise of a grand af- ' fair. The music will be excellent and the supper first class. We cannot vouch for 1 the truth of the assertion, but we hear ! that every sewing machine in town has ! been running full time eversin?e it was ^ whispered that this ball had been project* 4 ed, and the receipts at the post office have ! ' considerably increased during the last two ! weeks, for stamps on missives written in ! delicate hand", to certain prominent millinery and dry goods establishments in j M distant cities. V - i?- 1 .... . 1 > ? . -V" . ' ?? 11!- ill'' ;< ;*.? *i t:;* . i s.on Iluu o of i"o i i. pen*. i ''' the old Club House, Ueaulort. the 1'on iioy-1 al Club House, with a reception that has j not been equalled in stvle in this t >wn for ] a Rum ber of years. The tables were mo? t arti ticaily laid out. and the viands displayed would have been a temptation to an epicure. After supper the usual toasts appropriate to such an occasion, were du* ' ' ?:'l. A.I?j i nst I ly honored, intcrspereeu mm ?????, sentiments, until the arrival of the "wee short hour ayont the twall," reminding the guests that "home sweet home" ougli t to be the next on the piogrammc, and we sought our humble couch, sympathising with the truant benedicts whom we xmld imagine as saying: "My dear I was | lhe first who came away." Mr. Larkin will superintend this house, and the opening gives promise of a successful career Last week a fair was held in the jld li College Building" under the auspices of the Episcopal Church, Beaufort, the proceeds of which are to be devoted ( to the purchase of an organ. There were several tables of fancy articles, but the feature of the evening was certainly \ the tableaux which were of a superior .'haracter, exhibiting a great amount of irti.-tic skill in their make up, as might j liave been expected from the supervision | )f James Stuart Esq. an artist of some I jelcbrity, assisted ?by Dr. II. M. Stuart, J who arranged the per?>mul in the various j ronresentcd. The programme i insisted of *'The three graces" ''The j Necomancei," " Old Robbin Gray," ( ; Undine." ''Bcatie-hi Chenchi in J >risou, " "Pygmalion " '* The Artist's ? Studio. " and " The dumb orator. " f Town Council Meeting. I : ( The town council met last week. Pres- 1 :ot: Jntendant Williams, Wardens Gage, 1 3oyee, Peas and Scheper. The com* *' uittce on account reported on the follow j tig bills which wore ordered paid : ?S. M. 1 Vallacc $28.44; Tribune, ?41.25; Jamas j Vilson Si; Riuah Frazier. $12.10; E. j j^pcz, Si2; deny Savage $0.80, W. C. } lorrison $2.45; John Hamilton, $3.50; { xato Perry, $30; S. Mayo, $21.15. j The following bills were referred to the J ommittec on accounts : W. H. Fisher, ] 15.40; J. E. Boyce, Si.50; Anthony ] /haney, $4.05; J. P. Boyce, $8.80. ( The following petition were granted: ^ Y'titiou of W. J. Yerdier for reduction ^ fassessment on the property recently ( urchased by him from S 1.000 to $2,500. ( Petition of Mrs Ilouzeal for the re- ' undiug of Si.24 paid by her on lot B, j Sioek 58 . Petition of Geo. Holmes for <; lie refunding cf $3.75, paid by him on 1 Dt P.. block 81. 1 Warden Gage offered the following j j esilution, which was adopted. j j That on and after the pas- I 1 age of this relation, all petitions j * a unorials and arplicat'ons to this coun-, j il shall be ma I; in writing, and signed c v the parties making the same, and that: ? io argument shall b; heard, except by i 1 pecial consent of council' Warden Boyce, offered the following 1 ( rhich wa< adopted : j I Ih-jtolotl: That hereafter no applica-, I ion for abatement or reduction of a> ! j essment shall be considered by council, I \ inlcss it shall appear that the parties so ] ,pplying were unable to attend to tho j ame at the proper time. J i The report of the Town Treasurer, j r mblishcd el. cwhere, wtts received as in- i ormation. An ordinance to amend the ordinance I o establish a public maikct passed to j ts second reading. On motion of Warden Boyce, the sum r fonc hundred dollars was voted and a'- i ( owed to J. C\ Richmond, for extra ser- j -ices on the board of assessment and for, isrviees in preparing list. Transfers of Real Estate. The following transfers of real estate j lave been recorded in the office of the ! egister of conveyances, Beaufort, during ' he past month. I Wm. Faulk to Kelin Wilson, 1,100 j icres in Coosawhatchie, for $1800. J The Citizens Ice Co., to Lewis Barker I l-8tb of 8,500 acres in Coosnwhatchie, ior j Mi000. D. F. Appletcn and wife, to Jefferson ! P. Jenkins, lot in Port Royal city for $300. Caroline B. Spann. to Cato Brooks, 14 i icres in Sheldon for $75. Edward J. Coleman, to Roswell W. Turner, tract of laud for $2,000. J. W. Collins, to Caroline and Grace Middletoo, lot in Beaufort, for $50. a J- C. IIutsoB, referee, to O. P. Law, 2,200 acres in Coosawhatchie, for$300. Tousang Gelding, to Abram Green, 50 i acres in Kchert, for $S2.5Q. J. W. Bold to W. Kressel.lot B, block 50, Beaufort, for .$1,650. Win. Wiisen, S. B. C., to G. Ho'nies, j eastern portion of lots .300 and 305, Beau- { fort, for ?3,000. David Currie to Daniel McPherson, | 252* acres on St Helena Island, for $3,- j 060. H. G. Judd, G. C. 0,. to Catharine M. ; Bascorab, 1,100 acres, for $1,500. llenty Brown to E. S. Trapier, lot in McPhereonville, for $75. ^ ! Southward Smith to Walter M. Smith, j 1 ? - - Jl ill"! K ill iii^inuii* iui vv?'i Ttos. ddisou, trustee, to E. A. Hogarth. 475 i acres, for $2,300. ^Robert Adger to Mrs. Josephire A. Hoover, 1.000_ acres in Prince William's Parish, for $1*500. Margaret M. Frye to Moses McDuffie, 16 acres in Yemassee, for $45. Caroline B. Srann to Daniel Gadsden, 150 acres iu Sheldon, for $350. John A. Lightsey to Win W. Matthews, 155 acres in Peeplcs tor $333.19 i Martha A. Webb to Josephine , Hoover lot 7 in Brunson for $200. W\ B. Pelot, to Wra, King 10 acres in Yemassee for $50. Sarah Ann Bostick to Harriet J. Ad-, dison 400 acres for $100. O. L. Ilarvey, to I). T. Freeman 224 j acres in Coosawhatchic for $700. Jacob A. Lome et. al. to N. W. Ellis, j 618 acres in Goethe for $700. A. 7. Gill to Mrs. E. Smith, 3} acres | for $35. <. i'!.-. i>? ?!.?:.i?. ,i; < . . ( ;; .T. ;<fi* ii-t.Tio; S'.pncif. rf. a*.. r > ?.a ilr f h;:> acres for ?2">. John ll. Robert to D.vight L. Roberts 10() acres tor $250. John II. Roberts to Win. IT. Stark and Co., 100 acres for $3<R). John M. Terry et. al. to Rcbicea Terry 801 acre* for $4305. Harriet T. Addison to Rebecca A Roberta 4oO acres in Reeples for $305. W. W. Williaufs to M. O'Neal, 56 acre* tor $250. M O'VmI to Laura H. O'Neal. 56 acres for $300. For Sale. gCIIOOXER YACHT JENNIE, 4 3-4tons burJcn, PRICE, $300. Enquire of WATERIIOUSK A RICKER. <6vorcw$, &f. " A UO T I O N" Commission House. Consigned Goods sold for Cash and Cash Only. Give is a trial. Orte putly filled. Butter, from 20 to 40oJ Coffee, from 25 to oOc. ; Candies, from IS to i-5c. Cheese, from 18 to lOc. Codfish, from 8 to 10c. j Herring, from - > to 40c. Sardines, from 20 to 3oc. Kerosene, ' F? Molasses, from 20 to 45c. Rice. from ' to oc Caudles, from 20 to 50c. Sloan, from 01 to 9c. War, from 8 to 10c. Starch, from 51 to 8c. < Tobacco, from 50 to 90c. Wars, from $20 to $o0. 'idol*. "iOc. gal. irine?ar, from 25 to 40c. Tea, (Green) r lollies, batches, lute Twine, ? 20c. !b. Tea, (Black) lats and Caps, Yemen's Shoes, Miin Killer, Mils, Mcklcs, from $1.50 to $4.50 doz. ? )ystcrs, from 1.25 to 1.50 doz; ' iobsters, from 2.50 to 3.50 doz. ^caches, from 2KKJ to 3.75 doz. Xautsons, from 3.00 to 4.50 doz. J Mums, from 3.00 to 4.50 doz. Cherries, from 3.0t) to 4.50 doz. Strawberries, from 3.00 to 4.50 doz. * Mne Apples, front 3.00 to 4.50 doz. ! iVhortleberrries, u 2.50 to 3.50 doz. rreen Corn, from 3.00 to 3.50 doz. irccn Peas, from .3.00 to 3.50 doz. romatoes. front 2.00 to 3.00 doz. >randy Peaches, " 3.00 to 5.00 doz. Hour, from 6.00 to 8.00 bbl. !. B. Flour, Tapioca, Borden's Miik, Mtow Chow. Coleman's Mustard, Sorry Pepper, Table Salts, ( faster Oil, {ants. ;houlders, salt Pig's Tongue, hooked Beef Ton ernes, Milton Market Beef, 7 Sides, Ribbed, Jlear Ribbed Sides, . J Mear Salt Sides, )ried Beef, A faiu Sausage, breakfast Strips Piir's Feet. hnoked Jowls, [jcaf Lard in Pails, , Mackerel, $6 to $10. { Salmon, kVashboards, from $2.00 to $3.50 doz. Two and Three) u ? in o -* k* Hooped 1'aiLs \ 240 10 2,'5dozTubs, 8 in ne.nt, '* 3.50 Jute Rope, 15c. Potatoes, from 82.50 to $4.50 bbl. * Jnions, fiom 3.00 to 5.00 bbl. Apples, from 3.00 to 5.00 bbl. Turnips, from 2.00 to 4,00 bbl. Granges, from [iCmons, Dried Apples. from 8 to 10c Dried Peaches, from 12 to 20c. Dried Currants, from 12 to 20c. Raisins, ( Jocoanuts, Gilberts, trapping Paper, ? ?oda Crackers, 7}c lb. = Pilot Bread, 6$c lb. linger Cakes, 12olb. / Sugar Cakes, 12c lb. J Panics Mule Collars, harden Seeds, Pish Tackle, Padlocks, i-4 Augusta Sheeting, 7c yd. Prints. 7c to 10c. Spool Cotton, 50c per doz. ^ Black, White Linen, Thread Pins, and Needles, Buttons, JAMES M. CROFUT. AMERICAN ] UNDERWRITERS ASS'N, PHILADELPHIA. ? 1 Head Office South Carolina Agency, N'o. 1 Broad St., Charleston, S. C. \ C>itft 1 f I WILL receive application for Insurance in this reliable company, on all iusurable property. This company is not in connection with the Board of Uude writers, and will take risk at reasonable rates. j. apple, A.M.LEE, Sub-Asc-nt. Gen. Agent. Charleston, F. C. sep.2tf ~ M. P O LLITZ E R, COTTON FACTOR AND Commission Merchant BEAUFORT S.C S. ELLIOTT, Btmuforl 8. C. IS J l"E^\"EL, tC CO., Chmrleaton 8. C. THE BEAUFORT STEAM MILL COMPANY, Having put up a grist mill at their old stand, are prepared to furnish Grist, Fred and Meal, n any quantity, an 1 at reasonable rates. 51. S. ELLIOTT. f j -y o 'A I; j ?. #.i ; tj -13 *< ?-' ; ft .-. a H iiOLLSALE A\i> RET i!L uiliHi^u, i PORT ROYAL, S. C 0 JJAVIXG just put in a largo stock oi' 0 IS 0 C E l\l fi S, 1 am prepared to supply the tra<le at figures that cannot fail to PROVE SATISFACTORY. All my goods are bought from first hands, and coma uirecnrom !S'ew York, Boston and Baltimore, ind I can, therefore, rompeto with dealers in Charleston and Savannah. Mess Beef and Pork, Dry Salted and Smoked Meats, FLOUR, SUGAR, MOLASSES SOAP CANDLES SYRUP COFFIvES, CANDIES, TEAS. JELLIES SARDINES, CRACKERS. CHEESE. CORN. CORN MEAL, HAY AND FEED. CANNED GOODS AND PRESERVED FRUITS. BY rURCITASINO from me, parties can make a j>crcentage ou their^ooda, on account of lower reight charges .at Port Roral than at Charleston 01 iaraunah. D. H. Hutchinson. y-2f-Cin. For Sale. ONE-THIR J INTEREST IN" TIIE Fort Hoyal STANDARDS COMMERCIAL. -APPLY TOJ. W. Collins. >ec.? ?30-tf. MRS. E. HOLZACH, B R BREAD V I D lake, and Cracker Bakery BAY ST., BEAUFORT, S. C. ust rewired a large and selected atock of FRENCH CANDIES, hirb will be sold at prices to suit the times. Will 10 keep on hand all Kinds of CAKES, TIES, FRUITS, Ac Ac. sep.23-tf. i mrs. c. smith, WEST STREET, Between Crayen and North Streets, lND COR. SCOTT A NORTH STREETS, Hcaufort, 8. C. ^ ROCEKIES, jr T\ TEATS, CA>:nn:s ivl n^oBACCO, FANCY CAKESjJiND SEGARS. Dry Goods, and Clolhihg. U1 oft tie best quality and at the lowest figures, constantly on hand. ipl.lAtf. ~Tw7h7devlin, CarjieDter | Builder All kinds of 30AT WORK, CAULKING, and SPAR MAKING. n V OFFICE AND SHOP :0R. BAY and CHARLES STREET, BEAUFORT, S.C. ugs.iy. PORT ROYAIj Saw Is Planing Mill BEAUFORT, 8 C. D. C. WILSON & CO., manvfactcrkrs of and dealers im mow FINE Tim AND LOUDER AND Cypross 9h1nglos, ALSO Builders & Contractors PLASTER, LATHES, ill kinds of JOB SAWING promptly done. looping & Ceiling Boarfls always od ini Orders for Lumber and Timber by the cargo trompfly 6lled. Terms Cash. iov.28-ly. D. C. WILSON, t CO p7p. to ale, JManuiacturcr ot Doors, Sashes, BLINDS, FLOORING, &C., &C. Dealer in Guilder's Hardware Paints, Oil, &c. Solo Agent for Tie National Biiei Paint Co. Tie Great American Fire Exting'sbr, Co Page Machine Belting Co. SEND FOR PRICES. Office and Warerooms, 20 & 22 Hayne <fe 33 A; 35 Pinckney Sts FACTORYaiul YARD, Ashley River, west end Broad Street, CHARLESTON, S. Ol ep.;D-l j. v." % i U > ttt*l' '' Ml OU i v. j I - . , i i \ h L' u; v i ! ivi r / p r- ! j J \J 11 A t W J ? L t 1 ? jU *- i ) 4ji- V . ; . 190 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. j G R O CTE R S And ImjiorlciH of General Merchandise. | No Freight to Pay! | No Freight to Pay ! ! Our prices rtrr below those of any nth r I dealer in the United Slates. -A t extra ! charges fur drayage, toxin g or freight. We. prcjniy freights and dt liver goods I free at any depot on the line of the Xoith | Eastern, Wilmington and Colombia. ^ ? ' ? /ii f i 1 Lf . ( iSont/i Carolina ana. naricsion ana o?- i f t onnah Rail Rotulx; also to all points in j South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, j having direct water common cation with C luirlcston. ALL GOODS GUARANTEED. " Terms?Cash hp P. 0. order or registered letter?on 30,-fi0, or 00 dags in acceptance. with interest addejl at the rate of I percent a month. " Always ench*xe. this advertisement with order if convenient. I List of Net Prices. No expense io add Finest qualitv You lift Hyson Tea?quality unsurpassed, exquisite ilavor,and great strong li, $1.20 per ll>. Tina Tea specially recommended. Finest quality Oolong, Souvli?ng. Gunpowder, and Hyson Teas, $1.20 per lb. Second quality Teas, 80c. per lb. Thiid quality Teas, sold by other dealers at 31 per lb., you ear." have delivered by us at 60c. per ib Crush*d and 1'owdered Sugars 13c. per lb.; Grauuiated A Sugar, 12c per io. Light Bruvru Sugar, 10c, pet lb. Linley's Peerless FAMILY FLOUR 18 LBS. FOR Si' or$10perbbl. Good Family Flour, 22 lbs. for $1; $3.50, and $0.00 i>or barrel. Kxtra ? boice Finely Flavored Hams, 17%, 18c. per lb. (Jood llauis, 13c. per lb. BREAKFAST STRIPS, EXTRA CHOICE, I7%?. per lb. Choice Tumbler .Tellies, large size, 12 l-2c. each. 2 lb. Canned Tomatoes, 15c each; 3 lb. Canned Tomatoes, lHe. each. 1 lb. Salmon, 25c per can; 2 lb Canned Pine Api le, Peaches, Damsons and Pears, 23c. per can?6 cans for $1.30. Ik st quality mixed Vinegar Pickles?piuts 17c each quarts, 27c". each; Callous 60c. each. Coudensed Milk, Eureka and Eagle baand, 25c. each. Uantz Seafoani, 1-2 lb. 25c; lbs. .50c. per can. Lemon Sugar. 40e. i?t can. Irooley's Yeast Powder, 15c., 25c. and 40c. per cau. English Cooking Sofia, or Package Soda, 10c. per lb. 1-4 boxes Sardines, 20c.; 1-2 boxes, Sardines, 35c. each. Shadincs, 1-2 boxes, 25c. each. Cox's Sparklin Gelatine, 2t?e. per pack. Capers, 40c; Olives, 50c.; Worcestershire, Walnut and Mushroom Sauces, genuine imported, 40c. per bottle. Imitation French Mustard, 2bc. Genuine French Mustard,25c. French Prunes, 18c. pr lb. Raisins,20c. Citron, 4oc. Currants, loc. Cheese, 20c. Full weight Candles, first quality, 23c. per lb. Baker's i Chocolate, 45c. }kt lb. Cocoa, 50c. p"r lb. Broma, , iuv? north German Chocolate. 30c. per lb. Ordina- [ ry Rio Coffee, 4 1-2 llv. for 81.; choice Rio Coffee. 4 lbs. for 81.; choice laiguavra Coffee. 2 lbs. for 11; Old Government .lava Coffee, 2U lbs. for $1; boasted and Ground Coffees, 5c. additional,each grade. Duryoa's Starch. t> lbs. for 81. Satin Gk> ? Starch, 70c. per box. Corn Starch, 13c. per pack, Box Blueing, :C4c. per dozen. Barley, 12 l-2c. per lb Duihnm Smoking Tobacco, 65c. per lb. Gilt Edge Butter, 40c. per lb. Choice Goshen Butter, 05c. per lb. Biscuits?Soda, 12 lbs. for $1; Extra Pilot, 10c.; Lemon, Wine, Ginger and Butter, at 15c per lb.. Nic Nacs, 18c. per lb.; Fancy Cak-s 25c. per lb; Black Pepper, 30c. per lb^ Spice, 30c. per lb.; Nut megs, l.'ic. per ounce; Mace, 15c per ounce; Ginger, 25c. per lb. It one and Vanilla Flat Stick Candy, a fine article, 25c. per lb.; Ordinary stick candy, pure, 20c. prr lb.; Rock Candy, any color, 22c. per lb. Colgate's Toilet Soaps?00 different kinds, a specialty of ours, at manufacturer's prkes?from 25c., to $4.00 per dozen cakes. Colgate's Handkerchief Extracts, 50c. per bottle. Cashmere Bouquet Powder, 25c. prr box. Cleveland's Putiutdo Vasaline, a r*storativo and preservative uueqnailed for the hair, 20c. per bottle. Old Corn Whiskey, 81.80 per gallon. Rye Whiskeys,$, $2.00, $0.00, and $450 per gallon. Blackberry and Cherry Cordials, a pleasant drink, $1.80 per gallon. TalJe Port and Sherry Wine, $2.50 per gallon. Fine OU1 Madeira, $4.00 per gallon. English and Scotch Ale and Porter; bottled, $2.70 Serdozen. Bremen Lager Beer, bottled, $2.70 per ozen. Demijohns for Liquors, extra?1-2 gallon, 40c.; gallons, 50e.; 2 gallons, 60c.; 5 gallons, 73c.; 5 gallons $1.00 each. A very Extensive Assortment of Crockery and ( lasswar* always on hand. Plates?Dinner size, $1.50 per dozen; Breakfast, $1.25; Desert, $1.00; Tea, S5c. jmt dozen, Clips, and Saucers, Si.0) per set. Covend Dishes, 65c. 75c., and $U00 each. Tumble! a 60c., 75., $1.00, $1.25, atvl $1.50 per dozen. Table Gobi't<, $1.21),. $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, and $SD0 p-r dozen Wine Glasses, $1X0 per dozen. Lamp Chimney's Sun () aud AN, 4 for 25c. B's 3 for 25c. Student or Argand Chimneys 3 for 25c. Numberless articles iinmentkined. Information c.ierrfiilly giveu. Our tirm was established in 1867, and our wisiness reputation and facilities are of the highest order. We will do all we promise. All ord?rs should bo add re*v d to JOHN W. LINLEY, & CO., (Key Box r$4) 190 Hling St., Jne.17-ly. CHARLESTON, S. C. DAILY STAGE LINE, -TO? PORT ROYAL, S. C. WALLY GREEN, PUOI'T. ON and after Monday, Nov. 15, there will be a regular Daily Stage Line established between Beaufort and Port Royal. AVill leave the Sea Inland Hotel at 1 p. m., returning, leave Port Royal at 4 p. nj. FARE, SEVEXTY-F1VE CF.XTS. All orders left at the Sea Island Hotel will be promptly at ten led to. nov.U-ly. 6rist a#d ?t((l. & 51 WALLACE, % Cotton Factor AMD GRIST MILLER, 'Wholesale Pouter la gbaih, niw mi, rssD, etc., Son Island Cotton Bought, Ginned and prepared for market. Advances Wade on Consignments* Having the best machinery for ginning cotton and griuding corn and meal, he is prepared to execute all orders on the shortest possible notice. The highest price paid for Cotton and Corn. Cotton ginned on toll. inn.7. " G. P. GARDINER ' DEALER IX I &ROCERIBS. Liquors, Dry Goois, Soots, Shoes, Etc., I HILTON HEAD, S. C. J Cotton Ginned and Corn Ground at the , above place. Grist, Bread and Peed, always on hand. For cash all orders J will be promptly attended to. D. O'NEILL, & SONS, WHOLESALE PKALKHS IK I BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS AND TALISES, ; No. 33 ZZayne Street Clinrloaton S. O. iprl.S-lyr. 5 ^ ^\r tiJ / < r . W . m||FisE m seaislaj HAS BEEN It THE PATRONAGE OF THE TRAT TEI1MJS, $2.0 .T A M E SOT) E LL, 13AKUA1NS! QUICK SALESANI AT THE CIII ~B! _ _ -B ciaeoo ANNOUNCES TO HIS FRIENDS AN! received direct fioni New York, a large an< IKK GOODS, which lie will offer at the 1< DRESS GOODS OF t Sifts, Poplins, Lustres, Black ami Col'J. Alpaca Bleached goods. Fine Plaid and Ottoman Sh:r vntors, Hosiery and Fancy (joods, Balmoral Ho Trimmings and Buttons. Fringe* and Laces. A cts and Donvestics, Oil Cloth and Matting. Sj>e< Gents' Furnishii Which is complete with the latest styles of Bow per Collar. Clothing Boots and 6hoes, Hats anc Como and Toe Bay Street. JACOB Ai HEZ B1 Wholesale and ?and de; Country Produce, anc 173 Broad St., fUnder Au 0 KEEPS constant'v on hand a lange and s< TATION SUPINES all of which t guaranteed. The patronage of Beaufort an ~ THE 1 SEWING MAC! Is prepared to offer tl TO MERCHANT! ?Who will Sewing Machine} w,' FAMILY F Its Name Indica Refer to 250,000 Families NAMED GENNRAL F Adapted to every possible .erode n| ledges For Tailors an IT STANDS WITIIOC Weed Sewing Ma Dec. 30. Nop. 51 JOHN FRANZ, Wholesale & Retail Grocer, AND SHIP CHANDLER Vn mi Itt rtrnnorioc and fifihin Stores JL' ailllij UiUUIMlUW uui. a specialty. ?<>? Constantly receiving from St. Louis, the best FAMILY FLOUR, wholesale groceries, liquors plantation supplier, at the princple Store, formerly occupied by J. l'yler, Corner Bay and West Street DRY GOODS. and General Merchandise at the Store Cor er of Bay Street, and Harrison's Wharf. GROCERIES. a speciality at the Store Coiner of Bay and Scott Street. "RTJC. WRIGHT. HARNESS MAKER, Carriage Painter and Trimmer Harness repairing promptly attended to. MAGNOLIA St. Next POST OFFICE, j B K A U FORT, S . C . An Outfit Free. We want some one in every county to take orders and deliver :mod* for the old and original C. O. I? House. Large cash \va?es. Splendid chance in er ery neight??>r!io<H for the rivht person f either sex youe/or old. Sample* free inil poit pnid. 1 Send for it at otiee and in iVe money at vonr lionus. i Addn-s H. .J. H V til, iS CO, .V. li'jirn-tl .VV*e< ' Jfu 'Wjt". M'. ott'2 -'ni. Ij f L ' 5 * .& Si l .l JL. J? i ? SCHEPER, flf !L [Lf GROCERIES 'BSLf HSIllSfi GOODS, rtlrnrsrr TTrmnmnn/i Urli^a Inii <D HOTEL, j IE-OP EXED, rELLING PUBLIC IS SOLIC1TFD. 0 PER DAY. * / Proprietor. BARGAINS!! ) SMALL PROFITS! 1 A P S T 0 R E. Apple, )THE PUBLIC, THAT HE HAS JU8T ] well selected stock of FALL AND WINjwest prices. Consisting of iLL DESCRIPTION. Hops, and Plaids, also a fine lot of Prists and ivls, Ladies Kid Gloves, Centennial Dress Ele- ' se, Ituffling and Kaahreideries, Latest stvieaof tine lot of Perfumer}' and fancy Soaps. Blankrfc.1 attention h called to the 19 Department. s and Tic*, also, the celebrated Centennial pa* 1 Caps, and other articiea to suit the waats afalL > Convinced. PPLE, Beaufort, S. C.' [JSSEY, Retail Grocer,' VLER IN I Plantation Supplies, gusla Hotel,/' Augusta Ga. ilectcd stock of GROCERIES and PIiAN. re offer cheap to the trade. Satisftction d adjoining Counties respectfully solicited. VEED SINE COMFY., ie most liberal terms 3 AND OTHERS, deal in? 5 of its Man'fture. AVORITE, tes its Qualities. ; Who Have Them in Use. c AVORITE, BECAUSE 'work.?Our competitors acknowthat d Shoemakers, T A RIVAL. Address, ichine Company, and 53 St. Charles St., Baltimore, Md. W. H. CALVERT. PRACTICAL i Tin Sheet Iron. Copper Worker DEALER IK Ja?anne<l and Stamped Tin Wares. Constantly Ml' baud, Coo Icing Parlor and Box Stores. TERMS CASH. Agent for the Celebrated Charter Oak Cooking Stoves. W. H. CALVBRT, Bay St. between 8th A 9th its. Beaufort. 4. C. S. MAYO, ; Bay St. Beaufort, S. O LICICOILS, WINES, Ac. NET YARNS, FISH LINES AND CORDAGE. Glass, PaintH and Oil*, WHITE LEAD AND TURPENTINE. Special attention given to mixing paints d Glass c order of any >ize.