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% i Oi Ai. ' ; Beaufort, S. C., February 1), 1876. j 8^. Judge J. J. Mahcr arrived in I > Monday la^t. ?5u. Only 412 bales of eoiton were i fthipped over the Iv. R. R. It. for tlie B week ending Friday the 4th. J ?. i?rtr.vnc/?nfnt;vo S. ,J. Bampfield > ^ llvpiki'viii.,.,. yturned from the legislative halls on Monday, prepared, .>-0 we are informed, j to plead his maiden case. He was ad- j mitted to the bar a few months ago. J ? Many a man who rolls up his eyes in 1 terror at the idea of stealing a nickel will j swoop down on a silk umbrella worth ?10 j and march off with his lips moving; peacefully as if in prayar. lg&,Messrs. Hick & Small have almost J completed fitting up a large lighter with tanks, so that they can always have a reserve of ten thousand gallons of water at the fleet. In carrying out their contract these gentlemen have shown a most com- j mendablc spirit of enterprise. 44^4 We understand that the Beaufort Lyceum will give a Dramatic entertainment, at their hall, Bay St. Beaufort. Those who have had the pleasure of at- j tending these pleasing entertainments will i not fail to embrace this opportunity, and all who attend will spend a*pleasant eve- j nin g. - - ? " rTn- - of the legality of j Wtnr~ i tie ijukaviv.. __ _ the jury in Richland County under the re ccntly appointed jury commissioner is to be contested, on the ground that Mr. Gary had not been coufirmed. It will be seen that a similar question has been raised in this county. B&- On Tuesday night last a youug ~man, W'm L. Burton, aged 18 years, deserted from the U. S. S. Swatara, after stealing from one of the watch-officers, $ 150, and Redouble cased silver watch. He is of English nationality. !iis brown hair, b'uc eyes, and is about live and a half feet high. A reward of seventy-five , dollars is o'Tered for his capture. | The other day Mr. II. II. Peoples of Brunson whilst blowing up stumps in his field was severely injured by au untimely explosion. Sevcial others vwjre also injured, had fixed < his mine under the stump, laid his slow .match and retired to await results which , did not follow as soon as expected, so he returned to investigate. lie is said to have made the cjissedcst .stump speech heard round Brunson for some time. 1 l ' : / noticed in the court house a ' gentleman who hah * etaJk of?j?ai!.of the . Ku-Klu; Vfttif^yhavirg seven ears or? it. I.t >v> raised ip tfcie.coyuty. The chair- j , rttjun of the ftonomissiancrs men-1J tioncd to us that as agricultuj-al statisti- i ( ,cal correspondent of the department of I ' -agrieu turc, he had sent lot "exhibition at j ' mntfinnial. a stalk of corn of this va* ' _ i rtiety with ten ears on it. This is evident j , 3y the earn for our planters to raise. j j Ift^Taist night the charges made against Treasurer Holmes, that have j already been passed pyon by the grand ! 1 Jury of last year, have been investigated j by the Senate and found insufficient, a few months ago, were rehashed and served < up hot in Trial Justice Carlcton's court, ou affidavit of School Commissioner Gil- ! ( he*:, and t*\8 dismissed on,the ground ( that the <nomplainants had not est-!' ablished the venue. M&" Some wag placed the following on j ?h9 door of Dr. Jenkins' office, during his absence on Tuesday "fast at the entertain-! .ment on the Swatara: "This man has cloevd his doer, For he thinks it a great bore To be forerer seeking after dollars; So he took his bread and chease, And to put his mind at ease He ."rent to the shake-down on the Swatara.'' , ? Ot. Thursday last at Bull River, the bark Atlantic, in attempting to get under weigh for the purpose of going to j .sea, in charge of Pilot Samuels, collided j with the Br. bark ''Annie Putna a" car- j rying away her fore-top-gallant mast head I stays and doing other damage. The main j inast of the Atlantic was sprung, and af-j ter clearing themselves, she drifted off in-! .to the marsh, from which position she -was relieved by the steam tug 'Tvauhoe.*' I?* The Barnwell Sentinel in explaining the cause of our mild winter says : " The centre *?f ehe earth is hotter yet.- ! That so hot a centre shou'd send to the surface a varying quantity of heat is not 1 strange. We hope therefore to hear no | more complain* ahout hot weather. It may be hotter yet for some of us one of these days. " We are sorry to see our friend of the Bam- ; well Sentinel has given up the idea that he will finally be saved. Many j years of contact with the " devil " in his office has made him a regular old salamander not afraid of the hot weather . coining one of these days. ? I .?" Suppose, " said a lawyer to a witness he was trying to badger, "suppose I should tell you that I could bring a dozen men of your town to this court j room who wou Id say they would not believe you ou oath, what would you say ?'' And caluiW the witness made his reply "I would Iky you lied." A gentle smile diffused itself all over the court room, and the witness stepped down. We understand that the Town authorities propose to prosecute violators of the Sunday ordinance. Persons convicted under ordinance forfeit their license and artf liable to fine. There arc too many drunken men on Sunday, and those who fcll whiskey on that day should I . . O.. e been the most elegant affair of t ho son. It was a feast for the gods. 1 e assemblage was in accord with the spirit of this centennial year the ' blue and the prey," the puritan and the huguenot feasted beneath the flag of a rc-unitcd country. This is as it should be, and wc attribute the fact that the northern clement in town were not present to an over-1 sight. The guests numbered some three hundred from Augusta and Beaufor'. j We hear that the officers of the Congress will give a similar reception during the ?* j mou in. Meeting County Commissioners. The above board commenced their ses-, sion on Monday, a full board being in attendance. Cornunssioners Martin and | Scott were instructed to inspect the IIospur and Pocotaligo bridges, recently re- I paired by Messrs. Pritchard and Howard, j The clerk reported that the defioit in the ' account of the late county treasurer had' been turned over. The proposal of Dr. IT. M. Stuart f( r medicine and medical attendance on the ! poor and prisoners was accepted; medical J attendance $400 per y. ar, melieii c for ! poor SlT^ier month, and for prise tiers $8 per month. The Treasurer made the following re- 1 port : Past Indebtedness. To amount received from N. B. Mve: 8, $ 981 10 j To amount collected to Feb. 1, 1,400 31 j $2,387 41 County Fund. To ain't. received from X. B. Myers, 17 02 j To ain't, collected to Feb. 1. 2,107 92 $2,125 44 Cr.?By county warrants paid, 15 00 $2,110 44 I Amount collected from one mill tax for deficiencies, 1873-74, 702 64 rooR Fund. To amount received from N. B. Myers, 40 60 J To amount collected to Feb. 1, 25 00 j $65 60; The following checks wore issued : A. B. Addison, for assessment, $25; L. i. Langley, assessment, S74S.21; Howard k Pritchard. building New li ver bridge, | &225. Cleared? Jan .31 st From St. Helena ' ?ound Br. Bgt. Burrv Atthowe, master, for Plymouth, England. with 319 tons of ' phosphate rock, from Coosaw Mines. J Feb. 2nd Russian Bk. Atlantic,! KiOiHWitu, master, for London, with j r0(* tons of phosphate rock fruis Oak Point Mines. Arrived.?Feb. 1st At St. Helena 8ound Br. Bk. Diuftcuv M.itiams master, 35 days from Funchal, in bal'ast to Campbell Wyllic and Co. " .tUt Pr. Bg. Tawe, George, .vaster, j 51 days rroir? Dakar, Afriet, su 'bellast to Campbell, WyJie and Co. " 2nd Br. Bk. .Strunger, Bowcn, mn ter, 32 drys Ctc.ui Funchal, Madiera ; in lalkst, to Campbell, Wyllie and IV. A large party, consisting of about * twenty-five ladies and thirty gentlemen ; left Augusta on Monday on two sptcial'l fars attached to the retrular passengir train of the P rt lloyal Railroad, for the purpose of going fro Port Royal to attend : the reception cy>'board the United States ship Swatara. The party have been tendered a steam launch at Port Royal by I t he officers ot the fleet They will take bvakfast at the Mansion -House, in Port R. >yal, on Tuesday, then steam out into j the bav and view the several attractions 1 about the harbor and finally proceed to the Swatara. where the reception will i take place from 12 until 5 o'clock. After j the reception is over they will return to ; the Mansion House and spend the hours ; until th<^departure of the train in danc-j ing. A delightful time Is anticipated.? | Augusta Sentinel (Official Hotircs. I State and County Taxes. OFFICE, TREASURER BEAUFORT COUNTY i Beaufort, S. C., Jan. 4, 187G. NOTICE Is hereby Riven thai this office will l>o j opened for the receipt of State and County taxes for j the fiscal year 1875 on the eighth (Sth)day of January, 1876. The tax assessed on real and "personal property is: For State purposes 11 mills. For County purposes .. 3 " For " " (Past indebtedness) 3 " Poll tax, per capita 1 dollar School tax assessed by the various townships as1 follows: I Beaufort township v? mills " O M muni^n - Ooosasrhatcbie " - 2 " Goethe " 4 " Hilton Ilcad u - 2 " Laarton " 1 1-2 " Peeple* " .. 2 1-2 " Pocotaligo " 2 " Robert " 2 " St. Helena " - 3 " Yemassce " 2 " Ladies Island " .3 " GEO. HOLMES. Jan.6. Treas. Cft. Co. M. POLLITZER, COTTOy FACTOR AND Commission Merchant BEAT FORT S.C | .W. 8. ELLIOTT, Beaufort 8. C. MJ VEJVEL, 8 CO., Chmrlealon 8. C, THE BEAUFORT 'STEAM MILL C0MPAK7, Having put up a grist mill at tiiejr old stand, are prepared to furnish Grist, Feed and Meal, 1 n any quanti'v, and at reasonable rates. xl U C T i O x\l ; Commission House. I Consigned Goods sold for Cash and Cash Only. I Girs us a trial. jMers promptly filled. Batter, from 20 to 40c* Coffee. froui 25 to 50c. Candies, from 18 to 25c. Cheese, from 18 to 20c. v a ] <>e. I LoilUsli, i.'u,u Herrinir from - > 10 *l? iicrriiifc, 20 to 3oc. Sardines, 11 om ga] Kerosene, ao~ to" 45c. Molasses, i>0D1 7 t Sc I^V ' from W to 50c. Soap! tm 6} to ?e. Sugar, from ? j" 1^Starch, f?"? ** ? ^ Tobacco, ,? ? $30. Scears, ?rom ^ ^ Vrlder' from 25 to 40c. \ inegar, Irom Tea. (Green) .Tellies, Matches, o0 ii Jute Twine, JJe- ID' Tea, (Black) Hats and Caps, Women's Shoes, Pain Killer, Pickles f^m $1.50 to $4.50 doz. Overs' from 1.25 to l.o< dor; Tiobstcrs, from 2.50 to 3.o0doz. Peaches, from 2.00 to 3 io doz. Damsons, from 3-00 to 4.50 doz. Plums, from 3.00 to 4.50 doz. Cherries, from ^.00 *? ^ 40Z* Strawberries, from 3.00 to 4.50 doz. Pine Apples, from 3.00 to 4.50 doz. Whortleberrrics, '* 2.50 to o.oOdoz. Green Corn, from 3.00 to 3.o0 doz. Green Peas, from 3.00 to 3.50 doz. Tomatoes. from 2.00 to 3.00 doz. Brandy Peaches. " 3.00 to o.OO doz. pjonr from 6.00 tO 8.00 bbl. S. R. Flour, Tapioca, Borden's Milk, Chow Chow, Coleman's Mustard, r. 13 fierry repper, Table Salts, Castor Oil, Hams, Shoulders. | Salt Pip's Tonpue, Smoked Beef Tonpnes, Fulton Market Beef, Sides, Ribbed, Clear Ribbed Sides, Clear Salt Sides, , Dried Beef, Ilam Sausage. Breakfast Scrips. Spiced Pip's Feet, Smoked Jowls, Leaf Lard in Pails, Mackerel, $G to $10. Salmon, Washboards, from 82.00 to $3.50 doz. Tubs, 8 in nest, " 3.50 Jute Rope, ]5e. Potatoes, from Si. 50 to $4.50 bbl. , Onious, f.oui 3.00 to 5.00 bbl Apples, from 3.00 to 5.00 bbl. Turnips, from 2.00 to 4,00 bbl. Oranges, from Lemons, TWd A miles, from 8 to 10c Dried Poaches, from 12to20<\ j J Dried Currant*, from 12 to 20c. < i'uisius., Cocoa nuts Filberts, ' Wrapping Fa per, Soda Crackers*, 71c lb. Pilot Breafi. file lb. (Singer Cakes, 12c lb. Sujrar Cakes 12c !b. | flames Mule Collars Garden Seeds, KLiU Tackle, Fa ft lock s, ^ ^ a-4 Sikwtiug, 7c yd. Flinty 7c to 10c. 1 Spool tioHon, Stc per doz. B'aek, White Linen, Threcd Fins, and JKcedles, Bettoua, JAMES M Cnf>FUT. AMERICAN^" UHDfBWfilTERS ASS'N, , tf4UWJ>ELrHU. j Head Office South larolast Agency, >'o. 1 I?road Sj.., Charleston, S. C. ( I Capital, 0200,000 X tVILi. >i?c?vc kppiicaliaks ftr Insurance in this reliable company, on all insurable property. This company is not in connection with the Boar<l 1 v/J.'ndcwriters, and will take risk at reasonable ratce. J. APPLE, A. X. L.KE, .tvit-AgOSf. Gen. Agent, Charleston, ?. C. scp.2tf JOHN FltANZ, UTi^Jpsnle k Itetail Grocer, and SHIP CHANDLER Family Groceries and Cabin Stores a specialty. Constantly receiving from St. Louis, the best FAMILY FLOUR, wholes* l* cbqcfsfes, LIBORS plantation supplies, at the princple Store, formerly occupied | by J. tylcr, Corner Bay and West Street DRY GOODS. ] and General Merchandise at the Store J i Co>* er of Bay Street, and Harrison's I ! Wharf. I | GROCERIES. a speciality at the Store Corner of Bay and Scott Street. in-:: iceI COW & EMMOHS, ARE NOW PREPARED TO FUR{ j\ nish Ice in any quantity Customers , j may desire, from their Ice House, Soveutlx Street! JOHN CONANT, J. A. EMMONS ~ *ii- :*r *< J . ,* -i.' " V? t : I WHOLESALE AM) RETAIL GROCER PORT ROYAL, S. CJTAVIXti hist put i:i u large stock o GROCER! ? S. fata prepared to supply the trade at litres that eaunot fail to PROVE SATISFACTORY. All my goods are bought from first hands, and come direct from Xew York, Boston ami Baitimore, and I can, therefore, compete with dealers in Charleston and Savannah. Mess Beef and Pork, Dry Salted and Smoked Meats, FLOUR, SUGAR, MOLASSES SOAP CANDLES SYRUP COFFEES, CANDIES. TEAS. JELLIES, SARDINES, CRACKERS. CHEESE. CORN. CORN .MEAL, HAY AND FEED. CANNED GOODS AND PRESERVED FRUITS. BY PURCHASING front tn<?, parties win make a percentage on tfieirgoods, on aceount of lower freight chargc<.at Port Royal than at Charleston or >.?vannsth. D. H. Hutchinson. Jy-29-6m. For Sale. ONE THIR J INTEREST IN THE Fort Royal STANDARD k COMMERCIAL -APTLY TO? T TXT rinlliTU! if a V? a V/ \J X X X XX w 6 r>w.? _ 3,vtr. miisTe. iiolzachT B BREAD D Cake, and Cracker Bakery BAY ST., BEAUFORT, ?. C. Just received a lar;jc and selected slock of FRENCH CANDIES, ivhich will be sold at nrices to suit (be times. Will so keep on hand all Rinds of CAKES, PIES, FRUITS, Ac Ac. sep.23-tf. MRS. C. SMITH, WEST STREET, Between Craven anil Nortii Streets, \ND COR. SCOTT A NORTH STREETS, j Beaufort, C. j G1 ROCERIES r A TEATS, CAXMES. J.V1 rpOBACCO, j FANCY CAKES^AND SECARS. ! Dry Goods, and Clothihg. I \11 of tlie best quality and at the lowest j figures, constantly on hand. \p).i:>.tf. W. H. DEVLIN, Carpenter! Builder; o All kinds of BOAT WORK, CAULKING, and SPAR MAKING. o OFFICE AND SHOP COR. BAY and CHARLES STREET, BEAUFORT, S.C. PORT ROYAIa Saw& Planing Hill BEAUFORT, S C. D. C. WILSON & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN YELLOW FINS Tim AND LUX8EK AND Cypress Shingles, ALSO Builders & Contractors P L'A S T E R .LATHE S, A'' Vindsof JOB SAWING promptly done. Flooring & Ceiling Boards always on band Orders for Lumber and Timber by the cargo promptly filled. Terms Cash. nov.2S-ly. D. C. WILSON, A CO1\ P. TO ALE, Manufacturer of Doors, Sashes,I BLINDS, FLOORING, &c., &c. Dealer in Bnilder's Hardware Paints, Oil, &c. Sole Agent for Tie National Miied Paint Co, Tie Great American Fire Eiting'sbr, Co Page Machine Belting Co, SEND FOR PRICES. Office and Warerooms, 20& 22 Hayne & 33 & 35 Pinckney Sts FACTORY and YARD, Ashley River, west end Broad Street, '"SB T A TV' < 3 5 ~i~ j i* A p . \ . c . r j? * A 7 t c ? * ^ ? ? . i. * i 2 i t> * * * * ? Third quality Teas, .sold by other dealer* at $1 p?r j lb., you can havo delivered by us at 50c. p. r lb Crushed and Powdered Sugars 13c. per lb.; (Jranu- j lated A Sugar, 12c per lb; Kxtra C Sugar, 11c. per j lb.; Light Brown Sugar, 10c. pei lb. Linlcy's Peerless } FAMILY FLOUR; 18 lbs. for Si, or$l?iper barrel. GomI Family Flour, 87.541, $8.50, and S'J.Oo |>er barrel. Lxtra Choice Finely Flavored liatus, 17c. per lb. Good i I ants, 13c. per lb. BREAKFAST STRirS, Fa, per lb. Choice Tumbler Jollies. largo size, 12 l-2e. each. 2 lb. Canned Tomatoes, 13c each; 3 lb. Canned Tomatoes, Hie. each. lib. Salmon, 18c |wr can; 2 lb Canned Tine Ap; Ic, Beaches, Damsons and Pears, 2:$c. per can?G cans for $1.30. B?st quality mixed Vinegar Pickles?pints 17c each quarts, 27c. each; Gallon* $flc. each. Condensed Milk, Eureka and Eagle haand, 25c. each, Gaiitz Sea foam, 1-2 lb. 25c ; His. 50c. per can. Lemon Sugar. 40c. per ean. Dootey's Yeast Powder, 15c., 25c. and 40c. per can. English Cooking Soda, or Package Soda, 10c. per lb. 1-4 boxes Sardines, 20c.; 1-2 boxes, Sardines, 33c. each. Shadiiies, 1-2 l?oxes, 25c. each. Cox's Sparklin Gelatine, 2UP. per pack. Capers, 40c.; Olives, 50c.; Worcestershire, Walnut and Mushroom Sauces, genuine imported, 40c. per bottle. Imitation French Mustard. 20c.GcnuineFrench Mustard, 25c. French Prune!', 18c. pr lb. Raisins,20c. Citron, 40c. Currants, 10c. Cheese, 20c. Full weight Caudles, first quality, 23c. per lb. Baker's Chocolate, 45c, per lb. Cocoa, 50c. per lb. Broma, 450c. per lb. German Chocolate, 30c. per Ik Ordinary Rio Coffee, 4 1-2 lbs. for $1.; choice Rio Coffee, 4 lbs. for $1.; choice Lagtiayra Colfee. 3 1-2 lbs. for SI; Old Government Java CofTcc, 3 lbs. for $1; Roasted and Ground Coffees, 5c. additional, each grade. Duryea's Starch, 0 1-2 lbs. for $1. Satiu Gloss Btarcli, 75c. per box. Corn Starch, 13c. per pack, Box Blueing, .'5.1c. i?er dozen. Barley, 12 l-2c. per lb. Durham St ticking Tobacco, (56c. per lb. Martins Celebrated Gilt Edge Butter, 40c. per lb. Choice Goshen Butter, .'15c. j>er lb. Good Table Butter, 30c. per lb. Cooking Butter, 41b*., 51b?i, and Gibs, for $1, Biscuits?Soda, 12 lbs. for $1; Extra Pilot, 10c.; Lemon, Wine, Ginger aud Butter, at 15c per lb.; Nic Naas, Jst\ per lb.; Fancy Cakes 25c. per lb, Black Pepper, 30c. per lb.; Sniff, 3<X'. pe: 'b.; Nat megs, 15c. per ounce; Mece, ioc. per ounce; Ginger, 25c. jer lb. Rose and Vanilla Flat Stick Candy, a fine article, 23c. per lb.; Ordinary stick cattdv,pure, 20c. per lb.; Rock Candy, any color, 22c. per lb. Colgate's Toilet Soapo?450 cHtfcrcnt kinds, a specialty of ours, at manufacturer's prices?from 25c., td $4.00 per tlozeh cakes. Colgate's Handkerchief Extracts, hoc. per kittle. Cashmere Bouquet Powder, 25e. per box. Cleveland's Pomade Vasaline, a restorative and preservative unequalled for the hair, 20c. p$r bottle. Old Corn Whiskey, $1.80 per gallon. Rye Whiskeys,81.6i?,$2.00, $3.00, and $J/)o per gallon, Blackberry and Cherry Cordials, a pleasant drink, $1.80 per gallon. Table Port and Sherry Wiuc, $2.59 per gallon. Fine Old Madeira, $1.00 per gallon. English and Scotch Ale and Porter; hotllod,, $2.70 per dozen. Bremen Lager Boer, bottled, $2.70 per dozen. Di tuijohns for Liquors, extra?1-2 gallon, 40c.; gallons, 50c.; 2 gallons, 60c.; 3 gallons, 75c.; 5 31.fx) pfli'h. A vrry Extensive! Assortmotit of Crockery and j Glassware always on Jiand. Plates?Pinner size, I ?1.50 per dozen; }5riakfa->t, $1.25; I>es?rt, 81.00; Tea, XV. per dozen, Cups and Saucers. 81.00 per set. Covered Pishes, 65 . 75c., and 81.00 each. Tumblers 60e., 78., 81.00, 81.25, and 81 50 per dozen. Table (iold t.v $1.20, $1.50, $2.00, $2J50, and $.1.00 per dozen Wine (il.i.-si s, $1X0 j>er dozen. Lamp Chimney's Sun O and A's, 4 for 25c. IPs 3 for '25c. Student or Argand Chimneys 3 for 25c. Numberless articles uiiiuentloned. information cheerfully given. Our firm was established in 1SG7, and onr business reputation and facilities are of the highest ordvr. We will do all we promiso. All orders should bo address'-d to JOHN W. LINLEY, & CO., (Key Pox 1S4) IPO iKlug St., Jne.l7-ly. CIIAltLiJSTON, S. C. DAILY STAGE LINE," -TOPORT ROYAL, S. C. green, propt. ON nnd after Monday, Nov. 15, there will bo a regular Daily Stage Line established between Peaufort and Port Royal. Will leave the Sea Island Hotel at 1 p. m., returning, leave Port Royal at 4 p. in. FARE, SEVEXTY-PIYE CEXTS. All orders left at the Sea Island Hotel will b? promptly attended to. nov.ll-ly. <5ri$t and ?crd. S M WALLACE, Cotton Factor AND GRIST MILLER, Wholesale Dealer In GRAIN, Hiffiif, HEAL, FEES, Etc,, Soa Island uouou , Bought, Ginned and prepared for market. Advances Made on Consignments* Having the best machinery for ginniDg cotton and grinding corn and meal, he is prepared to execute all orders on the shortest possible notice. The highest price paid for Cotton and Corn. j Cotton ginned on toll. ian.7. ~ 67 R GARDINER DEALER IX GROCBRIUS, Liqaors. Eiy Goods, Boots, Shoos, Etc., HILTON HEAD, S. 0. Cotton Ginned and Corn Ground at the above place. Grist, Bread and Peed, : always on hand. For cash all orders will be promptly attended to. D. O'NEILL & SONS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IX BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS AND VALISES, No. 83 SayzLe Street Clxarlestoxi S, O. U* U iill ? W 190 KING STREET. / > T T FV * *> F V A it ^ /* LHAhLtblUit, 5. L. G R O CTE R S , And Import.-v* of General Merchandise. Xo Freight (o Fay ! No Freight lo Pay! Our prices are. below those of any nthrr dealer in the United States. Xo extra charges for dray age. boxing or freight. ' We prepay freights and deli err goods ( free at any depot on the line of the Xm th Eastern, Wilmington and Columbia. South Carolina and Charleston and Savannah Rail Roads ; also to all points in South Carolina, Georgia and Honda, hat ing direct water communication with C harleston. ALL GOOD'S GUARANTEED. " Terms?Cash by P. 0. order or registered letter?on 30,-GO, or 90 days in acceptance with interest added at the rate of 1 per cent a month. " Always enclose this advertisement with order if convenient. J List of Net Prices. No expense to add Finest quality Young Hyson Tea?quality unsurpassed, exquisite flavor, and great strength. Si.00 p?r ll?. This Tea specially recommended. Finest quality Oolong, South.>ng, Uunixiwdor, and Hyson Teas, if 1.00 n?r lb. Second quality Tea*, SOe. per lb. | SEA ISL^) HOTEL, ~ ' j i^SSSfl ^ HAS BEEN RE-OPENED. THE PATRONAGE OP THE TRAVELLING PUBLIC IS SOLIClWK TERMS, $2.00 PER RAT. JAMES ODELL, - - - - P*oMrtWdfc RE--OPENIIVG OF THE * BEAUFORT^HflTEL, HAVING REMOVED MY HOTEL TO MORE COMMODIOUS PREMISES, ' CLUB HOUSE, BEAUFORT, and having fitted it tip in a neat and comfortable manner, I am prepared "to accommodate the travelling public. This hotel is the nearest hotel to the Beaufort Depot, and commands one of tko best harbor views in the town. Terms Two Dollars per day. J. A. DUPONG, Proprietor. Oct..7th mo. BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! QUICK SALES ANT? SMALL PROFITS! AT THE CflKAPSTOKE. Jacob Apple, ANNOUNCES TO HIS FRIENDS AND TnE PUBLIC, THAT HE HAS JUST' received direct fiom New York, a large and well selected stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which he will offer at the lowttt prices. Consisting of norcc r.nnnQ or ai t nrcrriptmn WWW va a m mm mm mm mm mm mm mm m m await Silks. Poplins, Lustres, Black and Col'd. Alpacas, Reps, and Plaida, also a fine letrf Prints and Bleached goods. Fine Plaid and Ottoman Shawls, Ladies Kid Gloves, Centennial Drear Elevators. Hosiery and Fancy Goods, Balmoral Hose. Ruffling and Kmhrofderirs, latest styles of " Trimmings and Buttons, Fringes and Laces. A fine lot of Perfumery and fency Soap*. Blank* ets and Domestics, Oil Cloth and Matting. Special attention ia called to the Gents' Furnishing Department. Which U complete with the latest styles of Bows and Ties, also, the celcbraMtMenntal paper Collar. Clothing Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, and other articles to salt the wants of all.". Como and. loo Convinoed, Bay Street. JACOB APPLE, Beaufort, S. CL HEZ BUSSEY, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, AND DEALER IN Country Produce, and Plantation Supplies, 173 Broad St., ('Under Augusta Hotel,J Augusta Ga. ??-0 KEKPS constantly on hand a large and selected stock of UKOUEKLKSand PLANTATION SUPPLIES all of which we offer cheap to the trade. SatisfactioQ, guaranteed. The patronage of Beaufort and adjoining Counties respectfully solicited.. THE WEED SEWING MACHINE COMFY? .... . ' i Is prepared to offer the most liberal terms TO MERCHANTS ARID OTHERS*. ?Who will deal in? ? Sewing Machines of its Man'fture. , 0 w, I FAMILY FAVORITE* _ % Its Name Indicates its Qualities. ~ ** i. orA AAAurkA uM??TkAM. : n.? KCieriO zou,uuu famines wim nave iuoiii 111 u)u NAMED GENNRAL FAVORITE, BECAUSE Adapted to every possible grade of work.?Our competitors acknowledges that For Tailors and Shoemakers*' IT STANDS WITHOUT A RIVAL. Address, Weed Sewing Machine Company; Bee.30. Nos. 51 and 53 St. Charles St., Baltimore, M<t S. MAYO, w. H. CALVERT. Boy St. Beaufort, S. O j SB W$> PRACTICAL LIQUORS, WINES, Ac. I Tin Sheet Iron. Copper Worker NET YARNS, 9 dealer in FISH LINES AND CORDAGE. G-lass, Paints and Oils, TERMS CASH. WHITE LEAD AND TURPENTINE, ***** for the Celebrated Special attention given to mixing paints j Charter Oak Cooking Stoves.