THE PORT ROYAL. ^ STANDARD and COMMERCIAL I JL. O. THOMAS ! c Editor, j \ C ^ ' : t< Beaufort, S. C? January 27,1876. . J SUBSCRIPTIONS. i *' a Oat Twr, 94 00 j ( Six Hoattu, 1 00 j idmtlwnirati will h* Inserted at the ? r?U?f #1 SO per square, 10 Nonpareil ! t ? ? *k, Aim, ln?w*lA?t. t IkmKIom by contract. ; g JOB PRINTING ANI> STATIONERY. j ] W? hare one of the most complete JOB OFFICE^ V la the State, and do work aa well and at as low prices t M la the cltlee. Our stock of STATIONERY Is large C a4 will be eokl wholesale and retail, as low as in , : "Charleston and Savannah. S Deeds and law blanks In great variety. } Official Paper of Beaufort County, t \ The Judicial committee of the House -does not look kindly on the bills for "making the offioes of Trial Jasriec salaTied instead of the present system of remuneration by fees, as they invariably J return them with an unfavorable en doraemcnt Probably the abuses under c the present system have not conTe under * -the individual notice of a majority of the * "members of this committee as they had ? of those who framed and introduced ^ these bills. One of the bills reported on j ^ unfavorably was to reduce the number of j i 'Trial Justices in this couuty aud pay * ;them a fixed salary. In previous issues we have shown how ; t >ihe fee system is detrimental to the in- t Merest of peace and order, by offering an j ^ inducement to multiply the number of j j petty cases, at an enormous expense to I c .the county, engendering, strife, bricker- t - ing and qnarelling that ultimately | culminate into a breach of the peace, to \ be adjusted by a Trial Justice, each case ! j forming a nuclus for other disturbances, | thus increasing the expenses of thecoun- ? ty and multiplying the number of eases j ad libitum. fa With a fixed ealary for Trial Justices c - and constables tbis incentive would not t * exist, u the remuneration would not de- 1 poad on the number of eases adjudicated; justice would be better subserved, as tri- ? vial eases that oi^ht never to. come into t . iJ J: i ?-.-.St. i? i WU4V WUU1U UV UI UiUV^U, ailU TCAlttlll 1U~ , ca litis that have a chronic affection in > ihifl direction, wouM be greatly benefitted thereby. This iaa inform much needed and we hope the bills will pass, and be come a law. " ' The Census of this St ate as published by the Secrctaiy of S Vtte shows the 1 amount of crops raised ex closively by the colored people. It does n>H include the crops raised on shares. The result is ^ 'blattering to the freedmen, vTho are cer- ^ tainly efficient laborers. 'They rai-ed 1,177,732 poands of loug stable cotton ; (all, with the exception of 460 .pounds, k beiqg produced in the two counties of ( Beaufort and Charleston,) 27,153,871, 1 pounds of short staple cotton; and of rice 176,194 bushels; of com 36,793 bushels; j of oats, 47,555, bushels; of peas aud beans 143,016 bushels; of potatoes, * 361,802 bushels; of hay, 1,544 * tons; of turpentine, 211,190 gallons, and 1 of rosin, 27,357 barrels. They own 10,- J 431, horses, 10,244 mules and asses, 25,263 milch cows, 7,365 working oxen, 3,- ? 866 sheep, and 78,186 swine. Their farming and mechanical implements aggre- * gate in value $265,956, slaughtered ani- v mak $227,067, market garden productions $211,051; while the fertilizers they used in die production of their crops ag- J . gregated 11,631 tens. ' Add to the above almost the entire f crop of the State, produced under the di- 11 rection of white planters, and we have a : ? record of the industry of colored neo - pie which is not equaled by anf similar ' j, class of people in the world. In the face ( of these figures it is all nounsense to d <. say that colored men will not work. Thi Barnwell resignation committee 9 - that was to have waited upon Gen. P. L. \ Wiggin, and request him to resign from ii liia elected position of Judge of this cir- i* - cuit, failed to perform their mission, thus j showing that the last spark of common t] ; sense has not yet become extinguished in a the old village of BarnweM. We thought tl that in their cool, calm moments, they ^ would think better of it and abandon a their mission. fi Br the report of the State Supt. of ^ Education, its appears that there is a a acholastic population of 239,264 in this *j atate, of whieh 1 S3,698 are colored j, and 85,6.16 white, af this number 46 0 per cent, attend the free com- v moo schools. The schools during the past j s( jear, were in session four and a half ( S| months. The total amount of money ex-: pended during the year for school pur- : p poses was $426,462 99. The amount rc- ' J, quired this year to keep the schools open : j, six mo' ths, is reported as $600,(XX). j t, j Q The joint committee appointed annual- j ly, in aeoordance with the law by the I tj .genend assembly, to examine the books \ ^ of the state treasurer and comDtroller- \ i. r , ln general, has submitted it6 report It is | t] signed by V. B. Nash, on the part of j r( the senate, and P. Simkins and M. J. ! Hirch, on the part of the house. The ex-1 amioation has been more thorough than ever before. Every item in the books of the fiscal officers of the state has been examined and cheeked off, and the tables accompanying the report give inter- ^ osting and exact information as to the source from which the revenue of the e3 jtct^ has come, and the object to which every paymcut has beeu applied. Tne ! committee highly compliment* the fiscal J at officers and their clerks f ?r the manner in j nc which business is conducted. The em-1 SI loyuiciii at a >i?uc:a.?ler* i?jr ,hc lmiulg of bonds in the state treasurer s office i recommended.? Union-Herald. ? C A rumor has been extensively cir- 1 ulated ihit the proprietor* of this paper 1 ogether with the collector of the port it inve formed a combination to obtain the i J on tract.for suppiyiug, the fleet with wa^r, at present enjoyed by Messrs. Dick i 1 nd Small. To deny every rumor iu this j t own that is circulated, having no foun- i ( ation in fact, would keep us constantly ; t mployed, but this is so void of truth j 1 hat we cannot let it pass by uncontradic- ' 1 ed. Messrs. Dick and Small deserve c ;reat credit for the enterprise they disIn tKo imnmvcmpnt -of Club h' VU 111 %IIV louse Spring ,nnd the securing of a steam i rater boat, and it is far from the idea of \ hose who are said to be at work in this lircction to deprive them of the contract, t V.s the spring from which their wa er 1 upply is obtained has been long held in i ?igh estimation, and pure water and not i he price being the object of the governuent, it is not likely that any change i rill or ought to be made. 1 5o Investigation, J An important question has arisen affec- j ing the interests of the depositors of the i jrcedinan's bank., The investigating jommittee demand the most necessary ^ >ooks for the conduct of business shall ( )e put in their possession. The commis- { iouer claim that this will interfere with . heir work, and the committee will not. rield. Mr, Langston, says iC that Con- i jress ha3 uo right to pursue the course * narked out for the investigating commit- | ee. The bank wa$ incorporatccr by Congress, and is a private concern, and un- j ess the government proposes to a-?snine 1 he responsibility of paving the deposiors in full, it has no right to make politi- ( al capital at the e.vpense of the poor recdmen. " Tlie point is considered by >rom:nenfc lawyers as well taken, ani an * sfi'ort will be made to check further inerference by Congress. ( The National Democratic Committee \ rill meet at Washington on the 22d of February, to determine the time and dace for holding the Convention to noinnate candidates for President and Vice- j President.. As the Republicans have se- , ected the 14th of Juue, it may be asiumed with confidence that the Denio:rats will chooso a later day, in order o profit by any blonder of their adversaries, and to improve on their platform. ' In 1873 the number of failures was ; >,18S, with average liabilities amounting < o $44,000; in 1874, 5,880 failures and ? ^26,000 average liabilities ; in 1875, 7,740 < ailures and only $25,000 average liabili- i iesL From fhis it is inferred that we lave seen about the worst of the business reaction. The Xew Xaral Station. I Description and History of Port Royal, the "flew city oftXe gontk." [Correspondent N. y. 3a*.] Port Royal, 8. C., Jan. 17.?The ' Congress, carrying sixteen guns arrived 1 lere to-day, and Port Royal will hence- < forth be designated officially as a Uuited States naval station. Its adaptability to j ;he wants of the North and South Atlan- l ;ic squadrons is most admirable. The , larbor is one of the largest and most shelered along the entire coast. Port Roya! ( jar is situated between Charleston and i savannah, on the 32d degree of north lat- < tude, 3 minutes and 46 seconds; longiude 80 degrees, 30 minutes and 46 sec>nds. There are three entrances to the 1 larbor; one 17 feertn depth and a little ?ver 300 yards in width, another 19 feet 1 n depth and 1200 yards in width, and a hird 20 feet iu depth and about 300 yards . ride. < There are two tributaries to the harbor, ( Iroud river, having a wide channel aod n average depth of five fathoms for neary twenty-seven miles, ami Beaufort riv- ] r with a depth of seventeen feet to with- i a three miles of Beaufort, and thence ,{ bout fourteen. Far three or four years the settlement ] f Port Royal, twelve miles back from the s iarbor, has been regarded as the uNew i Hty ot the South," in couscquence of its ( esignatiou as the eastern terminus of the t hortest line of railway to be constructed j .1? IIIn itn Jttlimfid rum CUU i'l iSMseippi iv ?uv 4Av.^.iv.v cean. This railroad scheme has in view lie union of the North Atlantic and north Pacific oceans, San Diego, Ca!.. be- , ig the western terminus of the line, c Yoiu Port Royal the railway is to extend e hroujrh the heart of the cotton States? v ieorgia, Alabama, and Mississippi; li rough the northern portion of Louisi- y na, Texas, and New Mexico, crossing a lie Kio Colorado near it* junction with b lie Gulf of California, and striking the c 'acific coast as San Diego, which also has . magnificent harbor. 1 As the Gulf stream runs immediately in *on t of the mouth of the harbor, vessels rill be quite free from the extreme cold d nd boisterous weather of the northern f tat Ions. Much work is now necessary in 3 lie way of shops, Ac For the present, . ist)ad of a special building, a commodius vessel will be anchored here, to be de- a oted to hospital purposes, and the con- a truction of buildings will be advanced as pecdily as the appropriations will permit. 1#> The shipments of guano through ^ 'ort Royal has, during the past year, n cen steadily increasing, and an entcrprbe t 1 the city of Augusta will tend to its fu- a irt extension. The Patapsco Guano o., of Baltimore, intend to erect a facto- f r for the manufacture of fertilizers at w re farmer city. The guano will be r' rought dire^'V rrom the Navassa Is- ^ mds to Port li yal, placed in the cars on ti ic wharves, taken to Augusta and run di- b ictly iuto the yard to the warehouses of iih company, the track having already * 9cn laid connecting them with the Port; 0 lort Royal railroad. d ? !b Straws. ? 2" The Pennsylvania Republican State tl ntral committee, and also the State ceu- tl al committee of Virginia, have endorsed Speaker Blaine for the Presidency. cl The wife of ex-Prjsidcnt Johnson died ? her daughters Mrs. Judge Patterson's ^ ar Green villoma! 11 'oclockpn the 15th. 1 jr' le was buricaon Tuesday. ' C iotvu Meeting. The town council met last night Pres- > nt: Intendant Williams, Wardens Gage, Joyce, Deas and Washington. The fol- j owing bills were referred to the commit- * ee on accounts: S. Mayo, 931.75; K. j xipez. $12; Beaufort Tribune. $41.35. fc A petition was received from Win. j iVilson, for reduction of assessment on he property known as the "Sam's house." )n motion of Warden Bovce the applica- J ion was granted. Petition of Wm. El- s iott, for reduction of assessment on lot B, dock 107, Bay St., on motion ot War- j len Gage, was also reduced. The application of Dr. John A. John;oo, for reduction of assessment on his iroperty, on motion of Warden Gage, vas also granted. 1 Debate was entered into in reference to he enchroachnicnt of certain parties who 1 lad line fences in the street. The fullowng resolution of Warden Boyce was ] idopted: . j Rpsohrdy That the marshal he author- i zed and instructed to notify parties who } lave encroached ou town property or and, to remove all obstruction, or pro:ure said right from council. Petition of A. C. P.udisail for grant of iquor license, was on motion of Warden Washington, granted; The chairman of special committee appointed to examine into the condition of :he Washington hand engine, reported hat it was iu fair condition. Warden . rage moved that the application to turn . t over to a company newly organized, should be.granted, but in consequence of ack of finance wherewith to make the proper equipments in the shape of hose, ] fee,, the motion was withdrawn. The following gentlemen were appointed a Board of Health: Dr. H. M. Stuart, Tames M. Crofut, F. W. Scheper, John Franz, and R. II. Glcaves. The following were appointed Fire 1 Commissioners: Dr. H. M. Stuart, R. 1 [I. Glcaves, J. C. Mayo, and C. H. Wright. An increase of wages was asked by Warden Boyce, for one of the town employees, F. Managault, hut the application was not granted. The Juries. ; ; i On Thursday last the following per- . sons were drawn as Grand Jurors fur the rear: Renty F. Greaves, Wm. J. Gooding, Chas. Holeock. B. T. Robert.1, lacob Shearer, Bob Ancrum, Richard Ooakley, John Salvisburg, Ren j. R. Bostick, Patrick, Becket John G. Conollv. London Snipe, Anthony Chisolm, R. N. Davidson, F. M. Cox, Howard raggart, John Glover, Wm. Adams. The following were drawn on the petit jury for the February term of court: Robert Allen, Peter R. Appleby, Jack Bennett, Jacob W. Bowers, Jack Brown, , Mases Brown, Ellas Buttler, Riley Cop's R C. Crosby, George Curtis, Relius Da rant, Jauies 0. Dans, Jas Fyler, Geo. .M. Goethe, Pios Grant, Jos. II. Harrison. Wm. II. Heapc, Barnwell Howard, J. R. Jones, Geo. F. Law ton, >V ru II. jjlc.- : Sill Wiu. IL Mi lvllcton, G. B. Means. I lames Picknev, Quash Polite, Geo. F. Ricker, Jno. I). Rivers, James Riuwe!', Peter Smalls, Chance Smith, W. \\\ Smith, Brister White, Caesar Wh tc. Dick White, B. W. Wineglass, and Jo- > seph 0. Wine. < $ ^ > i 9^" The frigate Congress, the most ' recent arrival of the naval vessels at Port Royal Harbor, is a sixteen gun frigate i md rates second class. Her officers are ?s follows: Captain, Earl English; Lieutenant-Commanders, R. P. Evans md H. E.J Elmer; Lieutenants, A. F. "mow, E. C. Pendleton, J. R. Se'fridge, v. A. Adams and E. J. Arthur; Master, J. Downs; Medical Inspector, R. C. < De in; Passed Assistant Surgeon, W. C. ] Uorwin; As is'ant Surgeon, P. M. Rixey, i Paymaster, R. Thompson; Chief Engii - 1 icer, T. W. Whittaker; Passed Assisant Engineer, C. R. Roelker; Assistant s Engineers, G. K. Kearney and J. C. ? Jgden; Chaplain, S. H. Trihan; Second c Lieutenant Marines. S. If. Gibson; Boat- J iwain. J. W. Pomerov; Carpmger. S. N. kVhitehou.-c; Sail Maker, * Stevens; . Gunner, A. Hausden; Captain's Clerk, 4 f. II. Caswell; Paymaster's Clerk, E. H. a lams. g Last week the sloop known as j he ''Society Boat," of Hilton Head was [riven ashore at Land's End. Mr. Robots was the only passenger on board, rho together with the crew waded ashore vhere they remained all night nd were taken off the next day 1 y the sloop Nautillus. The boat is a omplete wreck and most of its cargo was t est ? t BGL. The Governor has removed Mr. 1( . i>. Carvender as Commissioner under he Big Bonanza bill, and has appointed c lr. E. M. Bray ton, a member of the ,( louse from Aiken in his place. lie has v Iso removed Mr. Carvender as County uditor of Chesterfield county. FREEDMAN S BANK. Mr. Purvis, one of the commission appointed to wind up the affairs of the above aiucd institution, is now in Columbia, for d be purpose of .securing such legislation ' s will enable him to realized upon^the va- J ious collaterals given hv parties resident b n that State iu return for money borrowed ]i rom the bank; to discover, if possible, that the indebtedness of those who had 11 eceived such loans really is, and 4'to do he best possible with them,'' {renerally. Ir. Purvis's earnest advice to the unforanate depositors is to "hold on to their ooks," and not to surrender t hem to any t} agent" whatsoever, as their interests c re in good hands, aod each ono will cerlinly recieve not less than sixty per oent f his claim. Only 18,(MK> out of 7^,000 epositors have as yet presented their _ ooks, but these 18,0 K) repsesent four- <v ft lis of the whole amount, There are 3 l),000 depositors whose claim3 are less ran one dollar each, and hundreds less ; ran ten cents. I ?The Port Boyal railroad hss made a ~ range in schedule as follow*- Lcnve An-; usta at 8:30 A. M., artd S:*JO P. M., ^ .rrivc at 7: 30 A. M. and 4 P. M. There-! i c, making close connection with mornig and evening trains on the ''lmrlotte, J olumbia and Augusta railrovj. < -c 'A v. cv w i. lit * 2>ew gulmtisrinfms. I ^ oti c k to th e pubuc. I Y R. RORT. AUSTIN, of Rlackahear, Georgia, la .YJL now in this neighborhood, and has been moat uccessful in producing a fine flow of water for iessr*. Robbina, i'oridingfon A Co.. at their mill, f' le will remain here for a tow days. a The above flfra can with confidence recommend . dm, to produce watrr upon hi> principle. Apply to 1 ATLANTIC SAW MILL. "1 r Notice. N OTICE la hereby given that I will not be rapoaIble for any debts contracted by Vf. A. Kay, either ^ ls my agent or alleged partner. A. H. BENTON, 1 ran. 2?, 1S74. Jan.27-2t. PROBATE^NOTICE. The State o* South Caroi.ika, ) 1 Cottnty of Beaufort. J ] 3y Ridj.kt K. Carlktos, Esq., Probate Judge j \Jt71IKREAS, I*aac Jenkins has made suit to me ] v* to grant him Letters of Administration dc wnis nou of the Estate and effects of billy Jenkina, ' Farmer. . These are therefore to cite and admonish all and lingular the kindred and Creditors of the aald | fttlly Jenkina deceased. that they be and appear, be "ore me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at BeauFort on the TENTH day of FEBRUARY lext, after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock In the Forenoon, to shew caus*. if any they have, why the taid Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand, this twenty-sixth day ol January, A. !>., 1876. 1 RIDLEY K. CARLETON, jan.27-2t P-oUate Judgo. Law Blanks For Sale. I OTE, with lien on crop, < |" ^EASE of Land, secured by Ilea on crop, QHATTEL Mortgage, to secure note annexed, 0ONVEYAKCE8of Land?various foma, jyjORTGAGES of Real and Personal property, yy ARRANTS of Attachment. For sale in quantities or singly, at the ] CLERK'S OFFICE, In the Court House. Bft. Jan. 23-Sm. . Hotice to Taxpayers. OFFICE COUNTY TREASURER, Beaufort, Jan. 15, 1876. * For the convenience of taxpayers I will he at the following named places in the county, to facilitate the collection of the same: I Grahamville, January 31, Hardeeville, Febuary I, * Savannah Sheriff's ollce, February 2, Screven Ferry, February 8, , Levy'*X Roads, February 4, ( P. Prftchard's Oakland*, February 5, [ will aho visit HILTON "HEAD, sud BLUFFTON, of which timely notice will he , given. GEO. nOLMES, I !an.20. Treat. Bft.Co. | E FRANK COB'S AMMONIATED BONE i. SUPERPHOSPHATE. Having been appointed Sole Agent for this State for the sale of the above old and well known FERri'.IZER, we shall always keep a full supply on hand. Orders entrus ed to our care shall meet with prompt atienlioa. The merits of this fertilizer are too well known j and appreciated to require a mvru extended uotic-I \Vu will enly state that each consignment is sub(ect to th-? severest analysis, and that the original standard is fully maintained. D. H. PINCKNEY s <?ur travelling Agent, and any communications to us through him shall nave every care and dispatch. P15CKSEY .3 Commercial Wharf, chariestou, 8. C. Jan.20-3m. Sheriff's fairs. SHERIFF'S SALE. tieoxge uouues, v? 9. v. uiucrv. By virtu* at a. writ of 6rri (.mini to me lirc-ted. r*? lodgctt m mj I will *<-11 in finnt 01 my office on the flrxt Tneaday in F<bn?ary next "lt-76. being the firet day ot snitl month '> tli" legal hours of Mfctfcrfollowinj: personal property to sit : All the right title and Interest of S. 1). Gilbert in ind to I fet of booRs; 26 pictures, 1, Bureau; 1 deik, I loupgc; 1 c?ntr? table, 1 stand;? mattress**; 1. pring In-d; ft chair*; 1, clock; 1 lamp; I, store; 3 spittoons; 1, cba)a><er set complete,. 1, tptur gias? stand, mastef ornament Ac, Levied upon as the property ?f S. D. Gilbert, at the suit of George Tlolmea, Terms cash. WM. WILSON, lift. Jan 17,1875. 23-21. 8. B. C. SHERIFF'S SALE. \Ym C. Bee and Co., va. (baa C./,Dcpent and al. Judgment for Forrcloaurc Sale, By virtue of a judgment of foreclosure to me lirecied in the above state-1 case 1 will sell at pub c outcry In front of my office in the town of Beau "ort. 011 the first Tuesday in February next, 1*76 >eing the first day of said month between the egal hours of sale. All that plantation situate in the county and state aforesaid, called "Partridge Hill" containing wenty six hundred acres, more or lt?s, and boun. led on the north by lands belonging to Abram lugucniu; on the east by the Eubaw Road and ands belonging to P. H. Behn. on the south by th? ioney Htil road; and on the west by land belongng to W. I. Screven. Terms : One half cash,?balance payable in one ind two years, .secured by bond of tbo Purchaser, ind mortgage of the premises; the said bond hearng iutcrcst frmu the date thereof, pay a bio annualy, at seven per cent per aa:um. Terms cash. WM. WILSON. 8. B. C P.eaufort, S. C., Jan. 15. 1376. 18-3 SHERIFFS SALE J. T. Sellers, Ag*t.,rs. J. P. Youmans, and W^. F Youmans. y By virtue of a warrant issued ussier the Hen law, 0 me directed ^ud ?n my olBce, I will sell t public outcry at Branson, on the first Thursday eing the third day of February .nest, hetween the egal hours of sale, the following property to wit: d All the right, title and interest of James P. Yotiians, and Wm. F. Youinans, in and 5 bushels of ? orn, and 1200 bushels of cotton seed, more or less, $ svicd on the property of James P. Youmans and Vni. F. Youmans, at the suit of B. T. Sellers, Agt. b Terms cash. WM. WILSON, tft. Jan. 17,1*73. 23-2L 8. B. C. : J SHERIFF'S SALE. ? 7 Meyer, Cohen A Con vs. W. G. Roberds. By virtue of an order of H. G. Judd. to me I ? irected and lodged iu my office, I will sell at pul*> c outcry in front of my office In the tqwo of Boan- 11 irt on the first Tuesday in February next 1875. ^ cing the first day jof said month between tb? ;gal hours of sale the following property to wit: " AH the right, tiile and interest of W. G. Ho herds, * 1 and to the slock iu fr?dc, consisting of Drv Goods, _ ju Groceries, Hardware, jU Hardware, Boots, Shoes, Ac., also one hf?|e, IcTiejJ ppon as ip property of W. G. Roberts, at tha suR of Meyer, ohen & Co. . Term cash. . WM. WILSON. ** 8. B. C. si Bft,. Jan. 17,1875 23-2t Jn Sraufort gusinrss Strrrtwg, ... .. . 5t Publications. * COMMERCIAL, A STANDARD PORT ROYAL er J Published weekly, $2.00 per year. Groceries. " >OYCE, J. 1'.?Groceries, Wlnea, Llquora, and 8e- ** J frars, South side Hay St., Beaufort. JOYCE, JAS. E.?Wholesale and retail dealer in j ) Groceries. Liquors, Segars, Dry Goods and r literal merchandise. Bay St." - , . ?. -V ;? ^ -- . ?- ?,.>?.y.ii^ -M*'* * _ State & County Taxes! m. i. OFFICE COUNTY TREASURER, > Bkaifort 6. C.Jan. 5,1876. Notice 1* hereby given that thia offlea will be pet)ed for the receipt of State and County taxet M.the year 1875, on Saturday, the 8th day of Janary, 1876. For the colivenjetire of taxpayer* I will e at the following named place* la the county, to idlitate the collection of tba same: Early Branch, January 77, femaaaee, January *28, from 6 a. m? to 1 p. m. I will aiao visit places on the SAVANNAH RIVER, md other place* in the lower part of the county, of rhirh timely notice will heaven. GEO. nOLMES, Jan.13-21. - Treaa. Bft. Co. $50 Howard. rhe undersigned Trusteea School District No. 8, cnown aa Focotaligo township, will pay a reward i rTFTY DOLLARS, to any peraon who will appre send and deliver to any Trial Justice in the coun y, with proof to convict, the pa rtie* who set fire to he Mill Branch School House, In said district on he night of the 6th inst. 8. J. BA1IPFIELD, T. W. JACKSON, C. D. DEA8, Board of Trustee*. Blountvllle, Bft. Co, S. C. Jan. 10,1876. 13.4t. Administrator's Notice. ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS UPON ?...?. _# /a at on a a * -? me vsiBic ui k>. m. inompson ueceanea win E>rcsent*the same duly prored and all persons iulebtcd to said estate will make payment to the mbacrlber at Augusta Ga. ROBERTS THOMPSON, Admr, Estate of C. M, Thompson, Letters Dismissory, I will apply to the Hon. court of Probate for Bean fort County in the State of South Carolina, for a final discharge as administrator of the estate of J. T. Barnes, on the(10Ui day of February next. W.N.BARNES, Adm'r. January 11. 1876. jaa.ltMt. STATE SOUTH CAROLINA,") > Trial Justice Court County of Beaufort ) John Sly, Plaintiff, against Geo. F. Lincoln, Deft Summons Money demand?Complaint not served To Geo. F. Lincoln, defendant above named. You arc hereby summoned and repaired to answer khc complaint in fbis action, which b filed in the office of R. K. Carieton, Ea?|. Trial Jhstice, In and for ?aid county, and to serve a copy of jrour answer on the subscriber at his office in Beaufort, wilbin twenty days after the service of this summons on rou exclusive of the day of service. If you'fkil to answer this complaint within th time aforesaid, the Plaintiff will apply to the Cou r for Judgement against you for the sura of ninety five dollars and thirty cent* ($9f!..T0) with interest from the 7th day of Jauuary 187.1 and cos's. P. L.*W1GGIN, PlnttTs Att'y To George F. Lincoln, Defendant. Take notice : That the complaint in this action was filed In this office of R. K. Carieton K?q Trial Justice In and for the County of Bean fort ia the ?tate of South Carolina on the 28th day of Decern" her 1875. P. L. WIGCiIN, Plnt'ffs Atl'y u,uuw wrumaiur. ?tatk..or Soi tii Carolina, > Town of Beaufort. / An oidinatira to raise supples for the year1R7C and for other purposes. S?v-. 1. Be it onlalnrd by tli* Inteniant and WarJena of the Town of Beaufort in Council XMCtnMed. That a tax for the year 1876 for the sums and in tlx manner hereinafter preacrib d shall be raised and paid Into the Treasury of the Town for the ?Sk? ami vrvico (hereof, that is toaay. S--C. 2, That after the pasmge of this ordinance I here shall tv? paid Into the the Town Treasury. fJne hundr>-d and twenty Ave cents on every hundred doll as of the raluo of every houa.-, bullI in*, let, wharf or other landed e*tat-\ within the limits of th < town excepting such property as tickings to and is occupied by religious charitable or litorary association x One hundred cento on every hundred dollar* of the valu o of personal or pn??essry property of every kind, including money money on hand or on deposit; bonds or other evilenccs of indebtedness and exclusive of household ruruitnre to the valueJof one hundred dullars. See. 3. That immediately after th'i passage of :his ordinance all persona or eorpocit ions doing holiness within the liiuita of the Towu shall be and ire hereby required to pay special taxes tor the time Into the Town Treasury as hereafter prescribed t) wit: 1st. For a Dray Cart or Bu ggy or other vehicle cept for hire, 83 00 2nd. For non-reaidenti of the Town selling >r offering for sale wares or merchandize by samite or otherpiae, not to exceed $40.00 uor less than ^ '10.00 at the discretion of the Intendant. 3d. For any know or persons selling any wares >r merchandize and offering in eonneetiou thererith any prize or reward to be given by lot or iecidcd by chance, $300 00 ith For snv show or clrens or nubile Derfurmanec rora $5.00 to $50.00, at the discretion of the Iutenlant. 5th. For Express Companies $25 00 6th. For telegraph companies. $25 00 7th. Every photograpcr or other simitar artist from $5 to $25 dollars at discretion of Intendant 8th. For all dealers in spiritnous liquors and hct-U where liquors are sold ?135 00 9ih. Ginning cotton, 50 00 10th. For every person or persons using steam ns i motive power, $10 On Uth. For every auctioneer, $5.00 per month, or early, $35 00 12th. For every undertaker, 5 U0 16th. For every junk dealer, - 10 *>0 14th. For every commlad^ n^erehau,t, 20 Oo 15th. For evary dentist, non-resident, pot excecing $10 00, at the discretion of the Intendant. 16th. For every person or persons non-residents riling horses, not less than $2.00, nor raorj than 20.00, in the discretion of the Intendant. 17th. For every bagatelle or billiard tahle, or owling alley, kept for public use, $10 00 18th. For each bauk for savings or deposit. 50 00 18th. Traders who have commenced business since anuary 1, 1876, shall pay in lieu of the tax on peronal property, a special tax for the balance of the ear, at the rate of per mouth, , $2 0o Skc. 4. That all taxes oo personal property im- j oeed by the provisions of this ordinance, shall i ave reference as to possession and valuation to the it day of December, 1875. and be for the year beinning January 1, 1876, to December 81, 1876. Sec 5. That the committee appointed to raise ipplies for the yeqr 1876, shall constitute, tog. tb^r ith the Intendant, the board of canvassers, wh >e uty it shall be to assess each person or corporation ich amounts j|s in their judgement they may deeru ! ist and proper, which assessment shall be duly retried iq 4 book which shall be kept open for in ; ] tectiou and revision for the space of one week from lie of public notice, within which time the parties i assessed sjpill have the privilege of correcting the .me under path before the board of canvassers, if , s, she or Utejt deem themselves over-assessed and , 1 persons so offering to reduce their assessmen tall answer on oath tp Council, gll such question i relating to their taxpMe income, receipts or pro:rtg a; jj:upberf qf Council fhail ask. 1 Set. 4. Tij^t taxejj W oa or the h of Pebsitgry, 1876, shall be Maty* to a penalty In coriancc with ap ordinance entitled "Aq Oriiince to raise supplies for the year 1868 snd far othpurpoecs." ratified In council April 29,1868. Sac. 7. All ordinances or ports of ordiaanees in j nflict with this ordinance, except that concerning ' i ? sale of gun powder, ratified March ?, 1869, arc J >reby revoked. ' ? Ratified in Cpqpdl, Jap. i, J876. ! 3 ' pKORGE OAGK, 1 ? G. Richmond, Act'g. Intetxknt. j j Clerk of foupcil. ?J Railroads. port rovAurailroad. Magnolia Passenger Koute, | ( OF 84'HKni'LK. SUPERIX'TS OFFICE WlRT ROYAL RAILR'Dl Augusta, Ga.. Pec. 4,1*7.">. / | ON AND AFTER THIS PATE, TRAINS ON this road will run as follows GOING SOL'TII. Tralii No. 1. Leave Augusta 7 SO a m Arrive at Yemassec 12 10 p m Leave Yemasse .. .. - 12 3> p iu ArTirc at Beaufort 2 01 p iu Arrive Port Royal 3 20 p in Arrive at Savannah 3 20 j?ui Arrive at Charleston ..... 4 30 p in GOING SOOTH. Train No. 3. Leave Augusta 8 45 p in Arrive at Yernassec 2 09 a m Leave Yeiuassce ... ..... 2 40 a m Arrive at Beaufort '. 4 05 a it; Arrive at Port Rotal 4 SO a iu Arrive at Savannah - 7 00 a m Arrive at Charleston ......... 6 30 a ui GOING NOIITH. Train No. 54. Leave Savannah 9 20 a ? Leave Charleston '.i H 15 a in Ltcave ion royai . , ju ru a ui Leave Beaufort 10 40 a ni Arifteat Yemassee . 12 00 m Leave Yenias*ee 12 3) pin Arrive at Augusta 5 20 p m GOING NORTH- Traia K? 4. Leave Savannah............ 10 20 p m Leave Charleston 8 .30 p in Leave Port Royal ..11 45 p m Leave Beaufort ...12 10 a in Arrive at Yemassce ,.... 1 40 a ni Leave Yemassee .....a.. 2 45 a in Arrive at Augusta 7 20 a ii: Trains 1 and 2 run dail^r execpt Sunday*, X.? and 4 run daily. AH trains connect at Yemajner with the trains of the Savannah and Charleston Railroad for Charleston and Savaunsk, and at Aw gust a with trains ot the Georgia Railroad, fir tly West, and Charlotte, Columbia Jt Augusta Rallrua| for the North and East. | ueera taking trains Noa. 1 and 3 make el.w all rail connections at Savannah with Atlantic an< Gulf Railroad for Jacksonville and alt points'on j the St. John's River. Tlirongli Pulumn Sleeping Cars ou all Night Traiu te Havaunah. Dinner. , R. G. FLEMING, Superintendent, j T, s. PAVANT, * ' Gen'l. Pass. Agr-mt. IsTEAM TO NEW YORK. The firt-class, full powered sti:am snirs, j MONTGOMERY, FA1RC7/1SII, Master, am? HUNTSVILLE, i 7 CIIBiTKR. Master, I 1 Are appointed fo leave Port Royal, for Jfcv 1 ork alternately, every Friday afternoon, upoi the arrival tH'the Angusta, andSavannah &<'harlcv ton train. For freight and passage?having unsurpassed a: oiniuodatious, apply to RICHARD P. DUNDEE, Agent, Tort Royal. S.C. ! AwarJad Highest Msdsl at Yisiisa. 3, & r t, mm & co. 50J Rrnatlu.iv. \pw York. """ " ? " ?mi 7 - - - -- ? (Opp. Metropolitan Hotel.) MaoHfrs., Sai^oriers ii Eiaim ii CHROMOS and FRAIRES, Stereoscopes and Views Albums, Graphoecopes and Suitable Views Photographic Materials, We are Headquarters for everything ii the way of Stereopticons & Magic Lantern? Being Manufacturers of the MICRO-SCIENTIFIC LaNTERN, STEREO PANOPTICON, UNIVERSITY STEREOPTICON, ADVERTISER'S STEREO PTICON ARTOPTICON, SCHOOL LANTERN, FAMILY LANTERN, PEOPLE'S LANTERN. Each style being the bent of its chus in the market. Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides, withdirectioi? for using sent on application. Any enterprising man cau make money with a Magic Lantern. r Cut this out for future reference, ?rg fiootls. NOW IS THE IIME T3 SATE MONEY!! Great Drives in all kinds cf Dr. Goods and \otious, at R i. Sehener. ~ I 7 The Leader in Low Prices Having just returned from new YORK, I am prepared to show a large and well selected stock of FALL & WINTER GOODS, Consisting of . DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, # HATS. AND CArS, BOOTS AND SHOES, TRUNKS. CARPETS, Ac. at prices to suit the times, and innte heads of families who dcaire to sare money, to inspect my slock before purchasing elsewhere. Special attention is called to the following departments : BLACK ALPACAS and Monrning Dress Goods, : Black Silks. Fancy Goods, Linens. Notions, Hosiery, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Cassiinercs, Jeans Flannels, and Blankets. THK BOOT and SHOE department, contains the test made good at the lowest prices. At E. A. SOHEPER. An Outfit Free. We want some one in erery county to take orders tnd dellrer goods for the old and original C. 0. D I j riopae. Large cash wages. Splendid chance in er j >ry neighborhood for the right person of either sex rouogorold. Samples fire* and pc?t paid, iend for it at once and make money at yonr homes '* H. .f. HALL & CO. A Ai /Aocwrd S!r*f. ] fylfi fltOT*. M<\. oct2i?1nj.' j< NEW GOODS, Fad aid Wilier. Stljes, cr 17-^1 f * \ Prices to wllU the times. Matthiessen & Doolittle, UNDER ACADEMY MUSIC, Cor. Ring Sf Market St., CHARLESTON, S. C. Would respectfully cull your attention to their stock of FINE CLOTHING, -ANDFURNISHIJVG GOODS I ... .. :> : ?. ?i : ' of 31 en and Boys, and solicit your patronage. T17-- \W - | ?T >1. PlAlTIilESSEN, OCtl4-3ui. L. B. Doouttlk. "I'."*!. WHITMAN,WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, Alajr Street* II amiort, t. C? Has jtst kftthtned EnoM the north with a fine assortment of yoo<I? at K -. * * Nortliorn Prioea. WKDDTNO"r?N(Yr, $T00 lo $12.00, SILVER KINGS. :** . lo $!.? . SILVER NAPKIN* KINi.S, $2.00 to $4.ia. LADIES G0L1> "WATCHES, $56 to $60. 0 3 Hay & 1 Sty String Club, $3,50 to $eT, i_?o GENTS' GOLD CHIANS, PTTS, RING*. 8LKKVK BUTTONS STUDS, WATCH CTIAIN8, LADIES GOLD and PLATED JEWELRY, GOLD PENS, tC., AC. i; PINTS* GOLD & HlLTKIt WATC HES. Call and examine lvforw [mrthwing. wnd aatlafw roursolf you dlu save teu to,' twenty-five per eenii ,'rom Omleatnu os SuAfliMiaU prices. MANSION MOUSE. POyiT KOYAIj S. OSITTATED AT THE TKIIAIINU# OK* the Port Royal Raih' vV?; ttouiteetfon, ? Dl <b: Wiihllie last MiJij.g, 4r?l-i-fa* .loSTHOJlKltlf and l'l&TitYikM;, suilL'qj i* NewYork every Friday. This is an i-nltrily n? w and Jt^nlN f:*m?-h-U ions*. Si.unti >11 unsuriKiv-tl, xirroundid with najmifichmt lire >mk>, ri,ni au<Un< a spl-xdid irospvt of the mi c.1.tiding eowntrv. the ivaufort, ii-d P<-rt R< yal Uiv,r.\ ? .<} t,:!4 r,s u mutest sttraci u* to travi lets. i?r to parti,* ?Iw desire Hoard ?r ? spend :i few days tt-r.r IhevtJf wafer. Tahk.' s?pp!it*i with evc<>ihii^r. tlce market af.'in's. I/' >? milk,, f:di, ri^uklca and. rnfts in their .* a*?n. H?-i of t'ookse.lid AtleiKlaii's. Tcr.i.s liU rui. C. II WARREN, PiuprietuV, iunc. 3-If. NEW MII IUNHKY. Masd Winter 1875 JUST lKlCETVED isc,\ John Connor's. A, ? ? RJLY9*3SB3 UEAVJ'ORT.. r.Ajius ilvts. MfcWfii JutXiis . TOTS TATS French ?JU 1'aa^lie Flo wars. A fine iMortinrnt of sAo abore together with & 'ayguj stuck ?>l i'ALL r.*4 WINTl'R Vty G ods, Dress Go^Ls, Clwt'ji'ij, !> ?'sties, Long Cloth, Ac.? Ac., mavvid-jij. jasT e. mcgregos, ' ' . ' ". v"'' r f CARRIAGE MAKER, HOUSE, SIGJv and CARRIAGE PaTNTEIT. Opj>. Express Cffice, Beaufort, S. 1 AH kinds of Scroll and fancy fa All kinds of roj^lrin^ promptly attended-on. reasonable term '. Satisfaction guarantied.. UX* Agent for Ji.fnKsk''patent fc*)t power srrol'j saw, which can be seen in operation at my shop. J AS; E. MCGREGOR.. JulyMy. - ' x BEAUFORT HOUSET" B.EJ. UPQJt T, S. C. Having opened and refurnished this old cstabUhcd ; " i * HO.U8K, T am prv' accommodate transient and per-, mancnt hoarders, at reuMOMible rates. URS. A&mytAtm, oci.-l-3iu. rmprWtTi-c grofrssitmal (Eards. IKRUIER WALKER AND BA' COT. PBOCTOES IN ADMIRALTY AND ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BEAUFORT, SO.CA. Walker A Bacot, 1 W. X. Vermer. Charleston. | Boaufort { Refer to the British Consulates in the South, and t r , j specially to the Brftlsh Consulate at Charleston. Octlt-f. v-f H. M. STUART,M.D~, Cor. Bay Ac Eighth Streets, Beaufort, S. O. ... , >. -lkaij-.I: ix DRUGS, AND CTTHMICA15. FAMILY MEDICINES, FANCY A2tf> TOILET ARTICLES STATIONERY, TTRFTMERY, * v BRUSHES,"Ac., Ac., **., Together with manyotlrr articles tno nnraerana U>mention. AM of ?rhk-h rrill h- soM at the lorreet price fnr cash. PhyCu^an* prescription* rtrefttNy i-ornpotinded. ' lUrrl y .