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Jlocal items. Beaufort, S. C., January 20, 1876. Thf. State census of 187~? shows an in- ! crease of 9,073 in the population of this j countv since 1870. I * The Governor lias vetoed tlie [ rnwell-BIackville, bill, thus furnish- : ing Le.-lic capital for the next campaign. : I # I i ?rr?1'ivv vescls are expected far i wmv i?f%' to arrive in Fort Royal harbor within the i next thirty days. M&- W e are informed that Mr. Myers the would be Treasurer of this county has j settled up in full. 1? i 16T The Town Council are agitating J the market question. The programme I ought to be, a good markc* or a repeal of the ordinance. i The Editor of this paper ha? left town because be did not want to see the elephant that travels with Robinson's circus. \\ e hope that while away he will not be led into fi^htmp the tiger. Two local politicians went home on Saturday night with swelled heads; the res lit of a lively paliticrl discus son strikingly illustrated. iST" An orange, or two eaten every morning half an hour before breakfast, is *aid to cure the desire for intoxicating liquors. * l&* People who gossip and talk about i their neighbors are either idle malicious | or ignorant. If you dout want to be classed as above mind your own business. 96T We are under obligations to Congressman Smalls for a copy of the Congressional Directory. J6T Treasurer Holmes, to accommodate taxpayers, has made his regular trip in the country as will be seen by referring to the advertisements. John Robinsou's circus was poor ]y attcuded on account of the rain, and if! -what wc .aw was the performance, they did well iD not holding an evening performance. 1&. A young vocalist sitting on a piazza a few night ago singing "Darling I am growing old" got roused somehow, and was wildly threainiDg to whip the man that poured cold water down his back. It was not long however before he gave wav to his dampened aidor, and left. The Cincinnati Enquirer says that ""the Sun will be the religious organ of ! New York inside of a year." This cheering prophecy would indicate that all: the christians will be out of the city by ! that time, or that Dana iuteuds to be come a christian' La t week the Hose Hill Baptist Church, near I>land Tank, on the Port Royal Island, was burned to the ground. The fire is supposed to have originated i from the sparks from a pas-ing locouio-1 tive on the Port Royal R. R. Scarcely [ o vi?cnrcl> nf the church i were saved. Marine News. ' Ar1^ ep.?At St. Helena Sound Jan3rd Br. Bkt. Irene, Stevens, master, 30 days from Funelia!, Madiera iu ballast to Campbell, Wyllie and Co. 44 Jan. 3rd Br. B#. W. II. Tucker, Miller, master, 37 day from Funehal Madiera, in ballast to Campbell, Wyllie and Co. ^ 44 Jan 7th Br. Bg. Native Pearl, Williams, master. 30 days from Punehal, in ballast to Campbell, Wyllie and Co. Cleared.?From St Helena Sound Jan. 4th Br. Bg. Blanche, Clark, master for Plymouth. England, with 501 tons of phosphate rock from Coosaw Mines. 44 Jan 7th Schr. Enos B. Phillips, Ful- J ler, master, for Woods Hole, with 500 tons of phosph ite rock from Pacific Mines. Entered.?St. Helena Sound, Jan 11th Russian Bk. Atlantic, Kronholm master, 70 days from Barcelona, in bal last to Campbell, Wyllie and Co. 44 Jan 11th Russian Bk. Carolina. Hilman. 53 days from Barcelona, in ballast to Campbell, Wyllie and Co. 44 Jan 11th Br. Bg. Argo. Birningham, master 22 days from Funehal, in ballast to Campbell, Wyllie and Co. Cleared?From St. Helena Sound Jan 12th Br. Bg. Argo, Davis, master, 1 for Bowling, Scotland, with 426 tons of! of phosphate rock from Coosaw Mines. 44 Jan 13th Russian Bk. Iloppet, j Frederickson master, for London, with ; 631 tons of phoshate rock from Coosaw I Mines. I 44 Jan 13th Br. Bk. Arathusas. Robin- j son master, for Dublin. Ireland, with J 505 tous of phosphate rock L'oosaw: Mines. " Jan Br. Bkt. Irene, Stevens, mas.- ' tor, for Plymouth. England, vrith 4311 tons of phosphate reck from Coosaw Mines. Serions objection is made to the new I style of stockings in which the stripes ! run lengthwise. It takes too much mud j to show the full pattern. 1 Poughkepsie, according to the l*rc$s of! that city, is the home of a woman so | cross-eyed that when she weeps tears from i . her left eye drop on her right cheek, A Filth aveuue widow infarumd & I friend at the funeral that she pMUldtt t j tell whether she would wear memmjug gt', not until her husband's will ;,Zachariah,': said Mrs. (.'handler, ' what-me'l is that? " "Clares." s Be: thaf other smjll?'' '"Allspice." '"Bi" k i n't the>^\Jior ?" ':Yes^=?pple.-.n ft ' An 1 i * re?" "C Jer, my dear'1 W ' We"- >sa'd shi, ' if you'd PliKPAKK l Uit WiNThli. Don't lot the eohl winds of winter find our windows without sashes, or good j whole doors, but have them fittid at onee i frem the manufactory of Mr. 1*. P. ' TOALK, whose advertisement is in Mother column. He is also sole agent for the "National Mixed Paint Co." who warrant ( their paint not to crack, peel or fade. ' Any one can apply it? (Official iloticts. State and County Taxes. J OFFICE. TREASURER RKAFFORT COUNTY J llcaul'ort, S. Jan. 4. 187(5. ' NOTICE i- hereby given that this office will he opened for tlie receipt of State and County taxes for ' the fiscal year 1875 on the eighth < >th; day ,f Jan- ' tt try. ]876. The lax assessed on real and 'personal property 1 is: ( For State purposes ! 11 mills j ? For Futility purposes 3 " it F->r " " (Past indebtedness) 3 " | > Poll tax. per capita 1 dollar '| School tax assessed l?y the various townships as i follows: ( Beaufort township ........ 8 mills 1 BlutlVu 2 " r] t'oosaw hatch ie " - - " Goethe " J 4 " i Hilton Head " - 2 " i Lawton " 1 1-2 " n Peoples " 2 1-2 " j Pocotaligo " 2 " . Robert " 2 " ] St. Helena " 3 ' { Yeraassee " 2 " j Ladies Island " 21 " I ' GLO. HOLMES, ( Jan.6. Treas. Bft. Co. j I Sealed Proposals Of KICK OF THE Cot xty COMMISSIONER?, ( Beaufort, S. C.t Jan. 4, 1S7C. j Sealed proposals will be received at this office un- ^ til Febuary 6, 1876 for medicines for j>oor and pri?- ^ oners of Beaufort County for the year 1S76. Said ^ proposals to be made separate. The Board rcser- ?j vlng the right to reject-any and all bids. -r PAUL PRITOHARDM.D. | Chairman Board Co. Com'rs. ^ T1IOS. II. WHEELER, ' jaL.6 lm Clerk ofBoard. ^ Sealed Proposals c r Office of Cocxty Commissioners. rj Beaufort, County S. C. Jan 4 1S7C. e Sealed proposals will he received at this office un- j til February G, 1*76 for medical attendance to the ^ poor and prisoners of Beaufort County for the year ^ ls76. Said proposals to be made separate. The ^ Board reserving the right to reject anv and all bids 1 L PAUL PPvITCHARD M. D. \ Cbairinan Board Co. Com'rs, ^ TH03. H. WIIEELER. J. Clerk of Board. ^ Jan,'}-lra r Notice to Tax-Pavers. J TREASURER'S OFFICE. ' Beaufort S. C. Jan. 5th ls"fi. ^ This office will be open ou and after Wednesday j ' the 5tb inst daily for the reception of taxes. J ^ All taxes remaining unpaid ou the fifth day of I ^ February next will l?e liable to penalty in accor- J T dance with the ordinance entitled "An ordinance | I" to raise supplies for the year lslS and for oth-T j J purposes." Ratifnd in council April 22 th 15dS j J Office hours from it a. m. to 2 p. m. aud from 4. p I 1 uL to 6. p. ?u. j J. C. RICHMOND j \ Town Treasurer. I "] Jan. C ln? j ^ Town As ssments. i TREASURER'S OFFICE. I | Beaufort S. C. Jan. *>th l<7t*?. j ij The Itook of Assessment of Real F.state lor the ' ^ year l$7t> will Ik.- op-n at this < tfieo for revision for j j; .he sp*co of one week from date. j The Hoard of Assessors will ho in Session on I ^ Tuesday Jauuarv nth to ire a final hearing to all J persons dcairious of having their assessments cor- i irected or reduced. ) J. C. RICHMOND, | T Town C'lc-rk aud Trea.urer. J I Jan. 6. 1-m. j J NOTICE. | {, All persons are cautioned against harboring or 1 1 trusting any of the crew of the British Ship Et'MK- ! ;> NIIM> as no debts of theirs will be paid by the master or 1 ROB BIN'S, B0DD1NGT0N A CO. .Tan.S Agents. j PORT ROYAL. Sa y\k Plaiting Mill! BEAIFOKT, SC. j ^ D. 0. WILSON & CO., ! ! MANfFACTl'RKES OF AND DEALERS IN YELLDW PIUS IMSAND LUKE > and Cypress Sliinglos, j ALSO Builders & Contractors; PLASTER, LATHES, All kinds of JOB SAWING promptly dene. riooriag & Ceiling Boards always oa M!? Orders for I.uniWr and Timber by the cargo ' r pr omptly filled. Terms Cash. | t nov.-JS-ly. P. C. WILSON, A CO- j " M, POLLITZER, ? COTTOy F.lCTOJt ANP Commission Merchant j' U i I. i: (I I! T N. C *+ *4 ~ r - ? r ? ^ P. P. TOALE, ^:>i?u^ctuier of Doors, Sashes,| BLINDS, FLOORING, &C., if. i Dealer in Builder's Hardware ; Paints, Oil, &c. Sole Agent for Tie National Mixed Paint Co. 16 Great American Fire Eitini'sSr. Co Pe Machine Beltini Co. I SEND FOR PRIORS, j Office and Warerooms, 20 & 22 Hayne & 33 & 35 Pifi&aey 8t3 FACTOR Vaud YARD, Ashley River, we-t end Broad Street, ( II Ar.u>TON. s ? v (Sroffrtfs, &r. AUO TI ON Commission House, consigned Goods sold for Cash and Cash Only. I lire us a trial. Orlers promptly filled. I I Sutter, from 20 to 40c* I Joffee, from 25 to 50c. j Jandics, from IS to 25c. Jheese. from IS to 20c. Codfish, from 8 to loc. i lerriug, from 25 to 40c. j sardines, from 20 to 35c. \erosene, 20c. pal. dolasscs, from 20 to 45c. ; lice, from 7 to Sc I 'andies, from 20 to 50c. H?ap, from GA to 9c. | Sugar, from S to 10c. *tarch, from 5A to Sc. fohaeco, from 50 to Wk:. Sopars, from $20 to $50. .'ider, 40c. pal. finegar, from 25 to 40c. Tea. (Green) I fellies, batches, rute Twine, 20c. lb. Tea. (Black) lats and Gaps, iVouien's Shoes, ?ain Killer, 'ills, ^icklcs, from $1.50 to S4750 doz. )ysters, from 1.25 to 1.50 doz; vobsters, from 2.50 to 3.50 doz. 'caches, from 2.00 to 3.75 doz. lain sons, from 3.00 to 4.50 doz. ^ums, from 3.00 to 4.50 doz. Cherries, from 3.00 to 4.50 doz. :trawberries, from 3.0*4 to 4.50 doz. 'inc Apples, lrom 3.00 to 4.50 doz. Vhortleberrries, 2.50 to 3.50 doz. rrcen Corn, from 3.00 to 3.50 doz. rreen Peas, from 3.00 to 3.50 doz. omatoes. from 2.00 to 3.00 doz. 1 randy Peaches, " 3.00 to 5.00 doz. 'lonr. from 6.00 tO 8.00 bbl. '. R. Flour, a pi oca, lorden's Milk, 'how Chow, # 'oleman's Mustard, Jerry Pepper, 'able Salts, 'astor Oil, lams, houlders, lalt Pip's Tongue, ;moked Beef Tonpncs, 'ultou Market Beef, 'ides, Ribbed, 'lear Ribbed Sides, 'lea* Salt Sides, Iried Beef, lam Sausage, freakfast Strips, piced Pip's Feet, imoked Jowls, <eaf Lard in Pails, lackcrel, $6 to $10. ahnon, dashboards, from $2.00 to $3.50 doz. M'Sri rubs, 8 in nest, '4 3.50 ute Rope, ' ' 15c. 'otatocs, from $2.50 to $4.50 bbl. )nions, from 3.o0 to 5.00 bbl. Lpples, from 3.0oto 5.00 bbl. fp^m 2.00 to 4.00 bbl. ' UllUj/O) 4 ? - - - I ' - ) ranges, from ?emons, Apples from S to 10c hied 1'caches, from 1 if to '20c. >ried Currants, from 12 to '20c. laisins, 'oroanut.s, 'il hurts, Vrapping Paper, ioda Crackers, 7 $c lb. '?lot Bread, 6?c lb. linger Cakes, 12c lb. ?ugar Cakes, 12c lb. lamelule Collars, larden Seeds, 'ish Tackle, 'ad lock s, -4 Augusta Sheeting, 7c yd. 'rints. 7c to 10c. 'pool Cotton, 50c per doz. Back, White Linen, Thread 'ins, aud Needles, . Batons, JAMES M. CROFIT. AMERICAN JNDERWRITERS ASS'N, rniLADELPHUlead Office South Carolina Agency, No. 1 Broad St.4 Charleston, S, C, CapltAl? $2QQ,OOQ [ WILL receive applications for Insurance In his reliable company, on all insurable properif. 7his coiupapy Is not In connection witb the Board f Unde^ruers, and will take risk at reasonable atcs. J. apple, i. SI. IfEE, 8ufc-Agent. Gen. Agent, Ciiarttston, 8. C, sep.2tf JOHN FRANZ, W holesale & Retail Grocer, 4..VD SHIP CHANDLER fere&y Groceries and Cabin Stores a specialty, ==r0^r^ Constantly receiving from St. Louis, the best I FAMILY FLOUR, wholesale groceries, liquors PLANTATION 8UPPLIES. it the princple Store, formerly occupied )y J. Fyler, Corner Bay and West Street DRY GOODS. ind General Merchandise at the Store ['or er of Bay Street, and Harrison's Wharf. GROCERIES. a speciality at the Store Corner of Bay and Scott Street, ICE! ICE!mm & EMMQHS, ARE NOW PREPARED TO FURA nisii Ice in any quantity Customers may desire, from their loo House, Sovonth. Street. JOHN CONANT, J. A. EMMONS pily.1 \ t-f 0. If. HuKiiiihOii, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER PORT ROYAL, S. C. J JAYING just put in a large stock oi GROCERIES, I am prepared to supply the trade at figures that cannot fail to PROVE SATISFACTORY. All my goods are bought from first hands, aud com? direct from Jiew York, Boston and Baltimore, and I can, therefore, compete with dealers in Charleston and Savanuah. Mess Beef and Pork, Dry Salted and Smoked Meats, FLOUR, SUGAR, MOLASSES SOAP CANDLES SYRUP COFFEES, CANDIES. TEAS, JELLIES, SARDINES, CRACKERS. CHEESE. CORN. CORN MEAL, IIAY AND FEED. CANNED GOODS AND PRESERVED FRUITS. BY PURCHASING froru me, partis can make a percentage on thcirgoods, on account of lower [ freight charges.nt Port Royal than at A harleeton or Savannah. D. H. Hutchinson. i Jy-29-fim. i For Salea ONE THIR J INTEREST IN THE Fort Royal STANDARD k COMMERCIAL -APPLY TOJ. W. Collins. Doc.? ?30-tf. MRS. E. HOLZACH, B BREAD A D Cake, and Cracker Bakery BAY ST., BEAUFORT, S. C. Just received a large and selected stock of FRENCH CANDIES, which will be sold at nrices to suit the times. Will ]so keep on hand ail kinds of CAKES, PIES, FRUITS, Ac Ac. sep.23-tf. MRS. C. SMITH," WEST STREET, Between Crayen and Norti Streets, AND COR. SCOTT A NORTH STREETS, Beaufort, S, O. GROCEPVIES, a feats, candies, iVl rpoBACCO, FANCYCAKEMNDSECARS. ! Dry Goods, and Clolhihg ; All of tnc best quality and at the lowest figures, constantly 011 hand. " W." B.. DEVLIN," ~ Carpenter?Builder o All kinds of BOAT WORK, CAULKING, and SPAR MAKING. o OFFICE AND SHOP COR. BAY and CHARLES STREET, BEAUFORT, S.C. Charleston ^dwtisrmrots. Men's Youths' Bovs' CLOTHING, CLOTHS, CASS1MEBES FI RMSUIXG GOODS, ETC. Menke & Muller MercM Tailors, J Mien, 228 King St., cor. H'enthworth St., CJIARLESTON, 6, C. ?0 Quick sales and small profits, is our ll'rt minMnbo nnr nlntliinc til lUUllU. ?? U ^Uiliuut^v uu> 0 ? equal custom work . sep.23-4m. LEONARD CHAPIX, Manufacturer of and Dealer In CARRIAGES, BASKET PMTONS, Farm Wagons, Children's Carriages And all kinds of | HARNESS, | Repairs Promptly Attended to. Southwest Corner of Wenthworth and Meeting Streets, CHARLESTON, S. C. May .20. D. O'NEILL & SONS, wholesale Dealers in \ BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS AND VALISES. j No. 33 Hnyno Street Cliarloston S. C. jprl.vlyr. JUrm w. 1.1111-C.I1, u tu., 190 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. G R O CTE R S ,| And Importers of General Merchandise, i ? No Freight to Pay ! No Freight to Pay ! i Our pries are below those of any othtr j dealer in the United States. No extra charges for drayage, boxing or freight. j Wt prepay freights and deliver goods free at any depot on the line of the No th j Eastern, Wilmington and Columbia, j South Carolina and Charleston and Sn- !. vannah Hail tfuads; also to all points in I South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, j hanng direct water communication with C fui r lest on. ALL GOODS GUARANTEED. " Terms?Cash In/ /*. 0. order or registcred Utter?on ."10.-60, or 90 dags in acceptance with interest added at the rate of 1 percent a month. " Ahoays enclose this advertisement with order if convenient. ! List of Xe! Prices. \o expense to add | Finest quality Young llvson Tea?quality uusur- j passed, exquisite flavor, and great strength, ?1.00 per lb. This T?a specially recommended. Finest I quality Oolong, Souchong, Gumtowder, and Hyson Teas, 5l.un per lb. Second quality Teas, soc. per lb. Third quality Teas, sold by other dealers at ?1 per lb., you can have delivered by us at 50c. pi r lb Cruslud and Powdered Sugars iflc. per lb.; Granulated .< Sugar, 12c j>cr 11>; Extra (' Sugar, 11c. per lb.; Light Drown Sugar, 10c. pel lb. Linlcy's Peerless FAMILY FLOUR; 18 lbs. for ?1. or?10 per barrel. Good Family Flour, ?7.50, ?8.5u, and ?0.00 jkt barrel. Extra Choice Finely Flavored liauis, 17c. per lb. Good Hams, 13c. per lb. BREAKFAST STRIPS, 15c. per lb. Choice Tumbler Jellies, large size, 12 l-2c. each. 2 lb. Canned Tomatoes, 13c each; 3lb.Canned Tomatoes, 1 tic. each. lib. Sal- j | mon, 18c per can; 2 lb Canned Pine Apf le, Peaches, Damsons and Pears, 23c. per can?0 cans for ?1.30. [ JUst quality mixed Vinegar Pickles?pints 17c each quarts, 27c. each; Gallons 60c. each. Condensed Milk, Eureka and Eagle baand, 25c. each. Gantz Seafoam, 1-2 lb. 25c ; lt?s. 50c. per can. Lemon Sugar. 40c. jier can. Donley's Yeast Powder, 15c., 25c. and 40c. per can. English Cooking Soda, or Package Soda, 10c. per lb. 1-4 boxes Sardines, 20c.; 1-2 boxes, Sardines, 35c. each. Shadines, 1-2 boxes, 25c. each. Cox's Sparklin Gelatine, 20c. per pack. Capers,40c.; Olives, 50c.; Worcestershire, Walnut and Mushroom Sauces, genuine imported, 40c. per bottle. Imitation French Mustard, 20c. Genuine French Mustard,25c. French Prunes, 18c. pr lb. Raisins,2oc. Citron, 40c. Currants, 10c. Cheese, 20c. Full weight Candles, tirst quality, 23c. per lb. Baker's Chocolate, 45c. per lb. Cocoa, 50c. per lb. Broma, 6uc. per lb. German Chocolate, 3oc. per lb. Ordinary Rio Coll'ee, 4 1-2 lbs. for ?1.; choice Kio Coffee, 4 lbs. lor ?1.; choice Luguayra Coffee, 3 1-2 lbs. for ?1; Old Government Java Coffee, 3 lbs. for ?1; Roasted and Ground Coffees, 5c. additional, each grade. Duryea's Starch, 0 1-2 lbs.for ?1. Satin Gloss Starch, 75c." per box. Corn Starch, 13c. per pack, Box Blueing, 33c. per dozen. Barley, 12 l-2c. per lb. Durham Smoking Tobacco, 65c. per lb. Martin s Celebrated Gill Edge Butter, 40c. per lb. Choice Goshen Butter, 35c. jkt lb. Good Table Butter, 30c. ? per lb. Cooking Butter, 4lbs., 51b?? and filbs. for Si. ( Biscuits?Soda, 12 lbs. for Si; Extra Ifllot, loc.; Lemon, Wine, Ginger and Butter, at 15c per lb.; Xic Nacs, 18c. per lb.; Fancy Cakes 25c. per lb. 1 Black Pepper, 30c. per lb.; Spice, 30c. per lb.; Nut megs, 15c. per ounce; Mace, 15c. per ounce; Ginger, 25c. fer lb. Rose and Vanilla Flat Stick Candy, a fine article, 25c. per lb.; Ordinary stick candy, pure, 20c. per lb.; Rock Candy, any color, 22c. per lb. Col- gate's Toilet Soaps?60 different kinds, a specialty of ours, at manufacturer's prices?from 25c., to ?4.00 per dozen cakes. Colgate's llaudkerchief Extracts, 50c. j>cr bottle. Cashlu.-re Bouquet Powder, 25c. per box. Cleveland's Pomade Vasaline, a restorative and preservative unequalled lor the hair, 20c. per bottle. Old Corn Whiskey, ?1.80 per gallon. Rye tt tllSICPJ's, Jl.W1, }i.W, 5-MW. ana ?+. "o jiti guiiuu. Blackberry ami Cherry Cordials, a pleasant drink, $1.80 jK-r gallon. Table l'ort and Sherry Wine, $2.59 per gallon Fine Old Madeira, $4.00 per gallon. English and Scotch Ale and Porter; bottied, $2.70 |R'r dozen, Bremen Lager Peer, bottled, $2.70 per dozen. Demijohns for Liquors, extra?1-2 gallon, 40c.; gallons, 50c.; 2 gallons, 60c.; 3 gallons, 75e.; 5 gallons Sl.'Ht eaeb. A very Kxtensivc Assortment of Crockery and , (llassware always on hand, l'lates?Dinner size, $1.50 per dozen; Breakfast, $1.25; Des?rt, $1.00; f Tea, sic. per dozen, Cups and Saucers, $1.00 per set. H Coveted Dishes, flic. 75e., and $1.00 each. Tumblers 60c., 75., $1.00, $1.25, and {IM per dozen. Table (iobltts, $1.2", $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, ami $3.00 per dozen Wine (tlasg-'s, Sl.Ui per dozen. Lamp Chimney's Sun O and A'.-, 1 tor 25c. it's 3 for 2.5c. Student or Argand Chliuneys 3 for 25c. Numberless articles uiuneutionod. Information cheerfully given. Our firm was cslabllslied In 1SS7, and our busimtu reputation and facilities are of the highest order. We will do all we promise. All ord-rs should be ad lress.-d to JOHNW. L1NLEY, & CO., (Key Box 184) 100 Kling St., Jne.l"-ly. CHARLESTON, S. C. DAILY STAGE LINE, ' -TOI PORT ROYAL, S. C. . WAT.LY GKEE.V, PROPT. ON and after Monday, Nov. 15, there will be a regular Daily Stage Line Ostablishcd between Beaufort and Port Royal. | Will leave the Sea Island Hotel at 1 p. in., returni ing, leave Port Royal at 4 p. m. FARE, SEVESTY-FIVE CEXTS. All orders left at the Sea Island Hotel will be promptly attended to. nov.ll-ly. I ?rist and <??d. 1 S. M. WALLACE, | Cotton Factor j | AND GRIST MILLER, Wholesale Dealer in cm sm mi feed, Etc,, < i M Soa Island Cotton Bought, Ginned and prepared for mar, ket. Advances Made on Consignments* Having the best machinery for ginning cotton and griuding corn and meal, he is prepared to execute all orders on the shortest possible notice, i The highest price paid for j Cotton and Corn. i Cotton ginned on toll. jan.7. : G. P. GARDINER DEALKR IX i ! GROCERIES, Liquors, Dry Hoods, Sooto, Shoes, Etc,, HILTON HEAD, S. C. I j j Cotton Ginned and Corn Ground at the above place. ; Grist, Bread and Feed, 1 | always on hand. For cash all orders : will be promptly attended to. | .n. S. ELLIOTT, Beaufort S. C. HJl'EJVEL, X CO., Chmrlet!on 8. C. THE BEAUFORT STEAM HILL COMPAH?, H' AVI NO PUT UP A GRIST MILL AT TIIEIR old stand. ar>.- ]>rcj>arcd to furnish Grist, Feed and Meal, | n any quantity, and at reasonable rates. M. S. ELLIOTT. I1 . . b (j iri -tL P L H > \ f'ES FAMILY" GROCERIES [|| IL ^^^^ jCalleir Ciuclery, Hardware ISLAND HOTEL, HAS BEEN RE-OPENED. THE PATRONAGE OF THE TRAVELLING PUBLIC IS SOLICITED. TERMS, $2.00 PER DAY. JAMES ODELL, - - - - Proprietor. RK??PE? \f: of the BIADFOBT^IOTEL, % # Having removed my hotel to more commodious premises, to the CLUB HOUSE, BEAUFORT, inri having fitted it up in a neat and comfortable manner, I am prepared^to^aojoininodate the travelling public. This hotel is the nearest hotel to the Beaufort Depot, and commauds one of the )est harbor views in the town. Terms Two Dollars per daw j. a. dupong, PROPRIETOR. Oct..7th-mo. . BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! QUICK SALESANDSMALLPROFITS! at the cii eaps t0 r e . Jaeoto Apple, ANNOUNCES TO HIS FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC. THAT he HAS JUST eecived direct fio^i S?ew Yoii, a large and well selected stock of FALL AND WINrER GOODS, which he will offer at the lowest prices. Consisting of DRESS GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTION. Silks. Toplins, Lustres, Black ami CoI'd. Alpacas, Reps, and Plaids, also a fine lot of Prints and Bleached goods. Fine Plaid ami Ottoman Shaw ls, Ladies Kid Glove*, Centennial Drew Elevators, Hosiery and Fancy Goods, Balmoral Hose, Ruffling and Km Broideries, Latest styles of Trimmings and Buttons, Fringes and Laces. A fine lot ot' Perfumery and fancy Soaps. Blank* et* and Domestics, Oil Cloth aud Matting. Special attention is called to the Gents' Furnishing Department. Which Is complete with the late?t styles of Bows an 1 Ties also, the celebrated Centennial paper Collar. Clothing Boots ami Shoes, Hats and Caps, and other articles, to suit the waato of all. Come and. to? Convinced, Bay Street. JACOB APPLE, Beaufort, S. C? HEZ BUSSEY, ITTI i i ~ ?/i ~n _ ^ 1 >T noiesuie tiuu xtutitinjrruuei> AND DEALER IN Country Produce, and Plantation Supplies, ' 173 Broad St., fUnder Augusta Hotel,/' Augusta Ga. Q I7EEPS constantly on hand a large and selected stock of GROCERIES and PLANIV TATION SUPPLIES all of which we offer cheap to the trade. Satisfaction juaranteed. The patronage of Beaufort and adjoining Counties respectfully solicited. THE. WEED SEWING MACHINE COMFY Is prepared to offer the most liberal terms TO MERCHANTS AND OTHERS, ?Who will deal in? Sewing Machines of its Man'fture. 0FAMILY FAVORITE, Its Name Indicates its Qualities. Refer to 250,000 Families V/ho Have Them in Use. m. '"w, NAMED GENNRAL FAVORITE, BECAUSE Adapted to every possible grade of work.?Our competitors acknowledges that For Tailors and Shoemakers, IT .STANDS WITHOUT A RIVAL. AJdrcss, Weed Sewing Machine Company,. Dec. 30. Nos. 51 and 53 St. Charles St., Baltimore, Md.\ S. MAYO, i W. H. CALVERT. Bay S?t. Boaiifoi't, S. C Liacoits,inmj Tin ShsstIron. Copper Worker NET YARN'S, IN FISII LINES AND CORDAGE. ' CrlaKH, Faint h and Oil.s, " j TERMS CASH. WHITE LEAD AND TURPENTINE.' A?"" '?r "" M'""*"*" Special attention given to mixing paints Charter Oak Cccktej Stcvss# and Gla?s c order of any ^szc. W. H. caiaert, P?JC.0 r.:?J St. K'twCU Sfh A lib V.?. !! ? ;lott C