University of South Carolina Libraries
- .-A * THE PORT ROYAL ?) STANDARD and COMMERCIAL ! - > A.C.THOMAS, j Editor. * Beaufort, S. C., December 9,1373. r SUBSCRIPTIONS. I 1 I Out Yenr, $2 0< i Six Month*, 1 Ot- ! j 1 AdwM-tWemeuts will bo IswrtMl at th? j < } r?tf ?f SI J?0 per sqnare, 10 Xnnpnreli | 1 line*, for the first InMrlioit* aithsrquen- ( Insertion* by contract, JOB PRINTING AND STATIONERY. We hare <?ne of the most ctHupletc JOE OrTICE* la the Bute, and do work as well and at as low price* ?a tn the cities. Our stock of STATIONERY is '.on,-f ' an* will be?oH and retail, as low as in 1 Charleston and Savannah. . fVeda and law blanks in ereat variety. Official Paper of Boanfcrt County. With this issue we commence a ncv. voluroejof the Port Royal Standard and Commercial, being volume fi.13.1rth ' Journalism in this county lias a Way been a struggle as the history of the va rious ventures since the establishment o the Beaufort Republican in JS69 wil | show, but still we may feel a just pride in the position attained by our paper.. 1 We have lived to see a great to any pro ' jects we have advocated carried into sue cessful operation, and our effects in be- 1 half of Port Royal, to tho building u; 1 of which we have devoted considciuhh .J time and labor, are likely to be icwant ?d. The attention of the govcrnmen' is attracted to its importance, an 1 the ' 9 womb of the future is big with promise 1 in her behalf. She has been u-cd a? a *' rendeivusKfor the North At!antic,Sfpiar 1 dron for some months, and we have n< doubt that ultimately ? navy yard will be established here, and other wurk oi benefit both to her and the government In commencing this volume it isLj pleasure as well as a duty t(x thank' oui r numerous patrons for their support in *^e P**4* ant^ h?Pe tbat our course iV t :$k*jtfU5,future will meet \vitli> tl^eir approval. And that each orfiToT our -prevail sub. 1 flcribers will induce their neighbors, who may hot be on our lisf, to favor us with ] their patronage thereby increasing ou; .resources, and at the same time oui v TWwer for usefulness. ? On# ? The News and Courier in speaking of "the fkoate subscribing for certain news * jmpers says "the Senate has 110 luon right to do than to buy paper collars anil , mail tooth combs for that body." Afte juch au^expression the pafti of duty fo I V** the Arte* and Courier to fyi 1. v?- focK- ? J ly clear. Its cou. eicntious publishersough: at oooe to write a letter to that honorable body setting forth, something like, the following: Fry,ml high 'one! and--J^ fr, jr> Umii fcfc^bcn^fuoT puhlic morality/ -? believing that you have no more right to use the people's money to. subscribe to the Ntux nod Courier than you hit veto use it in the purchase of paper .collar?or small tooth oombs, for your own personal adornment,, and individual e'eanii .. ness, we must respectfully decline to fur nish your honorable body "with the Xne. meLCourier to he paid for. by our out raged and indignant taxpayers. No! gentlemen, we scorn to 1 e a party to the theft of money that will increase the; burden." Now, if the publishers of that jouma would show by their actions that1 thei: words were not empty and meaningless, and that'thejylcsirc a reform?*;he people would be more willing to accord to them that sincerity of purpose that they ? strenuously demand. If we believed that the Senate had no right to suDscnue t?> the Standard and Commercial. thi> would certainly be our course of action. | The Tax Union, was to have assca;Vcd i in Columbia on the 23nl mst, but was a lamentable failure in point of numbcts. #o that President Chesnnt has issrsi/v; another call for a meeting o,n the 14?h < f December, the business to be transacted I v f< is to urge upon the Legislature the adoption of the recommendations contained in J the veto message of the 'Governor. By the time these Tax Unionists assemble the supply bill will probably have pissed | "both branches of the Legislature, but in ; that event they can spend their tiuie in a I peaceable discussion of the revolutionary ' resolutions introduced by A. i\ Aldridge i. of Barnwell, after which wc flight suggest that they take up and consider the constitution of the State. The Aearn and Courier has some very startling head lines occasionally calculat ?-^v ' ^ .1 ed to make the hairof the taxpayersstand ' on end. For instance in the Saturday's edition it has the following: ''Voting i away the people's money for the benefit j of party newspapers?" The Senate has ' certainly a large republican majority and i1 i < j.1 such a headline in uie coiuujti o? an ? p- j position paper would naturally lead the ;' pnblic to the belief that the Senate had j ^ been voting for a majority of republican journals, when the facts are quite the re- ;< | verse. O it of the five newspapers sub*?' scribed for, three of them are either dom-. ( ocratic or conservative, this being a que - i * tion that they have not yet set'led i' among themselves, but certainly tbey be- j ? long to the opposition. The other two 1 paper* anx. republican, one a daily and j 1 the other a weekly. If there has lieen | any voting away of the people's money .for party newspapers it has been fo the I benefit of the conservative press, which is ; 5 ftg^%nuite an anomolous proceeding for a re- j ! ^B?fl&ublican Senate. l .^iHr ^ ' l gj CTEiVr. Gov. Gleaves was in town i an 1 Sihd iy hfe* aw: ,'uJ* TZT . . . 1... "I 'lire opposition press howi if !i mblisrtn memVr tIn not follow out. ffce fiflKrehtiofi? of 'ho Governor. l'V.t ttbo;, hey howl ju-t as much when they do t* 1 w these suggestions. The Govern ?r ;rltei (hut certain claims ami floating i lebrodness sbnnM Lc the -ubjecNni repna.te nets and not included" in the genorsil upply hill. Ttye ways and means c>nu it tee adopted tliis plan, hut s-tiil the, ?ow 1 continues. We presume it i what he call division of labor, so keep up ;our howling gentlemen while tho repuhic.-in members push along with their -rotk. It appears to rneouragc them. ? The Governor says one third of a mi'!. Thteli v.'.u^ raise a hoot $15.00,), is sulfl writ to piWi.k* tor nil n >-essarv printing f the yuuc i-hould Iks offered t<> competition. !i !u* public printing was olfc.vti for public competition last yea:! but no < n same ftnwaid to compete wth ii:.; lit [udi'i'n'n p.intsiiff ct?i:ij a-iv. who nb-;i;*v ?I be coritiHcl for j er y a; fbr two /cars, so ?h it a :hivl of a mid would ecas'on a ;k iieicrry. 'Aiie licasnryvhip >i^'t. Trie cams l ave a; oin-gat! o oil In Columbia nwaithjg the a fay on Friday next, .vhen wfl) be tJueided wlio i-h.VI i e treasurer in this comity, This fight from it. oncpptim has I ecu or>e of petty jealousy, tin! was not mitigated from a "b'gl. <eusc of public uutjr' " as some of those ivhe have taken such an active part in it unuld like the public >> imagine. Thcit sense of public dyuyhas no higher object than the gratification of revenge. We do not charge the principle in this matter with motives uf spite and revenge, for he Ins sufficient inducements to make t]* struggle in Oluer to retain the eflioTuiienta of a fat office, but to b*s henchmen who neglect their own public duties we d< .-barge, these motives^ which ought. no matter what l^e result of the fight may bo, -to receive puhllc eensure. ? * o * The following language was use i by the late Vice President in reply to (iov 3mor Hammond of South Carolina. lie was a man whn did not consider labor?Ii> honoraWf, and rose from tho humble.-: walks bTlife to the w*c<md hi^li \<t ]>o-'itOH--tn tBe" United States, an exam pie for the youth of our land and sipcchllyjof the Soutl t emulate. "k Sir, 1 am the son of hierting manual laborer,' who, with the frofts of seventy winter on his brow, ''lives by daily la h)r" I, too have'lived by .daily labor. 1, to? have been a 'hireling. maim tl la ooreiPoverty cast its dark 'aiid chilling hndow over thebotnc of my childhood. :M want was sometimes there?an unbidden truest. At the a.arc of ten years ?to aid him who gave me being in keen in.g the gaunt spectre from th** hearth ol the mothe* who bore mc?I left the homo of my boyhood, and went forth to cam my bread by ' *da llybLbui^ 1 :?!uf - if.-,-.!*?.-?*??- ? Boss Tweed's Escape. , ' 7?*' On Sunday last in \ewi~ ork Bos? Tweed, ftfocharfre^fr an officer, went t< rrt?rtui> wife." Permission was gran to. no see her alone, an! ho according ly w$nt into a room and has not been sect since. $10,two ffas been offered for If: arrest.. The trial in the $<>,000,000 sui was to favc comiuer.csd on Monday. I: is thp l'mio!-*! iinnression that his friend p'aced hurt on board a steam tic tha tdaecd him on board some outward bourn "c .-el for a foreign country. . Death of 2Iajor Ci IK Melton. The detith oftfeis estimable gcniVmii o?c4irrcl on Saturday mo-u'ii*, at 10 o .dock, at.his fe?-i le in ^K>!uuil4??, afto i paloftH ifrncss"#f a few m mflis. Mi.lVliiisfe Watt hot U'je.\}?eete i, and hi* fcnii !y were all present at his death be.l. Ma njr ?l*!tdh was York-county, ii 1S1P; studied law in the Souih Carolin; <Jillege, fn>m which he graituajed in 1 8!3 Hii entered the Confederate service at tin breaking ont of the war, and rose to th< rank df major. For thp last .six veprs h< was engaged in the university as profes snrol the law school. I^e deoenred gen rlenian was a ripe scholar and 'a sounc lawyer, whose advice whs sought on a I occasions1 requiring '"Owning, pmdeiin and skill. His fuucral occurred on Sun dt.Virt the Preshvteran cii r h, and wa numerously attended * ^ Port Rajral Kail Road. Receiver Wilson is certainly doing mpr< for this roa d than has ever been done, b; tlio^ who had charge of its business ant is *only kept back from accomplishing greater results by a lack of capital. Sine* he h is taken charge, thirty new cap an< one uew engiiio bare 'been added To th rpiiing stock, which have been jvaid f>: but of the earnings of ,ibe road. If h< could have secured $ 1 '.TpXf). an exicnsioi l 1 ' ^ T> ^ IJ 1 to ttlO U ?CS. lilcmiies III j on noj-ai iyhur have l>een complc >1 the increase* bigness thcrefcy worth! have certainb enabled hint to h iv? refunded the rn-?nev by February next, i$it the work he ha-i accomplished merits the warm support and encouragement of all interested ir the success of this road and Port lloyal. Passengers from Jacksonville from New York, by taking the Magnolia route over the P. 11Mb II. via Augusta, ihafcc through eonnn-liot withoit a chanre which is griat convcn'e.icc to the travelling and pleasure seeking pub lie. v In the wiy of d'reet tral i tin brig As?ot is now loading wi ll cotton for Liverpool at Port Loyal. The business in ferilixers 1ms Ix'cn considerable this year, md e'gbt vessels arc at present on the way with cargoes of this commodity to Port lloyal. Time energy and capital viil bring the re.-ults most- devoutly vi-hod for. -*4*V- _ Tnrned him Out Tlic members of tbe Iloitsc of Representative, by a vote of sixty-three to thiry six hare turned out the rcj o *terof the cYr/r* mif ( our 'cr. The re o'ntiori of ixplodoh was introduced by the chairncn.oftMC ways nod mean eouffrittec. rhe ^way % I .u !-?r?.-Jt iTrrji.v:?jts T..i- ' egixhitiire. v Ihi.intr the week the House have i passed the Mtpply l-i'l vlrch levies a ; S'tife t a \ oft 'ii an I a liail' mills The j httlo bonrnza In;! wirch provides for levy- i i in:: taxes forcertain passed chaims, lias! i.-Cen tab ?n up and tlie levy in some of tin-; ertio'is vedn-ed. The hi:r bonanza ! j !: !!. which provides for a settlement ofj ' float ins; in lohtcdncss lias also boon i considered. Tiiis bid gives the Govern , . or the power to select tTio coinv^'ssioners to examine the claims to be paid. A bill i has been in trod need in the house looking i towards the much needed compulsory } 1 " * * 1 education, requiring parent.s and guar- i S . I ' ! dial's having tinder In-'ir eliarge inin >,? j ' under fifteen y< as of age. living within j ! three n iV< of a scli 10I house to send j tlie:v children to school. Senator Aa.sli introduced a resolution \ ' approving of the reward offered for the j .. r*f t!m fiTJii1 find i t ? * I "I I IIU ill vli ' ivi vi >. \/i x, ?v x * ? .. .. : itaho.-izuig an additional reward of ?i. c(M fi?r ilmir arrest. This passed the j >" n:.-l \v;h concurred in by tin ! j *??The. commissioners for this State j j of 'lie centennial exhibition h ve memo-J ; j 'hi .xeil the A-sembly for a ntfli-Lj c 'lit sum' of money to carry on the w&F j assiy: o 1 them.?The day has j la", n ! x (! for the election iff hut j j a resolution to commence the loth just. lets been introduced.?The House j and Senate took ir recess froui lh ida)" u; till Tuesday of tJiis week. ,r A Phosphates. , The following amount of phosphate ro.:k has been shipped from this port during the months of 0."tuber 'and November : In October the shipments wore confined to the t'oosaw Mining Co., who shipped 1.2 H tons valued at $8,428. In November the Coos aw Mini jig Co. { j shipped 4.'b>!) tons, valued at $28,700. j j The I'atviic Mining (.'<?. shipped 520 ton.-, i valued af$:>,64'?). The Oak Point 3!Incs|t shipped 000 tons valued at $(?,''")0. Total | imnunt of rock shippc 1 in two month-, 0.774' tons.-. i > fc?,r Since the'new schedule on the P. it. It. It. has been in operation, the ma 1 does not close until 0:70 a. in. The mail i- open for dFtributhii at 2:-15 p. m. each day. HaUroaiis. mj iloVAl RAU.H0AP. ^ x. , ---m _| Magnolia Passenger Bcuts, ^fT OF sctrMKi li:\ -i"!M-:::iN"T<<> f^TT iT: i;-r i-':? \i.T;XTT Tt*fP"l AiT?rsT.\, <?.\.. j, l#,n. j OX AND A ITER THIS ft ATE, TRAINS OX 'his rop.d will run as follows: Ggivo S1T T1I. Train So. 1. ! * L\".vo Aurtista < t: Arrive at YoniasMje - 12 It p r. i 1 Leave Yenw*w 12 3" ;? o J ^ Arrive at Lean fort 2 01 p J v. Arrive Port floral a 2.'{ p u I \ I Arrive at Savannah .1 2), p it j 1 ArrivQ at Charleston 4 3) pV> j GOING $OUT2I. Trala Tio 3. I .Leave Aupuata * 4" p ni j j Arrirs at Yeraasaee 2 <?o a in ] Leave Yeiuassce 2 40 a >n ! \rrive at IWnufort 4 OA a m ' Arrive at Port Loyal 4 30 a in j Arrive at Savannah 7 00 a in j Arrive at Charleston 6 30 a m 1 GOING r.OHTfl. Train A'o. 2. j Leave Savannah 9 20 an. i !' I L-sive Charleston i! 1"> am i ? L'cw Port Poyal 10 20 a in . | I rave li-.siufort 19 40 r. in . s Aritve at Yepnwce - *;2 00- n: , j Leave Yeni issee r ; 12 3) pus ^ | Arrive at Aarusta. o 20pi> GOING AOlvTH- Train No. 4. > j Leave Sa.vaunah 10 2? p ni , J L ave ( ha nest on .. S 30 p in 1 T.1V0 Purl l.'nvil 11 45 i> m I Leave Iteaufort . 12 10 a in Arrive at.Yemassee I 40 a in j Leave Yrtnasse^ 2 1"? a ?l Arrive at Augusta . 7 *20 a n* Trains 1 ami 2 run daily except Sunday*, No*, i ^ 1 and 4 run ilaiiy. All trains conn xt at Yeiuasst* wi h the trains of the Savannah ai.d Charleston j s Railroad for ( hnrh ston and Savannah, and at Ai-j gusta with trains of the Georgia Railroad, for tl? I West, an i (. harlotte, Columbia A t\itgns:a Kaiir.<|td for the North and Kast. Russenevrs taking trains Nos. l and .1 inakc iUse ! " all rail connections ot Savannah with Atlantic anl i \ Gulf Railroad for Jacksonville and- all jointsoi: ! j the St. John's River. Through Pnlnian vJeen'ng Cms on jhf* : .Vij;;it Trams to S tvaun tit. > " i | ' *]>inner. ? I R. fi. FLEMING! ; ' Srporintendeht. I T. S. DAY ANT, p j a Gen'l. 1'um. Agent. ( i Ti(\v 2;tlrerti$emcni$. j Adra!nisiraiei-4s Jsoiicc. 'TGIF administrator of the est ate of Samh.tChap- j JL Jin, dKC'as-d. lair of Ben ,fo: r, wili apply t > ' the Judge of Pro hate for the County of iVaeinrt [ j on Wednesday the fitl of I> eemluT :'t 12 unlock , ' in. 1or a final xr-^e a.-i nrt-nintMraror. /* . IIKNin <?. A(lui!ni.i!rftor. I I ?. iHy.-Mf. - " .. WA.\Ti?I>?The Manhattan MamnacMirnj? 1 f'pmpany ara nuw reor;^unziiig tneir genert.1 ag n 1 rl-s. Kiu'rgrtic in^n-may secure th" control of all > sales in ij?a:ifi'trterrM-?rr of a rin| ! . A p'rnmn- . out casfc Kindness and a ru >n<>j? dy that way t> I !. made ti> )?ay ?"?.&si jht annum. l-'??r j?articntr.vs address. wiih stamp emlovd, (i. A. LUMPKIN, rr sHont. , 117 Itrade mm r, N*.t Yor't. J Dw, %2t | : ^ *P ^ OOt,ASBU^Y COWARD rmxCTPAL. ? i A Fall Corp^of Able Proffcors. : Complete oujjto of Ann\ Appafrli.-*, Lt?\, for $j Jioioiigh nunUHnd physical tj^ndue. !/* ?! ;on n _n/ited for n u-i >' I ' :In>- < an ,'f |^"lej;raph!e ll'iT^alod a:, o ::o I JT^7 P*tnr!ril. > ' J 1114 \ ! ?AW 1)7/<TI T! PCl: MsAl'Uo t ti i ]\ho!, V.'haf w -.?r?* What txi-*- i ui-'ja-y., ^ ?r^ z.**" :u>4 ? V. ho h ' ii?*<>]?] nineijrThe fiK s",t' 1 11,0 11 in iti*i'.!?w it br.< '1 Irat >io il aiy# l?Jl 3. ; <. u A* <i.d Lotjir_Lc vo"ian0fBca"f"Tt- ^ ,; li ALL KINDS OF - .. T Zp&d, Cakes and Crackers f! ^ ?(*,0 TO? ODELL'S, ,. jj TntH On 1>ps in Order, -.f ^^^ ^ ' ' ''' ^ JTi fx ?,vc 11 *nt *V' ?? n ofhraufort ' > * Ha* ii:<4>'.f Ic^li tin* t'-ys, I {j To lirr .l?ir PWk" b.?ysi ; ' Iii l'<e iiii'I>t of l!i:?ir j'?* s > ' yi Hi <>*11 >.' ! mail v. fi<i f!??? ii?.is"*/ I lj AVill tills most ? xr. il r.t w . *11411 i.f 11' nuf -rt. J ,n, ^ ' J ^ l^r*T' r VlA 4 < i j * 4? Up . J-i/VVn^ P?,i VWVPpWKJ ?loAllillYB if? ODELL'.S STORE. ? f'lijli ^ vr ih ,ia ; *.u? Is ? w*:;:;.-! Jc??. ;fc. I !:. Hi'' i.'^iiii H:? Vifr>. ' ra e ?*n" 0 " , hr >: niiis! yi t*? i nit fi n ... j >. hi * p ? * vg i 'in. s :i t a >1 I >; *r-*,;2i 3 )*'/i'A" mii' <f n't f f -t i'. i atilajivk- l<>v<Jar>*i ? > <* I ? y to; 'J; r. j '" l. .+ . ^r. - .r.- ? EftJi h) jtfrx - L !' i i|* E?5 l! /" ' 1'" '**% ; i &; 1 if f i . , ?fJS . i'l ' I- i i ~ ~J*W i i j | W ' -^l i \ ? . f Tlr- i- auijjo y At"? nun f; <m Ilc.-ufort i ? It ?et a Up.hI M.o il '?,* tne Joy <>f In* J:f?\ ? IV r loiifly you it r mail I'ruiu Berr.fort. I , T! P'I ?.? to (xl US. I I} 8t t ni?*e ( ttronti'l.t I lj IVn when the quistioit yu jx-p. } .,:? lity ur arms sh< M ill ur-jn I ? a hapj.y y???in? man from TVjiufoit. nf?$\ > -< *'- * *5 S g : *?/ -r ^ !< >tv h.jv's a pr t'v pie ur-! .* k'.'iiM l? irt r--.j to .luiiios (kMI'S I Va l pun !?!><' t n ; ol h s mr. T;< ;' :yul rn.-k t?th<i? a rriul : .j^rJ ::!! ?!?f*T-?str*Cii pnil i mshvi cnV i y .'< i.c iu y>< n-jrt-f;: 1 L i--4, bir. W ' AT. T T" 'II - i TTr C rY'SV^CO * 7NM ' r! * ' X- i i Hi vS t* ?< ii -XT- *' 14 I I WKiiM I f ; 1 ' JjW. : H.;,' I ! M | P '! lrs-tiltl-i l?otr Ml* plain t<< ? ? . 5? i With )' * J?*>rtk !t;? ?ln:l tvpil '? ! i"-! " to , I but da I wjtl. ' hv's I n. y-'Mii; to t-It. i.f tli'joys I hiv; i.? th4> book.- at t;\i. 11 '' _v, j g^wU .k'j wu. ?t i i ni: J ii. ?. i?i * ?a r? J A h A A O-AU.. j * % fteYfmracnt iaad &alc. ISA.3J23 O-ZT" mrdeeiacd tads, < itelirrt states, in eaufort Cc^nTT^'e^c^ Under the several Acts v Levying Direct Tav<5S. Ul^UANT to S otien IV.ofatt/^"tft,,>1 "An to provide for the redemnt^'"1 of bnd" d tyr the. tutted State?J*rcr the *Tt?raI AoU ' ringdirect taxes**# "tI,cr P?n**<*" *I>,v: ,l June S "No ,n -r'. of ,he cttih! <1 "At* f'* anlcnd existing custom, 1 intej?^ ?Plie riifl f?r other pflTposes/i ,r iV^Fohr.iarv s, \*~J, the Commissioner of Ir?- ' yti revenue. under Joe direction ot the SeeiTrtaif the Treasury, b.V ordered the sale at public, th.n,tothe higftof bidd t,ojiTlinivjay,the30th j of JJ.-tvinber, lJTo. at 1'2 tu., at tie: Court House j ! r, in the t<<wnXf Beaufort, COiin* v seat ot Beau- * County, 8. (yof all the v I .ft/ :.') EE MED I.. I YpS. Ihrthe'Unhd states, hi said Coiintr, undo*, several aa* for levying direct raxes, except such ils as lunf1 been rcs"TYod by the United States as o?l Fedhs and for military, rjavaljiw other ptirhese^tn Is consist of town lops with the itn wrfntsii the town of R-mlfort, and varioiia eljfTf farm lan Is situated on what are known m Sea Islands, in 91. Luke's aud St. Helena Idles. he town lots will 1)3 sold separately, and the in suds in lots often acres or fractional- jjrart < re'rif a -r-oriling to the survey by tl.cL nilttl les Dir-.vt <lax Cur.inii -sinners for South olina. : . in- ri-.-ht to make or.r hid on paeh parcel put tip is! hy the Coited States?T'rnis. Csuhin I i at the tiiip) of sale. ". ' _ ' eUii- d lists mor - particularly Mas' ribing the il to he sold will l?c I'mii? -lied on or heto e the ot'snle. l'lr.ts of the lands will also he exhibited ibc day of sale. CHAULKS \V. LLPniDGE. Suporintcndapt of Sale*. Office of the Internal Revenue, Washington, i). C >ee. 2-"{. caafort sSusittrs? fUrcrtory." Publications. IOMMFRT1AL. A ST AX HARP PORT ROVAI. I'mdished weekly,{fLOO per year. Groceries. OYt'K, .T. I* ?Groceries, Win-a, Liquors, andSep.ars, South side Hay St., Pe anfort. OYCK. J AS. K.?Wholesale aud retail dealer in Groceries, Liquors, Segars, I)ry Goods and u ral iiierehandise. Bay St. ; ARMS 11FNRY.?Groceries, Wines, Liquors L l?ry Goods, Toys and Fancy Goods, Hay St l a fort, >. C. ?AlllilSOX, J. H.?Grocer and Liquor dea'er. L t or. Hay St. and Free Landing. roN HARTLN, If.?Just rccifved a new stink <rl Groceries, Dry Goods, Crockery,Clothing, Nous Ac. Hay St. 'RANK, JoHN?Dealer ill general Groceries Hay St.. Heaiifort, See Ad verii.* mcpf. t NMN'GHA.M A MtFAl.L. Messrs.?Ship' Ucts and eoniiuissio^ merchants, l'ort ltoyal, i FYi HiliMtN, I). If.?Wholesale and retail L Gro>. r, l'ort Royal City. See Advertisement. Dry Goods. - - - - - ~ v ~ ^ - ' I'iM.K. .1? Dry Gools, 'lothing, Hoofs and l Sho.-s, Notions,'"Ac.-v Hay Si. I DisAIL. A. ('.?'KtilT hi Dry GO'd>, f'lo.hiiufc and Shu s. iluto.n i i aj s, Notions, AcT E. dir. LufVt. nndHk'ne Lauding. * ". 4r'*ir IS NCR. S?Deafer in Dry G, o?H, Xotioils. i i o ijs and Siio's Hats ami Caps, itay St., next I'*.111?/.* r'> iliii ii u;se. 'RAYZ, JOHN?'General I?ry llnmh House. 1'ay ."t. !o-a,.f rt. Sc.; adv^rtisein -nr. 111<. "LR .T'.-HN?I ry(?)?ls t lothing, M'lliua' ry. I r. cell and i omestic l'lou>*;s. Fancy od-., not" 'ii-; Ac. l".ay St. Set: advertised Mil. 5.^ A i'l.RiD >I"SK, G-'OilGK ?i'ro e i-?. ai l Dry. , v t .. !>. I urirair*, A:. A Ic.w stock of iat.ips ?i ; i.aiict i i rs I'ay St. * A**.cti Dii Commission. - ....... ^ ? ? - tRGFl'T. .IAMKS M.?A art ion fominissioii M -chant a:rd 1'rok* r in Heal Kstate, Bay SI. AiD'ert.s Jtient TtrrV. ' UU'.-A MASMvV, \\'!i!tclia!l Ferry, b> S (yr. ? n "can fort ai.d Tat .i-n island. n Barber. I;TIS, A.?l'.irli-T. it sir cutting, shavingsliaioL jio'dtig aiwl dyeing. .Wit t St. r V .'MilM.K, K. M?Farher, haflni haircuti tim*. *Iiarsi|Mj..:n-^ and dyeing done in the n atni timer. Ilay St. - Boot- and Shoes. T AT{jj?^f-? Root and shoe maker. Work guari tilled. 15av .SI., o;>i*site Custom H use. ? ; x. Shipping. (KItTi? \ STIIR'?Tajit. Trevett, master, Roau> tort to Savannah every week. Freight and a-'-. Blacksmith. v TTCKF.I., IV.?15]acksmith, lr rseahoeing, and ' gt norr.l smith work. Magnolia St. ^ Wheelright AVA'ifI,.TKKnV?Wheelright. Repairs promptly i-xe^nt.d. Aj^iiol i.TSt. ' Druggist, '! I'ART.JI. M. Druggist and Apothercary Ray St, iicaufort. Sec advertisement. :?, Builder and Contractor U'.VLIX. hv. IT,?RttiPcr and contractor, Ray f ami dairies *. Sae advertisement. Cxrriksrti Pairttor \<41 .TA^. II?''arr: ; :<? nmkor, sivn and ! I <arrive'paintv-r^Bay and Charles Ms. See rrrt isemen t. - ' -#> ? ' . Professional Cards '. ,TH?(!IX, P! L.?Attorney at Low. Solicitor of > itwlTireujl. 15 ty St. I\ P. TO ALE," d-, Manufacturer of )oors, Sashes, SLIJSBS, FLOORING, Sit., &c. i- -f ' ' Dealer in luildcrs Hardware Faints, Oil, &c. tw ; , J Sol A~cnt for TH3 National Miiefl Paint Co. . : cTricit Aim Fire Mi'shr. Co : Pago Hactiiiia Bsiting Co. : 3END FOR PRICES. Office and Warerooms, & 22 Hayne & 33 & 35 Pinckney Sts f FACTORY mid YARD, Lliley liiver, we-t end Broad Street, W CHARLESTON. S. C. "V .m ?tromboat. '"STAR L I N Saraca'ali fjftpyiti | /^fEA 51ERS. the STEAMER *?'#M ORGAN, V\ jp<Lleave StiTannali forR atifort on Tue^lay ind Friday morning each w?f?k until further notice." Returning leave Braufort and Saturday. -For Freight or Ravage apply to 4 W. II. HARRISON, * Agent, Beaufort, S. C. a. l. RICHARDSON, oct14-3m. (jen. Agt. Savannah, (la. STEAM TOXEW YORK. Tiie firt-class, full towerep steamships, MONTGOMERY, > FAIRCLOSII, Master, and HUNTSYILLE, . CHESTER, Master, Aro appointed to leave Port Knynl, for Tfrw York alternately, every Friday afternoon, upon the arrival of Uic Augusta, and ?avannah A Charleston train. For freight and passage?having r.nsurpassed accommodations, apply to RICHARD P. BUNDLE, Agent, Port Royal, S. C. Encourage Home People, ?AND? HOME ENTERPRISE. 13 G O R S f Sash and Blinds! george s, hacker, CHARLESTON, S. C. ONI.Y Carolinian engaged in the manufacture o M-d'LUINos. l)(?OIt<. SASH, BLINDS, am. Tl'UNKD WoitK in Charleston, S. C. Prices a* low as any other house, and all wort fir-t chivs. .'hu . jas. e. McGregor, WW CARRIAGE MAKER, HOUSE, SIGN, * and CARRIAGE PAINTER. Opp. Express GCce} Beaufort, S. . All kinds of Scroll and fancy *nwin;?. All kinds of repairing promptly attended to, on reasonable t< rni:i. Satisfaction guaranteed. Agent for Barnes' patent foot power scroll saw, wbich can be seen in operation at ray shop. ja.s. e. McGregor. Julyl-ly. . 3ni?oorts. Nfly IS THE TIME T3 SAVE MONEY!! ?0 Great Drives in all kinds of Drj Goods and Notions, at E. A, Sclieper, The Leader in Low Prices Having just returned from n e w YORK, I am prepared to show a large and well selected stock of FALl & WINTER GOODS, ' * * Consisting of 4 DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, -HATS, AND CAPS, \ - boots and shoes, trunks. carpets, Ac at prices to suit the timrs, and invttc heads of families who desire to save money, to inspect mv stuck before purchasing elsewhere. Special attention is called to the following departments : BLACK ALPACAS ami Mourning Press floods Black Silks. Fancy Goods, Linens, Notions, Hosiery, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Cassimeres, Jeans F1 min is, and Blankets. THE BOOT aBcb#HOEd-partnicnt, contains the best made good at the lowest prixs. At E. A^SCHEPE R. An Outfit Free. We want some^pc in every cowrty to take orders and deliver goods for the old and original C. O. D House. Large cash wagnS. Splendid chance in cv ery neighborhood for the right person of Either s*x voting ox old. Samples free ?uaol pn Id. Send for-it at once and make money at your homes Address 11. J. H ALL CO. C .V. IloicrnlS'r'ff. Baltimore. Md. ; t ocl21-hn. R~N. WRIGHT. HARNESS MAKER, Carriage Fainter and Trimmer Harness repairing prooijjtly attended to. MAGNOLIA St. Next POST OFFICE, V, E A U F 0 R T , S . C. _ ^ ri'ices^^^B^^^^minies* ruatlhiSB^MFolittle, - UNDKR A^^^KMITSIC, Cor. A" "$^farket St.y CIIARLkSTyN, S. C. * Would respectfully call your attention to their stock of - ' '***. FINE CLOTHING, ?ANI>?' FURXISIII.A G GOODS of Men and Boys, and solicit your pat ronagc. Wm. MATTnt KSSEN, A *ll 0?. T T> uun-t-om. jj. u. iiiiEr p. m. whitman" | HATCIDIAKER AND JEfrEI.LER, " Bay Street, Eeanfort, 8. C., Has jpst retruxep nuoir the nortit with a fne assortment of goods at / KTortliora Fr^o??. WKM>1 X'r VA XCali- fiJwtfMi STLVKU RINGS, Jfc. Mm SI LVKK XAPKISlkIN'^^3.08 to |4.?0. LAD I Kb GOLD VETCHES, ?M to |W. sDajiltij Sttisj Cksks, S3.S0 ti U, ?o A GENTS' GOLD chunk. pins. ring#. flkrtr .BUTTONS. STUB, ATATCH chains, laDIES GOLD wd PLATED jewelRY, GOL? pens, ac., ac. GI5XTS' GOLD i MLV5CK WATCHM. Call and examine kfore purchasing, and aatisfjyouraelf you can aan ten t?*.tweut>-ATa per eent from Charleston or ^ranuali prices. 4, dec.Aly SJAA'SIBIY HOUSE ' PORT T^Q^ST^TLm ?. OS ITU ATI? A] TIIE TERMINUS QV the P?rt Poyd Railroad, where connection sin dc with tliii*Ait jailing; flrst-clase st*amera Mom'i.omkky aii<T IlvxTStlLU, sailing to New ? York every Friday This is an cntinr new and elegantly tarnished house. Shtiati <n jiusurprus d, surrounded with 'iiaitniiii i' iit liven;, kv ttgi.i anding a splendid, prnswrr ?f the sii.founding conutry, the Beaufort,. ' uid Port Royal It iters, and niters unusual attrmr? :i ns to traveler* r to parties who desire i-oard or to spend a fv daiuear thesalt water, * * Table supplied jith everything tho market ififlrds. Kr-sti mil, butter, fish, vegetables and 'rnita In tlit irsein, v liest <>f ('o?ks a a Attendants. Terms lib. ml. f A / C Wltllil'V J V. A* *? AlkUr??<) . it I'royrirter, 3-It. VEvj[1Mri.MXESt\\ Fa SI aid W i ater 1875 H At received at, '** Johi Cooper's IMBsTIIUET BEAUrORT. i.ADii:s IIA?. $AfBSES HATS ^ tJO* BOYS iiath . French ijnd PoaitsBc Flowers. A fine a -s'.cjtrnt of the there together with*'. lar,'2 xhx k i.i-ALL and WINTER try Oode,. HreM (I(Hi t?, dwhiug, l>oiucstie?, Ix>ng Cluth, Ac.? uiar.2%13. j' Bargins! Bargains!! _ newjyork store. ! ei max, " Fall assortment of ; ... \% T Boots and Shoes/ CJX)fl!IXO, and PRY GOODS, . at the rcdsecd nriccs. Call in and aee. S-pJWB El UFORTHO USE, &KA UFO RT, S. C. FT i . . T" i i A vi>"(j?i> ii'-n *na reiuruisnea mu 014 NUbi shed IIOU6 & , T am prrpafd to aceonira-xlate transient and perinaifont b?ders, at reasonable rates. AIRS. AUNtiS JtASX, oct.2l-.t?a Propria* rasa. . ffofcssional (Cardhs. VERE>fi:U WALKER AND BACOT. PIWXTOltf 1* ADMIRALTY AN*I> ATTOBIIIT* AT LAW\ BEAUFORT, SO. CA. \?alht* 1 W. J. Verdi h. CharlP^ton. I Jkaufort Rcfrr totf?s British Consulates in the Sonth, anil speciiilv tethc British Consulate at Charleetas. UcU t-f. THDS. H. WHEELER, Jr I ATTY, AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, J ! I'rattioes in al! the Court* of the StaU. 1 (jffioe, Custom House Building, ijfl Pej Kl-Ciuo. Beaufort S 'a H I STUART, M. IX, 2 I C'?!- Cay & Eighth Street*, 13oaufort, 0. C? DEALER IX DREGS, CHEMJCAlS. FAMILY MEDICINES, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES SljuoJERY, perfumery, - j f BRUSHES, Ac., Ac., Ac., ti-^lrfr with niajir oilier article* too nianerou* to|nM?r*oo- A l'of which will besuMat thelowe-t prjfc Pbvrfcbns prescription* carefully