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HHBHHBffliV c v "v- : i 'iiTN i irn i > a T J . PORT .irCC_y J- -A-L-i ?=^ ? ?? _ , ? VOJyiV. NO. 1. ; BEAC^OKT, S. C,. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1875. $2.00 per torn Slifilfi 0>5T 5 Cents. ' I ^^'?i .1 ' ' - ' -? * Dead Leayes. A month ago?how beautiful ! To-day?how sere they lie ! The gloiy of the foreet fled? Like splendor from the sky : I trample on the fallen leaves That yesterday, like gems, Flaehed brightness on my wondering eyes, From oountless diadems. They answer to my heedless feet * With crispness in their tone : "Tread lightly for the beauty's sake Thine eyes in us have known ; We were but shadows, when we glowed *? ? . A# 4 Vvrl rk*i/?A . in cruuBuu, ui uj< puu? , We still are shadows of its fall, And just before it glide !'\ I would the withered leaves were fair, That I might shun to tread Their dying verdure in the dud; With which my hopes fall dad; For when, in crimson and in g?ld, > My ripened joys shall flame, The brief, bright beauty of the leaves is theirs?to sere the same ! MOTHER'S LOTE. A Pathetic Story of a Yarns BlatherWidow. Florence Marry it, in her novel, "My Own Child," gives the experiences of a sixteen-yehLr-old widow, whBse husband had just whose infant was about to be born.^^e ears : As is customarv with young mothers, I oftener feared that I should die in my coming trial than lire to see my child grow up and flourish. Any happiness I might experience in the prospect of it only came by fits an ds tarts. It seemed too terrible an ordealto survive, and my fear was at timea^fiiverwhelming. I brooded over it day adter day till my depression was almost bibitual, and haunting me even in sleep vould cause me to start up three or fotr times a night shrieking for help, anil trembling from * V ? 4 i V _ * Hi 1 _ 1_ T 1 5 Head, to loot wnn a uerror wmcn x oouia only feel anil not interpret. Had I any one on whom to lean ia this extremity i should have borne myself perhaps with greater dignity and bust; but more than ever did I now IVel myself to be alone. Had Hugh's dar, joyous voice been able to whisper assurance to me, however ignorantly, I shduld have believed and rested on hit word. Had I possessed a mother to take me to her arms, and tell me that the possession of myself had ontweighed all her pain, I might have taken head from her ex ample and learned to put my confidence * in Heaven ; bnt I had no one to speak to on the subject bnt such as were even less wise than myself. luntTessie con sidered it excessively improper that any one should allude to such a thizig as a ^ baby until it had beentliessed in Chris __ tian attire and laid in a feassinctte ; and . Jane, with the horror of the uneducated physical pain, and the wonderful ca HB oity tlfey nave for dilating on the ter? of a situation, so augmented my M| ' gue fears whenever I mentioned the |B| 6 atter to her that my sense, small as it BB .as, pointed out the advisability of keeping my thoughts to myself. So I W' dragg?qi oat t he weary days alone, and spring drew nearer and nearer ; and if I ever prayed, it was?not for protection and safety and a happy future with my _ child?but that I might die before it ever saw the light. 1 was so frightened. ****** It was the dawn of one of the earlier days of March when I lay fir my bed so^T exhausted that! felt as if I were sinking through the rat ttresses and the flow, right, right away *ito infinity. Evefything about me seemed, as though I were in a dream. THe roices of the persons who movtSd about my room . " seemed far off, as if -heard thjough a log; and yet I could distinguish' each word - they said, and watch, in a kv.d of indis? fcinct and hazy manner, the gray dawn that struggled through the white win\ dow-blinds and fought with the sickly light of the candle which Dr. Carlisle seemed to be carrying all over the room in the most aimless way. I could trace the unusual disorder of the apartment, and I could see that the faces which had been so anxiously peering into mine for the la; t twelve hours had settled down into something like their normal expression again. I knew, too, that my trial was over; but I was too languid to think of anything else. . I felt as if my weakened senses were gradually fading away into unconsciousness, and all I desired was so to be allowed to fade away, and . never to be troubled with pain or pleas. ure or any emotion more. Even a loud and energetic squall from the other end of the-room did not arouse ma 44 A fine child," said the doctor. " Yery fine, sir," responded the nurse?who hud been torturing me for twenty-four hours" past with wise saws, * questionable jokes, and worrying atten tions, until I had begun to rdg*rd her as an emissary of the fiend himself? 441 don't know as ever I see a finer. She's a regular beauty, she is; end such * lungs, too!" These words, accompanied by another , prolonged squall, made me feel a little . curious. Some of the few pleasant anticipations I had ventured to indulgp in flickered back upon my memory, j" 44 Doctor!" I said, faintly. 44 Hush, my dt ar! You mustn't talk," was the immediate answer, and Dr. Carlisle came np to my bedside and fell of my pulse. 44 So?so! We are getting <??. But you must lie still, like a gx>d It g&l, and go to sleep." * * But my baby"? \ 1 ' VTfti, the baby's all right! iA lice 1 healthy little girl! Now, you kn?w, L , everything's well over, and so yoa mist I jugt shut your eyes, and think of nahing but having a good rest." s Bat the squalling was still going on(I WP. - believe they had pntthe baby on tne tbp M of the chest of drawers to keep it out of r the way), and something quite new, aid p that I had never experienced befou, began to spring up in me at the aouni, ^ and make my heart palpitate with eag?r ^ joy. 44 Doctor! I will go to sleep, but I must see my baby!" 44Afterward, my dear, afterward; yQi are not strong enough yet. Trust mi everything is all right, and yotf shai have it as soon as you have rested * lit ftie." 441 cannot rest till I have seen it Oh, doctor! Nurse! do give me^mv!" f.>,* g | My agitation was risiDg. The nurse glanced at the doctor, and the doctor nodded at the nurse, and in another moment a bundle of flannel was laid on my left arm, and I trembled with eagerness as I pulled it open. A fat, pulpy, red face met my view, with a nose that seemed to be spread half over it, two weak, swollen eyes feebly blinking at the light, and a mouth that was slit from ear to ear?in fact, the orthodox new-born baby. But I don't think I saw what she was like. I was experiencing the thrill that comes over a woman when the child of tho man she loves is first placed in her arms, and in the unconscious little creature beside me I saw only Hugh's representative. Hugh, in his strength and .1 tt u u:_ wauiij'?iiu^u ju uio mijiiuueui^ nuu boldness?Hugh m his love for and protection of me?Hugh on his death-bed ! Oh! I had never missed Hugh before as I missed him when I first held his baby in my arms I Where was he to rejoice over this wonderful thing with me ?to be thankful for my safety?to assure me he would love it for mv sake and his own ? Where was the father of my child? I only felt half a mother without him. The first word I uttered as I looked at my little daughter's features was his name. The first welcomg I gave her were the tears that welled up weakly into my eyes at the remembranoe that he, could never see her. " Hugh !" I exclaimed, brokenly, as^I squeezed the little bundle to my bosom and turned my face round upon the pillow. "Come ! come 1 this will never do !" said the doctor, as he hurriedly mixed some horrid decoction in a glass. " Here, ray dear, drink this; and nurse, take the child into another room until Mrs. Powers has had a sleep." " No, no J" I said, imploringly. " I vrill drink whatever you like, doctor ; but pray don't take my baby from me!" "Will you promise not to talk any more, then, or even to think ?" " I will promise anything if you will leave my baby here." So, fearing the effect of opposition, I suppose, they did as I desired thorn, and, with my lips pressed upon the face of my infant, who, with the instinct of young animals, seemed to understand I was her mother, and to be quite contented to lie where she was, I sunk off into a sleep as placid as her own. Puts and Calls?What are They ? A neatly printed pamphlet thus illustrates : ICO w. U. 85 $8,500.00 iw? ? 7-i . . 7<wnnn.l $1,300.00 Coat of Privileges $106.25 Commission 12.50? 118.75 Net profit $1,281.25 The difference between a "oall" and a "put" is simply that in one case yon bet that sto$k will go up, and in the other that it will go down. There arc pages of most agreeable reading, es p<K;ially to those who happeD to be short of that $106,25?for here is set forth, that Toledo and Wabash jumped from 16 to 36, I<ake Shore from 57 to 72, Pjmama from 122 to 165 (the latter net- ; ting the fortunate investor $3,450), with ! many items of like character. It don't seem to make much difference whether it is a "put" or a " call," for? upon the w<^rd of the writer?you can make money faster in this than in any other way. All that is wauted, says the pamphlet, is a "careful judgment." If John Thomas is not willing to stake his financial reputation on a put or a call, he can be aooommodated with a "double privilege ;" and we are informed whether the stock rises or falls, you are certain to make a profit} and it is impossible to loee. Then comes the "straddle," which is a double privilege with a difference. Tin trriliji" rorp linn oof Ixj anxrfl "At. t.V?A same time, we wish all who contemplate stock speculating to understand that, inorder to make the largo profits we speak of, they have to risk the money they invest." This looks very much as though that double privilege business was auction, and that the single and simple privilege the speculator has is to pay his money and?lose it. Very few of the un initiated go into Wall street and come out with any "privilege" in their pockets. The demoralizing effect of such ventures is more than pecuniary loss, and no wise man will deal in them.? New York Express. Questions and Answers. How many tons of hay are contained in a stack whose circumference is sixtyseven feet, and height 205 feet, a ton measuring 512 cubio feet ? Answer. About 143. ' * "What is the best and most convenient article for oovering steam pipes running to radiators for heating public or private buildings? Answer. Felt bouud in canvas. When laid in a box underground, whit is the best filling ? Answer. Plaster of paris. Would you paint the pipes With coal tar before covering or filling ? Answer. Give them a coat of red lead paint. Is coal tar a conductor of heat ? Answer. Yes. At what season of the year is it best to trim trees and bushes, and why ? Answer. Timber trees are usually felled in the winter, when the trunks and bark are free from sap. Fruit trees are trimmed in the spring, that the vigor of ?V%avt KA in fKn fwnif liuc muc uuCMj tro t/a^/viiv*vv4 au vuv xaiuvj instead of on the growth of the tree.? Scientific American'. A Famous Cake,?Fonr pounds of flour, two pounds of butter, and two of sugar. Stir the bntter a^l sugar together thoroughly, then mix half of it with the flour, together with a tumblerful of good home-made yeast, and one quart of warm milk. Beat it and pat it with both hands until the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, then let it stAnd in a warm place until it is light, say five or six hours. Then add the remainder of butter and sugar, two-pounds of raisins, and a small quantity of pulverized mace. This may stand over night, and put in paDS for baking early in the morning. It should rise in the pans, and then bake an hour in a slow oven. This cake requires no eggs, and is used by economical housekeepers in winter, when eggs are dear. The loaves, nicely frosted, will be preserved moist for a long time. ' * v. f _ ? V ^ RAISING THE VAS^^R^ 7 Col. Uowen Invited to Raise an\^-nth Ironclad Tessel?Carrying the El (Steamboats over Bars?A IJftlnff Poh^ of 25,(XX) Tons. ;>' V Gol. John E. Gowen, of New York city, having^been officially invited by ^ the British admiralty t6 offer propos- E als for raising the ironclad Vanguard, I* sunk off Wicklow He%& a*8un reporter * called at his office. 'He foupd the en- ^ gineer on the point.. ?f dispatching his ^ reply to the lord coiumissioTters of the fl< British admiralty. \ 8I "Col. Gowea^ said the importer, "the Sun would be pleased to know the *? nature of the invitation yon htf*e re- w ceived from her majesty's servioe rela- f8 tive to the proposed raising e#dhe ^ Vanguard, and the cause which sag- n gested it" ' ' v>v " The invitation," replied ^aeolone\ J* f " came officially direct from the secre- 111 tary of the admiralty, and the reason 08 that it is extended is that the English engineers are afraid, or, at least, un- 40 willing to undertake the task. The English, as a nation, are the best engi- ^ neers on the face of the earth, so long as they have a leader to map out the I .0 il 1! 1 i. Al A LI course 01 meir actiua; uut tuejr ore uut -imbued with a progressive end fearless " i individuality sufficiently strong to enable them to strike out boldly, and assume ; personal responsibilities after the true, American fashion. The English presi, J* and naturally the London Times, has ridiculed the idea of any man attempt- P.1 ing to raise the Vanguard,* and charac- ?! terizes as unqualified, stupidity the J1 proposal of an American to essay what ** an Englishman fails ty accomplish. I am confident that I can do tfe work, and my confidence is'fully warranted by past experience in similar enterprises. I ha^e perfected plans for raising the vessel, the invention of which I do not lay claim to, because I do not believe that 81 any person really invents anything, but . I do assert that the application of old modes and principles developed is en- a tirely new and original with myself; There is no question of the feasibility of ^ the experiment/ I raised seventy-e.ight vessels for the Imperial Russian govern- a ment, whose dead weight averaged w 5,000 tons, and I could have raised dead weights of 20,000 foriS by the same ma- 05 chinery by a simple extension of its 85 area. Subsequently I projected machinery for carrying vessel* across the 18 bar at the 'mouth of the Mississippi P river, where *1 had a lifting power of . 25,000 tons, the efficacy of which Iras y certified to by Gen. McCleUan, as well as Gen. Humphries, engineer-in-chief . of the United States. The Vanguard is f1 in no more exposed position than Ihe J*1 Rnssinn vessels were in the roadstead at _ Sebastopol, and the difference in depth is no serioos detriment to its positive recovery." ~ M "What is the weight oU the Van- ** guard ?" - " J 44 Eight thousand five hundred tons." J1.1 44 How long will it require to i?se it ?" 44 About two weeks, after all arrange- *e ments are perfected." - ' lS 44 Oolonef, what will be yottr terms for M executing tho Work?" ,w 441 propose tbat the British govern- v meet shall defray all expenses, includ- F1 ing those incurred by the oanbtruction of the machinery. The cost attending' P1 the work will be from ?75 000 to ?100,- P? 000, or nearly $500,000. After the ves- ?* sol is raised, the materials and machin ery would be worth about 'twenty-five per cent, of their original eosl I will superintend personally the oonstruc- 013 tion of the machinery and recovery of 01 the-ship, and after she is traised, the ^ admiralty may give me such sum as they .51 may think proper for my. services. .1 don't want to make money bythe operation. I simply want to sboWthe Euglish that Ajnerican talent and energy is P not to be sneered at *As Ml. Pick- J* wick says, I merely wish to*.4 sustain a 111 principle.'"' 44 What other recognition have you received from European governments on account of your .capabilities as an * engineer?" A> in 441 was knighted by the Emperor of m Russia, the Emperor of France, the P( King of Italy, and the Sultan of Turkey, ^ iuoousiderationof my%ervioes in raising- SI the Russian fleet, but I assure you tljat P1 such honors are not calculated to ^ Ti awaken egotism." , . -1* A Sweet Domestic Scene. A correspondent of tlie Providence g< (R. I.) Journal writes from that city to al say : At noontime I often take a walk d< on tho park promenade, and about that cc hour may be seen women with pails, bi etc., bringing dinners to their husbands, T who labor on the streets. A woman o* came, met her husband, and they-seated ti themselves on the greensward, and fi< wpread on the grass the dinner, he giving the wife some of the edibles."'After a drinking from tile pail he gave it t$ her, 01 gave her a kiss, and went to his wwtfc* ^ and she to her happy home. On one of m the benches sat a man and wife; she had es brought his dinner. After' gobbling it &i down he took up the pail, and, after m tasting it, dashed the contents into" her s; face and went to his work. The .poor th woman, taking her shawl, wiped her d< face, gathered up her pail, etc., and tl started for her miserable home. I want- T ed to put mv cane over the brute's h ad, w but I fearedne would be too much for ei me, and let him go. * hi tl Young Keizle's Awakening."My son," said old Keizl'e, appearing at the head of the stairs with a buspicious looking strap in his hand, "it is now the rose tone of mom, - and 0j Aurora shines high in the if&kvens, ^ warming'the heart of'the larfc as he 8} soars aloft filling the air with his tnelo- e3 dies. Awake, my son, and brCathe thou CT the freshness of the new-born day I" K "Let the world heave on its ocean noise, I ask but sleep," said Tom, op he pulled the blankets close about and turned over; but old Keizlo was not to be trifled with, and, gathering the blankets in one !M hand, he roared: "But, my.son, the g< bnsy day, waked by the lark, hath hi roused the ribald crow, and them in- li fern al hogs are in the cornfield raisin' 1$ blazes with the fodder! Git up, yon oi lazy, Snorin' hound yon, or I'll blister your bide wuss'n a yellow jacket!" B come I" replied Tom, as he rose from <x i his couch of reet and rye straw with pi I alacrity of a streak of spring lightniipg*>ti AN HEIRESS UNAWARES. (hty Thousand Dollars for the Wife ef ft New York Waiter?The Enoraon. Growth ef an Eccentric Soonest. most absorbing incident upon biQB%^gene Sue founded his wonderil storpk*ije ??Wandering J err," has jry recenfl5*j-,een duplicated in New ork city. ancTS^gjj-dg additional proof iat "truth is Prasmger than fiction." t the close of tK^ve^ 1755 there Durished in the city orsqupeiihagen a >eculative burgher, but O^ng to the itional troubles of the .p$Vxj his irtune was involved in a seriesofe^aiaiters, which at that tiine befell the intile community. From the ruins or is wealth he collected three thousand x dollars with which to start the world lew. His changed condition made him )th cautious and eccentric, and retaing only one-third of the amount, he used the remainder to be inveetl for the benefit of his doiar?/lnr\f c nr>/l nnlrr\AW n 4a lava wnfo ^uucuivoy nuu iiii nnvwju w um iruv id children made a willy-which-pro ided that of the money 80 applied either principal nor interest auould be ist?4>ed for one hnndred years from le Ay of Jais death, but that after that me the accumulated proceeds of the rigitol bequest should be equally lvide4 among all his surviving next of in. She testator died in 1773. After is dsfth, the insignificance of the inaritanse, coupied with the singular rovisiou attached to its disposition,' exted such little interest among his reiaves thafcin a few years the whole mat>r seems to have been forgotten. Borne vo year! ago, however, a Danish law?r, while examining the records in the dice of tljff register of wills, at Copenigen, dis^vered the carious will reared to, tud forthwith proceeded to >ek the heirs for what had become an lormous estate. After much patient investigation he arned that Is addition to k number of istant relations scattered through Gertany, France and England, a Mrs. alius Knochsoduppnl, a native of 'amburg, Germany, an^nowresicliug in comfortable little cottare at H<$>oken, as one of ninety legal claimants to the itate of the Dahish merchant, and beime entitled to Eighty thdpsand dollars i her share of a property nW estimated i worth over eight millionsX This lady about twenty-five years a age, preossessing In features, mediW height, ionde hair, blue efes, and isVpf arentas jolly in ten^erament w (die is ixonxin appearance. She has Wo chilren living, and &la(Aa moths^Vho redes with her, and (W neatness of her 3me attests bar qaflbfoa Wm: -good- 3tisewife. She was parried icrl8&4a.. llius Knochenduppul, a Gahi^ about tirty yeys of age, fiwjreafs Inlployed i waiter at the lunch ^ountei; #f a Wall id New street restaurant. in New Tork. absequeutly he was junkm^y^d, but oring the past year h? obtaiWd a.poerioxi in the ladies' roam at Hpaquin'^ atanrarifc wh*r? he WniinaMBM Oc >ber 6. On the morning dt the 5th T8. Knoclienduppul and he||mother ere startled by theredpipt of A oflloial-sealed letter beajMg the DaMfth p06i ark. This bore aut entio tilings of ' ?r good fortarife, an requeped her ^ esenee in Copenhagi i as spfedily as' jssible, in - order to o itain he&portion the legacy. The ne ly-madifceiress as almost beside herst f with , On the following n orning Bar husind proceeded as usu 1 to perlpm Ms istomary duties at tl b reetatflant, in der not to inconvenie ioe his employer, ho, upon being info med of l? cirLmstances above related, at omb supied the plaoe of the ?nriched jjraiteu 33 news of this remarkable affairjpread . pidiy, and a- well-knowp lawyerjt once' ' aced a loan of several thoufianfwollara Mr. Knochenduppul'^ disposal |6 aid. m to the Bcene of his- newly-ac|uire4- , salth. I ^ T; i Styles and Factions. | 1 The Providence Journal relatA?-tLe j cident of a lady entering a fashidtable \ illinery store in Boston, for thegpur- 1 )se of having a little alteration jaade i the face trimming of her bcfenet. le selected a flower Writable fqf 4he lrpose from those laid petore nejgfum ie desired change was quioklv effected. > was fi single rose With'^delicate teraj tached'to it. "How: much shvl I iv ?" she asked the modiste. ^Ten >llars,"M is the reply. jUpon t hp the x)d, honest, old-fashioned editor porizes that if a single'Vflcwer costs,{ten hilars, what will "alovi of a bonnet" *t with all the fashionable adjndcp of irds, wings, feathers, laces and floppy hen he delves hack into the dee&rre>8se8 of the-long past and recalls ike me when twenty-five dollars was jiltrfnent allowance for a year's millhifejry, ren for a fashionable oitfit, including new winder bonnet and a new snnjpar i ie, while the last year's bonnets alttod < (d to look as good as new answered for bre ordinary; occasions. Then tfoe me before nitja visions of bright ws id pretty faces that he saw under ta|e , ade over bonnets, looking quiteMs reet and attractive as the maidens!of ie present extravagant and degenenfe iys. Those, however, were dayMij' ie song says, " too beautiful to la&r hey must nave been lon^ before fll ar times, before the vulgar show Al ctraWtganoe had been inaugurated tM is led our women into the adoption' ie enormities perpetrated under aft une of fashion. If women only knat )w ridiculous some of the latest died styles of bonnets make them A] 1 3ar to the male eye, it is just possif? lat a reform might be effected. To Uv. f extravagance to the avjerage ninj' enth century woman, is very much liji lowing a red cloth to a bull and mereA ' [cites her to anger. . Turn her to ri? lie and, like man, she is much most 1 adily vanquished. 11 An Innoeent Man. j The Boston Globe say a: The case of [oses F. Wheeler, pardbned by the ; 3vernor, appears to be one of peculiar aidship. He has been serving out a fe sentence in the State,prison sine* $68, having been convicted, of the crim^ f arson for setting fire to the First. Par-$ h chnroh and a dwelling house in> righton, Mass., and if the death-bed^ infession of a woman, upon wliidh hi# u*don was secured, is true# he was enrely innocent oi the crime. V * - -i \ ^ ~ .Ir'i Your First Sweetheart Yon can never forget her. She is so vonug and innooentind pretty. She had snch a way of looking at yon over her book at church. She alone, of all the world, did not think you a boy of eighteen, bnt wondered at your size and learning, and your faint foreshadowing of a sandy mustache, and believed you , every inch a man. When at those stupid evening parties, where boys and girls j who should have been eating suppers of . bread and milk, and gone to sleep hours before, waltzed and flirted, and made themselves sick over oysters and champagne, you were favored with a glanoe .of her eye, or a whisper of her lip, you , Nkcended to the seventh heaven unme- , dihWy. When once upon a memorable \ ove, 9Wpolked with young Smith, and , never evfi^jooked at yon, how miserable von were. *^s funny to think of now; j but it was not numv then, for vou were awfully in, earnestSL Onoe, at a picnic, she wore a white ahqa, and roses '< twined in her hair, an\. she looked so ; much like a- bride you faS^v trembled. Sometimes you thought, in\nst such snowy costume, with just sucb^ossoms , in her hair, she might stand before the , altar, and you, most bies9sd ofSall , mortals, might place a gold ring upo^ 1 her finger; and when you wereN^ft i alone with ner for a moment, some of-, your thoughts would form themselves into words, and though she blushed and ran away, and would not let you Mas her, she did not seem to be angry. And < then, when you were somewhat parted a , little while, and when you m^Again she was walking with a gentlemim, a iarge, ' full grown, whiskered man, of twenty- , e ght or thirty, and had neither word nor | smile for you, and some well meaning , gossip informed you soomafterwaSu that t, she was " engaged " to trotaUg?nfcleman ^ with black whiskers, sfcid that "lTWaa.A A splendid match "?it Was terrible news to ( yon, then, and sent you off to some , busy town far from yotbr native place, j where, after a good deal.of youthful j grief, and many resolutions to die and 1 haunt her, you recovered $pnr oqfca 1 nimity, and began to call loVe stuff and nonsense." You have a riclvwile of your ] own now, and grown-up $iildtfa?-ay, even two or three toddling grandeEklren -ttbont your hearth; your hair is gray, j and you lock your heart up in the fire- , proof safe at your counting house when ( yon go home at nighi And you thought . you had forgotten that little episode of < your nineteenth year, until the other day , you lead her death in the papers. You { know she was a stout lady who wore i glasses, and has died older than she wae j in that olden time; but your heart went* ( back, and t sew htf smjjjpg jfe 4 hhwtmB. T'ttr < face, and yourself a boy again, dreaming { of weddiugroWh and rings, and you Jaid 1 your gray old he&d upon your, office \ desk, and wept for the memory of your , fira^ love. ^ # ( A Bad Appetite. j Tti referring to the arrest of the mas-, < ter of the little boy acrobat, Prinoe 1 Leo, in N#w York, the World says: i "Rnf. with whom lies, after all. the true i responsibility for the existenoe of shames h and scandals such as this ? Is it not < clear that the public themselves have ( themselves to thank for it? The Gom- i prachicos would never have been at the ( trouble of1 slashing the faoes at babies: \ into' caricatures of humanity, or of breaking their backbones, or dislocating ] their limbs, had not the average civilize- ( tion of the times been so low and the < average taste of the times been so de- { praved that monsters were sure to be f regarded with delight mid amuflejpjpit ( rather than with pity and with pain, i Men like the father and the lessee of j "Prince Leo" would oertainlv hate.^ found something better to do than to y train a trembling child to rival# torn oat f on a clothes line, if tbey had not known ? that hundreds and thousands of their ] fellow citizens of both sexes would \ gladly give a considerable fee to look j upon a trembling child attempting, at [ the risk of its life, po rival a tom cat on y ^ clothes-line. The demand creates the \ Ripply. The vulgar and stupid popular [ appetite for spectacles flavored with the syice of cruelty and of danger to the pnformers, breeds such brutal fathers arid villainous speculators as those with whom tardy justice is dealing to day in ^ Nor York. Let them be chastised and c locked up by all means. But let every i uukl and every womaQ, too, who rejoices j to know that they are tobechistieed and fc locked ap, ask himself mid herself to- t day whether he or she is after all really \ without sin in the matter. For the vital J thing to aim at is not so much that poor v little." Prince Leo " should be rescued \ from his dreadful trade, though that is r well, .or that the tormentors of poor lit- J, tie " prinoe Leo " should be themselves 6 Uelivtred oyer to too tormentors, q though that also is well, but that the g wholebnainess of tormenting poor little v Prinot Leoe should be put an end to in ^ the only efficient Mbrby so purifying B and efo voting the ^^ular tyste as to f m is the exhibition of Prinl$ Laos as 8 anremtnefativeas in the qyesof civilized 8 humanity it is repulsive aijd disgusting. t ; .. r ? t -*. 'The Tables Tailed. K-i? f An inttance of marvelous astutSneee c onttiepiart of a detective is reported * from Plrmoutb, England. It seems F that a pqnoe officer from Liverpool was a dispatched to Jamaica to bring home a defaulting cashier, yho absoonded to that island some months ago. x The detective landed at Plymouth with his prisoner, 'jrhom he haa safely brought a home, the'only drawback to the success c; of his mission being, that the prisoner n is nowatJax?e and the detective is him- a self in custody. The contretemps hap- tl pened nrtiirftrise:. On arrival at Ply- ? month the detective and his charge pro- ]j ceeded to ia hotel, where the latter, tak- c tug advantage, it is stated,"of his cus- p lodian having fallen anleep in the amok- h kig rooinof the establishment, "stopped ti lut," and haa not seen fit to return. "J The Liverpool authorities, being much o moyed at the disappearance of the de- d faulting eashier, have arrested the de- 1 recti ve. Thoy have, therefore, some- n j^pg to show as the result of tb^ir .ex- p n . , MYSTERY OF THE SEA, * A Strma?e Sttry ?f . BMnrrath Wwrtry by Sailors ! Four Dead Bodies on a Keef. On the .thirtieth of Ootobefthe brig Palo Alto arrived in Mew York bringing Frederick Hodman and three sailors of the brig Helen G. Bid), which was lost oh the twenty-fifth of September on Damas Key, off the Cubanooast. Frederick Hoffman tells the foUbwinglnterestrag story in oonnection with the loss of the Helen Gh.Bich: On tiw fiBday after the wrecked vessel wept ashore on the Damaa Key, Hoffman noticed, on a,key not far away, several polerstapding in the rooks. He directed the attenlfon^f the captain to them, and offeredtogobottothe spot andnsoertain if another wreck badtaken place. A boat was manned, and Hoff. man rowed over wiflfctaw men, the die. V - ' -1 - I A. cance oemg aoou* two mum. uu approaching die shore they were surprised to diaoorrecv totals submerged, the hull of an iron Teasel, dismasted, but otherwise apparently intact. Upon going aahore^they fond many evidences of the wreck. Bite of -masts, spars and sails, and here and there some cordage, were stream, along the net The key was about fire hundred feet in length. Near by * ashere they had landed tfcbjuMwr* orwaTar structure, roughly tkrown^getl|a&*>f stones piled a foot or with hahAes, Were hastily and beaikth thp coverings were-found the bodies of two remains^ examined the olothingin their identi%^Not^g wa?mimd, however.' *^xne bodies i ;&oth lay flat on rocki, T^h^beds staffed with wool beneath them, and had^iwllowB staffed with thef-aaJQW mitterxal under their I Under tfag&ass of timber! and drift wood at .one side of tip hnt in wh^ii the two bodies were found another and siSKri.issS'ii'.JK pantaloon^and boots. This, like the ether two. was bacfiv deoomxxMed. narttr Iried and pertly rotted, with the-fleiji slinging in spots to the face and body. 1 few hairs still adhered to the head and ^ ^ dtaonptton ofta? face Searching stall further, on the oppoaitaJ ;hird shelter^ in which was still anS^im ^msUhe1^1 with spread On ea^ek^M^y'ttta^inia^^g $o other*bodieB were found. From the Hangings pieked up along the reef it van consider^ beyond doubt that the ressel waa a brig, and that she had been wrecked nearly a year. The hull was on iJUe -inner side of the reef, fun AM probablv-been driven there fyr a horn* jane. The stern of the vessel ,**8 so* leep undef water that the name ooold sot be seen, nor conltLit be fonnd on my of the timbers which had formed he covering of the huts. On returning to the Dams* Key, doffman related what bfchad seen to the nptain, and on his arrival in Sagua la ftande, after rowing with three men in inopd?fcoat far sixty-seven miles, in search of snooor, he reported his diaoov?ry to the Amerioan "consul. He had lot heard whether any effort had since seen made to ascertain the name of t^a. ressel, nor had he heard ofacy missing ressel whose description would oorretpond. with that of the one ha and the teamen, of the Helen O. Bich had found. ?rom the fact thai not a particle of ship iread .or anything else eatable* could. be onndin the neighborhood of the dead >odiea, Hoffman and his companions eere led to the oonplnsuwthat they Had )een starved to death* rffte bodies were ef t as they ureredoun& V - . .s *-; as a Catting Instrument. A few years ago it aame into the head >f jpme one to utilize the cutting power >f sand, as shown in its effects where it 9 blown against the glass of lighttoufles. The sand-blast-?an instrument ?y means of which fine, sharp sand 4? hrown against the surface to be cot? raa the result, and its practical value ias nqjg been demonstrated in such a ariety of methods and applications as o doubt in regard to its >ermaneat operative mechansms. It reprbd^ses on glass the finest teel engravings; it carves the most leliaate designs op out glass; it engraves cameos, andW does in flvwminites that which lakes the most industrious stone-cutter hours to accomplish, olid granite-and marble dissolving beore it quicker than snow melts in * hot un. And all this is the result of the imple principle that sand will act upon he snriaoe of glass and other minerals. >ut ndt upon any vegetable or animal ubstanoe; so when a surface of glass or tone is partially covered with paper,' JUhU, iCMUCl) (JJLWWJ, V* >w?) WV .. I ? rill fall harmlessly away from the taper, eta, but will eat into the mineral s certain as acids eat into steeL Small Change. There seems to be a misunderstanding bont the printing of fractional curreny. The Treasury department has made o change' in its work of redeeming rornont scrip with new, and not even he printing of ten-oent pieces has beeh topped. Though it has been so pubshed very extensively, there can be no ontractjon in the volume of fractional aper currency till ooin is ready to ?ne, except, of oonrse, such contraoion jg is incidental to the redemption, ."new fifty-cent note is iasned because f the connterfeiting of the note of that enomination heretofore in circulation, he mints are constantly employed in laking silver coins, and whenever the roepaots of the goldm|9dc?t add the onditiofopf business render the effort e> exchatve silver for paper possible the Toper's Soliloquy. Leavee har? their time to fell. And so likewise hare I; Tha reason, too'a the ?mi Both ootaee of getting dry. Bat here's the difference twist them and mo? I falle more harder and more frequently* t 9 Ite-ns af Interest If captains rere less wrecklea*, there Would be 1ms rrrecka. #^1 I'M In the last nine months the raloA of steam engines exported? from Great Britain was owet $11,000,000, and last year about $12 000f000. A Cincinnati merchant has a pair of shoes made in 1776, daring the times that tried mien's soles, and he proposes to exhibit them at the Centennial Ifoheses hAs often been used for feed aI all V.njia Ktif {I rnn eriv?* uig ewuee^y* mm iwm #*?? ? j ~ ? Q- ? mangel wursel they oontain a* much sugar as is desiiable in cattle food. Sugar (and probably melaaaea) doea in jure fecundity. ^ T Many very good people are annbyad by sleepiness in church. The following remedjus recommended : Lift the foot seven niches from the floor, and hold it in suspense without support for the limb, and repet i the remedy if the attack returns. A little boy, aged four, whose mamma upon* whioh^hls heart was desperatoly set, finding that there was no hope for him, bunt intc a passion of tears and exclaimed : " Well, then, Wfafct did tSfey 4 born me for?" A little mi?* upon bt*g OB* Hj bantered because she waa. a girl, and having rejweserted to her that boys wars much more useful creatures in the work), although they were usually more - 4Jb ble, was asked if she dfif not wish she a .werea-boy.. 44 No, indeed," she quiety jf ^lied ; 441'Se worse than most boy^..^g^ weakening and udriRious to inix fresh., food with that v hK is partly digested} and the stomal also upeds reek altar the labor of digesting a meal. In grown persons four or five hoars'should intervene between es oh meal. Children w? are growing fast need a simple luncheon of brad between moll, "r A boy of five years wasAho.gihlgjpy * playing beside a millpood ?B?r field, Mass., ii company withW3Hfc bprf wag cat ui to bage jde<^^^rai*on hic^y poles, and hung oyer the flre^ siSferiittfaigi . cipe that BangWc doctors goarant**** iufaUible. Ait small piece* ?f nooeroa born and elephants' tnaka, teeth of tigers, croeodfra;and bed*/ ? *'?. tare? portions of the bones ef tuI tores, gn^ ^Uwwa; a Wiatpf a stag and a bison a horn, and a nmnUe piece . of sandal wood; reduce the whole to ~~?'*? ?fc viih aaU water on a pvwuw OUW uu < ? ? stone. Half the potion is to be loved by the patient, and tne rest is to. be nibbed ovjp bis body. gBS&jift-ll+l , I U "l Thought* for Salnrday TS\ghU f It is bettor to Trample an enemy lhaa to conquer him. I Lave lonnd it bard to persuade men that death is sunrise. ^' Death has this also, that it opeuetfc the gate to good ame and extinguishes envy. " Thou shalt not get found out" is not one of God's commandments, and no man can be saved by toying to Lost?iesterdar, bet "feeel sunrise and # sunset, two golden hours, each set with sixty diamond minutes. No reward is offered, as they are gone forever. Hannah More add to Horace Wal~ pole: "If I wanted to i?unish an enemy... it should be by fastening an him the trouble of constancy hating somebody." At what employment would you havfev death find you ? l?or nay part, I would * have it to be some humane, beneficent, public-spirited, noble action. A young Southern lady objected to . the seeming impropriety of carrying her jpK petty cares to the Almighty God, as advised by her colored " mamma," because they were so petty. "Bress ye, w? ? Annt. MiHv'a wise reolv. >9o dey la; but doj?.lfe the trouble* , yen's got !" A child will infer tram the spirit" which pervades a household, whether the kingdom of fce*ven is * fact or a fie* tion. If it concludes it to be a fiction, how most the- soul suffer. If itjfeels .j'jRg and knows it to be a glorious end joyful truth that heaven is near and above us, how will the spirit be daily dvMm ftp* . ward and onward? as unintended. Cbst then they^are^anT^^so^fron thei^l^^^gBB our hearts fchwrtd be swept dlean .of* them, whitMB the largest a ltd Hhw?e?.