II ... ?-MW^WW?Hg booth VtnrtlM. ? ?tA dlft oyUy occurred in tbo Got error's Ottoe but Saturday wording between Uol. J. H. Lip*?o J?b, georetary tf B**te end J. Private Secretary to tbe tfbloU blows were uiiHd I9<) drSHTQ. ?*/ .. I prisouer confined la tbo jail . set firo to tbo bunding before Monday morning. In order, It u suppvnq?, to make hie sscupe, bat bolbvo bo oe#ld bo rescued tbo building was en tirely consumed and tbo prisoner perlsbod An tbo ffameo. ./\'H !? fwwl. ^*4$''I ?4on*tor Gnrftnd of Arkaneas, Is of tbo opinion tb*i jtb? Democrat ? of that Ftato .?will send* ootid McDonald dologniion to, *ht next Presidential delegation of that nrljr. Ifo also thioks ibal McDonald will ?ooeire the yqudmuion. ?Malione uuj bin crowd hats been boom . ^oft and managing ike Florid* ship canal jvblcb '? to out an allegod short course for ?leader# through t bo capo of Florida, Tim .object bas been a mystury until rpyently, when it leaked out that tbe Yirginla Judas, was ?ulpg tbo stock to supplement bis oara jpaign fund. v Deluded workers for tno Ma bono c?uee aro paid in $7 shares or tbe ship ,canal stock, with tbo assurance thai within a year they WlU be.Wy^ f2? ?Bill Arp talks sound sense In his article on domestic afl rain. BUI Is ? genuine phi loaopher. ?Jit \n bow eoipRHt?d that tbe total an nual reduction iti the revenue on tobacco, ?nuh'nad olgnra, growing out of the uow In ternal freeoauo Act, will bo.*bout $80,000, 000. ? ?K|n0py; were burned bjr inoendlarlee last w ok. Aud coming nearer homo tbcro trere throe Incendiary fires ip Laurens and two in Abbeville counties. ?It is rumored (hat the differences that bare arisen between Jay Gould and the men who ooniroUhe Bast Tennessee, Vir ginia and Georgia It ail rood system havo given rise to negotiations which, it is thought, Will soon put Mr. Gould iu eontrol ?f the Louisville and NashvUl Road and tbe Central K*il|ro?d of Georgia. ' ?Tbe rifle shooting contest between the military loams of Charleston and Savannah ion Thursday was won by 8avannab by 84 points. It Wan the moat exciting match vr hi oh o*or took plaelo In the Boutl) ? ??Tbe Western Union Telegraph Com pany has determined 16 make allowauoe to I their operators in fixing tho hours of labor| uniformly, and compensating them for, ex tra work. It Is <)utto a windfall for the op erators and is an act of generosity on the part of the huge company, about wliioh there were grave doubts.r sj ?Mrs. Jackson, widow of ?'Stonewall" Jackson, is in Boston, where ebe and her daughter'ar* guests ot Governor Butler. ?John C. Plynn, a Cincinnati newsboy S3 yeari old, sold out his stand on,.last Tuesday ai)4 started for Denver to engage ini lbs hotel business. Young Plynn has been striking tbe average between the Nmiiual Bxonange and the Chronicle, the erop le 0,928,620 bales, or about 88,000 bales largor than ihs next largeai crop ever grovyn, tliatr of J880, ?The Detroit Frtt l'rett thinks that from ths tnittU'of the trial, that/ Frank James, instead of being a murderer and a robber, tuuet have bueti, in the eyes of th4 Jury, a gltms missionary from*the South Bea lal 0tl?er Mates. i Georgia delegates to lbs, National 'Oqjivpnt}on, wljloh meets in Louis ths 24th inst., have formally an IthslrUe termination to demand ad s to hotels, ftnd to insist on .first MtaMmsaaiions. The tnanagerr of jnstpai hotels say that they will not ktht? M guests at all. passage of worts between tysssrs. Wright and Brooke la ths Georgia Legisla ture the 6ther day bav'led to complications which friends gre tr/lt^g to arrange, ?Wendell Phillips supports Goysrnor putlsr of MAssaohuaetts for a second ter~ -^?Msniy Ward Bocohor will be in I gasta probably ? about the last or Ootober. ' >^?Osaaba her of it nolh New Or houss ..?? -in ror a reliable Inoome, ? Haw leans seourod a much needed alms h through tbe fines taken from gwtypra.p -The Augusta ChronieU thinks that a law like South Carolina's* would bs| m r.?M. 'i*' w Vi if ?Among IbO^cbKposuti Id the aholvra in ths JUst, It wa* fsneatclly oUerVOdlhat those who hod been aocuitomed to the us4< Iquor, *vsn Irt i m'odsi'ait degree wsre first to be attacked, and the surest to Of Ihs ,many In (lite ooun ry who have milled suiolde during the nmnintf, a gly large number have bsnn found a and women of dridklng habits. Chinese' soldiers who may soon i French traops have ono ndvnutsge latter. They wear a light airy whloh consists solely uf a cap, a ten Jsoksi and a gausy pair of pants, ? Prench are atiired in a thick blue vMironn. solid red trousers, a thlok shirt | and hard leather boots. It Is riot strange jhayheunaoollmated Prcnoh soldiers feel | ?A txiltle haslaksn place between the Prensh and ths Btaek Flags, between Hanoi aud IJopl", Wr the lied Ktvcr. Tonquln. After UP Uy A flgMwg Ills French ear .>$ forts Of The tllaok Flags, I (Ssm t a by ihWr fleet, whloh poured if nt* upon ths forts. Ths Frenoh, i safd to be two ofliobm and fifty 'mtn. f ihs Bla^ti (Ugi bstffsen fivo and six ?wity ? ?imt ? frr *** tt", t. k. (u Mil |tiN|iti rthda FliANK 1\ BKAKI>, I'kophiktok. DVIMOHIPTltiX, liMui Y| pCAMDKxT tTcM Tuk Sumter*SjHnt of*ikc Timlb coin? s to us this week dressed In a ivady-prlnt "outside.'.' A great Improvement It is. Tux StatkBoabp or Eduction hat added Isrgvly to the Hue of books to be used In the public schools of tiie Suite. The board claim* Hint In thus doing, a monopoly will be prevented. We notice oiio good thing In the scloctlou of books, ami that Is the placing of Juini's >Vood Davidson's llletot-y of Boutli Carolina, uiid Reynold's works upon the lUt. These authors were possessed.df HcholnrlV. it tiduiheuts, as tl|d)- works manifestly show ; ami It Is but proper that they should be recognized, especially In their own State. s Plimllnir and Harvesting: of Oata. LKrom tbo Augusta Chronicle aud Constltu-> tlomillst.) J?.t!?.Hni0.0/ycflrUUuro w>'?n "II farmers wbt> intend topiant oats should bo prupur cd to Uu bo. Although tho planting ol oats Is His only ol Iftt5y??that r.Vr.nl^L VVJ tho attention IVom tbo rV*' "i1" country tbut It deserve*. ' ho advantages tho out crop powcwM over ?"> other are so many ll,ilt wo think it |* the best und inosl. proiltiiblo fleld crop tluit can bo raised by tlio farmer, If |ie In careful to comply with u fcw rules. Tho itrst is. he fh?wL,|e?iililtW.K-!i,,?c'i' k,ud ?r "ooU' which I* t^C001 v,Mrlol>'i thosocond, ho fur M,lte.p.ropCir,y' 11,0 though !i?.. > ''lu^'a,,lH Iheiu at Uio proper time. Tlio tituo of planting Id of ureal lm? ^Wi,if.W111 K,vo oll.r experlonoe or last \l* ni? u*Col?tl<>n. us ttul ways docs JliVwiV ono Purt ofour crop plun Yu,iimii ?n',V a ?1 ^ w"a?lh ofOetober whloh ) ttidou Illly-U vo I>libIioIh to llto ucro. and !i?? lrSf 1'""orVy\0,,uP Panted tho mid. ???? ??"' yielded twenty bush els to tho acre. Ono was a protluible crop; Uio other barely paid expenses. lioth wore planted on the same It I mi of la ml and ireut od?xu?tl.y mtke In all rospecWcxcept dUlor 1 (Vi-^??f>VJn* ? .i u' ,Js but llttlo labor lo plant and harvest the crop, lor whon the laud Is In So^dono'ivii1!01!1 u tfrwutl*0"*oft|l? work can XiiihSntiSj!'??Proved tumlpinonts. It |H Kavo M'ueof your ftheu wo always rt l^hrt i,?J. ,i^,.h?H*0,,a Jh0 cr?l? requires. urAwn'ro1' work that can be bpsldoa more tuin bo produced from jVn^ir?iJ rn fro,n un>' other kind or ?nun. milrt'a r,t? hu"-0,' ,,,oro thu? ??? Jtiri.utJ? stock ho can dl?poso of tho cKlm KOod "P.^vautuiro us uny hold X* iM? grow. Tho oi-op is catheroil at o?^i!fi^?i i y 1,011 hout tho laud It thelaiu^i.?? iloty,oforops. Uo can sow ?la niiK c,U>Oi to gather or to loavo ? H,r *??other crop. Tho land MaU wiJn h fCUtn,8nt )V,M Kt0lu'?'y Improve, thft!!.? . h^v,? oxporiouoo will testify, it wmaiii im,i!??1' '}llA fooripixi slumps, Itmay movvnr "Udislurbdd, and in tho rail, with a ou? HS cro.V ?r orub ?rilKM l>?y may bo ti7n'???ra ?.r ??tw>n may bo pluntod after thooou.undafulloropniudo, all ol which wchuve tried and Knovy cuU bo dono. ^3J1?!i0^n.r,^.v.,u,Pu, yw of Phtnllng. The ono adopted by us an tHo simplest aud mjfei prootlcaVlo ror farmurs situated as wo iu?5? Ihat U, the lauds which they wish to #Tan* In outs belug ooouplod with ootton a?-l4'!i0 wg hud In this mode or plant ing la that wo oaugvt the oau In at tho pron f'fioiej wheroM, If wo waited uutll tho coi toil-WUs air gatherod It would bo too lato. Tho imt sood and manure aro lu oontaot. which we llnd an udvanlago over plowlnu f?1inmnVr?.,n Uo?Pv '^?o oau will come up HlL15K0 ttr M>?y were aowu, S.I ? 1,0 dragged about lu buuuhOH. as rowed ln? BroUU Plowed and the oaU fiar stalks pulled up. lu pitlliug up tho stalks dU'-u?:boU, whloh, we ffiiuii& SSVAT- ,u,?vou ??iUo ?? rt?"o,nbei'od that, tho cotton 5"Vbe oleau ofgnuts ul tho tlitie or plan ting oata.but that upoij no^ hp chhrkeff to tlio 9V!"y .0V"?" P'^'lter knows tho bon- ' ellt. of having his irlUin ileitis clean of grass I utploklng time, sometimes at iiiut season MivinJ^n ^uwl,lurI" warm,a>>d ih"up. * ?" "V11011 8t,0t! .UH u uianuro they Ay.llJ^ri>J,,twn.d *row unl" frOHt Ul"? them Tho qiiestlou Is often uskod ir the cotton sood does not lose somo ol Its valuable oualltlos as a niamtro. la our exporlouco they seem lh^iHSWfinV2il0.n^ppU? 11 K';eou, Hum when tnoy aio Allied, uo luuttor how juuqIi tiiov ?P/uuu . * ?? i?-vo .86e.n bushelg of green ootton 5arewa?^i:t Iiiraorowherotho toinO quantity of ?>tton 8Sa, TttTLZtti otititiu, to Maitter the uoilon seed. It muy occasionally break a limb or kiiook olfa boll, Injury will 1>? very alight. ' "W.1 ?\J^VViVYng tho crop |1SiJ5,. ?a" ^ l>'"w Cr?p ?t will tay to 'no Straw. We tlud It ??" dZurWfttheC?"rt H ,Ut? U,toUUr# SEED OATS. 1,000 BuhIiale Prime H?d Html Proof mUs. Also aeUeted bo ml Ryo nnd Bftrloy. Poi aalehy T W. L ARTHUR & MlO. Aug. 80-tttJ. ' Mi11 ?taiiVii. .< ? j J.BLAKE STEEDMAN, IlK'KKSKSTlSa KNOOP, FREERICH & 00., CHARLESTON, S. 0. lafcuee Kxohntigo on Chiirlcatoh. Buya Cot. ?! SCHOOL NOTICE. AH puhilo sohool toftoher* who hate not Jet made their raporla to thi* ofliea; are ereby required t? do ao by VOlh He|?t., or alee 1 will be compelled to clone my annual report Agaiuul thrtu. No fiirtlicr notice will he plvon. JUKI* llOUOtt, 8. 0. K. 0. ...I.. BUIST NEW CRQP Turnip Seed. iMPROtBD Rift A IJAOA. . ' f.AKQK WH?TR Wlilts Ff.AT QVNflli. WHITR AND MW OLOBK. GOLBRN hai.i, YRM/OW AltKRDKRN. 6WKET QBRM AM. ) ? > v WHIT* IIANOVRR. VbLloW m*f: ' " ? - wiittH Mam ' * RKD TOP. end other*. ^PwanHby I Dr. F L. Zemp. Established IK*. W? beg respeolAjlly to aanounee to tb? people or Kershaw county the arrival of our FALL AND WINTER STOCK or DRV 60008 AND CARPETS. , __? Not la many years have we placed suob att immense assortment before the public,. Every depnrluioi.t ? WHOLbXALK enrt HH- I TAIL?nun been stocked with new and de sirable good*, aud we guarantee our prlooB to be a* low a? offered by any firui in the Southern States. Domeatio Goods direct from the Footories. Woolen Goods Iron the Great Auotion Sales. Silk and Dress Good* iu endlo s variety. We are at present doing the largest and most suoOessful Carpet and Window Shade Business In the State. Good Brussels Car pets 7Go per yard. M*tt orders receive prompt attention at tho ruling prices of the day. If you do not know us already it will bo to your advantage to mako our acquaiu tanoe. Wo want your trado. McLOY.RICE & CO. Sept 13-88, 4m. FEED, SALE UNO LIVER* STABLE. Having leaned the coinmiuodious STA BLES attached to tlio DeKulb House, 1 tiui prepared to furnish outfits in the way of BUGGIES, PHABTON8, &c? (or plensuro driv'os. HACKS atteud upon (ho arrival of all trains. L am also prepared to do huuling of any kind. figfl also keep ou hand a full line of HARNESS, BUGGIES, & WAGONS, which I can affor4 soli lower prices th?u any mhor persou in town. I will have on hand throughout tlio sea sou a lot of HORSES AND MULKS, purchased specially for (his market. Buy ers will find it to thoir interest to call on mo beforo buying. Aug 0 ly. ' W. N. ELLIS, Agt. 13: OF Family and Fancy Groceries JU8T OPENED AT TIIE "LITTLE STORE." INCLUDING Sugars. CofTeos, " Teas, Lard, Butter, Flour, Orisl, Moul, Mackorel, (now orop) Soaps, Choose, Royal Baking Powder, Jellies, gaf^inoe, Salmon, Tomatoes, Corn, Peaches, . .. Pinoappjps, Potted Ham, Buokcts, - Broetns, Blncklng, All Grades Chewing Tobaooo, Best Smoking Tobacco, Cigars, Mavches, Con, Lyo. Apples, I onions, Cttbbngcp, Potatoes. . Wa wijl bo prepared to parch and grind oofTce fresh pvcry day, after the 16th of Sept. This will be a great convenience to housekeepers. Goods delivered promptly to any part of town, free of charge. A sharo of yonr patronage Is asked for, F. P. BEAHD, Prop. WILEY SUBORN In chargo. BRIDGE TO iET. A bridge lo bo built over 8awney's Creek nt or near NOll'oh'a Mill will bo lot fit the mill on Thursday, 20th of September. Bld tiers aro invited to intend. W. II. R. WORKMAN, Hop. 0-2t. Clerk 'Board Co. Com. ? 1 11 ' 1 v'lflr i ? * STORES TO RENT. I offer to rent at moderate prloes t#o 'el egant an?l- well-finished stores on Brosd hi root., Apply to . W.OLYBURN. Aug. W'ltu. ' EXCHANGE HOTEL, GBBENYMtiliM, 8. C. The Original and only skoomd class hotel In the ofty. In Centra, on line Street Rail way. Rooms Urge, cool, oalm, olean, sin gle, double and an suite. OIVB ED. vouk (:iiB0fC8. We will make your stay pleasant, you must mako it profitable. w. R. WHITE, l'ROl'lUKTOIt. W CLYBURN. FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. RopvesSnllng the following well known Iro Insuvanot Companies, is prepared to writo poliolcs upon Dwellings, Mores, fyer ohandise, Mills, Cotton Oinu, Jto., at cur rent rates: HOMB, of Now York, OKOIiaiA HOMB. , ' COMMERCIAL UNION, of London, STANDARD PIRB OFFICE, of London. ROOHK8TBR GERMAN, of Now York. MpTho patronage of my frlonds and the publlo generally Is soliolted. W. OLYBURN. A fine stook of orookery ware, horse shoes, 7m nulls, ooffeo mills, axes, hatohots, buokets, saws, augers, poakqi knives, knives and forks, spoons, screws, looks, hinges, drawing knives, and various arti nloo In this line too numerous to mention, by D. C. K MtKLKY*. Ilbls fcarly tioae Registered SSwlne. I b?*? fo?'n*t6 ICTer*] R?gUttr?l B?rk. ablr^JJoere ami Sow*. Pedigree furnished J?%tf J. D. M* DO WALL. te W? _ were ell persons upon the J'BelmontH-' pUe* near ^amdro. Tor enjr purpose whatsoever. 1 here e*oseVOnTlf. >|B'4 ?>"??? ? LAitur.it k HOrll. Noi)e ore goiiulue without tUo tr SAFE, H. II. WAURBll 6t CO.. Hoc heater. N.Y. J. C. II. CLAUSSEN & CO., WIIOLKSALK MANUPACTU1IKU8 OP Crackers and Candy, AND AOENT8 FOR. Matchless Baking Powder, CHARLESTON, 8. C. Tomatoes? 81b Cans of Tomatoes 16 cent*. 2Cann for 25 oonts ut W. A. ANTRUM A CO'S. I CAN TELL YOU HOW TO BE YOUR OWN DOCTOR! If you have ft bad tasle In your mouth, sullownoss or yellow color of akin, fool des pondent, ntupld and drowsy, nppolilo- un stoa.?y, frequent libndiicho or dizziness, you are "bilious." Nothing will arouse your Liver to not on And strengthou up your sys tem equalto j SIMM&JVS* ? BEPMWIV ?QMPQWMt, OR LIVER AND KIDNEY CURE. Removes Constipation, Relieves Dltzinoss, DUpele Biok Hotidftohc, Abolishes Biliousness, Cures Jftundioe, Cures Liver Complaint, Overcomes Malarial Blood Polsonirg, Regulates llio Hlumnoh, Will ltogiilAtu iht) Liver, Will Regulate the Rowels. THE LlVUll AND KIDNEYS can be kept perfectly henlthy in Any cll mAto by inking An oooaslonal dose of 81MMON8' HEPATIC COMPOUND, the groat VegeiAble Llvor ond Kidney Med icine. DOWIE A MOISE, PnOPRIfcTOKS, Wholesale Druggists, Ohal'lustun, H. Q. For saIo by Dr. P. L. Zemp, Camden, H. C. ?'v ? ? ? i? t: ? NEWiCROP MOLASSES. New Orleans P?noy A>id Medium grades. Pot sale by W. f? ARTHUR & 11110. AT LiM&RY1S PHENOMENOk The Crcntent Journalistic Suetm of the Aft. The humorous department of Texan Rift 1 L? von' ?C' for,y rtlglitoolumn E?rJ*>.f? week, besides tin h i vJ! llliisl.rations, u V..1? !l? nttont Te.xn h Aii^i. I 1 ',,K ?'rtirtlurrtnts, (Ann ers, ftlorkK, nteohniue* and cftpflnlutH wnnt. 2' ??WAgrwM ?'? "lAlieVl til BW?<'1 A K'?". CHOICE oanvAssed IlAmsatid Shoulders, Coffee And Sugar-"*11 grades. Lard, Baoon, Plour and Molasses. For ssto Ky D. C. KIRK LEI. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. The undortlgned have (his day formed a iopartnershlp, under the stylo and firm ??m# of RICH A WOLFE, for the iransso lon of a general merohanllU business. Tho patronage of the ptihlle Is (allotted. isadohe nicir. *ug.10.|m. DAVID WOLPfi. Everything is Confidential. AT TIHfi DELMONICO BA$fl Milk l'unch Nt the Deluioulco Bar. J Mint Julep* the LMiuouioo B*r. ADpfe Toddy ?t the Deluioi Corktftts nt the Del inonlco litr.^ ? Jrrn null lUfek ucthe lMinonJco Bar. H\SSE!!?r: Mixoil Urtiika Nt the l>?lmonJeo Bar. Sherrjr Cohhlem at the DelnwnU-o B?r. Apple Ckler ?o It* nt the Ltelmoulcu Bar bo?r on Ice n? th? iH'liuonloo Bur. Special arrangements made with fam IHo* for Boer at the Deltnonk-o Unr. Jjiii 25. mmm NOTICE. Our tier* will he closed Tuesday, the "Jud, and Thursday, (Uo 11th of October. ? BAUM UIU'S. CRACKERS! CRACKERS! \V? have on hand at all time*, and pre constantly roceiviujc FllESll CKACK?US of all kindB W. A Ahcrvm & Co MUM DR. FRANCIS L. ZEMP Invites attention to his largo assortment DRUGS and MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS &.PUTTY, DYE WOODS AND DYE STUFFS, eaiM&St CISIMJfBVS, L.1Z.VF XTJCCRS* LMPE?, KE.UjS:I2 OIL, E?J._ A full and complete assortment of GLASSWARE, STATIONARY, TOILET ARTICLES, Sl'ONGKS, FINE PERFUMERY ana SOArS. Brushes of the Lest makes. tg^-Presorlptloris and Family ltcoipeu carefully compounded ut all hours. THE ? DELMONIGO OF >d I. L. ROSENDORF & CO. The best Champagne, Madeira, Sherry. California and Rhine Wines, always In stook. Alos, Lager Beer, l'ortcr, Oingor Ale, Soda Water, and nil Minoral Waters, con stantly on band. Over tbo liar?Fanoy Drinks, by ukilled I and polile assistants. TOBACCO AND SEGARS. An Havana Segar fur Fivo Cents is ono of Ibe latest innovation# of this establishment. The Havana is puaruntced. We also huvo the l). ?t 10 Cento Sugar in the market. Smoking Tobucop of all kindi, front lead ing manufacturers. Plfiet* of all kinds in atook. ? B EBTAURANT.?In a few days we will M%. opon a Restaurant which will be con ducted in first clans style. Due notice will be given. The patronage of the pnblio is solicited. I. L. ROSENDORF & CO. j?25 tf No More Illegible Writing, Why? Bcoauuo KEMINOTON'8 TYPE WRITER enables every man to WRITE LIKE PRINT. For circular* and specimens of type writ njr, address J. D. TRENHOLM,. fll 11 road St , Charleston, S. 0. Selo Agent for South Carolina. Aug 2-flm. SOUTH GAROUNA MILITARY ACADEMY. CHARLESTON, t. C. On*. JOIIJiHON HAOOOD, Chairman Board of Visitors. Con. J. P. THOMAS. Superintendent. The Seoond Academic year, since ru-es tablishment by Aal ot tli6 (Jonertil Assom bty, will begin Oototnsr 2nd next. Applica* lion for Cadetahip mutt be made on or be* fore September 20lh next, to the Chairman Board of Visitors at Barnwell 0. It., S. O. i'ay (?ndots reoelred from nr.y Stato. Registers 6r Circulars furnished by Su perintendent; Aug. lti-lni. DARK BROWN ? Deposits on tim terth and near the odges of the gums are removed with a few applica tions of WOOD'S OD0NT1NE. it sweotens the breath, hardens ttio gums, and withal contains nothing *hioh can by any means Injure the euatnol. Try a box. Sold by DvuggUt*. W. 0 FISH Kit. Wholesale Agent, Aug. 16. < Columbia, 8. C. taxnoticeT^ OFFtCE COUMfY 1REA8UHEfl. Kershaw County, August 28, 18H<1. Notlo* is hereby given that iho cfRoo r* the Treasurer of Kershaw County will u ^.en at Camden from the FIRST DAY OF SKI'TBMBER, 1888, 10 the TWENTIETH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1881, Inolusivo, for the collodion of dtate, County, School, foil and Special Taxes for the flsoal year com mencing November 1, 1882, together with tho penaltv ot Ave per oeHtum on any un paid Installment* of ono half which were payable In May last. >? The rate of taxatloh Is a Cf.o?u>," i\ thorough-broil' Ayrn sbire liull will biuii.1 tliis.acusun inOamilcu, Apply at the store of W. A. ANCRUM &. CO. The JSooFcs For receiving subscriptions lo the enpilol stock of "lint or prise Building and Loan As sociation" nro now open nt (he stores of L). W. Jordan & Co., W. L. Arthur iiro.. I)r! P. h Zeinp, J. C. Man and ui the oilico of Thk Lvkksiiaw Gazrttk. FOE, SALE. Dcsirablo residence on Broad stroel, in Camden. Terms eusy. AI.H0, A tract of land containing 100 acres, with two dwellings, outhouses, good spring, and orchard; about miles trom Camden. Ap ply l<> Fiiamk P. Bkahd, Heal Estate Agrnt. W. M. SHANNON. &rr0Bjrjsr ar ?>&wt CAMDEN', S. C. Having been appointed Attorney for the ,,c*cottish Lund Moitgage Oompnnies," for Kershaw oounty, I am prepared to receive applications for loans on real estate. ma 13 lin Save Your Feed by using Sinclair's Feed Cutters. Tie BEST FEED CUTTER ill the Market. We have just rccoived tin invoioo of IIk-ho celebrated and popular Peed Cutters, which ?wo offer at rousoniihlc prices, I). W. JORDAN & CO. Agricultural Implements. Call at W, A. Anortim &Co's. and set! theii sortmont of Agricultural Implements? Reapors, Mowers, Soil-binding Reapers, Harrows, Plow* tic. *WrAND SPRING OPENINGif OF FINEST CLOTHING AT IS. 3E5X.,^J>3"3t;s., Oh on peat Clothing house in the city. fifcJTA lull lino of OhLNTS'FURNISHING GOODS always on hand. fifey"Colol>Tatod "Manhattan" shirts?n durable and woll made garment?is a com fort to tho wont er. To bo had nt. S. BLANK, Popular Clothier, 240 King Street, Charleston, S. C. LUMBER FOR SALE. Wo aro prepared to supply oholeo lumber in any quantity desired, and of any dimen sions, upon iho shortest possible nolieo. Our mill is located near Camden, alid we now have on hand >v Urge supply, ready for deltvory. Send in your orders. TitUESDEL & GARNER. May 2'l- th. IHHJj, at Yorkville 8.0. JOHN FORREST. M. I>, Refolding Koorotnry. Rare Bargain! . ! *Zr Srtl? IW() ^'w??on Oins and a Sthofleld Press, in good order, which muy !?? had at a bargUa. iufA1" ' >?' "A"" ? PORTABLE AND STATIONARY ENGINES Am BMiiEim, AVI Sff" COISoV J}SI1jL.S, Cotton Gins and Presses. 11 p. v o been awarded FIKST VHUMIUM. ovsr nil competitor*, at Mvmur tmm w/w&m mjiuvited, WE CHALLENGE OOiPETITlON! Wo deal iliroct with tlio purchaser, and Guarantee Satisfaction. Write For Catalogue. AHrlr acq TALBOTT & SONS, CHARLOTTE, N. C. COLUMBIA, S. C ASHLEY PHOSPHATE C 0 Olrx?ixi"ios3.t: complete in all its novelties. My Stock ofOBNTH' FINB SHOES are scleclcd with gtcal care. Low Quarter# and Gaiter# in Calf and Matt Kid. iW AU orders promptly altended to. jml* ii. ^s:.3rrv;rjfvnt.x>f COL I; Mill A, S. 0. OPPOSITE OR ANT) OKNTIIAL. npl 20 Corn! Corn!! Most CX/HN Hfllinj; nl W i'i*itls |mr (>c 1 W. A. ANCIIUM & (JO H. Cow Poaa Wantod. 1,000 DumIioJm of COW 1KAS wfu-t.-.l \,y W. A ANClCt'M .St CO. FOR SALK COTTON ri'.l'.l > M l' \ I, Tho bout nnPfit rood (?>< nil ' i 'l ' o Monk hihI tho phonpi'Ht nml l>',vi it*t?imr?? i- 111 < < t.M oontul si i n>; finnlyMlH by Dr. O. C. Hliophiwtl, lii-uto Hmiii lut, mill illrcctlODH for 11*0 li| >>y McDowell h Kennedy, I Holic.it n c 'liiiiiitnnco of the |mronrtg< hcrr.to|