The Kershaw gazette. (Camden, Kershaw Co., S.C.) 1873-1887, July 26, 1883, Image 2

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'-f': Tko Kews Prom KrerjrnUeie, Booth Carolina. * A IflO.OOO Are occurred la N?wb*rry, H. . Thursday nigh I Ia?i, commencing uvar W right ?s J. \V. OuppooVs clothing atcr-*. The origin of the tire U unkuuwn. Iusurauce K MNk W. II. aiblyw. Evq.t baa been appointed n deiewute ui represent lb** Columbia B?wr.t o' Tmde In the Hummer MmMIiiu of the Slate Agricultural and Mechanical Society. A corrocpondent nf tit* Greenville News Mint on Saturday nfiernoou two men. J. H. King it nd ????? ? Denuoii. claiming to be Mottli Carolinian*. presented to Ihe National Itank at Spartanburg a ebeek for #73J on wh'cb woaMlgned the name of one of Spur ia abugc'a leading niercliuuta. Mr. W. C. Ouu* lion. The bank official* readily recognlaed the forgery, and tho men wore prompt ly nr. reeled, ana are In Jail, Other Htate*. On Tbnradny and brldny In New York one V hundred und eighteen children died of illn uuKUKouuvod cy Ibo butt In the tenement houM< that ure HI- ventlllnted und without the aanltary rcuuisltes to preserve life. t All but two judgea of the State of MUslppI travel en frc-o pauses from tlio railroads. Glass I* beginning ttgrtnko the place of wood and Iron m making railroad ^Idge* In Knglatul. A bill ha* been Introduced In the lA*glaln ture of Georgia to wire for the neglected graven of Coufoderato soldier* In thai state. Ooud. A cave on t tie Colorado river, over onV mile In length, and In koiiio place* thirty leet In width, U attracting considerable at tention In l?ainpu*nti. Toxin. This cave Is nbout nlxteo r tn 11 <-m from the town, and lino two Hina.l streams running through It, which are uboul two feet doc p. lu General. Joseph E. McDonald, of Indiana, U being spoken of very prominently for the Presi dential content in IMG. by the Democratic party. Heglvosliis view* lu a very bold, oleur and succinct niunt'er. und tlu-y ate heartily endotvod by ninny Democratic vo ter* throughout the United Mates. v Tlio projector* of tho !>oulflvllle Exposition have fixed upon price* f?ir privileges. i,<in. ouude must pav Ice oreain, tw* elder. 91,200; the restaurant, 32,530; beer, and popuoru, si. UK). A Uitleglrl and little boy were noticed fol If: .r.g the loe wagon In New York or. Wed tioaday, one unr,rylng n bag and the other u buckct. V l'.. g tillered all the small pieces or lee wh! . It viio We man leil behind. An hour latb .tie young couple were ueitllng nut lenuiiiudo til a penny a gloss in Chatham atroet. A contribution to the conscience fund In the Hhnpe of a draft for ^l.^x), drawn by u Western band on Chicago in favor of secre tary Fotgor, has been rccelveil ul the Treas ury Department nl Washington. The letter enclosing Ihe drnll wits alined "Unknown Debtor." The drafl Iiiih been paid and the ii mount credited to tho consulonce luntl. i'o?-elj;t?. (Unit Iti beginning to take t S* o ph'eo ?>( wood and Iron l?? nmlclnjr railroad !>. "? Kngtnnd. Tlio Inventor mattes li m ? ?f urlns*. Which he harden* by a *pe<lai piwsH. In golldliy li In Hitlti (hey leave nuthiuic in l>? desired. The experiment nlreiuly made have slven K?itprlHlntc renultH. uml t *?*.* eo.?i i* l? luw that ol brldgi-h n t woicJ ?>:? iron, Wage* In Oormnny nre iidveneintr. woroh paid lu thirty nine WeMphnllau mln* Imv OKtHbliHhniciils Iiuh luereur.ed hum *jhi i to $227 por head, Tb? area of lUtftMn in Europe Is nearly thirty iltno* iluit of tho Htnto of New York, nnd the KummIuii army has to defend an um pire ol olcht million ?(jtniro inllm. . In consideration or Iho continued deprcy* Klon In uui'luitlltti'c, thu Luik ? of Newcastle linn returned to hl? tenants 20 per cent. or their renin for the puhI huir yeur. The enuHO of cremation Ik iruiUitiR proRri ks in Japan tliftt may well Marl to as well us en unurHKO tho advocates ol cremation 1m Weslern land*. It 18 mild that the number o bodies dhtpoged of In Unit way is ulimii u.ii.o a year. Thu furnnwe lx a stum- ami cement Mlructuiv, with n tall chimney that makes It Jlkea factory. Jn the vestibule are a nnn.l>. r of red earthenware nriiM and small rhoveiK. which tho relutl ves of thu dceuuxt-d purchus* to collect tho nnhet> after binning. HeMdc the vestibule there are lour oluuiiher*. the largest ot which Is decorated with pra-nt,. oolumus. Alttfr tho crcniutlon the nslu : :,rc oolleoted. placed In en urn and ttien hurled -^Wfteti with much pomp? In u cemetery. The creniatlve eutllce Ih hedged In by fence.. />' bamboo cunca und red camellia*. A (I vert I Kid LottPis. (Kor week ending July llth, JR8S ) Oeorcco Brown, T>embor CornUli, .Tim Wl!SK?"r,*'l Jscwijiimln Hostfin, I Mtiwrlou Hopkins, ?folin M. Mitchell, Rlliui M. Munn. Mrn. W. H. Built h. Hardy \.Por the \rcok ondlnff July 2lst, HW3.) Mrx. .Tullua Bynum, 1). Blnck, Alexander Onroton, Mrp. Kmnnv Cornish. Barry Hancock. MIm Rllxnbcth Jlyntt. M)w? Molllo K. Mokiiln. Brook N ITn I In r<l . Mm. Annie Cou r.v , Kilns l>t?rr.v. W. talir'cworth, Nnttinn Humphrey Fsnno Krnls, I I>. M. KlrW lev. Mrs. Nuncy M o.r'nvu 1 1 1 I MUh XUn JlobliiHon, J. W. Young. In enMlnv for the ubovo please ntnio thnt th*y arc Hdvorliscil, H. II. DIIOOKS.P. M. Expi'CHH Consignee. Pnekntra* remnln In the express offlco con signed to tho following peranum K. O. Oi^eo. J. C . w. Thompson. Ii. if. Hhftmion, K. Onm^r. Mr?. K. K. Meronoy, I H. K. Turnlpjowd, .T. K. W. Ilnlle, I T. It, Huiui, I H. Kln(t. } J, MeKny. I I?. I?. Towusend. Headqnnrtei-ft Darlington Onar<]?. IMRMKOTOV, h. 0.. July 10th. INK. i, At ft .regular inet'llmr of the I>nr)lnaton flunrd* n?(<) on the 2nd lnnt., tho followlr.v preamble anO rCHolutlonn were unanlmouidy WHtlt***, The Parllntrton OuardH. <teM rnnvofexmrewln* their high appreciation of the very bosrlUibfe treatment given them 3 it the occasion nfthetr recent vUlt to Com-. en t?V participate In Ihe ceremonle* <?r the tin veiling Of the monument to the i.'onftodnr ttto deKd Of Kerohaw county, he It reiolverl; 1M. Th?vt. the. thank* of the DxrluiRton ftunrdw are hereby tendered (o the people of Kerith&w County nod to the tilMr.enn of the town of Ortmden for the wt?rm welcome ox? tended to them. flnu. Thnt the thart't* of our compnny are e*prcl?lly due Mettur*. J. 1> MoDowall and Dalton Kennedy and other gentlemen pom poking the committee Into who** hand* it WMouf cood fortune tft he placed lot iholr 'Very attentive and courteous treatment. *rd That a copy of thece resolution* be Kent to the committee, and thnl they be pith lllhfd In thefti inirion .fnurnnl and kkhaiiaw i.a/.ki ti: m?l toj N,... nm Hee'y. Darlington Guard*. Opinions of t lie Press. Will Ti,r.v Piny th* Vnot. IT.Ittlo H?w|? OftftMt*.) Th* *t?ntlon of Mr. HnnrtftM as Snoakor wonM cstofc D?moom?lo orltloUin of Repnh lloon manftftemenl of l!i? tariff question through Cofefcr*Mtonft! l+frf'Utlon, and 1 >rpcnl V InortM* th# oh*oow of n?pnbHcnn In fhpprflMi.lnnlU1 onnlost next f*nr It rtroitina to hft aeon whrtber th* l>?f?rt orftt* will ploy th? fool for Iff ? h?noflt of Mr. JUndnU'N pornonitl ambition nnd th? It?piihllo&n p *f?y . "VlrHrnn of Tlu-lr (Iwn Pol I jr. 1 fOftffHf y I !n roll n In ii. J Hi* pMOhM. Iotn4to?8, okra, hMft* ? ponoh H? flm ohlnpod from tl?o Month to lh? Bwi?rrt oltU*. ?nl<l f?r low prices, put up to ours, Mnt hnok (0 nil *n<1 ?olit for hi* pHO*. flow mncl? lonjmr will onr' po'.pU rem*lit ?l?r< victim* of Ihfir own fol lyf Moll (omnio^ ftt fifty cant* a hi|?b?l And ilhlp tli?? Norllt or Un?? <??vl hrln*tJr?Mft 1 h.iok >?t 16 ctntil a fltuirt or $1.80 a hwihel. HtadqftMrtM** Krtlsto Rlflcn. OftAMdr.BUnfl, K. C., inly 28* 1883. Mr. P. P, limril, (Atnulni, A\ C. : Urar Sill? I fcm dlrfirtod by I l?o fMlnln lUfltft lo Minim ?<> yn? ?nd tl>? K?nt)omen .,<?i>n)rtMnst Mi? o f itrrftngaraent* mil iho otlU'MiA of Cum lon (ho nim-ore th?nk? of (h? CtiMptny for ?ho m#nv ntfon llown, ?ourt**l?5 and kindtioMe* shown dm on Iho occft*i ?n of our viati lo your town tn ?Mondnno? upon Hu? o?rrioonie* of ttio i.n t'MUijt of Ol? Conf?d?rft?o Monument on ii? 20th of .Tunft U?t, 'I'll- rco.mnui And itn inn l*nl* wilt mm- hn looVod upon on? ? f tho |>l#rvinnl oocqrityty* 1ft Mi* hlat >? y of oui* oorw. f/. .. ' * A??nrln*ymt of o?ir ftpprroU|lon of Ibo ftltonUon shown n*. I remain ' V ury Truly Vour*, , J. ft oUvRIt, S*c4y m.d trcft*. Kdimo Kill.-, ? j ii . t j ? 1 i i m if a* fiiim w FltANK I*. BKAltl), Prophibtok. ?,ir i iii'<.ii. nr. j it ; ? Aiif t atcacs^cccasaai rU llSCUUM ION, %'? PKl: YK.VK, IN ADNAKn.. \i. ? .'.'.-r-ri-r^^ ; ; ? ? CAMDEX, S. C., JUf/T 20, 1KS3. THE TELEGttAPH STRIKE. For once we are In favor of n strike, ami although tjcrlons Inconvenience I* fell by our community In common* with the re*t of the country, by the cessation of work on the telegraph wires. yet we j believe that these operator# huvw justice ami right on their shle. A huge mon eyed corporation lias from time to tinm reduced the wages of Ue operators while It line been watering iUf own stock, ami line cut down ltd employees below li\ in? wages, ami yet expect# them to ?.;.*. A ?? ami toil on. it Is ag-unst reason and h'< man nature, and (lie manly stand taki < by the operators after protest ami soiiei tation merits the connnemlatiou or* all right miude.l people. V\u hope thej will com inue to preserve their uigui:\ and to warrant the svni|uithy <>t i4i. it well wisher* by -doing nothing uitceemly or violent, but coniiime to go about tin even tenor of their way, boasting to a returning sense ol'juustice on the pari of the Western Union i'omparv <>r t?? ire; ting employment eUew here or in >>ih er avocat Ion?. THE CONDITION ???' LA HO II III ! S YK \K. We hear from nil ([U!ir>cr? tin- cry that labor this year has been mmv trilling, harder to eoutetif, more imperious in ? .> demands and >n?>rf uiiprmnisin;; l"? . ? tin* futuru thuii It hits been l"? ?r soil k* \ i*it r? . Our fiirniers are quite blue :d out i;, ami j in eonvcrfalion wit li a nuniUcr nf it.eni j wo have enquired as t<? tin- cau>e lor ii - present condition. The reason jj < - i t 1 is that It i* the legitimate died ??! 'In lieu law. 'I'll** position of the (iv/K.u on I his Pithjeet is well known as \\c h:i\e for some time been convinced thai it* repeal would be mi ultimate b< i.< l!i !o the State however hard i( might he i i-iii porarily. That is a fabe syHem ;:ml must tiuaiiy beggar our people. Tliat is an tiunaturai system and forces our pco ph? into tiie production of cot ion to tin -exclusion of other products and li- s lliein liaiid and foot |o tin* factor and merchants and engender* u cklossnc**, exl raviganee tiud an otter disregard of a , rigid economy, by which alone can tl e\ ever get alu-ad. That high price* for goods ami money, exhorbitanl iiiMnM ami low prices fur cotton, will ruin any people. COLORED CON YE. VI' I ON. We wiit died wllli point? Interest lie proceedings of the colored convention which uss-emblcd at Colutnbi.-i on thclS;h instant. It wns convened osicnsilV.y for j the purpose of sending delegates t<> u J general eonvenlion of the race which is to assemble at Louisville, li was, s:s we expected, a representative body of the colored wing of the defunct Jladi.;d | party of the State, and w as bossed by g.ich characters ns Miller and Demi I'ort ' Mid June Mobley, of Union, with cer tain virulent and unprincipled while men In the back ground. Ail of the ma lignity, venom and spleen of the oM hacks came oi<t in the resolutions pa.-sed. I'liey denounce the l)cmociatic party of the State in coarse and indecent tei ma, i decry its cfl'orts at governmental reform, , nnd seek to arouse the sympathy of the North to their condition, and actually had the impudence in such a triad to j Bend a committee to wait on the Gover nor and Superintendent of Education, Tlu y then elected delegates to Louisville and after much talk and wrangling ad journed to sink back into their merited insignificance. They did not represent j even their own race (or most of them wiro mere political hummers govern ment pap-suckers or loafers. I'iiey ex hibited all of the venom of iloir- n.ituie nnd f>how tint they can learn no pr .c'i ??1 wisdom by the lessons which the las', few years eliouhl have taught t hem. They areas utterly incapable of ever iigain coming to tho front and thereby ing tho State to vandalism and material ruin ns were the hosts of Satan to scale the cmbattlements of jleaven. 'J'hey have no chance, here, no sympathy at the North and if tho Louisville convention attempt A to Inaugurate a mere race issue It will bo a sorry day for them. Tills country is too practical, its inter ests too great and tho w'ldto men too numerous to permit any lom-foolcry on theV*i't of the negro race. Ills ridels one of political assimilation and not of. political antagonism. Tho white man Wishes fiiut no harm and will protect hlin tu his legitimate rights, but he knows that ho li on top and intends to remain there. It is destiny ami Is as fixed ami Immutable as tho laws of tho planetary system. Wo wish tho race well and trust that tho Louisville con vention will show inoro sense than the lltthj motley crew did that assembled last week In Columbia . H no. Dorhky lUitLK, who Rlcor* tho editorial department of the Turburo (N. 0 ) (JnUlci, and whom tlio ihcmher* of tho ft. (;, pree? Ml) *0 muoh admire, pay* tho following handaomo compliment to the quill* driven* of this Ktnte Whom he met iH tho late reunion : " No feature of the it-cent Pre bp Convention so pleased tin as the eortlltlon of our South Carolina Brother* with u* at Ash?vllle. Tho two States lying contiguous for a long 01b tulibe united the people of the t ao States In Interest, uolghborllnoKS and friend* *hlp. We have often heard of the high U'lnd, chlvalric, courteous hearing of our brother* in: roe 9 the 1h n'.er, but the h.dfhad not hecn u?l<l us. We were charmed with their companionship. 'I'Iip tschemo to v>U Charleston next year frotn KayettcvHIe, will Ik< doubly enjoy able since we know of what clever stuff ft. C. brother* are constructed." We want to sen our brethren of tho Old North State nt Charleston next April, and we promise to glvo thorn a cordial welcome and a "good time." i.0.1 ? ? - -? ? ? - ' Rare Bargain! I l(?y? for ?f\l? l>vo Cotton flins nn<l ? StihoAtld Press, In gt)0>l order, which n?oy bt In* '1 fU A bnrgaiu. v ' Apply to I. J. ItAtlD. Jfpjff . In ftskiog the abote question. w? siroply dcnir? you to esauine Closely two uuiiu point*: . QUALITY, 2ud., PKCCB; And when yon i?r? t?.ti>-fi?*<l with conclu sions. p?y the ??Liitte t tore" a v i . nnd you will be satistied (but it is to your inter est to 1 Purchase Your Groceries KI.Ol !? ? Ki'r'noii" -t'i ?. ? ]:? ? ... i- I . . U< v ? " St'tJ ! ? . ? . ? ? >? ',!?!?? 1 ; mi ^ i ; u i< s THIS v. ? ..:???? , Ol' t ? FS' i?i? ?> x < lil'Tii.i; ... ?' \ NNi'l <x ? ru-nl >?'. i . tr ti . ?i u- C'J r. "[W I i! Si t'iv ? > 1- : 10 1 \ i t! I Mi Know That Brown's Iron Bitters will euro the worst case of dyspepsia. Will insure a hearty appetite and increased digestion. Cures general debility, and gives a new lease of life. Dispels nervous depression and low spirits. Restores aw exhausted nurs ing mother lo full strength and gives abundant sus tenance for her child. Strengthens the muscles and nervesjcnrichestheblood. Overcomes weakness, wake fulness, and lack ofenergy Keeps off all chills, fevers, and other malarial poison. Will infuse with new life the weakest invalid. 37 Walker St., Baltimore, T>ec. ?S8f. For *1* years i have been a great sufferer froin Dlood Disease, l>ys pvpMa.andConstipation.nnd became f j debilitated tfcsitl could not retain ar.ythit-2 on my stomach, in fact, life bad almost become ? burden, l'inal'y, when hope had almost left me, my husband seeing Dkown'j I iion FiIttbks advertised In tho fapcr, induced me to give it a trial, am now taking tho third bottle and have not felt so well in six years as I do at the present time. * Mrs. L. F. Ghipfim. Brown's Iron Bitters will have a better tonic effect upon any one who needs "bracing up," than any medicine made. ' Si a AI w & AM A! Ajj Neuralgia, Sciatica, lumbago, Oackncho, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Toot It. Ear and Headache, Frostoc I'oet and Ears, end all othor Pains and fiohos. No rrrpuruflon on rkrltt On. ? ? it niifi-, turn, flni/tlc ftnil cheap Ktt>-ri>?l Hini'tly A I etui* t>u| lh? ompdtatwoly nlOtrg (nif)ny of r,9 ??1il Ptrry MM niffr rin j with c*in can Imto ch<?p ami fruof oi lit Direction* In Klovea I.uppti'ftc*. bold by all nr.uartr.rra and Ttf MKWOIHR. A. VOOTXieil & CO., Mil., if. S. A . Flower and Garden Seed?. A full nMortniont of f??r<lon flcodij a?4 Rood's flower nmy he fnnml nt 1>. O. KIHKIiF.Y'H. ? IU^tWed;sWne. ?>' I b??? for mIc Uegi^tered DctV ahirv Bom a ?ud So?*. lVdlgrco furufchod J. U. MobQtf .\U> j Tako Warning. ? lag, tin warn nil p'-isons agtsnst ir*# p?*?'ing up?u the y?1 -??*<? u?-,ir Cunxlvu. lor Any |>urpo*? I bate c*u?ed ibe gale 10 ?>? locked un t nil vne ?liu uiol*-?i? ibe lock or r<*niii(?^ tin galr. or in an y utAnner ircupaxses upon Hi (mature, will be dealt with NOJutuing I lu w, J I) AkUO V j? 27 if ATTENTION JS IN VlTKl) TO MY STO-'K OF Family and Fancy Grocers* Aiw' i.-'i I< w !???? 1 hiii i . iMtn <1 i . ?.??', -ii | Lowest Possible Pricos!: j V > .i i re hi i ii I : r [> il;oii i;e i* te?{v.*t r?1'\ ... tc""1 *; .. >\ rr~ !,?? I)- ell i> jjo III II " . v j p ? t | 1. 1 I wti D. 0. Kir : ley. j .1,, .8. ? ?'?>?* . ? . \ .SIM ?.^4V. '.*** ? ' :" ??*??; l?ro:n!neiil Le< ? ? * >.-..??? (rroinid. ? ' ( ;? - ? ? ? * ??/n p t to pnini t * ? t ;>? t , ; i ,o\ (?r\\ i ??'??*? ' ?? ? m <> i. a h<;i ? .1 ? ? V. IthollI ll.L f. /? rs \ y i V ?? k ?n Q ctA^ 4 ?\ <* ?. v. .. ;? . ..iitiiitr ti. \ . .!. f. II. GUBSSEX & to., ?V lIoI.F.f A l,R MAMIFACrCRP.DS OK Cracksrs and Candy, AND A OF. NTH KOK Matchless Baking Powder, I'llAKLKSTnN, S. C. Tom fi foes* f?lh Cnn? of Tonuiines 1") reni*, foi c-ni- <u W. A ANCilUM fi <'0\S. 1 CAM TELL YOU HOW TO BE YOUR OWN DOCTOR! If vf?u h>we i\ hi>i| tn^io in your month, sil'i ivi:<!<(< or yellow colot of skin, foot i1?r l'i>i)i|riti, KUip.'l mid drowsy. fippuitfe un <icm .v. iriqnent hetid o or dint' tie*.*, yon tin' ??biltrtijs." Nothing will >iron??? y.-ur I,iv?r to m ci on Kin! ?i rcngi liou up your <<.)??? tem c^ual to SIMMONS' MMPMTjiG CQMPQWMD, Oft LIVID AND KIDNEY CURE. Remove.* Conslipniion, Relieves Dizziness, Dispels Mick 1 1 eucl j*c It ??. Abolishes RiliouMtesa, Cures .luundico, Cures Mver Complaint, Overcome* Malnritil lilood I'oisonirg, Uegolftn-B the Htonmch, Will llogtilAlo the Liver, Will Regular the Dowels. THE I.IVER AND K1DNEY8 can he kept pcrfeclly healthy in any cli mate hy I. iking tilt occasional dose of SIMMONS' HEPATIC COMPOUND, ' the great Vegetable I.iver a ml Kidney Med icine. DQWIE & MOISE, PnorniKTonn, Wholesale Druggist s, Charleston, H. C, Pur sale hy Dr. F. I?. Ztimp, Camden, S. C? Application for Charter. Notice is hereby given I hat the under Higurd have thin d(\y filvd with the Clerk of llie court of common |?1 rnn for the county of Kershnw, ft petition praying tliat they nn<l their associates may he declued n body corporate and politic, under the style of "The Knterprise Building nn<l l/mn A.?so olftt ion ' in accordance with ihe provision* of the General Statutes of the State of South Carolina. F. I?. Zkmp, If. 0. CAtiniftoN: F. 1'. BRAUO, J BbAKK Ktrkdman, A. D. KfcXNtnv, W. L. Ant nut, .1. V'. Man. Camden, ft. May 8IM. 1R88. "NEW CROI' MOLASSES. New Orleans Fancy and Medium graded. For Hale hy W. I,. AKTIIUIl fc BIU) TEXAS SIFTIM8 ! A LITERARY# PHENOMENON. Bg I Tlif (ircatful Journalistic Siifecss of thf Age. The humorous department of Texas Ml ft . Inge are dimply ur.erinallcri In this or any other country, ~Heral<l. I Texas Hifilnc, which Unnoted all ov?>rthc world. Is not only u very funny paper, but Is an earnest, progressive paper.? Register, New Haven, conn, Texas Minions, a weekly forty eight coltim n paper, cnntitlitM e< cry week, beside* tts hu morons sketches und comic Illustrations, a vhlumo of rellnblo Information about Texas Hxnelly what Intending Immigrants, farm I crs, clerks, mechanic* ami capitalists want. Kaninlo copies nrHiftlngs Will ho mallei! to any tmlrfm hy Hwect A Knox, puhllshers, Austin, Texas. Jf*"iH0t'/K Canvassed llams and Shoulders, n. ) CofTcc and SiKMtf? all grade*. I.tvrd, ll.icon, Flour and Mul#s*cs. For sale by I). 0. KIllKLICY. Nobbv Styles.. PiiRFMZCT Fin. "?'Is ' m inl V ? jzs/.v vsojtH ivtrs. Ar the op<.alng of ao<iU>.-r Sl'IUNU Si.A SON , we uome befere the public uud sowci uu exauiiuMtou of our stock ? f * CLOTHING For Men, Youth* and ova A J < I* --u 2 we ?la not iHuke a "bitf blow" <0>out one j{ ?, yet we nre prepared to .offer to l<uy?-r ? nice h Hue of clothing as cnn be f?uu I 0*iudeQ. Gentlemen will do well to inwct out stuck hctoro biding their Spring und Sum mer suit*. Wk mkan kxactlt wiiat wb say. Uespeot fully, BAMBERG & ROSENBERGER. ! I dec 7 tf Xoo! loo!! Our Ice House is now open, und we lire prepare d to turn'sh ice 111 i|ti'iii>iiies le?? than I < HI lbs. M - cent* per poind, or in rpiii.titie* of 100 pounds vr 1:1 >1 ?? 'it I \ ??eiiin per pound, I. L. K"SLNL?OKt' As ? "< I nuty 10 CTvAOKKRS! CRACKERS! We it. i ve oti iiiui'l Hi nil 'imps. ivc! hit <-w ?"tH ni!y uct'iviti'? FI'ESH ('HACK Kill? ?jf nil Ic : it ?i \V A vnchtm & t o I . ??2 u< DR. FRANCIS I, ZEMP iuM'ctt attctiiion loirs l.irjie Ammoim monl DRUGS and MEDICINES, I'M NTS, OILS, VARNISHES, A' IN DOW GLASS &? PUTTY. OYC WOODS AND DYE STUFF3, : y . x p U. A p CM'X.U.V&VS, WICKS, ? i ?: i"i [ J ) ) 1 1 t ,i i - mi j 1 1 1 j i j S j i J ) j I j j j . ? . A I'tiU niiU couipk'U' nnsoritiu-ut ot ? LAS- W A UK. STATIONARY, TO U.KT -ARTICLES, ' sroN(;i;s, FINE PEHFU.MKKY and ? 1 V "S. Brii*hes of the best tnakei?. ^^?"i'VcMcriptinnR nnd Fmnjly Heji|>e> <? v.iilly compounded ut nil bourn. THE DELMOHICO OF I. L. ROSENDORF &, CO. The. best Champigne, Madeira, Sherry. California and Rhine Wines, always in stock Ales. Lager Ileer. Porter. Ginger Ale. Water, nn<l nil Mineral Waters, c..n ?timii ly on limiil. Over the liar ? Fancy Drinks, by skilled a n <1 polite assistants. TOBACCO AND SEGARS. An Havana Fegnr fur Five Tents is one of ? ho latest innovations of this establishment. The Havana is guaranteed. We also have the IWt lit ('en's Segnr in the ninrket. Smoking Tob-icco of all kintii , frotu lead ing inanufiu-itm'Vij. l'ipea of nil kinds in stock. UF.STAUHANT. ? In a few days we will open a Kestnurant which will hee<>n <1 not I'd in first clans style. line notice will he given. The patronage of the public is solicited. I. L. I10SEND0RF & CO. J a-3 tf TAX RETURNS 1883. AUDITOR'S OFPICB-KEU8FIAW CO. Camubn, 8. C., May l&rj, 1883. The books for rcoolvinsc Tax Returns for itio fleo.l year, 1883, will nnun at this office on Friday. the first dny of Juno next, nnd will bo kept open daily (Sunday* excepted) until i lie 20lh of July noxt. All persons li able for taxes, individually ? r iih ? gents. Attorneys, Factors, Husbands, Parents, Ouardians, Trustees, Kxecntors. Adn.lniH tratois, Herri vera or accounting otflcor-t. me required to make returns Failing to do so within the time prenciibed, Hie ro ! turns of 1682 now on tho Tax Duplicates will lie listed by the Auditor nnd a penalty of AO per oem added thcrrlo. No returns will be received without the penalty after (lie 20th of July, except In ftuscs ??f slckne*s or absence from tho (!?itti:y during the whole time for listing. There will be no assessment of Ileal Kstate this year, though returns mixt he made noting nil changes sinoo )WM return. Kvery person of foil age nnd sound mind (except married womet) nre icquired to make returns; whether male persons own property or not t'.icv must, return their 1'olls. unless exempt by law. No returns will be received at this office unless made on the proj er blanks and sworn to according to law. I wtll attend In person, or by deputy, nt the following places on the days mentioned for the pnrposo of taking return* : Hi'lironk's Mill, Monday. June 1 lth, 1 dny. Turkey Oroek Ghnrob, Tuesday, June 12th, I day. l.ixenby (W. S. Smith's,) Wednesday. Jun? 18th, I day. Ilaey's Mill Thursday. June 1 fth, 1 dny. Buffalo (at Dee?), Friday. June 16th, 1 day. Flat Rock, Hslurdsy, June 10th. I day. Red Mill, Monday, June '2f>th, I day. Liberty Mill, Tuesday, June 2<?th. 1 day. Ilussel Place, Wednesday, June 27th, I day. lloyktn (Swift Creek), Saturday, Juno 80th, 1 day. Doby's Still. (West Waleree) Thursday, July f>, 1 day. Cureton's Mill, (West Waterce) Friday, Ju ly Oth, 1 day. Iltihoti's X Roads, (West Wa'ereel Ru!ur day. .Inly 7th, 1 day. Upon application at (hi* office blanks for making returns will be furnished. K. K. SI 1,1., may 24 (>. Auditor, y 0,1 11 offn town. Term* rind t o , 1 orllntid, Maine, Moh M v :. ? HI Sit Potatoes, Onlonf, Ctbltngns, Ap pics, Orongc\ Cocoftoulu, llnnanrm. lycnionf, ItnMn*, Hit*. K?(i? ftf all kinds. 1 frrsalvl* p. C. KIRKLK1'* | CHAP LEST03T IRON WOT? K$ 3, S AW ROOMS. C3 CO PL-3 CO S3 PLAIN SLIDE VALVE and CUT-OFT ENGINES. MARINE, STATIONARY and PORTABLE BOILERS, SAW MILLS, GRIST MILLS. COTTON GINS aricl PRESSES, SHAFTING. PULLEYS, COG OEARINGl Ctoam and Hand PUMPS, PORTABLE FORGES and BLOV/ERS. BELTING. PACKING, OILS. FILES, and General Mill Supplies. HUGHES' AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINES, for Electric Li^hta and other pxirposos roquiring steady. roliablo and ecoaouii-al power. This is the simplest Automatic En^ino in tho market. Repairs by Competent Workmen. Charges modorate GEO. "W. WILLIAM3 cSc SON-, WrUi) fUr l'rlccs uud mention ihij i?apcr. Cliui IOr?t<>n , fi, C;, ' "t> cr* era Wo t < ftctaaacliciUfbiv'i T.ot/?nt? r?a\T?of'j trade-mark;*, copyr^j.D, <;c\.foi the U;iito<l Rtutce, Rua'ioootunpaV t:i<3 i:i Cr.r.ut'.A, IV.'.;., o Oormanv, un:l a'l oti:c.r i" retries. Tl.i. i ... 1 v . rh'irgo for examination of no;itvj cr ;,v- >v> ; Advice by mail free. I'aumU cVf.'iitod thw h v.:i rrof-twM ir tho S (' 1 IS V C 1 V , v li_J. "> i ; t':c largest rivculn lion, rn<l ia thQVnotr j onrial u-.n? ?* .>?> ?>;? ft i' * I M i:; ti c wo: x?l. 'lli "> nl\,ct >. : tUtU:. notice c vc: v p:\to!itro i;:? Jors-tf.K'.f. Tliisl.irjjo m:<l i plrr.iV.dlv il'ustrat- 1 n^v I pap?. ria ho:! v> Ei:ii!.V u*. > -t.:*, j r*ai Minimi t-.*: 1 to l-o tlio !>;'>?? i ir ' j fr'.i>uco, incobfuii s.ivivi ti'.i :u. ,'i . :1;a ?? j v ;."L ?, r.n.l o'.hc- < *' ??;" 1 ' l>rr jrves*, hM i:i ary country. bir.,:!vi j roTv.ea. I y r.iai'., i ;j !*.!v! 1-y nil ncwa- i ?o.*.lor.?. ' A<10.r jss, "Imr.i .V Co., fuK> Vors (if Ccjju* j ti!i ?. A'.ncrioan. !??' .troadva;. . !.Vw York. llauubools nbo. i v->!oc:!i ir;r.a!r?i five. l<or the Season. *-Kki? I'locu," ft ihor?m:!i-l>rotl Avvp nliire llii'l vvi I <1:111.1 this'sou-ion in Oiiimlcn. \ j?j?ly ?i 1 lie More of \Y. A. A NC.'U'M i CO. PlilZK M I : I ? A l< a. g ir z* jy.v s b: e: b>. I I i* very varieiy for cpi iri'* planting ONION SK 'ITS! UNION SUMS! And 12m ly (111 rile 11 ('urn, for mi'-*' 1\v DR. F. L. ZEMP. The nooks For reoelvTnjr subscriptions (o ilie onpiiol si licit c>! - lintei prize Huil liiiV nit 1 "?0:111 As .??ociiiliitn" are iihw open ni tin- slur"* of It, \Y. ,l??ri|;in & ('n., W. 1, Arthur & l?ro? 1);\ 1*'. I. Zi'inn, .) t'. Man nii>l at the i-ttiee (it Til K KkHMIUV (.8 A SHITE. FOR S A.LE. T>enirul>lt< residence on Brond street, in Ciumien. Terms easy. ai.ho, A trnct of Innd ierr?, will, two dwelling, nuthouses, iu.l spring. mid orcltn ril; iiboul HA tniies from Cii union Ap ply 10 Fh.vnk l\ I'k urn, l'eul IN' .i 1 0 Ajtent . ! W. M. SHANNON. tXTTO0,Y?r *r /vrfir, CAMDKN, S. O. IInvin? been appointed Attorney for tin '?fcottisli Lintl Moil^iigo Companies," for Kershaw county, I tun prepared, 10 receive application* for loutiH 011 real estate, ma 13 lin Save Your Feocl * l>,v using Sinclair's Feed Cutters. Wo Imvo jiiHt reoeivfil nn itivoioe of then# celrhrWiwi ninl popular FVe<l (.'utters, wbioli we oiler at re???onftblp prioi'H. D. W. JORDAN & CO. Agricultural Implements. Cull Ml W, A Aucruin fi Co'.*. nn<l ??(> tlipii ?ortm?"t of Agricu'tunil 1 ? merit-* ? Hfrtpcm. Mowt-rn, Self-binding .Keitpcra Harrow*. PU.w<? etc. 1882 ! 1882 UKAND SPRING OPENING! Of FLNEST CLOTHING ?3. BLA.1VK., ClienpcBt Cioilung houfta In die oily Hay A full liue of GKNT8' FL' UN 1 S 1 1 1 Ml GOOS>S alwuyn on Itnnd. grtT'ColeitirtiOfl ??M&r.UiUInn" t' iif?- n ?1'irahle timl wmH rnii'lo gin in'.-n' - ft coin fi.rt to lli?- \v"rtr??i' To l><> li'nl S. BLANK, ' }??>" .'40 King; Siren, Cii a iu,kst.>?, S. C. LUMBER FOR SALE. We lire prepared to mipply choice uml cr it) any quantity desired, and of any difien HtouH i upon ? It o nHortest p??j?K i ?> t ?? notico. Our mill I* loonied near Citindeii. and w <? now liave on hand n lur^o h u j? |?!y , rrudy for delivory. S<>nd in ymir Tiu;i;.si)Ki, a oaunkk. Mny '24*3n> ROIISON'K COTTON ANI) COHN FKIl. TIUZKR. KOBKON'HCt IMPOIJNI) AC III PMOHIMI ATF. Tliewo tfrndes i?ro rleh esMent Vnl?. oonMlin tlng flrM-cliiAi article*. cnrofnll v prepared from l><<Mt. irtftterli- U. Our 1 1 > ? > ^ rx penence tntlio trade, t??if?*tl?**r v* 1 ? |? prof. .siirpard'* nitalyxi*, ar? snar-mlee* that they nrn iulapt~ ed to llm Willi In of eon*umcr*. For nnle Hi market riiten tor en*!!, 1 1 ir? o or cot ton. .1. N. UOJHON ?V HON. iH Kiwi Hay SOUTH CAROLINA MEDICAL A880 TliO thirty >lltir<i annual meeting ol this Awoeiatlon will lie hold on Wodneid' y, April 2/>lh, 1 HH:t. nt Yorkville, B.C. JOHN FOHKKHT, M. D. lle?or<llng Keoretnry. W POETAELI AND STATIONARY ENGINES &NB BOILER&, $.1 l? ' Si 8 f O/f.V ?UII.I.S, G otto si Ciiiv and Presses. Have boon <?w--? * 2 M, ov-?r all competitor*. ni EVEiir jPimmT.r?, WE CHALLENGE COMPETITION! We ilcnl ?] i r> cl ?. i ? i. m.a i"i<j >v.?nire Sal ??? fact ion. Writs 1 .r Catalogue. AHrlrpQQ 'TALIMFIT vV SONS, , CHARLOTTE, N. C. COLUMBIA. S. Cl ASHLEY PHOSPHATE CO Cliar lew t on - ?3 . G\ OflVr iln ir A S Si ELEMENT " n ?? ?.?'.I. of beM qnn^iiy. > | (dully n'ln| 1 1 it | t i.f .1 it I j> t ?" n p i i i. FnV Tt>rin?. IImii'I Itixii,.-, A , ill ,;ii I a |!|> s,. i <tl :i* '.sr.'.fs r<n Ten*. Ath EU< nil'lil, Fii'iitM,, \i: . milliter llic Ashley Phosphate Company, Charleston, C\ W F. PERKINS j ANNOUNCES THE A III; I VA I OK ; %i ?Vict r ft f oris of tfV rot cri*** I.UjUors* W6ne*>\ Wufowcco The iinjprooc.liM)' p'l imkIi f.f bti?iri(>M* m oni i? 1 .! ih n.rii. ikci is ntccpsnry f. r iih to he cnnnlinjtly in ric-ipt ol Now Goo,!*. JfM // Sj s cf/ 97 o r fl$ fpfc ti9 r n t i ? ...Hon to m v ?. PERKINS. Is- ! I 1 \V II Tho ? 'Stn ivlinil of ilir \V.,il | ,, ? ? . -Mon to m v stork . g ; I Foli ist M, b? K i 'i M i ' 1 My Knvk nf flKNio Ki V K - ? i ? (Juinrn in ?'<?! ,\; ? ! ,'i All or'leiH I :wt < , OITORITJC GUAM) (,i . ' r^rnl Corn!! mckwearJ ?nw Qi]^r(<>r<t ?j /'* nr>, ? I A, S. 0. n pi 20 I \ r ? I at i?t 80 o<*ni? |m r 1 1 ? 1 ( AN'MtU W * OO K. . Cow Pi;-'..- vented# 1.O00 Hin l." , wnnted by W . . l.< ! CO DISSOLUTION' NO! H r, The co-pnrlneivltit? I ?t> ic<h>f" c*ik : / between C. .J Mc Do wall And It () Kenne dy un-ler the firm nnnxt of Mi'lJowml nnd Kennedy bns been dU?olve<J b) inuiiifil e >n son(. The Iimurnhce bunin'.iu of null firm will be carried on by H O Kennedy, C. J Mr HOW A II., l? O. KENNEDY. k. 0. KENNEDY Fire Insurance Age ni 1t??p? r*cnti> 1U* following r?Wnt>1n cot nie*. *n?l in prepared to wri?e rUUt u| DwAlHngft, llouMhold fiirnttur*, 8t( Momlmmli"?, eto , fit otirrent riUt?: MVKRI'OOL. LONDON ft OLODE, NKW YORK NDKHWHITHW, FINK ASSOCIATION OF PiUI.ADF.Iy, NORTH BRITISH h MF,RO ANT1 1.K.j #vSy~ Il?tvinjr MiccecJcd to lU4 ?g?oej-' ?nc?ly conducted Uy Mc1)own1l k Kent* I iioIW-U ii t?.ntlnunnco of tli? patn hcri'toforf tortnwod upoti nnl ) ftrnv 11. O. KENNED1,