The Kershaw gazette. (Camden, Kershaw Co., S.C.) 1873-1887, March 22, 1883, Image 2

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THE K8KSH1W 6AZETTB. FBANk7\ HKAKl), l'KOPRUtiOH. ? DWCUmVK, $2 PKK YKAK, IX ADN1NCK. ^ T" ?*?>- ?' V -? ~ ? T-TTT. -?-T -=? Oijmyu.c., MARCH *3,1883. OUR PUBLIC' roaim. Some one Iim said that the condition of the htrfiyays of n country Is an Index to It* clvtflfcatlon. In the primitive and rude state of socf* j, the way* or com munication between neighborhood or town* were trails, or rough, Irregular tracks. As tlio countries became more settled and civilised, the Irregular and narrow tracks assumed the appearance of roads, and these roads were converted into highways, which made travel expe ditious and comfortable. If the obscure trails were tlio evidence of a rude state of society, the splendid highway* is an evidence of civilized and cultured life. In the golden age of the liomans their roads gave evidence of their hi^h ?tate of culture. Thirty ? me great road* centered in Rome. These roads Issuing from from the forum traversed Italy, perva ded the provinces, and were terminated oidy by the bounds of the Km pi re. Au gustus erected a gilt plllur inthe middle of the forum called Jtfllliarium aureum , from which dlstai.o;* on the various roads wore recorded . The public roads were accurately divided by mile stone*. They usually wjpre raised some height above the ground which they traverse*', and proceeded in as straight a line as possible, running over hill and v.dley. They consisted of throe distinct layers of materials; the lowest, stones mixed with cement; the middle, gravel or small stones, to prepare a level and unyielding surface to receive the upper and most important structure, which consisted of large masses accurately titled together, When their glory departed, their roads showed signs of their degeneracy, and noma of the monuments of the prosperity and culture of that age still remain In a dilapidated condition. Traveling through our own county we see illustrations ot this truth. Before the late war, much attention was bestow ed upoi\ our roads in some sections of the country ; but, if wo may judge from our observation and from the utterances of the press, our roads give sad evidence of our degeneracy ? or wo are doing our solvM Injustice In the ncglect of our highways. We need more work aud more skilled supervision oF the work done. Inmost of the work dono there appears to be a sovereign contempt for the principles of engineering. Much of tho time aud la bor bestowed upon tho roads Is lost. A little digging of tho )ioe here, and the throwing of trash, brush tuid dirt, there, Improves thu roads but little. A little rain sets at naught the engineering skill bestowed upon It. Tills need not nor ought to be in this country. On some of our roads travel Is Blow aud tedious? de structive to beast and vehicle. We may Instance thu crossing of Pino Tree Creek Mwamp, just below town, ami tlio hill on the Camden side. A little exereibe of engineering skill would place that im portant thoroughfare beyond the reach of freshets. Large sums of money spent to put the roads In a good condition would be economy in the saving of time, vehicles, horsepower and horseflesh. ft would be wise to levy a tax sufficient tu put the roads in good condition. it would be wise economy to cease to em ploy supervisors who know littfe, and care less about the principles of neering, and employ experts to super vise the work. The condition of the roads of our county does us discredit ; and has caused much Jots of tim9 and much unnecciftry labor. In these respects It is expensive to travel over the.n. There Is great reason for toad-reform. Wecoin mond the subject to (Air County Commis sioners aud to our legislators. We be lieve further legislation on this subject is necessary. ART ifciZAK. A committee of ladivs In Charleston ?mve been at work for same time past, making arrangements. for a grand nrt bazar, wliloh, it I* annouueed, will tnko place early tn April next. This enter |>rlx? In for the benefit of h fund which It Is proposed to raise "to aid . the young, especially ladles, In obtaining yuch ac quirement* as will enable tlipi^to earn an honest living. In ordufftjjf*j$rry out this aim, It is Intended to ^Kojtsli.api'i mafient organization, to be known as the 4ynrollnn Art AftttHflntlon. The bazar, itndor tho aus|rtffci| ^>f thla association, tvlll be opened Hi Agricultural Hall on the 2nd day of April, and will continue until the 7th, Inclusive. Charleston will present many attrac tions to the yisltor during the coining month( and none will be more pleasant And profitable than the Art Baxar. The SJ. C. KnlKvay company will Issue excursion tickets, good from tho Diet of March to the Mil* of April. The booths (or displaying w are* win >>o Moorish, Turkish and Ol?m*?e. and will Imj moat unique and splendid In deslg n. A por tion ortfie hall Will lis devoted to tho Ixtan KxMblJtOti which prOrtiiRMiobe moid attrno tlve.and the annex of the building will tie The whole building will be lighted with rlo lights. Twice as many will bo usod nts oooaston ss ever before It the olty. (o.iow^.nth.Vvi^.'rw.ul da&Qua tfhjaan.a's VH*? ? "Flower Dance," performed by M children under 10 year* or age, eaoli repro Minting a flower. The evening wilt oloiio fifth Amateurs. April lOtb, there wll) bg"a living game of ohesa," played on tho academy of V>ardt, and I grand scenic display, rustic Htndlo." April llth, the Num e UramaUeOlub w*)ll render "Kvery hody's Krlend." which will close the list of game of obese; played on tho academy of muate boards, and a grand scenle dlspiny. '?The ArUstTaVuodto.*' April llth. tho Hnni mervllle liramatloplub will render "Kvery nody's Krlend." wblch will olose the list of MltrttlamtnU. It liaa taken throe months of hard work to SMiCaBSS ?T.'i to Vprlf 14th. Tntt poo law In ludltiiift creates n fund out of whloh lOMOD Of kill" (I 1>y doga ?r? rcguli t'.j ptdd, hikI beftldtm iIihI contribute* $100,000 a ymv to the ?choo| fund. Dog* In the South ?r? above tho Jaw. They n?o under the ftpecfal cur* Ulid protection of the State I?egl*li\tnro. ?u ' '"i jig-'jijiiiiiuLu,. KDITOKIAL NKWH NOTEtf, Who U T^ily Florentine Dixit, who |? reported to have been attaoked in Wind ?otr Wood*, Knglnnd. last Saturday, by mo men drowtod in female apparo) ? ? The outrage mill hut been pt& In op- , < fAUon luCUiemlon comity, and farmer* ( and uurvbmiU are behtf dr*iqp>d froga ihclr homes am! locked up In prison. This "great government" U Mill nujclug efforts, through lt? hired niluloui* to #e cuc* victim* for th^ U. 8. court iiext 11104^1. Four young bu?lueB* men In Columbia have been detected in stealing jewnlry from n Htore in that placo. "Jflicy will be prosecuted. A NEW WAT TO UET WITNESSES. Melton's Lati'fet Dodge In the Elrctlo'u ClUMt A Xtyro Preacher Employed to Collect Testimony ? lie Add rcsses lilt Cony ru ga I ion and Culls for " Volunteer* to Swear against the Democrats"? -Tic?nly Fellows, Found Ueady to Perjure Them selves Jar "dv Party'* ? The Uiyh Char acter >>f the Accused Democrat* Attested by a Church Court ?All the Monticello Prisoner * Come to fivie. [.Special 1 j 1? pa 1 1! 1 1 to Tli? News and Courier.) CoixuniA, March ID. ? The wvvntecu Democrat* Iioiii Monticcllo, Fnhlleld County, w liOhO examination v\as so ab ruptly stopped a fori night ago t<\ W II Inid lu on I vi' t<T give the prosivtuion time to rako up now witnesses, came down on the irnlM tills evening and are waiting further examination to-morrow. On the train with thvin emtio some twenty negroes who hud been secured by the scouring of Fairfield. Tite negro circuit rider, David Screven, tor whose testimony itlone t lie (jovet intienl officers professed to get the eases continued, m cured h number of these witnesses by calling iroui hie church lor volunteers to couie here and testify against the Demo crats Thus urged, soiiic negroes volun teered to 8 Wale and they are here. The negroes in a gang repaired on the arrival of the train to the United State- Court house, where they waited until nearly U o'clock to-night for Snyder or Willard t<> meet and instruct them In their roles for to-uiorrow, As both of these worthies dislike to walk at night they did not couie, and the negroes dually dispersed. The effect ot this lirst failure to driil will be observable in their testimony. They arc the rif-rafof Jvcpublleaui.^ui in Fair Held, the prosecuting officers haw aban doned white witnesses as ovci serupu lous. The persecuted Democrats, aeeoni panled by Mr. Gillard and (. <>l. Wood ward, are at the (< raiul ('entral Hotel. Mot a untu is missing. Among them are a member of the present Legislature, a member of the last llou?c and a colored Democrat. At the glose of the. services yesterday at the Methodist Episcopal l hurch Suuili at Montlcello a conference wan hehl Mini resolutions were unanimously adopted to the effect tint', after a critical in ventila tion of Hie assertion made hy one Martin (the ttrst Greenback witness in this Mon ticello case) that Mr. J. T. Maglil, one ot the defendants, swore and drank ;.t the polls, the cluirch aftfrms that no one in the community ever heard Brother Ma gill swear or knew him to take a drink of llifuur, and the church exonerates him of this vile -lander. The church further more coinin. ivis Hrofher.J. M. Kirkland, Jan<"e Magill and J.'i. I >a\\ kins, also defendants in thc;as<, to (he sympathy of tuc public, 'l'ho 'he church al l\i ins, :iiiiong Fairfield's hot and most law abiding civi/ens and high-toned christian gentlemen. Urol her .lames Magill being n class-leader a'.?i .Sabbath scln o. superintendent and liroi Iters Kirk land and DawkltiS two of its most promi nent stewards. This declaration add* to the proof that the best and most active Democrat ie citi zens of Monticello were brought into this case wiin the Intention of disiie*t>ii.g and bullying the cojiimuniiy. Snyder says that a Democratic detect ive in the employ of Ihe government is at work in the lower part of the .Mtate getting eases againM Republican negroes for the vlolatio.i of the cicction law. We Tu seitsfiiiK when our funds an- low, HuIjm'i i I ie i ? pruvoi* I ugly Mow, A tew Mip;. lor. iteep up llio llow O! dime* dep.u ting rapidly. Oil! wo h)i it 1 1 see a sadder M^ht, W'bfii don* poor in Ironi inni;it il'l night, Coiiiiniip tli'K every sixpence); bii^tu To bo lorktu ?Vuf Hpeydlly. Our bonds and due WIU m-o n n-.. ??/..! will see, N. <?, li A I'AKOIlV Whoa ga/lnn ui litem hopeleM*ly cloro lliero comas unotli- r one Dvinitudliii; P?y ferociously. ' And p?y iho printer ohoerlulty THOUSANDS OP DOLLARS Are wmUmI on phyftieiauR roes i>y the dys peptic, tho rheumai to, the bilious, and tho nervouH, wltcn h Dollar expended on that unapproachable vegetable tonic and altera " "SIMMONS' HEPATIC COMPOUND ? ok ? MVKU AND KIDNKY CUKE would In evory cane etrect a radical euro. ?#~lf you are bullous, tonyac con led, l>n?l breath, head hot, dull or uchlnu, stomach heavy or sour. If bowels inactive and pas sages hnrd and occasional looseness. IT your sloop IA broken (toftstnu about In bed), If you (tot pp tin refreshed, If your skin Is sallow oyt* yellow, If heavy, dull pains In back and llmbtt, K>'ou art drowsy, Indisposed to talk oruct, Ifntty one or more of these symptoms, lake a dose of M1MMONH* IIKI'ATIC COM POUND, and you will get Immediate relief. Diseases of Xidnoys, Bladders, &o., AUKCUHKD I?Y SIMMONS' HEPATIC COMPOUND, ? OH ? I.IVKH ANI) KIDNKY Oi'HK. ThlK preparation acts finely upon the kld> noys, being powerfully plurotlc, Hurterers with tho (travel, and other similar aiTcet Ions, are advised to try tills medicine, and our word for 't, tho result will bo satisfactory, for ralo ? very where. Prop r i e toPs^ft^! ^ol^ a ISWil'lsls. Charleston i nale by Dr. F. (>. /.omp, Camden, H. C. | MORTGAGE SALE. 8. V. Heft thorough and A. J. Scarborough to lluum Ilron ? Mortgage of Ileal KmIhIj. By Virtue of ft olftimo contained in il>o above ntftted inortgogo, executed Jnnunry 27th, 1882, and recorded in the othoe of Hegiiiter of Menna Conveyance for Kernlmw county, book "(?. O pngen ftnil <155, I will sell In front of the court hoiine door In Camden, on the flrxt Monday In April next, during the legnl hours of Male. Ail the right, title en. I interest of 8. V. Pcnrhorongh in ft certain irnct of lvnd nit - tinted in Kershaw county, Htnte of South Carolina, containing two hundred end ninety-eight acron. more or leu*; hounded south ftti?l enut by innds of Hnllie .lospy. north by Krvln Kelly; the intercut of nni<l 8 V. Scarborough being t lint portion which h ii n been net npnrt to her n* her dower in snidtraot, for lifo tenue only. Termn cimh. JOHN DOBV. inch 8 8. K. 0. Agricultural Implements. Cull (it W, A ? Anorum h Oo's. rind nee their nor I men t, of Agricultural Implements? Keapors, Mowers, Self-binding Kcnpern, If arrows, l'low?, etc, The Secret ' of the universal success of Brov i'? Iron Bitters is sim ply this: It is tb? best Iron preparation ever made; is compounded on thoroughly scientific, chemical aro medicinal principles, una does just what is claimed for it ? no more and no less. By thorough and rapid assimilation with the blood, it rcachcs every part of the system, healing, purifying and strengthening. Com mencing at the foundation it builds up and restores lost health ? in no other way can lasting benefit be obtained. 7y Dearborn Ave., Chicago, Nor. y. I have been a great suflervr from ? very weak stomach, heartburn, and dyspepsia In its worst form. Nearly everythiujj I nte pave mo distress, and 1 could eat^cut little. I have tried everything rccommcii Jed, hjvn taken the prescriptions of a doicn physicians, but g'>t no relief ui^il I took lirown's lro? Bitten. I fell none of the old troubles, and mi a new man. I am getting much stronger, an.J feel first-rate. I n;n a railroad engineer, and now mako my trip* regularly, 1 enn not ?*y too much in praike of your wonder ful medicine. D. C.Mack. Brown 's Iron B i iter s docs not contain whiskey or alcohol, and will not blacken the teeth, or cause headache and constipation. It will cure dyspepsia, indi gestion, heartburn, sleep lessness, dizziness, nervous debility, weakness, &c. Use only Tirown'i Iron Bittsrs made by Drown Chemical Co., Baltimore. ' Crossed red line* and trade-mark on wrapper. It J ah! Thi* is I It o nnnie of n fine quality of Tea, which ia now superceding llie llo-No to*. F?- ????. hy i>. C. KlllKLBY. moh 1 tf I PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM. The Beit, Cleanest and I most Economical Hair | D/tuini. L Ke?er rails to Restore , Kthe youthful color to grey I ?hair, 50c and $1 uxeaat I ?dtugguu. ' Flereston Cologne. A ntw Mid ticttUlngly fra. I rnuit and lr\?ili?g twrfiu trict tl Md t*c. PARKER'S GINGER TONIC A Part Family Medicine that Never Intoxicate*. If you are n mechanic or farmer, won out with overwork, or a mother run down by family or house* hold duties try Parkbr's Gingbr Tonic. If you are a lawyer, miniiter or business man ex hausted !>y mental strain or anxious caret do not take intoxicating stimulants, but u*o Parkbr'b Ginger Tonic. If you have Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Kidney or Urinary Complaints, or ifyou are troubled with any disorder of the lung*, stomach, bowels, blood or nerve* you can be cured by Parker's Ginger Tonic. If voii are wasting away from age, dissipation or any disease or weakness and require a stimulant take Gingkr Tonic at once; it will invigorate and build you up from the first dose but will never intoxicate. II has saved hundreds of live* it may save yours. IIISCO^ * CO., IS1 Wlltuin St., N?w York. Mc. i eat dollar tliti, si >11 iWsUri In mtdfrinti. GREAT SAVING BUTtNO DOLLAR B17.C. . BTOMACH ^ ?ITTERS fnvnllrts who arc recovering vital Mnmlna, declare In grateful terms their appr? ela tion of the merit* m a tonic, of llpfietter's Rtomach Bitters. Not only does Tt Impart strength to Iho weak, but It also covrecls an irregular acid Mate of the stomach, makes tnc bowels oct at proper Intervals, gives esse to thosfl who suffer from Itheu mntlc and kidney troubles, and conquers as well as prevents fever and ague. For sale by alt Druggists nud Dealer* t generally. MASTER'S SALE. . II. Nelson, Assignee, and P. T. Vil'? pigue, Agl. Creditors, vs. William Dens. OKI KR BALK. Ily virtue of an orncr of Hon. J. II. Hud non, dnlcd Feli'y. 18tb, 1H88, I will proceed m noil In front oft ho Court House door in Cnmden on the tirel Monday in April next, 'hiring ilm legal lioura of sale, tli? following described properly : All thai lot of land, with building* there on, situated in the town of Camden, known and iIIhI ingiiislied ill llio plai of iho Raid town a* Nos. 1HH, HI I, Terms cash; purchaser lo pay for paper?. J. ,M. DkSAIJSHUK K, moh ft Mnit?r K. (J. MASTER'S SALE. F. W. Wagoner and (leo. A. Wagener, as F, W. Wagenor & Co , VS. Aneko IJenny. ORDKR HA LB. By virtue of an order of Hon. ,?. II. (bul lion, dated Keby./lfltli. lHrtil, I will proooed to sell In from of ih? Court IIouao our In Camden on the Aret Monday in April next, during the legal houra of aale, the following described propeily; All (lint loi of land In tho ?own of Cam don, county of Kershaw and Ktato of 8<?uth Carol tit*, described in the pint of aaid town a? lot number one hundred and sixty seven (107), and bounded u? follow*: On tho cant by Broad street, louth by lot number one hundred atxl sixty-eight, west by lot nonw brr otie hundred and seventy-one, north bv lot nuuil>er one hundred And tlxry-eix; said pri mine* being thoae upon whlo'.i said Aneke Be.iny now resides. T< rma o irh; purchaser to pay for papers. J. M, DHHAUR8UHK, nioh 8 , Master K. 0. If Ni I. L. ROSENDORF & CO. / /? The beat Champagne, Madeira, Sherry. California an?l Rhine Wiues, always iti stock Ales. Lager Deer, Porter. Ginger Ale, 8oda Water, end all Mineral Waters, Btnntly on band. Over the Bar ? Fancy Drinks, by skilled and polite asBiflants. TOBACCO AND SEGARS. An Havana Pegar for Five Cents i* one of die latest innovation# of this establishment. The Havana is gnaianteed. We nleo have (lie B^t-t 10 Cents Segur in the market. Smoking Tobacco of all kind* , froiu lead ing manufacturers. Pipes of all kiuds in stock. RE8TAURANT. ? In a tew day* we will open a Kesiaurunt which will be con-' ducted in first class style. Due notice will be given. The patronage of the public is solicited. 1. 1 KOSENDORF & CO. ju'JO tf NAILS, Horse Shoes, Horse Shoe Nail*, llurne!<i<. Swingle Trees, Iloes, Plows. Knki-s, Truce Chains, Brhlh-s, Cow Polls, Locks, Hinges, Screws, Suws, Pope Plow I . i " c i1':!*. t'uii'.'l?. *V c SI Wnecl?', Winer Uui'KelH, Police Mills, Knives ami F.irks, Axes, Hatchets, &c., &c. ; lor unlchv D. C. KIUKKKV. F&QUm FLOWS! t 150 1?-/\ Bills flour nleo aiul client* m? ?)U liAl M IJKOS. 150 ] o.lMKJ TONS COTTON SKKl>. lllffhcst cash price pnld for coiii.n seed delivered In eiirlotul Iwlsnt uuy It. U. Depot or Ktcnmbonl DundlnK In Ho. fn.. Ua. or N. < !. Highest chmi prlco paid lor kerosene, lard and whiskey barrels, l'OR SAL1 , (. x>tt< i n s k i : i > m f-.v l. The best and ehwii pest fowl for nil kinds o stock mid Hie cheapest And best fei tlll/er on tho market. Write for pain phlet ? containing analysis by Dr. C. II. Slieplmrd, Statu chcin Ut, und directions for nun to | CHAULKfiTON OID M'K'O. : 2S Urotid St., Charleston, H. doc 7 :iiu GREAT REDUCTION. In order to close out our entire stock of WINTER CLOTHING, wo liavo I Marked Down Pticcsto less than coal. Our stock is com plete mid ttttrnctivn und thoso in need of such goods will find it very much to iheir interest to call and hoo us. We ure selling olothing at 25 per cent cheaper than any other house in Cuindcn. BAMBERG &. ROSENBERGER. deo 7 tf D.W. JORDAN &CO. The denth of enr senior partner, 1). W. Jordan, will mnko no chango in I It e firm name or BtyUs of our biiHine^s. The sur viving purtner, If. U Cftrriuon, will manage the business and will endeavor to conduct U in every manner satisfactory to its pat rons. The House owes Its success In the past to FA III I) KALI NO, OOOD OOODS and LOW I'HICLS. This will he its motto in the tu tu re. Responsible parties in need of advnnces can be accommodated. t#"(lunno. Acid Phosphates nnl Ger man Kninit for sale. t^yaive us a trial. Feb. l-2m, 1). W. JpKDAN k CO. MORTGAGE SALE. W. F. Perkins ) Motigago 10 > l)f 8. li. I,atham ) Persona) Properly Under authority contained in the 'above entitled mortgage, I will sell at the store house of W. F, F'erkinn in the town of Cum den, H. O., on Wednesday t lie !4tli- dsy of March, 1883, heginulng nt 11 o'olook n. m.. tile entire stook of goods in said Rtore hoyse ? the samo consisting of Wines, Liqifors, Tobacco. Cigars, Groceries. 4.O., &o.. fm. ; also bur fixtures and furniture; one bi liaid and one pool table and one Iron 8afo. And also in front of said store house, after the goods abovo described shall have been dis posed of, one black mure," two two-horse* wagons and one top buggy. Levied upon and to bo s-dd to satisfy the above stated mortgage. Terms cash. JOHN DOIIY, Agent tor Mortgagee. Corn! Corn!! Host CORN selling nt 80 oents p?*r bushel at W. A. ANCIUJM k COS. Cow Peas' Wanted, 1,000 Hushels of COW PKA8 wanted by W. A ANCIUJM & CO. PROFESSIONAL NOTICE. The undersigned Imve tliU dny entered inio (\ oop:irtnert<hlp fop i lie prmMioe ofilivir profennion. I)r. Moore will n 1 1 cti<l 10 nil ilie gcnernl prnotioo. Dr. I?ouh will only Attend to li in oflloe And olislet i in il bntimsf mid wlton oAlled In con*tili>ttion If f)r, Moore In Almenf wh*n Id* ohnlel rioAl oah?'* ooour Ur. Pens will Attend tliom if d??iruU. L. It. DBAS. M. I). A. A. MOO UK. M. I). Not. 23rd, 1802. Tomatoe #. 81b Cnn? of TonmioHH 16 cent*, 2 (ton* for 2*i cents At WT A. ANCRUM k CO H. 1882 ! 1882 ! GRAND SPKING OPENING! or FINEST CLOTHING AT B. BLAlNTIt, Cli?nprnl Clothing Iiouho In Ih^nily ! $*&-* tail linA ofGKNTfl' FUHNIftllINO (]()(>1>H nlwnyn on hund. ?'Mftnhnttnn" nMrto-n 'luri?t>l? find wall made garment ? In n oom forl i? t li?? wcnrpr. To he hud at *. BLANK, PopnUr Clothier, 240 King rttroot, Cmahmcbtom. H. C. TRESPAS3 NOTICE. AM ponton* nr? herohy wnrned ngninnt upon the lf\n'ls oonneotH with th? MntrvTl proper1*. uminllv known ** the Pnotnry uUtff, either for fishing cutting wood .?r limiting puie-slrttw ; i.n?l?r th? pei * ?My of the low. J. . HAHU, mob 8'8t _ I II ? ? Cklsenheimer & Wat kins . DEALERS IN GS0CB8IBS , ?' LiQUOBS, TOBACCO, SC. We beg lo call attention to the fact that we have constantly in store a FULL LINE OF GROCERIES, I which we offer t? customers at as low prices as oao be obtained at an/ storo in Camden. Our stock of HjiQLuors, LiqLUors, I ?* of the best brands and art worthy the attention of the puhlio. ( OhY- Uo sure lo give ux a call, as we are paiisfied we arc able und willing to please you both in quality of goods and prices - Geisenheimer & Watkins. Jun -a- if COME AND SEE ? TllE ? CHRISTMAS GOODS CHRISTMAS GOODS ? AT ? J. D. McDowall's. I t? in now receiving a desirable line ol the al'ovc viz: Aniiore'f Mince Meat in omul oU H"> pails Ling'ish Plum PuiMine. Imperial and Seedless 11h i j?i ti?? , Leghorn Citron. Currants, l>;?tos, &c., Preserves and Jellies, in Cany, Marmalades anil .lams, in Jars. Clioice tJ il I K Igo Butter. Choice Hants at 15 to 20 ccnts per pound. FISH KOES, FKKSll SALMON, CUD FISH HALLS. Boston Baked Beans, Apples in 2 mill .'1 lb ami 1 gallon cans, {'caches in '1 and 8 II) and 1 gallon cans. Harden Pens in U pound tins, CIIAM BUR'S CHE AM PKACHKS. JSayChoice line of l'lain and French Candies. V. NUTd? ft full assort incut and very cbeap. CK \CK F. US ? fresh and largo asaortnieut. Oal Meal, &c. They an- ail fresh and j n-t opened. Qual ity and quiiuiity gun rant eud. AT LOWKST l'lirclSS- < J. I>. MoDowalL 1 FRUIT. FRUIT. Full assortment ? CnMtngcs. rotators and Onions, at McDowall's. Cheese! 3d;) Edam, I'ineapplo, Swiss and Crenm, for sale low at i. D. McDowall's. GERMAN KAINIT, l)ireci ImporiHlion. PKRUVIAN GUANO ? ilirwct from (he ngrnt of the Peruvian Oorcrnmi 'il. FI8II GUaNO ? b (/A 8 p. o. nmnioniit. NOVA SCOTIA LAND PLASTER. South Cnrolinn-Grouml I'lio-phnte? fine ground and high grade. For sule HERMANN BULWINKLE, Kerrs Whnrf, Ciiari.khton, H. C SAVE MONEY! SAVE MONEY! II it vintr withdrawn nil ngenclcs and r?!*?opit our bimin^SH rtn a strictly cnnh basiH, THEREBY SAVING AOKNT8 COMMIS SIONS ANI> LOSSES DY BAD DEBTS, wo r?o enabled to Hell our w*ll known fertili ze? ; tIj! WILCOX, OIBBS & CO'S MANIPULATED ?UANO, WILCOX, GIBBH & CO S \ SUPER1MIOSPII ATE, 'Dircot to Merchants and Fnrrnora al VEKY LOW PRICKS, by the alnglo ton, oarload. or larger quantity for the CASH. Write for |>rloeB. WILCOX, 0IBB& Jt'CO. Cltnrie.'loii, S. C. ba/nnu?li, U?. Jan. 18 The iohk nitf HoicnuulM in to*m?y nnr^n inn m<H*l dlKenidn nr?i enticed l?y dlHordercd K Id noynor I, Ivor. If. tlic* Klduev w mid Mvyr nr?i kept In order, i n i r f ? < ? i hmiiii will lie thercniilt. I ll Im irulliliHMonly heon kinnvn n hIioi I llnio kikI for yonrn p?ople *utTere<t iirpiil nifony without Wot ii k nhle to find rrlliif. The dUonvery ??r Wnrner'* Miife Kidney mid Liver (.11 ? nmk i'* h how ern In the trentnieni of them* trouble*. Alnde frfltn ii *1 tuple trop ical leof of rnro vtiltie, It contain* )ti*t tlic nlemelil*. niM?e**iiry to nourish nnd Invito* rnte liotli mi tliene ? ron I, ornntiN. nnd infely re*tore mid ki'.?ji ihetn In order. It I* ? I'oh ITIVK H"meily 0>r nil thetflMciiKCHOiiit cnu*<> I hi t n a In the Inww pnrt of the body ? for Tor iild Liver flendnonen? JmiMdlce Idrxlne** (Irnvel- Fever? .Ajcne? Mnliirlnl I'evor, nnd nil dliflciiltleo of the Kidney*, Idvernnd l/rl nnry OrHiin*. It Ift nn excellent and ttnfe remedy forfe mill** during I'ritfniincy . II will control Men ftritut Ion nod ik tnviilnnhln for l,ueorr* luen or Ktillltiir of the Wmnb An n Hltnid I'lirltler It In n/ic<|Unllfl<l, for It cure* the organ* Hint miike Hie blood' Thin Hemedy, which him done Mich won dorn, Ia nut tip In th* LAIUiKrtT Hl?KI> HOT TLAflofniiy medicine upon the tnnrJl&t.Hiid Id hold by T>r ukuIhIk nnd nit denier* Ml Jl.'ift per bottta, for IHnheteii.eMfilllre fnr^WAH NKK'H HAKK 1HAIIKTKH (JUHK. tl U n PtMlTIVK liomedy/ H. H. WARNER A CO.. iloohei>t?r, N. Y. (00 ??T TC SATE WHET la bujisg OroocrlM? If ??,???* your orders (o Welch & Eason, WkolMtle and Retail Pultrt lu CHOICE FAMILY & FANCY GROOEKIES, WINK8, LTQUOB6, TEAS sad CIO A ICS. 127 & 129 Meeting St.. 8. W corner Mai kl Street. C1IAKLEHTOX. H. C. ttojr We carry an extensive assortment of goods, and have everything vou w?m, at aatonlsbiug low priors. HOLIDAY GOODS lu Or?fti Variety. Jl?r*Country Merchants ^islilng an &?? sortment of Family Groceries will find it to their interest lo correspond with us on tiio subject. Picking and drnyage free. Sen.i (or catalogue nd price list. no 23 Gru $1*1* n week In your own town. Term-* nml ^H)l) oulfll free. Address II . II *i.i.r it & ( "o , i'orllnnit, Maine. Moli-tnv . NEWXUOl' MOLASSES. New Orleans Fancy nml Mvliuui grades For t-ilc by W. L. AIUUI'R \ liltO A btrjo .u?<l 8 1* loci 8l?ck ol chew iii? n n?t Kiji')ktnj; tobacco, cigars. ci|fircite*. ci^ir holder* nn l stiivkera nriic' i prnrr nlly. F?r khIo l>y 1>. 0. KlIlkl.KY. GALL AND SEE oun rUIjJL STOCK OF G ROC KH IKS, H A HI) WAR K, UARNKSS, 1)HY GOODS, UOU'I'S SIIOKS jt. Icvt ? * CANNK!) GOODS, (.AN Pi KS, CRACK ICRS, Ktc., Kti\, AT BOTTOM PRICES. \Vi.?lting lo -:)<iso mil our stock of LIQUORS wo nrr soiling out m tlio following lojucc'l prices : \Wm Ityo WfcNkcy 2.30 to 3.00 prr gnl. (iooil Ityo " 2.<>0 Itesi N. 1". Corn " . .">( I tiuixl Cbl'D '? 1 . 7 ?"> liit iii 2 '2~t (Jin 'J "J ") Apple Urn ml v 3 00 W. A. ANCRUM & uO & 23 H $ cs J < X c? 1 t/j H V; = P = X. o K 5 /, < y; x WJ ^ f-1 w ?/> *- r: r2 = ^ p r*o h? Q GC cSS e: i ^ tM '' KOiUI >? ; co ^ G3 CJ3 ?2 /, < IVotlco. 1 1 j\vi n jx, in. i !.. it c'li.iijte in i I'lisin-v1 I must ont'i.c :i,Y ic'|'ie.<' nil iii?l> i i ?* n.u by oper itcciium ?c them ? <? !?<>?<?? ihilei-tC'J 1 1' nolo to make *v.t . they am. L. II. 1) K v S , M. \j. dc 7 rf l lW DfciJ*, y hut, V- 'ip.". Crtl'l I'ijfC*. Wei: ilnekefl^Wy I). C. K1KKLKV. n^I,AVORINO Kit rncts, Gelrtiiiic KpiceH, J/ Citron, Prunes, Currant#, Hoynl Buk i nit Pi-W'ler *tn4 Soa Fjnm, Cotidetmeu Milk, choice Tens, &o. For aulo by D. 0. K IKK I.EV* MORTGAGE SALE. II. K. Heiird to \V. K. Darby ? MuI'Ikoho of lien I KMntc. liy virtue of ii clause coiitnlm-d In Hbove Muled niorlKiu'". I will noil In front of tlin roitri llonm- door In ('uiiiden. on Ihc Urn! Monday In April nixt.durliiK tlie IpkmI bourn ol mile, the following described properly: All t hut ploco of I iu <1, Willi but Id In k* tlierr (in, contiilnlnu liftft ii ucres, more or lens, Hltui\t?'d In Kersbuw county, Htnto of South Cnrollna. iidjotnliiK tliv Milt lenient known lit Kirk wood- bounded south i?y hinds Imoly of I'nul Trnplrr (now Mrs. M:.ry M. Klrklniitl.) tlieroiul bolnx the line; oust by bind* uttc oi Thou. I.nni; iiml Mr?. Hoy kin; nnrlli by nnds of the Into Thou. J. Withers nnd Thou, f jiiik; we*t liy lands formerly of lle.ijitun n l't>r k I us. Terms onsh. JOHN f?Ol?Y. inch 8 Afft . for Aloi ln.ijjr ??. Wagons and Buggies Buggies and Wagons. You neml not wait for tlib wngon, you ict'l thetn lit ouco by nnllliiK on Nov. '2. MAitM m?r tIAUM HltOH. ? 111811 I'otniopH, Onion*, (/'HbhHKrn, Ap Orange*, Cocoanutn, ItaiumaN, Lemon*, HiiiKiiiH, Fig-*, Nii'.h of nil kind*. For hhIo by I>. C. KIKKLKV. Special Bargains. An I I r?l ?*n?l up I lie njrcncy for tlio -DOMIMTIC" H wlnfl Mnchlntt, I offer ilioae now on html *t prime Manufacturer's Cost, until ihry nt? doted out . I *Iao offer In Ihu |>uM)0 a largo Mock of SADDLES AN? SADDLERY ivt originul ooHt. Tlieno goo<ln nro nil freelt ?n?l ImrgninH iri this lino can lie lirwi. J. M. WILLIAMS. j?i 26?41 Flower and Garden Seeds. A full Mftortmeal of IiftnilrHir* flur'lon Hc?(Ih nnd Kccrl'n Flow?r H*e<l mnv ?>?> foiin'l At (). ('. KIKK I.KY'P. THOIT Mioh. jfOMtKtV JMtmr. HmoVc the "Jolly Jmy'it Or?.?l?" olg<*r For nale hy V. C. KIHKLKY. inch 1 if W F. PERKINS ANNOUNCES THE AK1UVAL OF ?1 JWew Stock or Groceries* JLiquortt , Wines* Tobacco &c? Tb? uoprvcadeuied nub of buttiaeaa at oar MUbliabiuenl make* it necessary fv be oouitaatly io reccipt of New UooJa. r ua to ?ft gf JLiQUor Department It alwajt tuppliad with tbe beat. , T^JF. F. PERKINS. GRAND FALL AND WINTER OPENING AT THE CLOTHIN C3r HOUSE! > OF . L. K UN AR D, Hen's. Youth's and Boy's Suits, Men's Youth's aw! Boy s Overccals. FWE SOFT tfJVI* STIFF /I -ITS IN A LI. STYLES AND COLO US. Gents' Furnishing' Goods and Neckwear. . 0^51VT;B FIIVE3 SHOES. W li. II 111 lit- l it v yi'ii are c?>r imlly invited to evitnine my stock of CLOTHING. All orders a klicf.-ol tw my caro will rcceivo |>t aitcutiun. COLl MlilA, S. C iv.Miii.u. s c.. n..v. :n. i88i ori'osiiK guano ckxtkai. ?I BflW* Hardware IVlerchants, Ai-KNTS FOR. THOMAS SMOOTHING IIAHHOW, THOMAS WLYKUIZING 1IAHUOW. LANE HAHIIOW. ? ! 1 K A I )Q 1* A HTK US HO II ? -rrw" AND Ii.\l-U\v vri!lN(f T OTH 1NDK1M?\\DKNT HAIUIUW Willi ? ITii ! ?<?adcaST SKKDKK ATTACH KD. K\ l'A N'DING CULTIVATORS. ?nr^v 1'L.OW STOCKS, PLOW ULA l)l>' SINOI-K TRKKS HAMKS TRACE 'JllAINS, HOKS. I'LOW JilNK.s. HLA> KSMITHS AND CAR PENTERS TOOLS, HOl'SKKKKI'ING GOODS. FTATK AGENTS FOR DAN'L. PRATT COTTON GINS. FCfcftfKS AND CONURVFKKS. ' ? ? *. '? ? ? I'rine-i .*1 />/>/. 1/ t HAHT tfc COMPANY. ' CHARLESTON. S. <)? Th.eHolid.ays are Coming. I And n*w U the Mm# ?oprnp*rf ft> r Ihem. Finest vnrirty of tropical f rtiil Inthomnrkrt. Frcnli Cursor* tv*ry wenk. BANANAS, COt'OANUTH, OKA NO KM, MALAOA OHAI'KH. Northern Fruit*. Apple*, Fin*, Peanut*, Kni*tn?, NuIf, Citron, OurrAiiln, Order* filled with dixpnloh. C. BART CO, de 7 C1IAKI.KHT0M, fl C. " 8,^1 NO LIS II, Amerlcfn And MitMnrd Hrvr ^ilinn*. 1'ickle*, Hitlmon --ft lb or\n*. Fr ??? l? nn<l Mimoed MnokrrHl in can*, Canned 1'o.r mid Tongue, Potted !l?m, Tuvkey, Chicken*. to.0. Oy*ier*, I'iokle*, Mn*tnrd, t^mioc a, \ . For *ile by I) C. KlHKi.F.V. HolCP. <"nn?n?*ed Ham* nnd flhoiiMe<"i, CnfTcc And Hutrnr ? all gmda*, Laid, Bacon, Flour and M<dn**e*. For **le V?jr I>. 0. KJUKLEY. Notice to Trespassers. AH tr*Mnpt?MvrA upon the "llcllj N?c.k" plantation or lli? "Hto?Vton" for any purpouc whalryftr, will he ilealt with to Ih? full etttnt of ih<* Inw. Thin I* thn Inni notlr# I will ?l*e. .1 MrDowAtr,. Foh. I. Si Estate of John Holland. AH pf r#on* holrlin^ e)nlmn *gnln?t th? KhiaIp of John Holland, ilfoennnd, will pru dent (h? nntMft to thr u?nl*>rnlj<nrf1, *?nl ihono ind?ht?<l to ?*l<l Kotnii* will mak? payment to I. F. IIOf.I.A N I>, Feb. I -3t Ailminlmrittor. mAWKKK. It '2 u <lt?y at raally Hindi*, f'nuity outfit fro*, A<l<lr*M Tnnr A '>o? Auguatn, Mnti|?, DR. FRANCIS I/. ZEMP I rtvi'.ftH attention to hid Urge aiittorlment DRUGS and MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS & PUTTY, DYE WOODS AND DYE SYUFFI, &XM #?6*, cm.vjr#rs, zx.vr WICKS, LAN I'EHS, KBR03ENE OIL, ETC, A full ami complete maortment *f (1 LAMHWARR, RTATIONARV, TOIl.KT ARTICLES. HIM) NO KM. FINE l'EHFUMERY and BOA PP. llrMihe* of I hf beat mrkk?*. nri- rnxorlptlonfi and Family Rrolpet onrnfully compounded at nil hour*. PKKHKRVK YOUR IIAKNKHR hy nnftj the ??1ehrnte<l Vaociim Oil. Bi-atkii for Mnftotitng nml pre?f>r?lng t>f>oi* _ hIiom, h*rne?fl, b?ifKjr <op?t Ac. Vor anl? l>. C. KIKKLKY. CRACKERS! CRACK BRSi W? barn 011 hand *t hH limp*. *n<l an Qonnfnniljr rffoitlnf FRKHII CRACK^iU of ft 11 Itin-U. W. A A H ? ki m Sl Co.