^ jmmijiiui. I t From l lie VaiHey. \ I [SPECIAL TO THE HIC1IMOND EXQl'IREK.] , New Maiikjet, Oct. 21,1804. Little I thought, ten clays ago, when I was writing about our cavalry from this identical place, ro which I ain now just returned, thai# one of the greatest, if not thp greatest stampede of this war, and a stampede of infantry, too, iiad yet to take place. It is the most singular -siftuir tluit. mm i>uii Dossilde iinanitie : a whole 'day of glory ami a few minutes o?-shainc- -a splendid beginning and alnmistrocs end?iwilitr./ormosa .s//p<>nie (tcsi vat in piscan. I don't kpow v. lictlier it is better to laugh or crv, for tlie thing is also so odd and ludicrous in some respects, that, if we were only lighting for the outraged dignity of a plenipotentiary, % the rights of reversion to some duchess, some petty island in tho East indies, or even for the possession of some Siberia of ours,*\?v might as well take our time and ease, and look only upon ihefnuny part of tins great mischief. Eut 1 am afraid we cannot afford such luxury as laughing at our own expense just at present, and that it nt our duty, under tlio circumstances, tt? 'take it with a proper mixture of "anger" an J v,8^lto\v." '.This is preamble ctioiic.li, to be s'uiv, before coining to the point, hut vet I cannot step llattbotcvi upon it; I can't, my bear sir?it. would bo unnatural, 1 think. Yes, a whole, day of glory ami a few minutes of sham", as i hav'o already said; but, unfortunately, it is the shame thai comes last, and casts its.'gloomv \nn. wubra over tho rays ami beams of the departed glory el j that day. I allude to our'bail!e oMhel'tth! instant, between Strasburg and MMuScIowji. | , What will he its name ? I don't care?let it j ho "no name," if yon like. .As for sue, 1 will merely call it the alfair of the lOl.h. I kn jw there is an order from the. Adjutant tfeiicral's ollice concerning letl. i-wrilers ami correspondents, and L don't, feel inclined to make light ot it miner. W homer irghi4 or Wrong, it is an order, and tlint i;. enough lor mi? J I fori indited'to ieF-jxHrl.it. lint, -sis I am neither a lolter-writer nor aveorrospoii lent, as 1 know of no plans of campaigns iliac 1 can disclose, and as L would disclose none ii 1 J:no\v any; as I speak of no marcdiings, nuricruvres or counter-marchings; finally, as I merely .write l as I would sneak t ? you, if I had an tunily' thrive yon vcrhaiiy an account personal impressioiis with resjieet to facts along to history from tin1 moment that, -odk place, and with whioh the Yankees s well acquainted as any of us?ifthev n it, to be sure, and they are' not quite gers to the died?1 pledge von inv word ! ot see any wrong in my writing to you ; th\s atl'air of I lie ithh. ' ell, sir, we surprised the Yankee camps,| I ?;enk of day, a-> completely as a ea.np can j > arised ; how we did it is ano'lier t i: g. | i d L:iU *- no road?we ji:.-t took our tight I mi ; air, and after having hovered around a ! o tit litne to aiiow a glimmering iigbt at ' ( i. i?t to'simw signs of the Vettinting da\-1 i ... iti order l>> be ?o!e to de-titigui h our trier f";oil) our foes, we bounced down upon .i vv,> ..;..i-..i- t.;:t ;.i i i i \ and litriii'.'tl our linos- with.n lh?- hivn-; 1 < He vial camps, with seVcn pieces ?rl tilery t . 'tv.loix* they ct'liii! ;ir. t?.vermis, ;;nd ;i i'(ir hi; lot! bolore v.;. ! i.:s clean sweeti -.v ,s :! de l.y Kershaw's |>:\isi ? . d on the loft, hut it is in vain; wtj push u . I now wo hoar the firing of other J >ivi'iis't the right, wlii li come in lor their! !.; (; f it,-and gallantly, too. Tie* enemy is .;rvi :> back -from oatnp to e.-iinp ; ?s thov " -:i 1 t hey endeavor to carry awty smiie lie.tl 'i.'v. hut we shoot the horses-down and the i>ir ire ours. Now the turnpike is cleared, i. .1 \ I lory can come down ami support our. : i. \i comes down, and as the res .stance inrv s so does the vigor of our attack. The un ; s above the crests of the mountain?, and v.'in?t 'the morning fog, the smoke of the mu>V, y mid artillery, and the soft horizontal li.;i t t' at is thrown across, not like a rainb'mv, h. ' i'.. a Jifooilfjow1. If there was such a W/vi' emmli* t l.oeo ie onoli llon? *t OKIUI ) tllVIU l.-> OU'yll. ; II! IM'^, llll! !*f. I'ovo us is grand. As it li;is its color/il in;'; -oico?the yells of oivr mer,tlio srieani ie shells, the whistling of the Knlicld '(. .I1- e heavy train]) of inrii and horses, the >f gun carriages and wagons, \dl iniug storm, of which we have not only the :t the destructive power. We jnove .a; illong ; it is not a stand-up light, alue: nit the enemy, after having heen driven oil'. 1 I his campsj tried to make a stand, hut > !,?.' ( vT caused the storm to- eoueelitrate its ?ip*k : destruction at that place lor some half w> h' -,r ?for our men were not to he -looped; ;h< ' 1 it in their mind to ti.dit now, and ;n could stop thorn. <>\.-r l-ili^, stone {. ii,- . cross 11road, cleared livdis and thick ws. he fighting goes on as ivgnlat\ assteadv i,s , t . adjust began, and still it is now three >Yt. I we have drivfcn the .enemy four miles, capiat, all the camps \Kth everything . in it, 9 . .. ? ? * 4 r 4 nui'i.ii'i xu? ii'?'ini"niiui?i IIiMuiimuiwiiinwaiM spoiled-the ground with their dead and woiun cd, sent to the rear some eighteen hum Ire prisoners, captured eighteen pieces of ar tiller hut the lighting still goeit on although wo hai stopped driving the enemy, w ho is by this tin pushed back further than Middletowp on line, extending from the left of it. All this is vcrv well, hut pending, tins tin? another work g<>es oirthnt is fai, verv far fro being rpite as good. The number ot our m< plundering in the camps increases, ever)' horn l 1 i. .... I ! . . Jl* . 1 .1 j* .t i.iu> [iiiiviim, jjnaiu mines ou ;i oaicil 01 till' i to the front, In.t :i hijo-ur nuni!>cr oozes 01 from the "round, which thev soon cov?-r lil one of t!ic seven plagues of Ejjypt?the loeusi I should say. All c.-ti men are so confide1 tliat. the enemy is whipped that they c'n Wiiiii. to-ta.'riuv their share of the hooty. P? alas! \v.?r is a opinio thntMwo can plav. Tl VanKees are not .f < b-toher. 1) rally thev won't ; see them go back nncb eetne.d. jtis| as quietly as if noshing was tl matter. Tliev do not reply anvlhing to of eers-Mhoy just slip back with their muske poised in their hands a- if they were drplot/'n hacJ-mnrth as skirmisliers. In the me.vnwhi the Yankees lose no time; it is.now their lisi to go onward; Kershaw's division now h; struck ; it gives way, too, in its turn,' alt 1111 \-i tiii- !,!k, a kind of gentlemanly stampedi i.aJ a few sheiJs that come bnrst.ii g right-ov our heed- gives us an additional speed. V are running ; a turn of the road, a pro teeth iVolii the sin-!' ?, and-we walk again. I nov | saw or dreamt ofmore self-possessed crowd i /.v ; iln-v were u?> more scared, s I an I in; more r.sli.urnd than if there had n I been a particle of danger or disc-race in tin predicament, 'finally, an old rotten bridj !gi\e: way, iIj-.-rc is a dcaii lock, and artiller ! wagons and ambulances aie there for the Ya [ kci-s. 'i'hev need not strike a lick to ha them?ail thev have to do is to come down tl road whevotlicy are stuck, and theirs they ai In?that way we lost, tliirtv-hme of our or pieces, besides eight mi: that we captured, tn ! God knows how many wagons and amhiilauc ! Y'l tliost' trains might have been saved l>y i force of two hundred rkirmishers, hut it con ' not be got. They ware tired; they we , played out ; 'they had enough of it?pur in/; 1 will add, however, that, but for the lo of materia! the advantage of the day would st he on our side. We have s verdy ciapjih i that Yankee army, you may depend upon it.I (>ur ai-tny of the Valley is made of spiced* i material, but the'wear and tear of this Ioligcai I paign has told with to'rrihie,effect upon its e j c-ani/ation. Take, for instance, Kershaw's ( j vision ; it. went into the light without a sine i brigade commander. Still the men fought ve | well as long as they felt like it, but* When tl hour of trial came the waul of organization w I severely li.lt, afrl the men could not he radii I Wliatov-v olVnvrs were on duty, however, <1 ! their l>e>i, l>ut it was of no avail; I belei i this cannot bo donu'iI-, KoishnwV division l?I splendidly?tliis . ifri-oviilh oot oo tod, (Ion. Kershaw Inn horso mortally wounded under him; two ofl aids, Lieut, tiohn Corwilo and James Pav had tlioir Imm-o< 1nn?li*.r thorn ; Map.Jam M. (ioiro-in, Assistant Adjutant (lenornl, lost I horse in the same way whilst in command ''onn< i -'I" iipido. ('. \\ . Moody, of t _'!> ' i< '. pj'i. ooniinAiidin^ Humphrey's blade, hoinu" put h"i.\ (/< I'oinlbil, was succeed by Lieut. v.cl. John onus <> the same rcgimo ! and that gallant oUiccr was shot dead (in t Ijimo1 ?nmm:MMinij?mnimn []- liend) !?t tilt1 Inst st.-ge (>f the battle, when we id tried for tile second time to make'a stand*. At y, this moment, when writing quietly about it, e this battle, see'fus to mc a mystery or a dream, le It seems to me that the silent ami fugacious a rabbjle upon which the sun set wbe'ti We were stampeding towards Fisher's 11 ill cannot be jc spoken of in the sair.c breath with* the daring in and yeUing regiments,upon which the rising >.n surt' smiled When we charged the cnemv.'s r; works, t^ok their pieces and turned iheiii iiu-1 m mediately against the enemy. Talk ufonrcavut' airv's stampedings, here is a'?et ?>lf for them ce This, it is tjp be Imp. <1 wi'l close the.ex1' ibition s, ! and we will nnss to v I see thai you published some extracts ol'iny ? letter to you concerning the organization of our b, i cavalry smd its lato doings In the Valley ; it yon d, j choose to publish some extracts, of tliis. letter ig j concerning our stampede, I will not be sorry nr j- for it, for 1 like-fair play, lfl were. to curse li | our Stampede 1 would call it a Moody one. -b I In pe you have good news around Kiehnr mom!' although 1 must sa\ tee spirit of our n, ih?*n is not. broken here, but good news will he it- welcome at any time. w As for my share in the fight, it was small, I re uare say; but )*et I consider it was still more in" lucky than anything else. for uiv horse wusnot re shot nor was T, only a b?dl mad |nv It is i hi possible, at present, to give you a fair ir- estimate of our lossy* in u>< n. .Sp?-ak.ng in lit general, the loss is as small as it can be lor a n- fight from sunrise to sunset, although I knov. 10. ono. regiment of our division to have lost twenii tv officers. We took a large number of pr.sonts ers andiSceuroil tliem, whilst we must have '// lost \err few, as we did stampede so timely lo and finally, so we did, deaf sir, and to, sav that rn we were tvhipp d, and whipped by our own us folly alone, is ueiiher new nor consoling, bat er it is trum If I recollect, the fruits of the batig tie of Shilob were lost from the same uumilid itafy .straggling and plundering in cainps. V, " ? Wanted to Purchase ;h jf^OR THE USE OF THE CONFKDKRATK p. I States?Scrap Iron, wrought or cast, for which T p- PM.V Q h?h price in cosh. or, if preferred, will exchange rolled plnntathn Iron for the*sumo. Planters brothers a having any i fthe above u> dispose of will inform mo' le of the fact, a* 1 wish 10 collect it together as speedily ,ss as possible. J. S. MKKON Ity. u. sieptember 1- ?tl. Notice. ii ' ?. Lb PKKFONS HOLDING NOTES OR LAWFUL ? J, L accounts against the ! state ot Thonms J. Fly j. n ni. will present them to mo h>r pnynn nt williiu 4 ninety da-v.s l:oin date. After that time 1 will not pay 1 0 su) ciaims against the Est.to. ?n ' w.\f. CIA" BURN, el' Oct. 21?fit. A(imiuiat.iator. 0f ' Conledemle"' please c> pv three times. Kctice. ii- I LT, PERSONS HAVING DEMANDS AGAINST ire i"V 'tie ! -tale ol the late Dr. Henry Gantry, will ~. present tliein property attested. and those indebted, * ' will make payment to John Cinuev. n~ ' MARY C.TANTKY, V'C Oct. 23 tf. - .fdministralrix. For Sale. 1C1 Y)INK WOOD FOlt SALE. APPLY TO fl X R. B JOHNSON. * Oct. 24 10 " Sale of Personal Property. nj | >Y PERMISSION OF A D Mr DON ?LD. ORDI^ miry. I will sell, oli f'lTK>R;\ V, the 22il of No vomher, 18(54, at the late r siih nee of Lie* j.fd L H' Whitaker. ileeense (in i term v.It v. mii . IL- ol. .' 1 the personal pro i:i ty of Hidmr I. Wi.itnk i, dcio.ts? ed, con isting of llou-cbnli F niiture. nroii- g I nplf >(j incuts, rt title young Mule, h lew iie.td of tattle, ttlyuon Corn. Pens, Ac., Ac.. Ttie ier:t:s of sate a re cnsli. >r- October hi?tu.ili.s G. J. !>. DUNLAP. :r'" Depot Boldie r's E oard Relieflie Camdhx. S. <\ Oct j'2. i sg I ns LI rKRSONS WIK ll \ V! : NOT PA ID T11 I R ,(] r\ two (2) per cent Tax in corn, wlic.-.i ;imt rice. ; i j will 'plcnse deliver it nt once, without lurtbor notice. '' | Uy order ol Mnj. Jxo M. DkS\rssi;ni:, < Iminnan. ' l! , Oct. 12 2w M. (r.\Vl.K. Agent. is j SPECIAL Wi>TJCE~ | ^ y nr. r ]j(\ i iyi.m iv ui' l'. \ M) 'IK! V ! will "meet nt Flat iwn-k' 011 Siiiur.my the 1 Oth '.,s instant. is, ! 1.11.1 lions of Seeks. Gloves, mm rfs, .to., will h. 11 >m 1 k les i IV.llv roeoived and sent forward id once In our brave lis 1 s-'' ilt"'" vv " ar0 ,lOW idiftbrinjt lor almost owry varie. ! y of ekviutifr. . , All who wish tocontribute to (because <'11! indicate 1L U'.'Iv AI.PACCAS; - . . > ' ' 5^ Black and colored I'nliofcea; j (Jiiiftli'iiuis. Paper t iiinbrieji; I ?<. !{ ires iii.il Delaines; | , It iiuti and blue I'enuus; j .Superior knirlisli I .o?u?clotli; j 1 adios Silx liioves. Whalebone; I Hilt Buttons and Trimn tutcs lor ladies dresses; | Black 1T:11 i;111 srwiujr S:lks ; Black. while and eol- led spool Tlfretul?all Nos.; ' Ilk.ek Jinx llireud ; ' Pins. Kniil inr > ocdles. Needles, Bottom, Tape; j j ? oinbs nntl T ?ilel i?onp, llalrpiirs; j Ladies liar Notts; ; Ladies white, slate ami blue Hoso; Lerv.nits II.uiiikoroli:<> a, and a yr^at many olhar articles. too numerous to mention. ?: Alio:? f'tilloti I*il..l Vsirn?-.U \'iiiiil>n..K 1 7 s 11 mi -1-4 rmiiK'v;)k> Slni-tings. hud an dwtortj incut ut tiionrta?:ust?y me. to John Bak^r, for live In111< 1 r< <\ dollars doled some time in .Tune, 186'4, . ns ii?t- p-op?riy tor which it \vas pivon, hna proved unbound, I wii! ot psiv a;u?! note unless compelled by , law. * JA.mES A. THOMPSON j Sept. 8 1 RAG-3 ! IIAOS!! | ' J 'HK HIGHEST PRICKS PAID FOR WHITE. i i. line is or co: ton rairs delivered large or amal ! quantities at this ollice. | STATE OF , J* (/3'TRS CAROLINA^ : MA AD.T'T AND INSP. GRNF.RAL'S OFFICE, ) Coi-u;iniA, Nov. 1, 1J64. J j GENERAL ORDERS NO. 14. j JT THE COMMANDING OFFICERS OF. OOSfc; P. panics organized tinder orders from this office : for service beyond their Districts, will forthwith re! turn to this office hill Rolls o?' their respective com] piuiics, including the iuui.es ol persons who have been | added to the rolls since their oiiginal organization, j II. General and field officers having in their possesJ sion the rolls above sp citicd will also make returufl1 j of the same. III. 1 crsonswho are liable to servico in said com- ., panics, and who have failed to report their names, when the companies shall be ordered into service will be arrested, carried into camp and tried by courts martial. in pursuance of the provisions of tho Act of tiia . General Assembly. ? I V. General officers and the commanding officers of Regiments will extend these orders. Uv command : ' ' ({signed) A. C. GARLINGTON, J * Adj't. and lnsp'ctr. Gen. S. C. Official : G. A. Fv-l.i.i.v, A A. Geu. % Papers of the State copy three times. Nov. 8 8 Office Q. M- Department, ..^Camdkn, Sept. Iotli, 1861. vW P-ANTKHS ARK I'RGKNlLY REQUESTER to it. ill in lininedmtoly all new fodder and pen* | i < v: 1 as old fodder and siiuK.s, in order to meet the y. ; pressing demands ol our armies. < , They are also notified ih.it ti.ev can have credit ?n. their 'i itlie of 1 -01. for ti eir deliveries of cornif they prefer it to payment in cash CON U AY BKLL Agt. A. Q. M. Sept. 16 tf , Beadq'rs En- Office, J CAMDKK, S. C., Oct. I t, 1864. PmsuANT TO AMITTAVT AND IN^PECTOFS ; nend's Order Kn. 77, heretofore published, all j detailed men. and those win se applications are nendi iiif/. and all light duty men. who are unrtspigtloij; and 1 all \v* o havi tin eon iticato of exemption from examin* ' in: U aid or exempted under recent Acs ofCongreis,wl.o a- nnt in olive service between 18 and. 45 ard lie re' >v ordered to report promptly at this office pre; pared to go forward to Camp ot Instruction. W. WALLACE, I 0^ 1 5 3 Act. K. 0 K. D. I r^UOM Till* PATH WE SHAL .HABGB ' * tliuv dollars Omnibus f:ire to and fro jo m. purt 1 ?>f tli" unv . To or from Kirk wood, or V *ot tbo I l.i: its <>i ilic town, six dollar?. T ho liigl pncts of 1 horse fitd con".pel us u> adv. nee our rates. " i . d. K. WITH KRSPOON j K. G. ROBINSON. [ October 1 4$ ^ *