/ f * * ' - v \ 1 A' ;r- * . " ' : . ANiSTOUISrCEMENTS: Mr. Editor: You -mil please 'announce ;be fol. tiowing gentloman as candidates for rs-electiar\ to the IJ "r D?r>Manntafi??? from JTfirshaw District at ^VUOO V* VOWMW*? ? vwj 4he ensuing election in October, and oblige their friends: . Major J. M. DeSAUSSURE. Capt D. D. PERRY. July 1 ^ - Me. Editok: As the time is approaching when the .people of Kershaw District, will have to select, those who will represent them, in the ensuing Legislature .we respectfully reoommecd the follow fag gentlemen a candidates. trt or rUT *K7HJMn . Maj. A. H. BOYKIN - V _ for Representatives. Maj. J. M. DeSAUSSURE, ' Capt. W. Z. LEITNER. By inserting the aboYe, you will oblige April 15. MANY VOTERS. >For Representative. . , We are authorized to announce Col. A. D. GOODWY2^, as a candidate for the Legislature at the ensu 4 ' ' " ' " .- ' V - - ir \ '#. - ' . MWMWMMtMttjyBMMigrnfliiaMPMWiBii mi Tinamtti School Notice. MISS DkNOON WILL RESUMK THE. EXERCISES of her Scliool for boys, at the Academy formerly occupied by Mrs Peck, on the first .Monday in October. Terms $108 half payable in advafico. Sept. 26 -; Office Q. M- Department, | . Camden, Sept. 15th, 1864. PLANTERS ARE URGENTLY REQUESTED to haul in immediately all new fodder and peas, as well as old fbddor and shucks, in order to meet the pressing demands of our armies. Tbey are ?1bo notified that they can have credit on their Tithe of 1864, for their deliveries of corn if they prefer it to payment in cash CONWAY BELL Agt. A. Q. M. Sept 16 tf Wanted to Purchase OAD rPXJV TTOV AP TtTIT riA\T-pcr\-Cro * mm j vw jiixia wuu vi ^ iiiu vviii r States?Scrap Iron, wrought or cast, for which I' pay a fair price in cash, or, if preferred, will exchange rolled plqptatiAj Iron for the same. Planters oxothers having any oftlie abovo to dispose of will inform me of the fact^ as I wish to collect it together as speedily as possible. . J. S. MF-RONKY. September 1 tf. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. ADJ'T AND'INSPECTOR GENERAL'S OFFICE, \ Columbia, September 22, 1864. ) GENERAL ORDERS NO. 22. I" PERSONS LIABLE BY THE LAWS OF THI$ Slate to actual military service beyond the limits ot their Districts, end. who have not been enrolled and I AUU IUUUICU iu UlJUipaillUS'UlgiUJJACU 1U j;uioanuv,o v* General Orders Nos. 10 and" 11, issued from this office, i are required to report for enrollment and assignment I on or bofore tho 5th day of October next, or they will 1 , be held iiable to arrest and tothe; penalties provided ' lor by tho lltli section of the Act of the General Assembly, ratified the Gth day of February, 1863, entitled "An Act for tho better organization of the militin, arid for other purposes." , II'. Persons required to rejiort by the preceding paragraph of these orders, where companies have already been organized in the mihtiaiegimeut to which they belong, will lie allowed to select their companies, provided they are not already full, and willTupoj?. to the oilicers commanding such companies, who will enroll their names. 3 III. Where the companies organized in any regiment .under General Orders Nos. 10 and 11 all have I maximum number, (1?)6 men,) persons required to report bp oheso orders, will report to the commanding ofiicer of the regiment, who will organize them into ] companies, if their numbers bo sufficient, aud make a return thereof to thii office; any if thoir numbers bo ] insufficient to constitute a company, he will return a list of their nanies to this office, when tbey will be as- ] siguod to companies ojganized in other regiments. IV. The eommandiurr officers of- eomDanies orcran- 1 izcd ip pursuance of General Orders Nos. 10 aud 12, and of companies to bo organized'in the 7th aud 8th Brigades, under Special Orders No. 12, are 'authorized ( to enroll for sendee in their respective companies, the persons requirod by these orders to report for enrollment who reside within their militia- regiments, until their companies reach the maximum uumber. V. It is made the duly of all the militia officers of the Stute to report to the proper officer for eqrollpent thc> names of persous who are liable to enrollment J under these orders. VI. Persons enrolled under General Orders Nos. 10 and 11, under Special Orders No. 12 and nuder these orders, will be allowed to volunteer in companies of mounted inlantry; but they will", nevertheless, be enrolled as required by said - orders, and held , liable to service as infantry until tlioir companies have been accepted atthis office-as mounted infantry. By order of the Governor : A. C. GARLINGTON, Adjutant and Inspeptor-General of S. C. * ' Extracifrom Act of General Assembly, entitled "An act for the better organization of the militia,- and for. otherOMl-TinC/W1' X"~JL Section "iL That all persons liable to perform actual military serv ice "under the provision's of this Act, who shall make default When summoned into such service, shall be liable to such punishment, short of death, m may be imposed by by a court martial, according to the Articles of War of the Confederate States, skid court to to convened by the officer coramajidiog tl}e regiment in which the defaulter is liable to perform said military service, who is hereby authorized to order said court, in conformity with the csages of the Confcderae States. Sept 24 4 .10 ipgTapera of the State publish till October 5. QnrnrViiiTYV Qirrun Borrolfifrtr WUi gUIUU MJ1UJJ MWH V1W AVA Sale THE UNDERSIGNED HAS ON HAND AND for sale a large number of a flue article of Sjrup Barrels, which can be had by making application at the Court House, at Camd6n. Seytember 1 tf D. D. HOCOTT. ? * ' Notice. A TT TiiTT\ti/"vvTn ? -nni -nAn-ntTr ? n\Twn iTAm m/"\ AJXU rivnouiNO iv..tvEj ruanv n.ivtftr.u ixwx JV trade for a note given by m6, to John Baker, for five bnndred dollars, datecl some time in June, 1864, as the property for which it was given, has proved unsound, I will not pay said note unless compelled by lai?.. '. JAMES A. THOMPSON. Sept 16 3 ? v' - . ' ~ ' I win i 11 i hum i. u.^p 1) I ST RI C T DIK E T 0 11Y \ . . ' ) District officers. Ltgitlalors. ' A. H. Boykin?Senator. John M. DeSauBsure, D. D. Perry?Representative*. * Magistratu. John K. Witlierspoon, Wa. D. Hogan, W: R. Taj- < lor, fleary Brace, John R. Shaw, Richard L. s Whitaker, J. T. Barker N * Commutitntrs / Roods. J. M. DaSaussure Chairman, B. T. McCoy, W. E.. J Hughes,' Daniel 1). ' Kirkland, James L. McDowall, Lewis J. Patterson, J. English Doby, Fred. Bowed, John L. Mickle, Gillam Sowell, Richmond K. Terrell, Emannel Parker. The sixth sectton of the "Act to'establish cer- J tain Roads, Bridges and Ferries," passed December j 17, is as follows: " That each Commissioner of Roads now in office, or hereafter appointed; shall serve until a successor is appointed,, and h/vs accepted. This section to.be in force during the war. 'i l? Commissioners of Fret Schools. Wiley Kelley, Wm.' Dixon, Jatnes Team, C. C. Haile, Jesse Trucsdel, Daniel Bcthune, A. L. McDowell. r *" . Comndssioners.of Public Building*. " John "Workman, R.M. Kennedy, R. B. Johnsory F. L. Zemp, h. W. R. Blair, James B. Cnreton, Wm. D. Mc Do wall Chairman, C.'P. B., Colin Macrea Treasurer. Commissioners" to Approve public Securities. J John M. DeSaussure, James Dnnlap, Wm. ?. Johnson, sr., A. M. Kennedy, Thos. E. Shannon. Commissioners of the Poor. S E. Barnes,' A. A. MeDowall, John 0. Higgins. R. M. Kennedy, J. S. DePass. ?. E. Hughson, Sec. and Treos. . President and J)trfiora of Camden Bridge Co. President?John M. DeSaussure. Directors?John Macrae, B. Perkins, James Teain, Colin Macrae, Sec. & Treas. Soldier's Board of Relief. John M. DeSaussure, E. Barnes, James Dunlap, J. Ross Dye, C. Mosely, James Team, Jesse Truesdcl, John B. Micklo, Charles Raley, John Gaskins, Daniel Gardner. f - , ? ; Coroner. John S. Meroney. 'Managers of Elections." Camden?John S. Meroney, C. A.'McDonald, iYm McKaiu. x Cureton's Mill?Frederick Bowen, Jamca Team, I Etpanuel Parker. .Flat Rock?Jesse Truesdel, James Fletcher, creorge R. Miller. * A Buffalo?Wm. Mungo, Gillam Sowell, Win. Cato. ft Lizenby'a?John McGougan, Daniel McCaskul,* D Donald McDonald. Schrock's Mill?B. T. McCoy, Alexander McLeod, Henry Radcliffe. x Goodwin's Store?Benjamin Cook, John B. Mick!e, James H. Vaughn. Liberty Hill?A. D. Jones, jr., R. C. Patterson, 11. B. Cunningham. Officers of Court. y Joseph D. .Dunlap, Commissioner in Equity; IT. Clyburn, Clerk; A. L. McDonald, Ordinary; Duncan Sheorn, Sheriff. TaM Collector. William McKain. I Confederate Enrolling Officer. ^ W. Z, Leitner. ? Confederate War Tax-Colleetor. A. M. Kennedy.} Assessors ! Jehn Cantey, R. M. Kennedy. Collector of Tax in Kind. James Jones. Chief Cpmmitsary Agent. *J. H. Derereaux. ' Confederate Quarter/natter's Agent. James Sowers. State Quartermaster't Agent. A. Markley Lee. Re?iving and Delivering Agent. * > J. M. Gayle. Officers of the Tows of Camden. Inlendant. James Dunlap. B Wardens. N. D. Baxley,|D. Dj Hocott, L. M.^Boiwell, R. M. nenneaj. / ?i? Recorder. - R. M. Kennedy. j ~?? - . < C Marshal and Market Clerk. Wm. Johnson. -? . I Professional. c %x, ??? ' Physiding now Practicing. j. L. H. Deas, D. L. DeSaussure, T. Reenstjerna, r W. R. Sikes, Benjamin H. Matheson, J. McCaa, J. I. Tranthair, W. L. Pickett, B. 8. Lucas, T. P McDow, L. M. DeSaussure, Thomas W. Salmond, P. L. Zemp. ti '"* ' ' '' ' . > * ' / . .v. . ^ Lajcytrt, . Vm. M. Shannon. W. Z. Lcilner V. M. Kennedy. . W. R. Taylor ? foseph 1). Dunlap.. - .G.Bailey. v Dentin. , M. Bis'aell. : > . V Surveyors. , Jolin Macrae, Daniel Betiune, C. C. llaile *?^ s_ Scholastic, Mercantile, & Median leal. v ? , A cadaiiiet and Primary Stfioolt m Camden, j. McCandless' Male Academy; F. Staudepmyer, male academy; Mrs: McCandless' Academy for Young Ladies, Mrs. M,cCfeight; Miss Datrion Mrs. Peck; Miss Maggie DeNoori. ? , ^ Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware fc., ??. N 2. W. Bonney, James Dnnlap, George Alden, Mrs. M. T-Campbell, R. M. Kennedy, Mra. MeLeisk, 'McndalSmith, Mrs. Conner, Mrs. Crosby, ?? Benjamin, Math'eson & Co., A. T. Latta, W. I). McDowalt, S. Oppenheim, M. Baum & Br?., Me- 1 roricy, yBosweli & Bro., J.. M. Gayle, Joseph) Sommers, T. S. Myers, James McEWen, "Sfi. 4 C: ^erald & Co., George Dougfos, J. H. Oppenheim & Bro., Win. Johnson, D. 1). Hocott, U. Sikes. ' , . . , .v. Drtggists. Wbi. McKain. P. L.#Zemp.. . . - ' v Book Seller and Stationer. James-A. Young. t ' ' > t Watches and Jewelry ames A. Young, I. li. Alexander, A W "Wohi* ban. ; ^ ? Blacksmiths, Wagon and^CarriageMakcrs'.. . . Shiver, Robert Man, Nathan B. Arrants, Tkom&a Shiver. R. R., blacksmith. Cabinet Warcrooms and Undertakers. C. L. Chattcn, Wm. Tarrer, J. F. Sutherland, Builders. % J J. F Sutherland, C. L.Chatten, H. C. Roberta. L * ' '* ' - 'J % Merchant Tailor. Charles A. McDonald. * Saddlery and Harness. F. J. Oakes, Mr. Bulger. ' 1 Wheelxcright and Ginmaktr. R. J, McCreigb*. Bakers. F. Shoemaker, Wm. Doasch. /_ .