^ ^ ^ bbh ><*'MM'll'M^w,,,wllll,MgatM^w',^ICT*MW,lll*MW*^MII*^MB'l^M,^*MM''^MW',BIMM"IMWWI'lw*IIW*MMIWB,M"'*,M*ll,"ywi"^"WMMM?WW?MWBW?^?w w?^^ --r ;^^B| Vol. i Camden, s. c., Thursday, july 7,1664. , , Jtsy X>. J3. HOCOTT. Terms of Subscription. Daily paper per nioiilh - $3.00 " " for Six Months - $15.00 W.ookly, $5.00 Jia-tcs lor Aclvortisiny;: For one Squnfo ? twelve lines or less ?TWO DOLLARS for tlio lirst insertion, and ONK DOLLAR ;nid FIFTY CKNTS for each subseqcnnt. Ohitoauv Notioks, exceeding one square, charged a? advertising rates. Transient Advertisements and Job Woik MUST UK . PAID FOR IN ADVANCK No deduction made, except to our regular advertising patrons. | From the Mobile Tribune. | a * 'b''ami rain n* ? ?. ? auJ> d k u 111 II XD K'j BS./1.1M D0k,9. Swjijcstcd by a Chapter in Mhcui in. Ma' u. H. jiV. No liudolctl bar his collar bears, No epaulette or star, With flitter bright his mind to charm Amid the din c?!" war! i SnL ill his soyl the sacred lijrlit. Of Liberty burns clear ami bright: A private in the ranks ! Airfl not to win the bar or stripe lie rushes to the lijjht ; But strong ol'nrni ami stern ot heart, fie battles lor the fj;_rht lie knows no voice but duty's call. And breasts the bullets?si ami <>r fall, Tlio private in the ranks ! ? All, all have conic! the nation's cry lias throbbed their hearts anions:, Ami mother, with or maiden lair. Must "sutler and bo stroiii*;" The sire with scarce a year to live, The boy with all his life to tfive, Are privates in tlie ranks! And when the quick electric Hash Proclaims the battle doi,u\ llov many hearts exulting throb, Anothn victory wan ! And search the death lists eagerly For ifimes they'd rather die than set, Of privates in the ranks! ' The meed of praise we gladly j;ive To all wiit? dare the scars, And care, but little what they wear, Coarse jjrey, or stars, or bars; . Put most our iuvq to tlio-e bcloitirs Who bravely fieri11. their country's wrongs, Are privates in the ranks ! Dauphin hiatal, May bth, lfcitM. ^ The London Meruit/'/ fit raldy of the 2d .June, . says: "The Danish Conference met yesterday at; one o'clock, and sal till live, all the mouthers being present. We understand that the Cler. man-plenipotentiaries demand the cession ol Flensbttrg and Duppel, while the neutral-Lowers adhere to the line of the Sell lei and the Datniowor.ko :is the Danish frontier. It is stated that, the representatives of 1 Icmuark desire that the (JeVman Lowers and the neutrals should come to an agreement upon the subject before calling upon Denmark to give her answer. A proposal was also made and accepted ail referendum for the prolongation of the * i!/!t*i i * amusiH-i". iiiu'cm n the coieJition thai no further extension should take plane unless the basis-of a peace were agreed upon. Tiie Conference will meet again on Monday." The Time says : UAI1 account, represent, the feeling in the. Danish capital us warlike beyond all former example. Tim Danes (vill not. make peace on the basis of jiving up everything thateonhl possibly bo lost by war. They are making the most of their fleet,they are strengthening theii defences, and are ready t<> try the chances ol another campaign. They know that even non-intervening England and unsympathetic France can never allow their*country to lu blotted ont .of the list, of nations, They may lose much, but they cannot lose all. In these circumstances it is needless to say that the ? -.....1 ? I IIJ^, *>t 111*. *^|/Iiiv;i *;ni>u VWU'l'tliiy WJIS 1JO marked hy any very cheering progress in tin negotiations. The hat was passed roifnd in a certain con grcgation in one of the New England State: for the purpose of taking up a collection. Aftci it made the circuit of the church it was handct to the minister, who by the way, had "exchnng cd pulpits' with the regular preacher, and he found not a penny in it. He inverted the ha over the pulpit cushion and shook it, that it: emptiness might be known, then looking to wards the ceiling, he exclaimed with g?ea1 fervor, "I, thank (iod that I got back my lial from this congregation " Experiments lately reported in Paris provc that the pollen of many Mowers retained fertilizing power for three years at least. Gen. Jospeli E. Johnston. A correspondent of the Mobile Register, writing Iron) the front, paystho following just tribute to the commanding General of the army of Tennessee: Gen. Johnston is more than a .match for Sherman, took at his military career cversiuce the war commenced?how lie held Yorktown, with less than 15,000 men against over 125,000 Yankees under McCIc'Han, and when 1 he did retreat look how be turned on his pur- 1 sucrs at Williamsburg, gaining a decided victory with greatly inferior numbers. Hut for his untimely accident at Seven Pines, what a signal and glorious victory he would have'gained there. With only a handful of men at Jackson lie could not be expected to do anything, when he had no transportation, ami tlie enemy were four times his number. At. I>alton lie offered battle, am) did everything in his power to bring 1 on an engagement, although the enemy were very nearly twice his number; had he succeeded in inducing Sherman to attack him, every d do.# E. A. Moilitt, E. M. Anderson, Midshipmen. ^ jl. T. Fill lam, James Evans, Max Mullir.er, J. ^ Schroder, Acting Master's Mates. * 11. F. Maraskv, Acting Boatswain. T. <( uddy, < limner. ! Henry Aldolt, Acting Hailmakcr. Wm. Robinson, Acting Carpenter. W. 11. Smith, Captain's Clerk. CAMDEN DAILY JOURNAL. THURSDAY MO St AI AO, JULY .7, Reliable informatiu has been received that ii Yankee fleet ofpunboatg and Monitors is ready ond*d>ouk to pail from New York to attack Mobile. TI?o Mississi]>pi(tn, of the 20th ultimo, pays t'.cneral StW'HES F'. Lick has been appointed Lieutenant t'leneral, and will be retained in command of that hi;, parlment. - int* vomeiicrato Mates steamer All'tnta was launch- | id at Montgomery last ' Satin-day. Tho boat cost i jtl 25,000. :iik1 200,o0^feel of limlicr were used in her i ^instruction, ller length is' 105 ft-el, luw extreme j breadth-10 feci, mill her cnfrviug capacityabout fdio lens. The AthCntu is llie second largest. ^illil >>;it> e.ver built nt Montgomery. Ilyr machinery is ready, and will lie I'Ut on in n lt*w ?l:?vs. ^ The President of "The Pest" in behalf- el' (lie passiiijjj soldiers desires to thank the Ladies 01'I 'm.iden for their kind attention in refreshlug thenr wilii enmfnr^tdde food and lodging on their way to tlieir homes; also, to those who have so kindly sent provisions.to ho" prepared for thoni at night and 01 her limes, when ii would he inconvenient, for the President to notify t lie.n of their arrival. We are indebted to the publishers. Messrs IJ t *l: :? iloYiciN & I o.. for eopies of The Yomig Maroouers Master William Mitten, I'uiiean Adair, and the 1st jiail of Camp and field. We have not. yet Ji.e.l time to read them, hut, judging from the avidity with whielu the juvenile portion of our establishment pounced upon t hem. we suspect they are interesting. [ ton nit: camiikx .lytnxai..] , A< Itttowltui^cnit'tU. Hcecivcd from Miss Knrily Perry, President flat Pock A id. Society, for "Soldiers Rest," 11L Camden, S'l.f-'ll. The'President of''The* Rust" most gralcfd'.y acknowledges the above. Donations from our country friends ih if 10 way of provisions will ho very aei.vpnr hie, as we have from throe to a dozen or inoro Snldicis at our Rest every niglit?passing oil tiieir way to their homes to the different Districts?and lVom time lo t time stopping a fe w days to recover from their wounds and diseases. Donations in monov will ho thnukfuliv received in * * 4 Aid of ' 'I'ho Soldier's Ileal,as we have our nurse to remunerate, besides other little expenses incident to the comfort and welfare of our hrave defenders. R It. I. KM, Treasurer Soldiers Rest. ? -- ? ? Siettc ol C'liiirhision, Til HICK IIL'SUKEO AND SIXTY TlIIUl) I>AY. The news I rout James Island during the past two days has presented no feature of especial interest. The enemy sceiii.s to retain his footholu upon the island. and his forces werp drawn up in line of battle all day Tuesday, confronted by our own troops. Some skirmishing took place during the day, and a is stated that we had a few of our men, belonging to the 1st South Carolina Artillery and 32d Georgia! wounded. "Wc could learn no names. Two monitors, in eonjunction with the wooden gunboats in tho Stono, were eholliug our lines at various times yesterday. n l ii * oomc inaiaeu laaies maac soidicrst siiirts about a foot too short, having no pattern to go by, and but little information. A wag wrote on their bundle: "Like a man without a wife, Like a ship without a sail, The oddest thing in life, Is a shirt without a?proper length." Parisian to tiie Coke.?There is a good anecdote told of two Paris editors?X and V. At the beginning of the winter they were ,in conversation, and X being a bachelor, asked of Y, w!k> was just married?"flow do you like, your new condition?" "Ah, my dear, there is nothing like being married. You can-not imagine how'lwtppy 1 am. When 1 am at work my wife is at my side, ami at the conclusion of each paragraph I embrace her. That is charming.'' "Now I understand," X retorted, "why your paragraphs "are so short." This Conversation soon spread, and from that time 'l's articles were consulted by 1he public, as the thermometer of his conjugal felicity. l.Miring two months, Y's articles were disjointed mul nut, and all the women were .jealous of Madame Y. 1 >111 gradtirllv 1 ho periods elongated, and at last Madame V opened Mr N's paper, i and easting a rapid glance yver the ]>aper, e\- | elaimod ! "What hut a single paragraph' in I tlin whole 'article ! Poor woman, a divorce! will assuredly follow !" ? A ? The Prosso announces that 1 he 1'Jogenev of Mexico has scut an agent t?? Paris to procure an opera company and a number of Pallet, dancers for the eitv of Mexico. LATEST BY I FROM THE ( ClIATTAIIOOGlIU IllVKlI. ulv H II1UK. 'LI 10 enemy yes : 1 ' F Juticlidii ?f tlie Atlantu t 91 Some prisoners were b * \ . 9H llieni Liouleiiifut "Wcrl c 1 "Hh , ,\ lias been verv litllo skin > . l-- '*' !is is very*cautiously feeling ?.: " . ' H They yes tcnlay burned :\i'. 9 A Yankee Major ami 10 pm . ,9| evening. yl;- . V- '.'.H | Mkkiuiax, July 0.?A HH j riun, \Vum Brandon, s; y : '/*' ' i .InvkHiii :t\. noon, on "yes' ?,. jt ; his object is i? destroy tin iui>> will then return to Vieks'-u. . .ij f. 9 lifted at 2."?(H)V Very hot % llri'iv \ f ''9 between J.'iekron and Can %V| ?*. ,'V ' H most i 'Y,iI I (1IthtiXStSOKO, N. Jill i". : I of llh! Mill has been reeei\ I j, i' ? , No news nf im porta- T! . y, Saturday wi\ . ' Inst' I In o'clock heavy liringo., msketiyiftV ' 1 I on our centre, which '"tinned v: > V'I I I nIM>ut. twenty minutes. A I It, whs thought at fr -' that a ?:cno> I ; jjagoinunt had taken pit . ">;t as it ?? ' ' 1 so short a time, it is tin . n o.: of tj I j heard it that the cnuim . an . 1 were t\ pulsed. , . \ . : I i ) * - ? -* ?* ' :> !/ :. ,>'V' kitpm rm: gk ' ''> i ynosi - " v' : Nkau J-iAtitKTTA, Via A'. . .?/ duly t.-*V\ dance with ' ]ireviou?fy coi i | latid ..itai.j ' ? ! anil in consequence of the a\ ' .van* nef.t saw, the line of our arlnj- \\ >wd niASntnro.iV new ertrenehments, two 11 south of th: old lino, winch extended tin- i . . ,r jMnricfab thus abandoning Kennr saw' ."mj-i. . Tutt-cm ; mv hoisted the gridiron ou 1? . *\ S n*l > si i . 'n in;*, ami soOJI n!?er entered \t > to lit y , mishing on our rii^ht ami 1< . ht v.f . 11 -j cannonading. This morning - n'.> \is. t.- Ktiti lion, live utiles ftolnw Marietta In l?*ii-:i.3>. Xkau Huff St. ! \ i to counteract a Hank movent : r ' v ton enor, x . in lb roe, the loll of our army e? ... u > i.jtlidra 1 from the neighhorh'jodoi Mat .. . S : iil.y nigh' Tin." movement war conductet r. a .- - ti! maimer. t Ion. Johnston's ami ("Son* II j ' : w< r?> tint > more than forty-vr liltv yards : ; :ye.' *s lite s and dill liot begin to move until an, , <;.. * light. Their movements wore made s > ; ! mat i' . ends were not .aware oi" the ? .,i' -a. tsirb >. completed. Xot a gun was Hint ah ,:g the ii ring the night except from Ket v Mom .About sunrise tho federal? tr, A - i yauced, leaving Marietta to the ae -,u tho Military Institute. Our ca -y i . i ' I skirmishing. A brigade of the ' i:r attacked a small furco of one In .v - airy, and were compelled to r.-.i thirty heavy rifles and a few jii >er- .t.n. \ Tho enemy is feeling for our jto: i;i. i i< .i..v a< ) -ic is considerable skirmishing aim r 1 ench's Ominous.?(Jen. Dick'JLVd in '.nKiro.-s of May 24, to the tioops, sa "u> i n.ny n.ov?-.< towards New Orleans, and gh it do i.ol reach the goal, the heart? 0 patriotic y ;? men sliall sound high with 1 expensive to the echoes ofoyour guns." v li'dei.rl. J lave the amateurs in coil Charleston Conrier, noted ,t ' the war opened with Fort S ajor Anderson, antl Yankee \ now counted l?y thousands at ?, in Sumter County, < Jeorgia. Why is Abraham Linco' .is cliil- # dren, like -a certain river in a? Mopaus?, considered wit. once to his progeny, lie is the P-amonkc}^ (Pamnnkoy.) "1 intend to light it out 011 this ! fiije," says I . S. (Jraut. Whenever he has justice done < ! him lie will he lighting it out on a line with ' one end hitched to a beam or the' ' limb of a i tree. i 1 mini r?bti iibib ihwib i wh1 Sj>eci;il 1STo( ices. fiOTiciiT MY niJS!NTlC?S UKKKAl-'DKIl WILL l?E CONdwcli jl strictly on llio cash system. All orders must positively he accompanied with llic cash. Those indebted to mo will please chine forward and* pay up. W'M. MrlCAIN. July 1 OL. t %