The Camden weekly journal. [volume] (Camden, South-Carolina) 1853-1861, January 29, 1861, Image 4

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$Bsrac55'-'& ^rofeinnal (Ms. Mansion House, B V E.G. ROBINS 0 N, CORNER OF BROAD &. De'KALB-STG. - April 27, Camden, So. Ca. ' s ' a - . ^ Samuel Shiver^ CONTINUES the general "WAGON MAKING/ and BLACKSMITH business as heretofore, and vill devote Ui3 personal and special attention to the feflorse SSiociujJ Department/' juno 15?tf ^ JANKEY^S HOTEL, o Columbia, Sv. Cit. ^pHIS HOTEL.has been thoroughly repaired, reno1 vated, and a NEW WING erected; with a large . v? -end eommodious DINING-ROOM, fitted out in . -""1- -11 _e To Von<to>,iri<,1 v finished and tuouern siyie, au vt w uiv.u 10 u?uu?u..v -fURNISHKD. making'it ono of the liioAt desirable Ilo;els iu iLe City. "JAS. C. JANNEY. \Harness Manufactory ! TIIE .IJjVDERSIGK'ED would respectfully inform the citizens of Cumden and vicinity, . that be has opened a Shop opposite the. Post Office, for the purpose of MANUFACTURING - y' ^ AND t : BSE" A share of patronage is respectfully solicited, ork promptly and neatly executed, at prices that . Jan not fall to pi ease. JACKSON E. H1NSON, Nov. 15-tf Camden, S. C. 'CHAMBERS, BARNES & CO. FACTORS AND GENERAL COMMISSION ? - - - - ?' a 3 IVIm *"*? 1T7T. -a- 1?rf . . CHASLESTOSi, SO. CA. Uoly 24,?6mo. RBB93R4: DSSAUSSITRB, FACTOR'S AND ?isuislssi?M lerefesiits, ADGER'S WHARF, C"lkARLESTO.\, SO., CA. - :v?'. October Jff,*?Bmo. ' :* , * C. A. IcBOMLP, M KRCHANTTAILOR, ,vCAMDE3Sr, SO, CA. ' ?? I Invites attention to bis large and select Stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS ! Consisting of READY-MADE CLOTHING, yf his ovni rnanvfocturing,' in part, which "will So lowas Northern Goods of the same, material and work manship. Also, - ; - - -> *mcrui CLOTHS,-CASSartaiict.JbS' ana * ' ISGS Of the latest styles and best quality. FurnisMng; Goods. He will give special attention to manufacturing of -" ?^SHIRTS to measure, and warranted to fit in every (SPA-.reasonable: discount will bo made.for CASH BSTJf. B.?All Goods properly shrank before being Y" j, j, o&?is, r : MERCHANT TAILOR, : Camden, So. Ca.; . - . TTTAabrecently returned from CbarloUon, whore he iw XX .pdrebased A OUOIOU" AND WELL SEL2CF^ir_ " TEl) S|0CK OF iT SPRING- & SUMMER GOODS,. or G&itieaiens wear, which ho will oiler for sale on Ready Made Clothing ' Of thetjest quality and style. nIBh.r. *n otl nrdpnt for work in |K? 4V "v.? f. hialinfa?f.whelher the goods were purchased fromhim*olf or jj&erwisc, ond -trill warrant the pane-to bo mado up-fo the. LATEST FASHION and of the best ttjo&Kl material. (mePrice Only?Goods Marked In jr Plain Figures. Si Purchasers pre invited to give hits a call. /' March 20,?tf. / OENTA1. SURQERY, f D. M. ROGERS, JUL r'-,?ncT Graduate of the Baltimore College ot .jftv Dental Surgery, V ' ' jJ&F - HAYING DETFTRMTX- jggSSg^ itg ^^CSuuSapectfnlly offers his sorvices^^^Sx? ft to tho citizens of the town and vicinity. All operations performed in the best possible manner. ARTIFICIAL WORK inserted in all the latest and ' most approved methods. Those wishing ritificial * -dentures are requested to call. Dr. R. will attend to Sat-" ' All operations coming within the province of the Dental Surgeon. . . , V . ? Deferences: Dr. C. A. Harris, Prest, and Prof. Baltimore Colege I?jBentaTSnrgBrT:: , . ProL P. H. Austen, Baltimore. Prof Ifnynard, Washington City. . Also, the citizens of Bishopvillo and vicinity, Sum' "tor District.- , Office one door above McKux's Drug Store, TJp Stairs. - Nov. 29,?tf. "K-RBSKAW & DAVIS, Attorneys at Law, CAMDEN, S. O, I IA V is -removed their Office to tho building one J JGL door north of McKain's Drug Store. i Oct 2 .-4m. William R Taylor, Attorney at Law, ' CAMDEN, S. C., 0- "Will practice in Kershaw and the surrounding ^ Districts: in the Court House :w? i3 mm&m* ~~ Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Equity, Camden, So. Ca., Practice in.the Courts of Kershaw, Sumter and Lancaster. Camden, 51 C., September 21, 1858. 1 AVM. L. DePASS, 4;: ATTORNEY AT LAW, " AND CAMDEN, S. C., Will ^rsctice in Kershaw and the surrounding Districts. December 14?tf. w?mho?mmp?p??Pi??a??a?i??p? NEW! NEW!'NEW!!! I THI ?UB5CR1BER WOULD INFORM HIS Friends aiid customers that be is dow opening at the "Old Corner" his usual supply of Fall and Winter Goods. Tliev have been eelccted with much carc. and will be sold at the very lowest prices. Particular attention is called to his heary supply S of Staple and heavy ' u IJegro Goods, Blankets, &c. Also, to Clothing, . * : Hats and Shoes, Of which be has a very extensive assortmout. Friends are requested to call and examines J&ept 11,?tf. IS. W. BONNET. C-A-SSIMEiRE CLOTHING! WE baVe opened a full assortment of Cloths, Cns'* simeree,- and Testings. Also, Ready-Made Clothing for. men and.boys, of tlio latest style. Sept. 11-tf A. M. k R. KENNEDY. A Fine Buggy and Harness. FOR salo at the 'old corner.' K. TV. BONNBY. . Iron, OF all descriptions, just'recoived at tho 'old eon.u.' .'T ' . ' : E. \V. BONNBY. - A!'/.-' - - ' \ ; - v .. * THE FAVORITE ARTICLE. oed! I E X, I. X III HAS, FROM ITS EXCELLENT QUALITIES, been recommended by the most eminent Physicians, as a most valuable and never-failing remedy for NERVOUS DISEASES, DEBILITT, BILIOUSNESS, LIVER COMPLAINTS, DIARRHOEA, HEARTBURN, JAUNDICE, BLOOD DISEASE^ AC. AC. Is also a sure and certain preventive against FEVER and AGUE, CHOLERA, Summer complaints, Ac. . > And is the most valuable and efficacious Tonic and Appetite-Creating compound ever offered to tbo public. By the use of these Bitters, all diseases of the blood will bo thoroughly eradicated, aud all those who aro suffering- from early excess and prostration of tho physical energies, will he restored to a ROB US T AND VIG OROUS STA TE OP HEALTH Tho digestive organs will be stimulated and permanently strengthened; appetite will bo created, and the debilitated subject restored to new life. This remedy has a very agreeablo taste, and will bo taken readily by children as well as adults. All persons suffering from any of the above complaints, ore invited to try the' CORDIAL ELIXIR OF CALISAYA BARK. Read the following Certificate from a citizen of Camden. ' , >-' - ' mr~ ? T \f?T7-.Tx V \JIU% ?/. iUVJAXAl.^ 4V? w certify that I have used your Elixir'Calisaya Bark on myself and in my family, and have found it to bean excellent Tonic, and have derived, much benefit from its use. ' . r Yours truly, ' ' J#* ' T. H. SMITH. PREPAREttAND SOLD BY - JOHM' McKAIiST, CMDEN, SO. CAROLINA. HASSELTLYE#MASSBY, Lancaster C. H. MAGILL & BE ATT IE, Pleasant Hill, S. C. R.'C. PATTERSON, Liberty Hill, S. C. G. CWILIMS MO, SO| 1 & 3 HAYXE-STREJGT, Charleston, So. Car OFFER JfR SALE, AT LOWEST MARKET RATES, 1 r7Aff BAGS RIO, JAYA AND LAGUAYRA I t Ul&'CCjFFfiS. 350 hbd?. New Orleonsnnd Cuba Sugars. 700 bblsj? Clarified, Crushed and Loat Sugars. 200 hlida* Cuba and Muscovado Molasses. 300 bbl? New Orleans Molasses and Syrup. 300 bales Gunny Bagging. 2000 coi]fl Rule Rope. 1800 kegs Nails, assorted sizes. lCOO boxes Candles and Soap. 7000 Sacks Liverpool Salt. liAfl. tvinlrorrou 'Wtnlrflpol "WnQ T> 9 nrtH V?w 4-4HW-V.V., *'VV. ? ? ? ?r. 100*.Cask8 new, fresh beat Rice. powder, Shot, Lead, Bacon, Ac. : Maro^7, 1860. 13?ly. j T52H Ei-a: isca ~<ttw :EICL. <=> ff'W. R?. laORTOH, ' ? 3ST6. 133 Meeting-Street, . CHARLESTON, S. C. Offers for sale at the Lowest Possible Prices, for DASH or PROMPT PAY, a very complete assort HARDW^feF, CDTLERT/cilJS^ Pistols^, and i>x.^isrx^Ti03sr TOOLS, Imporledexpressly .'or the _ -Sontliern Trade. Mat-chants visiting thoCity are respectfully invited to examine tho Stock and prices. ESTill orders for Goods will recoivo prompt and careful attention. March 6 J|pse Q. Felipe, T (FROM HAVANA, CUBA,) V IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Hawaii it and Domestic Segars, tlic Best Virginia Chewing & Smoking aPQIO^-OCO! A CHOICE LOT OP FIRST QUALITY SNUFF. PTPtfK Jt-r An WTI OT.F.S A T.E AND RETAIL. t - ' i'-Ifo. 64 Market-Street, SIQN OF "NO IMPO SITION," CHARLESTON, SO. CA. May 22 . 21 '50. BURNET'S TOILET CASES. EACH containing one bottle Coeonine, for the hair; one bottle Florimel, a new and delightful perfume for the Handkerchief; one bottle Kallistnn, or Cosmetic, for removing freckles, sun-bnrns, Ac.; one bottle Orental Tooth "VCxjsh, for preserving and beautifying the Teeth and gums. All put up iu a neat and compact Case, posting very little, and would make a handsome and appropriate present from a gentleman to a lady. A supplv just receive*! and for sale by 3 JOHN J. McKAIN. Southern Medicines. DENNIS' GEORGIA SARSAPARTLLA. " AKTI SPASMODIC TINCTURE. COLLETON- BITTERS. COLUMBIAN BITTERS. CORDIAL ELIXIR CAL'SAYA BARK. BAUME DEYIE. McKAIN'S COUGII SYRUP. All the above are reliable Southern Medicines, for sale at McKAlN'S DRUG STORE, Aug. 21.?If. Compound Syrup Phosphates, or, CHEMICAL FOOD. AND Compound Syrup Hypophosphites. Just received by J. J. McKAIN. Sept. 25,?tf. Bidwell's Bituminous COAL OIL GREASE! HTHE cheapest: most convenient and. best article X made for Wagons, Carriages, and all sorts of running Gear. Put up in small wooden Boxes. For sale by JOHN J. McKAIN. Kerosene ! Kerosene!! A BEAUTIFUL ARTICLE JUST RECEIVED, Almost colorless, aud burns with great brilliancy, for sale by F. L. Z1CMP. Sawed Lathes! rX,EE Subscribers have on band a supply of X SAWED LATHES. Aug. 21,?tf. SUTHERLAND t LEMMOND. fnnin;mimi fnr Ihp Iftilfif. Will J/UiilUil XV* flXV v??v?. CONTAINING Four Bottles of essential articles ' for the Tc-elh, Hair, Complexion and Handkerclnel Prepared by Burnett, and neatly put up in a compact Box. Sold by ? J. J. McKAIN. New Perfumery. JUST OPENED AT McKAIN'S DRUG STORE? a large and beautiful stock of French, English and American Perfumery and Toilet articles, consisting 0* Cologne, Handkerchief Extracts, Pomades, Hair Oils, Bandolcm, &c. Fine English and French Tooth Brushes, Hair Brushes, N-~U Brushes; Buffalo Dressing Combs, &c. Ayer's Ague Cure. -A" . I ) * T , * % Cnrnkti iDnklt} Sonrnal. is published evert Tuesday by TE^OIVEAMS j". NAU^itiRiEjsr., AT TWO DOLLARS A-YEAE FN" ADVANCE OR ? THREE DOLLARS AT THE END OF THE YEAR :o:? Terms for Advertising. For one Square?fourteen lines or less?ONE DOLLAR for the first, and FIFIY CENTS for each subsequent insertion. Obituary Notices, exceeding one Square, charged for at advertising rates. Transient Advertisements and Job "Wont MUST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. No deduction mado, except to our regular advertising patrons. ADVERTISING TERMS PER ANNUM. One Square, 3 months, $0 " " 6 u 1 - 8 11 "12 " 1 ' - - 12 Two Squares, 3 inonths, 8 " " 6 " 13 ? 12 " - 18 Three Squares 3 mos., 12 ? " 6 " 18 ? ? 12" - 25 Four Squares Snios-., ... . " v ' C " .... '^24 v- " 12 " .... ;Sp\ 30 Eight dollars per annum lor every additional square. Business, and Professional Cards Eight Dollars a-ycan All advertisements for less than three months Cash. If the number of insertions is not specified in writing advertisements, will be continued, till ordered out, and charged accordingly. Announcing Candidates, three months, Five Dollars over that time, the usual rates will be charged. No advertisement, however small, will be considered less than a square; and transient rates charged on all for a less time than three mouths. BUY YOUR PAINTS AT ZEMP'S, BUY YOUR PAINTS AT ZEMP'S, BUY YOUR PAINTS-AT ZEMP'S, BUY YOUR PAINTS AT ZEMP'S, If you want them GOOD, If you want thorn CHEAP, If you want them ON TIME, If you want them LOW FOR CASH. " ZEMP HAS THE BEST KEROSENE.ZEMP HAS THE BEST KEROSENE. HAS'TiiE BEST KEROSENE. ZEMP HAS THE'"BEST BURNING FLUID. ZEMP HAS THE BEST BURNING FLUID* ZEMP HAS THE BEST BURNING FLUID Give him a fair TRIAL, And you will bo PLEASED. /: May 8-tr. A. SYDNEY SMITH, FACTOR, General Commission and Forwarding IMCEAFT, CENTRAL WHARF, CBARLESTOS, SO. CA. PARTICULAR ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF V COTTON, SPIRITS TIRPESTUNE, ROSIN, &C. &C.. Planters Supplies, purchased at the lowest Market prices, fret of Commission, advances made on consignments. REFER TO g. w. shaw, ksq, emanuel parker, esq, July 3,?If . george aldex, Esq. GHARJ.ES,>.?. CARR & GO~ Tailors and Furnisher, 30 Broad-Street, Charleston, ?. C. FT A7IXG opened their Spring Stock, ale prepnr-LI od to till orders with care and promptness. Intending to increase their Furnishing .business, tliev have added largely to their Stock, ol all descrip lions of Goods adapted to Men's Wear. A large variety of French and American SHIRTS always on hand, iixtrn- large sizes ol HOSIERY and STOCKS, Summer Smoking Jackets, and Robes j Af. ri|?mV,rn HW|?r /vsnt ntW-PflJjfr Cash. April 24?ti. r ^ KEROSENE OIL. BEST QUALITY, AT 81.25 p<!i\ UALLO*. A Supply received every two WEEKS AT McK^sTN'S Drug Store. REDUCED . Cash Prices of Singer's Sewing Machines. NEW Family Machine and Iron Stand, complete, $40.00. Do. do. and Enameled Cover for Machine, 45.00. Do. do. or Mahogany Cover with Drawers. 50 00 Do. do. inclosed in Mahogany or Kunineled Cabinet Case, 65.00. Do. do. Rosewood Cnbinet Case. 70.00. No. 1, 12 in. Table, Shuttle MacLino iind Iron Stand, 00.00. No. 2, 18 in. do. do. do. 100 00 No. 2, Inlet national or Noiseless Machine and Stand. 110.00. No. 3, 24-in. do, do. do. 115.00. Mahogany Tables,-with Drawer, to a. .cli to machine, each 3.00. Rosewood do. do. do. 5.00. Adjustable Binding Gauge?, for different widths and thicknesses of Binding, C.OO No. 1, Uemmers for Family Machine, 4.00. No. 2, do. do. do. 5^0tl J2F*The above prices, with the addition of charges for transportation from New York. W.-T). McDOWAlL, Agent, Cnmdeu, S. C. July 3,?U. "Tem ova l7 THE Subscriber lias removed to tiie Store two doors below .Toliu J. Workman & Go's., Shoe Store, where he will bo happy to sc-e his Iriends and customers. s OX HAND SU G- A H, COFFEE, MA IS, BMM, SALT., BAGGING, ROPE, TWINE, (o) Assorted Candies. PICKLES, SARDINES, LEMON SYRUP, CHEESE, BUTTER, CRACKERS AND CIGARS; DRY GOODS, SHOES, GROCERIES, &C., all of which will bo sold low for CASH. 'March 20,?if. THOMAS nARRIS. IPlorimel, A MW FEKFUME FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF. 'PHIS exquisite bouquet is so highly concentrated X that a single drop will leave its peculiar and delightful fragrance upon the handkerchief for many hours. Juno 5,?tf. -Sold by 'J. J. McKAIN. Cologne ~Water. A MOST DELIGHTFUL ARTICLE, SUPERIOR to anything of the kind in this market, and sold very cheap in pint or quart bottles. For sale by F. L. ZEMP. ~ HEAVY WOOLEN^ FOR Negro Wear,?also, alRstyles of Blankets, j and negro Shoes, just received and for salo low at the "Obi Corner" by E. <W. BONNEY. Home Made! Better tliaii Iirtported. A Lot of Country mado.Cooper's Ware, consisting i of Tubs, Churns, Pails and I'iggnis. Also, a j quantity of good Wool, mountain Butler, Ac., just rc-I , eefved at the "Old Corner," by K. W. BONN BY; I - . ' . ' >. ' ' V. : I - ; ~ ? . r* ; . _TH MAS E. RYAN, ^DEALER IN Corn, (J2its, I-Iay, Peas, Bran, RICE] FLOUR asjd SHORTS. S J E A S T BAY, May 8,?6m, CHARLESTON, SO. CA. E. L. KKUltisON. j IIEIllIAN* L. LKIIJI.NO. ILCjRRESOK & EEBIflAO, Importers of Foreign and Domestic 3DE.7ST GOODS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Hazel! Street, One door from King, April 2G?j(2ra. CHARLESTON, S. C. ROBERT A YOUNG, ~ WHOLESALE AND IIKTAIL DEALER IN I Baled H %y, Corn, Oats, Peas, Bran. Shorts, Flour-, &c., I Charleston, So. Ca., JSf Couittry orders respectfully solicited nnd i promptly attended to. oct 13-<!in IKew Carpel Store. JAJgES Q, BMUE, DIItECT IMPORTER OP ALL KINDS OF CARPETING, UGS, FLOOR OILCLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, < 0. CONTAIN DAMASKS, LACE AND MUSLIN CURTAINS, ic. !!31 fliiaigpSlrcttf, JHABLESTON, SO. CLA.., And J. G. BAILIE ifc BRO., Augusta, Ga. Fob 7 12m 7 CHARLESTON AND LIVERPOOL SailinS <jgf? Packets. REGULAR LINE. The undersigned beg to announce that they have made nrritnjftaneiits for a line of SAILING PACKETS between the above points, by which every facility in regularity and speed will bo given to shippers. Frascr, Trenholm & Co., i I No. li) K 3ir03Ifi> PLACE, LIV E E P 0"0 L , Will n! liny timo rcceivis goods intended lor shipment by iliis line, uii'l forward the same by the KIRtrT SUCUKKDING PACKET. and will be iiIwuvh pre- | pared to give any information that- ir.U3* be desired. Arrangements for Freight or Passage may also be made in Charieston, by Application to John Fraser & Co, CENTRAL WI1ARF. : Tlie undermentioned first class nnd fiist failing Chiirlesior. Ships have been already placed upon the line, and others will be added us soon as required : SAILING DAYS OF THE SHIPS OF THIS LINE. From . t mm Liverpool ; Names 'Master. Charleston 5lli June, 1SG0 *Scsan G. OWkNS. Norton. Auy 10 15th June, 1SG0. *Kuza Bon'8ALL, Michael, Aug 13 25th Juno. 18p0 *Gondah, Lebby, September 20 . I&thjulv, 18G0 iE. St. PiEnitE, Tcssier, October 10" 15th Aug. lfitfo. Joiin Fiiaseh, Berbent, October 30 *The-e thres dittos are inado to approximate for the convenience of importers lor the Fall trade. Future arrangements will be duly advertised May 8?ly.* V"T~~i*^arf" ~r 1 it ~- pirif" 1 |i in, -** T ? JjAKotEST and BEST ASSORTED Stocks of DjRY GOODS To bo found in the SOUTHERN COUNTRY, comprising: / i SILKS, DEJSSS GOODS I21 Every Variety. Illicit ? rmrvorr -pvtst idtt a vn nrciiirnvi JJ11VIU1QU ; | g< Cloths and Cassimeres IRISH LINENS, * Embroideries. HOSIEEY Am GLOVES, j llouiONlio of aM kite<B, . | w) BLANKETS. ;S Plantation ?eods |,el OF EVERY DESCR1TI0N!! " \V( SiP Oar intention is to keep ovory article usually wan- 110 Uri'for FAMILY Oil PLANTATION USE, ? Aiid to offer good floods only at fair price*. m< Our business is conducted strictly on ^ TJicokc I'rwic SyMC'tti. ROBT. mm & CO., ? DK? GOODS, !: 209 & 211 King street., Charleston* S. C. r?. Jan 17 ly 3 gh MERCHANT'S HOTEL, s dit; Comer of Kskitj :ua<i ?oci<*ly-Sti'?cls, be] GHABL?STOKi ? fr Z THE undersigned having taken I lie above well- m" known and favorite HOTEL, would beg len''e re- tce speclfully to idforr.i the former patrons of the House, cv< as well us the Travelling public that ho has thorough- l'lC ly repaired niui refurnished it, and made many cluing- "ol es which wilHadd to its comfort as a hnnie, and as a j fil" public resort. Tie would also lake occasion to assure . tlirm that no effort will he spared on the part of him- t'nn self or assistance, to render their sojourn at the wCld Mea-cliama" ^.r pleasant and satisfactory. BOARD, PBR DAY. - - $1.50 J. B. NIXON, Feb 21 Proprietor. ; . Ftjiir 1ST otice,. j A LI. PICRS0N3 INDKft'i'ED TO JOHN .OSSKIt by Note or Account, lire hereby noli lied that the same are in my bauds for Collection. Immediate payment is requested. O :-ept. 18.?it J. P. SOTHKRLAND. J diiidii'N ! audi?!?! v JUST REClftYKD, a lurpo assortment of FRKS1I X CANDIKi^1 embracinir tlie best of quality and desjjpi. / MKRONKY it BOSWKLL. li?io.j[js 1 Rui?in<<! A PRUSH ffUPPLY of whole,, hidf. and quarter s~i Boxes of Layer and Hunch Raisins, justreceivcd \ . by L MKRONKY A, BOSWKLL c A KINK assortment of CHAIRS, in a groat variety of Styles: Also, a lino Buggy Harness, just received and foi sale at the 'old corner' by K: W. BOWBT* I Ajcf s Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, in which wo have labored to produce the most effectual alterative that can he-nude. It is a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, so combined with other substances of still greater alterative power as to afford an effective antidote for the diseases Sarsaparilla ij reputed to cure. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who sufLr from Strumous complaints, and tliat one which'will accompli ill their cure must prove of immense service to this large class of our afflicted fellow-citizens." How completely this compound will do it has been proven by experiment on many of the worst case.-, to b: found of the following complaints: ? Scnoi'ula and Scrofulous Complaints, Eruptions and Eitrrrtvr. Diseases, Ulceus, Dimples, Blotches, Tumors, Salt Rubum, Scald Head, Syphilis and SvrntLtTic Affections, Mercurial Disease, Dropsy, Neuralgia or Tic Douloureux, Dbmlity, Dyspepsia and Indigestion, Erysipelas, Rose or St. Anthony's Fip.e, and indeed the whole class of complaints arising from Impurity of tub Blood. This compound will be found a great promoter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which fester in the blood at tlmt season of the year. By the timely expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you find it is obstructed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it ' whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live 1 t. 1 ,v? L-??? ?!,, ' blood healthy, and all is well; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can bo no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the world lias been cgregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else During late years the public have been misled by large bottk'3, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsaparilla, but often no curative properties whatever. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until tha name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we have ground for believing it has virtues which arc irresistiblo by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intended. to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. Al'EK & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Price, $1 per Bottle; Six liottlos lor Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such a renown for the cure of crcry variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherover it has been cmpleyed. As it has long been in constant uso throughout this section, we need not do more than assuro the people its quality is kepi up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, POa THJ3 VUtLc. Otf Coslivencss, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentery, Foul Slom'ach, Erysipelas, Headache, Piles, Piheumatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Totter, Timusrs and Salt Rheum, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, at a Dinner Pill, and for Purifying the Blood, They are sugar-coated, so that the most sensitive can take them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient in the world for all the purposes of & family physic. Box:.Five boxes for S1.CO. Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, Statesmen, and eminent personages, have lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space hero will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named furnish gratis our American Almanac in which they are given; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should bo followed for their cure. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Demand Ayeii's, and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. All our remedies arc for salo by S 0 L "D BY JOHN J. Melt A IN, Cnnuler., S. C. J. THOMPSON, Sumter, S. C. FISII Kit A ifKXITSH. Columbia, S- C. At Wholesale by HAVILANO, STKVKXSON k )., Obnrl'-Mnii. S. C. * * fl AVI LAND, CHICHESTER it CO.. Augnstn, torgia. January Kl-ly MBS- WDJSLGW, ' n experienced Nurse and Female Physician, presents to the attention of mothers, her w spurns BWUrHMW smur, ron csaflt^jcsx -ymiKTBissa, iie!i gieai'.y HicMitatos the proces* of tccihintr, by j ftci iii? Hi.-gums, reducing ail inllnmntioii?will al- : r ail ]>:iin and spasmodic action, and is SURE TO REGULATE THE DOWELS. Depend upon it. irit>iliori>. it will five rest toyourvfsiiml belief and iikaltii to your in pasts. We have pill up mid sold this article Tor overtoil nrs. ami can say, ii. continence and irntli of it. vvl at ? have iifvcrj~ I'VC-ITI been able to r of any oil, |Mr8' WIWSLOW S ineilil.jnc_ . vcr Ii a.3 itl SOOTHING Tailed, in a sin-| j instance toj SYRUP. effect a cure ion Liir.rlj'i : ~ Itisetl. Never | live know an instance ol'dis-nlisfiiciioii by anyone | 10 used it. On ilie eoi.traiy, all lire delighted with opera i ions, and speak in terms of highest coin- I filiation of its magical effects and medical virtues, i e '..peak in this matter a>what we do know," after i years' experience. and pledge our reputation for t liillihnetil of what wo here declare. In almost err instance where the infant i.s suffering from pain d exhaustion, relief will he found in lifteeu or livenminutes lifter the Syrup is udminhtcrcJ. This valuable preparation is the prescription of one the most experienced and skilful nmses in Nciv igland, and has been used with never failing site's in THOUSANDS OF CASES. It not only relieves the child from pain, but invigo* ,e? the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and res tone and energy to ihe wholo system. It will nost instantly relieve GIHPINli in the BOWELS d WIND COL It), ami overcome Convulsions, licit, if notj Ispecdily remo rd, end in death." We licve it the, C52B LJ)ElKi? best and suitr remedy in) Teethinp-, i,lle world, in L CASES oil IPvS gNTK R Y i Diak'.iiiiea in children, whether it arises from [thing or from any other cause. We would say to >ry mother who has c child .suffering from any of 1 i foregoing Complaints?do not let your prejudices, the prejudices of others, stand between your feriug child and tlio relief that will lie sure?yes, a,lately sure?to follow the use of this medicine, it iely used. Full directions for using will accompany :h bottle None genuine unless the lac simile of HIT 113 A PERKINS, New York, is on the outside upper. Sold by .iij'i.N Aoi111u uoi, z'j iiavno-sircet, VAN SOIIAACK t Gl'.lKlfcSOX, 2*il King hi, Charleston. .So C'a. 1 Vnd also liv JOHN J. McKAIX, Cmudcn, So. Ca. 'rincipal Office, No. ?: ! Codur-sircet, XevvYirk.? ce only 25 cents per bottle. March G-ly Priini! Bacon. !>00 LIIS. X. 0. Il.vCON, just received and will 1 he sold for CASH enlr. I lay l AlkltONIiY ? BOSWKLL. ""OU can remove that fuk stain, Iron mould, eta, by the use of the genuine salts of Lemon. Sold l.y J. J. McIvAIX. CROCKERY WARE. 11IIXA, Glnss and Enrtlien V.'are, a good assort ' meat ol'all descriptions, for sale by ' let. 0.?tf. Jt'S. M GAYLM AGO Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ~v. ANOTHER LIGHT. AND A GOOD LIGHT And tho BEST LIGHT And tlie Light for SAFETY Tiie Vesper Gns LIGHT Tlie cheapest LIGHT A Scientific LIGHT The Brightest LIGHT More like GAS than GAS IS Just what GAS ought to he Call at ZEMP'S and SEE Call at ZEMP S and BUY And save your EYES And spend yon. MONEY For just the thing YOU WANT. May S, '60-tf. 7 LAMPS--LAMPS. AJj A UUJV A&S'.JKliUn.M 111? r Il'< ,A?\LI Common Kerosene Lamps, with the most approved burners, just received. Also Paper Shades, Chiaaniis, Globes and everything pertaining to the Lamp. Some of the above Lamps m e of an entirely new stylo. -lust opened at Sept. 25,?if. McKaIX'S Drug Store Havana Segars, JUST RECEIVED A SUPPLY OF GFNUIKE Havana SegArs of the tallowing Brands. WANULA. MOUNT YERXON. PUNCH. LA CARrDAD. LA KAYETTR, LA CRUZ DK RUBIO. All of \vlii'*h will he sold at the most eaomahic prices. Sept. 25.?if. J. J. McKATN. Medicine Chests. OURGIOAL INSTRUMENTS, POCKET CASES iO Trusses. Suppart'.Ts.Sho tider Braces, &c. A large assort met t just opened at Sept 25 ? tl. McKAIX'S DRUG STORE. French Confectionary. l LARGE I.'ot t>f Genuine French Confectionary, J. x Gum Drops, &c. Just opened at McKAIX'S Drug Store. DRAVLXG. \\J U a'o prepared to do any and all kind of DRAY* T t ING. in Camden and viciuilr, on short Notice., March 20 ME RON FY & BOS WELL AGUE! CHILLS !! "\7"OU can be cured of AGUE and FKYER, CHILLS. X ?tc. by taking a single dose of ' Sliallenborirer's A one Antidote," there is nn mistake ab- ut litis? and tlioy ore us harmless as bread pills. For sale by F. L. ZK.MP Toilet Bottles and Toilet Boxes. A BEAUTIFUL assortment of the latest styles ol Toilet Bottles and Pull' Boxes; Scout Bottles, Soap Boxes it. Setts and in Pairs. Just opened at'' September 13 McKAlN'S Drug Store. OF A GOOD QUALITY lust received and lor sjt'e low at tho "oitl Corner." Sept 13 E. W. BOXXET. PULSKIIVED, BRIM) I HI) AxiTTiTtsa FRUITS. Gt IN'G FR, Peach, Quince, & Chow-Chow Preserves r Branched Penehe9, Pine Apple, and. Cherries Fresh Peuchei Tomatoes, Corn, tfcc-. Jellies of all kinds, nut! of the besi quality. Citron, Currauts, Maecaroui. etc, etc , just received by S1KROXEY A BOSWELL. Bollard's Herbaniuxa Extract for tfc.e*Kair! SHAMPOOING WATER, Leon's Kalhniron, Fan Lustra!, Barry Tricopheroms Allen*?5 Zylobalsuraum, Woods' llair Restorer, * Maravilla, Allen''? Hair-Restorer, Wehpeuo,' Bu'chelnra' Hair Bye. A large and fn*s!i supply of the above preparations ,! jTtTamsa wbTllT I'M I E subscribers are ready to (111 any orders with despatch, furnishing the best of Lumber at the usual market prices. The Mill is not more than three miles from Camden, neartho Lancaster Road, making it convenient for those who wish to haul. We lmve a considerublequantity of Lumber on hand, and expect, to keep a su$Iy of ail kinds. No Lumber sawd without a bill furnished, Orders thankfully received. Feb. 15, SUTHERLAND <t LEMMOND SoapsGENUINE Drown Windsor Soap, Sand Soap (perfumed,) Omnibus Soap, Military Shaving Soap, Rose Soap, Almond and Urnier Soap. Chrystaline Wash Balls, Variegated Soap, Krasire Soap, fur removing grease spots from silk or woolen. For sale by F. L. ZlfMP. FRENCH CANDIES^ JUST received an assortment of French and com moil Candies, consisting of Gain Drops Jellv Cakes, Crystalized Fruits. Cordial Almonds, Brandy Drops, Cream Drops, Chocolate Drops, Fine Sugar Almonds. Burnt Almonds, Rose Almonds, PoppiDg Kisses, Miul Drops, Ac. Ac. For sale by Feb. 8. F. L ZEMP. To all Lovers of Good Tea. ,1 LARGE lot of choice Tear of different varieties, J~\ among which will be found the Golden Chop, Ne Plus Ultra. English Breakfast, Delicious Oolong. Ac. ?2?" Should these Teas fail to give Satisfaction tho j monev will be refumlcd. April U.?tf. MERONEY A BOS WELL. Coihilaiilly oio S-Sai:<{. A WELL selected Stock ol Heavy Groceries, con listing of Suenrs. Coffees. Molasses Lard. Bacon?IIoji round, Ac., bv December 20 MKRONKV ? BOSWKLL j OIL*, VarnislK'S Ac. 1) U RK White Lend. Snow White Zinc, Linseed Oil 1 Turpentine. Colors of every description, Copal 1 and Conch Varnish. All warranted of tin* best quality, and lor eas/i will be sold as low'as can be pur- ' chased in Charleston. i\ L. ZMMI'. ' \\f JM arc prepared to fiunisli OAK WOOD to par? V I if a iu want. Cash on delivery. Feb 28 MKItONKY .t EOSWKLL* flnls' KiM*! A FINK assortment of NUTS, consisting of Pe- i JrsL can, Brazil, and K. Wnlnnts, soft and hard shell 'r Almonds, all warranted fresh ; Just received by - Dec 20 MKKOXKr k BOSWKLL. { More Light! J, 'T ~ BOXES of CANDLES of difi'cicut giades. just c 1 r) received by MKROXEY & BOSWKLL. 0 1000 lbs. ??s (ireen ntid Hi'}' Slide* ' A \ TASTED, for which we will par the highest T 1 market priec. MKllONKY ? BOSWKLL. ! Save the Pieces. O PAULDING'S LIQUID GLUE is invaluablo to O every household. Will mend Wood, China, Glass 1 mid Meinl. One siiiall botilc will save ten times its cost. For sulo by ' JOHN J. MclvAlN. d Boquet do Orleans, or, a XX B08J1SB0.1! o A NliW and delightful article of Ferfnmcrr. just " JJ.McKAYN. }j SANCHEZ SPECIFIC J Ct AN bo sent by mail and will effect n cure sooner / than any olljgr lucdicine, is sab*, pleasant and reliable. Sold by ,J J. MeK.MN LEAF LARD. \ itiO. 1 Article LEAF LAUD, just received by r\ Match 27 JQS. M. G'AYLK ,t C'0. Crackers - Crackers. SODA. Boston. Butter, Lemon. Wine, Pic-Nic nn.l ^ _ Sugar Crackers, all fresh from the llakerv. December 20 MKKOXKY &. BOS'.VKLL. I i?o?keu Butler. A PRIME article of GOSHEN BUTTER just re- * t\ eeived by MKRONKY k BOSWKLL. e xac. :ELE> H icy :KE: sts ? 'j I OUSTERS, Salmon, Oysters?Spiced and Cove, L. J Jtfr icrcived by MEROXKY A BOSWELL. |, J. I" It ^T-Jtf.fO, an elegant Fora! companion lor a Ladies 'I'o/lct, jitit .opened at the 'old corner.' Ladies are nvitcd\a try it. E. W. BOXXKY.. ^Ayer's Sarsaparilla. w 0#a Wt ** * fcv 'i <a* .l;?<r :~ '- ~i .?;v -< s 'i ->* #i' < ;-'-i ^ v .i VJ.-S-This Delicious Tonic StiraulunxT.. 4 Especially designed for the use of the lld&ot iSrof. Session and the family, having superseded the-:<o-c/?71 -e<l "Gins," "Aromatic,^ "Coiiiial." "Medicated-." Ac-,'- "*" ? is now indorsed by all the prominent phruiteartjt, i chemists, and connoisseurs, ns possessing all of intrinsic medii inn] qualities (tonic and diuretic) wJtltW1 belong it> nn old and pure Gin. Put up in quart bottles and Sold by all druggists; grocers, hC. SsffP Being its 1SS8, And mnnulncturcd expressly (or us with great care^ It cno uc rcnvu upvn n* u omcmj jmrc sumuhioki. I T.E? is ."VSii'.l, Dt iiciUi! and Fruity. And is designed to be ahv.ays liitiform in quality and* character. * i The above goods are j?tn- up in ca?-es containing one di zctt bottles cncli, and s?M by ail pi eminent wholesale and retail Druggists. A. M. H1N1S0KU <C00.t Sols Proprietors, IVa. If) Rroad-Street. Xew York. - ESTABLISHED 1778 ! Sold bv .rOBJ.V 3. McKAI.V, March Id Druggist .t Apothecary. Camden,S.C. HOWARD ASStiCIATlON, PHILADELPHIA, ? A Benevolent Institution established by special Er.doumer.t, far the Belie/of the Sick and Distressed, afflicted icith Voulcat and Epidemic Diseases, and especially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual i/rgans. "jlf P-DICAL A PViOF. given jtralrs, by the Aclinc -..Vjj. Surgeon, to nil who apply,by letter, with o defccrij lit'U of llit-ir condition, (age. ocenpnlion, habits lite, Are,) and in eases of extreme poverty, Medicines- ^ ? furnished free -f charge. "Tpy-tdM YAlf.AisLE Rkfokts oa Spermatorrhoea, and other ^>jB Diseases of tlio Sexual Orpws, and oa the New Revee-jks employed in UiO Dispensary, scut to the nfMic- ' ,':|S ted in sealed letter envelope:!, free ot charge. Ttt? or three Stamps lor postage will be acceptable. Address Da. J SKILLIX HOUGHTON*, Acting SB r Soiceon. Howard Association. No. 2 South Ninth .AH : Street, Philadelphia. Pa. By order of lite Director. J| GKQ. FAIRCMLU, Secly. l!2?w D. 1!SA'*twku? Feb 1-1?1 v /VesiJwL ^ | TO travellersT 8 ^CC3202LBZ:2tafria_*31^1iS2 ? 9 SOUTH CAROLINA RAIL RQABt 1 PTXT10SS. j T^j^s jXUZfrp'? H Leave Charliiilon J S.'iU a m iTlb~rr~'^~Arrivo at Kingxvi'ie, ihc-j 'j m Jtinciioii ofthe WilntiiiR-! ' ! ' \ JH tort A: Manchester R. K..' 2.45 p ra h.lSk-^ JtM Arrive at Colombia ..[ 4.30 p m I5.2C a 'j?? Arrive at Camden j 5.50 p m | ' ? % < , Leave Camden I 4.10 am I : >J Leave Columbia 4.50 am 11.4.0 p n . Lonvo KuijptvH'e, the June-! i tion of the Wilmington. ' Sfcj & Manchester Railroad..' 6 45arw .3.25 p. aa iit-irdi.l Chiirli><b>n I 1 00 n m 110 30 t> ea - ' WESTERN KOl'Th'. DAY i SKJHT STATIONS* TRAINS. j TRAINS Leavo Charleston j 5 45 am J2.30 p a Arrive at Aucusta t 1.15 p ca ill.IS p ? >1 ?? ? Leave Avgnftn... S.f.C a rn | 7.30 p in Arrive ai C?:irleston.... .. 3.30 pm i 4.30 a in niROOCU TRaTIVI'A.TWEES AUGUSTA ANT einsgvii.t.* I r.AY I NIGHT STAPMCS. TRAIN'S. TRAINS^ Leave Augusta 8.00 a tu (I 2d p as ' Arrive at Kingsville j 2,45 p iily a. ui Leave Kiu^sville 6,-fS a xj J-Uff, p ,c> J?y Arrive at Acg.ila ? j 73 p ,a;' IiU'fi.pSu lill'-UAY TRAIN' EKT7VKO CAM DO AX?jT~ &IXUSYILLE, Mono at, VT zd-h-hu-y, ass S-sr;'crcaxT. ftOTPS. I UP. Leave Camdeu, 12.35p. m. { leave/CingsvilJe,7.30a.xi. r'. Leave Boy kin's, 1 08 p. ui , Leave Olarkson's 7.46 ' /'J Leave Clareinunl 1.45 ' | Leave Manchester June- *] :?.?% ? VCrl.llm^.. o in <1 i Q l a .. .1 Leave Manchester June- Leave Middleron S.20 tion 2.20, p. m. Leave Claremont 8 45 " J| Leave Clnrksini's 2.43 " Leave Boykin's 9.20 " I Urtvu at Kingsvillo 11.00, Arrive at Camden, 9.501 Jan 17?if H. T. PKAKH, Oen'l Sv^feA Certain Cure for Ague. ^ DIt. SIIALI.KSIJKRSEK's "Fever and Ague J antidote," a medicine ellieacious beyond piecelent, i:; the cure of Fever and Ague, Chill F'kve*v ntkmhttent or 01 elm's ReMITTEST FEVER, DumO \gue, or any form of disease having a Malarious j *ri<j-in. This Medicine when taken into the stomach. V f ra-sr3 into the circulation and by corning in eon- * I act with the cnust! of the disease, Viz: Malaria; iculrulizes or destroys it and is emphatically no mtidote to the poison. The cure is radical and omplete. Jn no case will the patient have more than Me CHILL after commencing the medicine and in tin 1 najority of cases HOT EVEN THAT. For sale by F.L. ZRMP, Agent. ioiilh I'aroliiiit?Kershtiv; 3)i>li'ic(. In the Common Pleas. * Jared Parkhurst, Jr., vs. Joseph C. Wilson, L Co. Attachment. |?7 ilKREAS. the Plaintiff did on the 28th day of ; ^ tt March, 1 SCO, tile his Declaration against the cfendaiits. who, (as it is said) is absent from and withiut the limits of this Slate, and has neither wife nor { ' I .ttornoy known within the sarno, upon which a copy J M f the said Declaration might be served: It is thoro>re ordered, that the said Defendants do appear and ? M h ad to the said Declaration on or before lha 29th 'j fl lay of March, which will be in the vtar of our Lord ne thousand eight hundred nud sixtv one .Otherwise -f. J| null and absolute judgment will then be given and | warded against iheni. i J Clerks (.llice, Kershaw District. March 28th, A. D. 1800. \Y. CLYBURN, Apr .1, Clerk. of Soiitli-Curotisiii, Cirishatf DMricl-Iii I5i<> Common Pleas, K. A YOUXG, vk. WILLIAM F. LEE. ; U Decimation in Foreign Attachment. rXTHEIIEAS. the Plaintiff did, 011 the 26ih any ot II July, I8G0, tile his declaration againsl;ih? lelcndant, who, (as it is said,) is absent fro? ani, without the limits of this State, and neither wife ner llorney known within the same, upon whoa k f the said declaration might bo served. 2l'1? erder.; d, that tho said Defendant do appear and plead t* ^ bo miid declaration, on or beloro the 27th day of July.^ . hich will be in tho year of our Lord ouo thousand" icht hundred and sixty-one. Otherwise tinnl and abseno judgment will then he ;dv< 11 an^awarded against int. Clerk's Oilico, Kershaw District, .Title 2Gllt, 1560. v jttlv 111 \V\ CLY13UKS, Clcrlt.. Ayer's Cathartic Pills,