The Camden weekly journal. [volume] (Camden, South-Carolina) 1853-1861, December 04, 1860, Image 3

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?30. CA. HIBECTFULLY INFORM THEIR FRIENDS AND received and opened a varied and well-selected Hie and <rood. rUciiiivlkill Checks. (i, Printed Lawns. KING ii A.MS. :s. rehiefs. cms and fast colors, erlin Gloves. I lose : Snool Thread.?white and colored. Btilled Cotton,ides, lis, Georgia Nankin. lihraeing many of the latest (""51 tiling durable, cheap, and < II to call and examine i ere. iinination ofdiis large - " ESi for Ladies, Children ana Ueiit.s;-> HS which will be sold at prices that can 1 nit adB-in port as Follows. yr.n, and St. Domingo. HBi. O.,?in Hogsheads and Barrels, ?or%Rico": ^ f .:';v?i?l,?Sides and Shoulders. ; ': .*$-i j;"yiBar cIs; also, in lv'egs for family use. i .. 5|B?lf and quarter Bids.; also, iu Ivitts, Nos. 1, 2, "Af 0. ' ^ ccccdiugly LOW FOR CASII. Kfe* 'W a?3L- l^Ena.23.SOF'PfT A T a 1 : : ACCEPTER T23E "AGENCY OF THE siTRAHCE COMPANf, ^D VICINITY, is prepared to receive application on tlio most rensouaWe tcrn^Si The Rives o ??7ILLIAIS L, DePASS, Agent [th Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company. * - -i r w.f?i ; w'j hum . J WE ARE NOW REAVING AND opening a large Stock of fioodVfor the present I ;*v ;.B^^lHppioacIiing season?lit part of FALL GOQ@S EVEIY STYLE AND VM1IETY ! tiii: suBScuinr.iis would call attention to tlie fact that they are itov opening th.cir usual large Stock of MLL Ai\ I) WIjlN libit AND CLOTHING. ALSO, every article usually kept 1 i... ii f \)\ uieni. DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS, EM- \ BROIDERIES, HATS and CAPS; J BLANKETS, NEGRO GOODS'? and an unusually full Stock of CLOTHING, ' ft'oni the smallest size to the largest. ] Our stock of CH5L3REN>S, BOYS', & YOUTH'S ( A CLOTI9IRG, 1 Ml' be found worthy of a look. ( ?! MATKSQN Is CO. ! September 18.?tf. 37. mrp:; c We !;?vx' Ric<ivc?! uinl Cpcucd j Ot'R FAIJ & WINTER STOCK! -Comprising a General Av orlmeiElof Indies' Dress Goods Embroideries, Hosiery, GLOVES, &C., eke. :&?- z5e SR.* ZSLo23.32.oca.y-Septcmber 11?tf. 37. fllAt.fes VJWWJJWj Blankets c. Subscribers offers fur sale a very complole J. assortment of Elankots, N.gro Clothe, and other Heavy Dry Goods . Of Foreign an/ Domestic Manufactures, which have been made to order, or carefully selected from the ' best makers, and will bo sold low bv Oct. 9.?it. JOS. Ai. GATLE<tCO. ^ jjfciffiEl & PES AU5SUEB, : f| A"D 1 mm TRY A SOUTH CAR CPA ft A MEDICINE. OR v Balsam of Life, 7 Prepared J&y J. J. McEain, Camden, S O. Will cure Dyspepsia, pain in the ?ide, Headache, loss of appetite, constipation of ,.the Bowels, giddiness md rush'of hTood to the head; and refr as?'a? general tonic to the whole system. ^ It is warranted purely vegetable n its composition, and being prepared py an experienced Druggist, the Proprietor claims that it is worthy of a a ial from the Southern public. Many certificates having been revived certifying that this Medicine las cured many long standing cases >f the above diseases, a few of these rom well known and responsible, lames will be published occasional ) '. i Wholesale Agents, Havilaxd,Ste~ i'ensox <fe Co., Charleston, S. C. Sold by Hasseltine <fc Massey, Lanraster, S. C.; McGill <fc Beattie, Pleasmt Ilill; It. C. Patterson Liberty Till. ^ September 25th, 1800. 'EATS' ^ 1^.3 g-?-: e5h j5l hsf gj3 <5 jsl Linen Bosom Shirts. BfljBHj i?OW OPEiVOG AT "~\ M KOOPMANN <fc SOMMERS^^B; Camden, So. C'an Sept. 25,?tf. jgk tt! jnnHjH I * > k._.' -n . j? asm f "WOULD BESPECTFOLLT Ijfl 1 C.iiztitis of Camden nod nurro^H hat I have purchased the entire ?JH 'Ijbum, and have recently rct'iturJB irith n u< w ar.d select nsxortmcnjflr ltd GItOCK.'UKS, which nd^^H lakes it cnnijtlete. ^4?ap I would . olicitn sliawo|^B icatowed uj on ilxy. tSgj mine my St.-ck (S * . -. V :. s'ctv Market. y mM July 17^r V \