1/ fjjf fekn llifchii) JannmL Tuesday, Dercnibcr 1,18G0. _ 2 ~2L I - THO. J. WARREN, Editor. ? Vs,?ur Cotton Market. BusWSslor the past- week 1ms been rather dull, not Being nyaro than some 200 Bales sold, at prices S| Afliea Classical.Military Aende? y Ae fourth. Acaficimicj'ear of this institution frill be? gin on the 7 th of January, 1S01. Sco adv^rti^ouiCUt. . An "old subscriber11 ^req^csfe'kliat the-Hon. Caleb Cvsgixc's letter be re published in the Journal, which take great pleasure in doing in our nextpa-f Godey's lady's Book. The January number of this popular magazine:^? Br- the Indies has etune to hand. Besides the usuatillustrations, it is -,embellished with a two-paaffishiou bL Will Appear next Week, The piwecdings of a meeting of die South Curolina Students, at the Natioiia] MedicairCollege, Washings ^ ton, D. C., forwarded to us b3" the Secretary, .2dri. K " JOHXS. Hugusox. '0i They breatlio the right spirit, and-are just what we ^ might expect from. Carolinians abroad. K. 4 ' Bualt Snspeu^oti. All the Banks in^harlestdn, and of the State, wo "believe, have suspended specie payment. The Bank of Camden, in consequence of the suspension of these in Charleston, where much of its' available specie funds were deposited, has been forced to Mow suit. This ?y?vj?_\isriglt6, we'have no doubt, and trust that now inereas^ fV^^dfacilities will be aflbrded foj; the accommodation of the business community. . '. ' ' Hon. -B. Barav/cll ZUiett. if??$$ The Cafolina Spartan, speaking of this faithful, true and patriotic Carolinian, says:? "This distinguished gentlenBia, wo see. occupies a prominent position upon the list of nominees to the . State Convention from' Charleston. "We are glad to jtSy v' seo that his efforts, to establish the principles which - ac the State proposes to inaugurate are to be rewarded in a. suitable manner. No man is more entitled to : li their confidence and this honorary tribute than him Jffastcr Joseph Hart Dcnck. \ Out c&nniunity bad the opportunity of hearing this ? i?vet"^e musical prodigy on Friday evening last. His Ssf^J^HSBK performance on'the piano-is very remarkable, and afmm&m~ fonk an astouislilngicvidence ol'the height of perfection I WF' "85p wbi^nmj be attained by careful training and appliE. . V cation.;, V ??, Ouiyr readers will see that Mrs. Bews and Master fprogost to give a Concert on Thursday and Frl- I d^jitli. and 13th. inst. It will be a rich trfcat, and a liberal and genentl patronage. C&esaut. -Hi m n nohco ?' "10 great on Satur^a.vi 24th on t',e c't'zens w?8in* " Caroand silent C#r* i rain, tlio y-SJWW.canie at ' jr^*'- T^WK^Jp then^ J vy'.'i;,-:- Mr to..the-people on theiib\(^. S&SKin^H&ra^ramH^I^ tliem. V , ^J|M|W$^i^00:^k - . ,_jU Men . -fSssoeiatlons ' '*" the,: ^^g^^^jpBB^^ocnritrmed, -recently, in Kershaw District, at *'cu ^^^^^^ lie'Tottowjug places:? . ' " ' ^ cn Creek Minute Mon.j^ganizcd December 1, v;-^V< ?'M^nnibe'rii;ti 50 men. CoL U. joxes, Captain ; Maj. C- *tw &Hailf, lat Lieutenant; Capt S. D. Jokes, 2d Lieu- edl WitfKj tenant; James M. Kirkley, Ensign. "^ca! At Troy, a company, numbering 65, has been formcd. Capt A. J. Hailz has been elected Captain;: iSr Jajoss T.'Cadtiien, 1st Lieutenant; D. D. Co.vts 2d ^ rjjB Lieutenant; "W. 1L Jonrsox, Ensign. , ?ecr< At Flat 1'ock, also, a company of 40. CoL D. D. ?? V Kieklaxd* Captain; Dr. j. I Tiuxtham, 1st Lieuten- t0 rc ant; Capt. J. P. Kirklaxd. 2d Lieutenant; Capt. G. em r ^ ~R. Miller, Ensign. ^v At Lysenbi/s, a company numbering 45. Capt T. "iat ?. Caxtey, Captain; Fixlet McCaskill, 1st Lientcn- P? ant; Axdrett Halt, 2d Lieutenant; Moses IIocgh, *>ordi Ensign. . tiou < of tl The Legislature. nvea Tlifi liQrrfi"] rnnfino nf IuicIppcq fnrftiA firct: wtrnV r\r \ .two, dc>eS not present anything strikingly interesting, only'*as indicating the character of the legislation which a~' is to ensue. Having occupied our first page, almost ^entirely, with the excellent Message of Governor Gist, thisc -we can only give a brief and imperfect abstract of the mere! most prominent points of the Legislative proceedings? Wll3 such as will.be of t;.e most importance to the general L.icmt; interests of tho people of the State. Notices of bills of an important character have been introduced, predicated in many cases upon the fixed fact that South Wi 'Carolina will go out of the Federal Union; these we hero shall have occasion to report or refer to in the progress for tl of their maturity, or when they become statutes of the Unite _ State. . Among the elections by tho Legislature, C. D. Mcltox, Esq., has been re-elected Solicitor for the Northern Circuit. ' Thi Mr. B.vunks, Senator from Lancaster, has given no- co'um II to incorporate the Central Rail Road Coin- ctr y of South Carolina. The Senate and House have ?^t!ie i appointed six members as a "Special Committee :i'30 c< 'ostal Arrangements."' Mr. W. M. Sii.vxxox is one l'ie mt Committee. i iIr' resign be following'resolution, offorod by Mr. Gary, of <> ?, South eficld, has been adopted, and we heartily concur ^ ic necessity and propriety of tho resolution: divisic esvlved That it be referred to the Committee on ilegesand Elections, to inquire and.-report as to ; in expediency: of so altering the law touching elec- which ?, as to require tlie managers of elections, at each jkomk ;ion precinct of this Stale, to count publicly, on _ ;veuing of the same day. all votes rcceit^d sfrsaid * inct, and to return a true statement of thajsamo to whole, Chairman of the Hoard of Managers on thoifoUpwa Thursday last, Mr Lucas, of Charleston, gave e-paa* :e of his intention to .bring in a bill to amend the - The ?dverting tho Arsenal at Columbia and Charles- Sevan into military schools; also, notice ot his intention make i ing iu a bill for the" repeal of certain acts relating Hon. 1 le suspension of specie payment by the banks of during gljUj? South Carolina. ijpfr- s House, Air. Dcktea introduced a bill to compensate the Uiirtvomjora of certain property taken for public purposes? sluvc n ^^t^BTcnd a tint tiino-an.l laid over. Tennes Jir LtrCAsfo.Tcred a bill to authotizo the Banks of 0f urj^ Charleston and the Stato to observe legal and recogniz- Qov. |?|f -ed hoiidsys therein named, so as to make the notes, nceti ], draits,' &c, duo and mature on those days, payable the State? f- next day thereafter. lipSi co; mm Air. SriiONTON offered a bill to preveut free negroes vers a wBm from pursuing mechnuical avocations, and to prevent jjec.n j m ^ .ophite people from making contracts with them, under seccssit penalty ofimprisonmeift Read and referred to the A cu Mr Committee on Colored Population. the I'n ^ Air. O'Connor gavo notice of a bill to repeal the las mat Br' '"4 usury laws now in operation, an'd to allow the taking Mr. J S| 1 of interest. He also offered a hill to repeal the seventh favors j j J section of the act entitled an act for the relief of in- general 2 ' / .solvent debtors, anil for other purposes. Read and' Union, .referred. with tl ^ Mr. Shannon, also, gave notice of his intention to ed. ^ j^^rbring in bills to incorporate and construct a railway to The W^^Sonneot, with the Columbia and South Carolina Raii ' than di Road, and to make other internal improvements. j ofWasI Kvj Mr. C. P Fe.'.i'an. of the Southern Guardian, has i The < 0 been elected by the Senate,, their printer, and also for 1 of Con; Kfrf the pennanent work. * Miles, 1 .1 J. M< Cants, of 1'airfield, lias been elected day C.e 'iifr of the t ppor Di'isiuii. ; sccesslo ??tin?w?? III I JI?W?a?g>i rmju^i?M.g TJic Governor's Message. "We publish, entire, in our paper to-day, the very able and excellent Message of His Excellency, Governor "William H. Gist, to the Legislature of Soutli Caroliua, now in session. Gov. Gist lias shown himself an able, practical, and accomplished Executive, and his administration will be a marked era. and signal epoch iu the history of our State. "Oar ''Sparta has no worthier son" than lie, and it rrin?nc tic frtrv rtloncnro niirl trt flflcl S"". ft-"-?- ? our feebly tribute to his worth and excellence. The Election ?n Thursday. This is, without doubt, one of the most jjnportant elections which the people of South Carolina have ever held, and it is hoped and expected, that the people will so regard its importance, as to present tlicmselves. at the.polls, and exercise the highest inalienable privilege and right of freemen. The practical test has at last come, and we shall soon bo called upon to faith by our works; and it is necessary and irajpp&nt, that the people?the sovereign power of the Stale^'eeide cbis.question.for themselves. W^g&ghaw District is a unit, to-'dav, upon the,question of ^e^j.tfmceh.aii^^cpaw^ty' State Action. The people are for it, and,nothing less will satisfy the determination of a-free' peopI^vMip iutcnd_to-livo as freemen, and transmit t!ie priceless heritage to their children's children. Let there bo a^grand demonstration at the ballot bos ou Thursday, and a ratification, by the people, 'of the platform of principles enunciated in the Resolves of the District meeting, held in Camden, on Saturday, the. 11th of November last, and let there bo harmony 'throughout the entire District. Exclusive Despatches to the ChgEleston Mercury. From Loi'.isiuna. New Orleaxs, November 29,-To-day being Tltanksgtving day, was properly observed here. There were services if, all the ehurchos. Rev. Dr. Palmer, of the Presbyterian Church (and formerly of South Cnrolina), preached before an immense concourse. Ilis discourse was cloqueut, thrilling, and strongly in favor of secession. Dr. Lcacock, of Christ Clinrch (Episcopal), pictured strikingly the unchristian aggressions of the North, and declared that the hand of God was moving to protect his ordained institution. His hearers were greatly moved by his discourse. The greatest excitement prevails bore. Abolitionists are arrested almost every day, and the feeling for secession is constantly increasing. Disunion is, here, considered inevitable. From Virginia. Petersburg, Va., November 30.?The largest meeting ever convened in this place was held hist night. It was called by the friends of theTederal Union. R. R. Collier,' Esq., introduced resolutions of a temporizing character, advocating submission to Lincoln's administration, and expostulation with the Northern States. Similar resolutions were offered by.A. Keily, Esq. Resolutions strongly and decidedly secession in spirit, and demanding immediate State action, and the joint action of the Southern States, were introduced by Hon. Roger A. Pryor, who supported tbcm in a speech of extraordinary eloquence and pbwer. The audience went wild with enthusiasm. His re solutions were adopted by acclamation. Mr. Pryor paid a glowing tribute to the gallautry and patriotism of South Carolina, which was tumultuously applauded, rhus has Virginia spoken. Cockades~ are plenty on the streets to-day. '\ -9 From Georgia. ; Augusta. November 30.?There is anient demonstration near this plica this aftemopnfm honor of the suspension or the i nrer-SriitA-tktfTn cross the Savannah iiipjGayii&Eji November 30.?The Bill relieving ] Bar%s from the penalties of suspension passed the ? se of Represent.! lives to-day by the following vote : W? s 108. nays 20. ^ tTEK.?The Bank Bill was vetoed by the Governor. t0r as, however, promptly passed by the Senate iin- SIS' tulcly afterwards over the veto. TIio vote wus; ?" . 3 95. nays 13. 1 Tj From Washington. asmxgtox, November 30.?It is now certain that jgg; jtnry Cotb is to'resign, lie will leave the Cabinet jou od feeling. The Southern members solicited him ^fi main, and to go at the same time with the South- reIr aembors of Congress, who, it is confidently expect- ,n t rill bolt ciLinasst. It i8 asserted in some quarters onc, Mr. Cobb will not resign, for a time from motives Key. A caucus of members of Congress from the cve sr States will be held to-morrow, with the iuten- tac], )f bating, at a subsequent time, n genera l caucus- all(j io Southern members to confer in relation to im- .g|rt, ite secession. Vice-President Breckinridge ar- j; tcnignt. It is understood that ho favors the .? >soa caucus. 1 ' . C From Mississippi. ns gust a, November 27.?Despatches received in ity from Jackson, Miss., state that the Legislature ' ? y organized to-day, and the Governor's Message delivered Its tono is uncompromising. The >crs are unanimous for secession. From Sart!) Carolti.on' LMISCTOS, N. C., November 30.?It is reported that the Legislature of this State has refused. gnn, le preseut at least, to go into the clectiou of d States Senator. Si Our Washington Kcspitlcltas. Washington-, December 2'. f.'t ; President's Message is quite long, filling eleven II ns of the Constitution newspaper. It is positive- and tain that the President recommends a Convention pron States to re-construct the Constitution. It is to hi ;rtain that lie announces his purpose to enforce are ? ;derul"laws, while deprecating secession. act ; Wagner, Chief Clerk of the Census Bureau, tor 1 ed yesterday. He will immediately return to -God; Carolina, to share the fortunes of the State. tan . Abolitionists held a caucus to-night, and had a T1 m on a proposition which-Briggs, of New York, this trochlea into the House of Representatives, and tlioir is, in effect, a restoration of the Missouri Coin- perio ;e, and a nlflSilication of the Fugitive Slave law. It majority present favored it, but the party, as a nccoi .^sgains^jt. The>A'merieans-are also favora- not 1 this compromiser but the Southern delegations latini antjy spurn it. The proposition is understood to <~y. te from '.Tie Seward wing o! the Abolitionists. Xurs .Abolitionists intend to thrust forward Win. I" lor c! ] as their Great Pacificator. He is preparing tr ' j set speech very soon after the session opens. , [loraeo Maynard, of Tennessee, intends iutro t a proposition to appoint a committee of the l'erfe consisting of one mcmlicr from each State? t r ct three in all?to which all questions relating to r shall be referred. Mr. Xidson, also from ssoe, will propose a compromise similar to that Ladit rgs, but not immediately. make Brown, of Mississippi, is liere, and says we nor lavo rio fears in relation to the course of that g]!( that her secession is certain, lion. Win. Phil- | jv.st mniis3ioned by the Government to try the sla- | who i t Key West, returned to-day. The trial had i juj iost;>oned. lie reports Florida qpniiimous for >n. iieus of the Douglas party has decided to take j Ion side ncraiust the States Rielits men. Dune- I r>i:i Ic a Union speech last night. 1. c Breckinridge is not for immediate secession. lie ' the co-ope ration of the Southern States, ami a ; conference upon the question of dissolving the to be followed l>y a demand of Southern rights ae alternative of immediate dissolution present- | U. S. revenue last month was $700,000 less iring November of last year. The Corporation lingtou City suspended ]>ayaicnts Saturday. \ s > \ ity is crowded. About two hundred members J V/ ; iresa are here. Messrs. Kcitt, llouliam, IJoyee, i twelve ticQueen and Asluaore, arrived last night. Toc Horse, v ali c.v.t-r?- no doubt whatever of the instant u i a of South Caroiiua ?Cit'ir'',wn Jfe> cury. I've \ . ETr?;it E-'loriria. Tall.viiaSSK, November no?Tlie Legislature of tlio tlio Stato of Florida lias to-day uuunimously passed the bill calling a Convention of the people of Florida, to take measures for resistance to Black Republican ti?,? r,... ti.? *.!**!.,? fan. nary, 18C1.? Char. Mercury. 'Vo,"> From Tonr-CH-iCC. Memphis, Texx., December 1.?There was a large assemblage of our citizens yesterday. At night, a series of resolutions wero passed to accept the irrepressible conflict, ami calling on the Governor to convene the Legislature. The meeting recommended the call of a Convention of the people, telling the Southern States that Tennessee will stand by the action of the Southern Convention, for weal or woe. So. Carolinian. Session Paper.?We are making arrangements for full and accurate reports of the proceedings of the Legislature at the regular session. They will be of a most important and interesting cliaracter, and should bo universally kuown and read throughout the State. The Southern Guaidian session paper will be mailed to subscribers, ficc of postage, at ?1. Orders received iu Columbia, at the office, and in Camden, at the Journtd office. South Carolinian for The Session.?'The South Carolinian announces that arrangements have been made for furu't'hiug its columns with full reports of the proceedings 11 both branches of the Legislature dur.Qg the approaching session, and that the Daily Carolinian will lie furnished during that period and the sottiug of the Convention, foydne"?3bllhr, free of -inctfirm Onlnro rnorivr>,l l/ir fTiK)nttAi'n in Pnmrlon fit V?%?WW IVWVtlVM ST' V"",MVM the Journal office. '? Ox ThnrstUij. evening''In fit, by Rev. IT. E. ITuglison, Mr. Jou.v'J. Oatjji.l, of Camden, to Miss Mary E. BitoWNVof Samfer District.". StuSc Coiivcitttali. At n meeting of tlio citizens of Kershaw District, held at the Town Hall, in Camden, on Saturday, 17th inst., the following Preamble aud Resolutions were adopted: The recent triumph of a party, purely sectional, and upon avowed principles, hostile to our best interests, aud wholly destructive of our social fabric, leaves no other hope to the people of South Carolina, than such as may be found in a severance of all political connection with those Slntes where such party and such principles prevail. Therefore, Kcsolved, That we, the citizens of "Kershaw District, do approve of the action of the Legislature calliug a Convention of the people of tlio State. Besulved, That, iu our opinion, it is tire duty and interest of the. people of South Carolina, assembled in Convention, duliberatelv weiirbimr all the" eonsennen ces, promptly, to resumo all the powers delegated by the State to the Federal Government, and clothing herself in the panoply of complete sovereignty by seceding from the present Union. ? , Jlt olvtd, That n Committee of three ^Citizens from each election precinct of the District, be:"?selected by the President and Vice-Presidents of this meeting, to nominate three su.table persons to represent the people of Kershaw District in tlio Convention, and locarry out the principles embraced in tho foregoing preamble and resolutions: ' Under, and in accordance with those Resolutions, tho Committee appointed to mako a nomination, reported the names of Hox. TITOMAS J. WITHERS, IIon. JAMES CIIESXUT, Jit., Col. JOSEPH 13. KERSHAW, which nomination was confirmed by the meeting. SPECIAL NOTICES. Dec! 4^?It f SiCra'UJ' ^ JOS , : ; : . v A GRAMD CONCERT "B will,be given by Mrs. Bewsand MasJoseph Hart Deuck, the distinguished Pianist, as- ] S3! ed by Mr. Joseph Denek, the celebrated Flutist, Oct. Thursday and Friday evenings, the 13th and 11th December, 18C0, at the Town Hull,'Camden. 'er.os of Admission?$1.00, Children lirrffprice. 'or Particulars seo Programme. Dec. -1,?2t. JS->! - Oct. Coughs. The sudden changes of our climate are P,L-<;; , ? t, i sc( i-ccs of Pulmonary, Bronchial, and Asthmatic j. . sections. Experience having proved that simple Feb icdir-3 often act speedily and certainly; tvhen taken ^i;,r. he early stages of tlio disease, recourse should at p be had to "Drown'.t Bronchial Tiochrii, ' or Lo/.enf 1 ir? Pnlfl fVjiirrli or Trrifnfinti-YiP tlio T)iiw?t r so slight, us by this precaution a more serious at: may be effectually warded oil'. Public Speakers StXGEtis will find them effectual for clca ring and iy* ngthening tlio voice. See advertisement, lov. 27,?6mo. Situation Wiiuicti. gTA GENTLEMAN WISH US TO ENGAGE Book-keeper, or Salesman, in u mercantile estabment. Inquire at this olliee. JgA; clobcr 2?tf - , g-j < Musical Instruction, On . MBS. LEWS, PROFESSOR OF THE Steal j-.yl'Piano-forte and Singing, will be happy to it u J receive Pupils during the Summer vnca- j.-() She undertakes the eiiltivaiiqii ofthe Voice, and 0f j ., instruction in Vocal Music (both sue red and seeuin the Italian, French, German and English Lan;es. ami Terms per Quarter. "eigl xgixg ?25 iaxo-Foiite ' 15 A! July 2-tf nrks ? forme :tyKit&i;er ni?S B^L'rK.dtea! Agcsicy. uvingreceived tlfc aggnfy of several newspapers new, pcritidicidythc^tlitor of the .Tocrxal will give s,"'3' ipt pershtm^ tuition to any business committed is ehnrg^.y-AVmmiay mention that the following tmong the number for whieh-.we arc mitliorizcd to Fcllo ?Charleston Mercu ry;; Sbiftliern Guardian, Sum- ''ig o Vatclunan, Field and Firtffiiirp, ister Ledger, 'J')'!,.1' by's Lady's Book, Eclectic Magazine, Cosm'opoh- ti,c." \rt Jourin-l, ,vc. Ah lis is a matter of great convenience to persons in Mcssi vicinity, who may desire to subscribe or renew 1 C,V and n sunseriptions, for an^, of tlic above papers or ,\p idieals. Main must bo renienrbered that the CASH must always 1,11 * Tfi innauv the order fur subscriptions. and thaLlve do ... , * email eel ;it liLcrtv to vary from this wlio!e.?omo rcgn- w|||, , i. r M it S. W 1 XSLOAV, AX KXl'KRIKXCKD Du< and ffuiiilo physician, hasn S|hinjr Syrup liidrcti teething, which greatly facilitates the pre>of teething l/V softening the gums, reducing all _ . limatici!?will allay all pain. anil is sure to regu- jot lie howcls. Depend upon it, niMtlicra.it will give oyourselves. ami relief*sni?l healtli tuyottr infants. sffi etly safe in all cases. See atlverliseinciit in anoth- Jlir iltitnu. FiiiillSsitilblc BreKM IWutiliig. **? r MISS HOWARD CIIVMS XOTIOK TO TilK '"Jjj", s of Camden and vicinity, that she is prepared to |>,,r dresses, niaiilles. and cloaks. in the neatest man- South ml most fashioitahlc stvlc. '"r * * 1 Vl! ; may lie found at Mr. Fi:i:it,u:'s, next to the Oliice, where she will he happy to wait on those nav favour her with a call. y 151,? lino. f f ?. ? oF iris:?t pes*a ni:e. p.\ WATSSSB DIVISION KO. 9. | ?< K regular ..locling ol litis Hivisiou will l-c tieUi 'Ilf,,n" in Thursday evening; u 7 o'clock. n i). sn r. s. 1kv .K o CGUti ri KEIiSHAW LODGE KO. S. k KH ULAII Heeling will fce held on I'ridny \ N Cveiiii:-.' neJct. ai 7 o'clock. ^ * ' J. X. G AYMv Scct'y. next, i - -TT-M-n.,.,;,.,..,,,,,, lE^IS^a^E1 OF THE f , Commissioners of tto'^oor of Kershaw District S. C. TO TI1E IIOST. COURT OF COMMON FLEAS, FALL TERM, 1800. _ / The names ami ages of the ii^ates of the District Poor House, for the past year, elding October 1st, 18G0, areas follows: .1. Man* Jimerson. aged Gfi yen"?. I 2. Martha Shira, ' .J-S " | . 3. Xancy Collins, " 40 "i 4. Mnrv Atkinson, " 33 " ?' a Burtvell Atkinson, " 10 " C. Joseph Atkinson, " 8 % " 1 7. Tobias Atkinson, " 6 " F 8. Win. Atkinson, " 5 months. I 9. Harriet Freeman, " 1 (incurs. 10. Charity Freeman. " 0 " " 11. Win. Wilson, " 7 " j 12. Joseph Wilson. " 5 " f, j 9 present number. DEATHS. Burwell Atkinson, frotn Dropsy Align" 5, 1800. Win. Atkinson, " do.^ ' Augu W , " 24. the nnmbor of regular transiont j-vjK'olioved. The applications to tho CoiiiiHissioui ^Hkurovision nud clothing, have been inoro jiumerOjjU^i iu the year preceding. j Tho corn crop, at tlie Poor House fa'1?'"11 supply provision for six mouths. A smnlLstciriHjbogs and cattle is also kept.for the supply of (res-pMcThe bills made by the Commission?.ave been jjaid to ilato. ? , ' j H> 'The amount assessed on lju? gcne^^JV:. for the poor, was 20 per cent. '-1 The amount received by tho Treasurflc Bi_ exhibited by iiis book i cpB $1038.04 Amount appropriated, 'J/M1 3 Balance unappropriated, in hands tflj^Isurer, Tax execu tons, and deposited in Bank. I ' We have examined the Trcasiirctl^Hik. anil-find | the receipts and expenditures cntercd^H'Ctly. Respectfully submitted, MH BBhaiiniun. wm. k 11ironsox. treasure^^accouxt mm the commissioeersw^tiie pooh foe kehsiia IF district, jsbg october 1, 1S59, to october 1, 1800. BBS Oct. 1 To amount in hand of Trcnsrl 78 GO ' " To " Sundry Clicckfl on Braneli Bank. .. *!0S2.G2 " " To anit. received from JlnS Goodale fur provision furnisln? 3 .SO " " To amt. received from T? Collector anil not depositedM 11.33 Sept. 30 By amount paid SeerctarJnd Treasurer....... ft 100.03 By amt paid Xc(j^H^K>r By amt. paid IB1M8B 1850 and'00.. JH|^H . 223.0O " By amt paid n^r gaa^Bot . part of 1859 and '*-j> 00 Bv amt. paid .rourn^^^ft'f,ll,'W3 00 " By " " Burial Ic| at Poor lIou.se... " By amt. paid Inirial^^^H^p J Transient paupersflB^Vr"*^7.46 " " By amt pd IauiaJ^wylmn 110 00 Spears to Asylumj. 10.00 " " By unit, for Lumlf?L for new building at the I>*>r Ilou.se.. 32 35 " " By ntnt. appropriated lor temporary aid to Trnint. Pauper.-. 300.51 " ' By amt. paid regular transient paupers.. 530.51 " " By auit. paid fyuflrpvision, clothing, Ac., forBBui-ors at Poor IlWise... .^B 38143 " ". By balance in liaj^H|Treaid J. F. Suthcrluiid 203.88 tin!' > " ! v T?v pns-li n:i?(l .Tolm u nrlrtimn 1 *V?n v 8. Bv cash paid C. Matin-son .t Co.'.*. 48.54 TKl;> 20. By cash paid N li. Arrnnts 5.00 . G. By cash paid Wm. Cly burn 13.25 I' J>\- Commissions to Treasurer .'10.75 s.,i. By balance.... 22:1.45 by , $G::G.07 >>T!-: Pi alnable Lands and TOWN LOTS F O H SALE. ?. AS TIIH ASSIOXKH OF JAMES E. CUB ETON, I will offer lor sale on the first .Monday in .lanunrv next, the ('< fo.lowing Heal Estate: p i'i le thousand Acres, nu.re or less, near Sinclair's ! 0*':'n Mill, knmvu as tlio W>,:! CALGFOiiXEA S'E.AC'E. ur linmlrcd Acres, more or less, in the uppity* part ion*. ucaster District, known as the l,v t| Ssi'SCATT TEE ACT, Sent two hundred Acres, mere or less, in the same ',:,VL' iliuiiiood, known ;is the prest CARAT::* place:. so one House ami Lot situated ill the Fast sub- ni,,.., of the Village oI'Ltincastcr. whereon .f. ! . Ilatle lion i trly r- sided. The Lot contains three ami three- nrule s acres. The rtHTjliiifr m nil excellent one, entirely I ihev itiite it is nitoyellier one of the incu t desirahie settle- siipai s in Lancaster. ees.-fi so the huilcliiier on iiiain street, known as OiM |v us ws Hull, at present occupied hy A. Hales. Front- ' |j ii Main Street, is a ^oeial;i >ils will Ik- prcpnrul for the Sophomore Class of S ?>uC Carolina College, the Si de Military Aeadcmv, and ti business. JJAKXWKLL S. ST!"ART. ' V* i, . -I,?2lno. J'liueipal. Crow I ATTENTION rTl 'n rv%rlrvr> 7 ? nr-L-4- 7v??/i v?4-wt Au.e.i raiilMGii A_'*gUb JUUttULi'ya ! I.I.I I. IIADK AT YoPIl I'SCAIj i:KXl>KZVot:s I ^ ill S vTflii'AY next. :>( 10 o'clock, for drill mid [ ?;].n ;tion. in jiliicc of the lid SATUIlPAY. U ? liv order of, t':i|it. KKXXKI'Y. Trim i . ).?It. J. .1. DIIAKKFOHD, 0. S. I;?|1!l.. ? ? bid amden Jockey Club. ! Iufoi-innl mcetitip of the ('iiinilen Jockey Chili j s respect hilly r?ji|iieKleri mi Thnrsihiy eveniup ! J .. , it i imst 7 o'clock, lit their rooms over the I'osl ' - 1 ' any in regular minimi mooting will ho held on .Sutur- .. eniiijr. the Sill i ist. .N. '* ^ I.?It,. Y H. S11AXX0X. Sccrelnrv. ! " w i i! ki FOIt S ALE. *iv\V Knii.H-s of Ci.iidle .Moulds. helve. I,?.it. JAM Ks'r.leKWRX. ; ' 1 JBftv \ 'I ggggssgggggr?*? '?-j-"-"-*- " ?Trr-TH Aiken Classical and HdCil.lt; a,x*3r J2lo^lcIo233.37-? ,/iTjx THE FOURTH ACADEMIC YliAU OK JrcHwS- tliin Institution will l>c*rin mi the 7th of nSgSgfJAia'AUY, 1SG1, ninl continue until the ^sScsS? 24 th of November following, with a vaca<&?ar tion from tlie 7ih to the 24th of .Tune, under tlio Superintcnduuco of Messrs. GILES ,t MANGUM, assisted by Mr C. W. MeC.VUY, a graduate of the State Military Academy. Tlic Course of Studies is substantially that of the South Carolina Military Academy, with the laitiu and Greek Languages superadded, and such other branches us may bo required for admission into the South Carolina College, or lor prcjeiratiou for the active business of life. The Terms or Admission are as follows: One Hundred Dollars |?er Scs-ior. of live tuor.lhs, payable in advance; lor which the Academy will provide Tuition, Jlooks, Hoard. (Junrtors. Fuel. Lights, Washing, ami Medical Attend',n,-,.. Jho Uniforms and all other Clolhtutr inusi be furnished bv the parent or guardian. -Io one will be adttiiued a Cadet who is tinder thirteen years of age, or who cannot read and write with facility, and execute with readiness the four fundamental opo ations of AritlitnolH!. r?o portion ol the money puitl in advance will lie refunded, except in case ol the protracted siel:ti5i hed ul Columbia, So. C:?., Daily. Tri-Weekly, and Weekly, r.Y at.u.txs p. rEi.ir.tir. Teums?D.dly, ; Tri-Wotkly, J?4; Weekly. $2 a year. Payment in tidvanee .invariably This Journal, now in its third year under the present proprietor, is rapidly extending its circulation and influence. Fotunled and conducted upon the principles of State Might:-, it enjoys the reward of public confidence and enlightened approval. Kntirely independent, in its management, ni'parties ami eliiptes, it has stood, with unwavering eoitlideiice, upon the sonitdness. integrity, and consistency of its principles. Through evil report as well as through good, its voice lms been heard in defence of the KtjUAi.iTV of the South ; its counsels have cfcr been and tire for RKSIS'i'ANi.'K to tlio wrongs attempted tube put upon tts hv a sioliomil nmjorify. The Southern Gum Jinn looks for support to the State ami section whose tights, honor and interests it has faithfully espoused and maintained. The ?'oxi':hern Cxiaidian Steam Printing Establishment. Having recently made large and choice additions to oar .lob Ofi'ec, from the best type founders in the country, we are prepared to do all kinds of Printing in as neat style an.I on as favorable terms as tiny ollicc in the Kouth. At the late Agricultural Fair, laid in Columbia, the premium was awarded to the Proprietor of the South tn? ummair.', ic?r me i:csi sj**ci:r.cii oi liuuK rruitiiijr. All ooninnmieations to lie addressed to tlio Southern Gviiril-nu, or to (J. 1'. I'Kl.ilAM, ] >ee. I.?it. . Columbia, S. C. Th3 Oxygen:-:ted Bitters. J'!/*}?]*>", Iii(l~i/eg(i?n, lint: t Burn, Water Brash, Sour ShtMtsfi. Jnwulkt. Fbil'iln.rij, Genual Debility, y many who have been cured of the above i-onsp'nihts to be the only medicine which the materia urdira. affords for their infallibie cure. It is not mi alcoholic prop;.ration, which, while giving a moment; rv stimulus. reduces the system in the same ratio: b;:t one distiiict :.ia! different from any medical pre over compounded, and which .vill, in most cases, extract the disease by the roots and restore the patient to pristine health. In proof of which, testimony of the very highest and unexceptionable character is pr citted. IF i'ir. XV A- ?S:t!!), 9iis({., Kditoraf Ihc ' C3Vl<-.(,'5o:i, (3j>? ) Tiittc*." Coyixcrox, Aprii 7, isc'0. Messis. Ftrr;; W.' Fov.i.k Co..? =? ifaring deriyed benefit from the use i fi.vor by n-crimmeuding t!:cm. For hy-pepsia | II> ;i; n^i.'.i.i fVllN I ri.lis: ilT 11 n re-ill rt\ tsiiil was so tmteh pros- 1' i| by the disease ;,s to he eon lined to her bed, ex- 1' itijr tA die. tihe then tool, the Oxtokxatcii Bit- u i i;t;d recovered her lieiilth. f v/.v. av. lamb. s. opr.r -d J?y Sktii V.". Fowle A Co.. Boston, and for .1. .1. McKAIX, Camden. S. C.. and K :i! 1 ':-.ioyis!s; at \Vholesale lie I!A ViLAXD, V K.WX CO.. Charleston, S. 0. e. 1.? It. ? To GEORGIA v sahsapariiia cokpo usr, ; rt:i:i: Yixc rat: hlood am> diseases ay rm: j./vi.i:. JMi'OSITIi.'X.? It contains in addition to Sarstt I. I...O.. .....fx - n-i:-!.. iiiyiu:: < r>y llonni. While Ash. or J-'i umo Tree, >!i:iin Tincture ??f May Apple or Mandrake, epic, bum): j it utatimi of preparing parilln, that has intrinsic vahte, and this reputaball he sustained. ''.v ll r S: le in tVunden, by ,f. .1. MiKAIX, and ZK.M!'. am! hv I'rugglst generally. litl'tl v l'T,?:f. * ' ?'"> ii natioi of tint LilcCurry & Eamms?sIoiigh, Hiifcctsstoivtu I he Late WAS. ^XDEiSfi eft?;. 1 iin?: f'orner of .'Jroad no ' sfeh'albS'.teet. I iL'lf!.-1 CAiVBEh. SaiiTK n/.Rflli: A. tit;... KF. l'>isti'v !:i ??? tli-.-ir Fiictul.-i ' iimI ill -s:?-i:iTi-l!y, ti.nl Il.oy have nmv 1 ;t- tliuir c?'iii|*lci'.*I -! l-'Aiit. and U INTKit ' iF, ii:r*r of :-vy tliinz i'?i^irsil?I'? in fr\* i. rj'iiliie ami Fancy !!\ every sly ie sunt I .-i' i V .I'isso.-: ( 1.iliIr--: - !!< ' lienm. "s niel it -VS ! ilo.-L-. AM.ittiic beet Kneii.li ,:n' anil t C'llliill llta.\.'. 1 i i e i; H.i.'x i: awry ?! : ij t n!i: T..hle Pan risk; " ' I ilia! I.:. ili as- Minci.t nl iti.-.i-k ill..! I'..!..:. .1 Silks. A lire I'll Vii. il :y 1.1 Wnr.-I li I' v-> *!". .1 <; p.-lmaes, litre, s teis. ail !: Muslin. I'liber^s, Minims, I'ianis, '",l is, V..!i iii-i.-s. ,t ! , Ac, A a. i,: la Is, Is. tic-: l.utt'.siiiiin and Fattiii l!i! li.?n; 'lt'e'l11 I K". F':.'iii^'s I. .? < - ilia, l-'i liiiti^s; i.^ir, S Ai.- .Nutans in i-.ii variety. Amortanil M a M?- i? .? V. -lsui iIn- lies* qtl'iilv. Vo'itl'S ali*l I IIV!- I i:!.:I~l.ilivr 1 til.ids; liv.aiv J.i tiling tn sail tliom--si Fns-i iious. 11 ii-s ;iu Iv. iSiini.-.i ot'iivui v iivscri|iti y. Il.ii-'i-.aii'. ilitliinv uaie, .SaudVry. ,vc. A y;,.Vl at clc at Family tin-con La?Mil siirjin.-sei: ; at oil! :i:.i| see. > .:Mi\ a - i-v t.iini[>iic :i.:r ' A -^v i" "I m im mm ? ilSSC'l r. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and lipase of gevei eseiita/irc. now met and siliinij in Gencial A.v-em- . Tl mil iiy the lallmnhj of the -some, Tlint a Con veil- Dove if tin-people ?,f lite State of South Carolina is meet >y onli'inecl. to 'oe assembled in the c'ty of l.'olinn- j si!0 jii Monday. the seventeenth day of Pi tvniber, in T!i ear of our Lord one thousiiud cijslil hundred and to be , for the purpose of taking into cniisidcrntiAn the Co rs incident to the position of the State in the Fede- ' N. Ji uiou. established by the Constitution of the Unit- ; c'ii ales, and the measures wliieli may he ueecssary ' Josej iroper for pnivitlinjr a^ain-i the same, and there- J-'l, to take care that the Coini'.ioir.veahh of South Trite; ina shall stiller no detriment. I /;? t\ 2. That on* the sixth day of Pceember. in the Cato of our i.ord one thousand ei^ht hundred and sixty, l.i: ilittuittcrs of Flections for tin; several fyisiriets MeCa State shall. .'liter ;:ii iiijr pttl'lie notice as in cases Set clions for iiK-inbers of the Legislature, open the Arrai ami hold civet ions in their resiieetive Districts for j He sites to the said Convention, in all respects in the II. C manner ami form ami at the same places, as dec- I Ld, are, now com I neted Ibr members of ilic Lep'isla- C. P.Ami all persons who are ipialiticd and entitled. \ No lie Coiistituih ii ami laws oft Ids Stale, to vote for i ? crs of the Lecisliilure, sliiiil Ik? ipialilied and en- ! ptg"' lit '. .lit' I' r Cliil 11,1 (.ir,III K 111 v Mil I'.Ilivoliti/ai. I ii ease ri' any vaeauey oefurriitjr, hy dealh. r.-sij;- I i or removal from tlio Sink-, or refusal to serve person fleeted a Delegate to the said Conveii- III I he presiding ortieer of the said Convention shall r p() liis w'rit iU'iiliori/iii^ and rn|;iiriiio tin; Managers! | ( . elicits in I lie Kieelioll I'istricls in wlneli sueli i q ev iiiiiv have oecurreil, alter jrivinj; due notice | (|,r j if to open a [Mill and hold an cleetion to til! such cy. as in eases for lilt' election nl'meinhers of the f ,,lrilj lature. that the Managers in the several Kleeiion ' ets and Parishes, shall meet on Friday, ihe 7th f I'e.vmliei' I atil), eoiint the votes ;ti:d declare the , r :&i:?l iipwnnls, ;i)id who A lti!i ii in vi u- ii-r nil ii.I vis ni ll.v Stale Legisla- j !i.. I IiiM-li^ili'i* lo si M'.'ii in lIk* satil Convention. Hirer, lie Senate Ili tisc. the thirteenth ilav nl NnvemI In? vivr i?l* . Pol'TKH, President of I III? Senate. 'v,'r- '** .! AM! :.< SIMONS, 1 ll,is Tl Speaker House llepreseiitalircs. i liy any /. ii/. Vital the Clerks o!"the Senate ami House leva tin ivs.iitaliws In-, ami are ln rehv. instructed to i lliv "Act Iii priit or tlie ealiinyr of a ('nil- Acrl i if I lie ]iim>|iV i !" llii?State. once a week, until hands ? iii . lection el tin-1 . ! ;:ate.-to saiil Conveti- |i,.-s im lli.it it i- ti v - n v nl'tliis tIviivral Assembly these 1 . .Maini;;vi.< i'l l!i'etiiiiis are |iin;ial to |?rne- i'i| _\,,v the listial liulive vl'eleftioti. ail i til hold tin? liifevti-'l liV > .ill Al?!. V. it"..- tit alVailitiy ii'.rtlli r tii ais. v."m. ! : apt:.v. c. s. J",?3t .it'I I N'T >J. AN. C. II. II. A c CHBAP AS THE AS WE WOULD RESPECTFULLY invite those, in want of such articles, to an examination of OUR STOCK OF r?rWIIICII WE HAVE NOW ready fur exhibition nr LIEGE SUPPLY and of very SUPERIOR QUALITY. We do not hesitate to GUARANTEE them to He, ix no kesfect, inferior to ANY that have EVER been offered in this market. CAMDEN, So. Ca. G'BliAT .4TTliACTION. WHO WANTS BARGAINS? I)RO'VX & 33*irER? have received a ) tlic-ir (supply of.l-'ALL and \VI 3-HOC23 3?.2:BS, ^ tOtREEY-WAKE, EAHSWIBE ^ AND CUTLEF.Y. Stock of Groceries is full and complete, consist- ' of Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, J'ncnii?Hams, Sides Shoulders. A No. 1 article of Leaf Lard; Cheese and Goshen; Candles?adamantine and Sperm; urs and Tobacco, from the liucst to the commonDry Groocls. i:cli as Calicos, Homcsjmn, Ginghams?a splcn- ' V article. Also, Tweed. Kentucky Jeans, and . iictta?for Tants or Coats. Eocts and Ghees. ar Stock of Ihiots and Shoes is full and complete, i the smallest infant to the largest men. Our Stock i.dies Shoes are unsurpassed. Hats and Caps. 1 ar Stock of Hats anil Caps is worth the examina- t; of persons who are in search of such articles. i short, when you want to find any and everything .fl ne Store, eali in at Bl BROWN & MYERS, ov. 13,?tf. At ll.K "Old Brick Corner." Election Eotics. r M COMPLIANCE WITH A IJILT. PASSED AT 5L Hj lie late Session of ihe legislatureol'Soiith Carolina, Ki.mtios will lie held in Kershaw District for ki: dei.KU.vnts to this State Convention*, to he i m nided in the fitv of Columbia on Mondav the \ ..I' Il.*..?...l le polls to be oponeil ?>n Thursday, the Ctli d:iy of rfiber. :it all the prccii:?-ts, and Tito managers to : at Camden on Friday the "tli day of December . to count the voles and declare the election: it- Flee:ion to bo held at the following places, and conducted l>y the following persons: ruder.?lico W. Sli.w, JohttW. HcDowall, Horatio rrlcn'n Mid?Frederick Bowen, Adam Team, ' ill .1. Iliiel.aliee. -r it/,' ? /.?.laiiivs Fli tcher, Josej h B Hughes, Jcsso HH [f'ulo?William Mango, (lillam Sowell, William | si.hy'.\?Lniighlit; M< Tlterson,William King. Allan j ,rocV?Mitl-B T McCor, (Icnrr RatclilTc, James wheyn* iSbm?A. J. McDowall, H. W. Ptinlap, ter/y IJill?Wm K Johnson, A. P Jones, Robert I F'n&S S'o 55vyso::s oul <.f 2:i!!pEoymvnl..^g3 . feg ge nt s Wa lit e d, very County of the United States, esi$r:i>. 2'J I Nortli Jrvcond street. Piiiladelpliia. . i::.?if. J jC-ancl I?02' Sffllo. ! ! subscriber wishing !<> '1 i.~j><*so of his Laud, in Cl ('apt. Kennedy. Lawrence Whita. I'arker and others. A considerable part of act is good t'plaud, and a portion of it is rich holtoins: and on it is a mill-sent, unsurpassed oilier in the Slate, for natural advantages of n. and ubittt'lanee of water power, other Tract, near the above, containing 140 on the '.valors o|'2."i uiiio creek, and bounded by of James Team ami others mis wishing to put chase. may get bargains in I. to Is. am! i>n aci oiiiiMiidating terms. Ayer's Sarsaparilia.