__ Pistols, and aPXi-AJESTT^TIOKT TOOLS, Imported expressly for the Southern Trade. Merchants visiting the City are respectfully invited to examine the Stock and prices. |S~All orders for Goods will receive prompt and oareful attention. March 6 S. W. WILLIAlittO If OS. 1&3 HATKE-STREET, Charleston, So. Ca^ OFFER FOR SALE, AT LOWEST MARKET RATES, I 7A A BAGS RIO, JAVA AND LACUAYRA II UU COFFEE. 350 hhds. New Orleans and Cuba Sugars. 700 bbls. Clarified, Crushed and Loaf Sugars. 200 hhds. Cuba and Muscovado Molasses. 300 bbls. New Orleans Molasses and Syrup. 3UU Dales uunny .Bagging. 2000 coils Bale Rope. 1800 kegs Nails, assorted sizes. 1600 boxes Candies and Soap. 7000 Sacks Liverpool Salt. 500 packages Mackerel, Nos. 1. 2 and 3. 100 casks new, fresh heat Rice. Powder. Shot,' Lead, Bacon, Ac. March 27, 1860. 13?ly. 0OODS. WEI. VlTE ATTENTION TO ONE OF THE LARGEST and BEST ASSORTED Stocks of DRY GOODS To be found in the SOUTHERN COUNTRY, com. prising: SILRS, DRESS GOODS In Every Variety. FRENCH, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN! Cloths and Cassimeres. IRISH LINENS, Embroideries. HOSIERY AND GLOVES, Domestics of all kinds, BLANKETS. Plantation Goods OF EVERY BESCRITION! Our intention is to keep every article usually wanted for FAMILY OR PLANTATION USE, And to offer good Goods only at fair pricos. Onr business is conducted strictly on Tlie one Price System. ROUT. ADGER & CO., DRY GOODS, 209 & 211 King street., Charleston* S. C. Jap 11 ly 3 style and material. One Price Only?Goods Marked in I Plain Figures. Purchasers are invited to give lii ji a call. March 20,?tf. Professional Cards. ?> ^ ?o, ?. ft | UJC ui uauiucii ttiiu ^"OFFICE next door below A. M & R. Kennedy, Camden, S. C. December 20-ly William R- Taylor, Attorney at I- a w, CAMDEN, S. C., Will practice in Kershaw and the surrounding Districts. Office in the Court House W- I< SifiJSVSERy Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Equity, Camden, So. Oa., Praoticp in the Courts of Kershaw, Sumter and Lancaster. Camden, S. C., September 21, 1858. Kershaw & Davis, &W iAW, Camden, So. Ca., Have formed a Copartnership for the practice of Law, in Kershaw and the surrounding Districts. J. B. KERSHAW, J. M. DAVIS. E^g^Office rear ot Court House. Sept. 28,'58 WM. L. DePASS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND dmi&iwoK m sqswy, CAMDEN, S. C., Will practice in Kershaw and the surrounding Districts. December 1-1?if. MERCHANT'S HOTEL, Corner of King and Society-Streets CHARLESTON S C THE undersigned Iiaving taKen tlie noove wenknown and favorite HOTEL, would bog leave respectfully to inform tlie former patrons of the House, as well as the Travelling public, that he has thoroughly repaired and refurnished it, and made many changes which will-add to its comfort as a home, and as a public resort. He would also take occasion to assure them that no effort wili be spared on the part of himself, or assistance, to render their sojourn at the "Old iJIci'cliaiits" pleasant and satisfactory. BOARD, PER DAY. - - - $1.50 J. B. NIX ON, Feb 21 Proprietor. Ayer's Ague Cure. i UEflim SUIt&fcflT, D. M. ROGERS, M. D., and Graduate of the Baltimore College oi Denial Surgery, haying detkrmin(WSSigggL ed to locate iu Camden, re-JrvSHg^gk ^-Qxij^apectfully offers his service.s^Q-LXXr to the citizens of thn town and vicinity. All operations performed in the best possible manner. ARTIFICIAL WORK inserted in all the latest and most approved methods. Those wishing artificial dentures are requested to call. Dr. R. will attend to all operations coming within the province ol the Dental Surgeon. References: Dr. C. A. Harris, Prest, and Prof. Baltimore Colcgo Dental Surgery. Prof. P. H. Austen, Baltimore. Prof. Maynard Washington City. Also, the citizens of Bishopville and vicinity, Suinter District. EST Office over the Post Office, formerly occupied by the late Dr Joseph Lec. Nov. 29,?tf. Medical Card. m. . A. BIO ORE OFFERS HIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO ?r>A nininltf I ^StecP51^ It t* 71 i 1(1, Delicate and Fruity. I And is designed to be always uniform in quality and character. . . The above goods- are put up in cases containing I one dozen hoUlea each, und sold by oil pi eminent wholesale and retail Druggists. A. M. RINIXGKR XCO., Sole Proprietors, No. 1ft Broad-Street. New York. ESTABLISHED 1T7S ! Sold by JOHN J. McK AHN, March 13 Druggist .t Apothecary, Cuniden.S. C. CHARLESTON AND LIV E K P 0 0 L I Sailing <^|?| Packets. I REGULAR LINE. IrpUE UXDKRSICNKU BKO TO ANNOUNCE JL that i hev have made arrangements lot a ittte <>i sailing PACKETS between the above points, by which every liici.ily in regularity and .peed will bo given to shippeis. Fraser. Trenholin & Co.) No. IV Rl'.TIFOItU PUCE, LIVERPOOL, Will at nny time receive goods ii.tended for shipment by this line, and forward tlie same by ilie FlltsT SUCCEEDING PACKET, iind will be always prepared to give any inloriuaiion tlmt may be desired. Arrangements for Freight or Passage may ulso be made in Charleston, by application to John Fraser & Co, Hi \ T KA L U B 3 A Zt B\ The undermentioned first class and fast sailing Charleston Ships have been already placed upon the line, and others will be added as soon as required: . sailing days of the ships ok this line. From From Liverpool Nantes Master. Charleston 5th June. 1S60 susan G. Owr.ss. Norton. Aug. 10 Ifitli June, I860. *Klij!a Bonsai.i., Michael, Aug 13 25tli June. I860 *l>oxdar, Lobby, September 20 15th Jul , I SCO F. Sr. Pierub, Testier, October 10 tr.i. a.... tac.n Jnnv Vviere Rvrlivst Onto her 30 Tlie-e llirec dates' are made to approximate for tin. I convenience of importers lor the Fill* trade. Future nrraugemeuts will beduh advertised May 8?ly. I AYEE'S AGUE CURE, roil THE SI'KLDY CURE OF JXTEUMITTEXT FEVER, or Fever and Ague, Remittent Fever, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical Headache, or Bilious Ueodnche, and Bilious Fever?, indued for ti.o whole ciass of diseases origi muing in biliary derangement, caused by the Malaria ol miasmatic countries. Ko one remedy is louder called for by the necessities of the American people than a sure and safocure for Fever and Ague. Fever and Ague is not alone the consequence of the miasmatic poison. A great variety of disorders arise from its irritation, among which are Neuralgia, Rheumatism, flout, lleaducli-, Blindness, Toothuche. Earache, Catarrh, Asthma. Palpitation. Painful Affection of the Spleen, Hysterics, l'oiii in the Bowels, Colic, Paralysis, and Derangement of the Stomach, all of which, when originating in this cause, put on the intermittent I vim, or become periodical This "CURE" ox pels the poison from t ho blood, and consequently cures ihem nil alike. It is an invnluatle protection to immigrants and persons trnvcilinjr or temporarily residing in the malarious districts. If taken oecasion. ally or daily while exposed to the infect ion, tlmt will be excreted Irom the system, and cauuot accumulate in sufficient quantity to ri,?en into disease. Hence it. is oven more valuable f}vtout. It will IMPING in ii.o now i i/t'^^Bl ovcrcollto Co.VVl I.SIONS. IvUzH? Cpcedilv rente ii?UR . Wo r^B.T>E{ lift' UEST III (! SIR^^Kthin - ,l'le ""-'r!d. in ?B ?_ ' L)vsENTEltr "H^Beiiwhether it arises frmn v^Bief cause AVe would say to f^Bcliild suffering frmn nuy of liB?do not let ymtr prejudices, iS^Bthers, stand between your ^^B'lief that will lie dure?yes. Bw the u-e ol this medicine. it t^Hmis (or using will accmtipaiiV >B)nii.e unless the tne simile of ^HNew York, is on the outside ^ ff, 29 Ilnyne-street, B tjKIKRSON, Til Kiugsi , tfe-. Charleston. So t.'?. JOHN' J. McKAIN, Camden. So. Cv B ' Cedar-slrcet. JT-'WlT ? ?.? H bottle March G-1y FrKing's Evil, Ristasc, a corruption of the hi* fluid becomes vitiated, icing in the circulation, it V body, and may burst out art of it. No organ i< free Br is there one -which it may scrofulous taint is variously Bial disease, low living, disSBBfcC'.'od, impure air, fl'th '-^ -^ ^ressing vices, and, Bjfcction. AVhat_ - ^Bary in the conflB^Rvits to childron generation;" indeed, f^mdof Him who says, "I Iquiticj of the fathers upon tcnce by deposition from the pr ulcerous matter, which, in ind internal organs, is termed [ glands, swellings; and on tons or sores. This foul eorrnders in the blood, depresses fe, so that scrofulous constitusuffcr from scrofulous comhave far less power to with I of other diseases; oonseibers perish by disorders t scrofulous in their nature, fatal by this taint in the he consumption which deEamily has its origin directly contamination; and many of the liver, kidneys, brain, the organs, arise from or he same cause. I our people are scrofulous; invaded by this lurking inralth is undermined by it. he system we must renovate iterative medicine, and inalthy food and exercise, ye suppr, " ACER'S Com pound Exttract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual r&medv which the medisal skill of our times cf*n devise for this everywhere prevailing arJ fatal malady. It is combined from the active romedials that have been discovered ffar die expurgation of this foul ei'orcbr from tHe blood, and the rescue of the i?y.*tc:n from ijts destructive consequences. ii.nee it Miouiip oe employ:a ior me cure ot not only Scrofujla, but also those other affections '\vhicli aris^e from it, such aa Eruptive and Skin Diseases, St. Anthony's Fieb, j'.ose, ot euysijpeeas, plmi'les, pustules, Rlotciif.9, Dlai>js and Boils, Tumors, Tetter an>l Salt Riip.v'a;, Scald Head, Ringworm, Rheumatism, Syphilitic and Mercurial Disi kin, Duoprt, [Dyspepsia, Dehility, and, ituhvd, all Complaints arising from Vitia*ri:i> on Impure1" Bi.ood. The popular belief in " impurity of the blood" is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsaparilla is to purify And regenerate this vital fluid, without whiel^Aund health is impossible in cou taminatcd^^^^^dons. fcfamily'physic, arc si) coinposocranucliseasc within the ranee of their action can rarely withstand or evade them. PrhHr penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of ths human organi-io, correcting its-'diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitalities. As a consequence of tbes* properties, the invalid who is bowed down with pai;: or physical debility is astonished to find his health or energy restored by a remedy at once so simple and inviting, Jiot only do they cure the everj-day complaints of every bouy, out also many formidable ana dangerous diseases. The agent below named ia pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, eoi: taiuing certificates of their cures and directions for their use in the following complaints. Costiveties.\, Heartburn, Headache arisingfrom disordered h'tomarb, Nausea, Indigestion, Pain in and Morbid Inaction of the Pou-els, Flatulency, Lost of Appetite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints, arising from a lowjstate of the body or obstrustion of its functions.,' Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, tor tub rapid cure op Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consumption, and fpr the relief of Consumptive Patients n advanced stages of the disease. So wide is the field of its usefulness and so numerous arc the cafes of its cures, that almost every acction of country abounds in persons publicly* known, who ha?e been restored from alorming nna even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried, its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where it* virtues are known, the public im longer hesitate what antidote to employ tor the dint re-sing ntvl dangerous affections of t ho pulmonary organs tli.it arc incident to our climate. Vrhiic many iuferioi remedies thrust noon the community have failed and been discarded, this !:.".s gained friends by every trial, c?nf~rre 10,000 eg rues Saved Yearly. Saved Yearly. Planters Take Notice, Planters Take Notice, Jacob's Cordial Jacob's Cordial Is The Only Sure Is The Only Sure And Positive Remedy And Positive Remedy Before The People Before The People In Dysentery, In Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea, And Flux, And Flux, It Never Fails. It Never Fails. Packages of Ualf Doz. Packages of Half Doz. Put up Expressly Put up Expressly For Plantations. $1 per Bottle. For Snlr in Camden Ay JOIIN J. M:K*AIN. mi**' D)*x|>. p-lc U.-nif iy Rll.a' I>y?|H'|)tlr Itemed) BUM' l)ya|?c|dlc Kriii.il>' K.'m' l)>i]ir|illc Knurl!) Bliu' D)'ii|>r]ilic Rinicil]' Una liir l.iirci'il Sale Hna tile I.argent Snlc IUi (lie l.nrgi-at Snle lima the l.argr.at Snlc * Him the lmirgr.t Sale Of an)' Medlelna In Ihv World. Of any .Medicine In 111. World. Of any Medicine Iii tlir World. Ot any Medicine In the Wot Id. Of any Medicine In tile World. 100,000 Package* 100.000 Package* 1041,000 Package* 100.000 Package* 100,000 Package* Said In Georgia and SoulliC'nrntltia Sold In Georgia and SontliCarollna Sold III Georgia and Soullit'nrollna Sold tn Georgia and houtliCnrollna Sold In Georgia and SouthCarollna In Fourteen Month*. In Fourteen Month*. In Fourteen Month*. In Fourteen Month*. 11. Fourteen Month*. It I* Warranted to Cure It I* Warranted to Cure It I* Warranted to Cure It I* Warranted to Cure It It Warrnntcil hi cure If Direction! are Followed, If Direct lout are Folio vied. It Direction* arc Followed. If Directions are Followed. If Directions a>e Followed, 0 An)- Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspejisla Any Cnsc nt Dyt]>e|Mla Any vote ot Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia I.leer Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Dlsonse. Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jnctndlee, It la E*pei lally Adapted t* It It Especially Adapted to It Is Especially Adapted to It Is Especially Adapted to II I* Especially Adapted to | .. 'Female (Juinpmiui* ; Kulimlc C'ompliMiit* : Kcmulo Coiii|>Inlnt*; Ptninlc Complnlittit; - trwlurn Italnyull^ iijflQi It PiiHlnnt (tot nullify of KoriN It Pi-imIu ?k Hiitmnllly ul Komi It PntlafU ltotiimllty oi Komi In Kmt?I?? of n Tlilil Mini .jfinrr llntilt III Frmnlrn ol it 'I'lllii mill Spurt I'ulilt 111 PrinHlc* o( li Tllill Ullil Spnif Ilnlllt In Fiiiiiiilm oI n Tlitn anil *|| re lli.iult Send a I'lMbUc Slni.i|i in l)n> Piop.-uiurJ to1*' 1J1'I Pamphlet ou " 1)|iu.k-i nl sUilitsct: :.m! IWivreia.' w. w. uj.is* & < ?>.. pi.,; sis-! ?.- : /'V . . ii. o ..I . 0 I Th.if ..k' .'.i . ., flial" ..HKvl ?. ; Til.II" (iiif.A'1 I ntE on'i.y rn' rnvk ir^. thf. i'm.y ! . i ! " ! TO; oNI.V ? sir* > the ox: y i'l-ni'.:" : the iixi.y : ?\ ! " . : I ill!" III . .t: i "-:: THE !K."T I.. > i ill i : i.-. hi.okf. the l-eril lj-. before the it.opi.i., fok up.etciral ill'easks, for urethral hi reese's, for urethral ni.-e.\ses, for urcthkal dtka-sen, save- a i-oftok'n |!ll! save \ 1:1-. i ' ? i i ssve-. a p.l s.-.vk 4 i':.; : < ' >. v.. ! ' re easily tak k, re easily takes. is easii.y taken, is easily taxes. ? re easily takes. ii will effect a cl re Win effect A cure wiij, effect a cure wiij. i few t a r iivit without l.os-5 of time wtthuut 1a;.-.' ok tim OR change of met. or change of met, or change of met, or c1ian0k of diet, or change of met, with lkss ti ocrll. with less trouble. with uvss tih-um.e., with lets' ti:i.i'v.i.e:. with 1a..- tik.umj .. horf. ppeemly, more speemi.y, more spkem1.y, more fi'eedll.y, more speemlt , and ptrmanentl.y, and permanently, ash permanently, ash permanently, and permanently, than any known remit'y than any known reltkhy than any known i'emkl'y. than any known remf.py. than any kn'iwn iii 111.10. sanvi1e7. specific can re sent !y mail ?V.r Siilt'in Ct:v:-Un bv John J. MoKain, DRUGGIST. Oct. IP. 42 ly. Indispensables. 1^1 VK Minu.e Ico cream churns, Ice Pitchers, Ice mullets, whips. Butter prints, Saratoga roll pans, Lun irons, Blancmange moulds, Ktnas, Fluid Lumps on n new principle, chopping dishes, l)ish covers. Stew pans, Cnllondres. timet mid Sugar sit'tees, Hake pints, Syllabub cl.nii.s t'lrnteis, Nut crackers and picks, Tuwell s ands, (.'locks Burden trowels and ploughs, ti rid irons, digesters, Sifro's, Scales and weights. Preserve kettles. Sellsealing Jars, I'atty pans Boiling pllts <'nke o.>ii|ti?l( r?. Tin Til' s and I'niis, Steak healers, Kni'e tdmnne*. and c' nners, Monies clothe pins, l.uneli h-.v t'enil utid white wash brushes. M.a" eiiopie pic-ses. Cup mops. Pruning aba's. IL-n lie. . > s'llf.h-s, Ac., Ac. .Illsl nct'ivell and Is .1 1 'I Cartel," K t\ SANCHEZ SPl CiFIC C' AX bo sent lit mnd nud will ibv' . no / than any otbe. lie die.:.. is a-. i-o- .tut reliable. s.., ,, ,| ,ti ?| . j LEAK LA: I) \^Ot I A""' i 1.1 A K I ' I'. j ed -y March 2* .Or* M *YL .v Co Ayer's Sarsaparilla. AND A GOOD LIGHT And the BEST LIGHT And the Light for SAFETY The Vesper Gas LIGHT The cheapest LIGHT A Scientific LIGHT The Brighteut LIGHT More like GAS than GAS IS Jhst wlint GAS ought to bo Call ut ZEMP'S and SEE Cull at ZEMP'S and BUY And save your EYES And spend your MONEY' For just the tiling YOU WANT. May S, 'CO-tf. K R- SENE OIL. | !i i: T QUALIT Y , A'a ?t.25 IU v. UAM.fi>. : A Supply received every two ! WEEKS A V McKAIN'S Drui-. SK.-re. j i ! # Florinrel. a 2vs w i??-ri'.Ti; f?ii t??. HAYDSUSKIlliF j ' j MlIS oxqiiiM'c bouquet is so liiwhly opneeiiirrt'd j ! f thai u single orup will leave its peculiar and de; li|(hir OS i'il S! MM ' li -tit'.c r- - .? . . ! ! i r? Mifi'iV I) . {-. . V>" j i'lMl'liif. !i : ,n n:. . (ii'L*. I !l- *vi?* ;i ! -I'lre-Iiili? i,:. "{(in ii- ll'.e-l:: j i:.!> !* tin' ' i-! . :.iiu !. I' ..i- *ni iiii; :?! Itu.iiV :.dlu: ' 1 I * I.I It 111 -111cm: . ? ". .ii : i '.Ii r : ; t.. . : M . i?l.< ; ll i> <-fIV.:, i |#yt ..? i i : ,r j ami nil hi!.i t. In? i.ti .In* !- li.:.. lie m-: . ii j Simmons IK in .:!! W me .s;?1. hi. li. I.e. .i;i.; Sl.r; ( ] lierevy num iiiun'U aiid 1iii?-iii-iiw. .t| Ih-i'mv ' j llic sail. oiiim a! Cniiiiieii. in- i if -laiey . :k-i 1 I the fourth Mniiiiu.v i:- "c: .in- ... i . 1 if any they Imw wnv tin? . r.-ivr . aforesaid ?lienld nm . a - t-'' Office nt '.'"nil ! : .... iv. >.i.? f Mutch ' : 12th, IfStiO i'. 'i C j March | ;c. k. ! : J Oaiaract wa.tatp m&irep. I CI.OTHlN'li TIMFi AND LABOR SAVED! h.d:spfri.sjbie to Housekeepers ! : Hi 1:11.1-: .-M jiie cculiniiiicai. and durable article . i-\ - utieifil ti. t'ii in allevimti the dintui day '^-DESCRIPTION.^ ;ii- ;i-i- - -Mil '" c-Hndw. u iili iii-< on ihe ; -it it. i c i.nd-r tij Wo-id. with ri'm i*l. . I fl .li. <1 In -I ll'l-ller Uvl >' Svii I lie i., . ?* ni-.k in ii- b.iili cy!u.il>r.-> ill lb? .:> . > it- diiet-Mui- ia-i-i'j creul'iu : . . i mi iul: it;-; fl-iiliv.*. mid if li.v rt : . lilt It'- "lit lilt- tiel.1-' ! v.atei I vv..\ q ii-vi. -tis .-1. ui, i -?*e ilu* we.ii Si'i,LiV'Ai Y -i-r.'-s ?. !i4 nci'k-i ii ev Y-.iK . i:h . iio . i > i\?:|i.-i ui,, in*' : Tni'i |iii(T V' ....i- ' ii.ni- It--! - . r",n con ii ; . lit) *> K V & UOS \V KLL. . -. * > .An-. '.Vliite Zinr. Lili>oni "i < :. ii.i* 1'iiiun- oi veri- 'lp^oii|itiori, (Jopsil fi. * :i nidi All wamiiilfe.. of tin- best quail no : "t.\U will be sold us low us can lit* jmrt-J-si- ! in r". L. Zli.MI*. WrOD WOOD!! 7". |?ir ? ' \ ' v/i 'Irtiluru i. M ! .'i -Wri.L Mf- 1 \illi? ! yi *1'. uniPiit oi JiU'l'S. cnnsi?ii;;g of Pu. \ I'm., i and ! VYnnutv soil mid luird .shell ..t. nil iiii.-.i t. -1 ; j-isi ivci ived i>v l.w >? M 1'T i in >? lilJj. Jjrior? Lijriir! "r LIuXKS of i'A MiLKS ol'dill'cieiit jrra-ie*. jnM 1 f.) lecvivi-.l I?v MI-:i!OXK\ ,t Bo.s Kl.i. GUANO, GUANO. 'I'llK liOit: ill I sole ??> I'l t'HViail ixlf.'Hiii A sale HI the l)e|>oi, in qmijililies to Knit |.invhu" era. Cash on delivcnj. Fob. 7,?if. JAM KS JONKS. 1000 ll?*. oi mid siri|ied Ilor Scr\ v. iii's .voiir. Al-o, Bleached and Brown Shirli ii : mid lu etimr>. jtiiit opened ni the 'old corner,' Mar- K \V. li(J.\XKV, Boquet de Orleans, pr, XX iiovhuohj VN I' U' anil deliglnPil iinielP i'uiiMiiiu'y,' -i ' , J ' M c h AI vj'>URNKTT'i? Oocooine fee 'ho ::.? } i i-lilly j '-t-si . 13 MiiD'urd; Wliitu Pepper; St u ' li*i>n-, *c., j . I just opened at the 'VJd rt>rper;" K. W BO,VNICY. 1 } s ~ TO TRAVELLERS.* * ? :o: s*?#^:Hra iemij X^tez ??k TIJK SOUTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD.' Sntni(tt>$ nfvc?ir. ?tati.).x8. \ J*1 i *,am m ; , j trains. Leave ClinrliKton ,J ? \iA' a m j&15p in Arrive ;i1 Jvijiir-*t"ill**. Ihf; , Junction nt'lhr \Viiiniiij;-. Ion & AlmicliPhler U. It.2.4b f> ft 3.15 a m Arriveui iioiuiiium i u.w p 13' -p.-', a r* Arrive ut Camden ! 5.5o p fi* | o Leave Camden I 4.10 am | ,,v'.v.".V Leave Columbia 4.50 a m ' jr.4'tf f> tt" Leave Kinir?ville, the Junction of the Wilmington A Manchester Railroad..' 6 45 a m 3.25 p. an' Arrive at Charleston I 1.00 p m |10.3o p u WK8TKIIX IJtlL'TE. i r,AY i night 2.30 p tr. ^ At rive at Aojf.Hln 1.15 p tn 11.15 p m * Li-nv.- .my >!;, 5.i 0 a. in T..';0 p rn i r?. at On ..... 8.3P p it. i 4 30 si tn rum.run : i: .v r.i. im isKr.s aloisTa am* kinsgy:I.i.k ...... ... DAY SIGHT N I A t (UNA. trains 1 trains. Li'5'V Aupivi. ."5.U0 u 7 ::0 n m Arrive a', iiiiig.-ville. ... 2.45 pm 3.i6 am Leave Kiugsviile 6.45 ? is. N 'iit p m Arrive ut Aiig.ila ' 1 15 p in 11.15 p m MID DAY TltAlS UETWKKN CAMDKN AND Kl.VfiSVILLK. MOM.AY. WKDNKHDAv A.VH Satl'RDAV. t DOWN. 1 LP. Leave Camden, 12..-!5p. in. | Leave Kingsville. 7.3lin.m. Leave Burkina, 1 ON p.m , LeaveClurkson'e 7.46 " Leave Clareniont 1.45 * Leave Manchester JuneLeave Middleion 2.10 " Hon 8.10 a. m. Leave Manchester June- Leave Middle-ton 8.2& tion 2 20, p. m. Leave Claremonl 8 45 " Leave Clarksou's 2.43 * Leave Boykin's 9.20 * Arrive at Kingsville 3.1)0, Arrive at Camden. 9 50 Jan 17?tl H. T. PKAKE, Gen'i Sop't. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent Listilution established by special Endow ~ merit, far the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, af^ flirted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases4 and especially far the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs, MKPICAL ADYJCK given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to all'who apply by letter, with a da>cri|il>ori of their condition, (age, occupation, lial-iu of lile, Ac,) and in case* of extreme poverty, Medicine# furnished free of charge. Valuable Bepohts on Spermatorrhoea. and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the New Remedies employed in the Dispeiimrv. sent to the afllicted in sealed letter envelopes, free ol charge. Two. "? or three Stamps l**r postage will bv acceptable Addrea" Dit .J >K1LLIN HOUGHTON, Acting Stirgeon. Howard A-sociatien, No. 2 South Ninth. Si reel Philadelphia. Pa. By order o! the Directors. Geo. Faiih iiild, Sec'ty. Kzha D Heahtwkll, Feb 14-1 tr President. The Vulcanized India Rubber Belting - 'AN sr.lcly he recommended as superior to leail: V. er in every re?peei for Bands for Cotton Gin., S?w-V.i!l>. Mill's, Grain elevators. Machine Shops nod Mniiufuct' ries or wherever open belts are to bo- * ll.ed. j It is a inure desirable article than leather, inasmuch is its lirsl coat ii much less; it is stronger and moredurable, and gi\es a gain in power on the polity. It will stand a heat of 3l)n degrees unaffected. No d?gr*? of cold or wet can injttire ha working, nor is it subject to duniuge Irom Ituts, dec, An assortment ore and and for wile low bv WORKMAN A CO. N. B.?I.aee I.eatbei and Belt Hooks?B.r sale upon the most rensouuble terms by W. A CO. ? ? 1 r. ^ i^jj .SouIII Carolina?Ki'r?l^u- Di*lr!cl. t In the Common Pleas. Jared Purkhurot, Jr., vj Joseph C. Wilson, A. Co. Attachment. V\71iK11KAS. ihe J'laintifl did on the 28ib d?r ef t ? March, 18G0. (He lii? Declnr.-.tion aeainst tba defendants, wlw, (as it is said) is absent from and without the limit* ot this State, and line neither wife u?r attorney known within the same upon which a eapy of the eaiil Declaration niifrhl b- Serv-d: It is therefore oi tiered. that the said Defendants do nppeur and ,>]. ml i<* the ctti-i Dechirtiiion on or before the 29ib. dm i.f Mi.ich which veii* ii intiieyvur ofourl.ordf i tie t - rid ri-jht hm-ir.'d >.t'd sr.tv one. otherwise > lli... am; iot' :.?i- j'.o;, mens .viii thvii be given aud Wo < .11 : tl'ftil. i ' Si K? rs: hwrict M . ii I ! '. '8JO. \Y. YBi.'It.N ' lei k _ & C-ortsin Cu e for %ue. t . . .'S ' oil i piece ?>-. : A out. i it: Ll. reTtn. in. i.taoM it-EH, Dumb net. ! :ii/e.iw havitip a Jfnlariovt iri'jin It-., rtji-ilioiiie wln-i. taken into ilie stomach iiifSi'S '.ri!" the eiiriihitioii run! bv coming ill contie: v.; h !! i-eiisr !i iij the lv>t of Lumber at the ivum! in .k -i .c'- The Mill is not moreth?n three wile near the Lancaster Itoad, making ii convenient tor those who wish to haul. We have a considerable quantity ofLi mberon liand, nr.! expect to keep a supply of all kinds So I.iin.hfi saad without a bill furnished, Orders thniik'uiU r?c.-ived Feb. 15. SUTHERLAND A LEM.MOND. P?ES!:KVEI> BUAADIKI) A AD FHKSH ^ t* n i* inno r m i ia. CI IXGKR, Tencli. Quiuw, AOliow-Clww Prenervfii, X Itrandicd Pencliea. Pii:e Apple, and Cherries. Fresh (Vanltes Tomatoes, Corn, T 'eee'ved an assortment ofK:cn<^M tn!?|| Drops. 'renin l)i<'ps. Chocolate Drops, \ I mi ed-. i'>U! in Almond*. U'lse Al :?fl| Kisses. Mini i'uqs Ac .to F. H % <)' I?e?t arlii-v i! el "?In'.- hair B5 ftS : t , ST : !;>. S;niil"U, OyKiftl'*?Spiced and Core, a j j-isi sctiivou Iiy MKHnXKY Jc BOSVTKLL. PRAYING. 1 \' It .VP pictured 1(> (Jo npy find ail kind of DRAYy y IX'', i'l Cn|iidoi| Hud vjcinitv, on short Notice UaMi20 M KH0X1IT .1 BOSWKLL* Trackers Trackers. i,.i ion. Hotter. Li-o.iii!. Wine. Pic Xiean l i ' " . ::.i ' 'i tiers. i|i! lHo.ii !" "in ihe Bakery. jint. hi,, r I) MKi:?i.%KV ?!k UOS.i ELL. | .* i- .I.isJln-;. i'"i.>;i?-.-rt "and what cheer yeast """ 1 vis-, every \aneiv of extracts for cooking jo^? A eceivei at the "Old Corn*:," jj E. T. L'CJfN'EY' * Jm