The Camden weekly journal. [volume] (Camden, South-Carolina) 1853-1861, October 02, 1860, Image 4

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\ CASH <f PROMPT PAT, a very compete assort I .(ij ' . inent of ''it \ HAE^WABE, CUTLERY, GUrtS, mn ' . Pistols, and stJ > 'j^AJCTT^xxonsr TOOLS, ? V Imported expressly for the ' * Southern Trade. Ifecbants visiting tlio City arc respect tally invited to ?&mine the Stock and prices. bt aii orders for Goods will receive prompt and . careful attention. March 6 _ G. W. WILLIAMS 5: CO ^ HOS. 1 & 3 HAYAE-STREET, M - Charleston, So. Car OFFER FOR SALE, AT LOWEST MARKET RATES, J -t 7AA BAGS RIO, JAVA AND LAGUAYRA 1 I UU COFFEE. to 350 hhds. New Orleans utid Cuba Sugars. a|i 700 bbls. Clarified. Crushed and Loaf Sugars. '1 200 hlids. Cuba and Muscovado Molasses. nic 300 bbls. New Orleans Molasses and Syrup. do 300 bales Gunr.y Bagging. all 2000 coils Bole Rope. tal 1800 kegs Nails, assorted sizes. 1600 boxes Candles and Soar. 7000 Sacks Liverpool Salt. pc 500 packages Mackerel, Xos. I. 2 and 3. 100 casks new, fre.-h beat Rice. Powder. Shot, Lead, Bacon, ?fcc. March 27, 1 SCO. ? 13?ly. lt, ~ DRY" * YYrEI . ?'1TE ATTENTION TO ONE OF TII1C T? LARGEST and BEST ASSORTED Stocks of tlx DRY L.UUUS <iv To be found in the SOUTHERN COUNTRY, com- ~ prising: SILKS, - DRESS GOODS In Every Variety. cAiicio, . FRENCH, ENGLTSn ANI) AMERICAN! Cloths and Cassimeres. IRISH LINENS,' j1" Embroideries. ! HOSIERY AND GLOVES, l>oiiicstsrs of all kinds, BLANKETS. Plantation Ooods = OF EVERY DESCRITION'i C Oar intention is to keep every article usually wanted for FAMILY OR PLANTATION USE, S as And to offer good GoodB only at fair prices. ly Our business is conducted strictly on es The our: Price System. Pj ROttT. ADO EM & 0.1 DRY GOODS, onQ A 0.11 TTinpr Rt.reet.. Charleston) S. C. Jaa 17 ly 3 Will give stiiui attention (to all orders for work in line?whether the goods were purchased from liiinfor otherwise, mid will win rnni i In-same lobe de up in iho LATKST FASHION and ol the best le and material. >ic Price Only?Good* Harked in Plain Figure*. Purchasers ore invited to give hi J) a call. March 'JO,?tf. Professional Cards. DENTAL SURGERY, D M. ROGERS, . D., and Graduate of the Baltimore College ot Denial Surgery, HAVING DKTKRMINf<] to locate in Camden, '-QjLI_Ospeet(idly oilers his sprvm<.BV^-UJTTr the citizens of the town and vicinity. All oper ons performed in the best possible manner. AltF1CIAL WORK inserted in all the latest and ist approved methods Those wishing artificial ntures are requested to call. Dr. P.. will attend l<> operations coming within the province of the DenSurgeon. References: Dr. C. A. Harris, Prest, and Prof. Baltimore Colcge ntal Sur gery. Prof P. II. Austen, Baltimore. Prof. Mnynard Washing! on City. Also, the citizens of Bishopville and vicinity, Sunt District. Office over t'.ic Post Ofiice, formerly occupied the late Dr Joseph Lee. Nov. 20,?tf. Medical Card. DR. A. A. MOORE OFFERS TIIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO 9 citizens of Camden and vicinitv. J3?~0FFICK next door below A. M & R. Kentie, Camden, S. C. December 20-ly William R Taylor, A 1 t o r ii e y a t B. a w, CAMDKX. S. C., Will pra'.tice in ICcrshnw and the surrounding striets Oflicein the l.'ourt Mouse W. Z< ftEtfMgEK, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Equity, Camden, So. Ca., Practice in tho Courts of Kershaw, Sumter and Lancaster. Camden, S. C., September 21, 1858. Kershaw & Davis, ATTORNEYS AT Is AW, Camden, So. Ca* Have formed a Copartnership for the prnelito of nv, in Kershaw and the surrounding Districts. J. B. KERSHAW, J M. DAVIS. fWPOffice rear of Court House. Sept. 28, '08 Win. I., hcpass, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND IK EQUITY, CAMDEN, S. C.. Will practice in Kershaw and the surrounding Disicts. December H?if. MERCHANT'S HOTEL, orner of Iviisg and Socicly-MrecK CHARLESTON, S- C THE undersigned having taken the above well:iown and favorite HOTEL, would bog lea?-e relectfuily to iiiforin the former patrons of the House. : well as the Travelling public, that he has thoroughrepaired and refurnished it. and made many clmngi which will add to iis comfort as a home, and as a ibhc resort. He would also take occasion to assure em that no effort wil! I.e spared on the part of himIf; or assistance, to render their sojourn at the "Old .TIciTlinnis" earn nt and satisfactory. BOARD, PER DAY. - - - $1.50 J. B. NIXON, Feb 21 Proprietor. Ayer's Ague Cure. M II is Mild. Dclicalcand Friiily. And is designed to be always uniform in quality and character. Th ? above poods arc put up in caws containing ?iic dozen bot'lcs each, and s-ld by ull prominent wholesale and retail Druggists. A. M. UIX1SUKR ct-CO., Sole Proprietors, K o. ft inMil-Sireet. New York. ESTABLISHED 1778 ! g,,ni i)V JOHX J. illcKAI.l. March 13 Drnggisl & Apothecary, Camden,S. C. CHARLESTON I AND LIV E 11P 0 0 L Sailing Packets. REGULAR LINE. nplll.; UXDKRSIONKD BKO TO ANXOCXOli J. Unit iliev hove tuiido arrangements foi a line < ! I SAILING PACK UTS between the above point#, by | which every fnci.iiy ill regularity mi'l speed will be ! given to shippers. Fraser. Trenholm & Co,, Ko. 10 RCJ.WOZEBl PLACE, LIVERPOOL, Will at any time receive goods intended fi>r shipment by tliis line, and forward the same by the FIlteT SUCOKKIH N(J PACKET, and will be always prepared to give any information that may be desired. Arrangements for Freight or Passage tntiy also be made in Charleston, bv application to John Fraser & Co, COTRAL WIl.iRF. The titidernicnlioii'd first class and fast sailing i Charleston Slops have been already placed upon the | line, and others will be added as soon as required: j SAIUSCS DAYS OK TIIK SHIPS OK THIS LINK. From From ; Liverpool Names Master. Charleston j 5th June. I860 *j>i\sas G. Owi.<s, Norton, Aug 10 loth June, I860. * Eliza Hons a li., Michael, Aug 13 I 25th June. 1860 "liONJiAR. l.ehhy, September 2P i ?5111 Jul ,1860 K Sr. PlKBltE, Tessier, October 10 15tIt Aug. I860. John Fhasix.. Berbest, October 30 *fhe-e three date.- are made to approximate for tin. convenience of importers lor the Fab trade. Fot'tie arraugetnenlH will be duly advertised May S?lv. | AYER'S AGUE CURE, rolt THE SPEEDY (THE of INTERMITTENT FKVKIt. or Fever and Ague.' llemiitctil Fever, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, 1'eriodicnl Headache, or Hilious Headache, and Bilious Fevers, indeed ler t e whole class of diseases origi nuiing in biliary derangement, caused by the Miliaria ! ol mitistnnlie countries. Ko <ino remedy is louder called for by the noecssv j tics of the American people than a sure and safe cure for Fever and Ague. Fever and Ague is not nhmethe consequence of the ! miiistiiulic poison. A great variety of disorders arise : from its irritation, among which are Neuralgia. Rhmti mutism, tiout, lleadm lie. Blindness, Toothache, Ear| ache, Catarrh, Asthma. Palpitation. Painful Affection of the Spleen, Hysterics I'aiti in (he Bowels, Colic. Paralysis, and l'erangement of the Stomach, all of 2 which, when origiualing in this cause, put on the in- I : TIlia "IHTtMf" 1 I ox pel* (lie poison Irnni ilio blood, niid consequently J i cures il.em till alike. It i* an invaluable prutcciion j to in,migrants atnl persons Unveiling or temporarily -i I residing in the malarious districts. If taken occasion- J I nlly or daily while exposed to the infection, that will _ | be excreted Irom the system, and cannot accumulate j in sufficient quantity to ripen into disease. Hence it j | is oven more valuable f> t protection limn cure, mid _ ! few will evcrsulTcr from Jntcrmittents, if they avail I ! themselves of the protection thi* remedy afl'ords. PREPARED 13 Y Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., ( Lowell, Mass. 7 Sold by J. J. iVcKaiii, C'umidoii, S. C. J At Wholesale by HAVILAND, STEVENSON & CO., April 17?Guios. Charleston, S. C. i if I? kd Female Phrsician, presents w of mothers, her I EX TEETIIIXC, s the process of teething:, bj cing nil intinmntion?will nl* lie action, and is uATE THE BOWELS. era. it will give rest- to jourKALTU TO YOl'R IXPAS'TS. sold this Brtiele lor overtoil |)itincnce and truth of it wlat TZTTZZ~SZZ~ been able to INS LOW S; metlii-ine ? )TH1NG .failed. in a sinR TT P j effect a cure I used. Never > of dissatisfaction bj anv one oi.traij, allure delighted with k in terms of highest comI effects and medical virtues. 'what we do ktiotv," after ind pledge our reputation for " 'L.nlora Til tllBflU .. f. -juy-v - j ' * -j^?*ciTWTT: 111 (_ i u I 1.1 ill iiiiih u > .- , '.; 7'. ''* ' '. -|B- infant in auflering from pain be found in fifteen or uvea* ' >: > :' : ' -'^ up is admiiii-iered. J A " / . Htion is ilie prescription of one ?. \ * B and skilful nurses in New >, JJ" , JpiHL'd with never failing suc?SS-Sili?sOF CASKS. i ' w ' . child from pnin, but ttivigofr: " Btwels, cttrreeis acidity, and fe'Y-**'-v-y?^K the whole system. It will > HgiUI'IXG in the BOWELS . r :^K<1 overcome COXVl'LSIOXS, Ispecdily reme '.v?, - ' . SCK |deatli. We '/'mldrkii ! BEST and SUB* r; .the world, in B " l" ' - ' IPvSK X TE It Y yc-'^Wn. wlietlier it arises from : -'jBer cause. We would fur to suffeiiiig from any of ?do not let your prejudices, yiyjS-'^ii-'^Bl'cra, stand between your . '/' y*. BBhvf that will he sure?yes, the use of this medicine, it f?r using will accompany BAine unless tlie tac simile of York, is on the outside 29 Ilayne-slreef, ^iS^'^f^BGKIKllSOX, 221 King st, :IL Charleston. So Ca. JOIIX J. MeKAIN, Camden, So. Cs. Cedar-street, ' H Murcli C-ly IISI!? King's Evil, a corruption of the : -V ? flnid becomes vitiated, "''' ';' '; ;* ;|Bag in the circulation, it t_ t ft v Mtody, and may burst out y" - vy V of it. No organ is free Mjtherc ono winch it may Is tame is variously e, low living, disimpurc air, lilth essing vices, and, infection. Whatiditnry in the conparents to cliildren lcration;" indeed, ilim who saya, " I the fathers upon epo.-ition from the s matter, which, in 1 organs, is termed welling*; and on es. This foul coric blood, depresses LTofulous constitui scrofulous comess power to withdiscascs; conscrish by disorders ins in their nature, this taint in the mption which dei its origin directly ation; and many cr, kidneys, brain, ns, arise from or :ause. lie arc scrofulous; >y this lurking innnfcnnfacrf by io cieanse u irom me system we must renovate the blood hv an alterative medicine, and invigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine wc supply in AY&IVS Compound Extra ;t of Snrsaparilla, the most effectual ret (edy whieh the medical skill of our times car devise for this everywhere prevailing and fatal malady. It is combined from the most active remedials that have been discovered for thj expurgation of this foul di 'order from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences. I [.nee it should be. employed for the cure of not only (scrofula, lint also those other afifectiom which arise from it, such as Eruptive and Skin Disf.asf.h, St. Anthony's Fire, Itosc, or,,, Blotches, Plains (tIhI Bolts, TvMons, Tetter ami Salt Riiki-x, Scald Head, Ringworm, llnr.iMATisM, Syphilitic and Meuccrial Disi isr.s, DuorsY, Dyspepsia, Debility, and, inii.'i'd, all Complaints auisino fwom Yitiati.ii on Impi uk Blood. . The popular belief in " impurity of'the blood" is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpo.-c and virtue of this Sarsaparilla is to purify aui regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, arc so composed that disease within the range of their aciion -can rayely withstand or evade them, their penetrating properties scareh, and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the human organism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitalities. As a consequence of these properties, the invalid who is bowed down with naiu or physical debility is astonished to find his health or energy restored by a remedy at once so simple and inviting. Not only do they cure the every-day complaints of every body, out also many formidable and dangerous diseases. The agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, containing ccrlifivatcsof tlieir cures and directions for their use in the following complaints. Cottitalic ss, Jlcnrtbxtrn, Headache arisiny from disordered Stomach, Nausea, Jndiycstion, 1'atn in and Morbid Inaction of the llowcls, Flatulency, Lost of Appetite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints, arising from a low stato of the body or obstruction of its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, fob'tub jlapid cure of rmu'h?. Cold*. Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump* tion, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients iu advanced stages of the disease. So wide is the field of its usefulness and so numerous arc tbc ca?cs of its cures, that almost every section of country abounds in persons publicly" known, w 10 have been restored from alarming ana even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When orcc tried, its superiority over every ol her medicine of its kind is ton apparent to escape observation, aid where its virtues are known, the public mi I oncer hesitate what antidote to employ for the dislre-sing and dangerous alFcelions of the pulmonary organs that an; incident to onr climate. While many inferior remedies thrust uimoi the community' have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the adliuti-d they can never forget, and produced cure* too numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten. PREPARED RY DR. ,J. C. AYER & CO. 1,0WELL, MASS. SOLD BY JOIIX .1 SlcKAlX, Camden,. S. C. J. TIlO.Ml'tJysc, Sumter, S. C. FISH Kit .V lIKXrrsiI. Columbia, S- C. At Wholesale by IIAVIKA.VD, STKVKXSOX .1 0., Charleston, S. 0. IIAVILANd, CHICIIF.STKR .t CO., Augusta, leorgia. | January 31?ly r ADIKS' HAT 130XKS and Travelling Hags, just reeciveillat the 'oldcorner,' K. IV. BOXKKY. f JAY HUM by the Gallon or Bottle. For sale by Iy April H J. J. MeKAIX. ,4 FHIV thore Dross Goods for sale ut cost nt llio . V. 'old coiner,' E. W. r?ONN KV. LARKSII ('OKGh'ESS WATEH.jmt received at"' L dun 31: McKAlN'S Drug Sime. ""MlILDRpX'S CARRIAGES, just roceivcd and yj forfnlc|ni tlie'old corner,'bv r;. w. uusflti. S"KW STYLK Pll I NTS. fi. Ginjjlninis, jiwl opened at tliej "Old Corn or." K. W. 1JOXNKY. Ayfer's Cathartic Pills. , j Saved Yearly. j Saved Yearly. Planters Take Notice, Planters Take Notice, Jacob's Cordial Jacob's Cordial Is The Only Sure Is The Only Sure And Positive Rcmcdv / And Positive Remedy Before The People Before The People In Dysentery, In Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea, And Flux, And Flux, It Never Fails, it Never Fails. I Packages of Half Doz. Packages of Half Doz Put up Expressly Put up Expressly For Plantations. ?1 per Bottle. Fur- iSnU in Cumfhit by JOHN* J. McKAIX. 1 Bit-".' l}yi|>. |i If itrinrity HII..* l-y?|n-|Hlr Itimrdy llll.l)y?)ir|ill?- It. inrdy H.lw' l)yi|wjdlr Kmiirdy IIII..' Dy.jH-plir ICrim-dy lln. Hit- laiir^fhl Snlr lilts Hit- Snlr linn lltr I.tirgrit Snlr . Hits llir Lnri;r?t Snlr Has lltr|;rsl Snlf Of nay Mrdlclne In (lie World. Of nay .11 t-?l If 111.- In tlx- Wnrlil. Of nny illrrilrltir In I lie World. Of mi) Mrdlrliie In fltr Woilil. Of nny Mt dlrliii* In flit- World. 11111,000 ParUit^t-s I nil.iiihi Pnrkngea 100.000 Piicling 100.0110 Pnrtilths 100,000 Pncltngrs Sold In Ornn;ll nml Soul liCitrollim Sold In Onir!<ln noil SoulllCnrotlnn Sold In t.rorifln nml SoulliC'nroltnn Sold In firor^ln ni.d SotilliCsrollim Sold In llrors;ln anil SoutliOnrollna In Koitrfrrii Mont lit. In Foiirfrrn illnnfliH. Iti Fourleri! Manilla. Ill Kourli'en Manilla, In Knurli-rn nnIlia. II N Wni rnutril In Cure II la AAniinnltil In Cure ll li lo Cure II I* AVnrrnn teil In Cure ll II Wnrrnnli-il In v-ure I If nlrretloiia lire Follnwril. II IHhi'IIiiiih nrr Pot In writ, II Dlrrrllmia iiri' Followed, If I >1 rir I lima nrr Pollowril, If Dlrrellooa n.r Followed, All)' Cnnc of I))'*|ir|ialn Any Cnae nf Dyaprpala An)' Ciur ill U)'M|M'|i>ln An)' v'nm- ul I)) <|wiiilii An)' Cnsc of Dyaprpiiln l.ivrr Ulicnur, Llrrr Olarnw, l.lrrr UImiuc, l.ivrr l)l?rn*e, l.lvrr Dlarnae, Jnuinllcc, Jniinillre, .In unci Ire, liiumllre, J nam I Ire. tl la Eapri lull)* .Atlnpled to II la Kaprclnlly Ailnptcil lo II la Ka|trrlnll)' Adopted lo ll la K.]lrl*i,iil} Adopted lo ' ll la Kaptrlnlly Alia (it rd (o I'Vinnlr Cnmnlnliilaj , Female ITmipli.inaaLr ?? -- a Kiiiinle Coinplnln la; * Kc-iunle Coin p'nlntfc; Frmnlr Coiopliiliitli; ll Prtnliiera llnlMuillly of Form It Pi'inltirra Itoliiiuilly of Form, II Pr.nlli ra ISotniiilily ol Poi-ui II Prmluera llolnullity ot Form In Friiinlra of i? i liln ui.ll Jjuirr llnlilt 111- Fcmnlra ol n Thin i.Uli -k i iii it llnlilt In FcmnU'a of n 'I'll n nml Spine llnlilt In Pemnlo* ol 11 Tlilu noil >i|i it IIuMI Seilil n I'ihI.iJ.1' SIMM' In lllf l'm|irirlora [i,r ,lieit I'.ll[l| illIr t on IHlrav' "I r'loliiarli ilal liowvla.' W. AV. IM.ISS ii CO., Proprietor*, 3li't Iti o-iil?iiy, \rv? VarU. for .vile in Cnwtirn '?? J'MIX J. McKAIN. THAT great RKME Y. that great i:. m. |.y. THAT CHEAT REMEDY. THAT CHEAT REMEDY, TILVr GREAT REMEDY. SAN'Tliy SI'ECIKIC, &\NT1IK7.' SI'KI'H'K', SAXrinv.' sm'iFic, s.ix< II.- z- -m ifh*, Sanchez* specific sanchez.' sueuutc, ntK oxi.y hositiyk cure THK oXl.y i'uHTTVK I I kk the OXl.y iimtivk < urk thr oxi.y i-osmvK cure THE OXl.Y IUSIT1VK click nrroiiE the people, BEIT>I!K THE I'EOIT.K, !! FORK TIE-. PEOPLE, REHIRE THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE 1'EOI'I.E, POK URETHRAL DISEASES, FOR URETHRAL niRK.\SE>, FOR I'R.TIIRAl. lU-EASKS, for URETHRAL DISEASES, save- a iirs HOI tor'S rim., save: a itiii iwmt'ou's ihi.i,, save-: a i:i?: Horrors hill. SAVES A lllll IhiCTiiK'S IHI.I., S.vVrS A lllll I** TOR'S 1111.1., rs EASILY TAK. X, is EASILY TAKES'. IS EASILY TAKEN, IS KA-II.V TAKEN. IS EASILY TAKEN, HAS NO RAH TASTE, HAS No IIAH TASTE, HAS NO HAH TASTE, UAS N?? HAD TASTE, HAS NO BAH TAsTK, WTLT. KFFTCT A rt'RE WILL F.ETK'T A (T HE WILL IJ-Tirr A Cl'HE WIIJ. E.FKW T A I ERE will om*r a il're wit,ion loss or time WITIIon LOSS 0E 1'IMK WITHOUT LOSS OF TIME WITHOUT lOSS OF TIME WITHOUT lOSS OF TIME OR CHANCE OF MET, OR CHANCE Of IUKT, or chance OK i'i IT, OR CHANCE OE I MET, or CHANCE OF MET, WIT1[ TROURI.E, WITH I.IXS TRol'HLE, WITH LESS TROUBLE, WITH LESS IKOUBIJ-:. WITH LESS TROUBLE, MORE SPFEH1I.Y, more si'kemi.y, all lUK srEEIHLY, M<IKK SI'kkHII.Y, MOltE SI'KHlll.V, AND PERMANENTLY, AN!! PERMANENTLY, ASM PERMANENTLY, ASM PERMANENTLY, AND PtKMAXENTLY, THAN' ANY KNOWS RKMKMY. THAN ANY KNOWN RKMKMY THAN ANY KNOWN RKMKMY. THAN ANY KNOWN KKMIMY. THAN ANY KN'oWN HUH MY. SANCHEZ SPK JI1C CAN UK SUNT IY MAIL Si,r It- in C<tv:'1"n by John J. MoKain, DRUGGIST. Oct. IP. 42 ly. I ndi sp e ii sal > 1 e s. IJM VK Miiiine Ice cream churns, Ice Pitchers, Jco urn Held, egg whips. Uuin-r prints, Saratoga roll pans, La lit runs, Blancmange moulds, Ktuns, Fluid l.iimpa t.u n new principle. chopping dishes, l>i.-li covers, Stew pans, Cnllnndres, Giavy and Sugar sillers, Bake pans, Stlinbub churns, C'irateis, Nut I crackers and picks. To we 11 stands, Clucks. Garden | trowels and ploughs, Grid irons, Soup digesters, j Sillers. Scales and weights. Preserve keltic*, Selfi sealing Jar.-, Patty pans Polling puis. Cake ennui*!era, : Tin Til's and Pails, Steak heaters. Knife sharpners niid tr'.-nners, Mortals clothe pins, Lunch boxes. Semi and white wash brushes, Meat choppers, and prosses. Cop mops. Pruning slums. Garden rakes and scuClcs, ?tc.. Ac. Jm-t received and for s.-de at the 'Cid Corner," K W 150NNKY. SANCHEZ SPECIFIC AN he sent bv nmil and will effect a cure sooner I Kj tluin nny other medicine, is>nfe, pleasant and | reliable. Sold by J. ). McKAIN LEAF LARD. \iXO. 1 Article LEAF LARD, jnsi received br . March 27 JOS. M. GAYLK .t CO. " ; Ayer's Sarsaparilla. i ? AND A GOOD J.IU11T And the BEST LIGHT And the Ii.r SAFETY The Vesper Has LIGHT The cheapest LIGHT A Scientific LIGHT The Brightest LIGHT More like GAS than GAS IS Just what GAS oujrht to he Call at /.HMD'S and SKK Call at ZHM P'S and BUY And save your KYES Ami spend your MONEY For just the thing YOI* WANT. May 8. 'GO-tf. KEROSENE OIL. bk s t quality , AT $1.25 !?? ! . CiALLOK. A. Supply received every two " WEEKS AT McKAIN'S Drug Store. ITlorimel, a ivn.vr fok tsje ISA>DK IvKC'HBF.F. 'PUIS exqtii.-ilo bouquet is ?o highly concern rated 1 iliat a single drop will leave its peculiar and delightful fragrance upon tin; handkerchief lor many hour-. June 5.?11. Sold hy J. J McKAlN. REMOVAL. r|'MIE Subscriber has removed lo the Store two 1 doors below John J. Workman A (Vs.. Shoe Store, where he will he happy to see his friends and customers OX JIAXD s t: Cr a 11, c o f f e k , MOMSES, BACOH, S -A- X- T BAGGING, ROPE, TWINE, (") Assorted Candies. riCKI.KS, SA I! PINKS. I, KM ON SV1SUP, 1111 KKSK. H U T T K IS. ?'IS AOKKISS AM) Oli:Alts PISA' OOODS. SlU'KS. t.ROOKIMKS, .to.. sill <>l which will ne si'iu low l?n- CASH. March 20,?;f. THOMAS HARRIS. The State of So. Carolina, Kcisli.iw lii?iricl. In the Common Plen.-*. JOSKI'll SIMMONS. who is in iho cusindv of the Slioiill'i f Kershaw istric* by virtue ol a \Vrii ol Capias A<l Salislacietidum. lit the soil of Samuel A. | Proctor, having fited in my office. (ooriohcr wifli a ! schedule on until. ol'iiis K-lalo uinl cffids) his poli| lion 10 tiie Court oi Coimnoii Picas. nrir.iin; that he | limy lie admitted 10 t .e benefit ol the .Vets o' the (ion oral Assembly, made fir the reliei ol insolvent ileht' ors ; it is Oiilerc'l. that the said Samuel A. l'rocior. i and ail oiher, I he creditors to whim, the said Joseph Simmons is in am wise iiid< bled. Le, and tl.ry sue hereby summoned and have notice, to appear before the said Court at Camden, on the first .Monday after the rourih Monday in October next, to shew cause, if any tlie.v have, why the prayer of the Petition aforesaid should not he granted. I Office of Commons l'leas, Kershaw Pistiiet, March ; 12th, lSGO \V. CLYBUltN, ' ^urt'b ^3?t*l Clerk. uaia^prc CLOTHING TIMK AND LABOR SAVED! Indispensable to Housekeepers! ! ' run iiio.-i simple. economical, and durable article j i. ever offered to the public to alleviate the disI comforts of wash day. '31-iiKSCitirTioy.jgg it consists of ? nii'iftl ct Under, with ribs on the I inside, nod an interior cylinder of wood, with ribs i There is a space of Ironi t; to 3 inches between tlip two cylinders One crank turns both cylinders at the same time ill opposite directions, rapidly creating a i stilts, forcing tlie water lh rough the clothes, and elj met mill)'removing the dirt. 'The action ol the wnier j doer liigwoik quickly, dispenses entiicly with nib1 lung, and thus snve < the wear of clothes. SULLIVAN ,t HYATT i'ropriet ns, at Beck men Street. New York, i N. B?Slate and County Rights lor sale, and par chasers supplied with Machines at wholesale on lib| eial terms. A Machine is in operation by a laundress daily, at ' our Salesroom 4AO Broadway. Marcli G-eowBm Doliard's Herbaninm Extract for the Hair I ; Q I! AM BOOING WATER, j O L)on's Kaihai.'on, j Kiui Lustra!. Barry Trici pi-eroiis. Alien's Zylot'nisaniiim. Woods' llair Restorer. Marnvilla. Allen's llair Re-lorer, J Wall pen e. Biiieheloin' llair I lye. ! A huge and fr>.=h supple of the above preparations i for the llair, ju>l received by .1. .1. McKAlN. Soaps / 1 XXUINK Brown Windsor Niap. Sand Soap (| er V 1 luuied,) Omnibus Soap. Military shaving Soap, : Rose Soap. Almond and Ib-nec Soap. Chrysinliue ; Wash Balis. Variegated Soap. Krusivc Soap, for removing grease spots Irom .Mlk or woolen For sale by F. L. ZKM1*. Coiiftluiatlr on lltindVW F.I.L selected Slock ol Heavy Groceries con sisting of Sugars.-Co (Tees. Molasses. Lard, Bacon?I log round, ?te.. bv December 20 M KROX KY \ BOSW ELL. Oils, Vai'iiislieii, A'C< J>r?K While Lead. Snow While Zinc. Linseed Oi 1 Tnrpeiiiine. Color.- ol every description, Copal iW.All u**ii TtifitOil r?l' ill** lii'sif mill'. ly. iiiul l'?r cnih will Ik- sulci as low as can be pinI chased In Uluirlmiflii. / '. 1.. 7.K.MP. I , WOOD! WOOD !! "l \ ' E! are |?r*-|?nr*-*I to furnish OAK WOOD lopart T lit a ill want Cnrh mi delivery |*. b 2S M I'IMiN KV .* r.t ISWKI.L. *<iu- : i ins: VFIXK ii.?Miiimem oi XU'IS. consist c.g of Pe can. Hrazi!. anil K. V.'n!i.iit>. soli innl liarrl shell AIiiioim|s. all warrali i- i Uvsh ; j'isl r>-ciivml liv Dec 2? M KifOX KV .4 111 i-W KI.L. iaOfi -Lil m IJUXE* of I'ANDI.KS iil'ihlleiciit ^-la ies. jasi ( *) I'cci'iveil Uv MEIloXlO A lbIS KM. GUANO, GUANO. ' I *IIK I est article o! l'< niVisili <?li;iuo tor 1 twit* nl I lie DcjmiI, in cjiiauuiies to suit poiclusers. Cush on delivery. Feb. ".?if. JAMKS JONES. 1000 it>^. of' <?r<-i-n ; ))?( Dry \\' AN : MR lor which we will p.iv the highe-i ?? niiirkcl price. MKKi'NKY .t iiOStt Kl.i.. Savo tho PiecesSPAUI.l'lNG'S I.HjriD GI.UK i.? inv.-tluni>!e to every household. Will mend Wood, I'liimi, (ila*.? 11 ml Meiiil (In** kii:h'.I bottle v ill aiive Ion limox its C'isi. Kor wde I ?v JOllVJ Mc-KAIN. Cotton Csnaburgs, mill striped Homespuns for Servant's weiir. Also, I'.lonelicd mid ISrown Shirtings mid Hit-cling*. just opened nt tlie 'old oomor.' Mar-- K W. BONNT.Y. Boquet de Orleans, or, XX UOl'ttBO^! A NKW and delightful nrliclo of Perfnmerv. just /\ J J. McKAIN. i r)UKNKTT'S Coconino for ihe Hair; Picolilly ; beat I ) MuH'nrd: White I'epper; Northern Cheese, An., ! jn-it opoQ'Hi at the "old corner." E. W. BONNET. to; traYeliers \ -i< >r aj JC^*?: SOUTH LlASSKIfX TJ3II ROAD. NdllTHKKX KOt'TK. I DA V XIGI1T STATIONS. j TIU1S.S< TltAI.NB. Leave Charleston j 8.20 a in 8.IB |i m ' Arrive at Kingsville. Iliei .1 unci ion ofthe Wilminij-. ton A Manchester R. K..' 2.45 pm .'3.15 a m Arrive at Colmiiliia I 4.S0 |> ni I6.2C a m Arrive at Camden | 5.5n j> m | o Leave Onrnden I 4.10 am Leave Colnmliiii : 4.50 u m 1.40 p m Leave Kingsville, the June-! tion ol the Wiimiii(rioti St- Manrhesier Railroad..' 6 45 a m 3.25 p. 31 Arrive at l.'linrlMim I 1 00 p m 10.3n p m __ ? WESTERN HOITE. I DAY I NIORT * STATIONS. J TRA,X& J TBAlXg i^nve Charleston j 5 45 a m J2.30 p m Arrive at Augusta i 1.15pm ill.15 pm Leave Augusta 8.00 a m 7.30 p nr Arrive at Ciiarlestnt 3.30 p m i 4.30 a m rilhouoii travel ul.tavekn ac gust a am) stations. i i,ay [ n,0ht trains. trains. Leave Augustu 8.(10 a in (7 30 pni Arnvc* at Kingsville. ...j 2,45 pm :3.15 am Leave Kingsville ...! G.15 am i ?.25 pm Arrive at Augsta I 1.15 p m, 11.15 pra MID DAY TRAIN BKTWKKN CAMDEK AKlr -> K1NUSVILLK, Monday. Wednesday, and Satceday. DOWN. vr. LeuveCntinlen. 12.35p. in. | Leave Kingsville, 7.30a.m. Lenvc Boykin's, 1 OSp.m , Leave Clark son's 7.46 " Leave Clarcmmil 1.45 Leave Manchester JunoLeave Michllelou 2.10 " tion 8.10 a. m. Leave Manchester June. Leave Midillcton 8.20 tion 2 20, p. in. Leave Claremont 8 45 " Leave Clarksoii's 2.43 " Leave Boykin's 9.20 " Arrive at, Arrive at Camden. 9 50 Jan 17?if 11. T. PKAKK, Gen'l Sup't. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, I PHILADELPHIA. . . 1 jfrn' roieiu n.siirnrton uy special Jinclcummt. for the Heliefof the SicI: anil Distressed, afjlirtrd with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, and e-jii-ciollij for the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organ*. AS K.DHWL ADVICK given gratis, by llie Acting J.?l. Suigroti, to nil who apply by If iter, with a description ortlii'ir cotidilion, (age. occupation. Iial.iu vf lile, Ac.) and in ewes of extreme poverty, Medicine* furnished free of charge. V Abt'AUt.K Ukpouts wi S| crmatorrlnva, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the Xkw Itsu- ? kiuks employed in the Dispenmry. *eiit to the xfliic- ? ted in sealed letter envelopes free ol charge. Tw?? ^ or three Stamp* lor postage will h? acceptable. v Address I'll J >K I J.I.IX HOUGHTON, Acting Surgeon, Howard A-sociaiicti. No. 2 South Ninth Street. Philadelphia. 1'a. Hy order o! the Directors. itko. Fa IU' It i bit, Cec'ly. Kziia D. Ukautwkll, Feb 14?I y President. The Vulcanized India lubber Belting ^ t AX srdcly he recommended a> superior to lealb- * _ ci iii eu'ij ii?|it*i_i nir nanus inr i.niinn unit, Snw-\iills. Mines. (Sritiii elevators, Machine Sh?p? ami Manufactories or wherever open belts are lo b? used. Il is u more desirable article than leather, inasmuch as its lirst coal is much I era; it is stronger and more durable, and jrivm gnin in power on the p*tlley. Il will stand a heat of 3tMi decrees tin affected. No dogroo of cold or wet can irijuii-e its working, nor it i; subject to dnmiige Imm RtiJs .if'C. .An a.snrt/aan^j^^^^^ t<atjyl and roe J>y \\ U11K M A N A ^ N. B.?Lace Leather and Belt Honks?formal* iijion the most reasonable tertna by V. ?CO. Sept 14 tl 87 South it a?Kershaw District. t Iii the Common Pleas. Jared I'arklttirst, Jr.. v Joseph C. WiJson, I Co. A'liichinenr. \ y IIKUKAS. the I'lainiil) did on the 2Sth d.y ct ? T March, 1SC0. lile his Declar.itinn against the *" defendant*. who. (a.? it is said) is absent from and w ithout the limits ol this Slate, and has neither wife uer attorney known within the same, upon which a copy of the said Declaration might be ?-.*rv* d: ll is therefore ntdered, that the said Defendants do a| pear and * plead to the said Declaration on or before the 29th lay of March, which will he in the vi*nr of our Lord one thousand eight hundred ami sixty one. Otherwise Until and absolute judgment will then be given and a wanted against them. ? Clerks ( llice, Ketsdiaw Di-lriet. Match 28th, A. 1). latO. \Y. CLYBL'SN, Apr 3, Llotk. A Certain Cure for Ague. t"\ll. SIIALI.KNBKUvtKU's "Fever and Atjtta a / mil I * lot c. ii iiit'uiciiii- i-iiii-aiMoiis i.ryonu prreeili-iit, in tin' cure of Fever ami Aci'r, Ciiill, InIK11.MITTK.NT nr IJtl.l.olS liKMITTKNT FkAEII, Dl'MB A till k, or any form of disease having n Malarious origin. Tina Medicine when takmi into the utonineh pa-scs into the circulation ami by coming in contact with the catisr of the disease, Viz: Malaria; ni-utralircs or destroys it aiui is emphatically an antidote to tin* poison. The cure is rudicnl and complete, /a no case will the /mticnf hate more than onr CHILL after commencing the medicine and inths majority of cases HOTEVES THAT. For sale by F. L. ZF.MP, Agent. STEAM SAW MILL! 'IMIK subscribers are ready to fill any order* with 1 despatch, furnishing the host of Lumber at lha usual market prices. The Mill is not more thin threa miles from Camden. near the Lancaster Road, making it convenient tiir those who wish to haul. We haven considerablequantity ofl.i m'icron Land, and expect to keep n supply of all kinds. No Lumber snwd without a bill furnished, Orders 111 n 11 k f 1111 v received J / Fell. 15. SUTHERLAND A LKM.MOND. , ^0 PRESERVED, DRAMMED AXD FRESH . FRriTS. ( t fXG KB, reach. Quince. ,t Chnw-Chow Preserves. J ItrmnlieiJ Peaches, Pine Apple, atid Cherries. Fresh Peaches Tomatoes, Corn. <t-c. Jellies of all kinds, and of the best quality. Citron, Currants, Macearotii. e'e. etc, just received by M I'.HON KY A BOSW KLL. FRENCH CANDIES. fl'ST teeeived an assortment of French and comlimn Candies, consisting of Gnm Drops Jelly Ctikci. Crvsinlizcd Fruits. Cordial Almonds. Brandy Drops, t'leam Drops, Chocolate Drops, Fine Sutr*r Aliiv-hds. Burnt Almonds. Rose 'ootids, Popping Kisses, Mint Drops. Jc Ac. For sale by * . -M Kel. 8 F. L ZKMP. t ItY "Sijiodoot."?be>t nnic'elor tlie teeth i THY "Cocoa ine."?best hair Oil in the world. TRY "Camphor Soap"?in'aMihle foreltapp'd hands, TRY ' I'lie euv.v of Snow,"?the Ladies' favorite. * THY "The Cold Cream Soap,"?none better. ~ Tit Y ' Hubbard's furniture Polish"?makes old new. TRY '.leitks.hipau Blacking" Ibr all kind of leather. ^? TIt V "Spaulding's Gltte"?mends without trouble, /' TRY "The old Corner"?Kxlraels for Cooking. A TRY "Tite line, fresh Teas" loiinil at . 'THE OBDCoKXKR." K. W BONNET. To all Lovers of Good Tea. V LARGE lot of choice Tea? of different varieties, among which will be found the Golden Chop, Ne PhisU'irn. English Breakfast, Delicious Oolong. Ac. Should these Teas fail to give suti.iiacliou the ntotiev will be rclnndcd. % April ?j.?tf. MKROXEY A BOS WELD. S&si /Ov QttSDBIV JEZSSs* 1UHSTKKf\ Salmon. uvslprs?Spiced and Cove, j j.iM ic eivou by MKROXKY A BOS'.VKLL DRAVLNG. i n-e prepared to do any nud all kindofDRAY? * lN'i. iii Camden ami vicinity. on short Notica. Mnruli 20 MKROXKY k BOSWKLL* Crackers - Crackers. SODA. Boston. Butter, Lemon. Wine, Tic-Xie *n I , _ Sugar Crackers. all fresh from the Bakery. December it) MKROXEY & ROS?VELL. V . y INFALLIBLE, Congteni and what cbccr yeast Also, every variety of extracts for cooking just 1 received a. ilio "01*1 Cj.'utr, by K. VT. Bt^NEY