The Camden weekly journal. [volume] (Camden, South-Carolina) 1853-1861, August 07, 1860, Image 2

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P||IBPI?HIP - - 111^III I? III IIII 11 - 1,TL-ar-L.-^t-rrrsrrr^rra-if1? ?r.ia.r.riLTTarT-tzT G|t (Cantkn tttthlf Jsnraai.! Tuesday, Aug. 7. ?%&$. ' THO. J. WARREN, Editor. Military Eicctiun. On Saturday, July 2Sth, nu election for oiliccrs of . Beat Company No. 1, 22d Regiment S. C. M., was held, which resulted as follows: H. P.. Esown, Captain, vice D. J. Geoege resigned; R. B. Patterson Lieutenant, via W. H. Patterson resigned. J. Col. Rein's Letter. We present in to-day's issue, a letter from th; lion. L. M. KEirr to his constituents. It is an ab'e document, and to tl^e point. Ke says, ' should t! e Black Republican party obtain power, and the Soutl. rerauiu passive, what then ? While I invoke" co-operation? ? while I appeal to the States around us to be true to their honor?yet, if these fail, I will counsel the State. - alone if necessary, and at all hazards, to secede from the Union. Any fate is better than degradation and a slow consuming tyranny." These are our sentiments exactly. Revolution, death?any-tiling, rather than base submission. . " Regimental ffirilt. The 22d Regiment, S. C. II., paraded at Camden on Tuesday Inst, the 31st July, Col. Eeeeell Jones com- ' manding. The Regiment was reviewed by Major General P. II. Nelson and Staff. His Excellency the | Governor did not turn our, on account of indisposition, as we were informed. At the close of the Drill Gen. Nelson addressed the Regiment in a happy manner: his remarks were plain, practical and pointed, just ! such as we like to hear on occasions of the kind. Col. I ... I Gist, a member of ihe. Governor's Staff, being called out, teudered an excuse for the absence of llis Excellency. The Regiment was then dismissed on the field by Col. Jones, who was enthusiastically applauded. Thus ended the matter, everything passing off well. Attention to Card of CSsnrlcstOia JIc:.chantfi. The attention of out readers, and more particularly of our merchant friends, is res]>ectruHy invited to the Card of our Charleston merchants to the merchants of the South and South-west. Rare inducements are . presented to those wishing to purchase their Fall stock of good. The city of Charleston is at this time perfectly healthy, and no one, on a trip there, need he afraid of contracting yellow fever or any other kiudred diseases. Read and sec for yourselves. Revolution a Necessity. There are those who believe that our Federal Union is indissoluble?that like a well-tried ship, which has j survived all the storms of the ocean, it is still capable j of enduring other and severer perils. If this belief .were founded in the fact that the immutable principles of justice are, and would coutinuo to be recognized in the administration of her government, controlling her councils, regulating lie^ action, and modifying her ex- ( cesses and errors, then we could not doubt, its correctness; but under existing circumstances, we confess we cannot compass the reasons that inspire such confidence in her stability. That the wants and fears of men constitute ti.e only ' legitimate bond of government is universally concc- ' ded. The history of nations prove this, and our gov- 1 eminent is a living illustration of the truth. The very 1 objects for which our fore-fathers confederated, were to 1 satisfy their wants, and relieve their fears: in other words, to cultivate the arts of peace?to till the soil? 1 subdue the forests; and to protect themselves in the lawful exercise of these pursuits, from cncroa-luucuts at home and invasions from abroad. Indeed, it was in the assertion of these rights that our ancestors cast olT the British yoke, and set up for themselves. Had the colonies not been taxed, without their consent?with- ' out ?riv''e?e]?'"representation?they would not in absolved their allegiance to the having Colonics were j ~ tional Government, with all of its powers prescribe^ i possessing an organism of the most delicate texture? 1 whose 'avowed object being, not so much to govern . as to develop the individual, socially, morally and intel- < lectually?embracing two great sections, as antipodal i Vas the poles, in everything, that can by possibility, unite one people under a common compact The fears of the one, are the wants of the other, and "vice versa.'' < The South is an agricultural section, and licr's an > agricultural people. She insists, that her continued prosperity and welfare, depend on the permanence of the institution of slavery. She further insists that the dominion of slavery, must bo extended?that slaves must be carried, without let, or hindrance into the Territories, the common property of the government ( and carry them there, the South must, if she desire:; it. ^ 'b" VO "*V "tS'VIKi.V, U.IU j just so soon as they cease to be so. the righ ts themselves i are worthless. On the other hand, the North is n { manufacturing section, and her s a commercial, and , manufacturing people. Free labour with them is : cheaper than slave labour, anu of course consti- j tutes tho prime element of her wealth. She. therefore, insists on the protection autl extension offree labor, not only into all the Territories, the common property j Of the States, but even into the States themselves and ] do it she will. Therefore, you perceive that so tar as the* -.wants and fears of the two sections are concerned, considcrcd with reference to their different systems of la- ~ bor, there is no common basis on which the government ., can stand; hence there must, in the necessity of things. ( be a perpetual warfare between them until it is tinally " consummated in revolution. , Unity of want and unity of fear, are to government ( what the law of gravitation is to the material world : -annihilate the one and you destroy the other; weaken ^ and impair the one, and you necessarily cripple the other; and this may be predicated more particularly of a government liko our's, because its s uccess and ^perpetuity depend entirely on the individual integrity of her citizens; hence, if there be any truth in human nature, such an antagonism of interests as now exists , between the two sections of ti e Union, must prove fatal to it. j Wn have said, that the wants and fetus of men. con- ^ stituto the only legitimate bond of government: this ( is indeed true, but there are other things as well implied. Some of these are like manners, like custom;, ( and like language. These are necessary, because they ^ inspire meD with confidence in and attachment for each other, and where they are wanting, there inu-t of i:e cessitybe suspicion, distrust, jealousy, and all those ( kindred qualities that tend to weaken and destroy tho . -> bonds of Union between man and his fellow. > Nov.c what are the facts as here presented. 111 connection . rl. with the two sections of the Union? Why! there is almost as great difference between a Northern and j Southern citizen in these respects as there is between ] an Englishman and an American. f We are cmphati- , ^ally two people, and the line of demarcation is daily j 0 -becoming more distinctly drov.n. Now. one may say, r true, there is an irreconcilable antagonism between I c r? :the labour systems of fie two sections, as they at pre- i ; sent stand, and also a great diversity in other respects: j yet there need not necessarily be revolution. The I firmth mov in tho oonrco of limn /.Ancnnt trx I I* slavery, and the old feud existing lot wren the two 1 | sections of the Union be healed, and we mar become *' one people in every respect. This might possibly v L occur, but we think it never will, and although it " 1 should, it would be, after all, a moral revolution. ? Suppose, however, the time should arrive when the ^ whole South will be free-soil in character. In that '' case, matters would be no better, so far as the peypetnity of the Union is coucerncd. simply because no pure- c ly free government like that of the United States, can '! possibly endure without a despotic element to control! u it The slave States have ever, and even now atford '' ? the only conserv ative portion of the government for 11 the plain reason, they alone contain in their social or- ]' gr.nisin a despotic element. To carry out the idea, la- ' bor and capital are naturally at war with each other, and so soon as capital, either from the impulse 0 of power or desire of ugrandizement. became to ex- 0 acting, a spirit of communism and ntrrarianisin would ^ spring up, and then the worst of fates would to- ?; fall the Republic. To prove v.iirt v.e have said. Ipok at the North ; there capim) < 1J.?. ? ( ...; u-i ! I miount of labor at the smallest cost, hence labor is xnuinuaily rebelling against capital for bread?hence n the frequent strikes for higher wages at tiic North? f: lienee her numerous riots and out-breaks. j S This is not nor ever can he the ease at the South. ! i Here labor and capital are friends; it is to the interest j g nf the slave-owner to bread his slave abundantly, and j s to clothe and feed his family, l so long as lie does ti this, his slave will be satistied and happy; hence wo j j may reasonably conclude that revolution must come \ sooner or later, be our condition what it may. Editorial Correspondence. A ride of seven hours from Columbia, on the Green- i ville& Columbia Rail Road, brings one to ITilli.vmstox, 1 at which will be found an excellent Spriug of pure c water, the medicinal qualities of which are well and j favorably known by health-seekers, in this State es- j pecially. An analysis shows the water to contain the t sulolmte of magnesia, soda, and of iron, some lime, Sccr It generally has a gentle aud pleasant effect upon visitors. who need something of an aperient and tonic. The Hotel is quite an institution, and is the best one. in all its appointments, to be found at any watering place in the State. It is an imposing structure, and presents an elegant and handsome appearance from the cars, which, added to the delightful strains of ! music which fall upon the wearied ear alter several hour's of a heated ride, one is very apt to be tempted to stop and enjoy the anticipated coinforts.of the place. The Hotel is capable of accommodating 500 persons, and P>r large and well ventilated rooms, cm not be ; surpassed. The house is handsomely furnished, and the servants are very polite and attentive. The culinary department, a very important adjunct, cannot be excelled. It is as good as any Hotel iu the country. ' and far superior to nine-tenths to he found in ?? wide- 1 wide land. The facilities for getting here are very ' superior. Immediately 0:1 the Kail Road. 0:10 may leave the noise and heat of the city, and, within fifteen bout's travel of Charleston, Augusta, etc.. find a delightful retreat in the up-country region ol our Carolina. Anderson is within one hour's ride, and Pen- ' dleton. Greenville, fie., a little over an hour. Altogether. it is one of the most desirable places thai we have seen. Every amusement may be enjoyed, aud one of the ; best string bar.di is here, front Cliarleslou. engaged ] for the season, who arc now discoursing a "concord of , sweet sounds."' Mr. IT. T. Tcstiix is the manager, assisted by our long tried frieud, Mr. William D. j IIakiiis, of Jaxxey s Hotel memory and reputation, than whom a cleverer man does not live. Mr. TVSten is a Carolina gentlemen, autl a visitor in sucii hands need not be afraid of being jlteced. "What a pity this elegant, commodious and well-appointed establishment wasn't at the Forth, for the " special accommodation of those exceedingly philanthropic individuals, whose Ibrbearauee induces them to practice the scriptural injunction of turning the left * cheek when smitteu cu the right, to those who r woulu rob us of every dollar's worth of plunder that 11 they could put their hands upon, and whpsc good will can only be measured by our dollars and cents. But s why need wo write upon this subject ? We would advise tiny of our friends who desire recreation and a pleasant trip up the country, to give j Williuiustou a call. ? The Sunyan TaStleuux. This far-famed Panorama, which atiracted so much attention in the City of Charleston last winter, was ex- a hibiled at the Tempeniuce Ilall?Camden, for the first ,K time last night! Nothing can give more universal satislaction than tn;s spiendiu work ol art. It comes from the bands of the first Masters of Art of America. There will he an exhibition at the above Hall each night during the present week. It will also be exhibited on Wednesday and Saturday afternoon, at :t o'clock\Ve clip the following notice of it from the Xew _ York Albion, which is good authority in such matters : "A 1'axguaiia.?AVe somewhat tl chary of our praises of the thousand and one exhili- a lions in this branch of art, with which town and country have been inundated, since Mr. B.mvard first conceived the idea of painting- by tiie acre, and unrolled the long lengths of the Mississippi to our astonished gaze. But we must do justice to a series of illustraAfX/)f.John Bunynh's "Pilgrim's" Progress," which I, jfejWnv open to the^public at 5S8 BuOadwny. Tlic a SMbt preserves an incognitio; licvei l^-jcss. beg to ti Ktity the surprise .ind pleasure with Jj ^sketeh'isgTsotno^the sceii<^Sd~iiii^|j A.van's immortal books. Alternately, or rath' " dictates, we have the beautiful and the ternble'mlandscape, the horribly grotesque and delicately spiritualized in form and figure?Christian and giant Despair? the Delectable Mountains, and the Valley of the Shadow of Death. Those who like strong fC?'isatious are idvised to turn aside trom the Vanitj* 1'nir of Broadway, and spend an hour with this admirably illustrat- ^ . d "edition of one of the ehicfest of Knglish authors. If s nnitluM* fl'fir ;irti?tir? tnctA Via ?.nififWI nr?r roltfvi. jus impulses Lie quickened, they will at least be assis ling to pay for a laborious and spirited Work." ^ Esnpor'ni:! iVosn Virgiutn. C Washington*, July 20. C Considerable excitement prevails in Oecaqiiati, Vir- a rini.-i, sixteen miles from Alexandria, in consequence if an attempt being made to demolish a liberty pole, a ireeted bv the Republicans, upon which is daily Uis- b jjuyed a flag bearing the names of Lincoln and Nam- A in. Oecaquan is the residence of Mr. Underwood, o ivho was driven out of Virginia, in 1S5G, for attending fi ,he National Conveticn that nominated Fremont. He p ivas a delegate to Chicago, and. it is said, is sustained li ti Lis course at home *y about three hundred men. h [t is reported Lore that the mob is headed by the I laptaiti ol a military company, who has resigned his y jfliee. aud that Gen. Hatton consented to let tlieni Ii mve arms The Republicans of Occtiquan held a v netting. 011 Monday night, and resolved to fortify and ti lefend their liberty pole and flag at all linzi rds. They o icnt to Alexandria and this city for ammunition, and s ratified Gov. Letcher of all the facts in the ease, and o uformed him if lie did not protect tlieni they should a !o it themselves. He despatched a messenger, last si light, staiing.ihat thev should be protected, and or- ~ lerod Gen. Hatton to call out his command, whereipon Unite i resigned. Sixty Republicans swear to * lie before they surrender their liberty pole and flag. p 'lie military of Alexandria arc expecting orders to ii nareli to-night to Oecaquan. b Richmond, Va. .Inly 2d. ? Telegraphic despatches received here inform us that c he excitement and imitation v.hieh has prevailed for _ o?;o days past ill ihe village of Oceania n, Prince ? Yiliiam County, is now viituallv at an cud. The citizens of the county turned out en w;o?t on Tidiiy evening, and summarily cut down the liberty ? leg-pole |wliicb Undcrwocd and his associate inceuiiaries had raised there on the Fouilh of.Jniy Inst. ti A company of cavalry lied been sent in .o preserve he peace, but notwithstanding the l easts and threats J"; if the Abolitionist, they made i:o attempt to resist the lopular indignation, and the affair passed oil' quietly There i? serious talk of the v.l.oie of the border * counties being cleared of the gangs of John Rrownites { vho now infest the in. rublie feeling runs very bigli , ii the subject and most poisons say flirt the end is S ;ot vet. Li - ? "lore rirt'K in Texas. Ai'gcsta. August it. t Lsttcr advices from Texas state that a law number | f lumber and flouring mil s were burnt at Austin rt Texas) <>11 the 2Cth lilt. The loss is t siimatcd :it " :100.000. An incendiary negro, who was caught in . he act of tiring one of the buildings, Las confessed that e was incited to the deed by the Abolitionists. Jkisii Kmkikation to Amurk a.?Kev. I>r. t'haill. he Irish orator, now traveling in this country, writes 1 one o! his recent letters concerning Irish emigration ^ 0 America, that he has never encouraged his countryten to come hero, as has Wen alleged, lie says that ingle sober young men, by coming to the United tales, can heyond all doubt. secure a happy home? lit he add.-:: A married men has a bad chance here; his ilrst , uibarrassnicnts willi a wife and children are almost r.suriiiountable, and in a majority of instances he sinks 0 nUer ihciiL How. Ibr instance, can he carry tlicm tl unci reds of miles along railroads? "Where is the P1 toiiev ! Aii?l if lie leaves thorn behind in the city j"' o\v can he support them, while he is himself unsettled? 'hey will starve, or go to the poorhouse in separation ml a broken heart. Again, a young yeiitltmin, or an Id gentleman, has no chance here. All the public ftiees are obtained by vote; and hence no one but a ^ nown citizen can obtain them. This country is good nly for the laborer or the tradesman: and in these ^ r?es it is. p"rhn;.w the ir.c*' wo?wu?t? coiiiory ti.,, I I,oh- world ; Charleston Kxterpuise.?AVe observe that the | lerchnnts of Chariest on have issued their card of the ill trade, culling upon the merchants of the South and Ouihwest to build up their cities, while they invite j iispeetion of tlic-ir fail stock of loreigu and domestic ' oods. expressing tlie assurance, '"that all, who may do o without prejudice, will made their purchases in that narket." AV e trust our merchants, who were so well i ilcased with their spring purchases 111 Charleston, vill continue to encourage and sustain the enterprise. Wiuiu-boiv' Ityiiter. ] Romas* Eye Balsam?If a foveicign remedy for nflarnod eyelids (commonly called sore eyes), it acts ike a charm in relieving all irritation, and usually xTeets a complete cure after a few applications. Muny rersons who have been long aQJicted with unsightly j awness of the eyelids, write to express their grateful : hanks for the r-pecdv relief it has afforded them. (1'). i innnniHS'j'.Lsr.t. XJ-W1 w-w ! 1' HISI-JW'I'W. juLW-na 1 A1STNO VISTCE^ rivN'TS. -z_ _-r--_~.-n.rj-r??_ -_r.*-r*.T"~ *.. rrr. For the The friends of JOHN R. SI1AAV, Esq.. icsp.cctfully present Iiis nan:e as a Candidate lor a seat in the Legislature, at the ensuing election. For tJ?c Senate. AA'e arc authorized to announce IIox. A. II. BOA"- i KIN. as a Candidate lor re-eleetiou to the State ! ?eiiale. . For I he Legislature. Mr. Editor :?Please announce Major J. M. Pe- j SAtlSSl'RE, a Candidate for re-election, to the House | :>r Kwuesextativks, at the ensuinff election in Octo>or next, at id ol.lijre MANY VOTERS. For the Legislature. WILLIAM M. SHANNON, Esq., is announced as \ Candidate for re-election to the HOUSE OE REPRESENTATIVES. at the ensuing election in October next. HIS FRIENDS. For the Legislature. The friends of Cart. I). I\ PERRY, respectfully ntionnee him as a Candidate lbr the 1101'SE OF REPRESENTATIVES, at the election in Oclobci. SPECIAL NOTICES. Denlistrv. DR- W< L KKVXOLDS, rs is now in Camden, and may Aug. 7.?lt. Fashionable Dress AEakiug. MISS HOWARD GIV S NOTICE TO THE .adies of Camden and vicinity, that she is prepared to make dresses, mantles, and cloaks, in the neatest innnicr and most fashionable style. She may be found at Mrs. I,. R. LkGuaxhs. where | he will he happy to wait ou those who may favour j icr with a call. July ill,? Gtno. THE MEMBERS OP THE CAMdkx SCHOOL ASSOCIATION are equcsted to meet at the Counting Room of A. M. A 1. Kkxxedy, on Wednesday, 8th ins;, at 11 o'clock . m As a matter of some importance will be conidcred, a punctual attendance is desired. July 31 A. M. KENNEDY, Sooty S. A. SdfcStA IYVIT5-:SL ?2T FRliSIl SODA "WATER AND J-INK SYRUPS 1 hviiys on Inind. \\ hen handed to Carriages in fin inc. he price will be invariably lOets per glass. July 10.?tf. .T. J." MeKAIN. I'rhatc Boardiu.?, CS" MRS. L. R. LuORANP. GIVES NOTICE lint f=he will accommodate day. or Permanent Boarders, s may be preferred, with or without lodging. June 10.?if. Musical Instruction. rrr? MPS. I!FAYS. PROFESSOR OF TIIF Piano-forte and Singing. will be happy to J r 3 'J receive Pupils during*.**1"} Summer vaeaion. ^S^c underlake^i^^dtivatVoice, and Terms per Quarter. Sixcixu ?25 PlAXO-l'ORTK 13 July .Vif The Economy or Health.?This busy nation of Linc-ricans have 12,000,000 working people, whose crvices may be estimated at $2 a day, and their antail loss by* sickuess at an average often days each l the year. This gives a total loss of?.2JO,(iOO.OiiO. a am three times as large as the whole cost of the leneral Government, including the Army, Navv. Post I (Tires, Legislators. Foreign Ministers and all. The mount weighs over six hundred tons in pure gold. A large proportion of this costly suffering might be verted by attention to diet, cleanliness, and above all, y the proper use of the right remedy in season. Vhen a 23 cent box of Avers I ills will avert an attack f illness which it would take several days to recover roin. or a dollar hottle of Avcr's Sarsnpariila, will exel a lurking disorder that would bring the sulierer to lis back for weeks or months, docs it take any lignrcs o show the good economy of the investment ? When "ever and Ague is ranklingin your veins, and shaking our life out of you. is it worth the dollar it costs foils A cue Cure to have the villainous disorder expelled, rhielTit does surely and fjtiiekly? When you have nken a eold is it prudent to wait until :t has settled n the lungs, when days or weeks or mnnihs must be pent iu trying to cure it, even if ite-ni be cured al :il'. r is it cheaper to take Aycr's Cherry Pectoral, costing few .-hillings, and remove the trouble lie-lore it is erious? It takes no wisdom to decide, julv Rl.? l*. M RS. W i X S LO W. AX KXPKK1KXCKD lurse and female physician, has a Soothing .Syrup ir children teething, which greatly facilitates tin.' proess of teething hy softening the gums, reducing all itlammation? will allay all pain, and is sure to reunite the bowels. l>ppeml upon it. mothers, it will give ,-stto yourselves, and relief and health loyour infants, erfeetly safe in all cases. See advertisement in nnothr column. Scor&ca .SarscsparUIa Compound, or Dfiiiiis' Alterative. Tin' purest and tlic best for diseases of the Liver lid for Purifvin" the Flood. This is ilse best Medicine of tl:c thiy. lis coniposiio:i is published on the wrapper. Orders are not solicited because it is of Southern rowth and preparation, but because it is the best. A rial will prove it so. lor sale bv JoIIX .1. MeKAlX, Mar 20 ' and Dr. F. L. ZKMlh OCXCIL C'EflAHsBSMK, All?. 3d, t^60. i 'Ardercd. That the Recorder jrivc notice through . } the Camden Juuiuul. that tlieie will be an elccun held at the Council, on Monday the 13th i>t.. ii-r one Warden, to 1111 tlic unexpired term of fnrdon l.ylcs, resigned. ORDKKKP. That Wm. M. l!illin;:s. W. C. Loner, ohii iioswcll. be appointed managers of said election. ORDERED, That all ownci-s, or occupants of lots, be quired to have tlies.-.nn- piopertv cleansed?ail needs iiiiovcd. and all oH'onshc matter, removed, by the alii inst.. at which tiinc they will be inspected by oitncil. l-lxtract from Minntites. Aug. 7.?It. .1. K. WITUKHSrouX. Rce'ilcr. do <?'J?ir? SKZlo KSESIiAW LODGE NO. 9. k IIICGrLA 11 Meeting will ho held 01: Friday A. Evening next, m 7 o'clock. pS"Meiubers will came prepared to par dues. J. M. GAY I.E. Sect'y BURNET'S rOILET CASES. ^ ACII containing one bottle Coconino, for the hair; ..j one bottle Florimel, a new atul delightful perfume r the Handkerchief; o: e bottle Kalleston, or Casntce, for removing freckles, sun-bums, Ac.; one bottle rental Tooth Wash, for preserving and beautifying te Teeth and ginns. All put up in a neat and comset Can, costing very little, and would make a handmie and appropriate present front a gentleman to a dv. A supplv just received and for sale bv JOHN J. McKAIX. Horse .for Sale. ( \NEFINI-: HAliXFSS NORSK FOR PAT,F. . . _/ Apply at .1. F. YOl'Nll'S. ' i7"OU can remove that Ink stain. Iron mould, etc.. 1 E : v rI n. t T.h of I.entoti. by .1. .1. M. KAIN. ; Use lerclr.ssts ?f the south AND SOUTHWEST! \v THE r.VDERSIGXED, ^2EET 1 CHAXT-.OffTHKCITY OF C-HARI.E5TON, S. 0 . encouraged b/y the increased patronage received last Spring, undsby the assuranceslliai have leached u? from all reckons of the South and Sjutliwert, that, our Goods ha ve compared advantageously. and competed success ally, with bought in Now York, and other Northern cities, and believing that being lonnd faithfi 1 to the pledges made in our former Card, we will r reive slid greater paliounge. have prepared nurselvea (or a lu-gely increased Fall b-nsi! . C Uur Importers and Jobbers ol Foreign Merchandize have all been represented in tiie markets <>' Kuropc. this Spring ami S nrpmor, either br members i,f ilu-jr ie>|"'U'lve in'u^, uy np iu.i v?r.|-? .vi.. v<> ltct Good* fo' the Southern liade 'l'l.ev have bought for cash, oriila equivalent, ami their seh*?-ti'Uf? \* ill Ibrm lull a'id attractive stocks for the insj.t-clinn of the interior/Merchant. Our lucidities lor obtaining Domestic (foods direct from tiic innir.liict'<ries. ore unsurpassed] by the merchants uf any eity in the Union. i We therefore confidently invite yon to inspect our FALL STOCK OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS, feeling assured that, nil who nitty do so. tci'.'inut /?< jwliee, will make lliljr purchases in this market. Our Stocks will be complete curly in August, when we will l>e pleased Id j'eceivo the Visits of cur old and uew mercantile friends. i)j y Goods, fiillilnml. Howell A Co.; Johnston, Crews A Co.; Chamberlain, Miller A Co.: Jolutfl. Milnor A Co.; Xavler, Smith A. Co.; Hyatt, McUnrney & Co.; Crane. IJoylston A Co.; J. S. A L. Howie A Co.; Cadow. McKouzie A Co.; Kerrison A l.tjiding. Hill liv/ilre. Ilyde, Gregg A Hay; Wilmans A Price: C'onrtnoy, Tenimnt A Co.; J. H. Adger A Co. Uao|? ntid shoes I). F. Fleming A (fo.; II. A. Pringlo A Co.: Force A Mitchell; K. 13. Stoddard A Co.: Dumhain, Tuft A Co.; Ilaseltinc A Wall on.' {'loliiin;. Pierson, Smith A Cjr; Cohen, Willis A Co.; Waldron. Egeleston A Co.; Edwin Bates A Co.; Matthiessen, O'llara A Co. / ' Grneeritt!). GEfi. W. W/tll AMS A CO. Ctpekrry and <ilavi Ware. Webb k Sage; JJrown A Pulnitt. and HeiSieiit<?<?'. Havilarid. .Stevenson A Co.; Nelson Carter; John Aslilitirst A Co., Half A Powio. Silks and Fnncy Goode Howen. Foster A Co.; J A W. Knox; Dewing, Thayer A Co.: Albert Lengiiiek; Marshnll, Purge A Co. Slats. Cap* iind Urniv Gt>?;!?. Horsey. Anten A Co.; F. P. Fanning A Co.; D. II. Wiilintns A Co. Saddle* &. Snddlrry Hat dirnrc. Tlnslie, Ctilltoun A Co.; Jennings, Tlntnlin.-oii A Co. Citrp'L'Cs, OlS Clint lis Mild IViiidair Curtains lairnl art A Howell; .Tames A. Bailie. Importers and Dealers in IVincs, 5,> fjuors, Srgnrs. Clmfee. Croft A Chnf.-e; Renuekcr A Glover. " -- ? ?"?" ? wl OtiUCi i?l * n, JOSEPH WALKER. Aujr. 7. ffPZE F A VOR if E A RTIC I.E. C 0|p .D IA L ^SEft^X IE HAVE, FROM TI1EIR Kjgti&wn QUALI. TIES, Iwii reconiniciiJc-rtlj^ IIK)Sl fiiiimi.t I'liy."ifian.". as a most\ '1 n< I never-failing remcily for XKRVOL'S H1SJ4^.-;J.-5 ^Bfe!3^,;syEsa. ( HEAUTllrilX. JAUXDIOK. Hl.OOD DISEASES, &C. AC. Arc also a sure ami certain nreventive against EE YJilt and AOl'K, ClIOLHdA, Summer complaints, kc. And i.< the must valuable and efficacious Tunic* and Appetite-Treating compound ever otleretl to the pit! die. By tin* use of these Hitters, nil diseases of the blood will be thoroughly eradicated, and all those who are sutiering from early excess and prostration of the physical energies, will he restored to a ROBUST AXU VIGO HO US STATE OF HEALTH The digestive organs will be stimulated and permanently strengthened: appetite will be created, and the debilitated subject restored to new life. Tliis remedy has a very agreeable taste, and will lie taken readily by children as well as adults. All persons suffering from any of the above complaints. are invited to try the CORDIAL ELIXIR OF CALISAYA BARK. Head the following Certilicste from a eitix/ui of Caindcn. "Mlt. Joii.v .1. Meir.wx.?Pear Sir:? This is to certify that 1 have used your Elixir Calisaya Bark on myself mid in my !- mil y. and have louud it to be exeei'irnt Tonic, and have derived much benefit from its Use. Yours truly, T. li. .SMITH. PREPARED AND SOLD BY JOHN" .T. McKAIIST, CAM PES. SO. CA HOI.ISA. II ASSERTIVE k MASSIiY, Lancaster C II. M.UillX.t BKATTIK, Pleasant Hill, S. P. R. C PATTERSON. I.ihertr Hill, S. (!. Application for Charter, IN pursuance of a Resolution passeil at the H.ulmad Convention. held at blunter, on Il;e -lili of .Inly, iSGo. notice is hereby (riven, that :i|>plit';tti(>n will he made at the next Session of the Legislature, lor an Act to Incorporate a Company to build a liai road to he called "The Centml 1,'nilnmd of South Cto olihii,'' to run from Gourdin's Station 011 the Northeastern Railroad by way of Manning. Sumter, Hislmpville and Laneastervilie. to Charlotte in North Carolina. (T. I). I'll ASK II, J. 15. SIIAW*. C. .1. FOX. .1. II. WITllKliSPt)()N, .1. 15. I1AYXSW0KTII, Committee. -J CllARLKS tSPKXCKIl, SAM'L 15. CliANl>i.KK. ]). M. MASON. A. F. It AY FN ML. Aug. 7.?if. IT. .1 AVI IA UT ON. Co-Fartnership STotice. \ V M, the stthscribers having entered into a Cu-I'art* V tiership in the Terpentine business, under the name of I.MU'iS. 1I0C0TT A CO., are now doinga huge business in the District of Darlington. Aug. 7,?It. ZACIIAlilAII I.KWIS, W*. W*. IIHCOTT, K. DAVID. tiOIITH i'AUOLI.M Female Collegiate Instituto, At ES:tiD;nitivjEI<>, f t). Ca. tTIIM thirty-foilrlli annual session of this Institute will cotninenee on October-till ensuing. The Principal will he assisted h by a highly respectable corps of teachers. The departments of Languages. Music and Painting will he under superior instructors, many of whom are now engaged. Circulars forwarded to order. M. MARKS. M. lb. Aug. 7,?It. Principal and Proprietor. Carpenters Wanted. (4 rn VJ <iOftD CAItl'KXTKRS cnn obtain work ) u O by tipplyii.- to AI.KX. V. I.KK, August 7,? It. Architect. Election Notice. IX pursuance of orders from Col. Adams. an election will be liehl to till the vacancies in the commissions if Captain and Cornet of the Kersl aw Troop, on Solaria)*, the 1 st ofSeptombcr next, at the Company's rende/.reus. ? Polls will be opened from 11 o'clock a. in., to i! p. :n. Sergt's. Cnn toy and Murphy will act as managers. Uv order of I". P. t'AXTKY, '.ion!. ''"omMjup. ujf 7.? t'l. ' .1. M?"K >)N. i h rk. i t i I | At Seduced Prices! ! Jos. IS. Gayle & Go., i A P.R fin'A* iiPipntiir flip rptnnimnf? Dart of their I | j \ .Stock of lJHY GOODS, Hots, Cops. Ac.. nt 1 reduced prices, we arc offering these Goods at exceed| ingly Itnv figures, in order to make room for our FALL cud WJS'TFH STOCK. Cn!l and examine lor yourselves. JOS. M. GAYLE. Aug. 7,?-It. WM. 11UNG0. Bagging, Kope and Twine. BALES Gunnev Bagging, (weighing "J. 13.) Coils Green Leaf Rope. Hanks Three Ply Twine. For sale low for Cash, bv Aug. 7,?tt. JOS. M. GAYLE A CO. SUNDBIES. IPANC'Y Cat.dies. Basins in whole, half and quarter . boxes. Soda. \\ inc. Lemon and Boston Crackers, fresh from the bakery. I'eean Slits, English Walnuts, riilunts, Ahm mis. Sardines, Ac. Ac. For'sale low for Cash, bv Aug. 7.?It. JOS. M. GAYLE A CO. NOTICE DeEalb EiHe Gurds. "V1 OTICE i.? hereby given, that all the under written it names .'.re defaulters for malitia duly, and are hereby warned to attend it Court Martial in the first Saturday in September next. All members of the Company are reqnested to extend this order. J. J. Huckabee. .1. J., llogan. David Bramtn, J. Sam lliusnn, D. A. Mttnti. A. Randolph, S. Self. A. Siuekev. J. R. Slirnn. Jesse DeBrnld, W. J. Revnolds, John Dennett", Thus. Peak, If. F. Self A. McNeil. Joint lirniinon. r.y order or Capt. K. FAI?KIilt. Auy. 7.?-it. II. PATE, 0. S. FOR SALE. A PAII? of line Carriage Horses?a two l\ Carriage. Harness Ac. Applv to Any. 7.?if. TV. H. P. WORKMAN. FALL TURNIP SEED. A LI. the usual varieties consisting of :.V Iat rye Wli'te X.nfolk Ti;mi|..s. Globe do. Late Flat Dutch do Improved Ruin Bawl. Received fresli by J. J. McKAIN. SANDS' SABSAPABILLA, TIIE GREAT AMERICAN REMEDY FOR TllE CURE OF ALL DISEASES AKISI.VG KIIOM A Ai 8722*1'KE MUTE of t!i<: BLOOD. Why It Is So Highly EGTEEMED AND UNIVERSALLY USED a !? ?< ?It produces the combined e fleets of a tonic, tiitcrailve and stimulative medicine. BeCitiht'?It pnrilles the ni?od and expels ilic poisonous vims which engenders all n'ccrous, and eruptive diseases. BrcaiM'?! acts powerlnlly upon ili~ secretions of the body, and at once removes, all iiuptti itics. ESecjutM'?It iloes not reduce the st stem but in vi&mnte* it?thus requiring no detention from hnsines'or plensure. R ; < <!!!*<!?It may lie taken by delicate females and eliildicn atalisc iSons with wifely and benclit. 25i.t;sms??It never fails. ASK FOR SARDS' SARSAFAHILLA, AND TATvK NO OTHKK. Prepared by A. II. ?fc H. S.ANDP, Pruge>J^""j^p" Pidioti Strict, c-.nier of 'Vdliii.n. For by i "*ju7!n J. .McKAIN. ^ Oi'iuigchiirs Fcnmic College. yr^v TIIK MX Ml? CI-MS OFTIIIS I.VSTITU vv'" ',e res^ "" -^"'"^'Ti 3d ^ept. "AtTffcET? under the following FACULTY OF IXSTItCCTlOX: Rev. I S. K. LEG a UK., A. .M.. rres't. Nation) Philosophy, Chemistry, Relies I otters, Rev. T. II. LEGALE, A. M . Chaplain. IntcUfC7ii.?l and Moral Philosophy, Evidences of -w , Music Piano and Guitar. Dm'wing and Painting Miss IIUi.DA A I!AIIR, Iii-trtimeu'nl and Vocal Music, Miss JULIA K. LKB, English Bl anche- Classic-;. French r.uJ M;i:lic:i)ati03 \u*au PTPU'ir\:< Ivgh-b li iiiiflies, Mathematics, Ac Ft will, no doubt, al'brd gratification to the* friends an ! patrons of tlm Institutions, to ]e:irtt that the 6- ssion just ended has been fun: of the must succcsful as proved by the Kxaminnliiin ; mid that tin* nssis lance of the iiceomilislied Miss Haiiu. who has recent* 1\* retufitod from .Sweden, lias again beer, a cured * .Inly 21.?5t. PHOSPECOTS ok the Blue Ridge Herald. OX or about the 1st of July next, we will issue a weekly Li.entry. Political ami Family Xe1*.*.-paper, with the above title?Tlic "Herald"1 will lie do vjt.-d to L li-iatme. Science, Polities, Molality, Agri cull tirx* and General Intelligence. It shall be our aim to make it independent in all tilings, neutral in none. In politics we shall adhere unconditionally to no nam* or taction. but shall advocate Stale's lliirbls and u .Southern C? n!i dcracy, with whatever al>i 111y we inay possess We >h:i!i endeavor l? make our paper of interest to Ike geneml reader as well n? to those clour Iw-ul friend* wli.i may favor ns with their patronage. We will devote e?i? oi i! lab.rin the internal progress and general prosperity of uttr "Mountain District." With no e \'i in vacant preinDe. for the ii.sefuliies.snml hem-lit of tin* "Herald " we trust it may equal any weekly ot the State in honest ell'-ris for the promotion of the general uellnre ami weli-hi-insr of society. Warren K. Mai shall, formerly uiitor nfiho "Walhalln Banner," will assume the editoiia! charge ofihe political ami general intelligence ilcpartments. While Fletcher Smith will have the editorial cot.iicl ol the Li I ei toy. \. mill ami Agricultural Depat tmetits of the "II et a id " In order to l.ritijr the "Herald" within the reach of all who may desiic it. we have determined to furttisli it at $1.50 per annum, to ho paid in wlrunce invar in: Jy Persons who vis!' to subscribe may duso bv addns intj us tit Walhalia. S. V. MARSHALL .t SMITH. KtW.vs and Proprietors. Male: ?;i Saillli'-C'ui'oliUit, Kcrslttttf S>is(i*c<*(? Hts 1 Ziet Cftliiitiau i'tt'tts, K. A YOUNG, vs. WILLIAM F IKK. JUrl'iraUm in Puti-i'jn Attachment. \\MIKi:i-:AS. the I'laimiir did. on the 2G It day of ? T .In!)-. lSth1. lift- his di-clarsitio-i against the Ile'eudaiit. who, (as it is said.) is absent from and without the limits of litis State, and uci'hcr wife nor attorney known within the same, upon win m a copy of tlic said declaration might he served. It is ordered. Unit the said Hoi-.-nduiil do appear and plead tc the said declaration, on or holme the 27 lit day of July which nil! In- in the year of our Lmd one thousand mailt liuiidredaml sixtv-ono. t Mhcrwise linal and nb.solute judgment will then he given and a wmded against him. ("erks Olliec, Kershaw Di>triei. Jniv i'dth, ISUt). july ::i W. CLVBUBN, C.erk. Notice. RUNAWAY fiom the subscriber on the 1st ins?., a negro bey named Ulii's. 'flu said hoy is about t wenty-mm years ol age. nlmtit live IV-*.t nine or ten inches in bight, yellow complexion, ami ciglis about ono hundredami seventy pounds. I will give Twenty Five I lobars to nnv person who will dclivoi him to inc. or lor his cuntinement in Jail, so that I eati get him. July .11,?tf. AMOS. BARN"IS. r' P . .1 ' . M uiiii|Miii<Mi ior i lie i (iiici ("lOXTAIXISO four liottlos <fessential articles J for tin* Teeth. I lair, Complexion mid Handkerchief Prepared '>v iSuriicll. and neatly put up iu a c iui|ncl Box. Sold by J. McKAIN*. Dissolution of Cc-Partnership, rrilli CO-l'AKTXICHSIIIP HKIiKTOKORK KX1 isliu^ between .1 it 1'. A Sanders, ha.-t been disso'ved. and the business will be continued at the STAND ill tile lllllllO of July Jl.?!f. T. A. SAXDKUS. Corn?Corn. 1(D) HL'SIIKI.S Xortli Carolina f'OUX. iunv in lv'U Store, 5b libs, to the limliel. lur sale by July 21,?Into. BIIOWX & MYKKS. 1.) A Y lil'M, tiv tli'.' i.ialloa or Hot tic. for sale l>\ > April 3 ' .1. J McKAIX. " Kkxti:cky bi.i:k-h: .iss pkku. For sill.; ny sVvKAIX. I V / 1T.OM IIMLI AliLK ^ornciv-, TO SIIO\v4 i ' ! on JBalsam of Life, T?: -ill Vlt'if flip 1 ?vinii'iwf<>v p1?nm< +'<>! ! it. The following letter was received from Greenwood, S. C., without! solicitation, and is only one of the | manv certificates that have been sent | him," to prove that BAUME DE | ATE will cure aggravated cases ofj Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick Head-! ache, Loss of Appetite, - Ac. Try a i Medicine that is made at home. Gih:k:;wood, S. C., July 10, 'GO. Mn. J. J. McKaix:?Dear Sir,? This is to inform you that I have used your Baume tie Vie for Dyspepsia, and have been greatly benefitted by it. I am now anxious to obtain some more. Will you be so kind as to inform me how I can get them and what it will cost to send them to Greenwood ? I will recommend your medicine to every Dyspeptic person 1 meet. I think it is the best antidote 1 have ever used. Yours, respectful!v, JAMES II. GEE. Pi-cnnrcil ?ml sold bv I ---X'""" " "J JOHK J. McZLAZN, CAMDEN, S. C. Yv holesi.-le Agents, IIa yilakj), Stk- i vicxsox A Co., Charleston, S. C. Sold by Hansel tine it Mnssey, ban-1 caster, S. C.; MeGill Boat tie, Pleasant Ilill; R. C. Patterson, Liberty Hill. jnly ?,t. * A CHANGE OF ! B TJ S I 3ST ESS. ] WOt'I.n RKSI'KCTKI'LLY INFORM THE 1 (' Listens of i'an.don iiti'i snrr?i?iR.iinir country, thut I luivc purchased tin: entire* Slock of .Mr. S 0. Ciybnri), ami have recently returned from Chailestnn. with a new and seiect assortment of DRY liOODS (in I (iUOCKKIKS. which added to my old stock, j makes it complete. I would (illicit a share of the patrotin-ro, so iibernilyl bestowed tt| on Mr t'lyl-iiru Flense 0'\^wTnof*?x^T (tr.iici* my Mock Mr yoiirselfji--!^' , ?jle |!lC, New Market. / * " ; lll!> J. F YOUSO. "fZ SYDNEY SMITH, I F A C T O R , (iciicral (.'cnmiisMii and Forwarding! M SECHANT, C S I'J TEAL W II ART, CSaASSE.I-iSTOX, .< >. CA. PARTICULAR ATTENTION GIVEN TO THK .-ALE OF ttiTTM. SS'ERBU'S Tl'eSB'EWTfiXF, 2JO.t3.-V, &{. &C. Pliititors Silj p'ics. j-mcliasFd at the lowest iiriees./'re < i O mwiiWd't. "*b" REFER TO fr IV. Si:AW, K.-Q, JliUNUKL PARKER, Esq., ..'til; n.? tr GEORGE ALOES, Esq. REDUCED Gash Prices cf Singer's Sewing Machines. "V*"K\V J'aniilv Machine and In n Stand. coni|lcte. i.\ ?A'?.0O. Do. do. and Enameled Cover for Machine, 45 00. Do. ilo. or Matingnny Cover with Drawer*. ad 00 Do. do. inclotcd in Maimgany or Enameled Cabinet Care, G">.o0. Do. do. Iliocwnod Cabinet Case. 7".00. No. 1, 12 in. Table. Shuttle Machine and Iron maim, nu.tiv. No. 2. 18 ill. ilii. (.In, do. 100 08 Ni> 2, liiK'iiiiiti' i.iil or Noiseless Machine and St will 110.A0. Xo. 3, 24 in. do. do. do. 115.00. Mahogany Talde?, with Drawer, to attach to m.i bine, caeli :i 00. Rosewood ilo. do. do. 5 00. Adjustable Uiii'Siiijr Gauge* for diflVr'lit \viilt'.s and thicknesses ol Binding. 0.110 No. 1. llemmcrs ior Family Machine, 4.00. No. 2, do. do. do. 5.00 ?5/ The above price.-. v;il!i tl.e addition of charge* I'm liiiiispiirtatioii Irmii Xow Y. rl?. \V. J.i. ileDOWAi.Ii. Agon , Camden, S. <\ July .1.?if. Cc-Partnership Foti cs. 'plll'l undersigned have this day associated themi selves for i lie transaction oil lie 1-aci.orace and General t'oninii.-siiiii Business. in the City ol Charleston. S. miller the Firm ofC!iaiii!i<*rs, Barnes A Co., and would mosi teseoctfnlly solicit the patronage of their liiends and the public. Consignments of produce. Mniiuluetorlos. oi Mer-j i-liaudisc. made to their House, uiil receive prompt attention. JAMES S. CHAMBERS, of Charleston.S. 0. G EOlti IK W. HA it A KS. of Kershaw District. S. C. JOHN \V. Ctl.v.MHI-:RS, of Charleston. S. C. July 24.?lm. : McGurry & Hammersiough, DEALERS IN Everything; Useful or Ornamental, HAVE 01 EN ED A STOCK OF G-OOdS, , Especially Adapted lo i!i? Wants of the People, Oppodlo tlie E"i?Sc?p5?! TJjhvoIj, Juiv 24.?if. C.I J//'AT. S. ; J _ _ """ l " I .IS" otice. J P. P. CAST ON". :i resident of Kershaw District. I and Turpentine di.siilh r. d.? heieb.v give notice lliai it is the munition nf inv wife, Xliny II. Caston. mi mid utter tli- expiration id one lm?titli Itoili tliis no:ire. to net in a sole tia-ler. .1 nl.v 17.?Iiiip. USTotice. iSOMMKI'S. is duly authorized to net as my j? Ailonn v. during mv absence. .Inly 17.?1?.' ' M. DItrOKKR. FRESH TUT?NIP SKED FOR SALR AT THE POST OFFICE. J A DIES'. MlSSKS'mnl INFANTS' Spru Silk and ' J Gauze I'fder Vesis lot Summer Wear. j'M open- \ oil at the "old (Jorin r."' F. W. BONXKV. CAUTION NOTICE. T FOKWAUX Al.r. PKRM'NS KIlOM TI1AIHN"; : I. for a Note given by me .Inan s Fsiridge. '"'lies. J. ('h'bnni. Sceiniiy, lor Fight Hundred Dollars. ; dated day ol . ISiiO, due 1st.Innr.nry next, ! the cotisidemtioli having failed. I am determinednot j to pnv said note, isnlc-s cunt pi la d hv huv. .1 nil- 3,_tr. WILSON I Mi Ml I. C?UrKRl('ilt BA I/I I MO UK BACON ? just received ' . i nt the 'oil corner.' by K. W. B'JNXKY. VFKW more Dress Goods (or sale at cost, at the 1 vld corner.' R. \Y. BOXNKY. | 1ADIKS' MAT BONKS and Travelling Bags, just J j received at tlw 'oldcorner,' K. IT. BONNKY. ^!rTvcd^??d ! ' :.. it !'0.> ,\ i.N . ; * e-.? / PiCTURfiS t)ne 13oUar^3nly I .J. IE?. 3E3QQ W TPiT.TL, odflj "Tt'-wi ii pr"iTfTrrr i " informthe cmV f 7-C-iis of Camden and vicinity, lhat tio has taken Kodii.8 over ALKXAN DISK'S, where ho is prepim (3 to execute anything appertaining to the fl Aii HROTYPIXG ART, viz:?. Crayon, Vignette, Melainotype, 'Jfl Spliercotypc, Relievo, Mirror, Neilcgraph, Imperial, DOUELE FIGURE, Ac., Ac. The above styles of Pictures supersede all other KaS pariiiiiturrs, on the miiiih prit.ciple of irrprovement which makes steam, rail roads, and lightning take the place < ! randv mads, and decaying, flow coaches. After travelling with Mr. Hughes, die well known" Artist \t ith all the improvements of the present day, _. ?JOB l.e fe-ls coiil)dent ilmt lie will he enabled to produeo in CLOUDY us. ?ell as t. LKAR weather, the most CiniMoniiu miisiicn i ioj u ur.s I Old Dirgiierenlype* copied toany desired size, asd >H| ii::c ! in Lockets, JiteHst-pins, and Finger-rings. O.-v; CHAMBERS, BARNES & CO," FACTORSAND GENERAL COMMISSION. . * ]| CHARLESTON, SO. CA. | July 24,?6mo. Fresh Fall Turnips. CONSISTING OF ) I J AIIGR VTHITR PLAT DUTTS A H iJ I.AIK1K WHITK NOl^oLK;. _ LAUGE WHIT?, glob It fef; -.v: LARGK W'KllH HANOVER'I'URLT.K RUTA 3AGA.- #3 EARL? RED TOP.'KARLY SPRING;- 35$$ Ju-t received a ud lor saio by FRANCIS L. aSilPi- j|p Five Years in China. * H vixir, muz ACCOUNT OF "?Be Great Rebellion, A NT* A DESCRIPTION OF I5ev. Cliarlcs Taylor^-^ (Formerly missionary to China.) jpp A.gents AV anted. irslity 22>iill:?r* :i .11 on til, and all Ex* paid. ' Tg|j| AN nciiv'- agent is wanted in every County in theUnited Stales and Cnundiis, to solicit order* and introduce our New Naiional Double Thread $20. Sewing Machine. Wananted equal to any high. MB priced mac-liine. Practical for every family, which jRl makes it the Chen pel arid most popu'ar machine iu existence. A limited number of responsible Agents JH ~Ir are wanted, to travel and solicit orders by Sample, at^^U a saiury ol i'iO per month and expenses. iiernniicnl. Address, with stamp, for i JbS i ... 1 inrt? jsssssasmsg "OA s 11 STORE/ S /. i is f r t c. ? ti 11 n Almonds ? Burnt and Sugar Almonds, Allspico. ;LgaSB8|i Bacon. Han:?, Sales hi . Shoulders. > Butter, Bucket?, B!u> king Brooms. Codec, t'lo col ate, Cocoa, Cheese. Com, Meal ni.d Hominy?CASH. 1 Crackers?Bolter. Milk. Pic-Xic, Soda. Wine. I JH Candy?a vari-ty. from 3? to l.ttO per IU, Citron. Candles? JodU's Wax A Sperm, Ada and Tallow. "'H 25on.estiel)ry Hoods, I'aggV Theology Ihctionjarie?. .8M Ext Lemon <{ ll?, K. Mu-tard, Pickles, W annuls.. Flour. Fig I aste, Ir.-sh Sntii'.ond and I cache*, Ginger Pri serve?,ground Ginger, Pepper, Citrltam'n. fi Hams, Hermetically Sealed Cove Oyster?, i Imitation E Cheese. Indigo, Ink. Isinglass, f Jo1 \!A Lard. Lemons. Lemon Syrup. Layer Raisins. V| Mackerel. Matches, MolasRts. Macaroni, Mustai^^^H Nails, X 0. Molasses. Nutmeg?: numerous articles. Olive Oil, Oysters?open tor sale. Prunes, Preserved Peaches A Pears, Pepper. Powder. Piccalilli, Pepper Sauce, Pipes it Stem?. Quarter Boxes lirtidns. Q tiery. Will you Buy ? >i ice. Ba-siiis, n-ck Salt p-T It It v MB Sugar?Loaf, Crushed Ground, A. K A Brown. Soap?V.r;!!"llc?ter's, Colgate's. Castile, Toilet, 4c. Salt?100 Sack-.? &It in i- nglislt Jaw, tery extra. Stutvii. tor Pica Puddings, Sitt~d ncs?puri Pearl doShoes?good common?Shot, Superior Syrup. Tea? - Hyson, Gun Powder, Green 4 Black. Tin Ware?C-fl'ce I'ota, Cup?. Buckets 4 Pans. Tobacco?Chewing 4 Smoking. Snulf, Cigars. >iM Under wood's Fresh Salmon 4 1'icklet?useful. Vinegar?W. Wine A pure Horse Apple Cider da _ Worcc-tcr.-hire Sauce. Walnuts. Walnut Pickle*. 'Xtra line Cigar# Will you 'T'UFF" litem ? Yeast Powders, Cooking Soda, Sardines. ?y: Z?A good pair Cotton Scales with over 800 lbs. Camden, Juu; 19, 1SU0. KEROSENE OIL. 13 K S T Q U ALI T Y , AH' *3.25 p?-r. GALLOiV. * A Supply received every two WEEKS AT " \ Mt-KAIN'S Di'u? Store. ^ i ! j Florimel, \ i. A SEW t>KHriME FOBt THE \ ESA.\DIi EHCiaiEF. *" 5 "* 111S exquisite bouquet fa su highly .conceaUgtcd EL 1 i lint a single drop will leave its peculiar 1 ii^hif'll fingrunce upon the handkerchief for maBy^2* T?S ' June5.?tf. Sold by J. J. McKAIN*. Desirable Residence for Sale. TUB Subscriber oilers lor sale his RESTDKXCK on Fair street, in the town of Camlicit. The situation is a very pleasant and dc.-itnb'e one?the house larire an i com in odious? three stories high?in excellent condition. The premises are pomy with ample nut building1", in 1 goi d older. To an apprnved purchaser, the termswill lie iitndc very reasonable and accommodating. A FEW LI KI'lLY KEG ROBS, aecu-iomed to J.J.. lions work Ac., will also l>c sold. XI July 10?if. JOS. W. DOBY. FA I i? NOTICE. 1 'PUB NflTKS AND ACCOUNTS OF S. C CLY1 lit* 15 X. are pill in my hands f? r Collection, and! those ii.i!vl?:c<l to him will please come forward nndi swtile. us nirtlier indulgence will not be given. July :t ?if. C. T. BILLINGS*. NOTICE. | .\ consequent e ?>i Air. A. Alack, having t? visit 1 Sew York lor ilie j crfortnance ol a miylcil tft ration upon I its I nnds. I have appointed Mr. J. M. Springer, my authorized Agent in Camden, for the transaction ol ail business coimecteil with my interest here. H. SPltlXGER. JStai'cli [Polish. fl j "'Oil giving a beautiful gloss to Collars, Hosoms i ami all articles on wliivli Starch is used?Hum- ^ mittg birds, Hunker Hill, Heal Herman and Stvans celelitaled t'oligno; Alsta great variety of extracts and fancy Soaps, ju I opened at the 'old corner,' . C( ) I v 1 > IA L KIjI XIR A *g|| / 'I'HKS Cllir.f, AN'li EKYKR, and is a preven v live I'V invigorating t lie System. V'A-5^ Prepared ?ti?l sold by J. J. iloKAlxT. H \T K\V STYI.K rill NTS. A Ginghams, just opened i> a' the -Old Corner." K. W. BOKNEY. UulK'l*. jA i PKIMK article of GOSHKS KUTTER just re- &S i'\ wived by MKHONKY A DOS WELL K * ^