The Camden weekly journal. [volume] (Camden, South-Carolina) 1853-1861, July 17, 1860, Image 3

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f r i'vie i rn fUH. UiiiJjjj a uu., I * DEALERS IS LVY DEY GOODS, i Hardware, Wines, Liquors, IA FRUITS, HAVANA CIGARS, cfcC, ^-C-A.^T1DE3ST, SO. IIaiie now receiving a large and varied stock of ices from one to ten dollars ($1 to ?10.) |lHEDA\f SCHNAPPS?Quarts ami Piute. jd:' and Jamaica White and Colored RUM. land Ilrown, Sherry, Tcnrcriff and Malaga WINE. f, Prince Imperial, Buggy and Gold Seal CHAMPAGNE. on, Old Bourbon, Extra Ohl live, Monongchala, Chesnut, Jew, Chivalry of the South, and J. Martin's WHISKEYS. at of common Rectified Whiskey, Porter and Ale?Qrt<. and pints. rect Importation?Cuba Sixes and Havana Cheroots ; i?half and quarter Boxes; Assorted Jellies. ies ; Ilyson and Black Teas ; Matches, Tobacco, illow Candles, Soap; Preserved Fisli, Lobsters, Mackerel, Per*: Pickles, Sauces, Nuts, Unisins, Arc. Arc. JOS. M. GAYLE & CO. Bjrle, Wm. Mungo. feEENG~1860r """ I BROwffNG & CO.'S ' ~ llAnnn All ^*1 IOWS 1EVIISU, iUiincsiVU, vjj, u?a. i tlic attention of our Country friends and patrons to our extensive Stock of )DS. Our AND FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT ovcltics of the season. We have just received a large and elegant assortment I NTS, LACK MANTILLAS, Now Stylo SILK MANTILLAS, White, BlackUS, Barege and Grenadine SHAWLS, White and Black Crape SHAWLS.? j d WHITE DRY GOODS in all varieties. Our ' ' 'lanlntion and Domestic Good*, J iviest and best Southern makes, which we offer for Cash or short City Ac5IBLE PRICES. Our Stock of nutation 'and Family Dry Good* f rted, and at such prices as will give satisfaction. A. F. BROWNING- & CO., No. 213 King-Street, Charleston, S. C. TIFS & STTLLMAN. H JLl x xx_x I AM SliHEIi DRV GOODS. attention of our Country Friends to our large and well-selccced stock of kxTGt ?Ss SUMMER 1 AND PLANTATION GOODS! : Hi with all the newest and richest Styles of the Season, together with h large MlITK, CRAPE, STELLA A BARKUK SHAWLS, EMBROIDERIES. LACKS ^BBtnestic and Plantation Goods, ;from SOUTHERN FACTORIES, and will be sold at the LOWEST TRI LtJ>u?U mi iiiiIb i mat mi w Camden Jockey Club. I lhiwfhorii Comix*, CniiMli-ti. C. VT a n'cent meelitijr ol'ilio aboveClu'", iheMlow injc mcmbeis were el< etcd officers; President; Col T.J. AXCUCTM. 1 'ice- Pets iden is. Ions McRae. I Col. Fiuxfc ll.tjlrroif. Dr. C. J. Shaxxox, i tier.. I'. II. Xfthsox. Treasurer, Secretary, J AS. I. VllXEI'lOLE. I S. D. SlIANXCX. Stewards. TV. A. AXCRUM. 1irsidmt Steward. Tames Ciiehxbt. Tiios. K. .Siianson. Alfred Brevard, Jons L.Joses, R. 13 Jonxsox. Zacii Caxtky, Brows no, | H. W. DcSaessuiie. THI? Second Annua. Meeting, under the control of the Cnnnlen.Ji-ckey Club, will commence on the Second Wednesday in DECEMBER NEXT, and continue lour dnv?=. FIRST DAY?\V?dutaday, December 12th.?Kershaw Stake, for three year old-*, Mile Heats, $100. Entrance. lialf forfeit, to which the Club will add $100, if two or more slrrt. SAJIE DAY?Jockey Club Purse, $500.?Three \fi!.. Tll'ntS. SEi'OXn DAY?Thursday, December 13th.? Camden Stake. for two-year-olds, one Mi'c Dash. $100. Kntrnncc half forfeit, to which tlm Club will add $100 if two or more start?to carry fiO lbs. SAME 11AY?Jockey Club Purse $300.?Two Mile Heals THIRD DAY?Fridar, Decernlier 14th.?Watcree Stake, for three yc?r olds?2 .Mile llcats?$100. I ntrance, half lorleit, to which the Clue willadd $200 if two or more start. SAME DAY?Jockey Club Turse, $200.?Mile Heals?best three in five. FOURTH DAY?Saturday, December 10th.?Puryear Stake,?post entrance?rfrye Mr tillages; three Mile Heats Entrance, $200?hull forfeit?to which lite UIUD wii'nuu o-J". ? ""v?o ><? v..c=.?... Weights and distance tlie same as those of the So. Carolina Jockey Club. . The Colt Stakes and the Furyear Stake, to close on the first of May, I860. ^ C3^?3tnbles free of charge. Kmrics to be made to S.'D.SM AS SON. Secretary, Feb 28 Camden, So. Cu. fOMNSgfO i?f wk Jll?> s? This Delicious Tonic Stimulant Especially designed fur the use of the Medical Prorensum mid the Family, having superseded the so-called '"Gins,'1 "Aromatic," "Cordial," "Medicated," itc., . is now indorsed by all the prominont physicians, die mists, and connoisseurs, as possessing all of those Intrinsic niedii iuul qualities (tonic and diuretic) which belong to nn old and pure Gin. Put up in quart buttles and sold by nil druggists, jroccrs, Sic. failings* I-t,7 M ASSi K SI ? 8^8) 4E& &2I DWBIRSWIi "i 349 RESERVE" Beiii; Distilled in ISIS, And manufactured expressly lor us with jrreat care, t can be relied upon as a strictly }>ure NEW SPMK -rf.?23k.k_ - C. MATHESON & CO. WOULD CAf.L THE A'lfEXTION-O^ u/l Consumers U? tlui lin t they arc ti&w opening their usual full assortment of spring a.\i> snmrr goods in all varieties. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, of every material ami style. LACE, BAREGE, BAREGE AXGLAIS,ami C1IALLI SHAWLS ami MANTILLAS. Our Stoek of MENS' ami BOYS' CLOTHING will he found vcrv complete. rii,lr20 Ci - -1 Hlli? K. Jt SHSHCS, smiihis, iiuu DOORS, AT NEW YORK PRICES t r I^IIK undersigned beg leave to inform the people' JL uf this State, that they have in Charleston; S.C., one of tho Lnrgol Sa -li, Blind and Door lUa?~ ufncloric* :i> (lie t iiited Slates ! Either North or South ! And thai they are now in possession of all the faeiTi-" tips for niannfuettirini; wo' k of this description AS" CHEAP AS CAS liE MADE ANYWHERE. Wo keep constantly on timid A Large Assortment of Keady-iUadc lVorle Of REGULAR SIZES; ALSO. Mouldings of Innumerable' ip^-TTiEmisrs, AND STATU NEWKLS, BANTSTKRS AND PIAZAv I5ALUSTKADES ! YVn nm: !mvo on hand 12x20. 12x13. 12x10, 12x14* 10x12 and 3x10 SASHES READY-MADE; Also, Blinds of all the above Sizes' A bo,'DOOMS, ranging in size from 2liG.\Gfl6 to SU'xIftG Irom COMMON' TO FIRST QUALITY. 23?"We earrifcMly solicit a call from all who may be m want of goods in our line, or those who to look through our establishment. W. P Russell & Co, KAST END IIASEL STREET, Feb 2S?Gin Charleston-, S. C. * ? INCORPORATED 1810! ? i HARTFORD 1 Fire Insurance Co. I Of Hartford, Couih Capital and Asse tV $930,709.00. pOLrCFKS ISSUKD AND RENEWED; LOSSES A equitably adjusted and paid immediately upon satisfaction* proofs, in New York fundi, by the under-: signed, the DULY AUTUURIZKD AGENT. \VM. ANDERSON, Agent,' liny 10?1y, Camden, S. C. ( row TOR rPIIK UNDERSIGNED hnjW 1 a If] fresh supply of Fnncy?and GROCERIES, \jH CHEAP FOR CASH. JB A fresh lol of ICE aiU^P a^jwill be sold low.