The Camden weekly journal. [volume] (Camden, South-Carolina) 1853-1861, May 22, 1860, Image 4

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. .-? TI7? INCITE ATTENTION TO ONE OF THE w-~~ T T . LARGEST and BEST ASSORTED StockS of DRY GOODS Mo ba found in the SOUTHERN COUNTRY, comprising : SILKS, T\nnnn nnn do liUULto In Every Variety FRENCH, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN! ??Cloths and Cassimeres. IRISH LINENS, Embroideries. HOSIERY AND G&OVES, l>omcslics of al2 kiiids, BLANKETS. Plantatioo Goods OF EVERY DfiSORITIOH! Oar intention is to keep every article usually wanted for FAMILY OR PLANTATION USE, And to offer good Goods only at fair prices. Our business is conducted strictly on t 1 lit* vw; i ai^voji*?viu< ROBT. AM El! CO., DRY GOODS, 209 & 211 King street., . * .Charleston, S. C. Jan* 17 lj 3 Professor Hapes'Nitrogenized Superphosphate of Lime. "poit SALC iu Bag* of 16<> Pounds M. eacn, at too inauiibictuivi a pi lev, >1. u mc uvtuu. i , expense of freight, 5c., only added. The subscribers havo been appointed sole Agents in this city, for the sale of the above celebrated fertilizer, will furnish it at manufacturer's prices. Per ton of 2000 pounds $50,00 net cash. Expense of Freight, <?c 3 00 Delivered in Charleston at.... 53.00por ton net cash. Per beg of 160 pounds 4.25 net cash. Pamphlets, giving full particulars for its use, will be 66ut on application. ...'.Also. .. * J large assortment of FIXE ENGLISH GfJNS. made expressly to order, with POWDER FLASKS. 8HOT BAG?, ifcc.. in great variety, and a general 3tock of ENGLISH and AMERICAN HARDWARE, including the best CUT NATLS. nwAVwrwv.t- PRTXGLE. ? -No. 44 East Bay, south oI tho Post Office, Charleston, So. Carolina. ^Monglis Coin Shelters, Hay Gutters, Grant's Batent Fan Mills, Little Giunt Corn anil Cob Mills, Bxcelsior Burr Stone Mills, aud n[l kinds cf Agricultural implements for stile low. ? . irebl4T-2m * G. <?. P? That Cough CAN BE CHECKED IN TIME, by trying n Bo{. tl? of the Cough.mix cure, prepared and sold by Feb. 1,? J. J. McKAIN. ^-GSHjLrspeetfully offers liis services^J-ilXLr to the citizens of th? town and vicinity. All operations performed in the best possible manner. ARTIFICIAL WORK inserted in all tho latest and most approved methods. Thoso wishing artificial dentures are requested to Call. Dir. R. will attend to nil nnnratimin nomitifr within iho nrorinee of tho Den tfil Surgeon. References: Dr. C. A. ITnrris, Prest, aod Prof. Baltimore Colegc Denial Surgery. Prof P. H. Austen, Baltimore. Prof. Mnynard Washington City. Also, the citizens of Bishop eillc and vicinity, Sumter District. Office over the Post Office, formerly occupied by the.Into Dr Joseph Lee. Nov. 29,?tf. Medical Card; BE. A. A. MOORE OFFERS HIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO the citizens of Camden nrtd vicinitv. J^yOFFIOE next door below A. it & R. Kennedy, Camden, S. U. December 20-ly $ William It- Taylor, Attorney at La xv, CAHDEX, S. C.,' Will practice in lCcrshaw and the surrounding t\u.x%%r.n UISiriClB. VU?v;T h: uic wui v Uuuot % . W, E* fcKIWES-B, Attorney at Law and'SoIicitor in Equity, Qomden, So: Co., Practice in the CanrU of Kershaw, Sumter and Lancaster. Camden, S. C-, September 21, 1S58. Kershaw & Davis, JkVYOBIftH AW MW, Canulen, So. Ca., Have formed a Copartnership for tlie prnclito of Law, in Kershaw and tlie surrounding Districts. J. B. KKRSHAVT. J M. DAVIS. S3gpUffico rear olCourt House. Sept."28, '08 W.TI. I,. Do PASS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND CAMDEN', S. C., Will practice in Kershaw an-1 the surrounding Dig' :rlets. December 1-1?tf. Cataract WMS3138 OMSSB. CLOTHING TIME AND LABOR SATED! Indispensable to Housekeepers ! THE most simple, economical, end durable article JL ever offered to the public to alleviate the discomforts of wash day. r> T titTAV rt"% l-tjIt consists of a mmal cylinder, with libs on tlie inside, and an interior cylinder of wood, with ribs. ' There is a space of from 0 to 3 inches between the two cylinders. One crank turns both cylinders at the same time in opposite directions, rai idly creating a suas, forcing the water through the clothes, and effectually removing the dirt. The action of lliewatci does the work quickly, dispenses entirely with tubbing, and tints saves the wear of clothes. SULLIVAN &. HYATT. Proprietors, 6-1 lleekini'ti Street. Now York. N. B ?Slate and County Rights lor sale, and purchases supphod with Machines at wholesale on liberal terms. A Machine is in operation by a laundress daily, at our Sniesrooqi, 439 liroadway. March C-cowCro HO FOE SPRING. I AM now opening a -very choice supply of stuple Goods for the Spring tratte. ' t Families wishing supplies'will ho accommodated on the best terms. Call at tho 'old corner.' Af.ooh r E. W. BONNET. WOOD! WOOD!! WK ore prepared to furnish OAK WOOD lo parties in went. Cash on delivery. Feb 38 MEKON'EY & BOSWELL. BURNETT'S Coconino fortiio JJair, for snle by Jan 31 J. J. McKAiy. Pruggut. / throughout the said Distiict. every variety ofj Witness my hand end i'cul at Camden, thii 3J day of it is entirely tfl April, A. D. 1860. W. GLYBURa, . evidence of itsV April l()-td Clerk. ployed. ^sit* throughout this? assure the peopll Dollard's Herbanium Extract for it ever h is bejjfl the Hair ! do *or tlieir re!^B Ciiaiipootn'g water, A ypr'.cfl O Lyon's ICathairon, . J : " Eau Lustra!, Barry Tricophcrous, MB Allen's Zylobalsaraum, Woods' Hair Restorer, n, Maravilla, Allen's Hair Restorer, P/' " BB Wahpnno, Bachelors' Ilair Dye. Liter Comntc^^ A largo and fresh supply of the above preparations ft/teu?, HB for the Ilair, jusl received by J. J. AicKAIN. Dinner Pill,'ami CASH STORE. &3HI family physic. SM ALBEIT T. LATTA Has received his Stock of nam'csTolrtirS Heavy Groceries. SMaS 50 Choice Country llatns. nish gratisourM 2 Tiercos Extra Sugar Cured do. arc given; tvitlH 4 lllids Bacon Sides' complaints, inH I ", ? Shoulders; Lard. 'T." 100 Sacno Salt. other prcpara^B 12 Sacks Rio Coflcc. Demand A'ykiM Moclm, J&vn and Lnguayru do. want the beit 5 Bbls. If. O. Molasses. and Sugar house Syrup. have it. Mackerel?Xo. 1, 2 and 3?1, 1-2 and 1 4 bbls , All ourrcinM and Kits. 1 Cheese. Rico rotrder. Shot and Lead J0HN J. Mclfl Brown, A. and C? Crushed, and Loaf Sugar. Candles. Soap. Starcli ni?J Indigo. T1IO. .1 Domestics?Calico.and Shoes. FISHER & HlflB And many other articles all in good order. At Wholesale '<M March U AT LATTA. CO., Charleston. : HAVILAND, fl MERCHANT'S HOTEL, ^ 9 Coi'itcr of Etiiig itttd Socicty-Sticcls, . r r> I CHARLEST^, S- C- *T]| - * 1 I--..!..? ll.o nl.Atr.. tt.rtll IB I fl h onuersipnt u iiuviii^ lunvu mi in".iv n in TV TTT P TP Vnr known nud favorite liOTICL, would hep leii,-e re iihiLIj o -V :-|>ect(*u)lv lo inform ilie Ibimer patrons ol'ihc House. TllC Fl ais well as the Travelling public thai he hN**tliornugli* , H ly repaired and refurnished it, and made many cluing* j L .?,Y!^B e.? which will add to its comfort a* ? home, and as a "t',ier'1' JAt^B pvhlio resort. lie would also take occasion .loassure ""mreitt, 'H tlirm Hint no effort wil! he sp red on the pari of him* tolonie self or assistance, to render u.eir aojonrn at the ,cr 01 ? . . ,!H . .. mass of new tumiM "oui JKcrcUaiith a.ndrkw jacB pleasant and satisfactory. school-life?his <fl BOARD, PER DAY. - - - $1.50 School?law suB T T3 -VTT vrATST l'er District Atiol J. i _N lAUiN , press?slnrekeep'B Feb 21 Proprietor. Indian liphier. B bcr ol JACKSOyB Eta i31E>"TTOi" act.IDLdi: were written ..-t:JB . __ _ _.. ity; also, lull .nfl W* Be WllJRTIJWj eorresp'lndence 9 "N7/-V If??? A'rr>r>tincr-ftfT'cet. with the BoniorfsB CHARLESTON, ft C. onn.pnfcn wit!, ? never before pnbSH Offers for sale at the Lowest Possible Prices, for Subscriptions B CASH or PROMPT FAY, u very complete assort to'wne, payable B ? scRoer. IllCIll Ol r? . 1 Separate volun^B HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, Feb 21 B .Pistols, and B 1 ^PL^lSrT^VTXOISr TOOLS, The Stafl Imported expressly .'or tho _ B Southern Trade. ua Msithnuts vbitinp-lbc City nro respectfully invited to I**- the^B examine the Stock ami prices. ^ 1"0SKl'fT BgTAll orders for Goods will receive prompt bhu i ? bi...^-* careful auction. . Mart* G pf Cllpill8 A.t.S..ii| Proctor, ! .ur BR New French Perfwnery. JUST received a large assortment of LUUIN'S may bo admitted H G ENUINE EXTRACTS, consisting of: t-ral Assembly, nig Extract Violet, I KxIntel Weal End, ors ; it is ordLreiM Mignonette, J " JJoquot [lino, ?? 0|iier, thfl " Patchouly, I Bvqiiet do x'aro- Simmons is in .Musk, . * - Jockey Club, heiehy summoned Sndiuier Xiirbt. I " Sweet Pea, the snid Conrt Spring Flowcis, - Hose Bud; .l."u ,uu"" 'JB ' Evening Star. Jluy Blossom, il any tlioy nivi^B Upper Ten, " Jasmine, ar?,r1cr!a,d Magnolia. " Young America, -onu* And many oilier new Extracts/ Abo, MB ,. _ , ,T-t Marco lo?iu VI Fine French and English Pomatums. MM Low's Fine Soaps, liowloud's Macassar Oil. Ger- -* r \RSIIMAlH man. French and English Colognes ; Tooth Brushes, lyl 'o.,.flr' pn3tB" Small Hand Mirrors, Buffalo Combs, Sc. T <>, H April 3 J. J. McKAIN, Druggist. H j qupkrior country ccikmmsk, N1" ! O o*. ?h-.' eld corner, by E. >v ^ j