The Camden weekly journal. [volume] (Camden, South-Carolina) 1853-1861, April 10, 1860, Image 3

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I * I ? Ayer's Cathartic Pills. * * " Domestic Manufactures. A Fresh Supply of mi us, ; NOW RECEIVED BY WM. ANDERSON.. March 27 Camden, S. C. STOGNER & FLETCHER, -Fayetteville, Tenn, Commission Merchants nvu vna iw | Bacon, Bard, Feathers, >: ' yj -/ ASD , Tennessee Produce Generally. ST ^CASn orders ISVITED?and will be promptly at. t?ded to." STOGNER J: FLETCHER.. March 27,?2mo. Near Dopot. r. Wm Anderson jIs now opening his usualsapply of SPBINO- u^TSTID STJ^VUVEEK, MODS! : Also, a large assortment of - ' part of which'fa suit able for Youths aud Boys. PICTURES. I ONE DOLLAR OALY! W. PTMHES T*70Uf/D Rcspec-lfiiUy inform Jlic y f citizens of Camden aud vicinity that' he has opened a suite of Rooms over the Store of Messrs. 0. Maiheson ?t Co,, on BROAD.STRKET where he is prepared to execute any thing oopertnihing to the Ii ELIK0GR&.PI1IC A RT, viz : - .?nn/\T\/npe A lYltJtt I T r to, Melainotypes. Saised Pictures, Crayon & Vignette Styles, PHOTOGRAPHS OP .A-iX. SIZES,. COLOEED In Oil or Water Colors Fannl?c8 who hare not the domestic circles severod by the relentless hnnd of death', do not feel the importance of-attending to this matter immediately; ^hiit those who have lost kindred 'and friends feel the necessity of embracing opportunities Jiko the present. How o^ten hare wc seen the child and parent, each cherishing some trifling object that belonged to them in lii'o? I Low intense would be the joy of those persons it they could gaze upon a faithful likeness of the loved ones w-ho have passed away? tSTThose wishing Pictures woultLdo well to call at once, ns my. stay is limited to len days.. March 13 If ' 12 NEW . SPiliG QOODS> C, M&THESON a CO. * WOULD CALL TUE ATTENTION OF nnifl opening their nsual tall assortment of. SPKISC ASD SUMMER GOODS in all varieties. * LADIES' DKl!SS GOODS, .of every material and style. LACE, BAREGE, BAREGE ANGLAIS, 1 1 r t t oit ? A\rr c? 1 M \ V'pit f AC ami V/ilrlL/Lil Oll.V II !> ) juiu .'J.w, i iuuau. Our stock of MENS' and 130VS' CLOTHING will bo found very complete. i?ar20 , R E M 0 V A L. rr,HE SuliscribiT has removed to tlio Siorc two Jr. doors below. John J. Workman'& Co'*:, Shoo Store, where he will bo hapjij to see his friends and cu (Rumors.' o.v iiAyj) SITG-AR, COFFEE, MOIiASES; 9A&m; BAGGIire, ROPE', TWINE, d5&sGC2?9 s-ISL^CCe* (o) Assorted Candies. rTCKLKS, SARDINES. LEMON SYRUP, onKKSK, BUTTER. CRACKERS ANI) CIGARS DRY GOODS, * SHOES, GROCERIES, AG, nil of which will be sold " low. for CASH. ' March 20,?tf. THOMAS HARRIS. GW. WILLIAMS & CO., SOS. 143 M AYI? E-STREET,' Charleston, So. Car OFFER FOR SALE, AT LOWEST MARKET RATES, 1TAA BAGS RIO. JAVA AND LAGUAYRA 11 UU tOFFEJR. '150 lihds New Oilcans and Cuba Sugars. J" TOO bids. CUrilit d, Crushed and Loat Sugars. 200 hlid-r. Cuba and Muscovndo Molasses. 300 bbla. New Orleans Molasses and Syrup. 300 bales Gunny Bagging. 2100 coils Rale Rope. *. 1800 kegs Nails, assorted sizes. lCi)0*tM>xes Candles and Soap. 7000 Sacks Liverpool Salt. 500 packages Mackerel, No?. I. 2 and 3. 100 casks new, fresh heal Rice. I'owdet* Shut, Lead, Bacon, Ac. March 27, I8C0. 13?ly. A-TTEIsTTIOISr CAMDEN LIGHT INFANTRYl OU AUK JIKUKBY ORDEHKD TO appear nt your usual ren lozvous on Salnr irrduy April 1 -Itli, fully armed and equipped as the law directs, for drill and review. A punctual attendance is requested, as the Coinpanr will parade in conjunction with the Uifle Guards. By order of Capt. Kennedy. J. A. SCIIKOCK. 0. S. March 20.?td ATTENTION JtlFIeE O-UARCS"\7"OU are hereby ordered to app< ar at your usual X rendexvo-is on SATURDAY, April U'.h, fully unit pnnioiici! Inr oriH nod review. r, .? - - Tliiii Muster in appointed in place of the Regular r. pnr-idc on tl) f ji'-si S 'lui da v. and wit] ho made in conjunction with the Camdtn Lieut infantry * Match 20 ? td liv order <?i Cstpt. J'ARKER. - Sl'lll.Nii Ni, 4 A. M. & R. KENNEDY ARE NOW RECEIVING A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CITABLE POR the PRESENT and APPROACIly i:ijr season, comprising all the nove'ties of the latest importation, to %liich they respPctfvUy solicit the attention of tho public V, generally. Cjtroden, Mnrcji IJL tl 1J Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Camden Jockey Club. Hawthorn Conr?e, Camden. S. C. AT a recent meeting oftlie above Club, the follow* ing members were elected officers; President, Col. T. J. ANCRUM. Vice-Presidents. UO John McRae, I Col. Frank Hampton. )a Dr. C. J. Shannon, | Gen. P. II. Kelson. Treasurer, Secretary, Jas. I. Yillepigue. | S. D. Shannon. ge Stewards. W. A. Ancrum, Resident Steward. yt James Cuesnct. Thos. E. Shannon, w Alfred Brevard., sh R. B Johnson, . Zach Cantey, n* Brown Manning, | II. W. DcSacsscue. Rj THE Second Annual Meeting, under the control ^ of the Camden Jockey Club, will commence on the Second Wednesday in DECEMBER NEXT, and con- ;t, tiuuc lour days. ..< m FIRST DAY?Wednesday, December 12th.?Ker- w ithaw Stake, for three-year olds, Mile Heats, $100. lp Entranee, half forfeit, to which the Club will add th $100, if two or more stert. SAME DAY?Jockey Club Turee, $500.?Three Mile Heats. - . .SECOND DAY?Thursday, December 13th.? Camden Stake, for two-year-olds, one Mile Dash, ?iuu. ( f Entrance half forfeit, to which the Club will add $100 ^ il two or more start?to carry 80 lbs. SAME DAY?Jockey Club Purse, $300.?Two Mile Ileats.' THIRD DAT?Friday, December 14th.?Wnteree Stake, for three year olds?2 iltie Heats?$100. En-". ra trance/half forieit, to which the Clue will add $200 if gj twoor more start. t al SA&E, DAY-^Jockgy , Clu.b Purse, $200.?Mile ai floats?best three in "five. . w FOURTH DAY? Saiurdav, December 16<h.?Pur- fij year Stake,?post ontxance-i-frc-e for ullages; three bt Mile Heats Entrance, $200?half forfeit?to which i< the Club wil' add $250?'or more if two or more star:. Aj Weights and diatanco the sanie^s those of the So. at Carolina Jockey Club., te The Colt Stakes' and the PuryenrlStake, to close on Cy the first of May, I860.' ill E5jP3iablea free of charge. . ik _ Entries to be made"to .' 8i S. D.J5HAYN02C.'.Secretary, al Feb 28 Camden, So. Ca. ti Low for Cash! ? 'F'HE Subscribers take pleasure in informing their X friends aud the public generally,-that they have on hand a well selected Slock of Dry Goods and Groceries, consisting of Ready HIuHe Clothing p Of aU descriptions; Cnlboes, Homespuns, and all _ other articles generally, found in Dry Goods estab lishmenta, together with a well-assorted Stock of . Boots, Shoes, Hals, Caps, &c. J Our StCck of GROCERIES, consists of to SUGAR, COFFEE, . J BACON, LARD, J-LOUR, CORN, . MEAL, TOBACCO, And SKGARS of all kinds. ilso, MACKEREL in Barrels, half Barrels and Kltts. A flue assortment of Caudios, dfcc. Ginger, Pepper, Spice, Nutmeg, and Cinnamon. - 1 Bar and Toilet Soaps. - ' cc Cheese, -Soda Crackers, aud Batter. ra And a variety of FRUIT .constantly on hand. 01 Also, a choice variety ol Liquors, consist ingof Wines of all kinds ; . ? Brandies?Apple, Peach, and French. New England Rum *: Holland Gin, -and Wolfe's No. 1 Schiedam SchnnDns. in auart and < pint Bottles. Whiskey of nil kinds? J. Martin's Old Itye?5 years r oId ' t Monongeliala, Best Old Flavoured Rye Whiskey, *nnd ' 'cf other common brands. Porter. Ale. and Champagne Cider, all of which will bo sold as low ns the lowest for Cash, and Cash J only. .ci They also avail themselves of this opportunity of notifying those who have_not settled their ac&tint? . Tor the past year, to Come forward and-Settle now, . ' and save tlicm the unpleasant dutv oUIutiiiing. C^ikon BROWN 4>iYKl<S. . u ??-* Tirmr^TOttXir'Uirjier': v /- A ^ ~~~ J 1"7" t This Delicious Tonic Stimulant ? Especially designed for tlie use of the Medical rro- p fessi'/n nml the Family, having superseded ihe so-call- e 'ed ' Gins," "Ai omatic,'' "Cordial," "Modicaicd," Ac., si is now indorsed by all the prominent physicians, ii chemists, and connoisseurs, as possessing nil rtf those o inirwsic meairinnt qualities iioinc nii'i muruucj which u belong lo an old ar.d pure Gin. o Put tip in quart bottles and sold by all druggist", ii grocers, ?c. n m ^ * 'WaiB E S E 1^^^ .Being Dislillediu l$<i?^ J.' And innnulncttircd e*nresslv fnr us with ureal care. | it can be relied upon as n strictly pure stimulant. : II I* Jlild, Deli mill; and Friiilv. n( C( And is designed to be always uniform in quality and character. p0 ThJ above goods are put up in cases containing y one dozen bottles each, and sold by all prominent gC wholesale and retail Druggists. A. M. BINIXOKR ctCO., Sole 1'rnprielors, p, 33S Broadway. New York. tj( ESTABLISHED 1T79 ! Sold by jOH.\' J. !Vc.KAII, M ireirio Druggist A Apobiecnrr, Camden. S. 0. " Kershaw?In Equity. Cvntliia Buskin vs. Susan A. Baskin. et. al. IN pursuance ?'f an order of Court passed in abovestated "ase, i Bill). 1 will offer for s%a!e at public T1 outtry, before the Court House door in Camden. S C., Cl' on the Seventeenth day of April next, at 12 o'clock if., the P3 TBACT OF LAND u" known as the "McDonald Tract," lyii g in Kershaw yj District, S. C., and belonging to the iutate of Samuel ? Baskin, deceased. I Terms: One-third part of the purchase ?mrue.v Cash. The P? residue on a credit of one and two years, with inter- w eat on the same (payable annually) from day of attic, th Said residue to he secured by Bond, with at least two good and sufficient sureties. Purchasers to pay eu for papers. co Cuturnissionct's Office, Camden, S. 0. March 20th, If i8co. wm. it. tavlor, hi March 27?fd Com. Eq. Ker. Dist. m CORN, CORN CORN. " te BUSHELS splendid provision COltX, for aj> OOO sals for cash only. Also, a well selected stock of PROVISIONS con fftar.tlv Oil liuau. van on March 13 BROWN &. MYKHR. SANCHEZ SPECIFIC"" C1 AN be sent by mail anil will effect a cure .sooner / than any oilier medicine, is safe, ]>lensnnt. and reliable. .Sold by J. J.'McKAIN ~~ PETIT GULF~COTTON SEED. A S'JPPLY on hand of the abovo SUPERIOR f\ COTTON oF.EP. Marph 27?tt" JAS. V, LYJiES. ? Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. MRSWIN SLOW| u experience! Nurse and Female Plijsician, present to tlie attention of mothers, her SOOTHING SYRUP, k'ujtfl lnijul/aull mjum jninv) hicli greatly facilitates tlio process of teething, by ftening the gums, reducing ail iufhimation?will aly all pain and epasnmdic action, and is SURE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS. Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to your. Ives and kklief and health to your infants. We have put up and sold this article for over ten rars, and can say, in continence and truth of it what 0 have tieverl~ en able to y of any otli-J rs" WINBLOW'S ? me,li(!ine_ ivcr has it! SOOTflING .failed, in a sine instance toi SYRUP. M"6?' a cure hen timelyi lused. Never dwo know an instance of dissatisfaction by pay one ho used it. On the contrary, all ore delighted with 1 operations, and speak in terms of highest eomendation of its magical effects ard medical virtues, e upcak in this matter 'what we do know," affct n years' experience, and pledge our reputation for e fulfilment of tfliat we hero declare. In almost cry instance where the infant is suffering from pain id exhaustion, relief will be found in fifteen or twen 1 minutes after the Syrup is administered. This valuable preparation is the prescription of one I ?.?i nnriog in Kntx U1U IHU3b CA|?yuwiiuvu .. M.. ... ngland, and 1ms been used with never failing sua in THOUSANDS OF CASES. It not only relieves liie child from pain, but invig' tcs the atjmach and bowels, corrects acidity, and ves tone nnd energy to the whob system. It will most instantly relieve GRIPING in the BOWELS id WIND COLIC, and overcomb Convulsions, hicli, if riotl r~r Ispecdily remeed, end in death. We dieve it the CHILDREN J Best and burst remedy in/ Teething1 |l',e wor'd, in ll oases of I O* ^ IDvSSNTERT id Diahriicea in children, whether it arises from ething or from awy other cause. We would say to rery mother who has a child suffering from any ol ie foregoing complaints?do not let your prejudices, jr the prejudices of others, stand between youi ifferiog chiid and the relief that will lie sure?yes, isolutely sure?to follow the use of this medicine, il mcly used. Full directions for using will accompany ich bottle None genuine unless the Iuc simile ol URTJS ATERKINS, New York, is on the outside rnjiper. Sold by HO'IX ASHHURST, 29 nityne-street, VAX SCHAACK A URIEIfcSON, 221 King st, Charleston. So C'a. And also by JOHN J. McKAIN. Cumden, So. Cs. Principal Office, No. 13 Cedar-street, New York.? rice only 25 cents per bottle. March G-ly Notice. 3 OBERT LATTA having this day executed a deed of Assignment to us, for the benefit of his credo irg, -all who desire to accept under the same art ?reby notified to do so within ninety days from {hk tte All persons indebted to Robert Latta will make tymetit to J. B.^KRSHAVj A. T. LATTA, March 13 Assignees. Kirkwood Residence for Sale. A COMFORTABLE and Desirable Residence in jL South Kirkwood is offered for aalo. The House imparutively new, contains 7 Rooms with a base' ent. The lot is roomy with excellent nnd commodious itbtii' in good repair. March 20,?tl. Apply to TflOS. W. BRACY. TO THE PUBLIC. 7*VKR since my "Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps" ?the purest mid best Gin for medical purposes -became fully appreciated throughout this country, have been constantly solicited )>y druggists, unothemes. and large nnmbets or tiro most eminent pliysiana, in all parts of the Union, to add to my Gin tinjrtations pure Brandies aud Wines, and to bottle iem the same as I am and have been doing with the liunpps; to senl with my seal and give ray certill ite guarantying their undoubted purity. I should long ago have endeavored to comply with iC flattering requests, but I found it impossible to ) so, especially in regard to the important articles of rnudv, Port and Madeira Wines, owing to the high dcesJn.Et'j/uy.,r,c\-y&jo'tcAit fa f i y.nt^i1 L'yjfTo^ft. ome years. Happily for the success of my now en iTpriso, ilio grape crop lor mc last auu prcviom ears was abundant. Another point iu my favor is tiiis: the duty now ot rench Brandy is 70 per cent, less than it was wlier ly medical friends-began to solicit me lo furnish pup Irntidy and Wines. These favoring circumstance! ave enabled me to commence a new enterprise. ] nve concluded to import Cognac I3iandy and Wines 3 bottle'them for medical us well as for private use am well aware, from the bitter experience, the vih ttneks, the misrepresentation of motives and enmity f dealers and mixer*, of bad articles which 1 met will nd conquered in l1 - us" of my Schnapps, bclore t' btained its pr.sent rou ne-emineuceoverall olhei (ins, that the new ti. -rpri e will be aitor.ded will qual opposiiion, more trouble, nsd involve an im lense outlay of capital. These riilficul'.ies and ex cnscs will be much greater, because I shall have li ucounler ihemaligniiy and enmity of countless thou mds who are engaged in the liquor trade, and rank ig fortunes by tiie manufiicnire ol infamous imitation! f "Brandy" made from poisonous compounds?thcii so being alike destructive to healthy human life, am: f course speedy death to the feeble invalid, or those x whose bthalf eminent physicians have urged tipoi ic tlia importation ot n |?urr, invigorating article o randy. I shall do, in spile of all opposition, ever tat of the dealers and sellers of the stuff in bottle.' il'ed '\Brithdy," of which millions of bottles are an ually sold, and which is no belter than the worst o oisons. I am perfectly willing nnd well satisfied to embarli i this new enterprise, and have no Amrs, no doubi bout the most ultimate success for myself ami the ruggists and apothecaries in the iliirty-tliree States, tiiey will heartily co operate v,ith me in my effort! ) drive out of use the vilest of compounds, called Brand)-," nnd replace it with the pi ice. unadulterated rticle, which I will fnilhlully and truly supply. The medical virtues of pure French Brandy need ot bo told. The Brandy imported by me 1 will hot' e, seal with my seal, my label, and add iny cerli site that it is of the first quality, and pure and un lulteratod as when it led I lie distillery in France. I will etakc my reputation as a man, my standing i a merchant, and my tried commercial integrity, thai hat I pledge and certify to with my seal, my label, id my ceriifleaic is correct, and can be relied upon C purchasers in any soction of ihe I'liion to which y Brandy may be sent I have made arrangements ith the best Brandy manufacturers in France, who Have a world wide renown as the first randy exporters. I have selected four eminent firms ho will ship me their Brandies. 1 shall not desig. iito the nriiele by any other name than Wolfe's Gentie Cognac Brandy, ll 1 were to do otherwise il oulddie useless, for then unprincipled persons, who e inces aully engaged in the nefarious traffic of uniting all valuable'articles, would s<>on imitate and lopt my mark as a cloak under which to sell theii impound ol poisons to cover the vile imposition. I am now prepared to receive and execute orders r Wolfe's Genuine Cognac Brandy addressed to nie, o. 11 Beaver street, l'rices will bo given to perma) application, or in reply to letters. In this ciieular 1 nave thus far written mainly about ire Cognac Brandy; I have now to call your alien un to other liquors and wines. I am prepared to supply orders for '"Jamaica Ruin." ipoited and bottled by inn ; also, "iri-h and Scotch hiskey." The purity and genuineness of the last imed oiticles, imported lor "medical use." 1 wiil <o guarsmiy with my seal, my label ana my certiliite. ? I shall also import the purest and best "Madeira," !'ort" and "Sherry" Wines lor medical purposes.? base I also guaranty with my seal, my label nnd my rtificnte. In conclusion permit mo to add that I shall be hap to hear from those llmt ibis circular readier, nnd Imso personal or pecuniary interests it may effect, the combination ol articles that 1 engage to supply. <-> I. V...U IIUIU II |.J .-.II... (.VICWI. , J Druggist, Apothecary or Physician?1 slmll l?o must ippy lo receive a personal call. "There is no importer who possesses more actual exirienec and knowledge of 1 ho importing liquor and ine trade than I do; I hove been engaged in it over iriy years. * I have narrated some facts connected with my nc-w iterprise, for the particular information ill those nnected with the practice or the sale of siqpicitics. 1 am favored with the visits of any such, or by ends to whom they give letters ol introduction tc e, they can see with their own eyes, and test my uilifulnesH by tlo.-ir own observation. I respectfully crave, for ibis Circular and its cor. its. a careful and attractive porasnl. I run, rccctfully, your obedient servant, Udolpho Wolfe, IS, 20, and 22 Boavor Streot, New York. ....:o: YV1IU LdUS A L I'j AU 12. A IO. J. D GKIJ5FF .t CO, New Orleiins, Ln. S. J. & J J. J ONES. Mobile, Alu J1UXNICUTT k TAYLOR. Atlantn. Go. IIAVILAND. CHICH HSTKRk Co., Augusta. Go. RAGLAND & UIRCH,-Columbus, Ga. BOYVDRK k ANDKRSOX. Macon, Ga. UOLCOMB k CO . Savannah. Ga. FOLLIN, Charleston. 8. 0. January 10 2 I * m Hii m T/E would respectfully invite the SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. "H DRESS j-AN* jgj M are fully supplied with all the loveltflH of LACE SHAT.'LS, LACE POINTS^ -. end Colored BAR AC E BURNOIS, B?fl| MuBbB Dusters, Travelling Eurnois, ie., &c.J| 1' EMBROIDERIES, LACES and Plailpp As usual in large varieties of heavies^^MH;-; eeptanec, at tlio LOWEST POSSTBQ^B < E'lantiffl 1 M Is now large fresh and w.j'l-assoftedJR-1 , Sl| March C iJ Wk would call the attcntioM^ -V." if-.v ; ^sfxi.i:n^Hh Our DRESS STOCK is supplied i assortment of MANTILLAS, WHIT^B < ^V' ' and Domeffl r| Aro supplied as fur as practicable, fr^J SB CES FORTAStl "or SHORT CITY a9 . - H f Our extensive assortment of DRY ifl ' tation Use, and will bo sold at t^B , MILLER'S ALMANAC for 18C0, JB 1 I l:V. VI,.?-'~{y ~.:. The Rubprrilirr in now prepared y xruy of VEHICLES of ovorj clescni^^B afi Ever offered in this market, nud ^ r .;w_. ilio wauls of lii-* customers, feels I'ersona in llie conntiy will he r JVicreVoy ulc^ dnu rcoeffe'ulu'nre^fl^^^^J^^n' IF8..j"W. < , MAXUFACTURIiR I CARRIAGES, E 32 Hasel and 35 and ' CHARLESTC : The largest C > In the I Feb 7 i [ REMOVAL | r ? rmr ns^ r"ja7 reir jzl. 1 T7 AS removed from his former place nfhus'ness " ii to the House loftr.erly occupied by Capt. Thus, ' Harris, the Second door helow Messrs. C. Malhcson A. Co., whero he will be pleased lo lurni.ih his Icrnitr customers, and solicits the patron a ceof new ones L wiili such articles as advertised, with the addition ol' I B^cbisr3 | Hams, Sides and Shoulders : I N. O. and Cuba M?!a?t?s ! All articles warranted to please, and as none can please in every instance, he requests such as do not i ? >.,i.??d/l i in nnii iiiii niVi-r for sale Goods lo w " cr or better than others, but will sell A* Clieap and as tiootl Article* ! r ?3?f"-Piease see advertisement for list of articles. | . Feb 14 A. T. LATTA. : ' MERCHANT'S HOTEL " I i Corner of Kiu^r ;ua<3 Soeiety-StrecCs CHARLESTON S- CTHE underRigmd having: taken tlio nbove wellknown and favorite MOTEL, would beg leai-e respectfully to iiiform the foitner patrons of the Mouse, ' as well ns the Travelling public tlini iie has thoroughly repaired and refurnished it, and inadejimny changes which will add to its comfort as a home, ami as a public resort, lie would also lake occasion to assure | tlinn that no effort wil' be spared on the part of liim' stdf, or assistance, to render their sojourn at the "Old .Hvrcliitntk" pleasant ami satisfactory. BOARD, PER DAY. - - - $1.50 .T. B. "NIXON", i Feb 21 Proprietor. i That Cough C1AS BE CHECKED IK TIME, by trying a HotI tlo of the Cough mixture, prepared and sold bv Feb. 7.? J. J. McKAIN.' Kerosene?Burning- Fluid, OF ihe very I .est quality, with Superior Lamp j Oiu; Also, Kerosene Lamps, Lamp Chimneys, ' Wicks, ic. just received and for sulc by Foli 28 FL.J5EMP. FRESH GAR DENSE EDS,1 ALARCK and select stock of GARDEN SEEDS. ! and Onion Setts, just received by Jan 10 J.J. McKAIN. 1 AA PIECES Spnng Prims, from 1 to 18 cents 1 lv/vy j.or yard?eonte vety handsome. Also, fiinglmnis and Uarego Deliiins now opening at the 'old c rncr.' E. W. BOKNKY. j MARSllMALLOW PASTK, Iceland Mom Teste, S'unr Paste, and Gum Jjrops, for a do by Jan 31 J..! McKAIN, Druggist. NATIVE WIAE, from pure Grape Juice. Foraate by J. J. McKAIN. Garden Seeds j'lst opened nt Jnn 31 MeKAlN'S Drug Store. IJIIICE LEMO.V JUaCE,?ndFresh Leinon X Syrup, fur sale by J. J. McKAIN. JNDIA MATTING nnd Criiuib Cloths, juit received at the'old corner.' K. W. BGNNKY. Corn ! Corn / / Com! L'! " 000 Bushels Oorn for pale. Fob U-tf Apply to J. s. ? ' : *"* V;'>;^ r-.'vV ;/ 'J AND DEALER IN [ARNESS, ETC., 1.0 "Wentworth Street, IN. SO. CA, i Hrriage Mart South! tf 8 * Sashes, Blinds, and DOORS, AT MEW YORK PRISESI rrMJK undersigned beg leave to inform the people JL of ibis Stole, that the}* have in Charleston, S. C., ono of iho Largest Sa-li, Blind and Door Manufactories in tlie (Jailed Slates ! Either North or South! And that they are now in possession of oil the facilities for'manufacturing work of this description as cheap as cas 1!e made axytvlierb. vr'0 kct-p cdllstnnily on hand A I arg;c Assortment of Kcady-iHadc Work of regular sizes; also, Mouldings? of Innumerable patterns, AND ST A11'. NEWELS, BANISTKRS and PIAZA BALUSTKADES ! We now have on hand 12x20.12x18, 12x16.12x14 10x12 and 8x10 ' SASHES READY-MADE ; Also, Blinds of all the above Sizes' Also, LOORS, ranging in size from 2fiGxGftG to SUGxIftG Irom COMMON TO FIRST QUALITY. 22T\Ve earnestly solicit a call from all who may be in want of goods in our line, or those who would liko to look through our establishment. W. -P. Russell & Co, KAST KXD IIA3EL STREET. Feb 28-3m Charleston, S. C. Cataract 'vimms amass?. CI.OTIIIXG TIM 15 AND I, ADO It SAVED! Indispensable to Housekeepers ! most simple, economical, and durable article X ever offered to the public to alleviate the discomforts of wash day. tSTDESCRIl'TION.^ It consists of a nieial cylinder, with ribs pn the inside, and an interior cylinder of wood, with ribs. There is a space of from G to 8 inches between the two cylinders Ono crntik turns both cylinders nttlio samo lime in opposite directions, rapidly creutintr a suns, forcing the water through the clothes, nqd elfcctually removing the dirt. Tho action of tho water does the work quickly, dispenses entirely with tubbing, and thus saves the wear of clothes. SULLIVAN ? HYATT. Proprielots, b-1 LSceknisin Street, Now York. N. B ?Slato and County Rights Tor sale, and purchasers supplied with Machines at wholeaalo on liberal term*.A Machine is in operniion by a laundress daily, at our Salesroom, -l.'t!) Broadway. March 6-eow6m WOOD! WOOD!! \\7"J2 arc prepared to furnii-h OAK WOOD to parV t ties in want. Cash on delivery. Feb 28 MKUONKY ,t BOSWELL. Cotton Osnaburgs, (CHECKED and striped Homespuns for SerJ vatit's wear. Also, Bleached and Brown Shirtings and Sheetingp, just opened at the 'old corner.' March 6 E. W. BONNET. GUANO, GUANO. r|MlB best article of Peruvian Gitalin for JL sale at the Depot, it) quantities to suit purchasers. Cask on delivery. Feb. 7,?tf. JAMES J"CKE5. I /' 7 * j ULifp-Li .' ii?. u. i 1 -'!..???rr lAETTT |" THE'SUPSCKIBER HAVING ACC MUTUAL LIFE INSI OF KALKIGII, X. C, FOB CAMDEN" AND \ I for nolicics of LIFE INSURANCE, 011 SLAVES insured at moderate rates. WIL1 June 7. North C PI] THE undersigned is the Agent of the CI COMPANY for this place. lie will insure ng Furniture, Warehouses, Stores. Merchandise, Mi property, on its usual satisfactory terms. Applications for Insurance may be made to tl Camden and vicinitv. will: June 7 "cash store. ALBERT T. LATTA lias received his Stock of Heavy G-r'occrie.s. 50 Choice Country Hams. 2 Tiorces Extra Sugar Cured do. ?4 I ilids Bacon Sides 2 " " Shoulders; Lard. 100 Sacks Salt. 12 Sacks Kio Coffee. Mocha, Java and Laguayrn do. 5 Bbls. N. (). Molasses. and Sugar house Syrup. Mackerel?Xo. 1, 2 and 3?1, 1-2 and 1 -I bbls , and Kits. Cheese, Rico. Powder, Shot and Lead. i Brown, A. and C., Crushed, and Loaf Sugar. Cm.dies, Soap. Starch nnd Indigo. 1 Domestics?Calico and Shoes. . And mnnv oilier articles all in good order. March 6 ' A. T. LAW A. The State of So. Carolina, Kcisliaw District. Ill the Common Pleas. JOSKPH SIMMONS, who is in tbo custody of the Sheriff rf Kershaw 1'istrici. hy virtue of n Writ of Capias Ad Satisfaciendum, at tho euit of Samuel A. Proctor, having tiled in my office, (together with a 1 schedule, on oath, of his Us tale and effects) his peti? I lion to the Court of Common Pleas, praying 'lint lie may he admitted to the benefit of the Acts of the General Assembly, made fir the relief of insolvent debtors ; it is ordered,, that tho said Samuel A. Proctor, and all other, the creditors to whom the said Joseph Simmons is in any wise indebted, be, nnd they are hereby summoned and have tiolipe, to appear before lite said Court ut Camden, on the first Monday after tho fourth Monday in October next, to shew cause if any I hey have, why tho prayer of the Petition, aforesaid should not be gruntod. Office of Commons rier.s, Kershaw District, March J 2th, 1860. W. CLYBURN, March 13-td Clerk. OREM, HOPKINS & CO. * WlifthnHiln UonlpfK in G10TH8, GASSIMER&5, Voatings, Piece Trimmings, and Goods, EXCLUSIVELY ADAPTED TO mm. So.333Balliniore-sl., Bultiiiiorc,!TIdOtir Goods tire selected expressl}- for tho Home end Southorn Trade. March 6-2ra. HAMS, HAMS. ; CAA POUNDS FINK North Carolina HAMS. I ' OUU For sale by BROWN A M7KRS. 1 J - i- - i ???J TT-A-Ij USU&bSfCSL * EPTED THE AGEXCY OE THE JRANCE COMPANY, VICINITY, is prepared to receive applications tlie most reasonable terms. The Lives of LIAM L, DePASS, Agent arolina Mutual Life Insurance Companj. SB ANCE. IARL0TTJ2 MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE ainst Loss or Damage by Fire on Dwellings, ills, Manufactories, and most other kinds of ic undersigned, the duly authorized Agent for IAM L, DePASS, Agent.. Charlotte Mutual Fire Insurance Companf, * Ol II..? JEK.IPEZ* W, R, MORTON, ISTo. 133 Meeting-Street, CHARLES Toy, S: C. Offers for sale at tite Lowest Possible Pric?*. fcl CASH or PROMPT PAY, a very complete assortment of RARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUMS, Pistols, and PLANTATION TOOLS, Imported expressly for the Southern Trade. Merchants visiting the City are respectfully invited to examine the Stock and prices. C2?~All orders for Goods tyill receive prompt as*] careful attention- March G . , . , ? T For Sale, Two Pri^ic Scgro -Reip OXE is a good Cook, first rate House Seryaal agd Ostler, and a capttqj Hotel Waitin groan, in tl}0 prime of life. Tlio other is a good Wagoner. TERMS, Tiro proceeds of the sale'ofone to bo paid in part Cash. Tito balance, with the salo of the other, on favorable term?. Jan 31-tf W. L. DePASS. ~ HO FOR SPRING. 1AM now opening a very choice supply of staple (foods for the Spring trade. Families wishing supplies will he accommodated on tlio best terms. Call at tho 'old corner.' Mutch G E. W. BONNET. Whitp Goods, OF every description, and at lift lowest prices.-? Also, a lull supply of Staple C,oods generally, just opened at the 'old corner.' March 13 K. W. BONN 1ST Just Received, rp\VENTY Hales anporior OFtinhnrgs, weighing I half pound to tho yard, for sale at M-ircli G ?OOPMANN & S0X1MKRS'. HAMS! IIAMSM JUST received three Tierces small family Sugarcured Haxn, at J(areh G KOOFMAXN A SOMMKRS' Spring and Summer Clothing i'"S a good variety for Men and Youths, opened atid for ?vle at tho 'old corner.' March G E. W. BQNNEY. F"Tt::sn CONGRESS WATER, just received ?t Jan 31 YoK ATN'S Tfug Store.