w Ir~Professional Cards. P. J. ANDERSON, ARCHITECT, SUPERIITEIDEIT AND LANDSCAPE GARDENER, CAMDEN, S. C. Plans, Elevations, Sections, working l>raw- i xngs, and Specifications for all kinds of buildings prepared in a superior manner. Pleasure Grounds, Gardens, Avenues, &c., &c., laid out. Perspective views of Mansions?in Oil or Water Colour?got up in the most artistic style. March 1, 9 tf. Witt. L. DePA?S, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND aoMcitfOR m xgrnw?* CAMDEN, S. C., Will practice in Kershaw and the surrounding Dis iricts. Di?cember 11?if. Kershaw & Davis, AW IAW, Camden, So. Ca., Have formed a Copartnership for the practite of Law, in Kershaw ana the surrounding Districts. J. B. KERSHAW, J. M. DAVIS. garoffice rear ol Court House. Sept. 28, '58 William R- Taylor, Attorney at Law, CAMDEN, & C., Will practice in Kershaw an4 the surrounding Districts. Office in the Court House W. 1. SMHVfiGB. Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Equity, Comden, So. Ca., BT Practice in the Courts of Kershaw, Suanter and Lancaster. Camden, S. C-, September 21, 1858. Notice. /T^HE undersigned having qualified as Executors to X the Will of Wm. B. Fletcher, deceased, late of Kershaw District, requests those indebted to the Es tate of said deceased, to call and settle, and those holding claims against the Estate will present them . v? doly attested for payment. The Mercantile business will be continued to close the present Stock. Settlements connected with it will be attended to by those in charge at the Store. JAS. FLETCHER, > J. S. MILLER, j Lx ors* June 28 Flat Rock, S. C. Notice IS hereby given that application will be made at the next session of the Legislature, for a renewal and amendment of the charter of the Town of Camden. Aug. 23,?3mo. , Administrators Notice. ALL persons having demands against the fate Dr. John McCaa, deceased, are hereby notified to render in the same duly attested, and all others indebted, to make immediate payment to Messrs. Kershaw A Davis, our Attorneys. AMELIA McCAA, Adm'x. Sept. 28,?tfi W. L. McCAA, Adm'r. Old Corner Notice. T AM jnst receiving my FALL and WINTER sup jl plies ot uoods, seen a? nave usually ueen iouna is my establishment. Having paid cash for nearly ? all my purchases, I shall be able to offer V Great Inducements To my customers. Call and examine for yourselves, i Goods cheerfully shown, and no charge for looking:. Sept 2o E. W. BONNBY. & \ ^For Sale. - TI/fT TW' 5101 jp Dwelling, well built and agreeIrA ably situated on Littleton .street, containing 9 Booms, with 8 fire-places, and four of them with jJ j Grates. On the premises are Stable, Carriage, Born, r / Wash, Bath, and Servant Houses; and a fine well. /j The lot contains about 5 acres and as to health, // . equal to Kirk wood. J June 14 D. McDOWALL. Cloths and Cassimeres. CLOTHS of different qualities Cassimeres, Saii netts, Jeans, Vestings, .. ?/ % ?r ^ XV. <- f '- K-v; . J*. * NEW STORE. ' BENJAMIN M. BROWN, THOMAS S. MYERS, WOULD respectfully id form tlieir friends and the public in genera), that they have opened a STORE in the town of Camden, Corner Broad and York-Streets, Where they will keep constantly on hand a full supply of HEAVY and FANCY GROCERIES, CALICOES. HATS, SHOES, TIN WARE and CROCK lilt x. i iiey are in receipt 01 me louowiug articles; Groceries. Western Bacon?Sides and Shoulders. No. Carolina do " " " And Canvassed Tiaras. Molasses?Cuba Muscovado and West India. Sugar?Brown and Clarified. Coffee?Rio and St. Domingo. Mackerel Liquors. Old Rye Whiskey, Col. Monoi.gahela. " XX Rye do.. Old Bourbon. Rectified Wines of different Brands. Cider Vinegar, Old Cogt.ac Brandy. Raspberry Brandy, Black Berry do. Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps. Lemon Svrap and Pickles. Segars, And TOBACCO prepared ready for smoking. Bagging, Rope and Twine ; Salt. Flour and Rice. Candy, Kisses and Raisins ; Sardines. Soda and Butter Biscuits ; Cooking Soda. Candles?Sperm and Adamantine. Starch, and Soaps of all kinds. VTT/llO T"> 1 j J tl j. r< u 10?reuan ; uaru auu own micii --iimuuus, English "Walnuts. Pepper, Spice and Ginger ; Powder and Shot. Calicoes, Homespun, Cloth for Pants ; Hats, Soes and Caps. Tin Cups udU Buckets. Crockery, Of all kinds ; Glass Ware, and a great many other articles too numerous to mention We would respectfully iuvite our friends and the public in general, to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, as we feci conlident that wo can give as good BARGAINS in our line as can ko secuted in the Town. BROWN A MYEItS. juiy 26 SO tf DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNERSHIP. THE partnership heretofore existing under the firm of M. DRUOKER A CO., is this day dis solved by mutual consent. Either of the partners, will sign in liquidation. Mr. M. Drucker can be found at the old stand to settle the business of the firm. Camden, july 1. M. DRUCKER, E. SOMMERS. THE VlfibEItSYGXED Hereby tender their sincere thanks to their friends and the public generally, for the liberal patronage bestowed upon them for ids ay years, and in retiring from business, take pleasure, in recommending their successors, Messrs. KOOPilANN & SOMMERS, asking for them the patronage heretofore extended to themselves. M. DRUCKER . > * *' & '" ' " - ' 1 10,000 Negroes 10,000 Negroes Saved Yearly. Saved Yearly. Planters Take Notice, Planters Take Notice, Jacob's Cordial Jacob's Cordial Is The Only Sure Is The Only Sure And Positive Remedy And Positive Remedy T?pfm*p Tlio Pprvnlp &/V1V/JL V A 11V A- W|7*V Before The People In Dysentery, In Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea, And Flux, And Flux, It Never Fails. It Never Fails. Packages of Half Doz. Packages of Half Doz Put up Expressly Put up Expressly For Plantations. $1 per Bottle. For Sale in Camden by JOHN J. McKAIN. Bit**1 Dyspeptic Remedy Blln' Dyspeptic Ilcmedjr BIIm' Dyspeptic Remedy Bliss' l^tpcjillc Remedy BIIm' Dyspeptic Remedy Hu the Largest Sale Has the Largest Sale Has the Largest Sale Has the Largest Sale Has the Largest Sale Ot any Medicine In the World, Ot any Medicine In t he World. Of any Medicine In the World. Ot any Medicine In the World. Of any Medicine In the World. 11HMKM! Packages 100,(1(10 Packages 100,000 Packages 100,000 Packages 100,000 Packages Sold In Georgia and SoulhCnrallna Sold In Georgia and SonthCarollna Sold In Georgia and SouthCarollitip Sold In Georgia and SonthCarollna Sold In Georgia and SonthCarollna In Fourteen Months. Tn Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Months. It Is Warranted to Cure It Is Warranted to Cure It Is Warranted to Cure It Is Warranted to Cure It Is Warranted to cure II Directions are Followed. If Directions are Followed, If Directions are Followed. If Directions arc Followed, If Directions ai e Followed, Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia Any case 01 uyipcpua Any Case ot Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia Liver Disease, Liver Disease, * Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Juandlee, It Iff Especially Adapted to It Is Especially Adapted to It Is Especially Adapted to It Is Especially Adapted to It Iff "specially Adapted to Female Complaints; Female Complaints: Ktiaaic Complaints; Female Complaints; Female Complaints: It Produces Itolunulty ot Form It Produces Uotundlty of Form It Produces Uotundlty ol Form It Produces Rotundity ot Form In Females of a Thin and jpiir? Habit In Females of a Thin and Sparc Habit In Females of a Thin und Spare Habit In Females ot a Thin and Spurt Habit Bcud a Postage Stamp to the Proprietor* fur tbclr Pamphlet on " Disease* of Stomach aud Bowelfl.' \Y\ W. BLISS & CO., Proprietors, 303 liroadwuy, IVew Vorlc, For Sale in Camden by JOHN J. McKAIN. THAT GREAT REMEDY, THAT GREAT REMEDY, TILAT GREAT REMEDY, THAT GREAT REMEDY, THAT GREAT REMEDY, SANCHEZ' SPECIFIC, SANCHEZ' SPEaFIC, SANCHEZ' SPECIFIC, SANCHEZ' 8PE3CIFIC, SANCHEZ' SPECIFIC SANCHEZ' SPECinC, THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE THE ONLY ItJSITIVE CURE THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE THE ONLY POSITIVE CUKE BEFORE THE PEOPLE, BEFORE THE PEOPLE, BEFORE THE PEOPLE, BEFORE THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEOPLE, FOR URETHRAL DISEASES, FOR URETHRAL DIREAKFN, FOR URETHRAL DISEASES, FOR URETHRAL DISEASES, SAVES A BIG DOCTOR'S BILL, SAVES A BIG DOCTOR'S BILL, SAVES A BIG DOCTOR'S BIIX, SASTS A BIG DOCTOR'S BIIX, SAVES A BIG DOCTOR'S BIIX, IS EASILY TAKEJI, IS EASILY TAKEN, IS EASILY TAKEN, IS EASILY TAKEN, 13 EASILY TAKEN, HAS NO BAD TASTE, HAS NO BAD TASTE, HAS NO BAD TASTE, HAS NO BAD TASTE. 1 t'iiJS ' % ifj&Ar 5.,._ -^H'.V pi^Xby'- ' J>!" ^ X N "??^r j,. Joknjnc?<^ '35^ / i.e. / v I? THE CELEBRATED COPPERTOEI MITCHELL'S PATENT METALLIC TIP, DESIGNED ESPECIALLY FOR Boys,' Youths' and Children's BOOTS AND SHOES. AN IMPROVEMENT hns been applied lo Boota and Shoes, by which a saM'ng ol expense to ttie" consumer, of t.ro thirds, is realized, by actual experiment. THE TIP consists of a piece of copper or othor indestructible material, neatly fastened to the toe of the boot or shoe, forming a complete protection. This invention is now presented to the public, with the fullest knowledge of its practical utility, having been tested over two years, and is destined entirely to supersede the old style, (or CHILDREN'S, BOYS' & YOUTHS' BOOTS & SHOES, Tlio importance of this invention will be readily ap1 flfl it to mall Itnnmn fKrt, altlM.an innaiiialtln yicciuicu, aa.no ..v.. ^ u vu.iuitu .uim ittujjr wear out their boots and shoes FIRST AT THE TOE, and with this protection, they will upon an average wear at least two or three times as long as the old style, while the expense is Bnt a Trifle More! This invention is also especially applicable to Miners' Boots, and all occupations subjecting the toe of the boot or shoe to be cut or worn. Merchants, and the public generally, will eeo the importance of obtaining these goods immediately, as they are destined, for genera) use, to supersede all other kinds. The Goods may be obtained of nearly all the wholesale dealers in the principal cities, or of the Subscribers, CHASE, McKlSNEY & CO., (Owners of the Patent,) Boston. Aug. 16, 33 6m. Cash Store. JUbat . fdttn. ALSPICE, Almonds, Sugar and Burnt Almonds. B ROOMS,?Buckets Blacking, Bologna Sausage, C OFFER?Mocha, Lunguayra, Java and Rio, C RACKERS?Soda, Wine, Butter, Water nnd Lemon, C AXDY?assorted, Citron Currants and Chocolute, E ANDLES?Wax, Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow, I) RIED BEEF?Drums of Figs, Bakers Cocoa. E NGLISH?Pickles, E. Mustard and E Walnuts, F LOUR. Fresh SalmoDd. Fig Paste and Figs, G INGERPreserves; Race 4 Ground Ginger, Groceries, H ERMETICALLY Sealed Oysters and Saltnond, I WITATION E. Cheese, Ink, Indigo, Isinglass, J ELL1ES?Apples, Peach, Quince, Raspberry, K EEP in mind the articles kept here, It ARD, Lemons, Lemon Syrup, Layer Raisins, 31 ACARONI, Mace, Matches; Mustard, E. F. A A. I? EW OrleauB Sugar, Porto Kico do; Nutmegs, O LIVE OIL, Oysters, Onion Pickles, JP RUNES, Pepper Ground and whole, Pepper sauce, Q UINCE Jelly; Quarter boxes Raisins, RICE, Kio Hondo, Regalia, Regla and Raglan Cigars, S UGAR, Loaf, Crushed, Ground, A. and C., A Brcwn, S OAP, Winchester's Extra, No. 1 and Family, Nol, S OAP, Colgate's Toilet, Transparent and Castile, S TARCH, made of Corn for Pies, Puddings Ac., T EA. Hyson, Green, Gun Powder and Black, T IN WARE?Pans, Buckets. Cups and$olTee Pots, X OBACCO, Chewing and Smoking good, better best, U NDKRWOOD'S Fresh Snlrnond; Jujube Paste, V INEGAR, White Wine and Cider, a sup'r. article. W orcestenshire Sauce, Walnut Pickles, Warranted, 'X TRA Fine Cigars, from 1 to 15 cents eaa^ . Y EAST Powders, Cooking Soda Cocoa, Z ANTE Currants, &C. Call and Buy. A. T. LATTA. Limited Co-Partnership. nr*HE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE FORMED A LIMX ITED CO-PARTNERSHIP under the name and style of KOOPIHAftiV & SOittJlERS, For the purpose of carrying on the general Merchandizing business, at the old stand of Messrs. M. DRUCKKR A CO., at Camden, S. C. M. KOOPMANNand L. SUMMERS, of Camden. S. C., are the general partners, and E. SOMMERS, of Charleston. S. C.t is the special partner. E. SOMMERS, the special partner, has contributed the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars, to th^cooiinon Stock of tli? said partnership. The said Limited Partnership, commences~ot the 1st day of July, 1859, and terminates on the first da* of Jul7, 1862. it. KOOPMANN, july 6?Cm L. SOMMERS. K. SOMMERS. fg"Sumter Watchman and Lancaster Etdger copy 6 months, and send bill to this officeNOTICE-NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the subscriber oro expected to call forthwith and mako some satisfactory settlement He would also inform his friends and customers that he cannot ofl'er them a twvi.: months credit, ne an inducement to get their trade. He will be glad to sell all those who have and do now pay him promptly on short timo, with the exception of BACON, LAUD. BUTTER, CHEESE. SUGAR, COFFEE. MOLASSES, FLOUR, CORN and SALT, which must be C A S II or approved Bankable paper. To those who have not paid him promptly he cannot and will not open an account. FOR THE CASH HE WILL GIVE SATISfaction, to any who may favor him with a call Jan 5?It ROBT. LATTA. Stale of South Carolina,?Kershaw District.-?In Common Pleas. F. J. Oaks, vs. W. F Lee. Attachment. WHEREAS, tho Plaintiff did on the 30th day of May, 1359, file his Declaration against tho Defendant, who (as it is said) is absent from and without the limits of this State, and has neither wife nor attorney known within tho same, upon whom a copy of the said Declaration might be served. It is therefore ordered, that the said Defendant do appear and plead to the iaid Declaration, on or hefore the 31st day of May, which will be in t ie year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty, otherwise final and absolute Judgment will then bo given and awarded against him. Office Court Common Pleas ) W. C1YBURN. Ker. Dial, May 30, '50 J juno 14 Clerk. Notice to Painters! PAAA live Pnrn Wliiffl T.i'flfl in Oil 2000 lbs. Pure White Zinc Paint in Oil, 500 lbs. White I end in patent tin Cans, 500 lbs White Zinc " " ' " 200 lbs. Porcelain Finish in Demar Varnish, 100 Gallons Linseed Oil, just received. Also, a full supply Spirits Turpentine, Whito Demnr Varnish, Coach Varnish, Copal Varnish, Nos. 1 and 2. Japan Vnruh, Black Leather Varuish, Chrome Green, Hampden Green, Paris Green, Umbor, Ochre, rf"C., in Oil ; Window Glass and Putty, jg^'All of which will bo sold low for Cash, or opproved credit. J. J. McKAIN. Sozodoiit?The greatest and best of all Tooth Wash ; also, Wright's Balmoral Bouquet, West India Bay Rum, Chinese Meen Fun, Prepared Glue-a anperior article ; also "The Pride of the South," distilled from the choicost Southern flowers. Chess Boards, Cabals, Furniture and Store Polish, Puff Boxes, u hand und for sale low by WORKMAN k CO. N. 11.?Lace Leather and Belt Ilouks?(i>r sale upon the most reasonable terms by W. 4 CO. Sept 14 tf 37 J? -WLJ "W THE WAMSUTTA PRINTSrrflFY sire llicbf^l Calicot'K yet of1 lea-red i IES, ?fcc,, all of which will be sold at very low prices for CASH. Nov 10.?tf THOMAS HARRIS DRUGS AND MEDICINES., THE SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK OF W* * rtI A! . ^wnnin, jq uigeimrflis, Surgical Instruments. Trusses, SHOULDER BRACES, PAINTS, OILS -A.2STI5 ZD~5TE STUFFS, All of which have been selected, personally, and strict attention paid to their Genuineness and Purity. A call is solicited from all wanting to purchase anything in bia line, as from the Stock now on band, he is certain to give satisfaction. Camden, S. C. JO HIV J. JHcKAIIf. Camden Jockey Club-: AT a recent meeting of the above Club, the following members were elected officers: President, Col T. J. ANCRUM. Vice Presidents, JOHN McRAE, | Col PRANK HAMPTON, Dr. 0. J. 8HANN0N, | Gon. P. H. NELSON. Treasurer, I Secretary, JAS. I. VILLEPTGUE. | 8. D. SHANNON. Stewards, W. A. ANCRUM, THOS. E. SHANNON, ALFRED BREYARD, JOHN L. JONES, R. B. JOHNSON, ZACH CANTEY, BROWN MANNING, D. L. De&AUSSURE. At ii monlintr nf tVifl dWa Clnh it vm Resolved, That the Annual Meeting over the Hawthorne course be changed from the Seventh to the Fourteenth December, J 859. FIRST DAT, WEDNESDAT. KERSHAW STAKE, for three-yeare-old; mile beats; $100 entrance, $50 forfeit; to which the Club will add $100 if two or more start. SAME DAY. JOCKEY CLU^PURSE, $500; three-mile heats. SECOND DAY, THURSDAY. JOCKEY CLUB PURSE, $300; two-mile heats. THIRD DAY, FRIDAY. WATEREE STAKE, for three-year-olds; twomile heats; $100 entrance, $50 forfeit; the Club to add $200 if two or more start. SAME DAY. JOCKEY CT.TTB PURSE. *200 : mile heats, best three io five. Weight* AndjJistencea?th? same, thaw mi ?W- ~ Charleston Club. The Colt Stakes to dose on tbe first September next and entries to be made to ' S. D.SHANNON, Secretary. April 26? Camden, So. Carolina . SINGER iooST" SEWING MACHINES Have made great reduction in prices. In con junction with the Wheeler A Wiiaon Mcnufactu ring Company, and the Grover A Baker Sewing Ma chine Company. T^c price of Singer A Co.'s Family Sewing Machine, hitherto, sold at ?100, will be sold at $50, which is the same price the above Company La?e agreed to sell Family Machines at. Singer & Co.'s, Standard No 1, 12 inch Ta'olo by F. L. ZKMP. Another Tumble in Dress Goods, 1 EMBROIDERIES, Mantillas, Ac., at tho "Old Corli ner." New and splendid Goods selling at balfi' their value to close and to make way for a new Fall supply. Samples of negro cloths can now be seen, and will be sold at astonishing low prices, at the "Old Comer." E. W. BONNET. Paints Oils, Yarnt?I?c?, Ac. PURE White Lead, Snow White Zinc, Linseed Oil Turpentine, Colors of every description, Copal and Coach Varnish. All warranted of the best quali- * ty, and for cash will be sold as low as can be pur- * chafed in Charleston. F. L. ZEMP. Window Glass and Putty! I -d \\J IN LOW GLASS, of alLsiae* and qualities, f6rr i v T sak low by JOHN J. McKATft ?