The Camden weekly journal. [volume] (Camden, South-Carolina) 1853-1861, February 15, 1859, Image 4

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Professional Cards, WOT. t. DcPASS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND SOLICITOR n ?QVIYY? CAMDEN, S. C., "Will practice in Kershaw and the surrounding Dis tricts. December M?if. Kershaw & Davis, AVV0S8&13 AY Caiiuten, So. Co., Have formed a Copartnership for the practite of Law, in Kershaw and the surrounding Districts. J. B. KERSHAW, J. M. DAVIS, pw Office rear ol Court House. Sept. 28,'58 William R Taylor, Attorney at L a w, CAMDEN, S. C, "Will practice in Kerehaw and the surrounding Biatricte. Office in the Court House W* ?? fcElTKEK., Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Equity, / Com Jen, So. Co., Jr fg* Practice in the Courts of Kershaw, Sumter and Lancaster. ^ j~'~ Camden, S. C., September 2?fT?58. Willi am.-K?nn edy, Jr.f ATTORNEY AT LAW, ^ Memphis, Te ?ali c nee, OFFICE IN XftTl OAYOSO BANK BUILDDTO, Madison Street April 2u. /Dr. Joseph Lee, Dealal Sargeou, ay Office or?r tfie Post Office. July X. CALCINED ?a?A8ffam T>OSESDALE CEMENT, 8TOKE LIME ; ALSO 'An> a superior article of WHITE LIME. SASH AND BLINDS to order. , iJf* All of best quality aod at Lowest Market Trices for 9ASIIon\j. C. L. CHATTEN. The State of So. Carolina, Kershaw DistrictId the Conunon Pleas. Je?I Hough, ) Doclarahon ?. > in C. "W. Wabb. ) Foreign Attachment. "117 HERB AS, the plaintiff did on the 12lhdayof I T November, 1858, Ale his declaration against the defendant, who is absent from and without the Smite of this State, and lias neither wife nor attorney, known within the same, upon whom a copy of said declaration might be served. It is therefore ordered, that the said defendant do appear and plead to the said declaration, on or before a the 11th day of November, 1859, otherwise filial and ahwlnie judgment will then be given and awarded gamut him. Ctorka Office. Kershaw ) Wm. CLTBURN, Mtlriad, nov 12, 1858 f nov 23 ccpkd. THE LIVEK INVIGOKATOE, PREPARED DY Dlt. SANPOKD, Cemponndcd Entirely from Gnms 13 OXK OF THK BEST PURGATIVE AND L1VER MEDICINES row before the public, thai-acts aaa Uaikarttc, "easier, mikter, nnd more ellecluilliifttjir" amy other medicine knowa It is not only n CaViarMc, bat a Liver remedy, acting first on the Liver to ?i*ot its morbid matter, then on the stomnch and bowels to carry off Umt matter, thus accomplishing two parposes efl'eetnnlly, without any of the painful feelings experienced in ii?e operations of most Cathnr Oe?. It strengthens the system at the some time that it parges it; and when taken datly in moderate dose* will strengthen and build it up with unusual rapidity. TbeLlveris one oi<*. the principal regulators of the human body ; and when it performs its function* well, the pow-)^ ers of the system are fbllj developed. The^^; Stomach isalmost entirely dependent on thr^fc^ healthy action of the Livtr for the proper per-s ^ formanceof iu function*; when the stomach is at) <fault, the bowels are at fcnlt and the whole 8VS tern suffers in conso- I qnenoe of one onran^-j ? the Liver?having eeased to do its duty.?iW'For the diseases of that ergan, one of the pro-)?K.prietor8 has made it his tody, in * practice more than twenty years, to find some remedy wherewith to counteract the many derangements^^ to which it is liable. To prove that this . 'remedy is at last found. aay person troubled witli(^5,liveu C'Oiiplaint, in any of its fornix, has buti,^^ to try a bottle, and conviotion ia certain. ( ) These Gums remove pJ all morbid or bad matter from the system, 8up-)*^J(plyiug in their place a healthy flow of bile, in-vp6j>Yigc>rutirig the stoniaclt. causing food^to digcet)^ well, purifying the blood giving tone and health to tho whole machinery, removing the cause of^HH the disease?effecting u Tadical cure. BlUOCS Attacks are') cured, and whalis better. nvfnUd by tha occa--QQi siotinl use of the Liver I n vigor#tor. /#. { One dose after eating Q is sufficient to relieve the atomach&nd prevent1! . the food from rising and searing. /W' A-la ? ? - lalran m ' Ko'nrn rr?f i ri n rr rtrnvoiif ^ vnij MMOU ?nivcn,Q wviv/iu ivnuiig, ^iviviivo IIGHTMARK. Only one doso takenJJLj at night, loosens the to wala gently, and cures'^?' C0ST1VEN ElSS. Oaa dose taken alter#^,each meal will cure Dyspepsia. N? ^ On* doso of two.CQjteaspoonfulii will nlwavs , relieve Sick Hhadaciie -A One bottle takrji (or'femaleabstraction removes Ihe cause of the disease, and makes a perfect cure. Only one doee immediately relieves C110LIC, while One dose often repeated is a sure cure for CI10L IRA MORBUS, and a preventive of CHOLERA. ty Only on# bottle is needed to throw out of the ystem the effcets of medicine after long sickness. ? yWOne bottle taken for Jacxiwe removes all aallowuess or unnatural color from ti e skin w- Oao dose taken a short time before eating gives vigor to the appetite, and makes food digest well. One dose often repeated euros CHRONIC DlAR1HCEA in its worst forms, while S UMME It and MO WEL complaints yield almost to the first dose. One or two doses cures attacks caused by WORMS ia Children ; there is no surer, safer, or spedicr remedy in the world, as it new /? h. V9~ A few bottles vures DROPSY, by exciting j & absorbetits. We take pleasure in recotnmeuding this medicine as a preventive of Fever mad Ague, CHILL /KY Kit and all FEVERS of a BILL 10US TYPE It operates with certainty, and thousands are willing to testily to its wonderlul vi-tucs. ALL WHO USE IT ABE GIVING THE III UNANIMOUS TESTIMONY IN ITS FA YOU. tar Mix Water in the mo ith with the Euvig j raler, and swallow both together. The Liver Invierorator Ia Scientific Medical discovery, and is daily workcures, almost too great to believo. It cures as il by mgic, evert th? first dove yiciny benefit, and seldom ere than one bottle is required to cure any kind ol I^IVJER Complaint, from the worst J A C'XD/CF or I) YSPEI'SIA to a common JI FA DA ClIF. ali ol which aro the result of a It IS FA FED LI YKH. PitICt: ONK DOLLAR PER HO'lTLH. Dr. SANFOIID, Proprietor, 345 Broadway, New York. Befeiled by all Druggists. Soldi n Camden by J. .9. Tit Iv.llY, September 14, 1S58. 3" FOR SALE, MY House on Kirk wood road now occupied i by Mr. Legrand. Price jJJti'iO. Sept.29.?tf B. H. DKAS. 14KP, "Whole and Halt Barrels at j 1 tecember 7 JOS. M. <?A > 1.K S. mmgrw - < i * L. . '- - ? Business Cards, James Armstrong, Forwording and Commission Merchant, N O. 38, 40 A ND% M A RK ET ST., , Charleston, S. C. .0. Importer and Wholesale Healer in s&jmMLrur? Also solicits. consignments of nil kirnta of Corn, WheSPKour, Eggs, Butter, *, &.C. A11 consignments "promptly attended to nnd nil goods consigned to my care will be forwarded with despatch. :o: References, H W Connor A Co. Courtney, Tonnent k Co.? Gilliland. Unwell k Co. Haviland, llanal <fc Co.? Willinmjj-^ Price, G. W. Williams k Co., John Fras er k C6., Condict, Jennings A Co., Ambler A Selman, K Ji Stoddard k Co., J S A I. Bowie A Co., Fnekler, Colcock A Co, W, G. Bancroft A Co., llayden. Pro. j J " ??? ? J O...., r. 1CKC I S UO., W & 0 fi^AUgur, i) icuj "aTsidney smith, FACTOR, -GENERAL COMMISSION And Forwarding Merchant, Charleston, S. C. i? ( - S. S. FARRAR.t BROS., ) r. , , Refers to jjuTLKR A BEE, f Charleston. Planters supplies, Guano, 4c., purchased free of Commission. Liberal advances made on consignments. - P. T- YILLKPIQUK- ) _ , Refers to q ^ SUA XV 1" Cuindcn. __july_2 20 tf tailoring. TUIf Vaderttigned respectfully informs tlio cititens of Camden and vicinity that he has opened a Shop Two doors above the Post Office, CA.lVE3DE3Sr, 3. C-? Where he will execute work in his line, in a STYLE SECOND TO NONE. QT Also, RENOVATING and REPAIRING done neatly, and with despatch. March 2.1,?tf J. J. DAVIS. Reeder & DeSaussure, AND Commission Merchants, ADGER'S WHARF, sept. 12?Cm. CHARLESTON, S. 0. Harness Manufactory. THE UNDERSIGNED would respectfullj inform the citizens of Camden and vicinity, that he has opened a Shop one door North of Dr. F. L. ZEMP, for the purpose of MAN UFA CTURING AND FlE^-A.TFlIISrO IHARNESS. A share of patronage is respectfully solicited.? Work promptly and neatly executed, at prices that cannot fail to please. W. F. LEE. jniic <S ly 33 Mansion House, BY E.G. ROBINSON, CORNER OF BROAD & DeKALE-STS. April 27, Camden, So. Ca. CalTer House, ~ LATE PLANTERS' HOT L, CORNER OF CHURCH AND QUEENSTS, Charleston, So Ca. Saddle and Harness rpHK subscriber gives notice that he will work low 1 for cn fi, ant :or suet! cusioinern as pn/ piu.upu/, and for tin <e only is lie willing to work on credit. All thos) who have patronized me liberally, I will happy t > serve again, promising that nothing out the best work shall bo done. P. J. OAKS. January 13?tf J ANNE Y' S HOTEL," Colmtibia, St). Ca. rpilIS HOTEL has been thoroughly repaired, reno1 vated, and a NEW WING erected, with a large and eommodions DINING-ROOM, fitted out in modern style, all of which is handsomely finished and FURNISHED, making it one of the most desirable Hotels in the Citv. J AS. C. JANNEY. C. A. MCDONALD, Merchant Tailor, CAMDEN, S. C. HAS just received from New York, and will kep i (wnntimilv on hand a select Stock of 1 CLOTHS, CASSIMERES Together with a FULL ASSORTMEXT of Tailor's Trimmings, Ready-Made Clothing, &c, Abo, Furnishing Goods, consisting of Linen an?l Undershirts, Drawers, Socks, Gloves, Cravats and overy article for Gentlemen'* wear. ?2T'For sale on reasonable terms. Sept 21. W?mmm? ????n??? ??am mojuxwu LE BOOKS, Consisting in part of a Large Assortment of Bibles,Prayer Bfrnks- Commentaries Standard I'octs School Hooks Medical, and Miscellaneous lVorks Particularly suited to Public and Private Libraries Also, CAP, LETTER, DILI,, NOTE, nnd WRAPPING PAPERS, of various qualities, and at prices ranging liom 5 cents to $5 per renin. ENVELOPES of all sizes and qualities, from f>0 cents per Box to ?2. INKS ol tlio best brand-*, put up in any sized bottles. S. TOWNSI'.ND A. CO. Auf. 24. IG2 I'ichardson-St., Columliia, S. C Perfumery and Toilet Articles. f |"MIE subscriber lias jii?t received from Philadelphia, J a large assortment of Perfumer}-, Ac., consisting of English, French and American llnndkcrchict Extracts. German Cologne. Philocomc Pomaluin, Hair Oil, Mnccassnr uu. iivou s iviiiiiiiuuu, jwhj a Trieoferouu, Wowla' JUair Restorative, ?tc. Also, Fine Knglidi Hair Bru?lics; Tooth and Nail Brushes; a large assortment of each, for sale by oct 19 / JOHN J. McKAlN. ? -- - - JA CertaiirCure for Ague. nil. Sll ALl.KNiy lll'lICR's "Fever and Ajrne antido1e,"n mmieine eftieaeious beyond precedent, in the cure of TJuvki: and Aoli:. Ciiu.i, I NT KI'.M'I TF.NTI or LriET.'nn lit:>iini..M tun, jm.wi. Acuk, or any fornijof (license ls:ivintr a Malarious origin. Hiw .Medicine when taken into the .stoina<-li [Mio.-cs into tlie expiation and Ijy coining :n rolltact with 'lie we of the disease, Viz; .Malaria; neutralizes or dflfroys it and is emphatically an antidote to the poison. Tim cure is radical and complete. Ia%p'<'n&o mill the potimt have mc.'V than cue ClfILL affr rumiucuriraj the iwilicinc ttul in the majority of ccmrA 01 E\I.A THA T. For sale oy F. L. ZK.MP, A^cnt. ?kOE3, SHOES< VGOOD KTOCK of ail qiuditic?. at HcwDih'-r 7 . ' JO.S. M. GATLK'? # , / r- \ y . ( ; y > r . - v ' - .-v. : V *' . SPSS ALL persons indebted to the subscriber are expected to call forthwith and make some satisfactory settlement. He would also inform bis friends and customers that ho cannot offer them a twelve months credit, .is an inducement to get their trade. He will be glad to sell all those who have and do now pay him promptlv on sho't time, with the exception of BACON,'LARD, BUTT Kit, CHEESE, SUGAR, COFFEE, .MOLASSES, FLOUR, CORN and SALT, which muat be C A S II or approved Bankable paper. To those who have not paid linn promptly he cannot and will not open an account. FOR T1IE i;A8H 11E WILL GIVE SATISfaction, to any who may favor him with a call Jan 5?ti ROBT. LATTA. IWfllillAl'F * JL V11HIIIV1J rr*IIE following celebrated Soaps have just been 1 received at the "Old Corner Kiss me Quick, Floating; Frangepanni, Savou; Cold Cream, Honey ; Nymph, Old Windsor; National, Omnibus; Erasive, A'la Rose. Extracts for the HandkerchiefKiss me Sweetly, Jockey Club; Fningepanni, Geranium, Heliotrope, Ac., Ac., Ac. ALSO, Bay Leaf Toilet Water, Bunker Hill Cologne, Swift's celebrated Meen Fun Genuine Spanish Lilly White, Charcoal and other Tooth Powders. Lip Salve, Pomatum, Shnmpoon Water, Anti-Mcphctic Aromatic Vinegar, Ac. October li E. W. BuNNEY. A New and Import:!lit Remedy! Just received : Dr. Dennis' STIMULATING Oil IIOT HITTERS, 170U Dyspepsia, Colds, and Femnle complaints nri. sing from Colds. Also, Dr. Denni3 Snrsnparilla, Compound, the best medicine of the day for purifying liic Blood. For sale by JOHN J. McKAlN. PRESERVED FRUITS, Put up by EDWARD BANCROFT. HERMETIC'ALLYsealed FroiU; Preserves, Brandied Fruits, Blackberry and Cherry Wines, Ac., grown and put up at his nurseries in Athens. Ga. tgTTho above articles are carefully prepaicd with the very bent materials, from choice varieties of Fruits, and aro warranted equal to any in tho United States. For sale by JOS. M. GAVLK. ri- L e.'? ^U-pu.X Liitri ^xiip rF,HE SUBSCRIBERS have tliifl day formed -00. X PARTNERSHIP, under tlie name o' T.NJOHNSON <fc CO., for the transaction of the Broker ege and General Commission Business. Charleston, 8. C. | t. N. joiins0n, jani9?tf j. W. l. McCAA ?ir@@]k?ir? W&m c C1II IN A, Glass and Earthen Ware?u good assort I ment of all descriptions for sale by December 7 JOS M. GAYLK. "LEVI A. HART, manufacturer and dealer in Hardware, stoves, copper, tin and SHEET IRON WARES; Also, Jlanufacturer cf Turpentine Still* and Fixtures, Front Street, below Holmes' Hotel, Wilmington, N. C. nov 2. "yy ANTED?1,000 lbs Tallow; Tor which the ma:k&i price will be paid. December 7 JOS. M. UAYLE. Fancy and Turpentine Soaps. SO ATS and STAIiCII,-* well selected stock ft r sale low for cash by JOS. M. GAYLK. 1| BOXES new Raisins: Jars of boat Boston "x" Pickles Superior Imperial and Black Teas just opened at the "Old Comer." K. W. BONNET. 6'i esse & Lnfmi's Extract, KISS ME QUICK,and oilier favorite extracts, j tat nccivi-d by J. J. McKAIN. Sewing Machines. The Wheeler & Wilson Manufacturing Com'ny HAVE made a reduction ot about TWENTYFIVE DOLLARS, from the former prices of their Setving Machines, and now sell Medium size on Rosewood case for $121.00 do ' Mahogany " " 105.00 do " table with top " DO.'iO dn " " without top 80.00 Machine of new style & pattern, 50. Price of hum mora' Extra, 5.50 Any of weieh can bo had here, with expenses of transportation added, by applying to XV It. It UrtlriTMAV The Medium size Machine is the one adapted to general domestic uses. The same can bcseonatnnj time by calling at the Store of Messrs i Oct 2C ' JOHN J. WOItKMAXA CO. CARRIAGES 8c HARNESS. I r |''UK subscriber invites attention to iiis exceusive 1 stock of Vehicles, among which may be found TUB CELEBRATED LM.TfT CARRIAGES am? iu'<a;n:s or imiilvdmm'iiia Zkl-A-IT'CTZFJ^-OTTTIFIEPrices lower than ever, at S K. Corner Meeting A Went worth-streets, Charleston, S. C. Oct 2G LEONARD ClIAPIN. Keavy Groceries, &c. BBLS. of He-lined Sugars, f / v/ Laguyra, Java and Bin Codecs; N. C. and Western Bacon?hog roumlj Superior Canvassed Hams ; Fiesh Smoked Tongues ; Mackerel, iNos. 1, 2 k 3?Kills i Barrel* Salmon?at retail ; I'ickled Shad; Salt, Laid and Elour. Oniony. Potatoes. Ac. etc December 7 M E HONEY" A BOS WELL. TTpnw Wnnlpns. B lankets&c.,!! \\J K have a very lariro assortment of NKGRO tt WOOLKN3 and BLANKKT?*, of the latter a lot of Kxtra weight and .size. Which will be found well worthy an examination by Planters. Also, u largo lot of low priced satinets for House Servants.? Linseys and Homespuns. Sept 21 A. M A 11 KKNNEDY. Boys' ClothingV LARGE aasoi tmciit of Yo ll I lis' and IJoy* 4'loCtiiti;;. Over Coats, Vests, Pants and Coats, just opened at Sept 2 C. MATHKSON A CO'S. Paints. Oils, Varnishes Ave. PURE White Lead, Snow White Zinc, Linseed Oil Turpentine, Colors of every description, Copal and Coach Varnish. All warranted of the best quality, and for co-s/t will be sold as low as can be purchased in Charleston, K. L. ZEMP. \\' AWTTI16),?fihO bushels of Dried (peeled) ^ V I'. I.,.. I A . * ? 1 I'llVllcn IIIIM ??| I'llO , 500 busl.elaof Dried (1111peeled) do do do., for wliieli the highest market price will be paid by calling on JOS. M. GAYLIi. Novelty!! The Patent Victoria Sell- Adjusting Corsets. | ^ E.M>, French Corsets, mid n ^rjent variety ol ,i i Jhiup SLiih, just received and l|;r sale at tli? "Old Comer." by K. Vw JiONXKY. JS utter! MSutter 1 / / 1 QfillEX llljTTKll for sale?'frcs ;"_nt ' 1 December 1 JOS. 1 |t GAYLE'S. A I Great Southern Remedy, JACOB'S CORDIAL, r for all BOWEL DISEASES! I Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Bilious Colic, Diaroea, Cholera Infantum. also, ADMIRABLY ADAPTED TO MANY DISEASES OF FEMALES, MOST ESPECIALLY PAINFUL MENSTRUATION. , rpIIR virtues of JACOB'S CORDIAL are too well X knowii to require encomiums. 1st. It cures the worst ca^es of Diarrhoea, 2d. It curesAhe worst forms of Dysentery, 3d. It cures California or Mexican Diarrhoea, 4th. It relieves the severest Colic, It piirp* Clml em Morbus. , 6th. It cures Cholera Infantum, 7th. It cures Painful .Menstruation, 8th. It relieves Pain in Back and Loins, 9th. It counteracts Nervousness and Despondency, 10th. It restores Irregularities, 11th. It dispels gloomy and hysterical Feelings. 12th. It's an Admirable Tonic. A FEW SHORT EXTRACTS FROM LETTERS, TESTIMONIALS, <feC. "I have used Jacob's Cordial in my family, and have found it a most efficient; and in my judgment, a valuable remedy. Hon. HIRAM WARNER, Judge of Supreme Court, Georgia." "It gives me pleasure in being able to recommend Jacob's Cordial; my own personal experience, and the experience of tny neighbors and friends around me. is a sufficient guarantee for me to believn it to be all that it purports to be, viz : a sovereign remedy. wm. It. underwood, Formerly Judge of Superior Court, Cherokee Circuit." "I take great pleasure in recomnienuing mis invaluable medicine to all afflicted with bowel diseases, for whirl) I believe it to be .a sovereign remedy?decidedly supeiior to any thing else ever tried by me. A. A. GAULDIXG, Deputy G. M. of the Grand Lodge of Georgia." "I have used Jacob's Cordial in my family, and this, wilh all I bear about it as a remedy by those who have tried it, induces me to belivc that it stands at the head of every preparation of the kind, and I would recommend its use in tho diseases for which it is compounded MILKS G. DOBBIXGS, Cashier of the Bank of the State of Geo., Griffin." ''If there is any crgjjibiliiy in human testimony, Ja cob's Cordial must sttind preeminent above ail other preparations lor iheKDre of Bowel Diseases. From the mass ol testimony in its favorj^ning in Irom quarters, it must be very far in ad^Pc. as a curative agcnl, of most if not all other 'patent' preparations. A. FLKMING, Cashier Marine and Fire Insurance Bank, Griffin^-* "This efficient remedy is travellings into celebritjHl as fast as Bonaparlo pushed his colunfns into ltussiu, and gaining commendation wherever used." Georgia Jejf'ersouian, May 19, 1853. Sold by Druggists Druggists, Merchants, aud Phyriciuiis^^^^ttyihy I.MPOUTER AND WHOLESALE . Charleston, S. C., july 13?1/ * The State of So. Carolina, Kershaw-District, IN TIIE CUM M UN 1'i.KAS. - "William Hough, ) Declaration vs. J. In Wesley Webb, j Foreign Attachments. T\7"JIERKA8 the PlalntiflT did, on the 11th day of V 7 May, 1858, hlo his Declaration against the Defendant, who is absent and without the limits of the Slute, and has neither wile nor attorney, known within the -nme, upon whom a copy ration might be seived. It is. therefore ordered that the appearand Plead to the said Decla^^^^HBr before the 12th day of May, 1859, othcl^^H^mT and absolute judgment will then bo given and awarded against him. W. CLTBURN, Clerks Office. Kershaw ) C. C- K. D. District, May 11, 1858. ) j|g- May 13 SINGER & GO'S. SEWING MACHINES HAVE tnade great reductffc in prices. In con junction with the Wheeler A Wilson Manufactu ring Company, and the Grover A Baker Sewing Machine Company. The price of Singer A Co.'s Family Sewing Machine, hitherto, sold at $100, will be sold at $50, which is the same price the above Company have agreed to sell Family Machines at. Singer & Co.'s, S?0?,lor.l V? 1 19 Tat.lo.t Tion olnnil $110 00 do " 2,' 18 " ' ' "123.00 do " 3, 24 " " ' 140.00 which in $25 less than formerly, and at these prices, tlif?c Machines surpass all others for riautation and | Family use. W. D. McDOWALL, Camden. Oct 5, Agent. ' Removal. rW^IIK subscriber would t.ike occasion to inform his I customers and the public, that he has removed his SADDLE AND HARNESS establishment to the house one door below his lato place of business, and three doors above Messrs. A. M. A It. Kennedy, where ue is prepared at the shortj est notice, to do all work in his line, in the very best style, and on n< reasonable tei ins for CASH as any otln-r establishment in the country. For tlioso who have heretofore paid him promptly, ho is still willing to work on time, and will take pleasure in tilling their orders, but to such as only pay ocauiioiKilhj and hardly then, he would prefer to lot soir.e else enjoy their custom. lie will keep on hard for sale, SADDLES and HARNESS. of different kinds, COLLARS, PHIPL ES, WHIPS, STYIIUPS, 11ITTS, and. Snddle and Harness Materials of different styles and qualities.? Military work dono to order. May 25, ? tf F. J. OAKS. W. D. McBowall A \ ' OI'I.D invite the attention of Ins friends snd T t ilie public to his NEW and elegant Slock of Fancy and Staplo DRY GOODS, Unsurpassed in Richness and Variety, and em brae- j ing nearly every article adapted to first class Retail Trade I lie has received Rich Robes and other desirable DRESS HOODS 1 Laces, Embroideries, &c. AI.-o, ? lull assortment of Mourning Goods! Tic invites special attention to his Stock of Gloves, Hosiery, Silk, Merino, Cashmere, Shaker Knit, and Flannel Vests and Drawers, for Lndies, Misses, Infants, Men and Boys! Ladies Merino Union Drosses, Cliemese Linen Yokes and Bands ; Mens and Bojb Shirts, Cravats, Stocks, itc, Camden. October 10 DICIISS GOODS! DRESS O-OODS ! Ont Stock in tiio above is now CJoiii{>l<?lct and the attention of u|l is requested. Call and look at them?we ask notning for exhibiting tliein, and will take a great deal of pleasure in doing so. They consist in part o| tlie following tie.-irable ftyles jfc llobes A Dt-ui Jupcs, ^ lichen A. Deux Yolantes, Robes A Deux Jupes A'Lcz, i Poplin Robes?Bode De Chovro, Silk Robes in every variotv. Also, Valencia?. Sept. C. MATllHSON & CO. 174??? Scgai'S and Smoking Tobacco, ll.r sale < lj J01IX J. McKAIN ? t ^ m* ' NEW STORE. rHE subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and tho public generally, that he has opened a lew Store, two Doors below C. Matbeson, where he rill sell, coffee, ?3?M33'33, MM, ?M?aaa?s &?i?!8, TWINE, &c., ts low for CASH, as the same articles can bo bought u any Store out of Charleston. Jjast received a fresh supply of Assorted Candies, PICKLES, SARDINES, LEMON SYRUP, CHEESE, JBUTTER, CRACKERS AND CIGARS, DRY GOODS, SHOES, GROCERIES, Ac., all of which will be sold at very ow prices for CASH. Nov 10.?tf THOMAS HARRIS tfe/ Cathartic Pills, ? (SUGAR COATED,) arc madk to CLEANSE THE BLOOD AND CURE THE 8IC& Invalids, Fathers, Mothers, Physicians, Philanthropists, read their Kffects, and Judge of their Virtues. FOR TlfE CURE OF Headache, Sick Headache, Foul Stomach. PmsDUKd, Pa., May 1. lJ-Si. Dm. J. C. Arm*. Sir: I hare been repeatedly cured of lbs worst headache any body can have by a dose or two of your Pills. It seems to arise from a foul stomnch, which they cleanse at one*. If they will cure others as they do me, the tact is worth knowing. Your* u itli grua: r. specl. ED. TV. PKK3LK, C trk < / Steamer Carion. Bilious Disorders and Liver Complaints. ItEPARTXKXTOFTflK ISTSRIOa, W.ASntSOTO.T, D.C..7 Feb., 1856. Sir: I have used your Pills in niy general and hospital prnctire eTer since you made them, and cannot hesitate to say they are tho best cathartic we employ. Their regulating autluii on the liter is quick nud decided, consequently tliey are nu admirable remedy fur derangements of that organ. Indeed, I liars seldom found a case of Irilivut rfi'srwseso obstinate that it did not readily yield to them. Fraternally voiirs, ALONZO BALL, M. D., Ihj/tician tf tin X'arinr. llvjiilaL Dysentery, Relax, and Worms. Post Omen,, Liv. Co.. Mich., Not. 18,1855. Dr. A ran : Your Pills ore the |?rfccU?o of medicine. They bavo doue my wife mere good than 1 can tell you. Jdie had bee a Irk anil nltilne nuav for mouths. Went off to I* doctored at great expense, but got no better. J"he then euinnmnrnl taking your I'ills, which soon curisl her, by expelling Urge <|imiiti*iww of worms (dcrviy from her body. Thi y afterward.* cured lier anil our two children of bloody dysentery, unr uf our neighbors had it bad, and my wife cured lifnt xr i?h two doses of your rill*, while others around us paid from five to twenty dollar* doctors' bills, and lost much time, without being rnred entirely etri then. Such a niedieino as yours, which is actually gM-d and honest, will be prized here. UKO. J. Ultt/KIN, J'ttuuutrr. Indigestion and Impurity o( the IMood. fr<im Jtrr.J. Ihmrs. l'jltnr of Mr rut (ttrrJt. Da. Arttt: 1 have useit your l'ills with oxtmopliiiary success in my family and among those I ain called to visit in distress To regulate the organs of digestion and purity the bbsal they aro the very best remedy I have ever known, and I can cuiili lontly recotntuwud them to my friend*. Your*, J. V. lil.MKS. Wai.saw, Wvovino Co., X. Y.. Oct. 31 t>5S. Data 8ta: I am using your Cathartic i'ilis In my practice, and find them an exivllrut purgativo to cleausu the system and pu .k. r ..r a. >1^.1 rllJ - JOHN C. MKACII AM, M. I>. Erysipelas, Scrofula, King's Evil, Teller, | Tumors, and Salt Klicum. r ? f)pm a f'<rtt'flI'lltHtj Mtrrluinl of S. I.ouit. /A'-. 4. 1S5R. Pa. Arm: Your I'lIU arc tlie paraip.n of ml t!i?t in ;nni ir nieJii'ini'. Tlicylnvrfurrd my little* IntlKlitrr of tili r: ii? upon hi-r hand* and fret Hint luul provni iiu'iiraM.- for -mtv Il,-r mother let* Icon lonz jtrieVoiinl/ afllrjeii ?i 1 It liUi iin mi. pimple* an her nUiu m d in lu-r lutir. After mil liil.l viscured ill* alto tried your I'll a, and tliry hnro curt.l li?r. ASA rioi:tii::i<tiK Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and (Jout. from the Hrr. br. Vf Metmit-i /.) ! . C A** til Ot.. Ann. O. rful for tin r?lirf )<-tir ?lli. iuy cn*r to toll. A 'i.i-i ?. i'rUi'iatiliK iirttrulcir | air. II. Nut* itimtui.ilili^ ! i.x- I *l'l? ? *oler. III.;il I. I l.attillioiK. III. k"l.; iere ?to*. I.ut ?nr?.. J'y pv roiitei* KyCer. D*. Arm: 1 have lucii entirely rhiyil It matte Goat ? n pttiiiiui 'limv-r pij, ' an? n..^flHltt&.. n. L ;. plalnta, r^9^Hn&>'..^rUty purge, they aiv an at-eiloo remedy. For Cj^^^^^^^Rp<?iiMii>ntioii, nmi it* it Dinner E^H|^^^HjMkre<..<Uc Fits, s|H^HHH^Pnr?l\sis, li.thintnintinn, Mul ut.ii Dr^l HkrPaili.. i Ulluiluctk, cured ky tha-alaMHMEtlon of thee* Hill*. Must of the pill* 1b market contain Mercury v.!>>.-|i.:>lllu-i.wI a valuable remedy in skilful hand*. i? danger. ill in a | i.l h. | it from the dreadful ci>UM*|ilriire* thai fcr.|iieiitly o ll?.w it* in.-u. tioua uh. These coutaiu no mercury or mineral ai.Utan.-. whatever. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL VOK Til K KAI'ID Ct'KK or COUGHS, COLDS, HOAItSK.VKSS, IN KJ.ll.NZA, BRONCHITIS, WHOOI'I.Vfi < Ol Oil, CROUP, ASTHMA, INC1P1LNT CONSUMPTION, and for ths relief of touanuiptive pativnts iu advanced ?ln*e. af the dUewe. We need not ipeak to the public of it* Tirlttes. Throughout every town, and almost e?ery hamlet of the American State*. It* wonderful cure* of pulmonary romplaint* lime rinde it al ready known. Nay, few are the families iu any riv iliir.l route try on this continent without acme personal experience of it* effect*; and fewer yet the roiuimiuili-* any where which harv not among them eome living trophy of ila victory over tlie subtie and dangerous disease* of the throat and lung*. While it it the moat powerful antidote yet known to man tor the formidable and dangerous diseases of the pulmonary organ*, it is also ....I TO,?.^U. 1?. atnolnved ?.r in- I font* and young persons. I'urnnU shuuld have it in store against the insidious enemy (hat steal* ii|mu them unprepared. We havo abundant grounds to believe tho ClttMT fwiWU saves more lives by tlic consumption* it prevents than those it cures. Keep it by you,nnd cure y?nr colds while they are curable, nor neglect theni until nu human skill ran master the inexorable ranker that, fastened on the vitals,eat* your life swayAll know the dreadful fulality of lung disorders, and a* they know too the virtue* of this remedy, we need not do more than assure them it is still niadv tho best it ran lie. \\ c e|*ire no eost, no care, no toil to produce it the most perfect |>o**ible. and thus afford those who rely on it the bust agent which our skill on furnish (or Iheir cure. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, MastAND SOLD BY JOIBX J.!V, Driiseittfy April G, Camden, So. Ca. Hats, Caps, &c. VLARfti: assortmeut consisting of Gents' and Youths Black and Colored Cassiniere. Cambridge llats (a new urticlo) Morrucoo fishing Caps, Flush and Black Velvet Caps. Children's Victoria Caps, just opened atsept 28 C MAT11KSON A CO's. Safe and Economical Light. Kerosene Oil Lamp*. VSMALL supply of theso popular LAMPS, of va rious patterns, ('bunnies, Wicks, Arc. This oil is Cheap and will not explode and the light is very brilliant; just opened and for sale by jtlly G J.J. McKAlN' fln-nf c' T?nrrncViin or ftnnHs. UCiil'O A Uiuiuumg w VVUMA\r Jl. A \ i)31KSSO.\ lias just received a large ? ' Stock of French Cnssinnre, Poo Skin, lor Gents wear! Also, tinder Shirts! Hosiery Gloves of all kinds, Shirt-, Collars, Cravats, Ac., which will ho so.d low. I>c*irnl?lc Il<!*iri<>ncc for Sale. rpilK HOUSE on tlio Kirk wood Road, at present L occupied by Mr. <101111 J. McKain. The location is a desirable one, and to any ono wishing toparchase the terms will he made easy, jnly O-tf. '.IAS. I. VILLKPIGUE. Embroideries?Embroideries. r A DIES and Misses Muslin and Cambric Collars, J Laos Mnsljn npd Linen Setts. Embroidered Muslin and Cambric Sleeves. Embroidered Muslin and Cambric Flouncing, at C. M AT11ES0N A CO'S. White Lead. rA ROE invoice of superior White Load and Chrome j Green, which will be sold low for Cash. Jpst received at McKAIN'S DRUG STOJtE. Kui^ical Iiislriiiiiciits OF ALL KINDS kept constantly p|( hand. Also, a tine assortment of Pliysicjnn's Docket Cijses, just received by dOifN J. PRUsmwfmn CO^SISTI.\? of Ginger, Poaches, Cherries, Citron, Strawberries, Chow Chow, Lirueu, Crab Anplcs, Pears, Ac. ME RONEy ABQS\yELL. t f * / f I < 0r f 'NEW GOODS!! I Wm. ANDERSON J fl Is dow receiving a large Stock of ^ H Fall and Winter Goods!! 9 All of whicb will be sold at the H| LOWJSST POSSIBLE KAT&S!! H Camden, S. G., St-pi. 28, 1858. H E W PALL 9 [ AWU NWXWC2R 9 GOODS. I WE ABE NOW RECEIVING OUR USUAL 9 supply of Dry-Goods suitableJfcr the season, comprising:the most desirable and Faahion- 9 able style of Dress Goods, in every texture.? 9 Also, a very full assortment of all kinds ofWorsted 9 Linen and CoUon GOODS, 8ucb as usually.-kept by us". We respectfully invite our friends and customers to cnll and examine tlie stock; it having been selected with great care. We will guarantee the prices to be ax reasonable as they can be fnnnd anywhere. Sept 21 A M.?fc U. KKKNBDY. The Vulcanized India Bobber Belting CAN" sclely l>e recommended as eU}>enor u? leath er in i ?ij re*pect for Bands for G-tton Gins * Saw-Mills, Mines. Grain elevators. Machine Shops ! and Manufactories or wherever opeu belts are la be used. It is a more desirable article than leather, inasmuch as its first cost is much less; it is stronger and more durable, and gives a gain iu power ou the pulley. It will stnuda heat of 30t? degrees unaffected. No degree of cold or wet can injuire iu working, nor is it subject to damage from Rats, ire, An assortment on hand and for sale low by WORKMAN & CO. ' V D T T a I 3 TJ ..U U L.- fU* .AU u. !>.-?Active jLscabiicr unci x>nt xiuuevc?it* mio upon the most reasonable terms by lf7tCO. Sept 14 tf GAS LIGHT. T HAVING purchased lb? right to sell 'Dauford it I Baily *8 Patent self-generating Gas Lamps," I , arn prepared to supply every family with tb$ moat beautiful and economical light now in use. The substance used in generating gas is the common Borning Fluid and the burner is so simple in its construction that it requires but little time and ingenuity t? keep it in good burning order; the barner formes its ova gas being evaporized and decomposed by its own heat. Uulike the oidinary fluid lamp it does not throw off uncoiismued carbon ; but it forma from tha fluid pure Hydro Curbon Gas, all of which is conveyed through the centre of the generator, not leaving any substance to escape unconaumed. The burner of this lamp can be fitted to any ordinary fluid or oil latnp without the least possible danger of explosion, as thoy aro so constructed that to explode one of them would be utterly impossible. They are considered by thousands who are now using them, to be, if not safer than the old lamp or candle, as tbeh? is no cnnrlf Ht nifr frnm flit* Hrm.p Tf ia tn ho. ritfttifteilV tin* derstood tlmt the gas lamp will give the same amoant of light ns seven stearine or first quality tullow cudies for not more than one and a hnlf cent an honr ? Give it a trial and test its superior advantages.? "Prove nil thiugsand hold fast that which is good."? Call, ami set for yourselves if these things are not true^ April 6tf Sold bv FRANCIS L. ZEMP. Ready Made Clothing,. WE are just receiving a very full, assortment of Cloths, Cussimcres and Tweeds, suitable lor Men and Boys' Wear. i . A'sd, a handsome stock of Clothing. Dress and TTnder-Sbirta, Drawers, Socks. Gloves, Ties and Hat*, in every variety, to all of which we respectfully invito l|t?. al Im.limi r,r all jf| ygflt of <"Q'p QfyMh ' i _ Sept 21 A. M. <t R. KHNNKDYf " To the Publicr WOULD respectfully inform the citizens of Camden, Columbia, and tho adjoining towns, that I shall be ready in a few days to repair old CHAIRS by furnishing them with t:#w seats, or backs, which shall be done in the neatest manner?lully as near the original as they can be made All persons having CAXK SEATED CHAIRS for rebottoming, will please give me a call, as I will be truly thankful for tlieir patmnago. T. C. DUTTON. P. S.?Wliv is a Chair rebottomod so much like a paid bill ? Because ii is reseated. * T. C. 1). january 25 3t 4 Change of Business. TIIK U> DERS1GNED has determined to Change his Business to a Credit of OXE YEAII OXLY. * ALL articles are deliverable at his shop to tb? order of purchasers. When requested to Box and Pack, or send them out. a charge tvill be made tor the same. Persons wishing to make purchases in the FURNl TURK line, can do so by muling satisfactory arrange merits. ' L Discount allowed for cash. f leb 2.?tf C.L. CHATTKN. Camden Bazaar. \,T7E are now receiving and opening onr usual y LARGE STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER DRY-GOODS, and other articles, to which we invite the attention of our customers and the public geneall v. For particulars see future advertisement. Sept. J4, M. DRUCKKR & CO. Soaps(~1 rsNUINK Brown Windsor Soap; Sand Soap (perT famed,) Oniuibua Sonp. Military Shaving Soap, t Rose Soap, Almond and Honey Soap. Chryataline Wash Balls. Variegated Soap, Krasire Soap, for removing groase spots from aiik or woolen. For sale Yy F. L. ZKMP. The Undersigned CONTINUES tire general WAGON MAKING and BLACKSMITH business ns heretofore, and will devote his personal and specinl attention to the Horse Shoeing Department, june 15?tf SASIL SHIVER. For the Haironrr i vwe ntl. VlniA- TToriensia. KVJ M ue 1 o LJ vj iltavuaoM* w?., ? ? ... , , Frnngipanni Pomade, Beurre de Cacao^ Hauel's Hiciuini. or Castor Oil Pomade, Pliilocome Imperial; Bandoline Be*r'?Oil; Ox Marrow Pomatum, Shampooing Water, Ac., Just received by JOHN J. McKAIST. Colleton Bitters- I ' nnnK SOLE AtiKKCY for this valunblo SGUTH- / L KHN REMEDY for Dysprpsie ia at the Drug | Storo of J K. DeIIAY, One Door Below Masonic Hajj. Where the Genuine Mexican Mustang Liniment, and other Family Medicines can also he obtained. NOTICE. 4 LL persons indebted to me are earnestly request.-, tV. ed to come forward and make some satisfactory settlement immediately, if not I will bo necessarily compelled to place them in other hands for collection nov 23-tf W. CLYBURN.Jr. Segars! Scgars! 1 A A BOJfKS of the following Brnnda of Havana 1UU SegarsCOLORADO MADURO, CLARA, OSCDRO, IllO HQNpO?all highly flavored, can b? had at the lovyest M. GAYLB'S ? BI.ANK Efg=-Bh4NKCT&~ A L-VR(5B Stopjs pf ^cd Plf?nt&tlpp Blapketa, ir\ iij's^ Fcpcjved ?M>4 fprwl? !Pw to sppl as V- ANpEpsqy. Gents' Clothing'VfTBNTiON is respectfully called to a Full and . ppsirnbla Stock of the above, now opening at ' Sept 'J C. MATUESON k CO.S Gelatine. COOPER'S French, and Qoxe's. Freeh and jqsfr rpcoivcd by f. L. ZBMp. |