. r"' ' :' " ' :^V V. * Jllisrrllnnrnna Utts. The War in Tlie Steamship Africa lirfs-?arrived at Xev York from Liverpool, as will lie soon by refer iiiy to (lie telegraphic head, but as yet we havi no additional news of importance relative t< the serious state of affairs in China, a few dc tails of which are recounted in tire correspondence of thb London Times, as published ii ? another column. l'Yorn the information received by the Alps, it would seem that this wa 4 does trot iec?iu* the sanction of the* Britisl JK' people. In the Hob so of Conimons, Mr ' Cobden's motion condemning the war wa: ? carried against the ministry by a majority o ?16. This is a rebuke, whether right or wrung which the ministry will have to respect, am the ofders will nrobablv lie that Admiral Sev ? incur must stop bombarding and burning citie: down, because the government of Chiua refuse) to rtllow !b38Vereiguty and its laws to he treat red with irrespcct by foreigners. Sovereignty i.indispensable ko national existence, and every Sovereign nation is the best judge of what h v necessary to its own protection and its owi prosperity. The British people Jbegin^ tc entertain the same notion, and do not seem t?Tid"9lsposed to believe in the virtues o! , gunpowder as a civil iter *or promoter of Chris tianily, nor are they wiling to be invt . h: ^,.v in continual and expensive warfare with ' . nations, Qt the mere discretion of a cuft*?nan - der of the British fleet.. V This unnecessary and unauthorized war aga/ in*? the GfiftiR^-has toused the spirit and ha / ? tred--of tlje nation against all the foreign resi dents, and they have been obligeJ to arm themselves against assassination., so infuriat? ed have the people become. This feeling lia> extended even fat > the Malay settlements, as fat* as Singapore, belonging to the British, in v - the Southeaster 1 extremity of Asia, and must *" necessarily affect the interests of British commerce-and trade in that quarter of the world, r - ' is much easier to set mischief in operation t than it is to stop its progress, and fro in the determination of the Chinese to destroy their owu cities rather than submit to tire exactions of strangers, it is likely that the cost of the * present war to England will be something more loan lliawxti me powtier expcuaeu upon uio Chinese forts. ? Charles'.on Courier. TnR National Hotel Epidemic.?The mysterious sickness which has prevailed at the ?:V National Hotel, Washington, leceives the most satisfactory explanation ns to its cause, yet \ v given, in a communication appearing in the \ .-Rational Intelligencer from a correspondent trfco writes over the signature of ''Meidicus. \ . says: "ily own explanation or theory (diffidently V. .expressed) is that the disease was caused by a - A - poisonous miasm, generated in and raising N^frora the sewers, cespools, and sinks about the Poorer parts of the house. A large public %wer runs dowu Sixth street, and receives all ^ w* tlK^waste and filtb from two large hotels, s^me ' , restSorants, and litiry stables, public bath houses^ &c. Last Jail a stink trap'was placed j i" I the principal opening at the corner of sixth K street add the avenue, and thus the escape ol .* " tfr^tlfTI1 ' jusi been infornfol that such a communication ' does exist. The Iiouse deficient in ventilation, ? and a large steam boiler in the cellar, by rari.c ( ?s not only : jmtm-jy prosperous condition of affairs, but also a ju^ SgEf ?jJprect?tton ofjuihnCconveiiieuce in furtherance g^jfV y 4>f the interests of the day." fe AtfOTffElfc. DaIUSO OUTRAGE.?A youtij man, a cjerk in one of the large establishment on King street, whose name we withhold f*? ^ the present while proceeding leisurely home wards last night about 12 o'clock, on itearjuj *ihe hide door'of the .Mills House, on t^ueci $trevt, was suddenly kjm<$oil on the hand, am remained insensible for about uo hour, Oi recovering somewhat from the acute pain cans otfhy the. wevpriij of the blow, and exuruininj his person, tw fiMMid that he had been robbe< k. of his rjold watch and chain, lie wh? not aware ol the proximity of any person cither be jjT ^ lore or after fie wus struck. /*. Charletton Mercury, %8tji insf,, Lirekal.?Perry Da,vis & Son, of Proi ide/ic R. I., have recently expended <%r SJO.OOO t secure tho public again*! pacing their rnone and placing reliance 'jpoi; worthless counterfiel ju.d imitations of the Valuable Pain Killer, ^ ? ' . - - f Tun Uni"ti state?, that to secure a inajmil | -of the next IJ "use of licprcsciitatives, J]i <| member?. the Jn-inocr.-s'.? J>iti*t vet gam sevei s * ' | Editorial Visit. Wo are gratified to have received a call from W. B. McCreight, Esq., the local .editor of that most excellent and valuable paper, the Charleston ITtrcury.?* Mr. McCreight, we are glad to see, has nearly recovered from the recent garoting which he received in Charleston, and his visit to onr sanctum yesterday, revived pleasant recollections of 41 auld lang syne."? He has been connected with the Press for several years, and is a graceful and easy writer; bis letters from Washington, when a correspondent for onr paper exhibited much observation and good taste. We trust that his visit to our town may prove plelisant and profitable. Uur wave x^tro. We have l>ccn requested to state (and we do so with great pleasure,) that our worthy Chiel' Marshal, 1 Mr. Witliely"OOP. ,wiU be ai-tho Gjftva Ynrrtfln T|mrQ. r day morntt^ next,*fcr fife purpose" ofsiipetTn tending 1 the work of cleaning up, Ac., and it is important and 1 particularly desired that the citisens of Camden and f vicinity should give their prompt and efficient co-operation, by sending a sufficient number of hands to ' enable Mr. Witherspoon to have the work properly done. ' The respect paid to tho dead, it has often been remarked, is a good criteriou by which to estimate the character of tho livingwe should be careful in this regard, lest we lose claim to the high character J. wc have held in the estimation of others abroad for hospitality and refinement. Our Grave Yard has been too long neglected, ana wc arc all sadly at fault in hnving allowed the "city of the dead" to remain in such a state o(*neg!ect and dilapidation. We are afraid if the above test was ' strictly applied to us now. that we might fall below the standard. A stranger visiting our town, we fear, I wnniii not l>e favorably imnrcssed. if he should judire alone by our Cemetery. ? f Let it be so no longer; we arc nil interested in this i'I consecrated -r"f Mtitaaa lifi jjia rrmi in<> of our dearest - *" upon the* sleeping dust. Surely the appeal for help , to clean out and properly arrange our Grave Yard, will not bo made in vain. J JiKtee Withers and the Press. We regret to seo that our esteemed friends of the Charleston Courier, have aniinadvsrted so fiercely upon j the charge 6f Judge Withers, nt the recent trial | tween Dr. Gibbes. of the South Carolinian, and Mayor j Arthur, of the Municipality^ Columbia, j We thought the charge of Judge W. to the Jury on that occasion, as we found it in the Carolinian, all that ! the most uncompromising latitudinalian of tho Press s could desire, and, judg ng from that, as well as from ( our knowledge of his character, iptelligeuce, and sound J judgment, we are forced to the conclusion that tho s | charges of " tho wayward onslaught of Judge W. on r theuowap.iper Press," contained in tho Courier of the i 2Sth inst , is unkind and u'tigMierous, co say tho least t of it, and must certainly have .prison from an entiro e misapprehension, on the part of the writer, of the Judge's language, and a total iguoranco of his true sentiments. Judge Withers is a man of too much t sagacity and intelligence to believe for a moment that s the Press does moro harm than good; we believe as r he does, and so ought every thinking man, that in - mauy-eases, in this our day, the newspaper Press ia j "an instrument rather of mischief than of good J1 but, ii upon tlie whole, the country is infinitely better with J it, than without it. Col. Jluxcy Gregg, in the defence i of the case mentioned, stated as a general proposition, - that the standard of the Tress in our country was ? lower than it ought to be, and that it was in many ^ cases the fruitful cause of mischief, and, excepting ~ the Tress of South Carolina, our country, thiongh its >, insirumenla'ity, had been injured by the unlitilhlulness and want of respectability and truthfulness on the part yf thoso who had assumed to govern or direct public sentiment through the channel of the Progs. Jn the course of his charge to the Jury, Judgo U Willierp took occasion to sustain the general proposi. 1' tiojj on ill- ''mischiefol the Tress," which Col. Gregg had suggested. iia exhibited frequently in these days ,of politick intrigue ;i.jJ di.-lionesty, yartieulnrly tho Pressed >ew Yorjj. Judge Withers is right in this view of the su!>ject~tho Tress, in too many instances, y j is a disgrace to our country, njjd those connected with Si tiiis honorable and responsible calling, have net t.n i?! frequently condescended !<> uo the dirty v\.nk of tinI . .,U (1 :!;ere!'v making j'. the rIv #- * \ i " >\ . > \ | I , licentiousness ,?nd error liave been allowed fo miii-p ! with the turbid wares of sectional jealousies ar d stiff!.If the Press at theXorth liad been true to itsjaiissH' wbat niiytit have been the condition of a.Tnir;jnowA is not bard to imng-ine. It is the low trucklirfc.jign ! tious Press of Free Soil ism and Black ItepubltawV'm at the North and North-west, that has lower# :he standard of journalism, and prostituted ono If the noblest end? and institutions of liberty, to rile/elijsh and dishonorable purposes This is So. Tin ''freedom of the press" has teen abused, and itsisacred ; ' rights and honor have been trampled in tb.c unit, j The senior editor of the Courier ought to hav learnj ed this lesson well by his experience during tie Inst Presidetdi.il canvass, in lis war of words vth the representatives of the Black Republican crc'i "fre then admired his valw and triumphs, nor are te now i disposed to quarrel with him for the love of ikiterely for his ' way ward onslaught" upon our distintiislied fellow citizen, but our motto is '"..W juslitia nt c&' lum." We have not been led to make these remarks hrongh . the least spirit of tinktndnc--s .o the Courier^t en, tcrtain tlie warmest feelings of friendship to^dsobr | esteemed coteir.porary, and desiro that such rintions should continue; nor are' we particularly solicious to appear as the champion of Judge Withers, orof any one.cl?e, but we have embraced the occasion, fid nf tin ability and propriety* with which he diseliaTget alt the duties devolved upon him as Secretary of War in the Pierce adniniistrafton. Nc muld po.-siblj have been admin ift vied. < Wa s\h inn to TIio remains of Hugh S. Legare, Ksq., of Soul! Carolina, the able advocate, profound r-cholnr dUtiiigui-died jurist nn I pat dot statesman, iu?\ repose at Mount Auburn Cemetery. lioston without a tablet to mark the spot. The eilito of the Clnii IcMoii Courier, alter interesting him self to discover their resting place, (shout whirl ? 1 I . V t there seem* to have been some unuuu na opened a 11-I at Ids nllice .'or subscriptions fron all wile) de-ire to contiihutc to tlie erection of j suitable iu"iiii!n Mjt ij\ei tlie grave of the illum triuus Carolinian. A mjusta Constila timiulixt. ??? ? simplk ma\m:ks.?The trial if George Knigh for the murder of his wife, which is going on ii a rurul village in Maiut\ excites so. much inter i Htst that a daily paper has bejni started for th purpose of reporting it. The Court room "ha been crowded, cliiellv by ladies, who, hoth younj and old. bring knitting, croehel and sewing worl with them, so that the hall presents (aside tiori the liial) (piitc a busy appearance. Tin: soi tii mamkacttkino foil the norti ? It .is rather strange to see printing pa'pe sent to ilie Noith; but'singular as it may hp pear Me h is the (ai t. 1 lie pioneer paper fac lory at Villous, Ga., is shipping paper toj'hil adelphia for the n-e of the Philadelphia In^tiir i r. Jt is a very sti| erior article add reflect credit on th'j inaindacforv. A lot goes forw.'in . nexL I 'nIp'iin S'vtrnr. K4 TELEGRAPHIC INTELLIGENCE Later fl oisi Europe. Halifax, March 20. The Cunnrtl steamship Eurupa, Capt. Lcitch, which left Liverpool on Saturday, the 14th iiwt; i has arrived, bunging otic week's later advices ! from Europe. The general and political news is of no special importance in addition to what is already received. Spain o?'iitiinits her preparations against ! Mexico, ;uki wants rmgrina ana trance to iit"'p I the United States neutral, j In China, the affairs remain without any ! change froin last ?d \ icf.-?. | 'i'he Liverpool cotlon market was steady, and j prices unchanged. Tin?sales ol'the week amoun'ted to 48,000 bales, of w hicli speculators took 2,HO0 hales, and exporters 5,500. On Friday sales were made amounting to 0,000 bales?to speculators 1,000. In England a notice was given .in Parliament that motion of inquiry would he made in reference to the relations with the United States. The government of Spain are preparing to Invade Mexico on a large scale, but it is general ! |v thought that the fir>t movements will be I ? ~ confined to.an attack on Vera Cruz. The Circassians have again defeated the Russians, taking 400 prisoners,.and a considerable amount of cannon, baggage, &c. Lord Elgin has accepted the appointment of Special Envoy to China. Sr. Letts, March 23.?'I'he Topeka correspondent of the Democrat-ays the Kansas Free State Convention in session there had under consideration a platform embraced in a series of resolutions, setting forth that the people of the Territory cannot participate in an election under the CuiiM itutional Convention act with OUl Compromising niru iigun .1 Ml' u,., 7.0ns jeopardizing the public peace; llint the Topeka Constitution i< still the choice of a majority of the ciiiz'.'DK of the Terri'nry; and urging Congress to giant the immediate admission ' of the Territory, as a State, into the Union I under said constitution. The resolutions also recommend an appeal to the ba!l"t-box to settle the differences, and express a determination to abide by the principle of squatter sovereignty as enunciated in the Kansas and Nebraska act. Appoiutiuents Tendered. Augusta, March 25.?The (iovernor.-hip of Kansas has hcen tendered to Hon. liobert J. Walker, and that of Utah to Hon. Fayette Mc.Mullin. i St. Louis, March 2(1.- -The Memphis BilJetin learns that the Kansas river was overflow ing its banks, and bad carried away the levees, inundating tin* country and destroying stuck and other property to the value of sioO.OOO. The levees at the head of the B\ rus Bayou had been swept away, and whole plantations "itkiwanrA/l 'I lin riixiK So hliftuil< W t'l C suuiucij^ru. IIIC i I?m 10 i??fi during the great rise of 1S14. St Lours, Msircjj 21. Messrs. Weir and Company's cotton factory, in this city, was burned this morning. L" and will lie s-ci.-;ioi,!y ier lirod r\" [ - V ft Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. From the Editor of the Baltimore Patriot. Baltimore, D- c. 18. Dr. Seth \V. Fowle,.Boston, Mass?Dear Sir: ?I feel ii to lie due to vou to say that a voting lady, a tin-mber of my family, had lieen suffering for sev-ra! years under a broneliail affection, and the disease I:ad madesnch progress, notu itlis'nnding the be.-t medical aid had been consulted, that great f'-ars \vt re entertained that the disease with her, as wills so many others, might speedily ter- j miuafe in death. I was induced. through the per- ' suasion of a friend, to trv vonr DR. iVlSTAR'ii BALSAM OP WII.D Cl'lERHY ; and after she had taken three bottle >, she felt entirely relieved of the attack Very respectfully vonrs. J V. M'JIL I'O.W None penuine unless .-igt.ed J. BUTTS on the wr ix Candidate f"r Tax (-"M.rcroK f..r Kkk.-iiaav Distiller, at tii- next election. Til'?. J. WAlillEN". T2Tj GTISp CT25? J2T*? KERSHAW LODGE HO. 9. AKKnrL.VR Meeting will L* held on tridav Kveniiis; m-xt. a1 8 o'clock, j W. D. AXDKCSIt:;. ScctV ~~SG7ifi OF TKJJ PfiR.A SCIJ. WATERED DIVISION NO. 3. TIIErc;nilnrmeotMijjQfthisr)ivlsfou will be lield??n Thursday evening, a; 8 o'clock Z. .r. Dull A V R. S J^nSTISrOTTIvrCEltvIElsTT! rite lllul'TstJIU-f] ! i*-)? i I'llllv 1II OS liMVr!o inform bis Imi-mU am! lite Voter-, of Kerhaw |)i*liiet, that he will be a -Candidate lor iie Oili -e of Tax Co.lector at the ensuiiio ion. ~ A. T. I, ATT A. Mr. Editor: Vou will please announce the follow itr gentlemen for Intend nit and Wardem ut the ensing election and oblige MANY VOTERS. For JOHN ROSS MR. For Wunleut, V*. F. PERRY, Dr. JOS. LEE. J. W. ARTHUR, ROBT. LATTA. Ml ! HI? !? ! I I I I I II MMW Q?3? ?? FIVE MINUTE Ico Cream Freezers, just opened ; attlio "Old Corner." E. W. BONNEY. j ~NEW SPRING AND STJ^riVrEPl GOODS. "II ""E beg to call the attention of the public to the I t following articles, as they will be found well wrth the attention of those in want of Dry Goods suable for the season:? 'tinted Lawns. Jaconets and Organdies, Barege De Lnes, and Challys, Plain and Printed Barege's?very harRome. also, Flounced Lawns, Organdies and Ba- j lejB, Ginghams, American English, and French Cnl>? i I coe, in great variety; a lull assortment of White Myitis, of every kind, a large and elegant lot of: Seqh and French Embroideries; Silk, Lace, and < ; t? nit illy Lace Mantillas?ueiycst styles; Bordered. ' j II. ^ and Embroidered Lawn and Cambric HandUTs; ! I I .ads ami Misses' Hosiery?a very lull assortment; Silk nil Kid Gloves; Ladies and Misses'Lace Mitts; , Bleated Shirtir.gs and Sheetings?nil widths ; shirting ill Fronting Linens; Pilioivand Sheeting Linens; j Bird ye Diapers nud Towellings. Also, a large stock ' of lo1 priced and line Textures. lor Roys'wear?in nil I i colon, with a complete stock of Domestics for Scr- i | vantsjtc. A. M. A R. KENNEDY, j pring and Summer GoodsrI>Il subscriber invites attention to A "fivw I 1 SPl'LY of elegant SPRING AND SUMMKR OOOI't for Gentlemen's Wear, consisting of Light j Oloilis,Cassi:neres, Vesting*?Satin an 1 Marseilles, I Linen rills, for Pants Ac., all of which will ho sold on l oanable terms. Work executed in the best style and last fashion. Also, on hand a complete assort; i mc-nt oTRlM.MlNGS Ac. Cull and examine before you collude to purchase. C. A. McDONALD. Marc 81?311). ! Attetion?C mden Light InfantryIx pujancc of orders from Col. Jovirs you are henf notilied to l>e and appear at the Company j ! Uendcztts armed and equipped lor drill and in , ' spectiotih Saturday, the 11th April at 10 o'clock. ' j A. M. V order of I Lieut Kershaw, Commanding. ! /. ,1. Del IA V. Clcrk?-T t3T 1" ofliccrs will assc-mhlc- tin- day ptaWoul i 1 nt the sat hour and place for instructions. , : March.. 13 -* 2t. j, 1. M & R Kennedyn AVIU received the largest aiul-M.est assorted Sto?of Fancy and Domestic Dry -Goods, which ' i ! thev hnvecer had to oiler respectfully i.iviies tlieir ' i uionds aril he public to call and examine the same. 1 - They havto old stock on hand. The Goods are new, j , 1 nnd will b|old topic dual customers, or !hr Cash , j as lore as ty can Ik had any where. ; .March .1 13 t: I 4ft i .i. >r? . iiiul' SPUING AND mmm HAVE COME. : ? , *?, ^ AHO^G the different Attractions of UlO Sea*oil, may be (bund at R. SPRINGER'S, > Next door above J. WORKMAN, A BEAUTIFUL VARIETY of GOODS?' NEW SUPPLIES, consisting of THE MOST-? Fashionable Mantillas, Muslins, r 4 Robes, Printed Lawns, Plaiu 4ColM Bareges. Cliallies, DeBeges, Colored and Bl'k Lustre Alpaccas, Ginghams, Calicoes, Furniture Chintz, Swiss, Cambric, Jaconet, and Plaited Muslins, Ktnbroidered and Hernstich'd Kandk'is, Mourning Collars, Muslin and Linen HandkerB^*^; A Cambric and Swiss Worked Edging and Inserting, Muslin and* Linen Collars, Bird Eve and Rum*':^#^, > : Diaper. Damask Doylies. FiungB^i V ; Bord'r'd Towels, Irish LiLens,*E$H'V 4 Fancy Colored Linen DrHH^ji^ ?;.< Linens, Grass Cloth, I: j|?g " si E jszzjilvJHH | Ladies' Silk UmbrellaM&w^^^ Parasols, SHRETIXGS. LOXGCLOTHS, APRON CHECKS. DOMESTIC^^K&^^Wj IIA VS. BED TICKIN(^^*#;#a$|? 10 BALES YARN, I gfc, lEoaidly Mndl? COATS, PANTALOONS. VE.STS8^Ke^Z$$ Assortment, L. B. SHIRTS, SHIRTS. SOCKS, DRA.WE*'^"WM''*? ' SUSPENDERS, STOCKS. 'V, VATS, and COLLARS* Boots, Shoes, Hats* J EXVEERY. ;*?* |j 4^ A NEAT ASSORTMENT OF GOL^B^jS?^ KINGS. EAR RINGS ct'AH J,p$ "Which arc ofl'ered at cost to close tjBBfc", f fr HAVANA SKGARS and others, assoi tment of articles usually kept .. which the attention of the public is ros^pj'^^hff< 4'^ ted, as they will be disposed of at RE*Hct?&L$ LOW FIGURES. . R March 24, Successor to E. Ei*4rw*Stafe:p^j " MEN'S WEAKEEADY MADE CLOTHING, Dress > under Shirts, Linen and Jean j Ties. Collars, Glove.-!, 4c. Also, a fine as-ortmcnt of Black and CoISred and Kancv Cnssimeres, White and r "n _ T ? 1 * *11 I I I I ^*1 I "^i lift H ' I v (.'.I, ill Jfs, fancy .Liiiieu ariiisiinu uum TT Soft and fashionable Huts. Boys Cloth^^fl^^^^^^^ " The atiove we have now in Store an want of such goods March 31.?if A- M- A II. DIBBLEEANIA, that ceebrated 'W w3f|| ciht and beuutifler juat received fi* Manufacturer, at the '*Old Corner." , E. w. New Goods- >^S?Sg B0FENSCF1EN lias received a Mine assortment of FANCY GOO^B, g3K8S?gW China Ware, Jewelry, Ac., which he wH^sQhhBJmb low fur CASII, or to those customers wh<^^j?figuK$g8 !y. Give him a call. ni.?o?niu?n nf .fi>parHU'Mjl|^^y 'TMIK FIIIM heretofore existing under 1 K. Einstein ? Co.. was dissolved mutual consent. The business of the FiH settled by E. Einstein, Macon, Ga. fit E E1N H ft A Police. HAVING purchased the interest at H I ('., in the Firm of K. Einstein A Co, I ta^H^ju3x^fl portunity of giving my thanks to my frien^fcsgl^SwB tinners, and hope, by strict attention to 1 merit a continuance of that liberal patronMhgg?fcipW| tore received. R. S1'?33NKEr A MACK is mr fullv authorised t, to v absence from the Slate. The Old Corner!/ I 'jfiPW VT THAT well known Maud I an a large varielj of Ladies' Dress Goodly. -^WyMl lin, Barege. Tissue and Lawn Rob*, of stales and qualities. Also, rich CHntz, Or^B^/'SSy^B Jaconet Muslins?some beautilul ratterpsjB}41; ored Crape Marelz, ot the finest qtnlitj; of everv description: best quaSty *j|r Spring colors; Summer Mnntillai: Hooped Skirts, and Skirting Cloths, iu aen belts. Dress Tiiuitnings, dc., all at the low?^Bf^^\?!5r4* prices. ' ' 'ji Council Chamber, 'v|l March 1hk# > ORDERED, That the Recorder give notiB?tgS|t' VJ t.? t.t.^-r.,.1 liuit there will iv] tioti hcM at the Council Koo:iv9llJj'0 A1"81, April, for Intcudaut and Four Waroi^8' t0^B ^ *:] ensuing year. as the Town Council ofulWKW: v?^ *J Ordered, That the following gentlemen * JC ed Managers of said Flection?W. A. UrahS * Boone, W K. B. Fraser. -jfl (Kx tract from the Minutes,) * . > J. K. W1TUEIWP002T, Rj^r- M Conunissionors of RoadA . ' r I ^ 1! K Commissioners of Roads for Kersha^Hk^^t J. will meet in Canden on the SKCOND . Jj in April at 11 o'clock, A. M. COLIN Mq| tX~ W March 24th, Clerk ofthJHit^. jfl NEW GOODS. J'UST receiving a" full assortment of desirable Goods' H for Spring and Summer Wear, which I invite my m customers and friends to call and examine. n March 17 ?At. \V. D. McDOWALL. 'fl MY StOCK is now complete in every line for" I'la teif. Carpenters, Cabinet Makers, Coopers,. Hj Smiths and Carriage Makers, with a full stock of Cut cry, Fine CunS.Jkc. W. 1). McDOWALL. SHERIFF'S SALES- 5 I >Y virtue of sundry writs ofFi. Fa. to me directed ^ 1 ) I will ?e!l before tlie Court House door in Camden, on the first Monday in April next, within the lp- j< gal houis of sale, the following property to wit; y 30i> Acres, more or less, of Land adjoining Lands ok 1* \tr^ \i.riiif.n. and others, on the waters of Swonv's Creek and Cm-tail Lrauch, levied on und to be sold'as the property o! Burrell Albert, attliesuitof H. Levy.. AI?o, 7 Head of Cattle, 7 Head of Hogs, 1 Smalk '** I Wagon and Ilamest). 2 Bushels of Oats, levied upon- I und to be sold as the property of Isaac Boat wright, ! at the suit of \V. Thurlow Caston. To be sold ot* Tuesday at the residence of the defendant. ALSO 200 Acres, more or less, adjoining' lands P. Murch^pu, V\utfT'Kinph?n(^intIi?rs levied ofc>oi?and tobe ?ItT A* Mte property of Benjamin Hough, at the- vitiof Kichtnoml Terrell, Assignee. ALSO 1 Xegro Woman named Bess, or Elizabeth levied I on and to be sold n? the property ofJaa D. Gardnerr A at the suit of A. S. \\ ilsun, and others. Tj March 17, E. BARNES, 9. K. D. 1 .Auction ! Auction!! r|~MlK subscriber will bo in Camden on Thursday, I and during Couit Week, and will ulfcr lor sale at* Auction a large assortment of I nner Article?, together with a I ' ol ITXI ' LOCKS, WATCHES. JewTrv, Ac. Xv. Sales p ..-i'.vc, ami gi"at targaina may ?.>c.\ ted. Lookout tor the R<-?! Flag"1 V.;ceh 21, A J. FRANK. I