The Camden weekly journal. [volume] (Camden, South-Carolina) 1853-1861, July 08, 1856, Image 4

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m ? ? * I The Camden weeklyTournal IS 7'CBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY BY THOMAS J, WARREN. Two Dollars ii aid in advance; Two Dollars and < ?.- ~ ... . J- - J.I J .I ?!._ J I filly uents it payment oe aeiayeu mrvu iiiuiiuin, m-.u i Three Dollars if not paid till the expiration of the year, j ADVERTISEMENTS will be inserted at the fob I lowing rates: For one Square, (fourteen lines or less.) j tie* eniy-five cents for the first, and thirty-seven nnd-s- J h'tlfcents for each subsequent insertion. Singlo ir.- I sertious, one dollar per square; semi-monthly month* [ It and quarterly advertisements charged the game as i for a single insertion. ! J ADVERTISING TERMS PER-ANNDM. I Square, 1 year ... ?10.00 | 1 " C months - COO I 3 '* 1 year 15.00 2 "6 months 600 3 "* 1 rear 20.00 4 " 1 25.00 Five Dollars per square for every additional square Business Cards, not exceeding six Brcvierlines. in space, will bo inserted at Jive dollars per annum.? Where they occupy tliz space of fourteen?or over? Brevier lines, solid, they will be charged at the usual rates, to-wit: 1 square. 1 year $10 00. All advertisements are continued until ordered out, and charged according to published terms. * Advertisements are measured and charged according to the fpace.they occupy in the paper. Tlio Tp?w<{ will ho ftfripflv nKcrrvpd - ~ - HARDWARE A FULL and complete stock now on hand, of Carpenter's Smith's and Cooper's Tools, with a flF fuli jine 0f Goods for Builders. I am also prepared ?? to fill all orders for Iron Frout Columns, Lintels, Girders, Column Base and Tops, Iron Doors, Shutters, Spouts, &c. Also, Marbleized Iron Mantles, Marble Mantles, ** Iron Railings. &c., d:e. March 25.?3m. W. D. McDOWALL. SPRING GOODS. W. ANDERSON . IS now receiving fromijxew York, his usual supply of SPRING- AND SUMMER GOODS, comprising a full assortment of Xadies' Dress Goods; Gentlemen, Youth's, and Servant's Wear. All of which will be ?olch>u the mast favorable terms. April 1. Dress Good*. PRINTED JACONETS, Crepe Ma*etz. Printed Linens and Organdie Muslins, Gut Bareges, Tissues, and Embroideries. Also. Mourning Dress Goods, just opened at the "Old Corner" by March 25, D W. BONNEY. Powders for the Toilet. "]\/|"EKNFUN, Italian Ca?metic, Chalk Balls, Lily LtJL White, Rose Toilet Powder, Powder Puffs.? JSoli by F. L. ZEMP. Spring and Summer Goods. 'riAEIS SUBSCRIBER has just recieved, A NEW JL -SUPPLY OF GENTLEMENS WEAR, FOR . .-BPHING AND SUMMER, to which he iuVHes the , ;?tt?*tion of gentlemen, as they will be sold on re*$onabHtt-srms. Work executed in the best style andAaite8t-4ksl:ion. Abo on hpnd a complete assortment of THlttiMINGS ic. Call. and examine before you con chide 4cj purchase. C. A. McDONALD. ,4ptflli5, 3 m. arm; BRITISH PERIODICALS, AMD THE '} FARMER'S GUIDE. ifc, IN TUE PHICE OF FIXE LAX , TKR PUBLICATION, rr CP/irTT^AK- C.Ct NEW Yt.TlTv. continue to nub- ' iiifih U?e>Ri2owing leading British Periodicals, viz: iJ.tTBElXfOSDON QUARTERLY (Conservative) i2.TTHE?TDINBURG REVIEW (Whig). VS. fJUE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free fCkurth). 44. .THE WESTMINISTER REVIEW (Liberal). 06. tBLAGKSFOOD'S EDINBURG MAGAZINE, ffhe great and important events?Religious, Politi ?el and Military?now agitating the naUora of the Old World, give to these Publications an interest and wa luethey never before possessed. They occupy a middle ground between the hastily written new6iitems, crude speculations. nn^ fying rumors of the (newspaper, ana the ponderous Tonne of the historian, long after the living interest in the facts lie records shall have passed away. The progress of the "War in the East occupies a large space in their pages. Everv movement is closely criticised, whether of friend or of foe, and all short-comings fearlessly pointed out. The letters from the CRIMEA and from tltt BALTIC in Blackwood's Magazine, from two of its most popular contributors, give a more iatelligible and reliable account of the movements of the great belligerents than can elsewhere be found These Periodicals ably represent the three great political part es of Great Britain?Whig, Ton*, and Radical,?but politics forms only one feature of their character. As Organs of the most profound writers on Science^Literature, Morality, and Religion,, they stand, aa they ever have stood, unrivalled in the world of leUers/Jaeing indispensable to the scholar ' and the professional mln, while to the intelligent ' reader of every class tfceyfurnish a more correct and satisfactory record of the current literature of the day, than cau be possibly obtained from any other source. - ? EARLY COPIES. The receipt of ADVANCE SHEETS from the v British Publishers gives additional value to these Reprints, especially during the present exciting state . of European affairs, inasmuch ns they can now be , placed in the hands of subscribers about as soon as the original editions. , TERMS. I'ernnn. , For any one of the four Reviews $3 00 For any two of the four Reviews 5 00 , For any three of the four Reviews 7 00 For all four of the Reviews. 3 00 For Black world's Magazine. 3 00 For Black wood and three Reviews 9 00 For Blackwood and the four Reviews. 10 00 Payments to be made in all cases in odvvnce. Monty current in the State where issued will be roccircd at par. CLUBBING. A discount of twenty-five percent from the above prices will be allowed to Clues ordering four or more copies of any one or more of the above works. TliUt?: Four copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent to one address for $9; four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for ?30; and so on. POSTAGE. In all the principal Cities and Towns, these works will be delivered, FREE OF POSTAGE. When sent by mail, the Postage tonny part of the United States will be but TWENTY-POUR CENTS a year for Blackwood," and but FOURTEEN CENTS a year for eacb of tbo Reviews. * THE FARMER'S GUIDE TO SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL AGRICl'L- I TURK. | liy Henry Stephens, F. R. S., of Edinburgh, nn<! the late J. P. Norton, Professor of Scientific Agriciil- j ture in Yale College, New Haven. 2 vols. ltoyal Oc ! tavo. 1000 pages, and numerous 1\ ood and Steel j Engravings. This is, confessedly, the most complete work on | Agriculture ever published, and in order to give it a j wider circulation the publishers hare resolved to i reduce the price to FIVE DOLLARS FOR THE TWO VOLUMES!! When sent by mail (p it-paid) to California and Oregnu tl e price will be 17. To every other part of the t'nion and to Canada (prist paid), $6. ?3gT This Book is kot the old " Book of the farm " Remittances for any of the above publications should ala >y? addressed. postpaid, to the Publishers, LEONARD SCOTT & CO , 3ac. 13, No. 54 GoW Street STew York. Good Land for Salo\\7E will soil OXK THOUSAND ACRES o T > GOOD RITER LAND, lvinsr on the Chocktawliachie River, in Mushy Read, Walton Co., Flu. The land lies well?entirely free from overflow, and well watered by Springs ; part of ji. embraces sonie poor Rlack Jack Ridges, affording good si'es for Residences. proverbial for health. Tlie River i? navigable for Steam boats to Geneva, Ala., and abounds with Fish. There is an extensive Stock Range convenient to the place. There is about one hundred nnd fifty acres of open land on the place, and three Dwellings, together with Out Houses, <ic. We will sell altogether, or in detached bodies.? Apply to CHARLES McXINNON, Ucheeana. or CEO. F. TERR IK, April 22?tf. on the Premises. Bear it in Mind, fJ^HAT the celebrated Colleton Bitters, a purely ji Vegetable preparation, is yet a sovereign Remedy for Dyspepsia, and. with Moffat's Phenix Bitters and Pills, Brown's Essence Jamaica Ginger, Oxygenated Bitters, Jacob's Cordial, Ilnrband's and Murray's Fluid Magnesia, Ac.. Ac, are for sale at J. E DeHAVS. " April 15?if. One Door below Masonic Hall. Elegant Extracts, CONSISTING in part, of Upper Ten, Bouquet de Caroline, Jockey Club, Heliotrope, Violet and Jenny Lind Bouquet; Sontag and Golden Belli Cologne; Aromatic Vinegar; Old Brown Windsor, Mili j "--m- o ut?ia. lUry UIJU IrUBUlU cudj', ncuui iweo ?aici, u.v.t u>w.? Just received at J. E. DEITY'S, April 15?tf. One Door below Masonic ITall. Soaps* GENDINB Brown Windsor Soap, Sand Soap (perfumed,) Omnibus Soap, Military Shaving Soap, Ilo9e Soap, Almond'-and Honev Soap. Chrystalino Wash Balls, Variegated Soap, Erasive Soap, for removing grease spots from silk or woolen For sale ftL. - ? zbmp. Perfumery. LUBIN'S, Extracts. Glenn's do., Hnoel's do., Cor logne Water, Extract Musk, Toilet Waters, for sale by F. L. ZEMP. INDELIBLE INK, with and without the preparation, warranted to give satisfaction. F. L. ZEMP. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Ac. PURE White Lead, Snow White Zinc, Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Colors of every description, Copal and Coach Varnish. All warranted of the best quality, and for cash will be sold as low as can be purchased in Charleston. F. L. ZEMl'. THE SIGN OF THE TWO LARGE WATCHES AND " AT NEW YORK PRICES, FOR CASH, MERCHANTS and Dealers will do well to call and examine the stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, at 249 King-street, before they purchase elsewhere. Every articlo warranted. A stock always on baud peculiarly adapted to country dealers. S?v? twenty per cent, by calling on t?f. mumiMEM. 249 KING-ST., CHARLESTON, Oct. 2 Four doors from Wentworth st. Sprim? Styles DregaJGroods rpHE ONJ&2RSIGNED has received1 and is now X opening * large and well selected Stock or Dress Soods suitallo for Spring and Summer Wear. A superior article of Blk Crepe Maretz, Bl'k Grenadines, Tissues and Bareges, Sup'r Mourning Organdies, Lawns & Jaccnets. Colored Goods. Printed French Organdies and Lawns, Col'd Bareges, Tissues and Grenadines, Sup'r Chintz Brilliantcs, Solid Col'd do. 8 French and Scotch Ginghams, French Cambrics and Calicoes, White Goods for Dresses, Plain Pl'd and Striped Nansnok, Plaid Jaconets, striped do. Swiss, Organdie and Mull Muslins, A new article of White Brilliante. March 25. . C.. MATHESON. Lace Setts, Lace Setts. P ARTICULAR alteulion i6 invited to the assortment of Mechlin, Mai rise <fc Yatlnc's Lace Collars and Sleeves, Linen Wrought do. Application do. Muslin and Cambric do. March, 25. C. MATIIKSON. SPRING DRY-GOODS. W. D. McDOH ALL IS NOW opening a choice stock of New Goods, for Ladies, Misses, Gentlemen, and Boys' Spring and Summer Wear, which lie invites his customers and friends to call and examine. March 25?3m. NEW SPRING GOODS, JEB-W A. M. & R. KENNEDY.' WK are now receiving our usual Stock of Goods .suitable for the Season, to on examination of which we respectfully invite the attention of ourfrionds ?a .1.- It ? IIIIU IIIC puuuu jjvutiMiM. The Stock is largo, ami embraces the newest and most desirable stvlc-s of Dress Goods, in Silks, Grenadines, Bareges, Duenls; in Jaspa and Alma, patterns, also, Challya, Organdies, Lawns, Hosiery, <tc., together with a large and desirable assortment of Domestics, all of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. March 18. SPRING OF 18567" I AM now opening my fill supply of Spring Goods, direct from New York. Among them may le found a splendid assortment of Ladies' Rich Dress Goods in every variety of styles, uleo, Goods for Gentlemen's Spring and Summer Wear. Glovos, Call at the "Old Corner." March 18. Id. W. BONNEY. IVOTICi;. rI",LlE undersigned has located himself in Cainden, J. and is prepared to do all business in h s lino,? Brick Work, Plastering, Setting Grates ami Furnaces. All orders executed with neatness and despatch. For, reference apply to J. F. Sutherland. Residence at R. B. Curtis'. JAMES LANG LEY. April 1, 14 6t. 17HNE Black Frock Coats, also, Overcoats, and Boys Clothing, just opened and for sale low at the "tMH f!nrner? hv E. W. BONNEY. v*** V Auctioneer. * 'piFF subsetiber will attend to any business in tlio I Auctioneering line. All orders left at tlio ofllco of ill" Camden Journal will receive prompt attention. March 1?tf. THOMAS J. CAUTHKN. " lialtn of ;t Thousand Flowers." 0 much admired wherever it has been introduced and used. A small lot just received at March t?It. - J. K. Del I AY'S. Particular Police. OUR business will be conducted as heretofore? for CASH, as wo deal in nothing but such articles as commands rcadv cash. Feb. 20?tf. M Kit ON FY & BOS WELL. O OAP-STONK Giiddlcs, Coffee Biggins, Cako Pans. O Nursery Lamps, Dish Covers, Pudding Moulds, Dust Pans, Coal Carriers, Towel Stands, Vegetable Sheets, Grid Irons, Ac.? for calo at tho "Old Corner" by K. W. BONNET. Dr. McLANE'S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE v LIVER PILLS. Two of the best Preparations of the Age. They are. not recommended as Universal Cure-alls, but simply for whatf' their name pur ports. ^'The Vermifuge, for expelling Worms from the human system, has also been administered . with the most satisfactory results to various animals subject to Worms. The Liver Pills, for the cure of Liver Complaint, all Bilious Derangements, Sick Head* * ache, &c. Purchasers will please be particular to ask for rv. n a/t^t JLSl * v>. IVl^jl/iillC b v>cicbrated Vermifuge and Liver Pills, prepared by sole proprietors, Pittsburgh, Pa., and take no' other, as there are various other. preparations now before the public, purporting to be Vermifuge11 and Liver Pills; All others, in comparison with Dr. McLane's, are worthless. The genuine McLane's Vermifuge and Liver i "Pills can now be had crt-' all respectable Drug^ Stores. FLEMING BRO'S, 60 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Sole Proprietors., SCO.V1LL <fc MEAD. No. Ill, Cliai tress Now Orh??iis, General Wholesal Agents fori!; Southern States, to whoiiv ail orders must I addressed. v Sold bv T. J. WORKMAN, & CO., nn F. L. ZEMIY Camden. S. C; Mar 1J. THE CHEAP nrJK-M JES j DRY-GOODS AND GROCERY STO{E THE subscribers have opened, one door nbovAM William C. Workman, n FRESH STO0?O New and Desirable Goods | which thcr offer on the mqst reusonablo terra?i low as the Fa mo qualities can ho purchased i? th market. Our Stock consists in part of HOME spirit 8', TICKIiVOS, W&dwi siBSSSHDStti Crashed N. 0. and Coffee Sugars, Kio, Java, and Cuba Coflfeo, New Orleans and Cuba Molasses, Bacon Sidcsjnud Hams, Salt. Act j | Flour, Lard, Cheese, Fresh Pork, | Corn, Peas of different kinds! Soap, Starch, Candles, Maekeil, I lard wa re, Crocke m Tobacco, Segars, &c. j Be sure to give us a call, as we take ploaiiro i showing our Goods, whether wo make sales oiiot. Feb, 19,?tf. W, CLYBUKN ICO. BOYS' CLOTHING, Children's Fancysnitfof vit styles and patterns, just opened at tfc "01 Corner" hy E. W. BONIFY. Percussion (lips OF superior quality. For sale by T J. W <> I IK il A NV i CO^ NEW DRUG STORE T rpiIE undersigned begs leave respectfully tot infor X the friends and former patrons of her Ji?-thaw that she has opened a Store one door below lis Ah' SONIC- HALL, where will bo kept a fresh nntfvaric assortment of articles in the line, which will b# addc to as occasion may require, and asks a coiitinuinee i the patronage bestowed upon her husband. v?h R_?m J. E DbITAY. Tin Cull*. 17011 Lamp Oil ami Burning Fluid, of vin'oug size For sale by T. J. WOKKMAft & CO, . ... . CIvvi'liiudN Y?*aw| Powdf'X PRESTON k M ERR ILL'S do., Durkieido. A l'rcsli supply of the above artic^ just r celved nod for sale by T. J. WOllKM lN <fc CO. For f I to Lawyer*. 1]>ULED Declaration rarer. .Forsaint V Till-: POST OFFTOK. Accordeons! Aecordcous! I11AVH just received a Hue- assortment ?f Frcr.t Accordeons. also, a elegant n.SHi>rtmdnt of tin German and French Cologne and Soap/*0 which respectfully invite the attentiu i of my iijesdsnnd tli public (generally. <' BOFKXfBH FN, Nov. 3, One doOM&uiith Jaiu-s I ffepigue. Fancy China Ware, JUST received, an clegauf. assorting' ot Chin Ware, consisting <>f ltieh Gilt China Cups and Saucers, with and without moid*5 Fav.ey China Inkstands and 'Jiitrliboxes. Rlegant Rich Gilt M?,cr Yu??->! by C. BOFKIfMEN, Nov. G, One door South James I. ffllepiguo Gelatine. COOFER'3 French, and Oonc'~ Fr*'1 and Jut received by F. I- ZEMi\ ?^ dk J 'v yt' .-r .y : lua?WMHMgae???w?i?an CARTER'S siPAsntotn mziMSsi-, The Great Purifier x)f the Blood! THE BEST ALTERA TIVE KNO WNH ftol a Particle of Mercury in it.. An Infallible Remedy for Scrofula, King's Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cutaneous Eruj tijns, Pimples or Postules on the Face, Blotches, Boils, Ague and Fever, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or Tetter, Scald Head, Englargement and 1'uin of the Bones and Joints, Salt Rheum, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Disorders, Lumbago, Spinal Complaints, and all Diseases arising from an injudicious use ot Mercury, iropru4*?dence in life, or impurity of the Blood. ^"This great alterative medicine and Purifier of 'the-Blood is now used by thousands of grateful pa tientsfrom all parte of the United States, who testify dailv to the remarkable cures performed by the greatest of all medicines. "Carter's Spanish Mixture." Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Erup - tions on the Skin, Liver Diseases, Fever^Ulccrs, Old Soros, Affections of the Kidneys,Diseases of the Throat, Female Complaints, Pains and Aching of the Bones and Joints, nre speedily put to flight by using this great and inestimable remedy. For all diseases of the Blood, nothing his yet been iound to compare with it. It cleanses tte system of all" impurities, acts gently and efficiently on the , Liver and Kidneys, strengthens the Digestion, giveatoneto the Stomach,makes th? skin clear and healthy, and restores the Constitution, enfeebled by disease, or broken down by the excesses of youth, to its pristine vigor andutrength. For the dtse.'SES of females it is peculiarly applicable. and wherever it has become known is regularly prescribed with the happiest effects. It invigorates the weak and debilitated, and imparts elasticity to J the worn out frame, clears the skin, and leaves the pattest fresh and healthy; a single bottle of this inestimable remedy is worth all the so colled Sarsa.% parilla8 in existence. The large number of certificates which we have received from persons from all parts of the United States, is the best evidence that there is no humbug abdbt it. The press, hotel keepers, magistrates, physicians and public men, well known to the community, alii add their testimony to the wonderful effects of ? lb is GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Call on the Agent ar d get an Almanac, and read the astonishing cures performed by CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE, (is most cases whetie every miso else had stosally failed) The limits of an v. -advertisement will not a mit their full insertion, "v. WM. S. BEERS it CO., Proprietors, No. 304 Brondway, New York. To wliom'all orders must be addressed. For sale by Druggists and Country Merchants in , all par s of theUnitcd State? and the Cuadas, and \ by 4 RICE A THOMPSON, SumfeTvllle. I'.OATWRIGHT A BARKULOO, Columbia. F. L. ZEMP, and T.J. WORKMAN, A CO., Cam den. April 1,?1) Late Arrival of New Books AT A YOUNG'S BOOK STOKE. * EOSK Clark, by Fanny Fern, Nellie rf Truro, by "the Author of Vara. Wicldow Rcdoit Papers, Elm Troe Tales, Good Times Coining, by T. S. Arthur, Geoffrey More ton, The Home Garter, by Mrs. Mary G. Clarke, % ^ AbbottsNapoleon in Sfe Helena, ? Footo's Sketches in Vinrinia. 2d scrips K* The moral and Intellectual diversity ofF.aces, bite Ilotr' Philadelphia Housewife, , . Mrs. Hale's new* Household Receipt Book, A Hunter's Life among Lions, Elephants, Ac. Also, a variety of fine .editions of books for pre~ sents, in new styles of binding. Call and examine, SCHEDULE. JIail and Paiseugcr Trains. J; SOUTII CAROLINA RAILROAD COMPANY. ? mmmmmtSSk 18 Leave Camden 4.30 a. m. Leave Boykin's, 5.2 a. rn.; Claremont, 5.40, a. m. Leave Middleton, 6.5 a. m; Manchester Junction, 6.12 a. m. Leave Clark-son's, 6.30, a. m. Arrive at KingsvilleG.46, a. m 9 Leave Kingsville 5.45, p. m.; Clarkson's, 6. p. m. Leave Manchester June. 6 30, p. m. Leave-Middleton, G.40 p. in. Leave Claremont 6 55; p m.; Boykin's, 7.40 p. m Arrive at Camden 8 15 p. m. MID-DAY TIIAIN. Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday, down. i up. Leave Camden, 1.30 p. m. | Leave Kingsville, 8 a. m. Leave Boykin's, 2.10 p- iri Leave Clarkson's 8.15 " Leave Claremont 2.48 * Leave Manchester .TuneLeave Middleton 3-15 " tion 8.45 a. m. [n Leave Manchester June- Leave Claremont 9.10 " tion 3.28, p. tn. Leave Boykin's 9.50 " Leave Clarkson's 3.45 Arrivo at Camden, 10.30 _ Arrive at Kingsvill 4, u w J.cave Ctiartcston jo n. m. Id Arrive at Kingsvillc 4 30 p. m; Columb'n G.10 p. n?; Camden 8 15 p. 111. Leave Charleston 10.10 p. in. Arrive at Kingsvillc G.30 a. in.; Columbia 8.40 a. in. Leave Columbia C a. ni.and 3.45 p. in. Leave Kingsvillc and 6 p. m. Arrive at Charleston 2.10 p. m. and 4 a. m. in j Leave Charleston 7 a. in. and 4.15 p.m. d. | Arrive;it Augusta 3 p. ni. nod 4.30 a. m. V- Leave Augusta 9.30 a. m. and 10 p. m. id Arrive at Charleston 5 p. m. and 8 a. ,ra. id Leave Augusta 9.30 a. in. and 10 p. m. uf! Arrive at Kingsvillc 4 30 p. ni. and C.30 a. in. Leave Kii gsejlle 8 a. m. and G p m. At live at Augusta 3 p. in. and 4.30 a. m. Nov. 20.* HENRY T PEAKE, Gcnl. Supt. OX consignment at the "Old Corner," a lot of prime Bacon Sides and Ilams.?for sale cheap, 'and for cash ovly. E. W. BONNEY. J A PI US' Wonted Bresn Gocds, also, fine Bed J Blankets, Carpets and Rugs, for sale at reduced _ prices at tho .' Old Corner" by E. W. BoNNKY i AD IKS' superior Dark Kid Gloves, assorted size.-; -J Flannels in a great variety of colors, just opened _ j ut the "Old Cornt r." Jan. 29. E. W. BONNEY. ,o Preparations for the Hajp. * M 1 JIIAKON'S Hi ir Invigorator, Lyon's Kathairon, 10 j JL Harry's Tricophcrous. Jnyno's Hair Tonic*, HowI land's ijcuuine Maciiswtr Oil, Ox Marrow Pomade, Hoso Hair Oil, Hears Oil, iiau Luslral. Sold Lv F. L ZEMP. a lSri<'k for Sale. nPltK subscriber is prepared to furnish HHICK at $3 I per Thousand ,casli ,011 dolivcrv. Jan. 8?ti. J. KfrSfJTHKRl.ANP. 9' Cleveland's ORIGINAL Prize Modal Cologno Valor in Tint Bottles; Prentiss' Toilet Powder. Gowland's Lotion; Knlhairon. T rinplicrous. Kau Lustra 1 Ac., Ac J ,t Just rocoived at J. K. DeIIA.Y'6. Feb. 13. I Anew and singularly successful remedy for the cure of all 'Bilious diseases ? Costiveness, Indigestion, Jaundice, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Fevers, Gout, Humors, Nervousness, Irritability, Inflamraa tions, Headache, Pains in the Breast, Side, Back, and Limbs, Female Complaints, &c. &c. Indeed, very few are the diseases in which a Purgative Medi- , cine is not more or less required, and much sickness and suffering might be prevented, if a harmless but effectual Cathartic were more freely used. No person can feel well while a costive habit of body prevails; besides, it soon generates serious and oftini fatal diseases, which might have been avoided bv the timely and judicious use of a good purgative. This is alike true of Colds, Feverish symptoms, and Bilious derangements. They all tend to become or produce the deep seated and formidable distempers which load the hearses all over the land. Hence a j reliable family physic is of the first importance to the public health, and this Pill has been perfected wmi consummate skiii iu meet iu?ii uciuuiu. xiu extensive trial of its virtues by Physicians, Professors, and Patients, has shown results surpassing any thing hitherto known of any medicine. Cures have been effected beyond belief, were they not substantiated by persons of such exalted position and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Among the many eminent gentlemen who have testified in favor of these Pills, we may mention: Prof. J. M. Locke, Analytical Chemist, of Cincinnati, whose high professional character is endorsed by John McLean, Judge of the Supreme Court of the United States. Thos. Corwin, Secretary of the Treasury. Hon. J. M. Wright, Governor of Indiana. N. Longworth, great winegrower of the West. Also, Dr. J. R. Chilton, Practical Chemist, of New York City, endorsed by Hon. W. L. Marcy, Secretary of State. \Vm. B. Astor, the richest man in America. S. Lbland & Co., Propr's of the Metropolitan Hotel, and many others. Did space permit, we could give many hundred certificates, from all parts where the Pills have been used, but evidence even more convincing than the experience of eminent public men is found in their effects upon triaL v These Pills, the result of long investigation and study, arc offered to the public as the best and most complete which the present state of medical science can afford. They are compounded not of the drugs themselves, but of the medicinal virtues only of Vegetable remedies, extracted by chemical process in a state of purity, and combined together in such a manner as to insure the b$st results. This system of composition for medicines has been found in the Cherry Pectoral and Pills both, to produce a more efficient remedy than had hitherto been ob- r tained by any process. The reason is perfectly obvious. While by the old mode of composition, every medicine is burdened with more or less of acrimonious and injurious qualities, by this each individual virtue only that is desired for the curative effect is present All the inert and obnoxious qnal * 1 1 j ai 1 ltics oi eacn suosiuncc empiujrcu uju icit uvuiuu, mic curative virtues only being retained. Hence it is r self-evident the effects should prove, as they have proved, more purely remedial, and the Pills a surer, more powerful antidote to disease than any other 11 medicine known to the world. As it is frequently, expedient that my medicine should be taken under the counsel of an attending Physician, and as he could not properly judge of a r remedy without knowing its composition, I have supplied the accurate Formulae by which both my Pectoral and Pills are made to the whole body of * Practitioners in the United States and British Amer- v ican Provinces. If, however, there should be any d one who has not received them, they will be promptly forwarded by mail to his request. Of all the Patent Medicines that are offered, how few would be taken if their composition was known! Their life consists in their mystery. I have no mysteries. The composition of my preparations is laid open to all men, and all who arc competent to judge on I the subject freely acknowledge tneir convictions of " their intrinsic merits. The Cherry Pectoral was t pronounced by scientific men to be a wonderful ]< medicine before its effects-acre known. Many cm( Inert Phyi-Mans hare declired the same Cling of my Pills, and even more confidently, and aro will- P tng to certify that their anticipation* were more tb:in realized by their effects upon trial. They operate by their powerful influence on the p] internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it , into healthy action ? remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the ni body, restoring their irregular action to health, and 3 by correcting, wherever they exist, such derange- ci mcnts as arc the first origin of disease. H Being sugar-wrapped, tney are pleasant to take, ?. and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from c their use in ativ quantity. For'minute directions, see wrapper on the Box. w prel'aked BY 01 DR. JAMES C. AYER, t Practical and Analytical Chemist, ot LOWELL, MASS. ? Price 26 Cente per Box. Five Boxes for $L SOLD BY 11 T J. WORKMAN, 4. CO, Camden. AMERICAN HOTEL. I^HE friends of this establishment, and the public al V . large, nro respectfully informed that this HOTEL" tu will be continued and" kept open for the reception of jn **ll virlvA mn?? f.irtl rllenAonrl ta rtniuAnioo if uii tiiu uihj ivvi w|rj;uovu jmn vuicv ii> . The services of Mr. JAMES L. BEARD, long fa- jn vorably known in connexion with the Hotel, have been secured. ? A continuation of the pattonage heretofore given, is respectfully solicited. ? No pains will bo spared to give satisfaction. j The Culinary department will be supplied'with the , selection of the market, Gentlemen with their families visiting or passing through Columbia can be furnished with unsurpassed an accommodations; tho location being central, retired ?' and convenient to pleasure and business. 01 Mr. JOHN A. SHIELL, will continue his location 33 at tho Stables in rear of the Hotel; his Omnibus and or Carriage line will be in readiness at the different Depots and at the Hotel at all necessary hours, to convey passengers to and from the establishment Guests desiring Carriages can have them at any 'I hour. W. BOLLINGER, J * Jan. 22?tf. Proprietor. oil CO "Vf EGRO CLOTHS of every description, justopened an it Also, Negro Shoes and Blankets, for sale low at the "Old Corner." E. W. BONNEY. ?n in CtOOPER'S ISING-GLASS, Almonds, Yeast Pow ? / ders, Extracts, Candles, Soaps, Ac., for sale at th i "Old Corner," at the lowest prices. Oct. 10 E. W BONNEY. r -f - ? LADIES' Brown and Drab cloths for Talmas and Cloaks, just opened at the "Olji Corner" by r Oct. 31?tr. - E. W. BONNEY. ^ SUGAR HOUSE SYRUP, Lemons, Roso Water, and Cheese, just received at the "Old Corner." wt Dee. 11. K. W. BONNEY. ~~ AONE-ilORSK Wagon?also, a Carriage Harness for side at the " Old Corner" by p Oct. 23. E. W. BONNEY. jj; FRESH Raisins, Currants, Almonds, Mnccaroni, _ Cheese, Ac, just opened at tho " Old Corner." Nov. 27, E. W. BONNEY. j The Subscriber no (CONTINUES to keep an assortment of Fisk's Me> tallic Burial Cases. The late improvement in their form, and the handsome style in which they ore S finished?imitating rosewood?render them the most complete article ever ottered to tho public. An Invoice of Burial Clothing,which will be disposed of in Suits or Single Articles, without eases, if desired. T .May 1 C. L. CHATTICN. j > ("TAIU'KT Dags, Floor Cloths, Crumb Cloths, Ac sei J just received at " the Old Coruer." nei Sept It)?11'. li. W. BONNEV. up Vallet's Mange Ointment, dm be! A \7 ABB ANTED to euro the mango in animals. jn * t Just received and for sale by an( Nov 6, T. J. WORKMAN A CO. wi| CLOCKS?Warranted- ( TUI11 IS JIONEY. _ A IT NIC assortment of CLOCKS from $1.50 up to \ $12.00, for sale by C. BOFENSCHEN, JL* Nov 6. One door Scnth Janses I. Villepigw. CV ,r\ig ' . > I-""-- -) NEW STORE. I MKRONEY & BOSWELL, have opened at tie corner of Broad and Rutledge. streets, in the Store recently occupied by Major K. S. Moffat, a v choice aasortment of FRESH HEAVY AST? FANCY GROCERIES, to which they invite the attention of purchasers : in part as follows? Heavy Groceries. A N.O. and P. R. SUGARS. ' | Crushed, Pulverized and Stuart's Loaf do. t Rio. Java, and Cuba Coffee. New Orleans and Cuba Molasses. . V . Salt, Leaf Lard. bacon Sides, Canvass liams. . North Carolina Flour. Goshen and English Dairy Cheese. Soap, Starch, Cleansing Soap. Sperm and Adamantine Candles. Nos. 1,2 and 3 Mackerel. Fancy Groceries. Quarter Boxes RAISINS. , L* Half and whole do. Almonds, Figs and Assorted CAadies. > J Ginger and Chow-Chow Preserves. Sardines and Preserved Salmen. * jj Cove Oysters, Preserved Lobsters i Lemon Syrup. . jj Walnut and Tomato Catsup. * *; . <1 Capers, Olives, Pickles, Pepper Sauce. . \ Preserved Pine Apple. - . Brandy Peaches, do. Cherries. *v ' Tobacco and Cigars I Gold Leaf and Rio Hondo Cigars, k Palmetto, El Ensaya and La Palm* do. Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco. j - * . r Penn A Ayers super do. } . ' S i > Superfine Cowing Tobacco. i ' '/ Common do. do. , 4, Wines and Liqnon. Rectified Whiskey. \ Old Rye Hammond do. \ . t Old Bourbon doNew England Rum. \ London Dock Brandy. V ? Otard, Dupuy & Co.'s do, * Goddard's Brandy St Julien Medoc Claret, Old Madeira. Old Port Wins. Old Malaga do. tteiasictc wine. Byass' London Porter. Byass' London Ale, ? v - . : ' White Wine Vinegar. A General Assortment of FRUITS. With a variety of other articles too numerous to, nention, which will-bo sold exceedingly low for lash, by MERONEY k BOSWELL. April -4 - tt SCOTT'S ~~~ LITTLE GLAKT CORN AND COB MILL. rHE subscriber is prepared to furnish the different sizes, and will guarantee them tojjrind 10,16, , nd 20 bushels per hour. For sale forJffSh. May 15,?tf. W. D. JT JJOWALL. Tailoring. I^HE undersigned begs leave to inform his friends . and former customers, that he has resumed the 'hiloring Business, and will execute all orders for rork iu the most workman like manner and at re*' uced prices for cash?or on call. April 17?12 P. ROBENgpN. T~j7WORKMAN&rcaJ Wholesale and Retail Dragglst*, ' CAMDEN, S. C. f ?VFFER for sale, for cash, or on approved credit a "? <./ lowest market prices, a larfeand well-selec ed assortment of East India, Mediterraktan and icrol'ean ^ DRUGS 'REXCH, ENGLISH, aodSmucA^TBtiliCALS^or ALL KINDS, Patent Medicines, Thompsonian Medicines,Shakers ~ ^ [erbs snd Roots, Saratoga .Wateij Wines and Branies, Surgical Instruments, Trusses, Paints, Oils, Varis'jes, Paiut Brushes, Dye-stuffs, Lamps, Lamp Oils, urning Fluid and Camphene, Druggists'and Physi- < ans' Glass-ware and Labels, Window Glass, Putty, air(>Tooth, Nail and Flesh Brushes, Bronzes, Teas, 1 pices, and flavoring Extracts, Perfumery, Fancy japs, Fancy Articles, Genuine Cod Liver Oil, together ith every article comprising the stock .of a Druggist Phvsioinn. Our stoolf is nf th? >w??L ??il _ ? -? -j i ?"*? ie best selected assortment ever offered to the pnb:. Physicians, Country Merchants, Planters and all hers can depend on their orders meeting prompt and ireful attention, and upon accommodating terms.? o extra charge for packing or ttansportation to tho J ailroad Depot or any part of the tdwn. I ?3?" Physicians' Presriptions carefully compounded m April 25. > 17 * ft m Coii>t;intly on Hand, I CEMENT, Calcined Pir^ of' Paris, for building JH J purposes; Gypsam or x?and Plaster, for agricul ral purposes, and Stone Lime, all of good quality and ; { quantities to suit purchasers. A very superior articleof "WhiteLime forwliitowash g. C. L. CHATTEN. -f] March 0. 20 tf Removal- ) ^HE Subscriber has removed from his former stand, i L to the store recently occupied by Moore. A Knyndall, where he keeps constantly cn hand, a general sortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, "Wines? Brandies d Liquors. A good article of Car.djpd Citron with ?ny Fancy Groceries, and every article usually ind in a general variety. All of which will be sold f* low as they can be bought for elsewhere for cash, to those customers who pay their bills promptly? ! March 27 J.CHARLESWORTIL . . . ?i * \ TIN MANUFACTORY. "MI E subscriber is or-^aged in the TINNING BUSI_ NESS iu all its blanches, and keeps constantly hand a general variety of such articles as are in nstant use, mado by himself of tlie best material d in the best manner. ROOFING and GUTTERING done with despatch d warranted. Old Rags, Brass and Copper taken excnange lor worir n. jAnnuw, a Sept. 4,?tf. Agent. fl A. Ill* 4c It. Kennedy iJj I AYE received and offer for sale a full assortment of Ready Made Clothing, consisting of Coats, f B jsts, Pants, ', / : a BOYS' CLOTHING. | alsand Tests, Under Shirts, Drawers, { Ilose, Ties, fl a vats, Ac, I Dress Shirts, of superior quality, made to order and I irranted to lit. - Oct 24 jfl Domestics* I / ) ED and white Flannels. Linseys, Ticks, Sheetings* jB 1 all width's, Bod and Crib Blankets, Long Cloths, 5wn and bleached Shirtings, &e. For sale low, by Sept 27. A. M. & R. KENNEDY. Gin Bands. BB NDIA RU3BHR, 2 to 7 inches wide, threo and jB four ply, which are superior to leather, and will B t stretch, also Lace Leather, for sale bv B July 10. ?tf. W. D. McDOWALL. fl outli Carolina?Kershaw District* ? H IN THE COMMON PLEAS. 9 Henrys, Smith & Townsend vs. Enoch Tryon, fl Attachment. ^|J[ X 7" 11K It K AS, the Plaintiff did on the twenty sec* 7 end day of August, A D. 1855, file hisdeclara- . n against the Defendant, who (as it is said) is ab- fJ^Bj it from and without the limits of this State, and has it^Bl ither wife nor attorney known within the same, on wjiom a copy of the said declaration might bo IjHB ved. it ia therefore, ordered that the said Defcn* A M ot dtfappear and plead to the said Declaration on or BH fore the twenty-third day of August, which will bo HB tho year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred I fifty-six, otherwise final and absolute judgment | II then bo given* and awarded against him. BW M. NAUD1N, C. C. P. & G. S. 9b Slerk's Ofiiee, Korshaw District, August 22, 1:65. Aug. 27. : f?W Bacon Sides and Lard. Also, Mercer Pots.' .2'jnH toes, for Planting, just received at the "Old gjflBfl rnfr" by K. VT. BOHNKT. - jflW r II