The Camden weekly journal. [volume] (Camden, South-Carolina) 1853-1861, April 29, 1856, Image 4

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THE CAMDEN WEEKLY JO^AlT M PT)ftbl3rt 0 EVERY TtjfeDAY I3Y THOMAS J. WARREN. , V ? - ,_-uH?.umhs?. 'Tftb Dollars it aid in advanco; Two Dollars nrd if payment bo delayed three months, and : three Dollars if not paid till the expiration of t!ie year, j ' ADVERTISEMENTS will bo inserted nt the fob i lowiug rntes: For one Square, (fourteon linos or less,) ! 1 se- enty-fivo cents for the lirst, and thirty-seven ?nd-a-1 hdfeeuts for each subsequent insertion. Single ic- 1 rertiona, one dollar per square: semi-monthly month- ' It and quarterly advertisements charged the sauio as j for & single insertion. ADVERTISING TERMS PER-ANNUM. 1 Square, 1 year - $10.00 1 "6 months COO , H ' 1 year 15.00 5 " C months 80O 31 " 1 2Q.00 4 " 1 *" 25.00 'Fire Dollars per square for every additional square Uusixkss Cakds, not exceeding six lircvierlines. in space, will be inserted at fire dollars per anuum.? AVhere they occupy the space of fourteen?or over? "Brevier lines, solid, they will be charged at the usual rates,'to-wit: 1 "quare, 1 year $10 00. All advert nisemcnts arc continued until ordered out, and charged according to published terms. Advertisements are measured and charged according to the space they occupy in the paper. 1ST The above Teems will be strictly observed I is; -Ttie Architect of his Fortune. vYes!-every man that moves and breathes ?upon the earth, in whatever-rtatiun of life lie t may be, is the *l architect of -Ms own fortune.'' ' The fact of t-kis bting rather a stale saying, does ' not, in the JeAst degree, detract from its truth: fulness. If nur observation has been rightly - employed, "rt -sorely can p?nt to uurabers of cases?perhaps in our oww community, where this truth has 'lieen fully illustrated and cor ?-Toborated. 'Cannot yoermind's eye now single -out, within tire'range otf your persoiLtd acquainti ance and social intercourse, soin^ one, who, when jast about entering on the threshold of ' manhood?at wvhicb period tha. formation of i future character is supposed to take place?bid fair to rapidly ascend to the j intrude of tame; one who was noble in all his faculties of body . and mind, fascinating and ei dealing in rnanner, with every element of succ *ss beaming from an i honest and open countem .nee, but who, sad to Xcll, in an unguarded ho jr, grounded his arms of virtue and thoughtf jlness, and lei dissipa iioo, with her legion corrupting and debasing influences, blot <',ot every element of truth and honor, and com ert the once pure and noble i mind into a gorgeo-js and attractive saloon for A the entertainment of ull the vices which can BL possibly be itnag'med. Here is a sad. but true picture of the fruits IraR . of yielding to temptation. At flrst the tempter raSSffl may have presented bimseif in an unsuspected ffiw appeal to him, through the soIicitationA of one he deetnod his friend, to participate, perhaps 8W in the pleasures of the wine dtp at a social nartw. Perhaps be yielded, thinking that sure ly no liarm could result from so predominant a custom- st those assemblages, which, by the way, have too often proved a dive curse to -society, hut it kindled the Are of aejf-destruc iion -aptm bi> riula, ami be learned to drink larger draughts of the liquid fire, with which ? tferaolisbing every in?pe of fu turo" usefulness to himself and country. Take care young friends lest the evil one - influence you to build your edifice of character alter his plans aud specifications?lest he become the sole superintendent of the work. If you permit it to be so, your character, when completed, will be such a miserable botch as only to attract notice by its cries and solicita-' tions for sympathy, instead of commending itself to the emulation of your associates. How even in Desolation wc can Glorify God. _ A SKRMON OK rUILirPIAK8 I. 9, 10. An old man, little known, perhaps, to many , even of those who were in the habit of worship, ping with him in the same church, but who dearly loved the habitation of God's house, was a constant communicant, and a pattern of excellence in his family and amongst his friends, during his last illness was placed in an infirmnyr. , He happened to be located in a disagreeable ward, and one which he especially disliked at first, on account of the ungenial company which v" he found in it. With one young person, who had brought himself into his position through his own pritligaey, he so effectually reasoned that he appeared to l>e quite penitent aud promised that if he should be restored to health and regain his liberty he would, by God's grace, endeavor to live a holy life. lie declared that the old man had put the truth in a light iu which he had never seen it helore ; ana lie became so attentive to his instructor's person, that be anticipated his every want; and if the old man required anything at any hour of the night, this coiucrt of his was ready to supply that want, as far as it lav in his power. Meantime ourjnvalid was pressed to exchange his ward for a more agreeable one. But he eculd not now be prevailed upon to do so, because be had reason to believe that he was doing good where he was. And thus was he employed when the day of Christ duwned upon him. He used often to say when on earth that his God never should hear the last of his praises in heaven ; and now, doubtless, with angels and archangels and all the company of heaven, lie is glorifying tbc Lord most High. "I have tiie Reading of it every Week." ?It not unfrequently occurs, when persons are asked if they will subscribe for a newspaper or if they already take it; that they reply, "No, but neighbor B. takes it and I have the rending of it every week." Such often add, "that they consider it the best paper they know of."? They arc benefittod every week by the toils, perplexities and expenditures of those who J receive, nothing from them in return. Reader | if you feel reproved, just send in your name, j with two dollars, and take the Journal yourself. > ? ? Palpable Hit.?An invalid onco sent for a physician, and alter detaining him for some time 1 with a description of his pains, aches, <tc., he thus summed up: "Now, doctor, you have j humbugged mo long enough with your good- ] fornothing pills and worthless syrupy they don't touch the real difficulty. I wish you to strike the cause of my ailments, if it is io your power 1 to reach it." "It shall be done!" Mid -the doctor; at the same time lifting bis fane and demolishing a decauter ofgiu that etood on the sideboard ! ? "Ne Plus Ultra" Scheme! 1*,00 PRIZES! 50,000 DOLLARS HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY. JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTERY [By Authority of the State of Georgia ] 10,000 Numbers Only! 1 Prize to 8 Tickets CLASS M. rPo be drawn May lBlli, 1S5G, ai Concert Hall. Mu JL con. tail., under the sworn superintendence c Col Gko. M. Looan, and Jas. A A'isukt. Esq. The Munajror having nuiiouuced his determiiiatioi to make this ihe most popular Lottery in tho work alters lor Mnv l.?iii, a Scheme tlint far surpasse uiv Scheme ever oll'ered in the annals of Lotteries Look to vour interest! Examine tlio CapitalsarvSK' PltlZK TO EIC11T TICKETS 1^3 CAPITAL $12,000! * .1 n f\ a I Prize of. $>i-.uu 1 6,00 2 " 3.00 1 " 2,00 5 " 1,00 10 44 60 60 " 5 120 " 2 600 " 1 600 44 . 12(00 Prizes, amounting to Tickets $8 ; Halve* $4; Quarters $2. mtlZKS PAYABLE WITHOUT DEDUCTION!! Tersons sending money by mail need not fear il being lust. Orders punctually atteuded to. Con rnunications confidential. Bunk Notcsof sound Bank taken at par. Those wishing particular numbers should order in mediately. Address JA3. F. WINTER, Macon, Gu. Lost of Tickets of Class L. By the late accident on the Seaboard and Roanok Rail Road, the Tickets of Class L., for April flith, i their transit from Baltimore, in charge of Adams' E: press Company, wero destroyed by fire, consequent) there will not be any Drawing of that Class. Tli Drawing will be Cluss M,?May 15tb, the "Ne Flui Ultra" Scheme. Very Respectfully, J. F. WINTER, March 25?td. Manager. NoticePERSONS indebted by note to George Stratfon will find them in the hands of W. Thurlow Ca *' anil tvlAACA A?lll nn 111] ton, fcsq., ior conecuou. nwj w... and settle. March 23?tf. 2VJBW BOCKS. .T^RNKST LIN WOOD, by C. Leo Ilontz, * XIl Rachel Gray, by Kavanagh, The Three Marriages or Lite at a Watering Tlac ladia, the Pearl of Pearl River?by Mrs. Soutl worth, Confidential Correspondence of Napoleon with h brother Joseph Bouaparte, liberty and Slavery, by A. T. Bledsoe. L. L. I Prof. iMath.,in the University of Virginia. Encyclopaedia of Americau Literature?illustrate by Puyckinck. A. YOUNG. IVORF OF TIIEIfl! ANOTHER supply of those cheap Safety Bu together with a variety of other Envelopes, hi been received. Also, Koto, Letter and Foolscap P per, at 12 to 37 per quire, at the Feb. 12. POST OFFICE. Tin Cans. FOR Lamp Oil and Burning Fluid, of various size For sal. by T. J. WORKMAN, 4 CO. Cleveland's Yeast Powders, PRESTON 4 MERRILL'S do., Durkies do. A fresh supply of the above articles just r ceived and Ibrsale by T. J. WORKMAN & CO. J uaft'SiS gaS.'1'm,t rit ^ *' Jan. 29. E. W. BONNET Final NoticeCLAIMS upon the Estate of the Into John S. Cu ningham, must be presented before the first d: of June next, as the administration will then 1 closed. Wm. c. CUNNINGHAM, ) . . , ROBT. B. CUNNINGHAM J" Adm nMarch 18, .12 tf NOTICE. THE undersigned has located himself in Camdei and Is prepared to do all business in h s lino,Brick Work, Plastering, Setting Grates and Furnace All orders executed with neatness and despatch. F< reforonce apply to J. F.sSutherland. Residence i U. B. Curtis'. JAMES LANGLEY. AdtII 1. 14 5L FIXE Black Frock Coals, also, Overcoats, and Boy Clothing, just opened and for sale low at tli " Old Corner" by E. W. BONNKY. BOYS' CLOTHING, Children's Fancy suits ofue' styles and patterns, just opened at the ''01 Corner" by E. W. BONNBY. Fresh Drugs, Medicines, &c. ARE received every week?among the latest are n fresh supply of the Citrate of Magnesia, Ta rants Seltzer Aperient, Close's Sparkling Gelatini Cleveland's Cologne on draught, Balm of a Tao; sand Flowkus?second Invoice; Rock Potash, i Cans, with full directions lor making Hard and So Soap, 4c., at J. E. DeHAY'S. March 18, 12 tf. Auctioneer. rPIIE subscriber will attend to any business in th X Auctioneering line. All orders left at'the offic of the Camden Journal will receive prompt attentior March 4-^tC ' THOMAS J. CAUTHEN. " Balm of a Thousand Flowew." SO much admired whereTer it has been introduce and used. A small lot just received at March 4?4t, J. E. DkHAY'S. Particular Notice. OUR business will bo conducted as bcrctoforofor CASH, as wo deal in nothing but such art cles as commands ready cash Feb. 20?tf. ME HONEY 4 BOSWELL. Just Received, 8000 lbs. Choice N. C. Bacon, 50 Bbls. superior N. C. Flour, 1000 Bushels White Bread Corn, 300 Bushels N. C. Seed Oats, Which will be sold cheap for cash?and cash only. Feb 26,-tf MKRONEY & BOSWELL. Fancy China Ware. JUST received, an elegant assortment of Chin Ware, consisting of well uiu L/innn i^ups nna Rancors, with and without mottoes Fancy China Inkstands and Matchboxes. Elegant Itieh Gilt Flowor Taset by C. DOFKNSCHEN, Nov. C, 2 doors above M. Drucker, & Co Cleveland's ORIGINAL Prize Medal Cologne "Water in Pin Pottles; Prentiss' Toilet Powder, Rowland' Lotion; Kathairon. Tricoplieroua, Eau Lustral Ac., Ac Just rcccivod at J. E. DeIIAY'S. Feb. 12, 1 SOAP-STONE Griddles, CwfTee Biggins, Cake Pant Nursery Lamps, Dhh Covers, Pudding Mouldf Dust Pans, Coal Carriers, Towel Stands. Vogetabl Slicers, Grid Irons, Ac., for sale at the "Old Corner by E. W. DO.>NHY. IJrick for Sale. THE subscriber is prepared to furnish PRICK at $1 j??r Thousand, cash, on delivery. Jan. 8?tf. J. F. SUTHERLAND. A Lot of Gae fihinirtee for sale ?t the " Old Cornor ?\ Vy 8. V. tfle cheap scd MLJ tjii JBLZ bs. jw *! nR v-r nn ns ANn grocery store . i rPHR subscribers have opened, one door siUive Mr. j cn ! X Willium C. Workman, u FIU5SII STOCK OF1 , ' New and Desirable Goodl$. j ^ | which they offer on the most reasonable teims?a? j jjs ; low as the same qualities can be purchased in this j l" market. ^ j ' Our Stock consists in part of j ; ' Cll' lt j HOMJBSPUWS, TICKIiUGS < ? S?EoiaQ.CELCE>aSs30 ' Crushed N. 0. and Coffee Sugars, cal liin, Java, -mid Cuba Coffee, Oh b New Orleans and Cuba Molasses, vul Baeon Sides and Hams, Salt, ic. mi Flour, Lard, Cheese, Fresh Pork, ite u Corn, Peas of different kinds. ne Soap, Starch, Candles, Mackerel, wr Hardware, Crockery, ret 5 Tobacco, Segars, Sec. 0 Be sure to give us a call, as we take pleasure in fri, 5 allowing our Goods, whether we make sales or not. rM, Feb. 19,?tf. V?. CLYBUBN ? CO. {>?, ?300 REWARD, i?t IS offei cd for the apprehension of JACKSON BRADLKY, who was confined in the Jail of Kershaw ts District, under .sentence of death, and who made his J1,0 i- escape on the afternoon of Monday 18th iustv j" :s Said Bradley is about 28 j-ears of age, five feet, ten or eleven inches in height, and has a Mole on his face; on 1 1 * ' ?..'.I. o /l.,a.nnuct Innk nnH Rflllmv I- darn nair auu eye*, ?. .........???, complexion. I will pay the above Reward for his I wc apprehension. E. BARNES, S. K. 1). ftn Carolina Timea^ and Lancaster Ledger copy three rej tiinee. Feb. 19?1? ?a da ;e Caution. " T HEREBY caution the public against trading with i * JL my wife, Mary Truesdell, on my nccontit, as 1 will 3,. ^ pnv no debt which she may contract. t>, Jan. 22?3m. JOHN II. TRUESDELL. of pli I'crcuftKioiui Capw, tlx OF superior qualify. For sale by T J. WORKMAN, & CO. Fq NEW. DRUG- STORE. 3, I'O s- rI~^HE undersigned begs leave respectfully to inform Fo 111 X the friends and former patrons of her husband, Fo that she has opened a Store one door below tho MA- Fo - SONIC HALL, where will bo kept a fresh and varied Fo assortment of articles in the line, which will be added p to fis occasion may require, and asks a continuance of the patronage bestowed upon ber husband. " ' e Feb. 5?Cm. J. E. DeIIAY. he 0 NEW G00DS5. ,,r >, Wo ?. TVTOULD invite the attention of bis friends and ' TT customers to his Stock of v FALL AND WINTER GOODS, fT. Fancy C'ol'cl, all "Wool Delafh?, ^ is " " Cashmere,' a- u French and Englbh Merinos, .,1 Plai.l Silks, Black Silka, fine 'Uslrc> . fol Freuch and English Prints, * Ginghams?of all qualitiirs, BMfek and Col d Aipacra. ? Embroideries. 1 A handsQvre assortment of Wyiked Collars ana peeves, in new?, Collars, Cuffs, Sleeves, &c. th FlailHcl*. I" e Welch and um^finking Flannels, llcavv, Red and Green. CANTON FLANNELS?Indies' and ,, *L ? Onnts' MERINO YE.VT3. w' Sup'r Black and Colored Dress and Business Conl and Vests, A largo mid handsome assoilmeht or A Plains, Kerscyes, Ac. n" ) Also, Sup'r Cassimcre, Black and Fancy Oi ' 7 ji Sa'tinetts. Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans. Wool Liiiscy. J0 BLANKKTS. of "extra size a;ad quality. TTATS AND CAPS of qualities and styles, with a full stock of SHOES of every variety, with u full and 8)' _ general assortment of lie Groceries, Hardware, Ac. All of which will be sold at the lowest pi ices for ^ cash, and to punctual customers. *r THE SIG* OF THE TWO LARGE at , WATCHES - miPBissTiiLseisa, . ?' AND " AT NEW YORK PRICES, FOR GASH. MEUj CHANTS and Dealers will do well to call and examine the stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, at 249 King-street, before they purchase elsewhere. Every articlo warranted, a A stock always ondiand peculiarly adapted to connr try dealers. v. e, Save twenty per cent, by calling on ; wm mjLSWRMAW* ? 249 KING-ST., CHARLESTON, . Lc, Oct. 2 Four doors from Wcnlworth-st. tc, WILLIAM M: TUNNO, ? U; JC* dCZ2 rJ3E*. tj0 Le e ASD 1 SeiHSSIMS 1EMEHMT, FOR FLORIDA COTTON, . .lorth Commercial Wharf, CHARLESTON,& C., VTJTH A BRATCCI1, 97 Bay-street Savannah, Ga. i. Late Arrival of New Books AT A YOUNG'S BOOK STORE. ROSE Clark, by Fanny Fern, Nellie of Truro, by tlio Author of Vara. Widdow Bedoit Papers, Elm Treo Tales, Good Times Coming, by T. S. Arthur, Geoffrey "Morcton, The Home Garner, by Mrs. Mary G. Clarke, ' Abbott's Napoleon in St. Helena, ? Foote's Sketches in Virginia, 2d series, l The iporul aud Intellectual diversity of Races, by 1? Ilotz ' " pai Philadelphia Housewife, . ers a Mrs. Halo's new Household Receipt Book, Ac. A Hunter's Life among Lions, Elephants, Ac. ( Also, a variety of fino editions of books for pre sonta, in new styles of binding. Call and examine. *CLOCKS-Warranted a~ TIME IS MONEY. ? A FINE assortment of CLOCKS from $1.60 up to $12.00, for eale by C. BOFliNSCIlKN, ?. t Nov. 6. 2 doors above M. Drucker A Co. I :. ? Accordeons! Accordeons! I HAVE just received a fine assortment of French I>01 Accordeons. also, a elegant assortment of fine 00 j | Germnn and rrench Cologne and Soap, to which 1 nes ' ! respect full j invito the attention of my friends and the a g public generally. C BOFHNSCH KN, aP > Nov. 3, 2 doors above M. Druckcr <t Co. caa Jewelry, Plated Ware, &c- __ ANKW arrival of tbo latest etyloa of Jewelry, T Fine Plated Cake Baakote, Fruit .Stnnd and' Cas, *torn. prii China Gilt Vases ; Cnpa and Baucws, ~ Oupa with covers; Towdor Bosea; Oard BasVeta. ' Pockot Knivra, oe?y paltcnw. T5ao. If. 1. YOOlfG. ?HE BRITISH PERIODICALS AND TUE * r aiuviuzii} uuii/ju. EAT REDUCTION IX THE PRICE OF FliE LAT TKK I'CBLIGATION. SCDTT <fc CO., NEW YOIiK, continue to puL:h tlic following leading British Periodicals, viz: I. TI1E LONDON QUARTERLY ^Conservative) >. THE L'DINBURG REVIEW (Whig). {. T1JE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free null). ? I. THE WESTMINISTER "REVIEW (Liberal), i. BLACKWOOD'S LDIMJURG MAGAZINE, ?'}) The great and important events?Religious, Politiumi Military?now agitating the nntioi s of the i World, give to these Publications an interest and iue they never befoic possessed. They occupy a ddle ground between the hastily written newsms, crude speeulntious, and flying rumors of the wspnper, and the ponderous Tome of the historian, itten long after the living interest in the fhcts lie :ords shall have passed away. The progress of the ir in the East occupies a large space in their pages, ery movement is closely criticised, whether pi ?ud or of foe, and all short-comings fearlessly inted out. The letters from the CRIMEA and in <;1h BALTIC 111 Blackwood's Magazine, from oof its most popular coutrihutors, give a more clligible and reliable account of the movement! the gi eat belligerents than can elsewhere he found 1'hose Periodicals ably represent the three great liticnl partes of Great Britiiiu?Whig, Tory, and dical,?but politics forms only one feature of their irneter. As Organs of the most profound writers Science, Literature, Morality, and Religion, tli^y nd, as they ever 1iave stood, unrivalled in the >rld of letters, being indispensable to the scholar A ni-rifnadinnal man. while to the intelligent ider of every class they furnish a more correct und iisfnetory record of the current literature of the y, thau eau be possibly obtained froiu any other tree. EARLY COPIES. The receipt of ADVANCE SHEETS from the itish Publishers gives additional value to these jpriuts, especially during the present exciting state European affairs, inasmuch as they can now be iceel in the hands of subscribers about as soon tu e origiual editions. TERMS. Pcrann. r any one of (he four Reviews ...... .$3 0( r any two of the four Reviews Jti.i.. 5 0( r any three of the four Reviews^.; ...7 0( r all four of the Reviews ? 01 r Blackwood's Magazine .,,3. 8 0( r Blackwood and three Reviej#r\..? 9 01 r Blackwood nud the four Reviews 10 0( ayments to be made irt'all canes in advvnee roncy current in tht^State where issued toil roceived at par. CLUBBING. A discount of twenty-five per cent, from theahov< ices will be allowed to Ccuus ordering four or mor< pies ojDnny one or more of the above works. Thus ?ur cojjles'of'Blackwood, or of one Review, wil sent to one address for $9; four*copies cf tin or Reviews and Blackwood for $30; and so on. . POSTAGE. In all the principal Cities and Towns, these work ill be delivered, FREE OF l'OSTi&E. When sen r mail, the Postage toany part of the United State ,11 be but TWENTY-FOUR CENTS a year fo Black wood," and but FOURTEEN CENT'S a yea t each of the Reviews. THE FARMER'S GUIDE *0 SCIENTIFIC ANT) PRACTICAL AGRICUL' TUItl? By Henry Stephens, F. Edinburgh, am e late J. P. Norton, Professor of Scientific Agricul re in Yale College, New Haven. 2 vols. Royal Oc vo. 1600 pages, and numerous IV ood ami ?-toe igraviugs. This in, confessedly, the most complete work o irieulturc ever published. and in order togive it; ider circulation the publndiers hnve resolveji t FTVE D.OLLARSEOR THE TWO VOLUMES !! Whence nt by mail (ptt-paid) to California am egon ti e price will be $7. To every other part o e Union and to Canada (post paid), $6. Thi )ok ?? not the old " Book of the Farm " Remittances for any of the above publication; ould always be addressed, post paid, to the Pub hers, ' LEONARD SCOTT & CO, Jun. 13, No. 64 Gold Street, New York. SCHEDULE. 1 Mail and Passenger Trains. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD COMPANY. Leave" Camden 4.30 a. rh. Leave Boykiu's, 5.2 a. in.; Claremont, 5.40, a.m Leave Middleton, 6.5 a. m; Manchester June tiou, 6.12a. m. Leave Clarkson's, G.30, a. m. Arrive at Kingsville 6.45, a. m Lcavo Kingsville 5.45, p. ni.; Clarkson's, 6. p. m Leave Manchester June. 6 30, p. in: Leave Middleton, G.40 p. m. Leave Clarllhont G.55; p. ni.; Boykin's, 7.40 p.n Arrive at Camden 8 15 p. m. MID-DAY TRAIN. Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday, down. | up. ave Camden, 1.30 p. m. | Leave Kingsville, 8 a. m. avo Boykiu's, 2.10 p\m Leave Clarkson's 8.15 " ave Claremont 2.48 u Leave Manchester June ave Middleton 3-15 " tiou 8.45 a. ni. ave Manchester Jupc- Leave Claremont 9.10 " n 3.28, p.m. Leave Boykin's 9.50 " avo Clarkson's 3.45 " Arrive ut Camden, 10.30 rive at Kingsvill 4, " Leave Clmrlestpn 10 a. nr. Arrive at Kingsville 4.30 p. m; Columbia G.10 p in.; Camden 8 15 p. m. Leave Charleston 10.10 p. m. A-rivc at Kingsville 6.80 a. m.; Columbia 8.40 a. in. Leave Columbia 6 a. m. and 3.45 p. m. Leave Kingsville 8 a. ra. and 6 p. m. Arrive at Charleston 2.10 p., m. and 4 a. m. Leave Charleston 7 a. m. and 4.15 p. m. Arrive at Augusta 8 p. m. and 4.30 a. m. Leave Augusta 9.30 a. m. and 10 p. m. Arrive at Charleston 5 p. ni. nnd 8 a. ra. Leave Augusta 9.30 a. ni. and 10 p. m Arrive nt Kimrsville 4.30 d. m. and 0.30 a. in. Leavo Kingsvillo 8 o. m. and 6 p m. Arrive at Augustu 3 p. m. and 4.30 n. m. tfov. 20. HENRY T PEAKE, Gen). Supt.* MNE Double-barreled Guns, Powder Flasks, Shot Bags, best Percussion Caps. Also, fine Cutlery tent Boring Machines, Chopping Knives, Coal Silt, Spring Bulances, Enameled Grid Irons, Tin Ware, , just opened at tho " Old Corner." }ct. 16, E. W. BONNET. )N consignment at the "Old Corn or," a lot of prime Bacon Sides and Hams.?for sale cheap, 1 for cash only. I?. W. BONNEY. ATTENTION! MIE subscriber would respectfully inform tho citizens of Cauiden, and the surrounding District, t ho has just received a fine assortment of Fancy liules, consisting in part of Ladies' oVgant Pearl rt Monaics, Ladies' Companion Card Cases, Moroc Port Monaics and Cigar Cases. Pocket Knives of nil criptions, .Steel Spectacles. Ladies' Wdrkboxes, also nc lot of Hair, Cloth. Nail and Tooth Brushes, and ood many other ariicles which will bo sold low for h, or to any punctual customors bv C. BOFENSCHKN, Jov. 6, 2 doom above M Druckor t Co. ADIKS' Worsted Dress Goods, also, fine Bed t Blankets, Carpets and Rugs, for sale at reduced jenat tho ' Old Corner" by K. W. BONNEY For tlie Lawyers* iULED Declaration I'opor. Foriwloat ^ ras tost omcsi. / I . gw v0 * * W3 r ' ^HSfiKEmX^SSsMuHfllSnflK? AYER'S PILLS; Anew and singularly successful remedy for the cure of all Bilious diseases ? Costiveress, Indigestion. Jaundice, Dropsy, Rheumatisni, Fevers, 5out, Humors, Nervousness, Irritability, Inflammations, Headache, Fains in the Breast, Side, Back, and Limbs, Female Complaints, &c, &c. Indeed, j very few are the diseases in which a Purgative Medicine is not more or less required, and much sickness and suffering might be prevented, if a harmless but effectual Cathartic were more freely used. No person can feel well while a costive habit of body prevails; besides, it soon generates serious and often fatal diseases, which might have been avoided * by the timely and judicious use of a good purgative. This is alike true of Colds, Fevdrish symptoms, and Bilious derangements. They all tend to become or produce the deep seated and formidable distempers which load the nearses all over the land. Hence a reliable family physic is of the first importance to the public health, and this Pill has been perfected ! with consummate skill to meet that demand. An extensive trial of its virtues by Physicians, Professors, and Patients, has shown results surpassing 1 any thing hitherto known of any medicine. Cures have been effected beyond belief, were they not subi stantiated by persons of such exalted position and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Among the many eminent gentlemen who have testified in favor of these Pills, we may mention: Prof. J. M. Locks, Analytical Chemist, of Cincinnati, whose high professional character is en1 dorsed by John McLban, Judge of the Supreme Court of ? the United States. . \ . , Thos. Cobwin, Secretary of the Treasury. Hon. J. M. "Wright, Governor of Indiana. N. Lono worth, great wine grower of the West. Also, Dr. J. It. Chilton, Practical Chemist, of ' New York City, endorsed by Hon. W. L. Marcy, Secretary of State. W?. B. As tor, the richest man in America. S. Leland & Co., Propria of the Metropolitan Hotel, and many others. rk:j nnrmif va rnnM ?ive many hundred S I/lU oyav>? 0 . certificates, from all parts where the Pills have , been used, but evidence even more convincing than the experience of eminent public men is> found in their effects upon trial. ' These Pills, the result of long investigation and study, are offered to the public as the best and most complete which the present state of medical science can afford. They are compounded not of j the drugs themselves, but of the medicinal virtues only of Vegetable remedies, extracted by chemical . process in a state of purity, and combined together in such a manner as to insure the best results. This ' system of compositidn for medicines has been found ) in the Cherry Pectoral and Pills both, to produce a ) more efficient remedy than had hitherto been obj tained by any process. The reason is perfectly obvious. While by the old mode of composition, every medicine is burdened with more or less of acn1 monious and injurious qualities, by this each individual virtue only that is desired for the curative effect is present. All the inert and obnoxious qualities'of each substance employed are left behind, the curative virtues only being retained. Hence it is - self-evident the effects should prove, as fhey have 2 proved, more purely remedial, and the Pills a surer, more powerful antidote to disease than any othei I medicine known to the world. As it is frequently expedient that mymedicins should be taken under the counsel of an attending -Physician, and as he could not properly judge of i remedy without knowing its composition, I hav? s supplied the accurate Formula: by which both mi I Pectoral and Pills are made to the whole body or Practitioners in the United States and British Amers ican Provinces. If, however, there should be anj r one who has not received them, they will b< r promptly forwarded by mail to his request Of all the Patent Medicines that arc offered, how few would be taken if their composition was known1 Their life consists in their mystery. I have nt mysteries. The composition of my preparations is laid opcx to all men, and all who are competent to judge or the subjeet freely acknowledge their convictions of ] their intrinsic merits. The Cherry Pectoral wai |. pronounced by scientific men to be a wonderful medicine before its effects were known. Many em1 incnt Physicians have declared the same thing of J_ pi?i Pi",i (inm luwfl ing to certify that their Anticipations were mor< n than realized by their effect! upon trial, ii They operate by their powerful influence on the 0 internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate if into healthy act'/>n?remove the obstructions of the 6tomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring tl*ir irregular action to health, and . by correcting, wherever they exist, such derangements as are the first origin of disease. 1 Being sugar-wrapped, they are pleasant to take, f | and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from s their use in any quantity. For minute directions, sec wrapper on the Box. PREPARED BY DR. JAMES C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, LOWELL, MASS. Price 25 Cents per Box. Five Boxes for $L SOLD BY T J. WOREMa^, A. CO, Camden. AMERICAN HOTEL. rr,HE friends of this establishment, and the pKbli< Jl large, are respectfully informed that this HOT will be continued and kept 0| en fur the reception ' all who mnv feel disposed to patronise it The soi vices of Mr. JAMES L. BEARD, long vorably known in counexion with the Hotel, hi been secured. A continuation ofrthe patronage heretofore giv is respectfully solicited. No pains will be spared to give satisfaction. , The Culinary department will be supplied with 1 selection of liio market, Gentlemen with their families visiting or passi through Columbia can be furnished with unsnrpasr accommodations; ilie location I eing central, retir and convenient to pleasure and business. Mr. john A. SHIELD, will continue his locati at the Stables in rear of the Hotel; his Omnibus a - Carriage line will be in readiness at the different I pots and at the Hotel at all necessary hours, to cc vey passengers to and from the establishment Guests desiring Carnages can have them at a hour. W. BOLLINGER, Jan. 22?tf. Proprietor. NKGRO CLOTHS of every description, justopen Also, Negro Shoes and Blankets, for sale low tho " Old Corner." K. W. BONNET. COOPER'S ISING GLASS, Almonds, Teast P< dors, Extracts, Candles, Soaps, 4c., for sale at "Old Corner,1' at the lower t prices. Oct. 10 E. W. BONNET. LADIES' Brown and Drab cloths for Talmas a CloaKS, just opened at the " Old Corner" by Oct. 3i-h: k. w. bonnet. SUGAR HOUSE SYRUP, Lemons, Rose VTati _ and Cheese, just received at the "Old Comer.U Deo. 11, E. W. BONNEY. A ONE-HORSE Wagon?also, a Carriage Ilarnt for sale at the " Old Corner" by Oct. 23. E. W. BONNEY. FRESH Raisins, Currants, Almonds, Maccaroi Cheese, Ac, just opened at the " Old Corner." Nov. 27, K W. BONNEY. The Subscriber CONTINUES to keep an assortment of Fisk's M tallic Burial Cases. The late improvement their form, and the handsome style in which they a finished?imitating rosowood?render them the mo comploto article ever offered to the public. also An Invoice of Burial Clothing,which will bedisposi of in Suits or Singlo Articles, without cases, if desire May 1 C. L. CHATTKN. tt A titvttt a t?ti ILtlAi; W AXVXi. I AM receiving my stock, and in a few days it w ho complete, and would invite purchasers to c and examine it. I have many new articlos whk have just come out. W. D McDOWALL, 0c< 16. . 42 tr. CARPET Bags, Floor Cloths, Crumb Cloths, i just received at " the Old Corner." gept 19?tf. E. W. BONNET. Vallet's Mange Ointment, WARRANTED to euro tjie mango in animals. Juet received and for sale by Nov 6, T. J. WORKMAN I COrvi * T-] . -? * : r.-j ? . " .vV . ^HD^C A |l NEW STORE. "I i \.f ERONEY 4 B08WELL. have opened at ttf B8 i It J. corner of Bros'd and Rutledge streets, io tl> DM | Store recently occupied Hy Major K. S. Moffot,?. ! choice assortment of FRESH HEAVY ANN FANC" I I GROCERIES, to which they invi^Jhc attention* HH i purchasers : in part as follows? f Heavy Groceries. \^H N. 0. and P. R.SUGARS. | Crushed, t'ulvcrized and Stuart'tt Loaf do. S Rio. Java, and Cuba Coffee. jHj ! New Orleans and Cuba Molasses. J| Salt. Leaf Lard. fif Bacon Sides. Canvass Hams. Dl North Carolina Flour. Goshen and English Dairy Cheese. / ^Hj Soap, Starch, Cleansing Soap. ? Sperm and Adamantine Candles. Hi NuS. 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel. H Fancy Groceries. 8 Quarter Boxes RAISINS. . llalf and whole do. jH Almonds, Figs and Assorted Candies. Jflj Ginger and Chow-Chow Preserved - 9 Sardines and Preserved Salmon. *9 Cove Oysters, Preserved Lobsters jfl Lemon Syrup. 9 Walnut and Tomato Catsup, 9 Capers, Olives, Pickles, Sj Pepper Sauce. '-'sM i Preserved Pine Apple. ' 9 Brandy Peaches^! o. Clierrie*. J9 Tobacco dnd CigarsGold Leaf and Rio Hondo'Cigar*. Jnfl Palmetto, El Ensaya aDd La Palma do. ;9| Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco. -fM Pet.n & Ayers super do. Superfine Cowing Tobacco. 9 Common do. do. ||H| Wines and Liquors. ,JB Rect;fied Whiskey. '^9 Old Rye Hammond do. ? V<h9 Old*Bourbon do. - 'MB New England Rutt.. - H London Dock Brandy. ^ Otard, DupuyA Co.'sdo." . . -'^^9 GoddarcPs Brandy 9 St Juliefe Medoc Claret Old Madeira. \ f3k Old Port Wine. * M Old Malaga do. y 9 Heidsick Wine. r g s 'f? Byass' London Porter.-. m' *9U Byass' London Ale,' -WM t While Wine Vinegar. ? * 98 l A General Assortment of fHUlTS. ?*9 With a variety of other nrt$e3 too numerous to-J mention, which will bo sold ^exceedingly low' cash, by MBROXSY A BOS WELL. ~5S| April .4 | tf. 99 , SCOTT'S ~j| LITTLE GIANT COKN AND COB M1IX.JH ''"PHE subscriber is prepared to furnish the differed. n J- sizes, and wili guar-meeltheaa to grind 10, 15, I tttiH ofi hiwliels ner hour. for cosIl fl May 15,?tf. |T. D. McPOWALL, ; j Tailoring. . Tm qiHE undersigned begs leave to inform his friends}. H JL and former customers, that he has resumed Tailoring Business, and wilt execute all order* work in the most workmanlike mantoer and at duced prices for cash?or onxalL i) April lT-i-12 j P. BOBEpQ^ jH T J. -WORKMAN & C<M iHH Wholesale aud Retail Dru^ CAMDEN, S. Cf V JIM * /^VFFER for sale, ffff cas\ or on approved U lowest market prices, a large and weixJ^^^W ted assortment of East Ikiiia^ Mediteb&aiu^HBNH .' European * i ' w^icmi ??!!??n" French, English, and Americas CHEMICALS,^ |Sfi ALL KINDS, 4k Patent Medicines, Thompsonian Medicrncs^oaikcra Herbs and Roots, Saratoga "Water, Wines and BranU dies, Surgical Instruments, Trusses, Paints, Oils, Varw nis'.ies, Paint Brushes, Dye-stuffr, LAmps, Lamp OiMjF Burning Fluid and Camphene, Druggists' and Phyr" clans' Glass-ware and Labels, Window Glass, Putts Hair, Tootb, Nail aud Flesh Brushes, Bronzes, I?r Spices, and flavoring Extracts, Perfumery, Fkngj"! Soaps, Fadby Articles, Genuine.Cod Liver Oil, together / willi every article comprising the stock ot a Druggie or Physician. Our stock is of the best quality, an^, the best selected jissortraent ever offered to the pub-? lie. Physicians, Country Merchants, Planters aad all others cin depend on their ordersmecting prompt aad I careful attention, and upon accommodating teruaa.? j No extra charge for packing or transportation to the/ Ruilroad Depot or any part of the town. V T! ZWPhysicians' Presriptions carefully compounded U Anril 2fi 17 ft r Constantly oil Hand, * ;1 EL /^h'llKNT, Calcined Piaster of Paris, for building VX 0p \J purposes; Gypsum or .Land Piaster,"for agricul * 1 lural purposes, and Stono Limo, all of good quality and i j- in quantities to suit purchasers. 1 A verysupenorarticleof Whiteliime lor whitewashJA ing. . C. L. CHATO^r-'Ml en . March 9. 20 * tf 1 Removal- . f the rnpj]^ Subscriber has removed from hjs former stand, \. A to the store recently occupied by Moore k Kuy;n? Kendall whqre he keeps constantly cn hand, a general J ;C< assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, "Wines, Brandies -w cd and Liquors. A good article of Candied Citron with f] many Fancy Groceries, and every article usually Hjjfl ?" found in a general \ ariety. All of which will\xs told v ' as low as they can be bought for elsewhere far .cash; . \ or to those customers who pay theirbillspromptly. >n" March 27 J.CHARLESWORTH. Vj ?y TIN MANuft.CTO&Y. * THE subscriber is e- ^aged in the' TtNNI NG BUSI- A NESS in all its branches, and keeps constantly 1 ^ | on hand a general variety of such articles as are in < Rt constant use, made by himself of the best material and in the "best manner. ' L ROOFING and GUTTERING done with despatch fj and warranted. Old Rags, Brass and Copper taken .. in exchange for work A. H, FARROW, ' 1 Sept. 4,-tf. Agent. , ,j A. 111. 6c H. Kennedy n(* TTAVE received and offer fbrtalo a full assortment XI of Ready Made Clothing, consisting of Coats, Vests, Pants, BOYS' CLOTHING. ; Coats aud Teats, Under Shirts, Drawers, 1 Hose, Ties, Cravats, Ac, - Dress Shirts, of superior quality, made to ordor and : !S* warranted to fit. Oct 24 Domestics. '* i ii, T> ED and white Flannels, Linseys, Ticks, Sheetings* j JLL all widths, Bed and Qrib Blankets, Long Cloth% brown and bleached Shirtings, Ao. For sale low, by Sept 27. A. M. k R. KENNEDY. e. Gin Bands. ?n TNDIA RUBBER, 2 to 7 inches wide, three an<i - ? re X four ply, which are superior to leather," and will ^ lSt not stretch, also Lace Leather, for sale by July 10. ?tf. W. D. McDOWALL. . v*' >d. South Carolina?Kershaw District. ^ IN THE COMMON PLKAS. Henr/8, Smith A Townsend t?. Enoch Tryon. Attachment, jj VX7I1EREAS, the Plaintiff did on the twenty seeaj T T ond day of August, A D. 1855, file hisdeclarajj lion against the Defendant, who (as it is said) is ab- s sent from and without the limits of this State, and has neither wife nor attorney known within the same, upon whom a copy of the said declaration might be served. It is therefore, ordered that the Baid Defen- . iC dant do appear and plead to tho said Declaration on or before the twenty-third day of August, which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred . j "* and fifty-six, otherwise find and absolute judgment / will then bo given and awarded against him. W. NADDIN, C. C. V. 4 0. S. J CHork's Office, Kerehaw District, August 25, 1*65. Aug. 2t. * Q