lass county, whilst arresting the fsarlieipator in the late difficulties in Kansas, was rcsi>te by three hundred men, and shot in the buck tiov. Shannon had called out the military. fl)led, in this town, on the 20th inst. Jonx Taylor eldest 6on of John X. and Sarah Ann Gamewell ii the tenth vew of his age. Called early, to suffer, hi e.tibited n^ioveh example of patience and quiet resig nation to the will of his Heavenly Father; and hasten ' ing to be away, his young spirit^ purified in the far I nate of affliction, passed, with a sweet "Good Night' I fapon his dying lips into the presence of his God. I "Close thy sweet eyes calmly, and without pain, i And we will trust in God to see thee yet again," CAMDffN PRICES CURRENT. SAGGING. peryard, 1-1 to 16 "SALE ROPE, per pound, 11 to 15 'BUTTER " 18 to 25 See f, * g to 8 11AC0N lli to 13 COFFEE ? 13 to 14 CHEESE, " 15 to 20 cotton;..; a 8 t.?ioi CORN per bushel, 70 to 75 FLOUR,., .per barrel, ' 6.50 to 7.C0 jcuuukb, percwt To t* no LARD,.,, .perpound,... % . 13 to 14 rJfc&LAS&BS,. per gallon 45 to 50 OATS, per bushel, 35 to 40 *?EAS u 75 to SUGAR... .per pound, 10- to 12 SALT per sack 1.50 to 1.75 I. 0. 0. F. KERSHAW LODGE HO. 9. A REGULAR Jleetine will be held on Friday ft JljL Evening next, at 7 o'clock. D. R. KENNEDY, Sect'y. SOSTS OF TEMPERANCE. WA.TEREE DIVISION NO. 9. 'r|^HEregularmeetmgofthisDivision will be heldon X Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock _ By order of the W. P. - - Z. J. DEIIAY R. S Wc are authorized to announce Rev. -JOHN Iw JOY, as a Candidate for Ordinary of Kershaw District, at the ensuing election. ^The friends of KENNETH McKAS KILL. Jr. announce.him as a Candidate f?>r Orf' sjin-?ry of Kershaw District at the. enduing elee^ ticn. Mr. Editor:? Please announce Mr. WILLIAM CLYBURN, Jr., as a Canriidaie for Clerk of (lie Coutt, at the ensuing EKction, Am] oblige MANY VOTERS. [?! %gr We are authorized to announce JOEL j I A. SCI1 ROCK, E-t|., as a Candidate fur Clerk I of the Court, at the ensning election. IB t3T We are authoiized to announce WILM. BULLOCK Esq., as a Candidate for fi^Blerk of the Court at the ensuing election. SSj^B ? FIFTY dollars REWARD. AWAY frcm the Subscriber's plantation near mnmS^Vdmiugton, North Caroiina. on the 10th insC sue dark complected, thirty or forty Jtar9 old, and has a slight asthuia or shortness of btaith. ' He was parchased of Richnrd Flauigan ot the cny of Columbia, S. C., and will probably ?t- i i tempt to make his way back, to thai plate, llad on when he left, a gli.zed cap. I will give ttventy-fiv* dollars reward for return to ine, or his confinement in any jail, so I can get liiip. i and fc.further reward of twenty-five dollars for sufficient evidence to convict any white person of harboriog said slave. G. PiyGGE. April 29, 18 ltn. - I i N; W BAKERY "PDE SUBSCRIBER has commenced business in I Jt ,the above line, one do ?r below U. S. Douglas, * where lie Is prepared to furnish all articles, usually found at such an establishment. Alf orders tor CAKE. CONFECTIONARY. Ac. will be attended to ut the shortest notice. ' JAJiliS O'COXXKR. I April 29, 18 . t!'. Attantion Firemen! YOU ARB HEREBY ORDERED to be si.d ap- , pear at the EXGIXE HOUSE on the 12th prox. 'J.: Mt4i O'clock, P. M. in full uniform for Parade , || You will also attend your Anniversary ileetiug at , L 8 O'clock at Company llalL 2^ By Order Captain Sutherland, tApril 29, td. JOS. M. GAYLK Secretary. Notice. 11 COUXCIL CtUltBER, Aprtl 24, 1850. I 1 ORDERED, that the Recorder advertise in the Camden Journal that there will be an "election , held at the Council Kootn on Thursday, the 8th day i ! efMu/ next, for one Tow n Gnardman, to serve as I : Guard man and Constable of the Town?wages to be ; increased to Twenty Dollars per month. Applicants' 1 X 'most send in their letters addressed to Council in their ; ! pwn handwriting, on or before ihrtt time. [ , i | April 29?2t C. H. DaVIS, Recorder. INEX STi8etiDgT~P^^w Case Linens, Bird Eye xLd Diaper, Long Lawns, Doilies, Table Damasks, -Bathing Towels, Ac., just received and (or sale at the . -Old Corner" by E. W; BONNET. j Camden Bazaar.' j DRICkllK Shads; Inserting and Edging. Also, needle-worked Bodies for Infants. A good assortment of Crepe , - Shawls; Mantillas.Ac. Family GroceriesEio and Java Coffee, ? Hyson and Gunpowder Tea. N. 0., Cuba, and West India ilolassos. All kinds of Spices. . >.A good assortment of Hardwaro and Cutlery, Tin Jllli. A<\ April 29.?tf % s | To all who use Pen and Ink<1 ! HPHE BLUE BLACK WRITING ILUID is ;. j X tended to rorlace the inferior Black Inks nud ! other Writing Fluids now in use which it aurpae J in ever}-respect: 9 j It writes a clear brilliant blue, i It changes to a Jet Black in 24 to 4S hours. It is the uiost permanent Ink ever made. It is perfectly iluid and free from impurities. It does not corrode Steel Pens. It is entiielv free (rom mouldinesS nud spdirrr-nt j Jtrctains it? properties unimpaired by age or clium It is also free from the objection generally urg . agaidst Writing Fluids, of separating the points frc . the nibs of Gold Pens; it does r.ot in the least afT< i them, as it possesses no corrosive properties what; ever. ? ALSO BRILLIANT CARMINE INK. UNCHANGEABLE *LUE INK. 1 INDELIBLE INK FOR LINEN. GLOSSY JAPAN INK, Manufactured by. Apollos W. Harrison*, Phila, Audforsaloby J. E. DeII AY, April 29,?tf. One Door below Masonic Hall. ~~ 1ST OF MAY !! THE SUBSCRIBER contemplating a slight ehanj in his business next Fall. offers about S2500 ! woith of FANCY DRY-GOODS, at cost for cash, i j at an advance of 10 per cent, on credit to pui.ctu | customers. The larger part of these Goods have bc-c | p irehased this Spring, and are of rich and choice style | His whole stock of Fancy Silks and Worsted Dres j Goods, also, Spring Mantillas. Talmas. Ac., are en ; braced in this oflVr Tin- Ladies arc oanocinllv 5>.viin to examine these Goods as fi?w such chancer offer. April 29,?if. E. W. BONNEY. Good Land for SaleWE will sell ONE THOUSAND ACRES < }) GOOD RIVER LAND, lying on the Cl.ocl tawhachie River, in Mushy Bend, Walton Co., Fia. The land lies well?entirely free from overflow, nn< well watered by Springs; part of it. embraces som poor Black Jack Ridges, affording good si'es for Resj dences, proverbial fat health. The River is navigable for Steamboats to Geneva Ala., and abounds with Fish. There is an extensiv Stock Range convenient to the plqce. Theie is about one hundred and fifty acres of opei laud op the place, and three Dwellings, together will Out Houses, Ac. We will sell altogether, or in detached bouies.Apply to CHARLES McKINXON, Uchecana, or [ -GEO F. TERRIN, April 22?tf. ( . on tiie Premises. ~~ NOTICE." BY order of the Court of Ordinary, will be Bold a! the late residence of John Hough, deceased, or Wednesday. 7th day of .May next, between the lega hours of sale, all the personal properly of eaid de ceased, consisting of Three Negroes, to-wit: one Negro Woman?Mary, about eighteen years of age, and her two children?Dick, three years old, and Georgo, about six months. Two Horses. Cattle and Hogs, one Waggon and Gear. Plantation Utensils. Corn aud Fodder, Bacon. Household and Kitchen Furniture. Also, the P: owimr eron of Wheat and n-.ic Terms.?All sums ol, and under Five Dollars, cash. Over that amount a ciodit until the first day of January next, with note and good security, interest from day of sale, and a mortgage of the Negroes, if necessary. MOSES HOUGH, Adm'r. April 23, 17 i Id. NoticeCouncil Chamber, April 17, 1356. ORDERED, that the Recoidcr advertise in the Camden journal,' that tlie Town Council wish to hire six ? r eight able bodied hands, to work on the streets and ditches of the Town. ' April 22?tf. c. H. DAVIS. Recorder. Noiico. * ~ 4 LD persons haying demands against the Estate of ?\ .lolirr Hough, deceased, will preseut them duly attested, and those indebted will r,aak? payment to April 22?tf. MOSES HOUGH, Adrn'r, To Rent.* rpiIE Store Housa. recently occupied by Dieek , VariiMie*, &<" u i.r, w iwa* t-enu. .hiow ? nue /, iunseeu uii, . Turpentine, Colors of every description, Copal and Coach Varnish. -All warranted of the best quality. and for cash will be sold as low as can be purchased in Charleston. - F. L. ZEM1. Fluid. &c. i ITlF.SH BURNING FLUID. Cnmpl.cne. Alcohol, I L Sperm Oil. Lamp and Train Oil. For sale by F. L. ZKMD. Witidow {class. VLL sizes of Window Ulasa constantly on hand, b y F. L.ZKMP. For Salo OX the 11 at Monday in May next. I will sell before the Court House in Camden, that HOUSK AND LOT on Broad Street, one door above the Camden Hotel, either for Cash, or on a Credit until ?.ho tiist of January next, with note and approved personal security aud interest from dav of Sale. April 13, * TIIO. J. WARREN, Agent. Ralm of a Thousand Flowers, MAY bo had at the Drug Sior.* of ? T. J. WORKMAN, k CO. FOR SALS. An df/rcciib'-c, healthful lif-xidaicc, rateable Tan Tard, and Tract <>f Land. r|"MIR undersigned Assignees of J. I). Murray, offer 1 for sale his Residence, Tuft Yard, and Tract of ! Land, containing one hundred acres, lying about 2 I miles North of Camden, on the Road to Lancaster.? Tlie House is new, well built, has a basement 10 feet i high, and on the second floor t good Rooms, with a i I'iazza, fronting South?standing perhaps on the most elevated point in the neighborhood; it is in full and clear view of Cook's Mount, about 26 miles distant.? Attached to the House is a garden, and nil necessary ! oui-uuuumgs. new, aim in ;.'oou repair; mere are on ' the premises, two Springs, one in CU yards of the Kitchen. On tlit. Tract (hero are about 30 or -10 acres of live' ly Pino land, lit for tillage; and, also, a very elevated ridge running West front the Public Road, which would furnish several eligible sites far Simmer Retreats, or peimunent Residences, being one of the most healthful sections of the world. Also, a Tan Yard. Intel}* in full operation, with all the necessary apparatus, of suitable buildings, Vats, ! JliJI. ?c. The undersigned will sell Iho whole together, or in | parcels separately, but prefer selling to one person.? i Terms will be made easy. If not sold at private sale, j tho premises will be ottered for public sale at tho Court House on the first Monday in Juno next. K. W. RONXKY, | . . JAMES DUN LAP, f Afit,f?m>C3W. M. SHANNON, ) Agents for , W. THURLOW CASTON, j Creditors i April ID, 1C td. FISHING TACKLIi. HOOKS end Lines, Jylk and Linen, ready .'or use. Minnow Nets, line and extra, Net Handles aud Frames, jointed, Patent Brass Guide Rings, Brass Tips for Angling Rods, Steel Swivels, assorted, Artificial Bobs, Flies and Bait, Treble Limerick 1 looks, ringed, Limerick Trout Hooks on Silk Loops, " " " on Gimp. Limerick Dream and Perch Hooks, on Silk Loops, Heavy Cable Laid Silk Line, Heavy Plaited Silk Lino. " Twisted do. Fine Silk Lines, Fancy colors, Largo and lino Max and Linen Lines, East India Grass Lines, Multiplying Keels, Kir Fishing Lines, Kgg Shape mid Barrel Floats, ot all sizes, Li ineriek Ilooks, Halted, sharp and ringed. . Kirby Hooks, light and extra heavy, Silk Worm Lines and Hooks on do., Cotton Lines, and ovory description of . Fishing Turk!*. A POITVG - ' J~". BON'T -cdi ^LE3?^3 tul. i " '"I AL *1 f\ >11; a * | IMAGES J MQlMHis J rTfW-V<> 11 To' JPmiiim aisidl (D j GREATI ;i i MRU ;i ilUHBB ADD W rgJTCQj^ F?2? ILsidfi?g;n Mite | aasca&^RrsKrsKTR.^ss With a good many other articles. 9 STf ? a THE CI e ' mi ? J ' * *. line best assorted Stock o: J Jll f5 ;'5, fit p r3 iu: .! . ?@4 Mk You will find, by cti I * * ; ; L STUEGES & BLACK, J. T. STUilCES, JOS. A. BLACK, Jr., 01 Coorg. to vn, S. C. Of Columbia, S. I AND . GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. I.' ?YOK A* C(%VV1IARF, CHAELEjCOS, S. C. U^KKENCraPte W. 11. A J. C. Martin, Bankers, Cnarlpston. S. C lion. Daniel Wallace. I'rest. Spartanbtljjf A Union villo R. R_ John Caldwell, President 8. C. B. Road Gen. C. B. Griffin, Newberry DLs:..S. C. : : Sept. 25, 30 fj]?-^TJealersiu Foroign and Domestic | HARDWARE, CUTLERY, C?3-tO"ii'5S33 (Csc? ! ' 12 7 3 KING-STREET, 2 7? h'EAItI.V OPPOSITE! MKHCHA.VJS' HOTEL, . CIIAP.L?$TO\', S. C. 1 J. JONATHAN LUCAS. JOHN P STEOHECKEE j Sept. 25, 33 3u. I ""PvEEDEE & DE^IuSSUReT . h.r ShS I " "i? COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ADGUirS WHARF, | ' CHARLESTON, S\ C. Oct. 2 40 ,f' Cm ~c." joiinsON, F 0 R W A R D I N G AND / v i ansnxEAiiv, CENTRAL WHARF CHARLESTONS. C. 1 Oct. 2 40 1 r. A. G. MARSHALL. WITH AT WOOD, BARNES & CO-, Mamifacturera^nd Wholesale Dealers hi LOC?l<>S3d ? < V' n MBEEB IAK?IT? * l*"1 ^zs9 goal (DMIdbrejUo 3TD Ht3_3E35QC38BflL3>2WffiSq .vV^- ? N. i^SSL '-CV-. - V.v'j ' " ^V^tt^iK^JS tsvss ^-i: ' ' *?#&**&&? && - CABTEB'S ^Asnsaiu aii^^iiia, *Tho Great FuriHtr of the Bleed! : TlIE ]J.i:ST AL TEH A Ti VF K SOW XI! \ot u Pitrliclc of Jl^rrnry iti if. An Infallible Remedy for Scrofula, Ling's llvi', Kheui mutism, Obstinate Cutaneous Krij 'i ms, riui|i'ee or Pustule on the Face. Blotches. Boils, Ague mi'i I*e*; ver, Chronic Sore Eye. King Worm ?r Teller, Foald ! Ilca-1. llnglargetnent and Pain <#/ the Bones ami Joints instil Rheum, Stubborn' Ulcers, Syphilitic J>i*' ! order*, Lumbago, Spinal Complaints, and all Disease* i arUinjr'irom on injudicious me of Mtrcurv, imjirui dunce in life, or iuipiu ity of the Blood. 1 great alterative medicine ami Purifier of the blood is uow iiieti by th?a*nn 1 tone to tbe Stomach, makes theskin clear arid lieallhv, j and restotes the Constitution, enfeebled by disease, ! or broken down by the excesses of youth, to its pris; tilie vigoT and strength. For t!ie i>;?r.ASr? ?? fkmalfji it is peculisuly nnplh i cable, and wiicrevcr'it has become known i# regularly* j prescribed with the happiest effects. It invigorate* j the weak and debilitated, and imparts elnsticitv to j the worn out fratr.e. clears tlio skin, and leaves^ the j patient fresh and healthy; a single Imttle of this ! inestimable remedy is worth all the so called Sarsu, parillas in esiiteiKV. j The large nun;bit of certificates width we have i received front person* from all parts of the United | .States, is the best evidence that there is no humbug J about it. The press, hotel keepers, magistrates, physi! cians and public men, well known to the community, | all add 'licit* testimony to the wonderful effects of ; tided KB AT BLOOD PUHIVIUIL i Call on tho Agent and get an Almuuac, ami read * ! the iistoJii-lting cures perfumed by CARTER'S A j SPANISH MIXTURE, (inmost casks wucnr. kvf.rt A | Tlli.vo KL8K llAll .SIGNALLY FAJI.F.D.) TltC limits of Ml ! advertisement will not a mit their full insertion. WM. Si BEERS TROTTER; r^T stand tho^u! mint' Suriri.' Scaio-i rrnnflnrtmr ilm lit, rlnvfif ' lUim " " h" 11-J , , ! At Ilobkirk. Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday, nnd nt Grannies Quarter Creek, nine miles nbovu Camden, on tlio Liberty Hill Road?Thursday, Friday, nnd Saturday of every week until the Season closo , at the following rates: The Season, $10; insurance $115, nn-1 fifty cents to the Groom. ; March 25. 14 Io.fcm. Spring Styles Dress Goods '-pilK UNDERSIGNED has received and is now ' .1. opening a large and well selected Stock of Dress j Goods suitat le for Spring and Summer "Wear. .. 1 A superior article of Blk Crepo Maretz, Bl'k Grenadines, Tissues nnd Bareges, Sup'r Mourning Organdies, 1 awus A -Jaconets. Colored Goods. \ Printed Freuch Organdies and Lawns. Col'd Bareges, Tissues and Grenadines, 9u|/r Cliintz Brilliantcs, . " Solid Col'd do. French and Scotch Ginghams, French Cambrics and Calicoes. White Goods for Dresses, Plain Pi'd and Striped Nansook, . Plaid Jaconet?, Mriped do. I. Swiss, Organdie and Mull Muslins, A now article of White Brilliante. , March 25. - C. MATIIESONLace Sotts, Lacs SettsPARTICULAR attention is invited- to the' a cortmcn*. of . Mechlin. M.ihire UW 'JOUUS., 1"? Ladies, Misaes, lientlcmen, and Dove' Spring and Summer Wear, which hoN invites his customers ar.d friends to call and examine. March 25?3 m, NEW SPEING GOODS, BCW A. M. & Fv EENNEDY\\ri-: are now receiving our usual Stock of Goods TT suitable for the Season, to an examination of ' which wo respectfully invite the attention of out friends and the public geuernlly. The Slock is large, ninl embraces the newest and most desirable styles of Press Goods, in Silks, Grenadines, Bareges. Luteals; iu Jaspa and Alma paiterus, :il _ B v,r- DON N KY. AOTSCE. . VLL perron1 indebted to tbo-er tire rcow?i*itcd tr call .''1)1? settle. ] will be glad to sell all my friends and customers on short time (with the exception of such articles an corn, bacon, flour, lard, etc.) and for such artieh-H I must have cash or I cannot tel.. The subscriber also adds that atieh porsot s as have born lunning accounts with him and have not paid ha does not desire to keep accounts with, and he ia only willing to sell to such as pay hini promptly. . I also give notice that all persons who owe me prii to first January last, unless tlieyoome and makeaom satisfactory nr'artgemqnt, by the 15lh March, nex.,-.> thelrpapers willh* placed in the hands ot W Thurify . Canton, tot collection. .bin It'-.?if. ROBERT LATT.'. '< &&