THE CAMDEN WEEKLY JOURNAL IS PUBLISHED EYKBY TUESDAY BY THOMAS J. WAKKiiW, - E -?-: aaiiEsas,, Two Dollars if paid in advance; Two Dollars and Fifty Cents if payment be delayed tlirc-e months, and Three Dollars if not paid till the expiration of the year. ADVERTISEMENTS will be inserted at the following rates: For one Square, (fourteen lines or less.) seventy-five cents for the lirst, and thirty-seven and-s- j half cents for each subsequent insertion. Single insertions, one dollar per square: semi-monthly month- J ly and quarterly advertisements charged the same as : for a single insertion. j ADVERTISING TERMS PER-ANN CM. I 1 Square, 1 year $10.00 j 1 " G months COO i 2 ' 1 year 15.00 2 "6 months - 800 1 3 . " 1 war 20.00 : A " 1 "" 25.00 ! Five Dollars per square for every additional square. ' Bt'StXKSS Cakds, not exceeding six Urcrierlinvs. in space, wtll bo inserted at five dollars per antium.? J Where they occupy the space of fourteen?or over? n-?:"r Un the subscriber are requested to otill and settle- 1 will he glad to sell all my friends and customers on short lime (with the exception of such articles as corn, bacon, flour, lard, etc.) and for such articles I must have cash or I cannot fell. The subscriber also adds that such persons as have j l.~? im'/ii hi,-, nn/7 harp lull twirl lt?* W*~[l T Lklt'lhlty IKWB'tW W?WV ??? ? w.s' London Aie, White Wine V inegar. A General Assortment of FRUITS. With a variety of other articles too numerous io mention, which will be soid exceedingly low tor cash, by MICRON WV & BOSWKLL. April -1 ll". SEW FALL TOODS A. M. it 11. KENNEDY, are now receiving their usual supply of Dry Goods suitable for the season.? The Stock is unusually large has been carefully selected and will he sold upon the most reasonably terms to punctual Customer?, a liberal discount for Cash. They respectfully solicit an Examination ot their Stocks. October, 2. af. New Styles Dress Goods In handsome plain ami Stripe silks, Printed and Plain Cashmeres and detains Par. mnttaclolb, i lain and printed, P'i B gas and all wool plaids, in new patterns, Opera, flannels in variety Just iceeived by A. M. .t R_ KENNEDY. Embroideries Scotch and Irish Kmboidcrics. a very handsome va riety* m Cambrics, and Swiss, Collars, and Sleeves, also in Setts. Alexanders Kid, and Silk Gloves, black, white and colored, Hoscirv of all kinds. A. M. A U. KENNEDY, Heavy Woollens Plantations Kersvj and Plains, SatinctLs Ac. for House Servants, Snpeiior Grey and white Blankets, lted and white flannels, in all qualities All of which we will sell at verv moderate prices, A. M. A It. KKNMKDY. Cloths Cassimcres, and VestingsA full and fashionable stock in fancy and plain styles, also; a handsome fctuck of Tweeds suitable for bov3 wear. Just received by A M. A R. KKXXEDY. CLOTHING, Hats, Shirts, and underclothing an unusually large and varied as ortmcnt of the above goods are now open to which we respectfully invite the nttention of our friends and the public general!**. Oct. 2. A. M. A R. KENNEDY. FALL GOODS. rI^IIE subscriber wonld call attention to bis large Jl and well selected stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware. Crockery Ac., now nearly complete for Fall Trade, consisting in part of the following articles: UliKSS COOPS. 24 2<> 28 30 S2 A 34 inch Super Ri'k Gro dc Rliiue Silk. Best quality Black Watered do. l'laid f*i!k.s id lli?: latest siries. Mwiselaiu I )e Lai lies, I'litiu nnd Figured. 4 4 k 5-4l?erinan and English Merinos. Sup'r French Merinos, nil Col s. FOR MOV RSI SC. A Sup'r article of French Paranietla. French and English Bombazine. Real Alpaeca uml Canton Cloths. A full assortineul fJinghams and Calicoes. FOR ROYS' I YEAR. Rob Roy Plaids. Flannels. Kentucky and Wntervillc .leans. Plain and Printed Salitietts Sup'r French Cassimeits. small Plaids. FOR OEFTS' WEAR I5l'k French Cloths, all qualities. Col'd Bi'k " T oe Skin-*. j A large stock of Col'd French Cassitneres, including j a sup'r article of double-width. Also, it heavy article of English Cloth lor Overcoats. Fi. ASS ELS. Col'd Fiemh Flannels !<.r Ladies' Sacks. A Sup'r article of Shaker Flannel, tvarrantod not : to shrink." Ladies' and (it-tils' llosciug and I'ndcr Vests. Cents' Merino and .leans Drawers. Ac*? Ac., All of u't.ieli will he >old on reasonable terms, Oct. U? lm. . C. M ATIIESoN. NOTICE. r|MIE undersigned having comm. need business in 1 Camden. has now iceciveii and i* prepared to offer for sale, a WELL SELEC'I ED STUCK. .,1 r? t? rv /-k/\ Tk Cf J'1,1 ij'JUUrI, HARDWARE, AXI) GROCERIES. As the above Stork Jims been bought for CASH. I ! flatter myself I will lie able to flbr inducements J to those who desire to purchase for CASH, or to punc* J toal customers on short time, and thereby hope to merit a share of public pntrotinire. ALL OH!)E!tS FROM THE COUXTRY WILL HE EUM TV ALL ) A TTESDEl* TQ. My Store is located Three doors above the Hank oft Camden. Oct 9 tf 12 W F. r 15It 11V. JOHN I). MURRAY, HAVING I5KMOVKD to the STORK recently j occupied, l?v II. PAT15 esq. nearly opposite the i Masonic Lodge, is prepared to offer. A FRMSII AND DKSlltADLK STOCK OFNKW GOODS, embracing A General Variety of I) It Y GOODS HEADY MADE CLOTH I SO SHOES, IIATS. CAES, GROCERIES, HARDWARE. SADDLERY it-r.. 1)EGS to inform the Ladies and pul-lie generally ol ) Camden, that he liascoutmeneed business as above one door south ofG. S. Douglass, where lie intends manufacturing and making to measure Ladies' Gentlemen's and Misses' Boots, Shoes and Gaitcrsof the best materials and workmanship on very reasonable terms for cash or approved credit, and trusts from his many years cxpeiienee in cutting ami manufacturing for the South he may be able to ensure a share of publie patronage. Storekeepers trading in Bouts and Shoes may have the s:zes filled up on short notice, and on advantageous norms. Boots. .Shoes and Gaitersnontiv repaired. X. B.?All kin-Is of country produce (except prom, es)' i c3.1 ti exchange lor Shoes. July 10?bin. Soiilli Carolina?liARTIE*. IT appearing to my satisfaction that James A. M. Lanier. Thomas Lanier and Laura Lanier, William Onto and John Cato, aie absent from and beyond the limits of this* State. It is ordered that tliey appear before the Court of Ordinary lor Kershaw District, to is- held on the seventeenth day of January next, when and where the petitioners will propound the last will and testament of John Trusdell. deed.. t? be proven in due form of law JOHN" It. JuY, O. K. 1>. Oct. 10, 12 tf. FOR SAIJ;, r|',HAT lloii-c and Store on Broad Street, at present 1 occupied by C. Shiver. Terms liberal. Apply to JAMES McKWKN. Sept. 4 "C If. Blankets! Blankets! i LA ROM stock of 9. 1??, 11, .t i 2-4, Bed Blankets J \ all fpialities, f'rib Blankets different si/.< < at Ocl 9?2m. C. MATIIKSON'S. To RentI^ROM tlie 1st. Novemltor next, that HOUSE and * STORK on Broad St reel, at present occupied by C. Shiver. For Terms apply to J AS McKWKN. Hams! Hams! ^ lot of Superior Country cured Hams, Bacon, Lard l m nun rimir iwr uic UAisn oniv. for .silt* I >y Sept II?:u KnliKUT LATTA. For Sale. \ TWO-110it?li WAOUX :m. ^ _ : ' DOCTOR HOOFLAND'S CELEBRATED German Bitters, PRXPARKD BT DB. C. M. JACKSON, PKilad'a., Pa., WILL EFPECTTALLT CURE LITER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE, Chronic or Nervout Debility, Diteatet of the Kidneyt, and all diteatet anting from a disordered Liver or Stomach. Such as Conslij.ation, Inward Piles, Fullness, or Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructious, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pitof the Stomach, Swtmnnng oi tne neau, numeu, Difficult Breathing,Fluttering at the IJeart.Choking or Suffocating Sensations,when in a lying I'osturi Dimness of Vision,Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever ami dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Fer.-juration, Yellowness of the Skin and Dyes, I'ain in the Side, Back, Chest, Li bs, etc., Sudden- Flushes* of Ilea' Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and great Depression of Sj>irits. In attributing such valuable Medical properties to J this remedy, no rash or unwarrantable assertion is j made, but is simply stated u fact; proven uudenin, blyand conclusively by the extraordinary cures, and j benefits derived from it: use, under the direction of ! its illustrious originator, Dr. Ilooflnnd, among all i classes of European society and from the immense mass of testimony, from all jiartsof the American continent, accumulated during the last ten years, in the hands of the present proprietor. The jirevalenee of diseases to which the (icrmun Bitters arc adapted, it is with sorrow we say it, is almost universal, indeed there is scarcely a family throughout tlie whole extent of our country in which there caunot be found among its members that peculiar sallow and languid appearance, denoting a diseased Liver, or an emaciated and suffering I)y?peplic. Then of what immense importance to this class of invalids, that a certain and reliable remedy should be placed within their reach ; one in which no baneful j or injurious drug outers into its composition ; a rem| edy on which the patient eati rely with the utmost confidence and certainty and be assured front actual and tangible proofs,that the article he is using,really possesses the virtues attributed to it. Such a rented v 1 a? ? " '? Tl...,,^o.,.tJ 13 " UOOJUi.HU s ucffliin /line/'). i iivun?un ?. uu?ulil I have lieen expended in it< manufacture ami diffusion throughout all parts of this eon Iincut, and the pro prietor feels the greatest satisfaction in stating, thai there is no State, County or even Village where t^ie Medicine has teen introduced, that there cannot he louud numbers willing, to testify to its virtues. it is used constantly in the practice of a large number of the most prominent physicians in the country, who have also added their written testimony, in evidence of its great virtues. In conclusion, then, we would respectfully ask of nil those afflicted witli any <>f the above diseases, to give the Hitters a trial, and rest assured it will never be regretted. In proof of the statements above made, nil ore invited to . read attentively, the " Memorabilia," or " Practical Receipt I)?ok," for Fa muff's and Families, containing I a great number of useful re eipts, in addition to the ! testimony, in favor of the Rilteis, from the most prom ! inent and well-known iudividnnls, in all | arts ofthc I Union. All agents for tin-Hitters ate authorized to j disti ihiitc the "Receipt Rook "gratuitously. I'rincipal oflice and Manufactory, 1 'Jo Arch St., ; Rhiladelphia, Fa. For sale wholesale bv Prugirists in all the principal cities, ami at retail by apothecaries and storekeepers in every town in the United States and Canada. T. J- WORKMAN, tfc CO., Camden. Mit-tki: (F Britto.v, Sumterville; Boatwrioiit n reasonable terms. WORKMAN & CO. j Ma\ 22 21 ti. NEW GOODS. Cloths, Cassinieros and Vcstiugs. "1 \ T ! '. have received part of our Fall Stock, consist I T t ing of superfine Klurk. Drown and Dine Cloths superfine 0 4 Black Poc.-kins and laney Cassi mere's Black and fancy Silk. Cashmere, and Velvet Vesting* In a few days we will he receiving a full and complete j stock of Dry Goods, to which we confidently invite ' attention, hotli as regards quality and prices. ! Sept. IS, " A. M. \t K. KENNEDY. SCOTT'S | LITTLE GIANT CORN AND COB MILL. : r l"MIK subscriber is prepared to furnish the difibrcm ! 1 sizes, and will guar;.idee them to grind 10, 15, and 20 bu-diels per hour. For sale for cash. May 15,?tf. W. D. MeDOWALL. ; Soullt-C'aroliua?liorslmiv District. IN TI1K COMMON PLEAS. Joseph Fridcberg, vs. Harvey Hamilton. Attachment. j \ \ 7 11 Mil FAS, 1 lie Plaint ill'did, on the 27 th day o J T t March, tile his Declaration against the Defend i ant, who (as it is said) is absent from and without the ! limits 01 ll)C ."51010, aim lias ni iinn ?? uu 1101 aiiuuin i known within the same, upon whom a copy of the paid declaration mi"ht bo served. It is thorefoie or! (lorcd that the said defendant do appear and plead to' the paid declaration, on or before the 281 h day of j March, which will he in the year of our Lord one thouj sand cipht hundred and fifty-six. otherwise final and i absolute judgment will then be given and awarded against hiin. M. NATDIX, C. ('. I'. A t!. 8. Clerk's Ofiicc, Kershaw District, March 27, 1825. April .1 RemovalI rr,llK Subscriber has removed front his formcrstand, i .1. to the store recently occupied by Moore A lvuykcndall, where lie keeps constantly ttt lininl, a genera 1 assortment of Dry floods, tiroecries, Wines. Brandies and Liquors. A pood article of Candied Citron with many Fancy tiroecries, and every article usually found in a peiieral variety. All of which will be sold as low as they can be boopJit Ibr elsewhere for cash, or to those customers who pay their hills promptly. March 27 J.CII ARLESWOKTII. The Subscriber (MONTINUKS to keep an assortment of Fisk's MeJ tallie Burial Cases. The late improveinenl in ! their form, and the handsome style in which Il.ey are j finished?imitatinp rosewood?lender them the most ! r.,,ii.nleln nrlielo ever olVert d to t!io mil,lie An Invoice of Burial Clothing, which wiil l?o?li>*|?onp?l of in Suits or Single Articles, without coses, if desired. May 1 0. 11. CII.VTTKN". Tailoring. r|^III', undersigned begs leave to inform his friends 1 and former customers, that he lots resumed the Tailoring Business, and will execute all orders for work in the most workman like manner and at reduced prices for cash?or on call. April 17?I'2 I\ 11OBKNS0N. To Rent. rIMIK I10USK AND STORK, on Broad-Street, at 1 present occupied by Mr J. 1\ Murray, and .1 K. Morgan Possession of the house given immediately, and of the storo on the 1st Oetohor next. Applv to Aug. 28.?tf. JAMKS McKWKN. - eiM? South-Carolina?Kershaw District. IN THE COMMON PLEAS. Jesse Wessinger vs. Harvey Hamilton. Attachment. TVniEREAS, the Plaintiff did, on the 28th day o T V March, tile his declaration against the Defendant, who (as it is said) is absent from and without the limits of the said, and has neither Wife nor Attorney known within the same, upon whom a copy of the said declaration might be served. It is therefore ordered, that the said defendant do appear and plead to the said declaration, on or before the 29th day of March, which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand, eight hundred and fifty-six, otherwise final and absolute judgment will then be given and awarded against him. M. NAUDIN, C. C. F. A G. S. Clerk's Office, Kershaw District, March 28, 1855. April 3 Keep Warm. GENTLEMEN'S Overcoats, some very large size. Also, Boys' Overcoats, just opened and for sale at the "Old Corner" by E. "W. BONNEY. /~1ARPET Bags, Floor Cloths, Crumb Cloths, Ac \J just received at " the Old Corner." Sept 19?tf. E. W. BONNET. A. in. <& U. Kennedy HAVE received and offer for sale a full assortment of Ready Made Clothing, consisting of Coats, Vests, 1'ants, BOYS' CLOTHING. Coats and Vests, Under Shirts, Drawers, J Hose, Ties, Cravats, 3. April 3 Summer Clothing*, EtcVM. ,t R. KENNEDY arc now receiving their usual supply of COAT -.Vests. Pants and L C. ShiriM. A portico H'lJ/.t. L. .?. .tift-lr up to their own order, are well adapted for Warm Weather, a A handsome and compu te Stock of COATINGS, Summer Cas-dnn-rs, Drills, Yestings. Neck Ties, Under Clothing, etc.. to all of which they confidently invile tl e attention of their friend? and the public gen orally. April 3. MI EVP PAPER. IETTER PAPER at Jgi to 25 cents per quire.? J Also?Note Paper and Envelopes. For sale a* April 17. THE 1'OST OFFICE. Domestics. If v.u auu wniie ri;mr.i'i.\ umsi-v*, i n*i\>. ouuciui!^, \ all widths. Bed and Crib Blanket?, Long Cloths, brown and bleached Shirtings. Arc. For sale low. by Sept 27. A. M. k It. KENNEDY. Negro Ooods. HKAVY Satinet Is. Georgia Plains. Kerseys and . Lingers, opened and for sale bv Sept. 18.' A. M. k Ft KENNEDY. Sotire VLL those having claims against the Estate of the late Mrs. Ann V. Sell rock, will present them duly attested, and all indebted will make payment to Sept. 11?tl'. J. A. SC11 ROCK. Adra'r. Gin Bands. INDIA RUBBER, 2 to 7 inches wide, three and four ply, which are superior to leather, and will not stretch, also Lace Leather, for sale by July 10. ?tf. W. D. McDOWALL. "Vfl'.GRO CLOTHS of every description, juslopencd Xs Also. Xcgro Shoes and Blankets, tor sale low at the "Old Corner." E. W. BOXXEY. Gilt Cornicing. r).\XDS, Curtain Rings, Etc.. Handsome Patterns j of good size for Drawing Rooms and Chamber Windows. Window Shades and Fixtures. A handsome assortment consisting of 30 patterns, mostly of now design?Landscapes, Street Views, Gold Patterns, Etc., varving in prices front 75 cents to five dollars. ' C. L. CIIATTKN. May 1?tf. ITMIEXCH Brandy and Madeira Wine of superior quality for medicinal purposes. For sale bv* April 11. T.J. WORKMAN k CO. T"! T!! T !!! Vl'RK.SU supply of Green and Black Tens of superior qualitv, just received at the "Old Corner." July 10, * 23 tf. IK'?N Mt at Cutters, Sausage Stufl'ers, Patent Churns. Also, Iron Axles, for small wagons and buggies, just opened at the "Old Corner-" Pure White Lead. VI.ARGK supply of the genuine article jnst ro. eeived by T. J. WORKMAN k CO. July 24, JO tf. Clothing!!! IIIAVKjusl opened at the "Old Corner" a fill . supply of Men's and Youth's Clothing. It is pot up in the most fashionable style and will be disposed of on tho most favorable terms. K. W. BONXKY. The Sons of tlir Sires. V HISTORY of the Rise, Progress, and Destiny of the American Party, by an American. For sale by A. YOUNG, July 24, SO tf IADIKS' Kail ami Winter Press flood*, Gloves, J Kmhroiderics. Cloaks, Talmas, Ac., just opcnedat the 'Old Corner" by K. \V. UONNKV. TIN MANUFACTORY. j r KIIK -nbscriber is cm-aged in I'm '''INNING BUSI| 1 NKSS in all its bronchos, and keeps constantly mi hand a general variotv of such articles as are in constant use, made by himself of the best material and in the best manner. HOOFING and Gr iTKHING done with despatch and warranted, .old Hags, Brass and Copper taken in exchango for work. A. It. FAKKOW, .Sept. 1,-tf. Agent. a i T. J. WORKMAN & CO., Wholesale and Retail Drugffistft, CAMDEN, S. C. OFFER for sale, for cash, or on approved credit, a LOWEST MARKET PRICES, H large anil WELL-BELEC ted assortment of East India, Mediterranean and i European DRUGS AND MEDICINES, French, English, and American CHEMICALS, or all kinds, Patent Medicines, Thompsonian Medicines,"Shaker's Ilerbs sud Roots, Saratoga "Water, Wines and Brandies, Surgical Instruments, Trusses, Paints, Oils, Var j nishes, Pamt Brushes, Dye-stuffs, Lamps, Lamp Oils, Burning Fluid and Carnphene, Druggists' and Physicians' Glass-ware and Labels, Window Glass, Putty, Ilair, Tooth, Nail and Flesh Brushes, Bronzes, Teas, CrUnna or.,1 Oon/vr.'nn. T> C. T. | aim uaiuiiiiu Jiiiiatio, IT CI lUIOUry, ?&UCy j Soaps, Fancy Articles, Genuine Cod Liver Oil, together I with every article comprising the stock of a Druggist ; or Physician. Our stock is of the best quality, and the best selected assortment ever offered to the public. Physiciaus, Country Merchants, Planters and all others can depend on their ordersmeeting prompt and careful attention, and upon accommodating terms.? No extra charge for packing or ttansportation to the Railroad Depot or any part of the town. ^" Physicians' Presriptions carefully compounded April 25. 17 ft Patent Medicines, &c. AFREolI SUPPLY, just received, among them are: Holloway's Ointment Cherry Pectoral Kolloway's Pills Hasting's Syrup Naptha Hobensack's Worm Syrup Rodger's Syrup of Liver Mextican Mustang Lini- wort and Tar and Canmcnt chalagua Pain Killer Daily's Magical Pain Ex.. Seltzer Aperient tractor Barry's Tricopherous Christie's Galvanic Belts? Jaync's Medicines Necklaces, Bracelets and Kadway's Ready Relief Fluid Oxygenated Bitters Brow's Ess. Jamaica Ginirer Georgia Sarsaparilla Murray's Fluid Magnesia Sands' Sarsaparilla Cod Liver Oil Townsend'eSarsaparilla Indian Hair Dye Dead Shot Bachelor's Hair Dye Fahnestock's Vermifuge Depilatory Power Wistar's Balsam "Wild Cher-Magnetic Plaster ry For sale by F. L. ZEMP. Flavoring Extracts 1?0R Ices, Custards, Puddings, and all kinds of Confectionary, Pastry, artof | Fine Gilt China cups and saucers, with and without I mottoes I P.iohGilt Card receivers and Jewelry stands 1 Fancy China Inkstands, Jewelry boxes Flower Vases, elegant Toilet bottles, ic.Ao. ALSO, A full supply of American and English Tooth ant} Hair brushes; Clothes, Hat and Shoe do. Buffalo dressing Combs, pocket and fine tooth Combs Also a large lot of lineand common Shaving brushes* Woo!, Wool. "\\7I1.L be purchased either in the Burr or clean, > \ by W. ANDERSON. Aug. 2.1 >14 tf. Writing Ink I 1 \ ll,v 11 ll? "V Jfwon. .4 180, JUOfllOlC i >> Ink in variety. T. J. WOKKMAN A CO. ITMtKSlI Citrate of Magnesia; Seltzer Aperient and Congress Water. For sale by Sept. 4. T. J. WORKMAN CO. (~\ ARRETS, Floor Clotbsnnd Rugs, in new patterns. J just rei-eived at tlio "Old Corner." E. W. BONNET, Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers, FOR COUGHS, COLDS, AND CONSUMPTION Just received and for sale by T.J. WORKMAN 4 CO. 11 ! i - ': r """M" ' "?