The Camden weekly journal. [volume] (Camden, South-Carolina) 1853-1861, October 09, 1855, Image 3

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NOTICE. BY order of the Court o: Ordinary, trill bo sold ou Thursday the l5thda<*of November next, at the late residence of rjatnuel liaskin, at 11 oVli>ck A. M., ail the personal property cf said deceased, consist tup of Household and Kitchen Furniture; provisions of a 1 kinds, stock of Horses, riogs. Cattle, Wagon, Cairiage, &c. Also. eleven likely negroes. Terms.?For the Negroes, one-fourth cash, balance on one and two years credit, with botes and approved security Interest payabif annually ironi day ot sale, and mortgage of the property. The other propert , all autns of ten dollars, cash. balauee n credit of twe. e months, notes with approved securi y, with interest from dav of sale. ltUliT. W. LOVE, Adm'r. Oct. ?, 41 tX Ilva(l><tuartei s?~22d Rcj;. S. C. ?I. Camden, Oct. 8, 1855. TN pursuance of an order front Brigadier Central Jl W. J. Taylor, uu election foi COLONEL of this Regiment is hereby ordered to be held on r-uturdny the 1st day of December next, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the ptomotioii of Col. Taylor Captains, or officers cotiiuititiditg Companies will take to their asso-tance two subordinate oBicets. and ho'd said election according to law,?meet ui Camden on the Monday l"U?>v\iug, count the votes and forthwith transmit a statement, in wr.ting. to thu Bugudier General, showing result of said like ton. By order oi Lt. Colo, el Tht?. J. Wai ten Com. 22.1 Beg. h. C. M. WM U. TAYLull, Adjutant. Oct. 9, 41 tf. Head-Quarters?22d IB 5. S CM Camden Oct. S. 1855. IT is ordered that, Captain W. li. 11 Workman. be placed iu command ot the Lower Battalion 2I'd RcgimentS. C. M., uniila Colonel tor baid Regiment aliall have been elected and com uis.siuucd. lie will be obeyed and resjio ted accordingly. By mdor ot Lt. C'oi. Tko. J. Warren, Com. 22d Reg. S C. il. W.M. u. TaYLoR, Adjutant. Oct 9, 41 tf. HOOTS AND SIIOLS '"I'MiE SUBSCRIBER resj eetfnli;. invite.- tin i" A tion ot the citizens ot Cuitidett smd ' lie m i . : ing County to hi.- extensive stock ot Bv? a SHOES, now receiving oiuci liciu the mai.u; v i. wlncb he offers at ver? low prices, ilis sn-ck consist in pun, as follows, viz? GENTLEMEN'S Fine calfskin quilted witcr p.col B0(."1S do do Welted do do do water-proof pegged do do do pump do do do Mud B"Ots do kip pegged Boots do do do Bootees do calf do do do do water proof Bootees do do sewed and pegged SI:oes and Bootes do do Oxford Ties do do Begged .Jersey Ties do waterproof Overstnes do gaiter Boots do Itusset Brogaus Fino BOYS' do callskin pegged Boots do du do Bootees do kip do Boots do do do Bootees do calfskin -ewed do Russet Brozsiua LA1> IKS' . ine Black S.rin Gaiters do do la-tint; do do do kid do do do I.-.stinpr d* do moroceo Jenny Linds do w hite kid and sal in Slips GO iVllgllSlI K1G HO do French kid Slips a d 'lies do American do do do do morocco Walking Shoos do do do do do lasting buskin Tips do blaok velvet Slipdo goatskin Walking >lw-s do watei prool Oveisliocs. MIS.-KS Fiue colored gait* boots do do kid d<? do ninmcio Walking Sli do kid Slippers do Colored iinn-ocoo Slippe s do India Kubbc lines do calfskin Sc-kmiI do To other with u gr?-at variety C XIIiDlU T i S"10 3 3. vl. o 6,000 ?a'r~ -f y* ? 3 o s, Ii It liis o.- : aiii;!url'ir<-. ALSO?Sole iiiij a ji i Louth i. alt a >1 L nina Skins, Band and 11 si ?ain i >.'n ? Tin a<l. Sho Tools <>! overv ?l soiij tn.n STi*. ijretlio uitlt ? laip'*!"rk lVnieiiitijj an-* Common T'oiiU* Vj!:o.> Can*t i ? tVTite abovr coai|? i-i*s bat a * i v mall portion of his Stock, all ?: wliica will c 'pa < with anr in the Southern cnntiv f.r .? ; Ic duatiil v. ' t.KuiaiK \ij i:x. Oct. 2 42 if. NEW FALL GOODS a \i * rt iri?vvi.*..v ...? - .i I.OL. 471. VJ* Ifc. 1 ".V l|<?" M VV ?Hlir I II' l" usual supply of Prv Goods !?. f- r tii? scas"H.? The Stock is unusually lar^eha- nlly se.ectcl and will he sold upon i lie um-t asun I?|_v term- to punctual Customers, a liberal dise u t lor ia?li. hey res{?ecifully mlitit sin Kxauiin. (ion ol 'lieii Smlss October. 2. af. Ifev 3 v' ' D rs "'o > In handsome plain and Si ipe silks. Print. d a> Cashmeres and detain- Par ma i c'olh. I printed. D i B pas n I 11 1 laid* in new terns, Ope a,flmneta >n -.a i v Just eceiwd h. A m i: K XNl'iii" I Embroider eo Scotch and Iri-b Kmhuidorie*. n very an-i it: - v iriety m Cambrics. and Swiss. Collars mid S ? *. % in Setts, Alexanders Ki 1. and Silk Glov. black * ? !'e and colored, llostirv of all kind* A ,M A It. KENXK V. Hoavv Woollens Plantations Kcr"\t and Plains. Fatinetts for House Servants S'tpo ior Orey and white Blankets. Red and while flannf-K "> all qualities AM of which we will sell at Verv moderate pi ices A M. A R. KENMF.DT. Cloths Ciss;merrf, ni V st;n~s A full and fashionable stock tn fancv and plain styles. nI?o; a liatid?nme *t?( of Tweeds suitable for Iooyo wear. ?j uai r(jt oiv'"" "V A M. A R. KRXNKDY. c: OTIIINV,. Pints. Shirt*. : nd underclothing an unusually large and varied as ortment of tlie above goods are now open to which wo respectfully invite the attention nf ourfriends and tlie public srenoroliv. Oct. 2. A. M. .V. R KKXNKDY. rotiucil fhnmhor. S ptpmbkr 2Rth 1SSS. Ordered that the Record -r Advertise jn ?he rain, den Journal fur Proposals until the U h -'hv of November next, for a <on'ract to enclose the public square A. in tho upper part of the Town of Camden, according to th* following specifications. Oft A I nnct civ Inner ui v Snaliaa 1304 planks of heart j ine. sixteen and n half feet long fivo inches wide, ono and n quarter indiee thick The work to be done in the f -Mowing: mnnn-r. Tho post and plank to be smoothly dressed, tho plank to be inserted in mortises through the posts two plank in each posts. The posts to be set two and a half /ect deep and eight fcot apart the heads of the posts to IDS puiuteu. The irhole to b? pointed wi'h two costs of p'ire white lead tlio whole work to bo completed in four months fr-'m thi* dnte. TTioIw'ohor ^nd work 01,,. p.: > ? iptioJnt' C. r. 'hi h" ' spp-v: 1 V.' J McKAT'r i? | i. rcr;n THE SIGX OF THE TWO LARGE WATCHES AND crTTa-t^o.<y; , AT NEW ' ORK PRI? i S. 1 OR CA-ii ME. CHANTS and Dealers will tin well to cal and e.\nmin il?e stock f>t WaI'OIIES. ('LOCKS AND f EWEL UY. ??t 249 King-street, be'ore they purelias.- elsewhere. Ev? rr article warrant) d. A -to k always on ha'id peculiarly adopted to coun try dealers. Save twenty | er cent, by calling on W IVt. M ASf KRtlN. 249 kint.-sr.. ctiah: kst? k. Oct. 2 Four doors from Wont wot th-at. THE MILLS HOtSE. r|"MlK proprietor returns his hea ty and sincere I thanks to the many iriends who hn*e tavorvd him vvitn their patronage, since the uudiii< n ol ihis new and thorough.y 1'uinsl.od house to lit tirsi Hotels of Charleston, 'lc takes pleas'.te in uunouu emg thai the ill LI.8 iluUSK. although new, and in good order, lias been retouched dating the summer. and m> ictiilcd as to ke> p up with ilie ueiuniids of taste, comfort and elegance Tl.o arrangements of the House, in all respects, are continued with a scrupulous and unsparing regnrn to the wants of the traveller or tin-snj<-ui nor. and the travelling pubic are u'3ined of all tlto accommodations <>> a lirst class Sottihei n t.ouso, nt the itsua: and established prices of such hotels. The cn-tant personal uttenliors and ra.esof the |iM|-rieto ar bestowed oil the JioUse. and he is aid. d to a.J di p. rtme is by tin- well tried and appr--ted assistants that Invi made them-elves tuvorablv known to formes | air?>iis Til*-S. S. NH'KKIiSON r'1-.n..i..- ~ r> ?..i <R?It I vuauvriuii, .v-. v| .. w., ? to l?;t! cr.v A:; !ect: n will be held on llie- 3-1 .doid.y in >y V'-:;;;.. itir i'rincq.ul yl'ili- Oam-lcti Scliuul As u. :: i, | beams ..ill ne icq i red i piodneo the i<sii> iiiiil, a> t<i * MJiju-I. |. | y ej.;i i. fi \uung i i i : ..d . IS.-IHU int.. lit.- 6. null . a. mi tin t' b.vii.g i-.Xj? mine will In- | Helen d, iiti uuntioti ?:e>i ed Oe giw n by tin- Hie !secr*lary, to wliuiii Coiiittiu&iualioii.s u ill be addressed ; lly omei ot Trustee* I Ion. TllO>. J. v\ i nifcus. / L?u l~ 11. i HAS. [ A. M. Kennedy. A M K.KXMS. Y. ) Scr'j Camdvu t?ci. 2. j Cliaiu -itiii mticu. v aiid ci'iiruT, Shu !i Caaiiiuuin will insi-rt wcckl.' lorloi.r week.-. fc.100 RLWAUD. IOST or S'l ULKN.?! r<nu llu SiibstTiU-r near n>* it*ti in I Ik iiioiiliiol Aujru*i a.-tiiili ; la-k or copj ptu foloii'd i. lid. a'jo I I'll \ fin j* *" imc. Mic Iuimi ! lull fact*. lar^t* v\ v& a | Icusnnl and in : ir- n conn! tciiancc and a ecni'ovVr nt-oi ln-i' c\?' . | A r.-waid ol'iun.' liuinlivd dollars will !?< f r Iter j rec??iVi\, or anv in.? ! iu;?iion n~p c;np la r \V. .1 T . V l.Ott. ! Ti.e arnliniaii Sun.tor Wnielnii n. l-aiilnln Herald 1 J.anca-ioi LtiLi-r, will copv Mir Inm-.-. and It>r.\ard bills in l ns i'lli v. I1AVAV1 4 j J A P xS.i COUNTY ACAjUMY LOTiERY [ ' J tu r i' ;/ /.'/ ' St-If nj deny Julj ?a-^aLj ills Ln'l Ki.Y i? ? < iiiim* e?i i>n iii< jil.-iti ut the ! ? |{'?v.-ii l.i'tiiM ; ..I II; va a, o! single iiuuibeif? I aii'l diiiwii at C'?NCi.l>T ll.lliL, Maeoii. <ia niidi-r j ihe s.vura ?!ij>tTi!iK iideuwo! 0'?1. (JKO *1. LU'JAX, j and -IAS. \. XIMJKT. 1 s.j. ! wiiiatKl Selieuii? far Ot lobcr 15, isr>?>. j When prison ainoiin iitp t?? tfe .e,c: L >S r. \\ il ti ?? c? i \ iiitti 1117. * " C" ^ """ 1 . . .... &.OIMI i* 0 1 A 00 i? I i.ii i ' 0 10 l 'J.? " I" .! IH? ... ...ti" i? i . i.Hl > i.liiti 5 . 1 ii ;?i UO 1? - - - i n i- 5.'i.o i 2 0 . JIIII - 2 000 ! in ... I:u i.2i'o ! 2"> :.! ! J,..(10 7 :: ."ii.n :i:i. 8 inn -5 ' I III- i. ' c / .">111 p.: - i 5-1:1 MI oN i.. ? <. ...I<i'. Kverv Pii/.i-til.; .. . i.e- U:;r* irz iii.u p . ! i ci. i rliif in full. \ i h"iii ilitlu- .' ii 1 pk-rs >-i::n! i- ut!ilu:>li;i . ! rawing* si'iil inniif rs. ltoj:'.-?t.ii ' ] tie 8 ill iny ii>k. Hills mi nil - In hi ltsihk* ;u p;n ! VVn i e I'icki-is 5?i ?. ?i: ?vi?i .5: Q'tiine $.'.5 . ! Ail I . ? .lA.ili: F \V*IX . Kit. Man p i. ! Sept ?it. Miit'un. liii TR ITT '- juXJ J i'MIK uink*r>iuiiMl is ]>ii*| sued in receive oriieis fir 1 Kill IT Til K.*?. in l>c(f liu-iiii m Ciiimkii. ilu i rin>r I lie umtiili of November. ui ?S On per hundred. 1 III. Ti'iH 4 :iri> . f L-llnici VilViflV. I Ill-iSI ill ' Ot MilV. i Hcil. .Iiiu<-iii d !<?i>e Vp|il?*s ?ilia mrii't.v ??!' Kali Apples.?Imill ti^nr !' Kv-r Plumbs. <-rapes Ac. Tho-v wishing T ?-i'-. \\i I leave their orders with M.. 1 W l'e_ s. p the t'??-? Dice i-> I'ainduii, who will ^i\c a l iiii'oi iii.i*i.. Be.ivcr Dai'ii N. I MK- l.uWUV. Se, I 25. 30 5f I. r.! P ' !! . I * 1*1!? lia j i-l i- 'ii * i' <-iii New 5 V. ; i. Oii-*ic* selecii iii nt i.'M IS. (' ASSIMKl'.! 1> KSIIN'iS to which ? i viles ilio nit.' ti .?*iiili-rr.iMi. iis lin y ??ili I'l1 ( idiiti rea-i'n icw "rK exoeutort in iliu 1x*r hi vie ami Ihtev 'ushioii 0. A. McDONALD. S-..1 1 . 37 tl. THs: o: O COi^CIi !! J\M now I'CC'ivinp my tn'l suppl. o Fall and Win'er tSoods of evnrv do cription Thcv have ' ?ilH><*i ti *o|i c cd " Hi great euro and will he sold at the lowest po-sible prices. A call IV"iii nn friends and cni-totnera is soiieiteu. E. W. DO XI'.Y. For S>lr. \TWO IIOR^K WAOON. Two nTTOOIKS and one ^ULKIE, ah second hand, will he sold low. 1 Apply to J01IX ID S.-KR. So, ?. .5i 3d 5?. " TIN M A.NTJF ACT01Y rI"MIK-nhseriher is en rag-d in ill ,,TNT\"P>0 DIJSI1 XESS in all its branches, and keeps constant1/ on! and a g neral varietv of such intic'es as are in con-taut use, made bv himself of the best material 'and in t'*e best mm nor ROOKING mid GUTTERING done with despatch and warranted. ? Id Ua^s, Brass and Copper taken : in oxvhaiijre for \vo:k. A. H. FARROW. I S< pt. 4.? tf. Agellt. NEW GOODS. Cloths, Cassimeres and Vesting. \JtTK have receivod part of mil Fall stock, consist T * ing of superfine I'la k. Brown and Blno Oioihs superfine 6?4 B'a< k Doi-kuis and fancv Cas?imore'8 Black and fan'-y >ilk. Caslunere. and Velvet Vesiings In a few days wo will he receiving a full and co-npleto stock of Dry Goods, to which we confid-mly invite atiention. both as regards quaiitv and prices. Sept. 18. A. M. & R. KENNEDY. A Call. TT in the earn ont request of the Olei k and Ex Officio l e-.'i -iei Me. ne Conveyances. forKoiolmv Dis rict, that sinli persons a<> havo Oeod< >-t Oonvcrimce*, n??; piwriod . "Tld ro*nnininv nid V'll ;,'rv. ! .-.J v - :>r.A *:? ' *v. il.-r* - r.i*::? asr.,t V. '! fcv i very tiwokJ-Jily ?ocotv*jci cjoyt ?6?t;' A. CSXiA.WGK: ! SEBASTOPOL fall m m\ Mais W. .1,1,1 vnetm/.+'fYillv rwl rt"n mvitii' examine an unusually large, beautifu CON* M' 3FILrA.1T 3 AM? FH? ALL CVl < ?!IS OF F1EMSH } BLACK AND CO CASHMERE GL01 For Ladies, Misses, am *Msm IBP MMiLm CUOi Of Cloth, Satm, and Merino AL SILK AND STI l-SIil?ni?s: rut#! Trirnili. ? lil>u a a louniMgiw CON<I ? SILK. -A.KT! Together with Luces, K Lsidies" Silk and BELT 4 for Ladies } I A Large Stoc O, t. 2 t!'. 3.1 ti?ovi' Work inn*: ! CLOT) I We have just leceived a von FOR MEN J consist: OV: II ) Silk, Satin, an i 0Xj.O^2SL!S dfc | \\ ?t!i agOt>.I Assort nciif HATS A.1S GECCiRIE?, '1 IN, H 'r.i, i v. r!i ji l.nyi* vaihtvot N1 ? * ' - o . ^ Wii i*:I U {'lie <>! t! wirgTi!! ;;4 i \v; 11 always lit* ha] :-7a he,?, et_: w ' \k %J ' <| . i- \\ i?i*kiti'iii""StURGaS & BLACK, J J. T SIUHtJt.S. J0>. A. liLACK. Jr. ?> ' Gcormti'W n. S C. Ot Uolunibia. S. I' AND GENEFAL COMMISSION M OANTSiii'Vc.-; & 1 os wiiakf. <- ? ?ni cstav. S. 1^. I RKFKUKXCKS; I W. M. & -I C. Martin. Rankers. Charleston. S. C IIou. D .nicl UVIaeo. Profit.. S|>urtanhnrg & Union villi- H. It., .lolm t'ai'lwell, Pn'-ident S l). It. Itoud Hen- C. I>. ( i flin. Xvulvr v Dist-.S. C. | Sejit.25. 159 ly LUC.nS & S ROIM KRR, Dealers in Foreign and Domestic HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GS-*osrj_. <?2sc* J 7 3 K I NG-STREET, 27 3 NM HI.Y OHI'OHITK MKHCHAVlV HOTEL, CHARLESTOY S. C. J. JONATHAN LI CAS. JOHN P STROUEl KER. Sept. 26, 39 3 ii. HEKDEIl <fe DESACSSURE, JBLC.S AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ADGKK'S WHARF, CI 1A RI KSTON, S. C. Oct. 2 40 6ra i C. JOHNSON, FOR W A i ; l) I N G AND ! COJ?MtsSIOS CENTRAL WHARF j CHARLESTON S. C. Oct. 2 40 1 y. N E W O A R P E T TOREJAMES G- BAILIE, (LATK OF TBK FIRM OF BAILIE & LAMBEUT) DIRECT IMPORTER OF ALL KINDS OF CARPKTING, KVGS FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, &c. I INKN (iO();>S, Curtain Materials and Trimmings, Ac. 234 KINO-STREET. err . nr. re TO.V S 0 ? F ? OrdiH :! p;?:r. * y >*. I - :< r! i -4 ? 1 mwimii. ! ATST XLi^BlS^IS TAKEN. IliR FASDIOVS 4LS2&.A* ' | I c\ )icin Ami I i tioi. to their friends and patrons to ; d, and FHKSIl STOCK of INC OK ^ ai? ?niLAnH?? ioREi)'snii,'' 9 ! m AND HOSE iJ Children. m, Piiiti, i?_TAILMA$? IKS, IAW BONNETS, i for Bonnets, ING OF ? D SATIN, Agings,and Inscrtings. Cashmere Vests, ilisscs a d oys, b?of SHOES. M. BAIJM & ISRAEL, i SIin.* Stur>-, or * >r 15 I -i nl Iw.itI_ri? st>*. HIM G . fine Stock of CLOTHING a.KD BOYS. [>u or \T': CO Tx :L ;>t ? l.\ !'A \ i WAH) -,S (1 Velvet Vests. ! ??f ervants Clothing. so JD CAPS, ARDWARE, &c., &C., :\V mill I)l-:siR.\I'l.K GOODS to Public, as w" make no charge for >j?y t?? sell LOW f.n- CASH Kim- mi- ih.i |<r- ;nl ;si?l i.'u t-.jwv 8*5 CHAVEZ & MILLSE, GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, | ? %:: < liRS AND UKAL IIS IN j I'OUEIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, j Havana Segara and Weat Ind-a Produce. j wo. 106 I:A*T-HAI\ CIU/lLESTOy, s. c. JulyA, 27 tf. TUTL<;KK & DeVane, ... Will attend to Bi tirding. Soiling and Purchasing 0 i nniio-'ioi). Office at Saunders k Foster's o d i"ii view ol'the Mmitg cry Hall, Montjfi.iini v. Ala. 0. L. BULGER P. I*.. DeVANE. Sept. 5. 26 tf ii W'frfp. 5? 1 ,1 ft! fflfS fyifi} COLUMBIA, S. C., CORNER (IF RICHARDSON & IlLANEING-XTREETS. o ?? MRS BABAII FLEMING. JAME8 T. TLEMIK9 April 3,? f. W. TIIORLOW CASTOK. Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Equity. CAMDEN, 8. C. Office on Broad-Street near the Court House. lVTI. TI. SHANNON, ~~ Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Equity, CAMDEN. S C . Hns removed hie Office to that one door abov A. Young's Book Store. Jan. 24. CHARLES BOFE^SCnEI, Watch Maker and Jeweller, CAMDEN. 8. C. R. B. JOHNSON, M IL Offioe on Broad Street, opposite Young's Bookstore. CAMDEN. S.n Bfi. mimlss," ?153M!L SSSSSSiS, OFFICE OVER POST OFFICE. July 3, 27 tf. To R-nt- 1 MY f'-rmer renidonco. in the lower part of f'amdon. a pk-asint winter house, will he rented low e?nt?J5 _tf. E W. B02CNKY. --I ? J. "Vr HTJH I'TWT. rf vp-f <* , ' r y ? r>p?rfi# :. * h\* -hay- asrt P n]>? -*i fir e.^e "w ?t * 'yjij, Girudi." li W. bCi<i^UY. j - II PULLER'S a HAT STORE, % 23? Richardson Street, Columbia, S. C., NEAR THE : TATE CAPITOL. ?' V r. \T.T.T\0 Ritpniion to mv STYLES fortho Fall 1 ntitl Winter, I return my thanks ut the same time lo my friends and the public generally Ibr past favors, and 1 shuli endeavor to merit a continuant c. The ?ame moderate charges will prevail, that havo made the establishment so popular throughout the State. Fine MOLESKIN IIATS $4. Oakibrd t Suns1, of Philadelphia, line Huts, and Genin, 21-4 Broadway, will be $4.50. No dciarture from these prices.? Terms exclusively cash i'. o ?r. \v. r. uocs noi prup?ii"ir iu ,>cn ? uvn.-? Flat for S3 tlian ho would for$4 or $4.60. To uso an expression of some of our sable bruddare. dat would be utnpo-eible. The proof ol the bat is the beauty HU-I the wearing thereof. I have a 1 titer and FULLER assortment than any one iu Columbia. Sept. 18 THE LANCASTER LEDGER, PUBLISHED WEEKLY, AT LincwsUro'}!'.? fcnth Carolina, TJ" AS an xteiisive circulation in t-onth Carolina, X X CJeerpa. Alabama. and every other Southern and Southwestern Stato. I: if devoted to . ews. Literate, e, and to il.o C? ctuicrciiil interests of the South. Price of subscription, Two Dollar* a year. M-jrehaU'S' Ca.d . no ove a square, (12 lines.) inserted one ye n-for Five Dollar*. ?. S LA 1 LEY, Editor and Pi oj-rwtor. NOTICE. ALL peraone indebted t?> the subscriber arc reques* ted to cull and settle. 1 will Iiv glad to sell ail my friends and customers on shotttime (with the exception of such art icles as com. bacon, flour, lard, etc.) and fur6ttch articles I must have cn?h or 1 cannot sell. The subscriber also add.- that such pernors as have bflt'ii running accounts with him and have not paid he does not desire to keep accounts with, and he is only willintrto sell to such as pay liitn promptly. I also L'ive notice that all persons who owe me prior to first Jaruarv last, unless thcycome and makesome satisfactory aranpement. bv the 15th March, next, their papcra,wlll be pla?ed in the hands et W Tharlow Caston, Esq.. fot collection. Jan. 16,?if. ROBERT I. ATT A. BARGAINS. rI"MIF. subscribers being desirous to close up the as 1 signed Estate of Z J. IWIav, offer the stock on hand at nett cost, and will continue to do so until the first of August, when the will be closed nnd the balance csosed out in quantities to suit purchasers.? Phvsic.ans. Planters and Country Merchants will find this b rare chance to supply themselves at small cost, and with artich s that mav be relied on. A. M. & It. KENNEDY, Assignees. July 10, 28 tf Notice4 I PLICATION will bo made to the next Lrgislaj \ ture of South Carolina, ti? close up the public Road, lending from the Chesnut's Ferry Road to the Bolton Boat Lauding. JOHN HAILK. JAS. B. CURETON. Aug 21?3:n. NOTICE. VLL persona indebted to the Estate of John Trusilell, dci-ca-ed. arc requested to make immediate payment t<> the Executors on or beloie Hot urn hav. or they will Hud their note* in the hands of an Att ruey for collection. JESSE TRUSDELL. ) - . J AS. C. HA1LE, pxoreSept. 4, 36 if. To R:nt. tpilOM the 1st. November next, that HOUSE and STORE on Broad Street, ut present occupied by C. Shiver. For Terms hi ply to JAS ileEWEN. Police. ' P1IOSK indebted to mo will do well to call and set* 1 tl.-boforo return dar. J. A. SCHUOCK. Sept. 11, ' 37 tf. aiamo. xjLaxuo . A lot of Superior Country cured Hams, Bacon, Lard and Flour for the CASH only. For sale by Sept 11?31 ItOBEUT I. ATT A. FOR SALE, r FIT AT IIoucc and Store on Broad Street, at present 1 occupied by C. Shiver. Terms liberal. Apply to JAMES McEWEN. Sept 4 36 tf. School Police. r|"MIE exercises of Mrs. Peck's School commenced A on Mondax 3d iust. Terms the same as last session. Sept. 4.?tf. Notice. 4 LL pomus indebted tuthu F!.?tato of Nancy T;ttfZjL d?'li. deciascd. will make i.T.::;-dute payment, or fr wi;: tiiid ti eir uote.? in the handr of an Attorney f r c<.'. ct on bv next l.'t-tnrn i)av. Sop: 4?t.' " JESS. Tit USD DLL, Adm'r. To E lit'J TIE ?:OrSE AND STORK, on Broad-Street, at X p'C.xeu: occupied by Mr. J. D. Murray, and J R. M-rgun. I'ossieeiou ol tho house giv- n immediately, aa i of the etoro ou t' e l?i October next Applv to Aug. 28.?tf. JAMES McEWKN. For S ? If- ATWO-HOItSE WAGON and t or 3 hordes. Apply to JAMES iieEW EN. NoticeALL persons having demands again*, t'.ic EstAte of Joshua W. Jiick6"ti, Heed , will linud tbcm in duly attested, and those indebted will make payment to IallAM JAClfoOK, AduiV Aug. 28?tf. Wanted to Hire. A KEG 110 WOMAN, ft plain c? ok. Wage* paid monthly. Apply ttt tin# Office. Aug. 28?tf. Clothing!!! I II AVE just opened nt the n],| Comer" a full supply of Men's and Youth's Clothipi*. It is cot up i* the most lasbionabls stylo and wilt be disposed ol on tho most favorable terms. E. W. BOKKKY The Sons of the Sires. A HISTORY of the R:se, Progress. nod Destiny of the Aatnctn Party, by an Ameiican For ale by A. YOUNli, Joly 24, SO tf Wanted. A JOURNEYMAN to work on New Boots and Footings Also, a boy, wliiteor colored, to lea' n Boot and Shoe Making. Apply to j. n. morgan, opposite the Mansion House. Sept. 18?lm. LADIES' Fall and Winter Trees Good*. Gloves, Kuibrf\jdcriofl. Cloaks, Talmas, Ac., just opened at the ' Old Corner" by E. W. bONNEY. SEED Ryo, very heavy, for sale at the "Old Co-nor" by K. W. BtiNNEY. Ifegro Goods. nE'VY Satitietts. Georgia Plains, Kerseys and Linsoys, cpcned and for sale by Sept 18, A. M & R. KENNEDY. Notice. ALL those having claims against the Estato of the late Mrs. Ann V. Schrock. will prosent them duy attested, and all indebted will make payment to Sept. 11? tf. J A. SCHROCK. Adm'r. Gin Bands. rNDTA RU3BER, 2 to 7 inches wide. three and " f^Mr r?1v tri|i<?b ?ro ??iterior *o lentlipr. and wiJ ;r>r Sir tch, ?]p'-. I a- I.- j' . tVv '- *:>?!;\ Jiiip - Vi ? IA iuC-.OVf wimmm Nt-'W STfifiF. . ? " n y I V II Ml MERONEY 4 BOSWELL, have opened at the comer of Broad and RuUpdge alreeta, In the i Store recently occupied by Major JL 8. Moffat. ! choice assortment of FRESH HEAVY AM* FAKCT G ROCK HIES, to which they invite the attention o? purchasers: in part as followa? / Heavy Groccrlcir y.O. and P. R. SUGARS. . V ' *Aci Crushed, Pulverized and Stuart'a Loaf do, -?" . Rio., and Cuba Coffee. Jlew Orleans and Cuba Molasses. I Halt. i,CA! Uftcuii-Sideff, Cenvn9?? Ilaae. North Curolma Flour. Goshen and English Dairy Cheese. 8oap. St hi ch, Cleansing Soap. Sperm and Adamantine Candlcr< Nes. 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel. Fancy Groceries Quarter Boxes RAISINS. Half and whole do. Almonds, Figs and Assorted Candies Ginger nnd Chow Chow i reserve*. S.fdim s ami Preserved Salmon. Cow Qy diets, Preserved Lobster-* Tj'fii.n Scrim. Witluut and Tomato Cttcnp. Capers. Oliven, Pick lea, Pepj-er Sauco. Preserved Pine Apple. Brandy 1'caches, do. C' errier Tobacco and Cigars Gold Leaf r.nd Rio Hondo Cigars. Palmetto, El Knaaya and La Raima do. Fine.Cut Chewing Tobacco. Penn & Ayeis super do. Superfine Chewing Tobacco. Common do. do. Wines aud Liqnori. Rectified Whiskey. 0id R\e Hammond do. ... . Old Bourbon do New England Rutr. London Dock liraudy. Otard, Dupuy A Co.'a do. Goddard'a Brandy St J ulien Modoc Claret. Old Madeira. Old Port Wine. Old Malaga do. Heidsick Wine. Brass' London Porter. By ass' London Ale, ? "White Wiuo Yinegnr. A General Assortment of FRUITS. With a variety of other urt.cle* too numerous to mention, which will bo soid exceedingly low for cash, by MERONEY A BOSWELL April 4 t? NEW GOODS. I'lir. buoscwxts nave openec one uoor aoove air. Joliu Workman, on assortment of now and desirable Goods, embracing CALICOES, nt'SLIUS, GIXGUA5IS, AND EMBROIDERIES, TO WIT: CHXMIZETTES, COLLARS, UNDERSLEEVES, Ac., BONNETS. RIBBONS, HATS, Ac. Also. an assortment of SHOES, TIN WARE and GROCERIES, with various other articles found in a general Stock. Our Goods will be sold as cheap for P VQff 'ia flirt aonin nnnlltlau non Krt Vir\nrrVit In market. I'lEOK i FRANK. July 3, 17 tf. . Fresh Arrivals. TTT'E HAVE JUST RECKITl D A FRESH. SUPPLY ol Corn Staicii, Maccoroni. Citron,-Currants, fiu.iva Jellv, Lob>teia, Pr. serves Ac. Smoked Reel' Tongues, Smoked Beef, Freeh Seda, Lemon, But tor. Wine, and Sugar CrackerB. Freah COVE OYSTERS. A General Assortment of Freeh Candies. Pecni. Nuts English Walnuts, Superior Y EAST POWDERS Fine Cheese, Ac., will be sold low for ASH* Julr 10 If MEP.ONKYA BOSWELL. Stock of Drugs for Sale. OFFERING a very excellent chance to commence business. The entire assigned stock of Drugs, Oils, Piiini* and Fancy Articles ot Mr. Z J. DoHay, will be sold n bargain to any one desirous of commencing business. The eland is amongst the best in Camden, will pay handsomely any one devoting- bis enoigv ami atteutioii to the business. The. stock amounts to about $:it>U0 at Invoice cost, and can be bought at n considerable di-counl. Meantime, great inducements will be offered 10 Physicians, PlauWrs -nnd ntlipis to nurchuKA lnrpplv. as ihp stack must--?v? sold at an early day. A. M. k R. KENNEDY.. ,: May 28?tr. Assignees;' SCHEDULE. 1 flail and Passenger Trains. SOUTH CAi.OUNA RAILROAD COMPANY. Leave Charleston 10 a. m. Arrive at KiDgsville 4 30 p. id; Columb'a 6.10 p. m ; Camden 7 ! 6 p. m. . Leave Charleston 1<> 10 p. ui. Arrive at Kingsville 6.30 a. m.; Columbia-8.4ft~a? u? Leave Camden 6 a. m. ? Leave Columliia ? k. id and 3 4.1 n m Louvo Kiupsville 8 a m. and 6 p^ tn. At rive at Charleston 2.10 p. ui. and 4 ft. m." Leave Charleston 7 a. m. and 4.16 p. m. Arrive at Augusta 3 p. ni. aud 4.30 am. * * : leave A up u st a 9.30 a m. and 10 p. ro. Arrive at Chinl?st< u 6 p. tn. and 8 a. W-- ? Leave Augusta 9.3u a. ui. and 10 p. ni Arrive m Kinsrsvim- 4.bu p. m. ana e.BU a. ra. Leave Ki' gavrie S a. m. and 6 pm. Arrive at Augusta 3 p. in. and 4.30 a. m. August 7 HENRY T PEAKE, Oonl. Snpt. THE CA MCEN JOURNAL HAVIKG n good local circulation. and confined mostly to ilie Upi ernnd Middle Districts of thb State, is a capital medium for Charleston Merchants to advertise in. . , TEEitS. 1 Square, 1 year JlO.M 1 "6 mouths 000 :.*? 3 u 1 year 10.00 2 "6 month* 000 Mr. A. E Cohen, of Charleston, la oor <Julj authorized Agent for that city. ' ' Ttke Notice- ,t I FOREWARN all persons from trading with my wife, Frances Ann Clyburn, as I will not pay any dobta contracted by lior. I also forewarn any person or persons trom ha boring my auid wife, as I will acforce the law against tht-m. Aug. 14?tf WILLIAM CLYBURN. CARPKTS Floor Clothsnrd Ruga, in new patterns, juat re.elvedat the "Old Corner." J K. \7. BONNET, IR N Mmt C .ttera. Fauarpe 8tuSForp, Patent Chr.m*. Also Iron Axlea, for small wagons and buggies, just opened at the "OldCorner-" Keep Cool!! A VARIETY of Fans at reduced pricca, for sale at the ' Old Corner." fc. W. BONNEY. July 10, 28 tf. U....A IVhlta ViinH ) * WW * * * V/ JMVW\?? A LARGE supply of the genuine article Juet received by T. J. WORKMAN ? COt i July 24, . 30 tf. I ; Writing Ink WHICH we jm/rrant to be pood. A too, Indeiibla Ink in variety. T. J. WOKZMAN k CO. w-^nT-^n ?r xtacmp^ia: Beltzer Aperient aod