The Camden weekly journal. [volume] (Camden, South-Carolina) 1853-1861, October 02, 1855, Image 4

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\EH LITEEMRV A^l> POLITICAL JOUKXAL, TO BE PUBLISHED AT COLUMBIA, F. 0. f |"MIE utulersi-rned, late Editor of The South Caro 1. linian ami Columbia Banner, proposes to publish, in*llte city of Columbia, a Literary, Political and .News Journal, to be culled J " 'i m MiiiiMii;' i In making this auuouticeiuetit, I am a ware that I propose to engage it)-uii enterprise not free from difit j culties; but llusc I will eu ieavor to provide iiguitist, j by securing a Subscription l.i-t that will place the j paper beyond the reach of failure. South Carolina 1 curt tichly support, r.L her Capital, a leading Literary and Political Weekly Journal, and to her people 1 now i*9ue this Prospectus, fading assured the enterprise will be sustained, and that they will support a Home Journal Of the character of that uow proposed. LITERARY JOCRN'AL, \ For the home circle, The Examiner will be conduct ?-d with a view to render it at least equal to any ever published ut the f out It. The choicest edeetlous of Kmrlish and American Literature will be made for j its columns ami a number of aide Contributors will J he secured. I will endeavor, in this department, to | make it. a Journal worthy of the pHtronajroaiid steady fui|?l>ort of the people of this State and of the South, i As u l'Ol.lTICAl. JOlRNAL, The Kxam m:r will abide b<: the old land-uiarka of the j State Rights Denioercoy. Independent of national parties, it will lake a stand as a faithful co-operator tithe great Work of maintaining Southern Right cunt I promoting Southern union. It will be the organ of j no political party?the exponent of no political recti j which has not for one of its cardinal principles "the Equality of the South in the Union, or Independence out of it." This is no new faith, but one which South Carolina has long ?m?l earnest lv contended for. NEWS JOURNAL Tiie Examiner will contain tiie Latest News. Foreign j n'n.t nmniMtie received nn to tiie hour of miblicatioll. I It will give full find correct Mikkft lUroirrs and ' Price*Current. Our renders in the country may rely | on strict attention bring pridto this important feature j of a newspaper. It will give full and accurate reports 1 of the PrOCEEOIXOS OFTHE LKOISLATfRKand ofC').N?i'.lss and the acts and doing* of the various political organ- , ization*. All new* worth giving to its readers will j be carefully culled for its colum is. SIZE AN D STY I.I*. Tjif. E.v\iitxea will be oi:e of the laitc&tr Weekly J Journals in the Southern States, printed with new i ?nd elegant typo, on fine white paper, and issued in large quarto form of eight pages, containing fifty t ? - - '? -- i .i." ! column*01 interesting running mautr. 11 win u?? mc handsomest paper ever published in South Curoliua. I bare tl<vp given an outline ot'tla- piincipal features of the EXA.Mi.vrn. Carolinians or the people of tlie South ought to need no further appeal, in view of the present aspect of polities] affiiir?, to induce them to sustain \v th vigor and efficiency thdr own Tress and literature. TERMS. Two r>?'Lians per annum. payable in .id ranee. The | first year's payment will Le required on the receipt j of the first number of tho paper.whieh will be issued j ?<> soon as I receive a sufficient number of subscribers ! - ?<1..'lit ic.-i vnt]v nmnp?. IU trim u i c us auvvvw. .v. ? ... . j , Postmasters who will hero kind .is to forward j me names of subscribers will confer a favor, ami will receive a copv of tho Exucinlr without charge. Ad ' dress me at this place. VOL B. JOHNSTON. i Columbia, S. C., August, is'.'. ! CHARLESTON DAILY STANDARD, A RELIABLE COMMERCIAL A Is D POLITICAL i JOUUXAT. i Single Copies, per annum. $s 00 : Ten Copies, peu annum. 00 CO i THE DAILY STANDARD contains a DAILY TELEGRAPHIC REPORT. A MARKET REPORT, and a report of GENERAL INFORM A i'lON furnished by tho mail from every section of tho Union. It also presents a DAILY M \RKET.of the AUUI . VALSand DEPARTURES OF SHIPS, and cf the ARRIVALS OF PASSENGERS. Once- a wook is proscuto 1 a COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF THE RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS OF COTTON. IIICE AND LUMBEPv at the port of Charleston :?n:l a COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF THE RECEIPTS AND EXPORTS OF COTTON, at all the ports of this United Stater. ALL NEWS, of a personal and political character, both foreign and doni-stic, i.i given with the possible promptness; and to insure this object we have secured the services of an sb.a eorpa of co: respond cnts. It is our special object to publish a NEWSPAPER, j proper. W? shrink from the expression of no opinion j which may be demanded by tho surged before us, b 11 a* a gonoral principle prefer .stating facts at the oar- i liost instant possible, an ! to leave :: to our leaders to : fonu their own opinions. ! Tho course of the naner is ? "-ereiv cor.set vative, first ! of morality and order; next of '.ho institutions peculiar to tho South, and next, of tin* union oftho States.? "Wo resolutely oppose radicalh.n us v.\ 1 in democracy as morals. One important object in the establishrru-Bt of our pa perwas to presents cheap '.chicle ol iufarnwtion. From this objoct wo havo been oorapellad to Jepart, to some extent; but not to leave it entirely out of view, wo j propose to sell the paper at our o > later, in radiates ol ; TBN for TWENTY CENTS and to MAIL TEN COT-1 IKS to any of oar subscribers lor a year, who will send j us FIFTY DOLLARS This will relieve us from the | risks of collection and tho expense of mailiug ao many j different packages, while it will givo to every noigh-; bourhood throughout the State, the opportunity of a i DAILY PAPER AT FIVE DOLLARS per annum, j L. W. SPRAT 1' i Co. ; CHARLESTON WEEKLY STANDARD, ! CONTAINS ALL THE MATTER PUBLISHED IN THE DAILY. i TOOi.THEi'. WirU tlie local, domestic and lore ion markets?the prices current. including the rates of sale for stock. exchange, and do- l me3tic produce?the shipping in port? the Latest telegrapuic information, AC. ic. A-p. Tho STANDARD is tho only tnornit:,: paper in tho i Charleston which issues a 'A'EliKLY KDITIOX. This Edition is published every IVntxESDAY Morn*- ' isu, and by tho evening of the next day can ba re-1 ccivod in every section of tho State. Piico $2?payable invnriably in advance L W. SPRA.TT A CO. WANTED, ~ j BOl'XTY LA."YD WARRANTS. "IfY Clients arc cautioned against selling tiieir war-1 jJJL rants without consulting mc? having orders to I purchase froa New York, Washington, Cincinnati, Ac. ; Pensions due to Widows and surviving chil dreu of Revolutionary 3oldier3 attended to, assisted ! by an eminent Counsellor at Lav. in Washington City, i who has been long practically ac.juninted with the pension business. J A ML'S TAYLOR. ' Suintcrville, S. C. June ?tf. The Subscriber CONTIKUK3 to k?>op an assortment cf Fish's Mc-' tallic Burial Casvr.. The Into improvement in ' their form, and tho handsome style in v.bioh t'r.oy are i finished?imitating rosowood?render thorn tiio most /?/?mnlotn article over oQ'cred to tho im'nlio vv?'f " l"~ """ Au Invoice of Burial Clothing, which Trill be disposed ' of in Suits or Single Article?, without cases, if desired.! May 1 C L. CIIATTIiX. Bricklaying a??l Plastering. f fMIK subscriber will attcn i promptly and faithfull.C X to all orders entrusted to him in tho ahovo line, which may be lea either at the Post ftifico, or at tho ! oflice of tlio Camden Journal. <"?. A. PKAN. | i*. - * * NEW BOOKS. | KEAP.N'S Practical Landscape Gardening. Tlio Ins and Outs of Paris, by .lulio do Marque- ! rilPV Our Countrymen, or brief Memoirs of eminent Americans by bossing; illustrated with 102 Portraits. Homes for the People, 100 original designs, by G Wheeler, Architect. Robert Graham, si sequel to Linda. I Klleti Xorbury; or Adventures of an Orphan. Men of Character, bv Douglas Jerold. A Long Look Ahead; by A. S. Roe. Adventures of Captain Priest. The Old Inn; by .losiah Barnes, i The Life of train Houston. Illustrated, i Adventures of Annas Leigh: by Charles Kingsley. j The Slave of the Lamp; by Win, North. I Odoherty Papers by W. Maginn, 2 vols. I History of the Hen Fever, by Barnaul. I Ing-mte. or First Days of Blond; by Dumas, j Mammon: or the Hardships of an Heiress; by Mrs. Gore. ~ ... .1-. .> ...,i -.. Xt.? Orrir.L-l.tnii'a queens 01 cci'imiiw. wiv, ^no. w<><>? ? | K'irope and the Allies; or ihe Past anil To-day. | Lamnrtino's History of Turkey, vol. 1st. My Brother's Keeper; by A. B. Wartier. j Alone, by Marion llarlund, Richmond, Va. Grace Lee, by Julia Kavenah. Rag Bag; a collection of Ephemera, by S. P. Willis. A great variety of New School Books. Stationary, Ac. A. YOUNG. May 29, 22 tf. George W. Williams & Co7 j WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 1 13 AY .YE STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. 4 RE now receiving? ' * *-* ** * 1 T flAWPffT? X3l 150U DmJJS 1UO. Java. mm liiiguayra wi'mr,. i 40O hiids. X. 0 , Porto Rio. 1 and Muscovadn Sugar ' 500 bbl.s. Clarified. Crushed and Powdered do. I 2i:0 lilu'.a. new crop Cuba MolaSscs. 700 bbU X. 0. Molasses. OOu bales lloavy Gunny Cloth. 20o0 pieces Heavy Dundee Baling. 1000 coils Bale Hope. 2000 kejjs Mails?assorted. ton boxes Sperm arid Adamantine Candles. 500 bbls new Xo. 3 Mackerel. Powder. Shot, Lead, Soap, etc, etc., nil of which will be sold at small profits for cash or prompt par. May 3?12 South Carolina-*Kershaw District. IN TilK COMMON PLEAS Henrys, Sm lii & Towutend vs. Enoch Trvon. Attachment. 111 KitMA>. ike riaiuiilT did on trie twenty secv 1 olid day of Almost. A L'. 1355, file liisdeclaratiou against tin.* I'eftfiidiiut. wiio (as it is said) is absent from and without t!.o li ads o: this State, and litis .w.;r?. r *.vi'a 11.,r atso:i.ev ki.o-vn witidu the same. upon whom a o->j?y of the said declaration might bo I served, it >H therof.iro. ordered that tiio said Defendant do aopear and pb.-ad to the said Doclaration on or before i lit* twenty-third day of August. which will be I in the year of <?ir Lord one thousand eight hundred and tifty-six, otherwise final and absolute judgment will then be given and awarded against him. M. XAUDIX, C. 0. P. x G S. Clerk's Office, Kershaw Diolrict, August 22, 1 0,1. Aug. 27. RemovalrI"MIF SnWiiheriias removed from his former stand, L to the store recently occupied by Muorc & Kuy* kendall. where lie keeps constantly i u hand, a general assortment of Pry Goods. Groe- rios, Wines, brandies and Liquors. A good article of Cnr.diud Citron with many Fancy Groceries, and every article usually found in a general variety. All of wiiicli will bo sold a3 low as tiicy can be bought for elsewhere for cash, _ . -i?^ ?. ii.tS^iMn^ uPAmt.ilv or IO IUOSC CUBIOSIICIS ?;rj i'ji i.iru .....0 . March 27 J.CIIAKLESWORTH. Tailoring. r|^I3K undur.iig.ied begs leave to infirm his friends 1. and former customers. that lie has restnm-d the Tailoring iiusiness, and iviil execute all orders for work in the mo.-t workman-like manner and at reduced juices fur cash?or or. c:'l. 17 ? 12 P. ROBEXSOX. . soTaeu. VLL pertnns indebie 1 to Z. .T. Deflay by note or : account aro rerjuirvl to make immediate pay- i to the undersigned assignees. Mr. Dellay will I continue to sell at the same stand at reduced prices on account of the assignees. March 27,-:f. A. M. s R. KENNEDY. 4 Notice. 4 LL persons ]: ?vme; claims ngalnst the Estate of ii 1 jL \V. OIBRO.WS. deceased, will hand thorn in prop'-rly attested. aeon-ding to law. mid those indebted, are called upon f .r immedato payment. The condition of the estate is such. that prompt action must be taken for its settlement. ii. 1'. EDWARDS, Administrator. Feb G-tf To C'loM'l! LADIES' rich dr. ss in l'onlhird an.I India .S;lks, Tissues, (irenndincs. Ciapo de Paris, Barege and Printed Muslins, are now offered nt ereally rodaced prim, to clone. Applv at the " old corner. May 2D, 21* * tt. Bounty Land. THE vubscriber will prosecute all claims arising uuder tho recent acts of Congress, for Bounty Land, Pensions ie., on reasonable terms. March 27,?tf. WM. R. TAYLOR. "PIANO FORTES. rjPIIE subscriber lias just received a supply of six I. nnd seven Octavo rIANO POIITES, Rosewood eases, -if superior tone and workmanship, and are warranted equal to any manufactured in this country, -...i .i ,.f l| sin.l Cninston. IUU VVIV'I ?% v. ??. ......... , Boston, .inJ will be dul<l ut manufacturers' priced. Nov I t GKO. alden. Gilt Cornicing. BANDS, Curtain King-*, Etc., Ilandsomo Patterns uf good size for Drawiug Rooms and Chamber Windows. Window Shades and Fixtures. A handsome as-.ortmont consisting of 30 patterns, mostly of now design?Landscapes, Street Views, Col 1 P i'terns, Etc , varving in prices from 75 cents to Sve dollars. ' C. L. CI1ATTEN. ilny 1? if, SCOTT'S LITTLE GIANT CORN AND COB MILL, i r"pHE Riibseriber is prepared to furnish the differci.i j JL size.-, and wiil guarantee mem in gnuu iu, ja, i and 2<) bu-iiols nor hour. For salo for cash. May 15.?if. W. D. McDOWALL. ENCOURAGE HOME MANUFACTURE. ; JAMES R, MORGAN, BOOT A XI) s IIO E J/A .V OTA CTUR Eli, BEGS to inform the Ladies and public generally of Camden, that lie hnscomnienced business as above ono dorr south ofO. S. Douglass, where ho intends manufacturing and making to measure Ladies' Gtuitle* tnou s and Misses' Moots. Shoes and Gutters of the best I materials and workmanship on very reasonable terms I for cash or approved credit, and trusts from his many ! years experience in cutting and manufacturing for the South ho may bo able to onsuro a slioro of public patronage. Storekeepers trading in Boots and Shoes may have tlio sizes filled up on short notice, and on advantageous jerros. Boots, Shoes anil Gaitersneatlv repaired. N. B.?All kinds of country produce (oxcept promsea) taken in exchange for Shoes. July 10?run. IT^RENCH Brandy and Madeira AVino of superior quality for medicinal purposes. For snlo by 4 ;i t1 t t urnnr u ? w ^ jvpiu ii. ?..o. ?i & \jKi. | 1 ! T!! T ' ' i V FRESH snpplv of Green and Rlnck Tens of su* 1 perior qualitv.jnst received at the "Old Corner." ( ' 'v * CARTER'S 8i?AMsia arasfliriBQU .ZT^ihi. ^2-^, TheGre^it Purifier of the Blood! Not a Particle of .Tl^rciir.y in it. LET THE AFFLICTED or a n a mn Dnwnro rvurv r\n ^ ? v n u/ i- i n Ail TufulSible Remedy for Scrofula, King's Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions, Rim pies or Pustule 011 the Face, Blotches, Boils, Ague and FevtT, Chronic Sore Eyes, King Worm or Tetter, Scald Ikad, Enlargement and Rain of the Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Disorders, Lumbago, Spinal Complaints, and all Diseases arising from an injudicious use o! .Mercury, imprudence in life, or impurity of the Blood. tar t his great "Iterative medicine and Purifier o the Ulood is now u-ed by thousunUs of grateful patients from all parts of the United 6ti**s, who testify i - ?i - -i. - r?. j i... ,i._ : Uilri \ l<> IIIC I vlllwl IVwI'Iv VUICS pCMUl^lCU U> llic^mu* tat of all medicines,44Carter's Spanish fllixture." Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Erup lions on tin*-Skin, Liver Disease?, Fevers, Ulcers, OKI Sores, Affections of the Kidneys, Diseases of the Throat, Female Complaints, Fains and Aching of the Bones and Joints, are speedily put to flight by using this great and inestimable remedy. For all diseases of the Blood, nothing has yet been i ... : i? ..I .iv. _r JOllim u? vuiiij?m c ? ti*i ia. ac iirv Bjrsi.ciii ui all impurities, acts gently and efficiently on the Liver and Kidneys, strengthens the Digestion, gives tone t<> the Stomach,makes the skin clear and healthy, and restores the Constitution, enfeebled by disease, or broken the excesses of youth, to its pristine vigor arid strength. For the Ladies, it is incomparably better than all the cosmetics ever used. A few doses ol Carter's Spanish Mixture will remove nil sallownes complexion. bring the roses mantling to the cheA, give clastiuity to the step, and improve the general health in a remarkable degree, beyond all tho mediciueB ever heard of. The large number of certificates which we have received from persons from all parts of the United State.-*, is the best evidence that there is no humbug about il. Tiie press, hotel keepers, magistrates, physieiatis ami public turn, well known to Uie community, all add their testimonv to the wonderful effects of tliisOREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Call am the Agent and get u Circular and Almanac, ami read the wonderful cures this truly greatest of all medicines has pet formed. None genuine unlesssigned BENNETT ? BEERS, Proprietors, No. 3 Pearl-street, Richmond Va.; to whom nil orders for supplies and agencies must be addressed. And for sale by W.M. S. BEEIW ? Co.,Proprietors, Hi- hmond, Va. RICE ? THOMPSON, Sumterville. BOATW RIGHT ? BARKULOO. Columbia. Z. J. DeIIAY and T.J. WORKMAN, Camden. 1. O/i 4*1111 VII </. ATTENTION!N'OT to any great Military order?, but attention the whole, while I inform the citizen? of Camden that I am permanently settled two doors above M. Prtioker A Co.'s where I keep constantly on hnnd a beautiful stock of JKWELUY, Cutlery, Spectacles, Silver and Plated Ware, Port Monaics, Ladies Companion?, Card Case?, Jlnives, Ac., Ac., which he will sell o" the most reasonable term? for cash or to punctual customers. 'Hie trade of any other kind is re sped full? declined. . . it :?i * i -. i?. Wsitclic? nti?i .icwi'iry repaireu m mo uesi manner, an-] all work w -minted. CHARLES DOFENSCHEN. Nov. i 1. 46 tf Sontli-Carolijia?Kcrsliaw District. IN TUB COMMON PLEAS. Joseph Fiideberg, vs. Harvey Hamilton. Attachment. WHEREAS, the Plaintiff did, on the 27th day o March, tile his Declaration apainst the Defend ant. who (as it is said) is absent from and without the limits of tho State, and has neither Wife nor Attorney known within the same, upon whom a copy of the said declaration mi 'lit be served. It is therefore ordered that tho said defendant do appear and plead to?l... nn nr Vi.Oorn 1 llA nf UJU CSIIU UVVKMOUU... KtlA v/. *.v?w.w ...W J March, which wdl he in tlie year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and fifly-six. otherwise final and absolute judgment will then be given and awarded against him. M. NAUDIN, C. G. P. 4 G. S. Cjerk's (Mlitv, Kershaw District, .March 27, 1825. April 3 Soul li-Caroliua?Kershaw District. IN TlIK COMMON PLEAS. Je.Hre M'essinger vs. llurvey Hamilton. Attachment WHEREAS. the Plaintiff did. on the 28th day ol y T March, tile his declaration against the ueienaant. who (as it is said) is absent from and without the limits of" the said, jtnd has neither Wife nor Attorney known within the en me, upon whom a copy of the said declaration might be served. It is thcieforo ordered, that the said defendant do appearand plead to the said declaration, on or before the 20th day of March, which will bo in tho year of our Lord one thousand, eight hundred and fifty six, otherwise final and absolute judgment will then be given and awarded against him. M. NAUDIN, C. C. F. & G. S. Clerk's Office, Kershaw District, March 28, 1855. p Aprils GENTS DRESS GOODS OF OIK OWN MANUFACTURE. WK have on hand and are constantly manufacturing Gents Kid Top Button Gaiters, it .? > iiuif* n.. " Pnteiit Leather Pump*. " " ' Oxford Ties. " Fine Culf " 44 " " " Pumps. " 44 44 lioelod Slippers. We do not hesitate to say that we have the fairest artielo of pi portod Calfskin, ami are prepared to manufacture Hoots and Shoos at short notice, which we can safely rocommend as being superior to those of northern manufacture, in quality of material and workmanship, and which wo offer on reasonable tonus. WORKMAN A CO. Ma> 22 21 ti. Spring Goods. '"I'MIK Subscriber tins received bis usual supply ol I Goods for Ladies' and Goutiomen'.s Summer Wear, wbieb ho invites them to call and examine, They will bo sold as low as tho same kind of Goods can he bad in tho place. W. D. McDOWALL, April 3?8 Boys' WearTTVVXGY COTTONADES, Linen Drills, Cashme I1 retta mid oilier styles, together with n large stock of Ready Made Coats and Vests, suitable f<? the 8 asnn. On hand and for salp at the lowes prices, by A. M. &. R. KENNEDY. April 3 Spring ! Spring!! "T AM now rpcoiving at the " Old Cornor" my sup I ply of Spring and Hummer tioocls. I'liey were 'olecte<l with great caro by myself in New York, nnd will be nflprod at small profits. Persons wishing cheap md pretty goods aroinrited to call and examine them. >??rth f ? ,r 3rWFEY OOCTOR HOOFLAND'S CELEBRATED (Herman Sitter?, prifaihd dt DB. C. M. JACKSON', Philad'a., Pa* WILL EFFECTUALLY CCIIE LITER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE. Chronic or Htrvoue Debility, Ditcaiee of the Kidneyi, and all dieeaeet anting from a dieordered Liver or Stomach. ' such I . a? Cuustij .a* tion, Inward Piles, Fullness, or Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Steimich, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Pood, Fulness or weight in the Stoiuuch, Sour Eruetion?, Sinking or Fluttering ut the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming ot the Head, Huiried, Difficult Breathing,Fluttering at the lleart,Choking or Suffocating Sensations, when in a lying Posture Dimness of Vision,Dots or Webs before tho Sight, Fever and dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Ye.lowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Baek, Chest, Li bs, etc., Sudden Flushes of Heu* Buriiiiiir in the Flesh. Constant imaginings of Evil, and great Depression of Spirits. In attributing such valuable Medical properties to tins remedy, no rash or unwarrantable assertion is made, but is simply stated a fact; provei: undeniably and conclusively by the extraordinary cures, and beuetits derived from it* use, under the direction of its illustrious originator, Dr. lloolland, among all classes of European society and from the immense mass of testimony, frolu all parts of the American con tinent, accumulated during the last ten years, in the hands of the present proprietor. The prevalence of diseases to which the German Bitters are adapted, it is with sorrow we say it, is almost universal, indeed there la scarcely a family throughout the whole extent of our country in. which there cannot he found among its members that peculiar .-allow and languid appearance, denoting n diseased Liver, or an cuiucia ted and suffering ]>y.-peptie. Then of wliut immense importance to this elus* ot invalids, tliatu certain and reliable remedy shoii.d be placed within their reucli ; one in which no baneful or injurious drug enters into its composition ; a remedy on which the patient can rely with the utmost confidence and certainty and be assured from actual and tangible proofs,that the article lie is using,really possesses the virtues attributed to it. bucliu remedy is " Uoofland's German Bitters." Thousands of dollars I.. .... ......... i?u I.< <m.t iiafc ucni i a|'wi?uvu * %w ? ? %.?? v ??i.w mimm.-ivh throughout all parts of this continent, and the pro prietor feels the greatest satisfaction in stating, thut there is no State, County or even Village where the Medicine has been introduced, that there cannot be lound numbers willing, to testif. to it# virtues. It is used constantly in the practice of a large number of the most prominent physicians in the LUUUUJ, ?iiu iiute nisi! iiuuci men niiiirn iinuiuu* ny, iu evidence of its great virtues. In conclusion, then, we would roapectlully ask of all those afflicted with any of the abave diseases, to give the Bitters a trial, ami rest assured it will never be regretted. In proof of the statements above made, all are invited to read attentively, the " Memorabilia," or "Practical Receipt Book," for Farmers and Families containing a great number of useful re cipts, in addition to the testimony, in favor of the Bitters, from the most prom inent and well-known individuals, in all | arts ofthe Union. All agents for the Bitters aie authorized to distribute the "Receipt Book "gratuitously. Principal office and Manufactory, 12u Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. For sale wholesale by Druggists iu all the principal cities, and at retail bv apothecaries and storekeenerain cverv town in the United States and (.'una da. T. J.^VORKMAN, it CO., Camden. Milleu ?t Bnirro^HTiinterville ; Boatwi:iuiit<?* B.\nkcloo, Columbia. March 20. British Periodica!m. Early Copies Secured. LEONARD SCOTT A* CO., New York, continue to republish the following British periodicals: 1. The London (Quarterly Review, (Conservative.) 2. The Edinburgh lli-view, (Whig.) 3. Tlie Xoith Uritish Kovie\v, (Fr-sc Church.) 4. The Westminster Review, (Liberal.) 5. Black Wood's Edinburgh Magazine, (Tory) The present critical state of European a flairs will render these puldieatiotiB unusually interesting "luring the forthcoming year, They will occupy a middle irrniim! Iwt wni-ii tlie linstilv written news items, crude b'v""" """" """ " # '"w " # > I epccul tions.nnd flying rumor.-of the daily journal,and the ponderous tome of the future historian, written after the living interest and exritcnnjnt of the greut political events of the time shall have passed away. It is to these periodicals that renders must look lor the only really intelligible and reliable history of current events, and as such, in addition to their well established literary, scientific, and theological character, we urge mem upon me euusiuerauou 01 me reading public. Arrangements are now permanently maile for the receipt of early sheets from the British publishers, by which we are enabled to place nil ur reprints in the hands of subscribers about as soon as they can be furnished with the foreign copies. Although this involves a very large outlay on our part, we shall continue to furnish the periodicals at the same low rates as heretofore, viz.: Per annum. For any one of I he four Reviews ?3.on For any two of tho four reviews 5 i>0 For any three <?f the four reviews 7.0(1 For all four of the reviews 5.011 For Blackwood's Magazine 3.0u For Blackwood and three reviews 9.0O For Blackwood and the four review# lo.nO Payments to lie made in all cases in advance. Money current in the State where is-ued will In- received nt par. Clubbing.?A discount oft went v-tive per cent, from the above prices will be allowed to clubs ordering four or more copies of any one or more of t lie above works. Thus: Four copies of Ularkwond. ?r of one review will be sent to one address for ?9; four copies of the four reviews and lllackwo d iVr$^0; aud so on. Postage.?In all the principal cities and towns, these works will be delivered through agents, free of post age. When sent by mail, the postage to any part of the United States will be but twenty-four cents a year for Blackwood, and but fourteen cents a year for each of the reviews. Remittances and communications should always be addressed, post-paid, to tlie publishers. LEONARD SCoTT A CO., 54 Cold street, N. Y. N. B. L. S. & Co. have recetrly published, and ' ave now f?r sale,the "Farmer's Guide," by Ilenry Stephens of Edinburgh. And the late Professor Norton of Yale College, New Haven, complete in two volumes, royal octavo, containing 1600 pages Fourteen steel and six hundred wood engravings. Price in muslin bindings. $6. This work is not the old " Bool; of the Farm," Jttieiy RESUSCITATED Rflil UU'OWU Upon I DC Iliai Krt. WOIJC'F. I^IIE subscriber having sometime since bought out . the entire stock in tlio IIou?o formerly conducted under the name of W. Tf. Burns, he has now on hand a largo slock of Coach and Buggy Harness, Bridles, Saddles and overvthing else usually kept in his line, which he will sell low for cash, or to punctual cus tomors. worK aone to oraer ana warranted. ?erairing done in the neatest manner and at shortest notice. Those wanting Coach. Buggvmr Wagon Harness or anything else in my line, will please call and examine niv stock before purchasing elsewhere. Juno 19?tf TIIOS. R. WHEAT. NOTICE. THREE MONTHS front this date applr-ation" will be made to the Bank of Catndpn S C., for the i' v* ?Ai .1 ...l T_ 180110 *'I n iiuw UUMMIU.UK I><?. *WI U.'III'U .January 1 (, 1838, for one share of said B;ink of Camden stock standing in tlio namo of Jamos Grico, tlio original being lost or mis'sid. J. D. JOXKS. Juno 10?3m. Ex'or of Janice Grico deed., Corn Starch FOR Culinary purposes, just receivsd br T J. WORKMAN k CO. Iced Soda Water CONSTANTLY on band during th?' season, by 7. J. WORKMAN t CO. Rev. Dr. Ciiminiiigs' Works. LECTURES on the Miracles; Lectures on tho Parables; on the Apocalypse, 1st and 2d series; Lectures on Romanism; Lectures on Daniel; Scripturo Readings on Genesis and Exodus; Voices of the Day on.) troiooo of ilm TloiiH' Rnnpdieiinna or the H T ViVVO Vi mv Blessed Life; The Tent and the altar: The Great Sacrifice; Christ our Passover; Kitto's Daily Bible Illustrations, in 8 vol. 12 mo.; Coleridges Works, 6 vol. 12mo; Chambers' Miscellanies, 10 vol. 12mo; Chambers' Papers for the People. 6 vol. 12mo ; DeSauIcy's-Narative of a Journey round tho Dead Sea and in the Bible i Lands, in 1850 and 1851.including an account of the discovery et the Sites of Sodom and Goirsrrah. Also a variety ot Miscellaneous \Vork9,School Books, 4c. A. YOUNG. Nov. 20. 46 Keep Warm. GENTLEMEN'S Overcoats, some very large size. Also, Boys' Overcoats, just opened and for sale at the "Old Comer" by E. W. BONNKY. CARPET Bags, Floor Cloths, Crumb Cloths, 4c^ just received at " the Old Comer." a-...- m .r r iv nnwirc uvpi> kJ 11. ?? A. IU. & It. Kennedy HAVE received and otter for sale a full assortment of Ready Hade Clothing, consisting of Coats, Vests, Pants, BOYS' CL0TH1XG. Coals and Vests, Uuder Shirts, Drawers, J Hose, Tics Cravats, &c. Dress Shirts, of superior quality, made to order and wqrronted to fit. Oct 24 TADIES' Brown and Drub cloths for Talmas and J Plfvilra vnt mixiiAfl nf * Olil Humor" hv Oct. SI?tf. K. W. BONNEY. /COOPER'S ISIXG-GLASS. Almonds, Yeast Pow dors. Extracts. Can-lh-s, .Soaps. Ac., lor sale at tli "Old Corner," at the lowcs l prices. Oct. 10 li. W DONKEY. Notice. THE Notes and Aci'mints of W. M. Watson are in my hands (as Assignee) lor collection. Those in Iclited are requested to make immediate payment, and by so doing save costs. Jan. 30. J DUN LAP, Assignee. AM. A R. KENNEDY'S Stock of Dress Goods, for Ladies' wear, Embroideries Hosirv, Gloves, Ac., is now very lull, a id oll'ercd on the most reasonable terms. SUMMER Clothing and Hats in a great variety of stvles. Also, Fancy Linens Ac. Ibr Gentlemen's "i?ut o. ii,n ..nni pnH,?VJ i... . March13,?tf. ? ii. W. BOXNKY. BA\li AOEACY!!! rpHK subscriber continues to net as agent in botli o 1 the Banks of Camden. K. W. BOXNKY. July 11, 28 tl SIlOC'N, MIjocs. VFULL supply of Ladies HOOTS and SHOKS. <>: nil styles end ((Utilities: Misses' SCHOOL IJOUTS nd SHOKS, Yuuth'sand Boy's Shoes. .lust received hv tt\ A\'nii?KO\* Camden Bazaar. IITJE have just received a Urge and well-selected m Stock of Spring and Summer GOODS?consisting of Gentlemen and Ladies' Dress Goods. ?a A Handsome Stock of READY M ADKCLOTIIIN'G, put up of the best material and of the latest styles. April 17 M. OKU CK Kit k CO. Hides. rrMIE highest price will be given fnr 'good hides 1. bv W. AND..11SON. A no." ') [ SA . I' ""b ? " " Just Itect'ived. A X assortment of Ftsk's MKTALIC BURIAL C'A l\. SKS. There have been late improvements in this article. Can be seen at the subscriber's WareRoom. C. L. C1IATTEX. Notice*. VT.L persons indebted to the estate of Samuel Benson ire requested to call ami pay, as longer indulgence cannot be given. Jan. 30. J. Dl'XLAP, Adm'r. South-Carolina?Kershaw District. IN TilK COMMON PLEAS. John U. Ingram, ) vs. [ ATTACHMENT. John II. Catob. ) \\J IIERKAS, the Plaintiff did. on the 30th day ol v T March, rile his petition against the Defendant, who (as it is said) is absent 'mm and wiilmut the limits of the State, and has neither Wife nor Attorney known within the same upon whom a copy of ihe said Petition might be Served. It is t here'ore ordered, that the said Delendaiit do appear and plead to the said Petition on or before tlie R!st day of March. wlir'i will he in the year of nur I/trrl one thousand eight hundred and lilrv-.-ix. otherwise html and absoIute judgment will then he givvn ami awarded against him. M. XAUDIX. C. C. P k G. S. Clerk's (tffice. Kershaw District. March 30. 1855. April 3 Stunr--../: C-oihinr, EtcVM. k It. KKXXKDV are n>>w receiving their usual supply of COAT .Vests, Pants and L. C. Shirts A portion I* which Iiavitisr been made up to their own ord. r. are we I adapted f-r Warm Weather, \ LSO A handsome and cmphte Stock of COATINGS, S'tmni-r Cassimers, Drill- Vesting* Neck Ties, Under Clothing, etc.. to all of whi li they coulidently invite the attention of their friondr and the public uen erally. April 3. CHEAP PAPER. LETTER PAPER at lt!J to 'J5 cents per quire.? Also?Note Paper ami Envelopes. For sale a*. April 17. THE'POST OFFICE. Domestic Goods. BLEACHED and Brown Shirtings and Sheetings, Plaids nnd Stripes, for servants, Cotton Cussiraeres, Denims and Cheeks, Bed Tick <te. For sale t>y A. 31. i?. IV. KUAAlJin. N'EW Raisins, Almonds, Citron. Extracis, Cheese. Sugar House Syrup, Powdered Sugar. Candles, Pickles, Isinglass. Cayenne, and Jenny Lind gold twist Tobacco, a nuperior article, just received at the "Old Comer" by E. \V. BONNET. Domestics. I> ED and white Flannels. Ltnseys, Ticks.Sheetings, k. all widths. Bed and Crib Blankets. Long Cloths brown and bleached Shirtings, &e. roraalo low, by Sept 27. A. II. & K. KENNEDY. KA \ K AGEST. rpiTR aubacriber will net as Agent for persons drawI inp money from either of tlio Banks in Camden. Aug 14.?tf. J. DUXLAP. AVool, Wool. WILL be purchased either in the Burr or clean, by W. ANDERSON. Aug. 23 34 tf HATS. TW^aubscriber wishing to clo-o out his stock of Bcebe .t Co., Warnock and Rankin, Duryeo ?t Co.'s superior Drab Fur Hats. will fell thorn at Now York cost, and many other Drab Hats much below cost. W. D. McDOWALL. on ,, fliny JO, ?.? ... Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers, FOR COUGHS; COLDS, J AT? CONSUMPTION Juat received nnd for sale by T k ^CVXV * V i C1, ! T. J. WORKMAN & CO., Wholesale aud Retail Druggists, CAMDEN, S. C. OFFER for snip, for cash, or on approvod credit n lowest market trices, a largo and well-selec j ted assortment of East India, Mediterranean aud European DRl'GS A\D HEDICIXES, French, Enolisii, and American CHEMICALS, op all kinds, Patent Medicines, Thompsonian Modicines,Shaker's Horbs snd Roots, Saratoga Water, "Wines and Bran uivis oui^Kiu Ulan uuiviiiA, 11 n.m'n, i airuM, *jus, > arnishes, Paint Brashes, Dye-stuffs, Lamps, Lamp Oils, Burning Fluid and Camphene, Druggists' and Physicians'Glass-ware and Labels, Window Glass, Putty, Hair, Tooth, Nail and Flesh Brushes, Bronzes, Teas, Spices, and flffvoring Extracts, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Fancy Articles, Geuuine Cod Liver Oil, together with'overy article comprising the stock of a Druggist or Physician. Our stock is of the best quality*, and the best selected assortment ever offered to the public. Physicians, Country Merchants, Planters and all others can depend on their orderanfecting prompt and careful attention, and upon accommodating terms.? No extra charge lor packing or transportation to tho Railroad Depot or any part of tho town. ?5? "Physicians' Presriptiona carefully compounded Aj ril 25. 17 tf Patent IHediciiics, &c. AFRESH SUPPLY, just received, amoDg them are: Holloway's Ointment Cherry Pectoral Hollo way'a Pills Hasting's Syrup Naptha Ilobensaek's Worm Syrup Rodger's Syrup of LivcrMextiean Mustang Lini- wort and Tar and Can- . ment chalagua Pain Killer Daily's Magical Tain ExA oAPiAnt trnAtAc ovii/.vi apviivui. biuvivi Barry's Tricopherous Christie'e Galvanic Belts? Jayne's Medicines' Necklaces, Bracelets and Had way's Ready Relief Fluid Oxygenated Bitters Brow's Kss. Jamaica Ginger Georgia Sarsaparilla Murray's Fluid Magnesia Sands'Sarsaparilla Cod Liver Oil Townscnd'sSarsaparilla Indian Hair Dye Dead Shot Bachelor's Hair Dyo Fahnestnck's Vermifuge Depilatory Power Wistar's Balsam Wik: Cher-Magnetic Plaster ry For sale by F. L. ZEMP. Flavoring Extracts I?OR Ices, Custards, Puddings, and all kinds of Confectionary, Pastry, (tc. ic. Among them are Vanilla, Lemon. Pencil, Nutmeg, Hitter Almond. Banana, Pine Apple. Strawberry. Raspberry, Rose, Ginger, Ciu namon, <fre. &c., allverv superior and for sale by F. L. ZEMP., Constantly oil Hand, CLEMENT, Calcined Piaster of Paris, for building v purposes; Gypsum or Land Plaster, for agricultural purpose s. and Stone Lime, all of good quality and in quantities to suit purchasers. A very superior articleof White Lime for whitewash ing. C. L. CHATTEN. March 0. 20 tf SADDLti A HARNESS MAKING r|"MIK undersigned continues bis business at the old JL stand, returns his thanks for past favors and hope or a continuance of patronage. All work in his line will be done with punctuality, and where the casli is the time of delivery, a discount of ten percent will be made. ^ Jan G, lv]J2- * F. J. OAKS. KXTI.EM FIX'-line IJlack Cloth Frock VT Cassimen-and white Marseilles Vests, opened last week and lor sale at lite "Old Corner" by Oct. 31 tf. K. W. BOXNKV. NOTICE. rl"MIK subscriber respectfully informs bis friends and 1 patrons that ln? couliiiucs bis BUSINKSS IX ALL ITS 15 It A XL I IKS at W?J. Goyor's obi stand, southeast corner Meeting and Wentworth streets, where may be seen a large stock of good VEHICLKS. composed of light and heavy work. Splendid Fall Stock arrivig every week, among which are some new and very tasty un-dels of Family Carriages. Manufacturing and Repairing will be done from this te with usual dispa teh. Charleston, Nov li?15 LEONARD ClIAPIN. HATS AND CAPS AT COSTrl"MIK subscribers having determined to discontinue JL this part o! their business, will dispose of the remainder of their stock of Ilats and Caps at cost for tush, or at a very small advance on time. An examination of their stock and prices will at once convince any one desirous of purchasing, that it will be decidedly to his interest to buy of them. ijooas 01 like quality nave never oeen ouerea aisucu low prices Among tliem mar be found fine and fashionable MOLESKIN AND BEAVER, also, a good article of PLANTATION HATS. Nov. 21?tr. WORKMAN <fc CO. EATHilK and Shoe-Findings.?A large assortment of Lcatlie ai d Shoe-Findings. For sale low by WORKMAN & CO. Lnmps!?Lamps!! Jl'siT received an elegant assortment of Burning Fb id and Oil Lamps Purchasers ar?- invited to call and examine mir Stock previous to buving elsewhere. T. J. WORKMAN Si CO. arch 27?tf Police. 'I^IIE Subscriber earnestly calls upon all indebted to JL the Estate of K > MOFFAT, either by note or open account, to make | aymcnt; long indulgence cannot be given. A. M. KENNEDY, Adtn'r. March 6?tf. JacobS Cordial. HOOFLAND'S German Bitters; Carter's Spanish Mixture; Bull's, Tnwnsend'sand Sand's Sarsaparilla; Radway's Ready Relief, Ready Resolvent. Ready Regulators; Circassian Balm lor the hair Rog. r's Liverwort and Tan Avcr's Cherry Pectoral Wistar's Balsam Wild Cherry, Hatchings' Dyspepsia Bitters; Oxygenated Bitters Moffat's Bitters; Tarrnnts' Seltzer Aperient Upliarn's vegetable Electuary; Rowand's Tonic Ro wand's Compound Syrup of Blackberry Ro<>t Henry's Magnesia; Murray's Fluid Magnesia Citrato Ellis' Magnesia; Christie's Galvanic Curatives Mustang Liniment; Jaynes' Medicines Rose's Family Medicines; Strong's Pills; Moffat's'do. Leroy's. Peters'and IT olio way's Pills Jew David's Hebrew Plaster; Peery's Dead Sbot McLane's Vermifuge and pills: Falmcstock's Vermifuge, with a great many other Patent Medicines to bo found at T. J. WORKMAN & CO's. Drug Store. Fancy China Ware ! TUST received at Workman's Drug Store, an elogant assortment of China Ware, consisting in part of Fine (lilt China cups and saucers, with and without mottoes Rich Gilt Card receivers and Jewelry stands Fancy China Inkstands. Jewelry boxes Flower Yases, elegant Toilet bottles, ic.ic. ALSO, A fill) miiimtr of American and English Toolli and Ilair Brushes; Clothes, Hat and Shoo do. Buffalo drossingCombs. pocket and fine tooth Combs Also a large lot offineand common Shaving brushes. TEBXS or THE CAMDEN JOURNAL. Two Dollars if paid in advance; Two Dollars and Fifty Cents if payment bo delayed three months, and Three Dollars if not paid till the expiration of the year ADVERTISEMENTS will be inserted at tho following rates: For one Square, (fourteen lines or lees,) soventy-fivo cents fortbe first, and thirty-seven and-ahalfcents for each subsequent insertion. Singlo insertions, one dollar per square; semi-monthly monthly and quarterly advertisements charged tho sairo as for a singlo insertion. 2^" The number of insertions desired must be noted on the marpin ol all advertisements, or they will bo published until ordered discontinued ar.d oe* tor'trq1-* '