The Camden weekly journal. [volume] (Camden, South-Carolina) 1853-1861, June 19, 1855, Image 3

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An ordinance _ To confer upfrn the Mcm.btre.of the Town Guard . the office of Town ConaUj5lcf.\ ' - Stcnox 1. Be't\ Ordained ly the Jntendajit and Wardens of the Town of Camden, in Council assembled, and ' by the authority of (he same That every member of 1 the Town Guard shall be invested with all the power and authority of the office of Town Constable as heretofore existing, and shall be liable to perform all the duties of the same according to the laws, usages and ordinances of the Town of force at and before the ratification of this Ordinance. Sac. 2. That prior to entering upon the duties of : his office, each-member Bhall take the oath of office as I Town Constable, and eha.ll enter into bond and security to the^own Council of Camd?*n, to be approved by Councilrin the penal sum of fifty dollars, conditioned for the faithful discbaife of his duty as Town Constable. Sec 3. Every Town Constabto bo constituted shall be subject to the order of the Town Council, the Intendant, and any one of the Wardens, and also of the Town Marshal, for all purposes appertaining to the proper government of the .Town, whether by day or night; and shall be entitled to receive the sum of 'One Dollar for every day or part.of a day, during which he lnay be detailed for duty as Town Constable, and on special occasions, shall also receive 'such other and further compensation as Council may determine. Sec 4. That for every neglect of duty, the Town Constables shall be liable to be fined at the discretion tor the Town uonncu m a sain noi exceeding i wemy Dollars, to be paid into tbe Town Treasury and the % 'official bond herein-before provided to be gi ven, shall hUtid good to the Town Council as a security for tb^ same. Sxc. 5. That the discharge or removal from office tof any member of the Town Guard, shall vacate his office as Town Constable. ' \ Sec. 6. That all ordinances and parts of ordinances Vepugnant to this ordinance, be, nnd the same are hereby repealed. Ratified in Town Council, assembled this sixth day of June, in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty-Five; as witness the hand of the Intendant, and seal of the said Town of Camden. - E W. BONNET. Intendant pro. tern. C. H, Davis,-Town Recorder. " June 12 24 2t South Carolina?Kershaw District. bt joijn r. jot, esquire, ottoixart. WHEREAS, Paul T. Villepigue applied to me for Letters of Administration on all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits of William Lracej, late of Mississippi, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular, the kiudred and creditors of the said deceased to be and appear before me at our next Ordinary's Court for the said District, to be holden at Kershaw Court House on the twenty-fifth day of June iust., to show canse, if any, why the said administration should not be granted Given under my hand and seal, this ?>tb day of Jane, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty live, and in the seventy-ninth year of American Independence. June 15?td- JOHN Rr JOY, 0. K. D. Administrator'* Notice. PERSONS indebted to the late Thomas Starke are requested to make immediate payment, and those baring demands against his Estate will present them to Win. M. Shannon, Esq. ' June 12,?if. JOHN STARKE, Adrn'r. ~~ EXECUTORS NOTICE. ~~ ALL persons hiring claims against the Estate of George Brown deceased, are hereby notified to present them, within twelve months from this date, Jlultr ertoatod- end nil not-anna inriohton tn Tho anirl .Estate will make payment, to JAMES COESNUT, Jr May 19 4 Executor. To Close!! LADIES' rich dress goods in Foullard and India Silks, Tissues, Grenadines, Crape de Paris, Barege and Printed Muslins, are now offered at greatly reduced prices, to close. Apply at the "old corner. May 29, 21 Stock of Drugs for SaleOFFERING a very excellent chance to commence business. The eutire assigned stock of Drugs, Oils, Paints and Fancy Articles ot Mr. Z J. DeHay, will be sold a bargain to any one desirous of commencing business. The stand is uraougst the best in i*v ill nor 1> a l ?H OAm o 11? orttr nno rloo/il i ** r* f.ln Vttiuuvii, mu y**J ?? / vuw u^wuu^ uie energy and attention to the business. Tlie stock , amounts to about $3600 at Invoice cost, ni.d can be bought at a considerable discouuL Meantime, great inducements will be offered to Physicians, Planters and others to purchase largely, as the stock roust be sold&tan early day. A. M. & R. KEKKEDY. May 29?tL " * Assignees. Camden BazaarWE have just received a iarge and well selected i Stock of Spring aud Summer Goods, i consisting ot Fancy Prints, and Ginghams, Colored i and Figured Barege, Berage Delains, Plain Ernbroi- i . dered and Dotted Swiss, Jaconet and Checked Mus- i lins, Bishop Lawns, plain black and "Fancy Silk, in* i side Capes, Collars and Chemisettes, end Under .Sloeves, Swiss Muslin and Cambric Edging and Inserting. A large assortment of Cotton, Linen, and Thread Laces, white, black, plain and figured Bobioetts, lilk Illusion, fine Crape and Silk Shuwis, Berage and Silk Mantillas. A fine assortment of Fancy, plain, and Black Bonnet Ribbons, Crapes of different Colours, black Bombazines and Alpacca, Irish and Grass Linens, Cotton and Long Cloth Sheeting, Dimraety Table Damask, Embroidered Window Curtains, Oil Siiks, and Oil Cloths. A large assortment of fancy Lineu for Gentlemen's wear, Summer Cassimers, and Drap d'tae. Gentlemen and Ladies Ganze and Merino and Silk Vests; Bird Eye Diapers, Mosquito Netting, Knitting Yarn, Bed tick, Lancaster and Marseilles Quilts, etc. A good assortment of Hosiery. White and Colored Hose. Brown and black do. Half Silk Hose and Half Hose for Ladies and Gentlemen. A Jargo assortment of Gloves, black and silk Mitts, Cotton, Linen and Silk Thread, Black, White and Faucy Kid and Ladies and Gentlemen's Gauntlets. A large assortmant nf Tii-ms Trimminffs. Summer Lati-n nnrt" Gum brie Handkerchief, for Ladits ana Gentlemen. In- | 9 fants and Sliases Needle Work Dresses Also some i fine embroidered Silk Handkerchiefs. i Other articles too numerous to meution. \\7 E have just received a large and well selected ? t stock of BONNETS, e^psist ing of Straw, Leg* horn, and Faucy Silk, ALSO JIAT3 of differept kinds and quality, which will be sold on moderate terms. Ladies and Gentlemen are requested to call and examine our 8tock before purchasing elsewhere, as we feel confident that we will not fail to please them both in quality, style and prices. ! A Largo assortment of Fancy Groceries, Bio ancf Java Coffee, Brown, Crashed and Clarified Su- . gars, West India and New Orleans Molaaaes, White ' Wine and Cider Vinegars, Bacon, Flou^' and Rice, : ; Table ana Sack eait, loung uyson, uunpowaer ana Black Teas. Starch, Nutmegs, Pepper, Spices, Singer, Tallow. Adamantine and Sperm Cundlca. Other arti- ; dea too tedious to mention. A large' stock of Hard* , ware and Cutlery, and a good assortment of Crockery Call, and examine our stock. ~ , ApriUt M. DItUCKER i CO. ?oath-Carollna-~Kcrsbaw District. , IN THB COMMON PLEAS. Jons U. Ingham, ) * w' >. ATTACHMENT. v , John Hi Catok. ) TTTUITBPiU tu' J!> .l. OAlL J._ .r nuuwvau, tin l Mil III] II U|U, OD VQI) JVllI U a] v\ March-, file his petition against tbe Defendant, ] who (as it is said) is absent from and without the limits of the State, and has neither Wife nor Attorney I known within the sains upon whom a copy of the 1 said Petition might be served. It istheretore ordered, that tbe said Defendant do appear and plead to the < aid Petition on or before the 31st, day of March, whi-'i will be in" the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six, otberwiaardfoai and absolute judgment will then be given and awarded against him. - :j M. NAUDIN, C. C. P. A G. . Clerk's Office, Kershaw District, March 30, 1855. - Apil'3 fj V - / " * z* .% NEW STORE. 31TERONEY & BOSWELL, have opened at,the 1?JL corner of. Broad and Rntledge streets, in the fiinwx MMntw /\/v?nniar1 hv Mnior K. S. Moffat. a choice assortment of FRESH HEAYT AND tfANCY GROCERIES, to which they invite the attention of purchasers : in part as follows? Heavy Groceries. N. 0. and P. R. SUGARS. Crushed, Pulverized and Stuart's Loaf do. Rio, Java, and Cuba Coffoe. New Orleans and Cuba Molasses. Salt, Leaf Lard. Bacon Sides, Cauvass Hams. North Carolina Flour. Goshen and English Dairy Cheese. Soap, Starch, CJeansing Soap. Sperm and Adamantine Candles. Kos. 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel. Fancy Groceries. Quarter Boxes RAISINS. Half and whole * do. Almonds, Figs and Assorted ,Ca tidies. Ginger and Chow-Chow Freserves. Sardines and Preserved Salmon. Cove Oysters, Preserved Lobsters. Lemon Syrup. Walnut and Tomato Catsup. Capers, Olives, Pickles, Pepper Saoco. Preserved Pine Apple. T)m?./! ? Pa'n/tltaa At\ P.liorrioo x/iauvtj A vnvitvc, viu. viiviiivtM Tobacco and Cigars. Gold Leaf and Rio Hondo Cigars. Palmetto, El Ensaya and La Palina do. Fine Cut Ciiewing Tobacco. Perm A Ayers suj>er do. Superfine Chewing Tobacoo. Common do. do.,. . Wines aud Liquors. Rectified Whiskey. Old Rye Hammond do. Old Bourbon do. New England Ruir. London Dock Brandy. Otard, Dupuy A Co.'s do. Goddard's Brandy St Julien Medoc Claret. _ Old Madeira. Old Port Wine. , Old Malaga do. Heidsick Wine. Brass' London Porter. Byass' London Ale, White Wine Vinegar. A General Assortment of FRUITS. With a variety of other article* too numerous to mention, which will be sold exceedingly low for cash, by MERONEY A BOSWELL. April .4 tf. George W. Willianis & Co, WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. I HAIRE STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. ARE now receiving? 1600 bags Rio, Java, and Lagunyrff COFFEE. 400 lihds. N. 0., Porto Rico and Muscovadn Sugar 500 bbla. Clarified, Crushed and Powdered . do. 200 lihds. new crop Cuba Molasses. 700 bbls. N.O.-Molasses. 600 bales Heavy Gunny Cloth. 2000 pieces Heavy Dundee Bagging. 4000 coils Bale Rope. 2000 kegs Kails?assorted. 400 boxes Sperm and Adamantine Candles. 500 bbls. new No. 3 Mackerel. Powder, Shot, Lead, Soap, etc, eta, all of which will be sold at small profits for cash or prompt pay. May 8?12 GENTS DRESS GOODS OF OUR OWH MANUFACTURE. WE have on band and are constantly manufacturing Gents Kid Top Button Gaiters. " *' ' " half Do. " Patent Leather Pumps. * " 44 ' Oxford Ties. Fine Calf 41 44 " Pumps. 1 4 44 44 heeled Slippers. We do not hesitate to say that wo have the fairest article of {n ported Calfskin, and are prepared to manufacture Boots and Shoos at short notice, which we can safely recommend as being superior to those ol northern manufacture, in quality of materiul and workmanship, and winch we offer on reasonable terms. WORKMAN & CO. Ma) 22 21 ti. Assignee's Notice. PROBENSON, having this day executed an as signmentof all his effects, Goods, Chattels and choses in action?to nie lor tho benofit of his creditors. Such of said creditors as may be disposed to take under the terms of said assignment, are required to signify their intention to comply with the same within sixty days from date. Tliey can address meat Camden. WM. R. TAYLOR. March 8, 1855. April 17?tf. CHEAP PAPER. LETTER PAPER at 12J to 25 cents per quire.? Also?Note Paper and Envelopes. For sole at April 17. " THE POST OFFICE. Li uion syrup. A SUPERIOR ARTICLE, forsaie by T. J. WORKMAN 4 CO, a Iced Soda Water CONSTANTLY on band during the season, by T. J. WORKMAN & CO. SUMMER HATS AT COST. WE haves beautiful article of Gents Drab Beaver, which we will positively sell at cost for cash. May 22?tf. WORKMAN & CO. Administrator's Notice. ALL persons having demands against the Estate ot A. J. Powers, are requested to hand them in properly attested and all persons indebted to the same are requested to make immediate payment to- the subscriber. W. L. PICKETT, Adm'r. May 22, ' 21 3t. NEWS PAPERS FOR SALE. Ant number of old newspapers may be had at this Office.?Price, for large size 50 cents a hundred NEW BOOKS. KEABN*S Practical Landscape Gardening. -The lug and Outs of Paris, by Julie do Marquerites * Our Countrymen, orbrief Memoirs of eminent Americans by Leasing; illustrated with 102 Portraits. Homes for the People, 100 original designs, by G. "Whaeler, Architect. . " . *? ; Robert .Graham, a sequel to Linda. Kllen Norbury; or Adventures' of an Orphan. Men of Character; by Douglas Jerold." A Long Look Ahead; by A. 3. Roe. Adventures of Captain Priest. The Old Inn; by Josiah Barnos. The Life of Sam Houston, Illustrated. Adventures of Atnyos Leigh; by Charles Kingsley. The Slave of the Lamp; by .Win. North. Ddoherty Papers by w. Mag?nn, 3 vois. History of the Hen Fever, by Barnam, Ingenue, or First Days of Blood; by Dumas. Mammon; or the Hardships of an Heiress; by Mrs. Gere. Queens of Scotland, vol 5; Mrs.' Strickland's. Europe and the Allies; or the Past and To-day. Lamartine's History of Turkey, vol. 1st. My Brother's Keeper; by A. B. Warner. Alone, by Marion Harland, Richmond, Ya. Sraee Lee, by Jnlla Kavenah. Rag Bag; a collection of Ephemera, by N. P. Willis. A groat variety of New School Books. Stationary, tc. A. tODNG. May 29, 22 t? WHO WILL HAVE A BARGAIN piven them in aSeoond Iftnd PIANO A."%hich can be seen at the Subscriber^iWARE ROOM at a very low price? C, L. CHATTEN. Sooth Caroliua?Kershaw District. IN EQUITY.. jolm U. Ingram, Executor, vs. Banj*airPayne, et. ai Bill to settle tlio Estate of Rachel Leigh, deceased, Ac. IT appearing to my satisfaction that the R?j>resentntives of Zachariah Payne, deceased, to wit: Anchelaus Payne, Jr., Zachariah Payne, Nicholas Payne, anH Samuel Pavne. the widow and children of John Payne, deceased, names unknown, and the widow (and lierpresent husband) and the children of Daniel Payne, deceased, names not krown, and Mary Payne, widow ofKphraim Pavne. Also the representatives of Daniel PayBe, deceased, to wit: Banyan Payne, Daniel Miller, A. B. Bonds and wife, Elizabeth; Abraham Aleayand wife Nrincy. aio?h,q fonpo.ontotivpo nf Xtarv Parno. deceased, vuv . WW J m to wit: the children of Mrs. McCartney four daughters, and Arvis Izzell, the husband of one and ? Moore, the husband of another, and one son, the names of the daughters and son not known. Also the representatives of Naomi Payne, deceased, to wit: Hannah H. Stewart and her three children, James Harvey Stewart, Anna K. Stewart, and Caroline L. Stewart, Wade Hopkins, Ker.iah Hopkins, Alexander Stewart, Daniel Stewart and James Stewart, and the children and husband of Caroline Dobbins, names unknown. Also the representatives of Keziah Payne, deceased, to wit: ?Evans and Elizabeth Evans, liis wife. Also llichard Samuel Ussery and Charles Kvnns Ussery, James Truesdell and his wife Mary, and Banyan Payne, administrator of Zacbariah Payne, deceased, of Wilie Payne, deceased, and of Elizabeth Betts, deceased. Defendants to the above stated Bill reside without the limits of this State. On motion of Caston, complainant's Solicitor, it h ordered that they do answer, plead or demur to the same, within three months from the date of publics ion hereof, or an order to take the same, pro. confesso. will be entered against them. W. H. R. WORKMAN, C. EL K. D. March 6?tf. PIANO FORTES. THE subscriber has just received a supply of six and seven Octavo PIANO FORTES, Rosewood cases, of superior tone and workmanship, and are warranted equal to any manufactured in this country, from the celebrated bouse of Hallett and Cumston, Boston, and will be sold at manufacturers' prices. Nov 14 GEO. ALDEN. NEW DRESS GOODSTHE Subscriber has now open and ready for insneefion. a laree assortment of Spring and Sqm iner DRESS GOODS^ consisting in part of ** PLAIN AND PLAID SILKS. Plain Silk Lustrinoes.Printed and Plain Tissues. Plain and Figured Bareges Figured and Striped Grenadines. Printed Crape de Espagues. Crape de Paris. Plain, Striped and Printed Cbaliis. ENGLISH AND FRENCH CHINTZ. Plain and Figured Pucals. French Printed Orandies. Printed Lawns and Muslins. (From 18} to 62} c. per yard) Figured Barege de Lains. (From 25 to 44 c ) Plain Ginghams and Gingham Lawns. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PRINTS. . Etc.,-E?c., Etc. All of which aro of the lastcst styles, and will com pare, in quality and price, with any other stock in this Market, and to which the attention of purchasers is respectfully solicited. C. MATHESON, April 3?4 Hats THE Subscribers have on hand a full stock of Fashionable Hats, of all descriptions, including Panama, Leghorn, Straw, and Palm Leaf iu Men and Boys' sizes. A. 31.1 R. KKNNKEY. April 3. Camden Bazaar. WE have just received a large and well-selected Stock of Spring and Summer GOODS?cun sisting of Gentlemen and Ladies' Dress Goods. ?ALSO? A Handsome Slock of READY MADEOLOTHJNG, put up of the best material and of the latest styles. April 17 . M. DltUCKKR k CO. PLANTER'* HOTEL TO KENT. r|^HIS large'and well-known establishment, at the X corner of Church and Queen-streets, is now ofl'ered to rent. The location is one of the best in the city?convenient to business, l'ostoftico, Banks and Steamboat Landings. To a responsible tenant the rent will be reasonable The Hotel will continue open, for the accommodation of transient and permanent Boarders, under the management of Mr. JAMES W. LAMKIN. For particulars apply on tha premises, or by letter to the subscriber. WILLIAM OALDER, April 9,?2m. Corner Kiug and Hnsell sts. ; xauuiuigi rPIIE Subacriber would inform his friends and the -L public generally that ho has just received & choice assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, CONSISTING OF CLOTIIS, CASSIZERS, SILK, Worsted, and Marseilles Vestings, Drab De'etc, Tweeds and Linen Coatings, Plain White and Fancy Colored Linen Drillings and other Pantaloon Goods. Flo has just received the very latest Fashions ned will execute work in the best of Style and Despatch. April 3?tf. C A. McDONALD. Gilt Cornicing. BANDS, Curtain Rings, Etc., Handsome Patterns of good size for Drawing Rooms and Chamber Windows. x j cm_ ja jm VT IIIUUW SUUUVt ilUU C IMUrVKt A handsome assortment consisting of 30 patterns, mostly of new design?Landscapes, Street Views, Gold Patterns, Etc., varying in prices from 75 cents to five dollars. C. L. UIIATTJSN. May 1?tf. The Subscriber CONTINUES to keep an assortment of Fisk's Metallic Burial Cases. The late improvement in their form, and the handsome style in which they are finished?imitating rosewood?render them the most completo article evor offered to the public. also An Invoice of Burial Clothing,which will be disposed of in Suits or Single Articles, without cases, if desired. May I C. L. CnATTEN. Notice.. . v Til E Accounts and Notes of P. Robenson. are in my hands, (as Assignee,) for collection. Thoso who are indebted to said Robenson will please come ** - ? ?' ? J A- ?J .1 I rorwara, uquiauio aemauaa, una menjoy prevcm* uiv accrual cf costs. WM. R. TAYLOR. April 17?tt SCOTT'S LITTLE GIANT <&ORN AND COB MILL. THE subscriber is prepared to furnish the different sizes. ajid will guarantee them to grind 10, 15, and 20 bushels per hour. For sale for cash. Mny 15,?iC W. D. McDOWALL. HATS. THE subscriber wishing to close out his stock of Kcebe & Co., Warnock and RAnkin, Duryeo A Co.'s supen'or Drab Fur Hats, will sell them at New York cost, and many other Drab Hats much below cost. W. D. McDOWALL. Moy 15, 20 tt White Lead! White Lead!! rj000 kegs pure WHITE LEAD, at 8c. per lb. 4 1000 kegs No. I White Lead, at 6 i c. pet lb. The above f.ea-1 forms"a beautiful brilliant white, superior to any no?f.4n:use?and-will.-retain its brillinnr>? Tnr n nnmluYV ftf t>nnrn ITnpHrtlfthr " . JOflN COMMITS, Sole Agont, ] 247, King-stj.Oliarloston, 8. 0. j N. B.?All Ordorfl from tHe country promptly attended to?and If iiK'nnv csyjeithln Lead proves unsatisfactory, it taken back, and all expenses . ... J. 0. m?)>iv *3? *? H ? - y, ' f m NEW AI We hate just received a . ANJ TALI! .They are pretty and cheap, too ! Ali A Choice and Fresh Supply of' Sm PRINTS AND A NEW VARIETY erf HOSE, for Li A very large a SILK GLOVES Ladies' Silk and also, vei BLACK AND COLO MORE RIBBONS With a good many other new and pr< ine our Stock, and we shall try to give has been acknowledged by so many L kind enough to give Ais such liberal en May 8? tf. 3 doors above Workman's STJM] clot; We have just received a very FOR MEN 1 C0XSIST1 BLACK DRAB D' I At WMTIWTLTT HISH PJi 1 V."1* * tWW 1AV^ ^WKG* VERY FINE BLACK ALPACC JACKETS AND Pi May 8?tf. 3 doors above Workman' Spring and Summer Clothing. r * nm> r.r?Ii/> ?l>nve tO be found at AJUA uai'j WCUHIIJVHW V* ??.w ? C MATIIKSON'S. April 10?12 Dr. Michaux'* Freckle Wash. A CERTAIN euro for Freckle?, Tan, Ac. For sale by T. J. WORKMAN, k CO. Black Dress Goods. BLACK "CRAPE DE PARIS," Grenadines, Bareges and Lawns, just received and for sale. May 1?4. C. MAT1IES0N. For Sale or Rent, MY former resideuco in the lower part of Camden; a most delightful winter residence. Apply to me at the "Old Comer" for terms Ac. Jan, 9,?rf. K. W. B0NXEY. Dress Goods)TX Grenadines, Tissues, Bareges, French, British A and American printed Lawns, Embroideries, Gloves, Hosiery, Etc., just receiving at April 3 A. M. A R. KENNEDY. DomesticsA Heavy stock of Cotton and Linen Goods, suitable J?. 'or Servant's Wear, at very low prices, just re- I ceivedby A. M. ?fc It. KENNEDY. April 3 COATS, and VESTS, (of extra large sizes) of Summer "Wear. Made to order and for sale at the ' Old Comer" by E. W. BONNET. April 17. v? GRAIN CRADLES and Ploughs, just received at the " Old Corner " by E. W. BONNEY. May 8?tf. MOURNING.COLLARS, Cuffs and Chemizottes, Also, Mourning Pans and Parasols, for sale at the "Old Comer "by E. W. RON NET. May 8?tf. YTTJ 1 Ql?n riari7A \fnrinn TTnfler Shirts, for Sum JIT raer wear. Also, Summer Coats, Gloves, etc., I just opened at the " Old Corner," bv April 17 K W. BONNEY. GARDEN HARROWS, Ploughs, Rakes, Hoe^ic. for sale at the " Old Corner" by ' March 20,?tf. K. W. BONNEY. NEGRO LINSEYS will be sold at greatly reduced prices (to save packing) also Blaqketfcand Elan* nols at the " Old Corner." E. W. BONNEY. uarcn zu, 1 j ?.?. PINE-APPLE Cheese, Fresh Pickles, Ginger Preserves, Raisins, Citron, Extracts, Caper* 4a, just opened at the "Old Corner" by E. W. BONNET. BLACK Borage, Black Chally, ? also six poicos small figured Muslin at SU cents, worth 50 cents. Just opened at tho ''Old Coraor" by E. W. BONNET. \ INDIA MATTING, Cotton Oarpetting and I I Linen" Crumb ClothSrfor sale cheap, at the "Old Corner." E. W. BONNET. April 17 A FEW Snperior OLD HAMS, for sale at the " Old Corner." * ' E. W. BONNET. April 17 ? ' \ FRENCH Brandy and Madeira Wine of superior quality for medicinal purposes. For sale by April 11. T.J. WORKMAN 4 CO. Assignees \otice* ~*v ^ r* i n.^iv kaninn?Ma iiav mudA *n njwlcnnipnf. 'jrjjf rrr. I'Hv* n- * vm.w ?- ?? o ? ?u% of all hia" effects, (onthe benefit of creditors, all person8 dealfous of accepting under the terms of' tbo same, are hereby notified to do bo within ninlfcr days from date, the'tiraeiimitpdby the assignment:: *-v* A. Mi $ R- lySNNEPZ, Assignees, yltarcb S7, i 18 tf- v? -f. IRIVAIj - ;->' p *-- - . * most splendid style of I S% liliia!Sail 13 U /?;(!? \nm j is uk & HAS, 50 *' N * * . 1 ' * - U i baSs, * GINGHAMS. ADIES, MISSES and CHILDREN. * ssortment of AND MITTS. ' Cashmere Tests, IT FINE IKED SILK HOSE, AND BONNETS, ?? < i? .._. n i 3tty aracies. riease can ana examyou as good a bargain as ever,which adies and Gentlemen who have been couragement. M. BAUM & ISRAEL, Shoe Store, or cor. Broad and'Rutledgc sts. VtER HIMQf. fine Stock of CLOTHING 1ND BOYS. NO OF iTS, VESTS AND PANTsi ANB' ?OATO, TO film: !A AND CASSIMER COATS, lNTS FOR BOYS. M. BAXJM & ISRAEL, s Shoe Store, or cor. Brond ana Rutlcdge-sjs. FULLER'S S HAT STORE, & 238 Richardson Street, Columbia, S. C., NEAR THE STATE CAPITOL. ''I^IIE Proprietor of this Celebrated Establishment, X although only nine months have elapsed since he commenced business on his own aecount, yet it aflords him great pleasure to stato to the dealers and citizens gonorally, of Kershaw, that he has met with that success that seemed *o warrant a large increase of stock and store-room, both of which additions are nearly complete, and. will be arranged for the Whole sale Trade, 5 per cent off on bills of $50. ?3gT Terms cash on delivery in every instance. March 27 Breeder & desaussure, Fim.CK'OR.A.OJE; AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, ADGER'S WHARF, # CHARLESTON, S. C. Oct. 17. 42 8m^ BULGER <fcDeVANE, Will attend to Boarding, Soiling and Purchnaing On Commiosion. Office at Saunders & Foster's old stand, in lull view of the Montgomery Hall, Montgomery*, Aia. 0. L. BULGER P. R. DEVANE. Sept. 5. 26. ' tf JOSEPH WHTLDEH, DEALER IN * *: PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. IV?. 11 HA VIVE-STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. HE keeps constantly for sale, a general assortment of Paints and Oila of all kinds, Varnishes, Window Glass and Sashes, Spts. Turpentine, Spirit Gas, Cotton Foot-Gin Fixtures, Glue and Brushes, of various kind*. 1 - 37?ly "amm MI. COLUMBIA, S. C., CORNER OP RICHARDSON k BLANDING-STREETS, o MRS. SARAH FLEMING. JAMBS T. FLEMING April 3,?If. W. THURLOW CASTOW. - Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Equity.' CAMDEN*, 8. C. * . , Office on Broad-Street near the Court House. - WM. Itt. SDAMlYOIf, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Equity,, CAMDEN, S- C. . Hae removed bia Ofllce to that one door abov A. Youc|j'eBook Store> - Jan. 24. CHARLES BOFENSCHEN, ' Watch Maker and Jeweller, CAMPEN/8. ' R. B. JOHN30W, JSL D. Office on Broad Street, oppositeYoung's Bookstore. CAMDlfN, S. C. ^ ?: ?? ^ Summer Clothing, EtcAl . M. 4 R, KENNEDY are now r*ceirlng their ami supply of (XJAT3, YestaTknU ancTL. C. Shirts. A portion of which bavin? omo made up to their own order, are well adapted Ibr Warm Weather, "A handsome and oo tuple to Stock of COATINGS, Summer Caaato^ri^DrU^.YestingB, Neck Tlaa, -Uncutii?B />?< tn ?it ftf which theV confidenur fn WVI VlVftlllU^l VWI| TW,? -* , ^ # L Llf vite thcitiWeiMU and th^jwolic gen. ofalty,; i . "W w *' 4 ^ - % ^ ? . v - AVtqxmapti "VfOT to any gibt Military orders bnt attention"w ll the whole, whfle I jnforni the ritifctwof Oni- i den that 1 am permaneAtfy settled^ two doom abort? M. Drucker ?fc Co.'e where ! keep eoutautly on head . a beautiful itock of JEWKLRY; Cutlery, Spectacle*/- X Silter and Plated Ware, Port .Moniiet, I .ailka ???nimnious. Card Caaee, Knive*, da, if., whieV he will j sqjl on the moat reasonable term* for cwOt or to punctual customers. The trade of-any other kind is ic . spectfull? decline*!. '?* * .: ^ rarWatches siiJ._J? wclrv repaired i? the heei # / manner, ond all.worV. w -rrantcd. / CHARLES Bbm*SCHKX. Not. 14. 40 * tf* Eemoval? rPDK Subscriber haa removed from hit formertiand, JL to the store recently occupied by Uuore t Km v kenduli, where he keepa constantly <U baud, a general assortment of Dry Goods, Grocr rica, Vrinea, Jbin'diea , and Liquors. A good article of Candied Citron wi?It many Fancy Groceries,' and erery article umtaliy found in n general variety. All of which wiHtaaoM as low as they can be booght for cltewhera bft ea|b, or to tlitwe customers who pay their bills promptly. March 27 J.CHARLhfiWQKTlt. SPRING GOODS. A' il. & ft. KBNNKDY pre receiving a very handsome supply of Goods suitable for Spring \ and Summer, comprising the latest styles in Ladies and Gentlemen's wear, Ready Made Clothing. Hats, M ftc., and invite the attention ?f their customers, to l their irumrction. _ 12 tf.' NOTICE. ' > % \ ALL person# indebted to tbe#ub#cril?er are requested to coll nod settle. I will be glad to eel I nil my friends and customer# on short time (with tbe exception of such articles as corn, bacon, flour, lard, els.) and for such articles I most have cash or I cannot seil. The subscriber also adds that such pernors as l;nre been rvmcing accounts with Km and have not paid J:e j does not desire to keep accounts with, and he is only willing to sell to such as par him promptly. i I alsogire notice that all persons who owe me pr'^r , to first January last, unless they come and make Home , satisfactory arrangement^ by the 15th March, uaxtj their papers will be plaecd In the hands ?t W Thuriow Coston, Esq., lot collection. Jan. 16,-tf. .' ; . ' BOBERT LATTA. ^? : ^ Spriifg; Goods. .. rpHE Subscriber has received his usual supply of _L Goods for Ladies' and Gontlernen'a Summer Wear, which he invites them to call and examine They will be sold as low as the same kind of Goods can be itad in the place. W. D. McDOWALIy April 3?8 ? 1 Boys' WearFANCY COTTONADES, tid'en Drills, Cashrosretta and other sty ha, together with a laiWa ] stock offlcndy Made Coats and Vesttf suitable To the season. On land .and for sale at tha hwiw* prices, by ~ A. M. 4 R. KENNEDY. April 3 Sonth-Caroliua-?Kershaw Dklrlct. IN EQUITY. # . i William A. Ancrntn, Executor of Mary J. Daw, vs. Claries II. Davis. Henrietta Duncan, lato Hsnrietu A Johnson and Duncan, her husband, and Benjsoiu ] Johnson, et. aL Bill Tor Relief, 4c. IT appearing to my satisfaction that Henrietta Pur* ? . can, late Henrietta Johnson and ? Duncan, In* j husband, and Benjamin Johnson, all ofwhom ere de- j j lendaiits, named in the Bill of Complaint, .stated above, are absent from and reside without the limits j of this State. On motioh of Mr. Kershaw, Solicitor * for compiainant, it is ordered that they do plead, sn- J swer, or demur to the said Bill, within three mam 1m i from this day, or the same will be ordered-pro. oeofes- d so against them. W. II. R. WORKMAN, C. E. K. D., | March 6?13 Spring! Spring!! \ I AM now receiving at the "Old Corner" my supply of Spring and Summer (foods. They were selected with great care by myself in New York, and will be offered at small profits. Persona wishing cheap and pretty goods are invited to call and examine rhotu. March 13,?tC K. W. BONNEY. South-Carolina?Kershaw Districts IN THE COMMON PLEAS. .Joseph Frideberg, vs. Harvey HtmDton. Attachment J TTTHEUKAS, tTTe Plafntiffdid, on the 27:1. day of' \ ?V March, file hisDeclaration against tl.e defendant, who (as it is said) is absent from and without the ~ | limits of the State, and has neither Wife nor Attorney known within the same, upon whom a copy of the J said declaration mMit be served. It is therefore ordored that the said defendant do sppear and plead < the said declaration, on or before the 28:1. day J March, whicii will be in the year of our Lord one ihot: 1 sand eight liundred and fifty-six. otherwise final and 4 absolute judgment will then be given and awarded against him. M. NAUDINr-C, C. P. t G. S. Clerk's Office, Kershaw District, -\ March 27, 1825. V vc April 3 South-Carolina?ILershaw District. ' IN THE COMMON PLEAS. Jeaae Wessiiiger vs. Harvey Hamilton. . Attachment WHEREAS, the Plaintiff did. on the 26th day < : i March, file his declaration ngaiust the Defend, ant, who (as it is said) wabsent from and without the limits of the Baid, and has neither Wife nor Atp>rne known within the Mine, upon whom n copy of the sa:s \ ' declaration might be served. it is therefore nrdere \ ' that the said defendant do appear and plead to ;l:u said declaration, on or before the 29th day of Mr,\ which will bein-the year of our Lotd one thcu'aud'. 3 eigiit hundred and fifty-aix, otherwise fiimi nt.d a'- ra ? lute judgment will then be given-and awarded r.g: :n3t j hire. M. NAUDIN, CaCUt A C Clerk's Office, Kershaw District, March 28, 1855. 'Ami's . : _ V Administrator's Notice. ALL persons having demands against K. P. M?ffat, deceased, are requested to hand them in properly attested. A. M. KENNEDY, Adm'r. March 6?It Tailoring. .> .1 iinitnmtaned heira leave to inform his f. itfu?' > JL " and former customer^ that lie lius rcVpU'd : Tailoring Business, and will execute all orders work in the moat workmanlike manner ami at r: duced prices for cash?or on call April 17?12 - ^ P. ROBEXSGX. NOTICE. A-LL persona indebted to Z. J. Delia* Vv r.ote account are required to make immediate r*v ment to the undersigned assignees. XIr. DcHavu . continue to sell at the same stand at reduced pr..?v *, on account of tlie assignees. March 27,?It \ A. M. i R. KRNXKL7 T.und for Sain. ?. . ^ m | i wf rPHE Subscriber offcra foraaiehfa PLAXT.Vi :o: . A Ijrlug on each side of "Little Lynch's Cicc: Keniiaw District, twenty Tnilee from. Camden. ; traot contains something over fix hundred ach-a. at. .; eighty ofwbk&wdmed'audtuidcr good eultivatiir. . the rest prime woodland. To an appro red purchaser, the terms will be rracic easy. _ - ' . ' \ SAMUEL WEBB March 21-?Sou. ~ ^ Notice. > V A LL personahavingclaims against the Eatotc'o T jTjL, W. GIBBONS, deceased, will band the; i. properly attested, according to law, and those indei iui .... c~. ^ mo vs4k.-v upuii iui iiuium*4n? vp;ihmi?? The coudition of the ealkte to m?ch, thatpron.r tion must be taken foe it* settlement. IF, ?DWABW,Admaiatrnir. Feb 6?1? .. . . Bounty Land, T^BE subscriber will promote all etofirtB arising j: 1 der the reeent aksof Coogrm, turBounty I> "IP *7 *55. 'I