The Camden weekly journal. [volume] (Camden, South-Carolina) 1853-1861, March 27, 1855, Image 3

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"WATCHES, JJIWEIIIY, AND FANCY GOODS. (J^ SUver Lever Walchee, plain and double - o._i ,j rava " UOla UnaillB, OCUIS auu a?;? Gold and Silver Pencil Cases. _ :j Gold Pens in Gold and Silver Cases Kings, Earrings, Bracelets. Spectacles, Thimbles ' Coral Peads and Armlets Plain Gold, Enameled, Pearl and Jet Brooches Plain aod Jet Hair Pius Jet Brcelets and Kecklaces * "'. Qord Medallions and Chatetain Pins Gilt China Cupe, Vases and Colognes Plated CaudleetickR, Castors and Cake Baskets Toilet and Elastic Round Combs. .'Hair Brashes, Hail and Tooth do. Hazora, Knives and Scissoft Pruning and Budding Knives and Shears Double Barrel Guns, Powder Flasks,.Snot Belts, Gunwada, Backgammon Boxes and Chessmen > Fishing Tackle, codsistiug of Silk and flax lines, floats, dip nets. Limerick, Kir by, and Gravitation ' Hooks, Artificial baU, Ac. Watch and Spectacle Glasses of all sizes fitted, to order. - A. YOUSG. March 20, 12 . tt new jivvus. f HISTORY of Braddock's Expedition; Autobiog. raphy of Dr. Charles CaldwelL - . ' Tho Softs of the Sires?a history of the rise,'progress, and destiny of the American party. The history of Mason's and Dixon's line; contained in an address 'delivered by Latrobo before the Hist Soc., of'Pennsylvania. ' ^ ,,-T ,> The Life and beauties of Fanny Fern ' Atherton, and other tales by Miss Mitford .Pocket Bibles, now editions; Testaments, Prayer Bbolcs, Diaries,' Alhmnacs and School Books. *< ' March 20? 2t. ' A. YOUNG. A Card. THE undersigned resp>ect fully informs those who. are indebted to him, that their bills have been made out for some time and are subject to their call at any time, either in exchange for the money, or a check which he will consider no trouble whatever to present for i>nyment I dislike to seem importunate', "my necessity and not my will" makes me (seem) so ; you ewe me and?you ought to pay me and that soon. I n-iii *11 dn no. Your wants. as heretofore uwpv J VW It will be attended to promptly if you will let me see that jou really appreciate my former attentions. ?Ftb 27?-t Z.4. DeHAT . SUMMER Clothing and Hats in a great variety of styles. Also, Fancy Linens Ac. tor Gentlemen's wear, just opening, at the *' Old Comer1' by March 13,?tf. E. W. BONNET. LADIES' Dress Goods in Black and colors, and every grade ot style and quality. Just opened at the "Old Corner" by E.' W. BuNNKY. March 13, ? 11 tf. R. B. JOHNSON, M. D. Oflfiee oa Broad Street, opposite Young's- Bookstore. CAMDEN, S. C. WM. WALTof S.HTTH. (succtsaott re rice nuns,) Tartfrti- and nommission Merchant. Central Wharves, Chiir(e*ton, 6' C. I take pleasure 4b recommending Mr. Smith to my friends in the country, and hope they will give him a share of that confidence 90 liberally bestowed on me the past ten years. . i Mr. Smith will continue to act as my Attorney in settling up my business. R. DUL1N. March 13 ' tf. IVcgrees t<?r Male. t WILL be sold, the first Monday in April next without reserve, filter*u or twenty likely young oeg-oes, good field bauds. Terms made ki.owu onday ?f safe. . Muivb 13,?1? Spring: Spring!! 1 I A&t now receiving hi the " OM manor" iny sup ply of Spring and Summer t.'oods They were selected with great care by myself in New York, and will be offered at smali profits. Persons wishing cheap 1 and pretty goods are invited to call and examine them 1 March 13,?tC E. W. Bo.YNBY. KERSHAW?111 Equity. McRa Brevard, ct al ) vs. > Bill to sell property, <?*c. Flora M. Brevard, eial) * "i Sale of Hotne and lot in Cam<fon. ' IN obedience to an order made in above stated case, dated February 9th, 1855, I will offer for sale at public outcry before the Court flouse door in CaurJen h. C.r on the first Monday in Apiil next, those town lots with the buildings thereon situated, at the comer ?f Fair and King Streets, in tho town of Cumdeu; and extending East to Mill Street, lately owned by Mis. Hornet C. Brevard, deed. Terms.?A credit of one year. I urchascrs to give bond with at least two approved and sufficient sureties, 1 and a mortgage of the property, said bond to bear 1 interest-from tho day of sale, payable annually until 1 the whole shall be paid. Purchaser to-pay for papers, fee. W. H R. WORKMAN, C E. K D. March 13, IK td. NOTICE. r - '? ? v THREE MONTHS from this date, application Will 1 be matte to the Bank of Camden S C. for the issue of new Certificates, No. 327, dated August 30th, ( 1837, for Two Shares, and No. 528, dated January 23d 1 1838, for One Share of said Bank of Camden Stock, 1 standing in the name of Est. Uanoah Mosee, the urigi- 1 nal being lost or mislaid. March 13?tf. ' -South Carolina?Kershaw District. IN .EQUITY. A. J. BELDEN and WIFE, vs. A. G. BASKIN. Sill to account Ac. IT appearing to ray satisfaction that Wm. C. Moore, one of the defendants to above stated bill, resides without the limits of this State, it is ordered that he do appear, answer, plead, or demur to the same with 1 tk?M> fnnm llio il.U n/ n!J I) I if-atidll hfirmf! I 4U ?UIW iUVUMil MVMJ ?UW x.?rv v* r- ..- . , - or an order to take tlio same pro. eonf&uo. will be en- i terod against him. < W. H. R. WORKMAN, C. Ti K. D. 1 March 6?tf. ? . ' Horse Taken Up. | A SORREL HORSE was taken up ns an E*trav, ? about five miles from Camden. Said Horse has i been foundered, and is about 15 years old. I For further information apply at this office. < March 13, ' 11 11 Sonlh>Carollua?Kertibaw District. : INEQUITY. j William A- Ancrum, Executor of Mary J. Davis, vs. , Charles H Davis Henrietta Duncan, late Henrietta < Johnson and Duncan, her husband, and benjamin Johnson, et. aL Bill tor Relief) Ac. I IT appearing to my satisfaction that Henrietta Dun- , can, late Henrietta Johnson and ? Duncan, her 1, husband, and Benjamin Johnson, all of whom are defendants, named in the Bill of Complaint, slated , above, are absent from and reside without the limits or MUSBUIO l/n DlOUUn UI Ml nomurxr, WV>V?V> I Tot complainant, it is ordered that they do plead, an- J awer, or demur to the laid Bill within three mouths from this day, or the same will be ordered pro. coulee o ijrainst them/1 W. H. R. WORKMAN, C. K. K. J). ' March 6?13 r.v ' Roads. ] THE Commissioners of Roada for Kershaw District will moot, on the first Monday in April in Cam- . den at 11 o'clock A. 41., at the office of Charles J. t 8hunon, Esq. COLIN McRAE, j Clerk of the Board oi Comm'ra. To Rent. . THE House and Lot on the Corner opposite the J Methodist Church. For terms apply to 1 March 20?3t W. E. HUGH iON. I ~J> INK-APPLE Cheese, Fresh Piokles, Ginger Pre- ' A aenres, Raisins, Citron, Extracts, Capers 4c., jaet opened at >he f* Old Corner" by ' , ^ V) BONNET/ f Attention Kershaw ^r6op. YOU are ordered to. meet at the Court House at 12 o'clock, on the 7th of April, to parade and li-dd an election for Comet Full attendance Is requested, i By order of Captain T. J. JON KS. E. E. A damsox, 0. S. - March 6-^5. , Notice. '. MR James I. ViHepigne is my authorized Agent during my absence from Camden, with whom ( my accounts and notes may be found until Hetnrn ? Dnv L. A. AUSTIN. Feb. 27. ' SHERIFF'S SAI.ES. BY virtne of sundty Writs of Fi. Fn. to me direc- j ted. I will sell on the first Monday and the day following, being the 2d and 3d days it? April next, be* ; . fore the Court House door in Cauideo, the following j property, to wit: i One House and Lot on the corner of Fair and Lnu- ' rens street, known as Lots No. 915 and 916. Also, the goods and merchandize, remaining in the Store, 1 consisting of Ready Made ChMb ng, Cloths Ac., and . j Household Furniture. Levied upon and to be sold ' as the property of P. Rubeusot. at the suit of E. Try- | on vs. P. Robertson et al Also, thirteen likely Negroes, levied upon and to be 1 sold as the property of John Lore, and J. J, Love, at ! the suit of the Bank ot Cnmden, S. C.. and-others vg. 1 John ft J. J. Lore. Terras cash. Purchasers'to pay ! for papers. . Also, one ratrle. levied upon and to be sold as the . property of Ela Copeland at the suit of H Holleyraan vb. Kla Copeland, E. BARNES, & K. D. March 13, 11 td. - Seutli Caroliua? Kembttw District. - ? ? ? i1 OFFICE CODBT OF OKSEIIAL. BEBSli'.io f AND OOUVOV PLEAS- j IM. NAUDIX. Clericof eaid Court, in purKiianee ^ of the directions ?f tlie Act of the Legislature, in .! such case made and provided, do hereby give public , notice, thnt an election for Clerk of the Court of j Common Pleas and General Sessions lor Kerelmw Dis- ( trict, will be held on Monday the 21 fit day of May next at the usual places of election ihioughoul tlie said District. Witness my hand at Camden this 16th day of March A. D. 1855. M. KAUI'lN, C. C. P. A G S. March 20, 12 4L Administrator's Notice, , ALL persons having demands against K. S. M<>f* j tat,<deeeased. are requested to hand "them in properly attested. A. d. KENNEDY, Adm'r. March 6?if. ' LO! I COHE AGAH JAS. P TIBBKITS returns his Rineere thanks to of Camden and vicinity for the libe* ral patronage he has heretofore teceivetj. and also takes this mode of informing them that he lias again taken liis old rooms over the Post Office, where lie is """ ,,,J *?? "* a??r1 ull wIirt m-ip dadipA Ul'W ICUUy SAJ nail '' 'J aui wuu > - . iiiioj -v .. v h perfect Likeness of iliemsidvesor Iriends. Call soon for iny stay is abort t . March 6?ill > . Horse Stolen. TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD.?Stolen from the subscriber'* place. lliddleton Swamp, eight roile> from 'he Viliage of Orangeburg, on Tliwrsday. the 14th ultimo a large GREY HORSE, abiuit 16 to 17 hands high : has a mark on hind foot caused by the cnlliug of a rope : he ie about-ten yearn old A reward of $H>0 will be paid for his recovery. The said Horse was stolen by one William Clovd. Said Word is about 6 feet 8 inches high, weighs about 135 |>oun.i8, has dark li >ir nn I whiskera, crippled a little in one of his leet and hips he is nea-ly bald on the lore part of his head Has a brother at Marion Court House, and when la>r seen was making his way towards Columbia. A reward of $100 will be paid for the recovery of the Horse and $100 for the apprehension of ihe loief. March 6?3. II. S. SNKLL Orangeburg C. If. South Carolina?RerdiaH' Didrirb IN EQUITY. j John U. rnjratii Execiuor. vs. Banyan Panic, ct. 3] Bill lo s?ttn the '..slate <-f Uaciiel Leivrli, de- 1 leased, &c. IT nppenrinjr to uiv satisfaction that tlv Represents- ( tiws of Zachariah Payne, deceased, to wit: ,vr ahelaws Pnvne, Jr.. Zachariah Payne. Nicholas Pavnc, * and Samuel Pa. ne, the u-i.low and children of .1- hn ^ Payne, deceased, n?ines unknown, and the widow j (and her present husband) and the children of Daniel j Payne, deceased. names not krown. and Mary l'ayne, widow ot Kphaim Pa*ne. Also the repre entatiees of Paniel Payne, deceased, to wit: Banyan Pa rp<-. Daniel M Iter, A. B. Bonds and wife, Elizabeth; Abnltam Aleay and wife Nancy. Also the representatives of Mary Payne, deceased, to wit: the children of Mrs. McCartney, four daugh- ' tere, and Arvis Izz-li. ,th.- husband of one and? { Moore, the husband ot another, and one son. the I names of the daughters and son not known. I Also the representa-ives of Naomi Riyne. deceased, I to wit: Hannah H, Stewart and her three children, f James Harvey Stewart. Anna K. ^tewa-t, and Caro- 1 line L Stewart, Wade Mopkitu. Keziah Hopkins, Al- 1 pxnnder Stewart. DanM Stewart and -lames Stewart, i and the children and huabaud of Car 'line Dobbins, I name- unknown. Also the representatives of Keziah Payne, deceased, to wit: ? Evans and Elizabeth Evans, his wife. Also Richard Sam iel ITsserv and Charles Evans Cssery, Tames Truesdel' and his wito Mary, and Banyan Payne, administrator of Zaehanah Payne, deceased, ] i)f Wilie Payne, deceased, ai,cl of Elizabeth Belts, de ] ceased. Deteodunts to the above stated Bill reside without the limns of this State On motion of Canton, ( complainant's Solicitor, it i ordered that they d an- < swer, plead or demur to toe sane, within three ] months from the date of publico ion liere- f, or an order to take the same. pro. con'ewo. will be en'ered ] igaiuitthem. W. H. It. WORKMAN, C. E. K. D. ] March 6?tf I ro THE PHYSICIAN'S SOUTH < CAROLINA AND ALL WHO I'SE ] LIQUOR AS A MEDICINE OR AS A BEVERAGE. ( I3FIYSICI VNS who presci'il>e Alcoholic Liquors foi j medfoiual purpose* ahould /ive the piefeience 1 o WOLFE'S AROMATIC SOU I EDAM SCHNAPPS. \ I 1. It is nmnufaetnred at Schiedam, in Holland, and J ixclusivfiy in the factory of the-p-oprietor, hy pn- . jesses and from mute ial rlwwhere unemployed und ( tnown. -* ] 2. It is proved hy the'ep -atcd analysis of several t >minent chemists. !? be entirely free from the perni- 1 ;i?ua fusil oil wldeh remains in every kind of i q?n>r ]istille<l from grain. fln l which is the cause of nervous tnd visceral derangement, serious congestion; and morbid desire for habitual and intemperate indulgence which such liquors n variably tend to superinduce.. . , 8. It is proved l?y the same unerring teata that the t [ fJin i? not flavored with the euCrvf). neid an I ndigcstihte nil of Juuipei heretofore used. i.ut. wiili ! v die specifically lighter, more volatile, aromatic and | nedicinal of the two. esscntiul oil of the Italian jutii- ! f>er berry, neglected by every other manufacturer, j ,4. It is chemically proved to be absolutely pure in | . its rectification?* quality obtained by an entirely | i new process and which no other Holland Gin in the ; c world has acquired. . * i " 5. It ie proved by extensive medical experience and ' ^ testimony, to be an efficient a- well as an agreeable i * remedy in many com* of incipient dropsy, grfttcl, ! chronic gout, flatulence, rheumatism, Colic, concretions j 1 in the kidney and bladder, dysi?e|?fin. fever and agth\ general debility, sluggish cji eulatinn of the blood, de- 1 ficient assimilation of food and exhausted vital ener- g ?y- ' J It is a roost grateful and renovating cordial, and 1 when nsed as directed, never inflames the svatem or I induces inehrity, but tends rather to snbdne the Utter frailty, creating a dislike to all inferior liquors And it invariably corrects the ill effects of bad water ' whether in swampy or limestone districts. In all of ! these enuumerated qualites, it has no rival in any mar ! r ket in the world. . j't It it sold in Charleston, S. C. bv the following firms: ! P. M. COHEN A CO.. HAVILAND, HARRAL A CO.. A. KLESICK A CO, A VON DOULBN, LANNEAU. I' kBURCKMYER. NEI SON CARTER, KLINCK A * WICKENBEHG, JOHN P. O'NEILL. THOMAS E. 3LTDE, FOLLIN A FOURGEAD, and bv all the re- I loectable Di ugg'tU and Gr?>cer? in the ifnited State*, t v UDoLPHO WOLFE, i 8ole Minnfacturer and Importer, ' t 18, 20 A 22 Beaver-street New York c Aft JO ' Is. i A * JFor Ssile or Rent, MT fWttfer residence in the lower part of Camden; a most delightful winter residence Apply to nd nl the "Old Corner" lor terms 4c. Jan, 9,?rf.. . K. W. BONNEY. itii Invitation IS extef/dcd to till persons ind hted to T. J. Workttluii, T. 4 15. Workman, or T. J. Workman & Co., sither by n -te or open aocount, to call and settle the iflnie without delay. T J. WORKMAN & Co. Idticc? VJ.L persona indebted to the estate of Samuel Benson are requested to call and j>aj, as longer ndnlgenoe cannot be given. . Jail, BO. J. UU IN L.A I', Auni r. FOB SALE' THAT valoable plantation on Wateree River, Into, the property of Zack Cantey and wife and formerly belonging to the Estate of Adamson, containing wme thirteen hundred ucres, bounded North by Dr. Salmond's plantation and the estate of John Chesnut, south by Edward B. A damson's plantatioa. east by SpriDgdale, and west by Wateree River. On the place ire all the necessary buildings, two mills, gin-bousc, icrew, etc.. a la'rge body of lands cleared & tinder fence, in a good state for cultivation, and a large body of well timbered uplands contiguous to the settlement. For terms applv to either ot the undersigned. J HN O^NTFT, . JAMES CANTBY, ' Exr'sof J no. Cantey, SenJan ' 2 tf. NOTICE. THE desirahlo location and place of residence of A. 0 Buskin, Esq , on Broad street, near the upper ? ..InoKlu nofftn mrla itnn Mrl'M pUPIir Oliu Ttti<?aviv MV|?<" PS" ?~t ? years. the other five years of age, are offered for sale. The negroes are sold for no fault, but that they may remain about Camden, where their parents live. If the house and negroee are not disposed of by private sale belbre the first Monday in Murch next, they will then l?e offered at the Court House for sale at public outcry. ROBERT BRYCE, Trustee. Ja*uury D, 1855. 3?If Estate of Johu Trueadcl. VLL persons having demands against the Estate of John Trnesdel. deceased, are nutitied to present them within the time prescribed by law; and those indebted to tlto said Estate will make payment on or before the (iret ol January, as a speedy settlement will be required. J. TRUK8DCL, J. C. HAILK, Dec. 19?3ib. Executors. schedule: r ~ Mail and Passenger Trains. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD COMPANY. ijtuvn I hiu h'Stoii 7 a. m. Arrive at Kingaville 2 p.*m; CoJurob'a S.45 p. iii.; Camden 6 p. m. Leave Charleston 7 p. m. . A,'iie.,,>r K'm.rvville t.JIOiLra.: Columbia 6.30 a. > ?' L? .v.- Charleston 8 u. m. and 4.45 p. m. Arriv al Augusta 4 p. iu. and 4.8<> a m. Leave Columbia 7 u. in. and 4 p. m. A-riv. at Charleston 3 p. in. and 4 am. Arrive al Augusta 4 p. m. aud 4.30 a. m. Leave Columbia 12 a. in. Arrive at Kiugsvillc 1.30 p. m. and Camden 5 p. m. l eave Augusta 6.30 a. m. and 6 p. m. Arrive at Charleston 2.30 p. m. and 6.50 a. to. \reive at Kiugsville 2 p.'ui. and 4.30 a. m. Aniw at Columbia 3.45 p. m. urn' 6.30 a. m. Arrive Ht Camden 5 p. m. le'HW Camden 6 a. in. Arrive at (Jhnrl?stoii 3 p. m.; Columbia 10.50 a. m.; Augusta 4 p.m. IlfclNltV T l'EAKK, Jja. tiS?if. a Genl. Snp't. J\SK signed wi'l continue in sell goods at the . !-s '' hi the most favorable terms for .#f irrtc yeiu " 'ho th.?v" icrme vvili j. -iTi . io;oi| *\iih. and no goml-soid lor a long l me. Pi-s wis who have been indebted for 24 of Ifi in-;icii? ar-- carneMly requested to pay up by the nidiile of February. Those who disregard this notic ril! most certainly tind their notes and accounts in th lands of r,n attorney for collection, if not arranged bo ore return day. E. W. BONNKY. I-- a i use 1 tf 0Oil. w? io??a * FRESH GARDEN SEEDS ! JUST received from the house of David Landrcth, Philadelphia. a largo mid well-selected assortment if GARDEN SEEDS. cooKistingr. :a part, of the folowiug varieties, viz: >argr glotK* artichoke, Early refugee " >tig bioud l>eet. Long green cucumber, Iwamp Early frame cucumber, brVIiite sugar ** ' Green cluster " led ??. " Gherkin " ixtra early turnip beet, Large purplo egg plant, virly York cabbage, Nntiueg melou, " May " Turk's cap citron melon, " Dutch ' Silver skin onion, " drumhead" Bell |iepper, ' sugar-loaf" Sweet mountain pepper, " Savoy " Cayenne " L^rge York ' Brown Dutch lettuce, jaie drumhead " Green Cos " ' Dutch " Early cabbage " Juried Savoy " Large " " Jrcen Glazed " lee head " T. J U1.. -.^1 iWU 1 uiuu inr piciv gu^ai pniouip, [ling Long Salmond radish, Long Col lards. ' scarlet Long orange carrot, Red turnip u B&rly horn " White" " White solid celery. Black Spanish 44 Cauliflower, Round spinach salsify,or vegetable oyster Early Washington peas, Karly b ish squash, " Charlton " Crook-necked marrow " Prince Albert 44 Large red tomatoes, Extra early " Small " " I^rge marrowfat " Large pear aliap'd " Black-eyed " 44 fiarly Dutch spring turnip. Dwarf blue imperial 44 tied hip ,4 44 Royal dwarf 44 Vdam*' early corn, Knight's tall 44 Curled parsley. Six.weeks bush beans, Large Lima beans, China red-aye ,'mall *' or Snow " Early Mohawk 44 ied valeutino 4* " Rachael 44 T.J. WORKMAN k CoJanuury 4th, 1865. ? 2tf t.'xecutor's Notice. VLL persons having demands against the estate of Roddick Mosaicv will hand thorn in, properly atested. on or before the first day of April next, othervise this notice will be plead in bar of payment. 2-3tr. C. M03ELEY, Execntor. NOTICE. VI.!. pcieon- indebted to tho subscriber are requested t-> toil] and settle. 1 will b* glad to sell ail iiv f: i.-nds and customers on short time (with the exoption <>f siu-h articles a* corn, bacon, flour, lard, etc.) nd for such articles I must have cash or I cannot sell. ["he subscriber also Hdds that such persoi s as have >een running accounts with him and have not paid he loe* not desire to Keep account* with, ana he is amy williutr t*> m'll to such as pay him promptly. I also five notice that all persons wiio owe me prior .. first .far uury last, unlets they come and make some atisfactory arrangement, by the 16th March, next, heir pa|>era will be platted in the hands of W Thurlow ?asr?Hi, Esq., (ot collection. Jan. Itt,?tf. ROBERT LATTA. Imported Tooth Brashes. I"M1B subscriber hoe received per steamer "Baltic" direct from Paris an Invoioo of Tooth Brushes, < nanufa. tu ed expressly to order, to which he iuvitea be attention of his friends and customers. Mar.-h 20.?if, Z, J. DxHAY. Fr s1; Drugs and Medicines. 1^11 K MiiiwTtber begs leave to call the attention of the pnhlio to tho bet that he m now receiving his ipring stock of Medicines, Chemicals, Ac., and will ise his former effort* to insure a sliare of their patron* uro. hoping ut the -ante time the.r will be as punctual o settle up At the appointed time as he will betoezesute their orde-a. Z. J. DxHAY. Marofetu, U Mr AH.RIV SPR1MG rI"'HE underpinned erenow ret-eivinzand opening Cns< X BARAGE DE LAINS?various prices. PLAIN AND FJlrQKKl* BAREGE/ . FIGURED AND PLAIN 7ISSUJ3 MOURNING BVRKGfc? A .FRENCH PKiX'iS. < isi /n if^ /ffii n in L5SI3S, M?I MB fifij HALF HOSE, FOR LADIES, MITTS AStt 0***8 (SoM&fffl, UiadlisirslfBOTOSj <S The above named GOODS wiil be cold . ery low For C March 27?tf. BA.DM 4 ISH Iliilflf The most splendid STOCK and tibe L Also BLACK AND COLORED?with a-largo assortment of RIBS All of which maybe found at BAUM <k IS] March 27?tl. (lOTIIIVO. fLOI'll FOR HEN ? 'JpHE largest Stock of Clothing' mid the Cheapest you March 27?tl. f STRAW" ~^"0U will find a large Assortment, by calling on March 27?'/. TT7E have just received a new style of GERMAN W( VV SavEK? E With a good many Fancy Articles, JB /^k.1 March 27?tf. Consumption, Consumption, Consumption csn be Cured !! DR. ROGER'S LIVERWORT, TAR AND CAN- < CilALAUL'A has rescued its multitudes from the t grave. Do you ask for the evidence f THEN CALL ON THE AGENT, and get a phumplet; a newspa !- a 11 a.. If I?? fliA Pumniilasf. Villi per in iuo oniuii i<r uiniuiui vnv j will find well authenticated canes of individuals who were, in very deed, rescued from the grave. for they wi-re upon tin* very verge of it, and given up to die by ' our best Physicians and most skillful Medical Professors, ' when the Liverwort and Tar came to their rescue, an-1 1 delivered them ba>-kto then- friends. Although many of the cures seem almost incredible, yet they are not ' -bscure ; we have given -heir real names and their < ejta t pla<e of residence, so that they may be seen. 1 and ihe fa<t-heard from their own months These i c:resRie 'itltv corroborated by Phyicians and Prof re tnrrs of Medicine who are well known ami are ul he highest standing i> our land, who have been com ' pelled to yield to these stubborn facts : no one can j DISPUTE SUCH EviOENCE. I WWe Challenge the Whole World! To produce more real bona fide evidence, in any enure of justice, than we have in favor af this raedi- ' cine! 11 We defy the PI ysicians of every school, and all < Mo/t;..inoa tlmt have ever Iwen invented, to nro- < duce evidence of sucli remarkable cures as have been made by Dr. ROGER'S LIVERWORT, TAR and " CANCHALAGUA. WE CONFIDENTLY ASK TIIE AFFLICTED (Not (o Pnrclia?c our fllcdiciuc*,) ; But to examine our I'ampldet, and see for them- j selves, whether the evidence is as convincing as we j say it is ; if so, it may prove a GREAT BLESSING TO YOU. It Costs bat little to give it a Fair Trial. Compared to what a Physician charges?but little when compared to what you value your health 11 What is the value of money without health f BEWARE Ot COUGHS AND COLDS! \ 1 Recollect that coughs and colds are the foivrun- ' nere of Consumption! i?R. ROGER'S LIVERWORT, ^ TAR mid CANCHALAGUA will break up the most 1 distressing cough or cold in a few hours' time In * many cases of years' standing, a r dical cure has I?. . u.. i oeen enwien III a verv piiuu uiur */j annul iviiun- | ing the directions. We doubt not but there are now . * THOUSANDS OF LITIHG WITNEsSES!! ! Who would have been in their graves if they had not used this medicine, arresting the disease betore it be* came too late! f Who are those who hove certified to the great value of this medicine t You will litnl the names of such men as Hon. JliiiGli W.Vb BURKK, lute Post j master of Cincinnati for more than twenty years ; J C. W. STARBHCK. Ksq., Proprietor of thel'incinuA 5 ti 1 *ai1y Times: Kon. JOHN A CoLLINS, lute j Agent and Lecturer of the Grand Division of il?e Sons of Tetnpeftince of Ohio ; Rev. HliNRY WISH- jj MAN, and the attending Physiciun, Dr. It. It. WIL- > SON, of Patriot, (tallica Co, Ohio; II. K. DRAKE, t E?q , D'Utfi^st of high rtniiding. ot Aeniu, v.; J, w. 11IER0MMUS. and hia attending I'll?aician, W. W. FRENCO, of Hollands^ tt'gh, l>arke County, Ohio; E. B.TAYLOR, Eeq Editor of the Greenville Patriot ; JOHN MELENDY, E*q.. and D. K. LEAV1TT, Eeq., I'eacons of the Vine-Street Congregational Church, Cincinnati. Ohio. k < FEOM MAJOR VAN BUREN, ' i dhotm Kit ok MARTIN VAN MURKS. EX PRESIDENT OF THE I AITCD STATES. J Ki.ndkbiuhik, N. V. Sept. 20th, 1853. t Mb. A. L. Scoviii?!>eai Sir: Havingoccasion to I ' dm an Expectorant and Oongh Remedy winter, I 1 woe recommended i?y the tie v. Mr. Tiffany, of this fl pluce, to try the Liverwort, Tar and Chanchalagua, I 1 did an, and think 1 was greatly benefitted by it, and * do HEARTILY RECOMMEND IT TO OTHERS as a Cough Remedy. L VAX BURKS. Kimdkhiiook, N. V , Sept. >20, 1668 I fully concur iu the above statement. FRF.D. T. TIFFANY. Rector of the Episcopal Church. CTWOULD IT BE POSSIBLEjg: for such men of bo high aUmiiiig to bo induced to to- , ucivt the poor consumptive ! | STBe ure and ask for Dr. Rogers' Liverwort; I ji Tar and Canehulagua, and let no <Kber be palmed ^ a upon you. For?ale by ti SCOVIL ?k MEAD, 111 Chartrea at, between Conti and St. Louis, N. 0. Sole Agents for the Sontheiu Suites, to whom all orders and applications for ageucien must be uddreaaed. Sold aleo by Z. J DcIlAr and T. J. Workman <fcC>., i Camden ; MauiLi. ti. I1c\tii, Lanniater; WiNorusTKn a Stitt, Monroe, N. L\; Fi?iIkb <fc EliciNirsu, Columbi ?ab> iO?t mo. fa' f AL g ?r of G0< iDS, consisting of ? * -f-JJ vifiK. N * Sl> TISSUES. ' ' LilXCrlfA S Ai\D L W 8. MISSES AND CHILDREN/. fW A L Ir t 5h<5smfe(544$s swfi ILiMoSo wbl'lo all who will favor u? \ a call. ' '* '* A EL, 2 doora above '.Vorkmun A Co/eSboeSforc. * " 11 ' ?- / utetf STYUv of' IK>NNETS. op ,?tS> 10K, IAEL, 2 doocs above Workman & Co.'a Shoo Store. I V* *' / KM, CLOTHim LND BOYS. . 7 will fi-id. by calling on BAUif A ISRAEL. '2 doora above Workman Jk Co/sSlici^Store. HATS. ~ BAUil A ISRAEL, Two doors above Workman A Co.'i Shoo Store - 1 )RKED : ' VLJUVK. 4Mz. ISKtALE:iLi* Two doors abovo Workman A Co.'a Shoe Store. Notice. ALL perrons having demand* against the Estate; of CAROLINE DOBBINS and WARREN STEWART, deceased, will present them duly attest ;d. and those indebted will make immediate pavmen1 ,r> me. THOS, J. OADTII EN, Feb 6?tf. , TAXES. N'OTICK is hereby aiven. that I will openT5ook9. oi the 24th day of February next, ai n\y store ir yum leu. for collecting the Tuxes'or 1854. and wll ittend at the following places on th Hollowing day* tbi he same purpose. un Monuay, reoniary zo. ui uioeny uui, <>n. * up lay, the 27th of Fehran j at Flat R-n-k; on Wednes lay, n e 28th of Febrau y. at Bo:futn;? <?n riiursday lie 1st of March, at Liz< ys; on i'ri i ?r the 2d o Mari-'i ,?t Sc!ir<ick'st Milt: i. ."a'oarf <' t f March . : ?r*t.i!i> Mills. .ifier 11 it- atjovenaai- t ri<r.-- . i iiv.itfittf HtOaiudet lntill the tir>t day of May n?xt. ni wtiicli limb th< Books Will positively be closed, and nil delaultersdoubli axed. HENRY PATE, T. C. K. D. Feb 6?tf i Notice. ?... 1MIE Subscriber earnestly calls upon all indebted l< tht Estato of K. S MOFFAT, either by not# o i|>en account, to make payment; long indulgence :annot be given. A. ii. KENNEDY, Adm'r. March G?tf. Notice, i ALL persons indebted to the Estate of the late B W. GIBBONS, will make payment to W rhurlow Castoti, Esq., as t e papers ul the Estate arc n his hands. And all persona who have demand: igainst the Estate will give him uotice of-the s-ime. Feb 27 B. F. EDWARDS, Adm'r. HEAD QUARTERS 22d. BEGIMENT, S. C. RI. 24th Febrcxbt, 1855/ ORDER KO. IN pursuaucc of an order from Colonel Richard An derson, commanding Fifth Brigade South Caro ina Militia, an election is hereby^ordeted to be hek it Camdou, on Friday the Gth'day of April next, foi Brigadier Gene-ia! of the Filth Brigade, to fill the va rancy occasioned by the resignation of Brigadiei General Samuel R Chandler. Lieutenant Colonel T. J. Warren and Captain B rones as e detailed to set as managers. By order o Jolonel Tavlor. W. R. TAYLOR* Adjutant. Feb 27?6 South-Carolina?-Keraliaw District - IN EQUITY. , ' v Win B. Fletcher vs. Jas. Summerville-. Bill foi ale of Real Estate. [T appearing to my satisfaction that Henry SchroeV Joseph Schrock, Mary, wife of ? Burns, Phillff Jcliroclc and his wife Nancy ; Anthnries Purnance ami lis wife Elizabeth, James F. Summerville, George W >unimervjlle, Dsvid Summerville, Samuel Hood and lis wifo Eliza, Robert Cunningham and ids wife Mary. a ?l.!i -1J U IT D..L^ /-* If ~ A.rCiiU'aiU owu tiuu ismcj uwu, ivuwi i \S. iiuvtaiu ind wi(e Aun. are absent from and reside beyond tbli imits of this Slate. It is. therefore ordered that they lo nppoar, answer, plead and demur, to the said Bill villiin three tuontlis from the date of publication 01 his hotice, or an order to take said Bill pro confesso, viil be entered against them. W. H. R. WORKMAN, C. K. K. i>. March 6?tf. South Carolina?Kershaw District. - IN EQUITY. ' - ' Alexander McDonald, vs. Daniel Hearon, et al. Bill or Specific Performance of Agreement. [T appearing to my satisfaction that Vincent Delk and his wife P<>lly;,Isaao ileuroti, J.isliua Hearin Emanuel Hearon. William Skinner, James Skinit and John Ski-mer, defendants to the above at?ued iill r. aid.- without the limits of this State. On md inn of Oaston, complainant's solicitor, it is ordered hat thev do appear, answer, plead or demur to the aroe within throe months from the date of pubtica ion hereof, or an order to take'the same pro. confeMo. rill he entered against them. W. H. R. WORKMAN, C. R. K. D. Marcli 6?tf Sugar*. A FINK assortment of Spnni-h Sotrars may be fV foil rid at WO It K M A N 'S Drag' Storo J.1 uwtc. 4 LL persona having claims against the Estate of B t\ W; <41BKONS. deceased will hand them in irop. rly attested, acc dinji to law. and those indebted, re called upon for imined.a'e payment. The condition o''tho estate is such. that prompt aciou must be tuken for its spttemeot. B. F. EDWARDS, Administrator. Feb 6?tC .. ,. Notice. . J- > n .4 Lf. person-1 baring demands against the estate of lV. Joab Cotton, deceased, will present 'Item, duly ttested, an 1 those in (o"ted will make lATment to ItOSKRT B '''TPON, Executor..v Janua.y S3, 135i. 3i?AaJiaiD msviviBiB* _ _ - 'V f.- ?7 . ' t fmaat, w JVot ai Par(ik:Io iu H, :. i^JT THE . RFAD AND PONDEflil ' *n'lnitf< iUU? K?tuAly turfcwnftjliy King's lvfril,, Ob>1ii ale (..uhtneoua'KinptiohvP4AipjW' oatnlc uu :Jif Fiot,- Blotehce, IWIs, Agtle mik! Paver. t lintuftr $ >*? Kjre-, Bfii* WyioO or 'l'fft i 1 iVail, Kiiglurgenieot flittr fifty q? i He" Jtonei . Joint*? StvbWirit' tHe^nt, SifdtUifii; Ifcoriler*, Lttftb ' Iwgo, Spinal 'Coinpluwile, mid iiif Drifts arising'''. ' * from an injudicious u?u ot MercOi// ifripiidefltaySfy/y ' life, or impurity of the Blood. 'V _ ^ f. Z^jT This great ^Iterative medicine asd % llie !>! cd is un'w u?ed i?y tfirwmiKfe of grateful *# ' tieiits frii-ii M-parla ??!' the United Slate*. who teaWty- s l.iit?t Jit i"e'uari:a'>le cures performed bylkegfei&'J. i-at'T.f uii nie "CarlerS ^pQMi^h All*' rlLi'i'." >e'.i: algia, Blir'iraatisni, Scrofula,. tinni on (In Skin, l.iver idfynrea, Fever* uffcpn^f (>ld rvifrt, Affl'ct?on.? of tiie-JuilitOys, Diseases of tlwi i In out, IcmhIc ?'ompluitits, Bjtins (iiid Aching of $ liones and J.'infe, lire fpi:e'Jjly'|>ut to flight jjjr using iRia^reiU and ifiestwuible YiJJncdy'.> For all diH*u-e> of the Blood, nothing lias yet been foilii>] to compare with it. . It cb-fttises the Of: nil impufiti *. net? gently arid effloifntly/on' finfcf*.Liver it ml Kidneys, strougtiien'a l.lie Digest ion, etvrts> toijeto (lieSto"i;irl?.iiiukes thfc akih elcar aodhean^Ty^ lit id rest.ii e's the CotiMilfttion, on feezed by dWaSfrof broken down by the excesses of yoittfc, w toprfib? tine vigor and strength. ' f: For the Ladies, it ii? incomparably better than aft* the cosnigties ever tufjed. A fe* doves of Cartafe? ^pnni.di Mixture will remote all auflowftes of -sftjih v*? plexinn, bring the rosea mhntling to Use dieek, elasticity to tlw> sle?, and Improve the general health . m u remarkable degree, beyond all the medithttf7 ever heard of. .. , J.':' The largo, number of certificates wht?& *e received finim jiereona Fr< m ail parts of .tbef Untied^ states, is the best evidence that there la np humti!^;; about it. The press, hotel keepers, magistrates, physicians and public ruen, well known to :: all add their testimonv to the wonderful effecbrSrj' * ' this GREAT BLOOD PUIWFIEB. Call on the Agent and get a Circular and Almanac,' and rend the wonderful cures th? truty^ all medicinesdius |ieiformed. y None genuine unless signed BENNETT & BEERS, r>-?r? Kr, ft P^m l.ntri-#r. Richmond. Ysa to r whom all orders, for supplies aud^ agencies xmwt J*' addressed. [ And for sale by WM. 8. BEEBS * Co.,Propri?te^^' Ri hraond, Va. T* RICE dtTHOMfeON^cmterville* - " ;V.>' BUATWIUOI1T <t BARKULCK). Z. J. DtHAY'sudT. J. WORKMAN, Camd?fc&:, 1 M .rch 20. y: 1 DOCTOR HOOFLAND'S r C ELEBRATED . . , . 0 ermaii Bitters, B?ao IT v: '*?; DR. C. X. JACZUV, ZftUaft., fa jf' * f WILL arrCCITAI.LT COM- r; liter coMPLiiirr, DT8PBPSW,, jACMwas, Ckrovie or Jftrvot 1 . Kidntft, and all Anmh anting fnm fFwir'-V-' *** 2 mrdmnd Littr or StowntM. ' ' oueh asConsti.ation, Inward Piles, ' FitHnuaa nf Ulxv) tA til# ' 4 Head. Acidit\ of theSlrcach, * Nuubea, Heartburn, Diaguti for Food, [ Fulness or weight i? tb? Stomach, Sow >? ' Eruptions, Si u king or Fluttering nt the Pit of>. the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried,;?,' Difficult Breathing,Fluttering at the IIeiirt,Cb ing or Suffocating S- nsations, when in a tying Portute^c Dimness of ViaJon,I)cJ?or Webs before t lever and dull Pain in tbalicad, Dtficienejr i. of Per-pimtioDj Ye.lownees of the Skin and- Eyes. Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Li Im, etc^ Sudden Flntbcs of ? Ilea' Bui ni g in tlie Flesh, - x Constant Imagining* of . ( - Eril, and great . 1 -*v Deprcsaiou of . Spirits. In attributing such valuable Medical prnpertuata th'.s remedy, no rath or unwarrantable ttaertinr it . made, hut is simply stated a fact; proven undents bly ami conclusively l?y the extraordinary tulSi,M4l 1 benefits derived fi??u ita ute, under the directioflof r its illustrious originator. Dr. Hooflundi aJ?oDg<au . classes of European society and from the icraxtiM r mass of testimony, front nil |*rtaof the American ea?r tiiieut, accumulated during the last ten years, in the hniuU.of the p' vscnt proprietor. The prevalent of . 1: ...... ?.. ...I.;,.I. lit.. Itr... ....... Ri!ni-n adantMl tiS I l\r ? invar ' \?? i- . ? Mtw ; .is with sorrow nv say it, is almost universal, indent' there t? scarcely a family throughout the whole exteut of our country in which there cannot be fonftd among its members thnt peculiar sallow end languid appearance,denoting a diseased Lirer, or an traadft' ted and suffei ing Dy-peptie. " \ Then of what immetise importance to this class of invalid*. that n certain and reliable remedy should be placed within their rcaclr; one in whjph no baneful . or- injurious drug enters into its composition ; a retnedy on which the patient can rely with the utflMft confidence and certainty nnJ I* assured from act tiki and tangible proofs.that the niticle he is uaing,r?*Uj? fiosiesaca the virtues Attributed to it 'Sucha remedy itf'" ffoofland's German BiUers." Thousands of doUai* have been rx|ien<!ed in its manufacture and ddhehfi' throughout all parts of this continent, and the $M?,. prietorfcels the greatest satisfaction in there is no State, County or even Village xbuMfrillft Medicine has been introduced, that the** award Ve" ' iound numbers willing, to testify to ita autoes.. *' It is used constantly in the practice of ft lhfgec number of the most prominent physicians ift, wfte I eouutrv. who have also added their, written ttltMM ny. if) ?-vi?l-noe of its-great virtue*. In eoneigtifby then. we wnuM respecttnlly auk of atHhneo *flnfee<& f. with .any <?f the ahove disenae*. lagive the fitter* ? trial, ami n*t assured it will.neve^ 6a regretted, fa proof ??f the s-oitementa al>6>0 teodb? all ara invited to read alien1 ively. the *l JtferaorahUb." or "Jftac&al ItecerjH B?ok?" for Formers *nd Families. containing f a great number of useful'** in addition to tit; , test imony, in favor of the Bitteii. fronrths moat prom* inent nnd well-known indtvidnaia, in all parte oft he i Union' All agents for the Bitters are authorised to distribute the " Iteseipt Book "'giytuitootjj.. . Prim-ipal office ooU XasuJhetorv, liu Philadelphia, Pa. _ ." $? T-if For sal: wholesale by Ihaggist* In all the principal cities, and at retail by apothecarier.'Aod atoro>. keepers in everv toga in the United State* and Cana* 1 X. /VI dft, T. >1 nvjiftiunii|? vfluiuru. Miller ?t BRrrroif, Siimtenrillo; BoATWtiejir 4 Bj?> KL'loo, Columbia. March 20. South CaroTiua?Kershaw District. . 15 EQUITY. p Ex Fare Wiley .1. MelCain and Anna AdeOa, Me wife, v? W. G. Kern edy, et uk Petition to exchange and substitute negroes. IT appearing to my satisfaction that William K EK. vin and Sarah, his wife, defendants to the above stated Petition, reside without and beyond the Hatha of this Ruts. It is ordered on motion of 81?aiiiHls. ^ Stilfciror for Petitioners, tltat they do appear, plead. ? ?. Paiitlm itliin ihraa months from the dot* of publioeUou hereof, order t? fake the ?nt pro. confreeo, Wgl b? MtNli . ^0EWKW:j.' : * k?R4-6-ft ? '' ^ *