The Camden weekly journal. [volume] (Camden, South-Carolina) 1853-1861, February 20, 1855, Image 4

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THE COURT. .. j American Society In llie ciay* of Washington \-J with "21 Portraits of distinguished Women. 1 vol! 4to. $12.00 " o e i>^f? UOWncu it uaiis vi dmiwii > v Heads Female Poets of America, Romance of AmericanLandscape, The Pnrabiesof tho New Tostnment practically unfolded with elegant illustrations. Farables of Krummnchor, with illustrations,' / . ; Bow in,the Cloud, or Covenant of tiie Alllicied. .T Jerusalem and its Vicinity, by Oldenhcimer, ~ Poetical works of Montgomery, Moore, Byron, Scott, "Wads worth, \c. Cliicora and other Regions ol tho Conquerors and tho Conquered, The Romance of Nature, V. Geaw of Boauty ; Lent lets of Momoryt The Amaranth, Keepsake, Magioha,' Casket, Garland, 1c, Southward Ho!; Id* May; The Newaboy. Dec. 19,?tf. "A. YUUNG. - Town Taxc*. - ?i 3 ' : ORDERED, tliat the Recorder advertise that tho Tax Bgekwbeiooging to tho Town of Camden will ho opened'dtf the fifteenth day of Juuunry 1855, fortKepurpose oF'eollccting the Taxes; und that the said Books will bo kept open until' (lie first day of March ensuing, at wlncit timo tney win ue ciuaeu mm all defaulters dealt with according to law. ' JWn. 9,?' C. n. DAVIS, Town Reeorder. NEW BOOKS., fl"\H?NGS as tltejr aro in America, by Wm. Chambers. A Brushwood, picked up on the Continent, or last summer's trip tothe'OH World, by Orrillo Horwitz. . Na Motu, or Reel Roviugs in the South Seas. ""V Romantic Incidents of the Queens of England. Lives of the Queens of England before the Norman Conquest, by Mrs. llnll. Leila Ada; What Not; Prido of Life. Kuth Hall; Songs of Zion; Zion Songster. Bible Rcadiug Book ; Taylor's Travels in Afrioa. General Notions of Chemistry, translated from the French work of Peluze aud Freney. Newsboy; Lamp Lighter; Fashion and Famine. ' Capt Cannot; Vincent Nolto. Life of Barnum A ' Annuals, Almana c and for 1855. Jan. 1,?tf. A. YOUNG. -m nndor8lgned~will continue to acll goods at the X " Old Corner" on the most lavorablo terms for cash, or on * credit of one year. The abovo terms will bo strictly complied with, and no goods sold for a longer time. Persons who havo been indebted for 24 of 36 months are earnestly requested to pay up by the middle of February. Those who disregard this notic vrittmostcertaiuly find their notes and accounts in th hands of ah attorney Jor collection, if not arranged bo , ljofo jetnm day. . . ,H. W. BONXKY. 1 tf. ^ TRE8H GARDEN SEEDS ! JUST received from tho house of David Landretb, Philadelphia, a large and well-selected assortment , of GARDEN SEEDS. consisting, in pait, of the fol- ' lowing varieties, vir: large globo artichoke, Early refugee " I Long blootl beet, Loug green cucumber, i Swamp " Early frame cucumber, i White sugar " Green cluster " i Red " ' Gherkin " Extra early turnip beet, Large purple egg plant, K*rW"Vnrfc oahhatrp. Kutmocr melon. 44 May " Turk's cap citron melon, 44 Dutch 44 Silver skin onion, 44 drumhead44 Bell pepper, 44 sugar-loaf'4 Sweet mountain pepper, * 44 Savoy " Cayenne Largo York 44 Brown Dutch lettuce, , Late drumhead 11 Green Cos " 44 Dutch 44 Early cabbago 44 Curled Savoy 44 Largo ' Green Glazed 44 Ice head 44 ' * Red Tutch 4'for pick- Sugar parsnip, [ling Long Salinoncl radish, Long Collards, 4 4 scarlet '' . Long orange carrot, Red turnip 44 ( , Early horn 44 White 44 J. White solid celery, Black Spanish 44 I Cauliflower, Round spinach , Salsify.or vegetable oyster Early Washington peas, ] Early bush squasli, *4 Charlton 44 . ** a I i it T? ? II * II 1 WOOK-necKea marrow | rnnce diucn. Large red tomatoes, Extra early " Small " " Large marrowfat u ' Xargepearshap'd" Black-eyed " " ( Early Dutch spring turnip, Dwarf blue imperial " Red top " " Royal dwarf " , Adams' early corn, Knight's tall " Curled parsley, Six weeks busli beans, c Largo Lima beans, China red-aye '* Small " or Snow " Early Mohawk " 'Red Valentino u ' Rachacl " T. J. WORKMAN & Cov January 4th, 1855. 2tf Notice. ?*<^pe06E Indebted to me either by note or account . A for the years 1853 and *54 are requested to call aud settle; as I am closing up my Business I trust the ~ necessity of this call will be perceived and that it will k ^<i promptly met. [ ' ' "' Jan. 16?tf. J. A. SCHROCK. j Remember Thh. TTNTIL next return day, the notes and accounts AJ due to the late firm of Workman <fc Boons may bo found at their old stand for settlement. Workman & Co. are authorized to receipt for tho same. ' Jan. 16, . a* ii. i Executor's Notice. fa LL persons having demands against the estate of ? xjL Beddick Moscley will hnud them in, properly at- t tasted, on or before the first day of April .next, otherwise this notico will be plead in bar of payment. t ? 2-Jtn C. BIOSELET, Executor. t NOTICE. THE Treasurer will attend at the Council Chamber on-business doys from the 15th January until tho first day of Marcb, from 10 A. M., until 2* P. M. for *be purpose of receiving the Town Taxes. ? i j By ordor of Council. Jan. Ifitf C. IL DAVIS. Tnvrn Tpm?ik>p Notice. _. \\T ILL bo sold on the second Monday in February TV noxt, at the Court House, a valuable library of Law Books, of about ono hundred volumes, comprising nearly all of the Soath Carolina Reports, with the elementary text-books usually referred to in this State, and the Statutes at large. Also, on same day will bo offered for sale, some valuable household and kitchen furniture, 5 liend of tattle, office furniture, etc. ?oil goods and chattels assigned by A, G Bask in. Ksq.. for the benefit of creditors. Terms made known | on day of sale. 3?it W. TnURLOW CASTON, Assignee. Far Sale or Rent, lifY former residence in tho lower part of Cainden; UJL a raoft (Teliglitrni winter resiuenco. Apply to ne at the "Old Corner" for terms he. Jap, 9,?rf. . K. W. BONNEY. An Imitation T&extonded to oil persons Indebted to T. J. "WorkA iinah, Y.x ^""Workman, or T. J. Workman & Co., ' Uber by note or open account, to call and settlo tho Mine without delay. T J. WORKMAN i, Co. Sale of Negroes. About 100 Nogroo8 will bo sold before Ihc Court llotuo door in- Camden, on thoflrst Monday in March next. Among the number aro some primo House sor I tinl.l i.n..aa TUI1W UU'J HVm iinuvMi. JIto years credit wilt bo givon. Partiulars will bo given hereafter. - ltf Notice. ADMINISTRATORS, Executors and Guardians Aiiling to make their returns according to law, will bo sottmrttdd to tr. account. ?Jan. 9-V. A'OHN R. JOT. 0. T. D. ~A .X. tioj~ T % "-J JStIS .a=l " - - ? / a*t-? rvaaannatrsKXfms^. J"^w.m,"i: \\7Bare now prepared to pctify ourfrlehda in town t V and its vicipity, Unit we have ^received atiril assortment of WINTER GOODS, suitable for this market, and wilUcceiromdro with every train, viz: AJJ eorts of- V Y GOODS, as plain and Cotton, Cotton aud Worsted and all worsted Goods, Silks and Ribbons, Pantaloon Stuffs, Broad Cloths, Lineri9, T.v bio Cloths, Shawls, Mantles and Mantillas, Kmbroideries, Carpeting, Ac, R K A1)Y M aDK CLOTHING of nil descriptions I GROCER IKS, of all descriptions, Hardware; Cutlery, Earthen aud Chinaware, Saddlery; Wood ware, Shoes and Boots, Hats, Caps and Bonnets, Hosiery, 4c. 4c. Thanking the public in gonoral for their kind pal ronagc up to this time, we promise to try to meri their further confidence. _ Terms?Cuablestox PaiOES. M. DRUCKER & CO. Catuden'Nov. 13. tf 1?INE Mountain Butter, Sperm and Adamantine Candles for sale at the " Old Corner" by Oct. 31?tf. E. W. BONNET. Scgttrs. A FINK assortment of Spani-h Sogars may bo found at WORKMAN'S Drug Storo COOPER'S ISING GLASS, Almonds, Yeast Pow dors, Extracts, Caudles, Soaps, 4c., lor sale at tli "Old Comer," at the lower t prices. Oct. 10 E. W BONNIiY. Jewelry, &c. rPHR Subscriber has just received, by Express, from X New York, a new supply of flue Gold Jewelry, consisting of late styles of the following articles: Plain gold Brooches and Earrings Pearl nud FilugreoEarr'ngs; Gold and Mosaic Pins Cuff Pins and Buttons; Gold Necklace and Cross Bracelets, Sleeve Buttons, Seals, Keys, Ac. ALSO, China Vases. Toilet cases Match Boxes, Cups and Sauccre, Ac. Oot 24 A. YOUNG. VM. A R. KENNEDY'S Stock of Dress Goods, for Ladies' wear, Embroideries. Ilosiry, Gloves, Ao., is now vory full, and offered on the most reasonable terms. HI DES^WAilTED.?Wo will pay in Cosh, the highest rearket price forgroen or dry Hidoe Aptil 2b. WORKMAN k CO. lVolicc. rpiIE Notes, Books of accounts, At, of Moore A X Kuykendul, and certain other debts duo to W. C. Moore, having been assigned to me, notice is hereby given to such persons as may be indebted to said par uco iv wiiiu 11/1 nuiudiiu inurvv imi iiwumic ynj iiiviu Dec 19?51 JAS. I. VILLEPIGUK, Assignee FOR SALE" 1"MFAT valuablo plantation on TVaterco River, late . tho property of Znck Cuntcy aud wifo and formerly belonging to tlio Estate of Adamson, containing some thirteen liundred acres, bounded North by Dr. Salroond's plantation and the estate of John Chcsnut, south by Edward E. Adamsou's plantation, oast by Springdale, and west by Waterce River. On the placo are all the necessary buildings, two mills, gin-house, screw, etc., a largo body of lands cleared & under fence, in a good state for cultivation, and a large body of well timbered uplands contiguous to tho settlement. For tortus apply to either ol the undersigned. (J4NTKY, JAMES CfANTEY, Bxr'sof J no. Cantey, Sen. Jan. 9, 2 tf. NOTICE. ro the Creditors of Moore & Kuykeiidal AND W. C. MOORE. AN assignment of the Stock in Trade, Effects and Assctts of Moore & Kuykendal and* W. 0. Mooro having been made to me, dated Doceinber 9, 1854, in wnicii, alter certain prcierrea creditors iiierein iiamcu, provision is made (beloro a general distribution thereof.) for such of tlio partnership creditors of Moore & Kuykendal and of W. C. Moore as will come in within sixty days after date of s iid^ assignment signify thoir assent to the terms of the same, execute re leases of their respective debts remaining duo after reviving their proportionate dividends under said clause. Notice is hereby given to such of the creditors of Moore & Kuykeudal and W. C. Mooro as intend to ivail themselves of the benefit oftho eaid provisions, ;o render in their claims and comply with the aforetaid terms and stipulations within the time limited, or iliey will be debarred the benefit of the same. With respect to the same address me at Camden, J. C. JAS. I. YILLKP1GUK, Assignco. Dec. I f, 1854. 51 tf South Caroliua--Kersliuw District. Jemima Campbell, Saml. II. Coats,?Applicants. vs. The Heirs of Kdwin Campbell,?Defendants." IT appearing to my satisfaction that the Heirs of KJwiu Campbell, Defendants, resides without this state. It is therefore ordered that they do appear and >bject to the sale of tho Heal Estate of John Campjell deed, on or before the twenty-second day of March 1855, or their consent to the sanio will be entered of coord. JOHN It. JOY, 0. K. D. Doc. 31, 1854, 53 3m. LAXD FOR SALE. rpil E subscriber offers for sale his tract of land aituaJL ted in Kershaw District, on waters of Twenty-live nile Crock, a few miles below its junction with Bear, vitliin 14 or 15 miles of Camden, and 10 of tho Charotto Ilail Road. Tho place is wood-land except 30 icros well watered and admirably adapted to the cul,ure of coru and cotton. For terms Jcc., which will bo made accommodating, ipply to me in Columbia. I will also show the placo o an}' wishing to see it. t\? <> > c. mrrnvria enrrvw A/17U. AO, u!> xuv*uau vv Orangeburg Female Seminary. PRINCIPAL?REV. J. S. LEGARE. Assistants?Mr. F. J. 11 Aim, " MR. L. B. Gay, ' Mr. U. It Dicksox, " Miss II. A. IlAllR. Mr. and Miss Ilahr will instruct in Music, Fronch, Drawing. Painting, Ac. T'-e scholastic year consists of two Scssious of about 5 months each. The Exercises of tho first Session of 1855, will be resumed on Wednesday, tho 10th January, to contmuo until tbo 7th June, when tho second Session will eomrncnco. TERMS. Tuition in all studies except in tho Ornamental Branches, with Board, &c.;........ .$100 per session. Music and French, e?ch, $15.00 per quarter, or $30. per session. Drawing and Painting together.... .$8 por quarter. Use of Piano, $3 por session. For further information, apply for a Catalogue to tho Principal at Orangeburg. Dec. 19. 41 7t FULLER'S A HAT STORE, & AAA r?.' 1 j m a M.i ? . n m c?9 xvicxiaraaon oireec, vjoxumDia, D. u., NEAR THE STATE HOUSE. LATE stylos of gent'e. DRESS HATS, 6ueli ns MOLESKIN, BEAVER, CAS3IMERE, AND SILK. also. CAl*S, of every description; INFANT'S GOODS, in great variety. also. Umbrellas, Walking ranee, Trunks, Carpet Bags, do. . I The price of Fuller's best Hat, which is inferior to none, is only FOUR DOLLARS. Dec. 19. 51 ly SOWS OF TEMPERANCE. WATERED DIVISION NO. 9. rr^HErogular mooting of this Division will bo hold on I Thuradav ovonine. at 7 o'clock. Bjr Ordoroft^o W. 1\ p. stork, R. 8. i i i n imirnM?i "'REEDEme "DTS ATSSr"RE,~ r ' H-?JD JLG-E3 AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, A DGER'S WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C. Oct. 17. 42 8m NEW GOODSRICH FRENCH UPHOLSTERY. FALL IMPORTATIONS H. W. KINSMAN & CO., 179 KING STREET. Ctarner of King and Berrisford Streets, t'MPOKTRHS OF French Curtain materials, Upliol. stery Goods and Paper Hanging;*. A'NVITE the attention of the trade and public gen erally to the extensive and beautiful assortment ol SATIN DE LAINES, DAMASKS, LACK AND MUSLIN CURTAINS, CORNICES. BANDS AND FINS, Ac. which they are receiving from Europo and American manufactories, and which they offer Wholesale and Retail, at prices lower than any other house in this city. ti. *v. ft. oi u<?. nre receiving me latest raris aesigns lor CURTAINS and DECORATIONS, of all 1 kinds, and are enabled to produce work of tbe best character and style. Merchants and Families will find it to their advantage to call, as every article in tho Curtain aud Lpliolstery Line can be obtained at the above establishment, and at terms which caunot fail to give approbation. All kinds of INTERIOR DECORATIONS executed, and PAPERS put up in a superior stylo by experienced workmen. Charleston, S. C. 50 4t. New Velvet Trimmings. TUST received a full assortment of black and color fj ed Vclvot Trimmings ol all widths at Dec. 5.?Ira. C. MATHESON'S. Keep Your Feet Warin and Dry. LADIES and Gentlemen who arc exposed either to the wet or cold winter-weather, would do well to provide themselves with Cork Soles and Winter Overshoes, which raaj* be had ol superior quality and on reasonable termsof WORKMAN k CO. Nor. 21, 47 tf. At Cost! THE Subscriber will commence this day to sell his entire Stock (which is very complete) of Dress Silks and Fancy Worsted Dress Goods, at Cost, for Cash, of at greatly reducod prices on a credit till tho 1st day or January next. Ladies are invited to call at tho ';01d Corner" and purchase bargains. Nov. 27 48 R W. BONNKY. Shoes, Shoes. A FULL supply of Ladies BOOTS and SHOES, of all stylos end qualities; Misses' SCHOOL BOOTS nd SHOES, Youth's and Boy's Shoes. Just received by W. ANDERSON. Hide*. TIIE highest price will be given for good hides by W. ANDERSON. Aug 23 34 tf. Jlist Received. AN assortment of Fisk's METALIC BURIAL CA SES. There have been late improvements in this article. Can bo seen at the subscriber's WareRoom. C. L. CIIATTKN. New Business Establishment. r|^HE subscribers wisli to inform the public generalX ly, that they have opened a CARRIAGE SHOP on the Robinson Road, 15 J miles above Camden, and are now prepared to attend to all orders in their line. They will not be excelled in the quality of their work or reasonableness of their charges, by uny other establishment. J. "Ware, Wood-workman, and W. Cociiratc, Painter and Trimmer, will give their undivided attention to their departments, and all Blacksmith's work will bo dune ?o order by competent workmen. WARE ? COCIIRAN. Fept. 12. 37 1 jr. WINDOW SHADES, CURTAIN GOODS, HIATRASSES AND PAPER HANGINGS, At Groat Bargains. r|"MIE subscriber lias in store, of liis own mnnufac X turc and importation, nn enormous stock of WIN DOW, SHADES, GILT CORNICES, PAPER HANG 1NGS, MATRASSES, SATIN DELAINES, DAM ASKS, LACE AND MUSLIN CURTAINS, TAS SELS, Ac. All of which are oll'ered at prices thatare appreciated by all close buyers and economical housekeepers. II. W. KINSMAN, ? 00. 179 King-st. Corner of King and Berriford, Charleston, April 3. U ly_ T .T WORKMAN 8L CO.. Wholesale and Retail Druggists, CAMDEN, S. C. OFF Hit for sale, for cash, or on approved credit a LOWEST MARKET PRICES, A large Mid WELL-SELEC ted assortment of Hast India, Mediterranean and European DRUGS AND MEDICINES, French, English, and American CHEMICALS* of all kinds, Patent Medicines, Thompsoniun Medicines, Shaker's Herbs and Roots, Saratoga "Water, Wines and Braudies, Surgical Instruments, Trusses, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Paint Brushes, Dye-stuffs, Lamps, Lamp Oils, Burning Fluid and Camphene, Druggists' and Physicians' Glass-ware and Labels, Window Glass, Putty, Hair, Tooth, Nail and Flesh Brushes, Bronzes, Teas, Spices, and flavoring Extracts, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Fancy Articles, Genuine Cod Liver Oil, together with every article comprising the stock of a Druggist or Physicinn. Our stock is of tho best quality, and ilio best selected assortment ever ottereu to tne puolie. Physicians, Country Merchants, Planters and all others can depend on their orders meeting prompt and careful attention, and upon accommodating terms.? No extra charge for packing or ttansportation to the Railroad Depot or any part of the town. Physicians' Prcsriptions carefully compounded April 25. 17 ' tf _-m O/Vl IK ?. NEW STORE! NEW GOODS!! At the CHARLESTON CLOTHING AND DRY GOODS STORE, two doors above Workman <fc Co.'u Shoe Store, Camden, S. C. The subscriber respectfully informs the citizens ol Camden aud surrounding country, that lie has opeued a New Store, where he constantly keeps on hand a large nnd beautiful stock of the noove Goods, together with a good many other articles, which lie will sell on the most reasonable terms. Ilia motto is quick sales and small profits. Please give him a call. Nor. 13.-?4Ctf J. ISRAEL Talmas! Talmas*!! rf"MIE subscriber respectfully informs the ladiee ol X Camden nnd the surrounding country, that h< keeps constantly on hand, a large offl beautiful stocl Cloth, Silk and Merino TALMAS, Ribbons, Bonnets Collars, <tc., <fcc., which he will sell on the most rea BonatJle tcrniB lor casn, or i-> puuetuni customers. Nov. 14,?tf. J. ISRAEL. HATS AND CAPS AT COST." THE subscribers having determined to discontinue this part oi their business, will dispose of the ro nminder of their stock of Hats and Caps at cost fen cash, or at a very small advanoo on time. An examination of their slock and prices will a once convince auy one desirous of purchasing, that ii will be decidedly to his interest to buy of thorn. Goods of llice quality have never been offered at sucl low prices Among them mav-t>? found fine and fash ionablo MOLESKIN AND BEAVER, also, a gooc article of PLANTATION HAT& Nov. 31?tf. WORKMAN A CO, cy ? - V ifXVKrAGENCYii! rpUK subscriber eohfcihucg to act a* agunt in both of X the Banks of Camden. E. W. BONNKY. July 11, 2i tf. Dry-Goods, Groceries, Crockery frc. fT^HE subscriber continues to keep on hand a comX plete assortment of Domestic Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Ac., which ho will soil very low for cash IIis stock of Groceries consists, in part, of SHit'ar, Coffee, Salt, Clicevc, Purchasers would do well to give liirn a call. Jan. 2. ,. . J. CHARLES WORTH. GARDEN Hand Ploughs, Harrows, "Hoes, Rake and Trowels, just, received at the "old corner," by E. W. BONNKY. Feb. 14, 1854. 1 if. CORN-SHELLERS, self-sharpening F-cd Cutters, (a new article,) ulso, Patent Cylinder and Thermometer Churns Meat Cutters and Sausage Stutters. Also, Hand Plows and Harrows for garden use. For sale at the "Old Cornel-" by E. W. BON KEY. BANK AGENT. THE subscriber will act as Agent for persons drawing money from cither of the Banks in C. mden. Aug 14?tf. J. DUX LAP. Domestic Goods. BLEACHED and Brown Shirtings and Sheetings, Plaids and Stripes, for servants, Cotton Cassi; meres, Deniins and Cheeks, Bed Tick Ac. For sale I hv : A. M. A. R. KEXNPDY. Just Received. GENTS fine kid top'd Button Gaiters " " Bl'k and Drab Congress Do. " " Calf Oxford Ties " " Patent Leatlier Do. " finest Pump and stitched Boots also, Ladies fine Bl'k tipped Gaiters " English and French kid Slips nnd Ties " Kid, Goat and Mo. Boots and Buskins Miss, and Cbilds. Kid and Mo*. Boots. Slips nnd Ankle Ties, by "WORKMAN & CO. Aug 15 3g Abbott's Bitters. OR, Health Restorative, a superior Medicine -vhcre n good, stomachic is required. Prepared by Smith & Abbott, Boston, and for sale by Z. J. DkHAY. Aug. 29. . 35 200 pieces Negro Cloths, from 12J to 50 cents a yard, just opened at " the Old Corner" Sept. 19?tf. E. W. BONNEY. "jl TEN'S and Youth's Ready Made Clothing, the JtJL most extensive and desirable stock ever offered in this market, just opened at *' the Old Corner,.' by Sept. 19?tf, E. W BONNEY. NEW Raisins, Almonds, Citron, Extracts, Clieese, Sugar House Syrup, Powdered Sugar. Candles, Pickles, Isinglass, Caycuue, and Jenny Liud gold twist Tobacco, a superior article, just received at the "Old Corner" by E. W. BoNAEY. Domestic*. RED aud white Flannels. Linseys, Ticks.Sheetiugs, all widths, Bed and Crib Blankets, Long Cloths, brown and bleached Shirtings, &e. For sale low, by Sept 27. A. M. & It. KENNEDY1 J EATHER and Slioe-Fiiidiiigs.?A large assortment of Leather and Shoe-Findings. For sale low by WORKMAN & CO. Wool, Wool. WILL be purchased either in the Burr or clean, by W. ANDERSON. Aug. 23 34 tf. Rev. Dr. Cuiiimiiigs' Works. LECTURES oil the Miracles; Lectures on the Parables; on the Apocalypse, 1st and 2d sories; Lectures ott Romanism; Lectures on Daniel: Scripture Readings on Genesis, and Exodus; Voices of tho Day and Night: Voices of tho Dead; Benedictions or the Blessed Life; The Tent and the altar, The Great Sacrifice; Christ our Passover; Kitto's Duily Bible Illustrations, in 8 vol. 12 mo.; Coleridges Works, 6 vol. l2mo; Chambers' Miscellanies, 10 vol. 12mo.; Chambers' Papers for the People. 6 vol. 12rno.; DeSaulcy's Narative of a Journey round the Dead Sea and in the Bible Lands, in 1850 and 1851, including an account of tho discovery el" the Silos of Sodom and Gomarrah. Also a variety of Miscellaneous Works. School Books, <tc. A. YOUNG. Nov. 20. 45 Keep Warm. GENTLEMEN'S Overcoats, some very large size. Also, Boys' Overcoats, just opened and for sale at the "Old Corner" by E, W BONNEY. BULGER tfe DEVANE, Will nHnnrl tn ftf.nrdinrr Sellintr and PnrchnsinL' ' ' 1,1 *w *""" O ?o ?. on:s On Commission. Office at Sunnders A Foster's o'd stand, in full view of tlio Montgoxery Hall, Montgomery, Ala. 0. L. BULGER P. J?. DEYANE. Sept. 5. 2G. tf JOSEPH WHILDEN, DEALER IN PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. No. 11 HAVNE-STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. HE keeps constantly for sale, a general assortment of Paints and Oils of nil kinds, Varnishes, Window Glass and Sashes, Spts. Turpentine, Spirit Gas. Cotton Foot-Gin Fixtures, Gluo and Brushes, of various kinds. 37?ly Neiv Goods. \ M. k R. KENNEDY are now receiving their XIl* Ihll stock, ana win De aoie to snow an extensive and handsome assortment or desirable goods in a few day?. Sept. 19?tf. CiARPET Bags, Floor Cloths, Crumb Cloths, Jtc. / just received at " the Old Corner." Sept 19-tf. E. W. BONNEY. A. in. & R. Kennedy HAVE received and offer for sale a full assortment of Ready Made Clothing, consisting of Coats, ^ Vests, Pants, BOYS' CLOTHING. 1 Coals and Vests, Under Shirts, Drawers, 1 Hoso, Tics, Cravats, ic, Dress Shirts, of superior quality, made to order and warranted to fit. Oct 24 LADIES' Brown and Drab cloths for Talmas and Cloaks, just opened at the "Old Corner" by Oct. 31?tf. E. W. BONNEY. HOUSE KEEPING articles in a.great variety; also Bathing Tubs, Rocking and Sitting Chairs, just f received at the " Old Corner" by .r K W Ttn\TNRY ul/'uaj ui. .. . ! CONGAREEHMFSE, [LATE JANNEY'S HOTEL,) COLUMBIA, S. C. w. 3. qoodwyk, - - proprietor. r. e. l. ewart, - - - manager. IS now open for tho reception of BOARDERS and tho TRAVELLING PUBLIC. r No pains will bo spared by the Proprietor and Manager to make tho House worthy in every respect, ' of a liberal support. Every thing which can be, will c be doue to render the stay of their visitors comfortable ' and pleasant. Hitchcock's splendid lino of OMNIBUSSES will always be ready to convey Passengers to and from the House. Oct, 10. NOTICE. 3 TnU subscriber respectfully informs his friends and patrons that lie continues his BUSINKSS IN ALL ITS BRANCHES at W. J. Gayer's old stand, t southeast corner Meeting and Went worth streets, t where may be seen a large stock of good VEHICLES, composed of light and heavy work. Splendid Fall i Stock arriving everr woek, among which are some now . and very tasty models of Family Carriages. I Manufacturing and Repairing will be done from this , date with usual dispatch. 1 Charleston, Nor 3-45 LEONARD CHAPIN. \ ! ' ' v. CAMDEN HOTEL Is now open for the accommodation of the Trao eling Public. IT is an excellent and commodious building, now and well fitted up, and lately putina state ofcomp'.o'.o j repair. Tlie Rooms are large, open and airy; tine Ihm- ' | ily parlors well furnished. The Table will be supplied I with every thing which an excellent country market will afford, and attended by the best servants. I The B^ir will be supplied with the choicest Wines and Liquors. THE STABLES I iire well UUt'U up, uuvuwm vj vihciui auu t'Apvucw ! ed Ostlers, nnd well supplied with Provender. ALSO Lots prepared for the accommodation of Drovers, with I excellent water conveniences. There will at all times be an Omnibus in attendance to convoy passengers to and from the Depot W. M. WATSON. Camden. May 30, 1654. 22 GREAT SOUTHERN EEMEDYT I JACOB'S.CORDIAL. FOR ALL BOWEL DISEASES CHOLKRA, CHOLERA MORBUS, DYSENTERY, BILIOUS CHOLIC, DIARRIKEA, CHOLERA INFANTUM Also, admiraoly adapted to many diseases of Females, ' most especially to painful menstruation, i The Virtues of Jack's Cordial are too well known to require Encomiums. , 1st. It cures the worst cases of Diarrhoea. 2d. It ' cures the worst forms of Dysentery. 3d. It cures ; j California or Mexican Dianhcen. 4th. It relieves the ; ' severest Colic. 6th. It cures Cholera Morbus. 6th. | It cures Cholera Infantum. 7th. It cures Painful i Menstruation. 8th. It relieves ram in imick ana Loins. 9th. It counteracts Aervousness and Despondency. 10th. It restores Irregularities. 11th. It dispels gloomy and hysterica! Feelings. 12tli. It's j an admirable Tonic. ] A few short Extracts from Letters, Testimonials, &c. \ "I have used Jacob's Cordial in my family, and have found it a most efficient, and in my judgment, a valuable remedy." Hon. Hiram Warner, Judge of Suprertie Court, Go. "it gives me pleasure in being able to recommend Jacob's Cordial?my own personal experience, and the experience of my neighbors and friends around ine, is a sufficient guarantee for nie to believe it to be all that it purports to be, viz. a sovereign remedy." Wm. H. Underwood. Formerly Judge of Supreme Court, Cherokee Ct. " I take great pleasure in recommending this invaluable medicine to all afflicted with l*>wel diseases, for which I helieve it to be a sovereign remedy?de ' cidedly superior to any thing else ever tried hy me." A. A. Gaulding, Deputy G. M., of the Grand Lodge of Georgia. " I have used 'Jacob's Cordial' in my family, and this, with all 1 hear about it as a remedy hy those who have tried it, induces me to believe that it stands at the head of every preparation of the kind, and I would recommend its use in the disease for which it is compounded." G. Dobbins, Cashier of the Bank of the State of Georgia, Griffin. " If there is is any credibility in human testimony 'Jacob's Cordial' must stand pre-eminent above all other preparations for the cure of Bowel Diseases ? From the muss of testimony in its favor from coming r in front all quarters, it must be verv tar in advance' t us a curative agent, of most if not ull other ' patent, r preparations/" A. Flkmpg, Cashier Murine <fc Fire Insurance Dank, Griffin. "This efficient remedy is travelling into celebrity as fast as Bonaparte pushed his columns into Russia, and gaining commendation wherever used." Georffia Jrffersonian, May 1 Oth, 1853. For sale by T. J. Workman & Co, Camden ; J. F Kennedy <fc 'Jo., Ridgeway; T. A. Dargan, Darling ton; W T. Dargan ?fc Co., Sumterville; P. II. Mo Gregor, Columbia. J Principal Depots. Hayiland, IIarrai. A Risly, New York. v IIaviland, IIarral it Co., Charleston. J. Wright <fc Co, New Orleans. WSI. W. BLISS ?t CO., Proprietors, Savannah, Ga. Aug. 15, 38 ( IVolice. i r\1IIE Subscriber still continues to act as Agent for ii 1 parties doing business in either of the Banks in Camden, and hopes by strict attention to the same to ii merit a continuance of the patronage heretoloro entrusted to him. c. MATUKSON. Aug. 29, 1 ?54. 35?ly Ready-made clothing, iiats and caps j For sale by A. M & R. Kennedy?viz: p Dress, Frock, and Business Coats; Vests and Pan- j? taloons; Dress and Under Shirts; Dravvors; half Hose; Fainn* Cravats: Washington Ties. Are Boy's Clothing?Coats and Vests. Fashionable Hats, Cops, ?c Sept. 27. T. R. MURRAY, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, I CAMDEN, S. C. p ^"Orders from the country will receive prompt a v 011 lion. March 14. W. TIEUKVjOW CASTON. Attorney at Law ana Solicitor in Equity. CAMDEN*, s. c. OfTice on Broad-Street near the Court House. W. H. R. WORKMAN, Attorney at law, and solicitor in r KQUITY, Camden, S. C Will attend the Courts ( of Darlington and Sumter Districts. Office in the <Courl House. WM, M. SHANNON, ' , Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Equity, C CAMDEN, S* C. * Has removed his Office to that one door al>ov I A. Young's Book Store. Jan. 24. GENTLEMEN'-fine Black Cloth Frock Coats, black Cassimere and whito .Marseilles Vests, opened , last week and for sale at the "Old Corner" by Oct. 3t - tf. E. W. BONNEY. : sl_ OUR FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC ARE respectfully informed that they will find at the old stand of Workman A Boone, a large and well assorted stock of BOOTS and SHOES, IIATS, CAPS, Trunks, Valiccs and Carpet Bags, which wo will sell as low as can bo bought in this market. April 25. WORKMAN A CO. PIANO FORTES. THE subscriber has just received a supply of six and seven Octavo rIANO FORTES, Rosewood : cases, of superior tflfte and workmanship, and are v warranted equal to any manufactured in this country, ? from the celebrated house of Hallett and Gumston, I Boston, and will he sold at manufacturers' prices. i " ?- oca i r nrv I> OV 14 uiw. nui/mi. j | Hair Brushes. 1 THE undorsigned has now on hnnd an elegant as- ] sortment of French, English and American Hair ] Brushes, to which ho invites the attention of his nu j j roorous friends and customers. August 9-32 tf Z. J. DeHAY. ATTENTION! I NOT to any great Military orders, but attention the whole, while I inform the citizens of Cam- 1 den that I am permanently settled two doors above M. Drucker <fc Co.'s where I keep constantly on bond - v??r Tuvvnr.nv I IM UCUUUIUI OIVUA V* vu *??!?? A I vumvi^ | muvvinvicT} Silver nnd Plated Wore, Port Monaiea, Ladies Companions, Card Coses, Knives, Ac., <fcc., which he will sell on the most reasonable terms for cash or to punctual customers. The trade of any other kind is re * spectfully declined. ^ tSTWatches and Jewelry repaired in the best manner, and all work warranted. " CHARLES BOFENSCHEN. 81 Nov. 14. 46 tf_ ? HATS, Caps, Shoes, Trunks, Guns and Cutlery. by J. ISRAEL f( Pcaae'a Horehound Candy. 0 A SMALL lot of tho gonuiuo articlo just received p . Deo. 18 br T. J. WORKMAN k CO. o i?_ MM.I LU.-XO * * liliWilwMlillBroiHSllHWalllrvil These Fills are entirely V?f?t?t?U* and are d most superior Medicine b tin cunqof all DCiotu Cbmt plaints, Chilli and littr, VytpeptUt, CtiUeenetl,Tteer Complaint, Jaundice, Sick Headache, Scrtf da, Salt Itl-r.uM, Tcaert of all kindt, hots <f Appetite, Obstructed and painful Venttrualiem, and all lingering diieaut. " As ? Female Medicine they act like a charm, tod when taken according to the direction*, they never fail to'eur* the wont coses of Piles* after all other remedialfcH?;r> They purify the blood* equalise the elreula* tlon* restore the Llrer. Kidneys* and other M ut?n ta . h..ll k., ,a?. ' M tu*y ?W MVHIi M * IWMV ?Htl ??.?IWH ? ad u an Aou-flilluas Family Medldnb they have no oquaL Price 26 cents per box. - A1?P , A remedy far Ought, Cbtds, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Qrmtn. Whoopinj Cough, Asthma, Consumption, Ktrcout Diseases, Dyspepsia. O* tivenus, Erysipelas, Disease of the Heart, luptmudtion and Pain in the Chat, Back and Side, and aU diseases arising from a deranged date of the Stomach, and to rdlett the distress and bod feeling from eating too hearty food, in weak ami dyspeptic habits. WABBAJTTED TO EE FTOKLY VEGETABLE. These Pills act as an Expectorant, Tonla, and Aperient. On* 25 cent box possesses three times more pO?W to curs diseased than a one dollar bottle of any of the Syrajfe Salaams, or Sarsapsrillas, that were ever made; and a simplo trial of only one box will prore this Important truth. * They promote Expectoration*. Isoietl ihu Phlegm, and Clear the Langs and other Seere* tory Organs* of all norMd matter, and there U not another remedy In the whole Materia Medics capable of > imparting inch healing properties to. the longs and vital Of gans as these Pills. They Cnra CestiweneSS, produce a good* regular Appetite* and Strengtlsen thd System. Price 26 cents per box, containing 26 dqaes oflledidne. Call on the Agents who sell the Pills, and get the Planter'* Almanac oExits, airing fall partiealais and certificates of snns< Both kinds of the shore-named Pills are for sale 111 Every Town and Vlllago in Earth and Souttit Carolina* ei'j In Camden by T. J. Workman & Co., who also teep a supply of Dr. SPENCER'S VEGETABLE PILLS, and Dr. HULL'S CELEBRATED PILLS, vliich stop the Chills and Fever the first day. July 26. 30 " v" ' . ' ly - ' n Patent Medicine* See,. \ FRESH SUPPLY, just received, among tlicm iJL are: " w Jolloway's Ointment Cherry Pectoral lollowny's Pills Jfnsting's S/rup Naptlia lobcnsack's Worm Syrup Rodger's Syrup1 of Liverdexticau Mustang Lini-. wort and TV and Can* mcnt clialagua , ,-i; Jain Killer Daily's Magical^Pain Ex* ieltzer Aperient : * tractor jarry's Tricopherous Christie'e Galvrftilc Belts? raync'8 Medicines Necklaces, Bracelets and ladway's Ready Relief Fluid - ; )xvgenated Bitters Brow's Ess. Jamaica Ginger Jeorgia Sarsaparilla Murray's Fluid Magnesia Jnnds'Sarsnpnrilla Cod Liver Oil ["ownsend's Sarsaparilla Indian Hair Dye ' lend Shot Bachelor's Hair Dyo "ahncstock's Yermiruge Depilatory PowCi iVistar's Balsam WildOhcr-Ma^netic Plaster, ry For sale by F. L.'ZEMP. Flavoring Extracts , IT'OR Ices, Custards, Puddings, and all kjn48 of Confectionary, Pastry, <?c. Ac. Among them nroValilla, Lemon. Peach, Nutmeg, Bitter Almbnt^ Banana, ? 5inc Apple, Strawberry, Raspberry, Rose, Ginger, CiDmmon, die. &c., all very superior aud for sale by F. L. ZEMP., 1 FRENCH Brandy and Madeira Wine "iff superior . quality lor medicinal purposes. For sale by April 11. " T. J. WORKMAN & CO. MANSION HOUSE;"' CAMDEN, S. C. ' ba' ^ITUATKD in a healthy and business part oI the ^ town?wlicre comfort, cleanliness and attention, villi a good table arc combined. >>: ; E. G. ROBINdOX, March 7.?ly. Proprietor. Coustautly ou Hand, plKMENT, Calcined Piaster of Paris, for*building LJ purposes; Gypsum or Land Plaster, fbriagriculurnl purposes, and Stone Lime, all of good quality and a quantities to suit purchasers. A very superiorarticlcof White Lime for whitewash ug. C. L. CHATTEN. March 9. ' 20 tf Administrator's Notice. \ LL persons having demands against the estate of ljL Joseph Wienges, dee'd., will hand them in proicrly attested to A. G. Buskin, and those indebted to aid estate will make payment to liirn CONRAD M. WIENGES, Adm'r. Oct. 31. 44 tf SADDLE & HARNESS MAKING ' rllE undersigned continues his business at the old stand, returns his thanks for past favors and hope r a continuance of patronage. All work in his line .-ill be done with punctuality, and where the cash is aid, at the time of delivery, a discount of ten per cent rill be made. Jan G. Ivll2- P. J-OAKS. CHARLES BOFE3SCHEN, Watch Maker and Jeweller, CAMDEN, 8. C. To Painlers. I "HIE Subscriber lias now on hand a largeandselect . stock of Pure White Lead, Zinc Whit*; Linseed )il, Spts. Turpentine (a Home production) Chromo 3reen, 4c. 4c. ALSO, A fine lot of Americcn and French Window Glass, n sizes from 8 X 10 to 18 X 24; Putty in bladders, Jlaziors' Knives, Point Brushes, and Sash Tools, which vill be disposed of on the most reasonable terms. Z. J. DEHAY. Ang. 29. Jacob's Cordial. >. mHOOFLAND'S German Bitters; Carter's Spanish Mixture; Bull's, Townsend'sand Sand's Sarsapailla; Radway's Ready Relief, Ready Resolvent, Ready Regulators; Circassian Balm for the hair Inci r's Liverwort and Tar; Aver's Chemr Pectoral rVistar's Balsam Wild Cherry; Hutch ings' Dyspepsia Bitters; Oxygenated Bittera rioffatV Bitters; Tarrants' Seltzer Aperient Jpham's vegetable Electuary; Rotvnnd's Tonic to wand's Compound Syrup of Blackberry Root Ienry's Magnesia; Murray's Fluid Magnesia Citrate Ellis' Magnesia; Christie's Galvanic Curatives dustnng Liniment; Jaynes' Medicines toso's Family Medicines; Strong's Pills; Moffat's do. troy's, Peters' and Holloway's Pills Few David's Hebrew Plaster; Peery's Dead Shot . ilcLane's Vermifuge and pills; Fahnestock's Vermifuge, vith a great many other Patent Medicines to bo found it T. J. WORKMAN A CP's. DrugStore. Faucy China Ware ! . ? YOST received at Workman's Drug Store, .an ele ! J gant assortment of China Ware, consisting in part or ?ine Gilt China cups and saucers, with and without mottoes . .. licit Gill Card receivers and Jewelry stands I'ancy China Inkstands, Jewelry boxes : Slower Vases, elegant Toilet bottles, 4c, to. ? * ALSO, . .. ; > A fall supply of Americap and English Tooth and lair Brushes; Clothes, Hat and Shoe do. Buffalo dressingComte, pocket and fine tooth Combs Also a large lot of fine and common Sharing brushes* TERMS Of I THE CAMDEN JOURNAL* Two Dollars if paid in advancej Two Dollars.<uid 'ifty Ceate if payment bo delayed three montlis^an. 'hreo Dollars if not paid till the expiration of the y6ar. ADVERTISEMENTS will be inserted at thb'fol\minn natno* P/m? jnwa &Aiinrn f Cmt <*4 /va? Uau \ /?? IU? I OVV.O * i'VI VUW W^IIUIW, UlNiV r 1WJ,} aventy-fivo cento for the first, and thirty-seven and a olf cents for each subsequent iusertion. Single .inertions( one dollar per square; semi-monthly, monthf and quarterly advertisements charged the same as >r a single insertion. ? ?! > |3?" The number of insertions desired must bo noted n tho margin of all advertisements, cr they wQl bc abliahed until ordered discontinued and charged ecwimgly. /