awwin ii * y wi?i ?a? 2W We are authorized to announce W M. flOUGIJ, Esq., as a tandidate lor fcherif of Kershaw at tlie ensuing ejection. It/" We are authorized to announce WILLIAM 1\ DkBKUHL, Esq., as a candidate foi Sheriff of Kershaw District at the ensuing election. v"* List of Letters, REMAINING iu the Post Office at Camden S.. C. January 1st 1S55. A.?Albert. Burrell B.?Black, D. tVl; Burke & McCormick: Brencr, Sntlivnn -,&* * - 4 . ? HVergreenTrees^Shrubs, Roses, etc. all of wfiicli will Be warranted to be what tliey aro represented. " i He respectfully solicits a call from all those wishing to improve their gardens. * SONS OF TENPERAJieE. WATERED DIVISION NO. 9. rrMIE regular meotiri&of this Division will be held on J Thursday evening, at 7 o'clock. ]iy orderx>f t,'io "W. jL. . . " "" a W. HERSEY, R. S, I % V ^ | KEW BOOKS. j HPHTNGS'ns they are in America, by "Win. Chambers. ' i I A Brushwood, picked up on the Continent, or last | summer's trip to the Old World, by Orville Tlorwitz.' i Na Motu, or Reef Rovings in the South Seas. Romantic Incidents of the Queens of England. ' Lives of the Queens of England bctore the Norman Conquest, by Mrs. Hall.' Leila Ada; What Not; Pride of Life. . Ruth Hall; Songs of Zion; Zion Songster. Bible Reading Book ; Taylor's Travels in Africa. 1 General Notions of Cheruistrv. translated from the ' i French work of Peluzc mid Frenoy. j ; Newsboy; Lainp Lighter; Fashion and Famine. j Capt. Cannot; Vincent Nolle. ; Life of Bnrnum fee. Annuals, Almanacs and Diaries for 1S55. Jan. 2,?tf. A. YOUNG, j 25 DOLLARS REWARD. j < E ANA WAY from the. subscriber, on tho 3d inst., j. a negro man named FED. Fed is about 5 feet 8 " or 10. inches high, weighs 145 or 150 lbs., about 21 years, of ago, speaks very quick when spokencn to, is j very much inclined to laugh, and is of a brown color. : lie had on, or carried oil'with him, a black and adrind . of a tweeds coat, two pair of pantaloons and an old i white fur hat.?It is supdosed lie left in company with j a-negro man named Gary, belonging Capt. John D 1 j Moore. It is quite probable he is tryiug to make his I way to some free State, or aided oil' by some mean ^ white man or free negro. J The above reward will be paid for his npprehention ' and delivered to me, 3 miles S. E. of White's Store, 1 Anson county, and about 13 miles west of Wndesboro, ] or his confinement in any jail so that I cau get him a; gain. . . ZILriTA REDFEATiX. Dec 23 ISo-i 1 * 4t KERSHAW?In JC. Jan. 2. 1 ts. i | D Administrator's Sale. J>Y order of the Court of Ordinary, will he sold, at ? ) the late residence of Benjamin Nettles, on Fri* 1 day the ttvelftli day of January inst. between the legal ai hours of sale, all the personal property of sai l dc- & ceased, consisting of Cattle, (some line inilcli cows)! a good two horse wagon, one mule, corn, fodder, plnnta- j lion utensils. House .old and Kitchen furniture &c. [ 1* Terms of Sale.?rill sums of ten dollars and under, ' cash, over that amount a credit until the first day of P1 January 185G, notes with approved security, interest from day of sale. JOHN ltOSSER, Admr. j Jan. 2, 1 ts. j tl IVoiicc. ALL persons imiehted to the Estate of Benjamin ! ~ Nettles, deed., will make immediate navment. and those having demands against the Estate will present i r them dulv attested, to JOHN ROSSKR, Adtnr. j Jan. 2,' 1 .. tf. : re IVoJice. AS A. 0. RASKIN, Esq. has made an assignment i to mo o! his fees, costs, notes, bonks, fnrnituro &c . for ! the benefit of creditors, dated lath December, 1S54. 1 All persons, who havo claims against him, and are j willing to accept of a Dividend according to the terms of his assignment, will present and establish the same p ou or before tbc first day of February next. : b All persons indebted to liitn by note or otherwise, I _ for fees and costs, are hereby notified that his papers j are in my hands for collection. Prompt payment is j earnestly requested ; Jan. 2,?lm. TV. TIIURLOW CASTON, I Assignee. South Carolina?Kershaw District. . By John It. Joy. Enquire, Ordinary of said Li drict. V\7HERKAS, Banyan Pavnc of Tennessee applied ; S V V to me lbr Letters of Administration on all and 1 singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of! ii Zachatinh Payne, late of Mississippi, deceased. These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all, and I A singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased ! to be and anoear before rno at our next Ordinnrv'a i n Court for tlie said District, to be holden at Kershaw Court House on the seventeenth day of January inst. to show cause if any. why the aoid administration should not bo granted. Given under my hand and seal, this twenty second ? day of December in the year of our Lord one s thousand eight hundred and fifty-four, and in the seventy-ninth year of American Independence. JOHN R. JOY. 0 K. D. C South Carolina-?Kershaw District. < By John It. Joy, Enquire, Ordinary of said District t V\y llr.KbAb, inns. J. Lauthen applied to me for V T Letters of Administration oil all and singular the goods and elmttles, rights and credits of War- i ren Stewart in the West, deceased: - " These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and 4 singular, the kindred, and creditors of the said deceased, to be and npponr before * me at our next Ordinary's Court for the said District, to be holden at Ker shaw Court House on the 12th day of Jan. next, to show cause, if any, why the said administration should f not be granted. . Given under my band and seal, this 27th day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred ahn fifty-four and in the seventy'ninth year of American Indeponderce. "1 JOHN R. JOY. O. K D. Jan. 2^ 1 2t ( _ ~r - _ 8011th Carolina?Kershaw District. BY JOHN* H. JOY, K8QUIRE, OttI>I.NARY. J " "ITJIIERKAS, Tlios. J. Cnuthcn applied to me for Letters of Administration on all and singular ,?he goods and chattels, rights and credits of Mrs. Caroline Dobbins, in the \Vest, deceased: These aro, therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to be and appear before me at our next Ordinary's Court for the said District, to be holden at Kershaw .Court House on the twelfth day of .January next, ' to show cause, if any, why the said administration should not be granted. ' 1 Given under my hand and seal, this 27th day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight' hundred and fifty four, and in the seventy-ninth year of American Indept-ndenec. Jan. 2,-1 JOHN R. JOY, 0. K. D. r ' i in f FRUIT TREES. . rpRAVIS LI5>LES lins now'on Jinml at his Nurse X ry in Union County, N. C.. ten miles (ast o Monroe, and nineteen west of Wndcsborough, a great variety of FRUIT TREKS, consisting of the best kinds known in the country, selected with great care, in: pains having been spared on the task Mr. Lislcs will be in Camden on tlio first day o February next, with a supply of Trees. Those wish' ing to purchase will please leave their orders with Mr, T. W. Pegucs, (at the Journal office,) who will show testimonials from those who have purchased Trees From Mr. L. Trice ?10 per hundred, delivered within 100 miles of the Nursery. Pec. 28. Camdcti Female Academy. MRS. PECK has been elected Teacher of this School, and will open the same on the first Monday in January next, at the usual rates. Dee. 2d,?2t. JNO. M. DeSAUSSURE, Pros't. r*ir JLi tLJ a S Vi? il V a South Ctitoliuti?liershaw District, O^ice Cbttrl ?/ Common Pleas atul General Sessions. rM. NAUDIN, Clerk of tlic said Court, in pursti^ ance uf the directions of the Act of the Legisla lire, iu such ease made and provided, do hereby give mblic notice, that an election for Sheriff for Kerslnw Jistrict, will be held 011 Monday thc22ddayof Jnnuay next, at the usual places of election throughout the >istriet, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the rcsignnion of the present incumbent. Witness my hand at Camden this 20th day of December A. 1). 1854. and in the 70th year of the Independence of the United States of America. M. NAUDIN, C. C I'. A <}. S. Dec. 2", 02 til. South Carolina?Kershaw District, Jemima Campbell, Sand. II. Coats.?Applicants. vs. The Heirs of Edwin Campbell,?Defendants. [T appearing to my satisfaction that the Heirs of Ed. win Campbell, Defendants, resides without this ftatc. It is therefore ordered that they do appear and ibject to the sale of the Ileal Estate of John Campiell deed. on or before t ho twenty-second day of March 855, or their consent to the same will be entered of ecord. JOHN 11. JOY, 0. K. D. Dee. 21, 1S54, 52 3tn. LAIVD FOK SALE. 1M1E subscriber offers for sale his tract of land sitna* . ted in Kershaw District, 011 waters of Twenty-live lile Creek, a few miles below its junction with Dear, rithin 14 or 15 miles of Camden, and 10 of t he Char>tte llail Road. The place is wood-land except 20 cios wen waiereu ami uumirauiy uuapicu 10 me cuiure of corn and cotton. For terms &c., wliicli will be mndo accommodating, pply to me in Columbia. I will also show the plavc o any wishing to see it. Dec. 23,?5t. TIIOMAS CULLKN. Wanted to Hire, J^OR one year from the first of January, a good i. Cook, Washer and Ironcr, also a boy 12 or 14 care old. Apply to Z. J. DeIIAY. Doc. 23. " 52 2t. SOffS OF TEHPJSKAiVCE JRAND DIVISION OF SOUTH CAROLINA ^fOTJCE is hereby given, that the next quarterly .1 session of this body, will be held at the Hall of fatcree Division Xo. 9, S. of T, in this town on hursilay, the 25th January, 1S53. commencing at lu 'clock A. M. " Z. J. DeIIAY, G S. Camden, Dec. 12, 1S54. 51?tf. Orangeburg Female Seminary. PRINCIPAL? KEY. J. P. LEG ARE. Assistants?Mil. F. J. UaHit, Mit. L. 11. Gay. ' Mn. II. It Dickson*, " Miss II. A. ll.uin. " Mr. and Miss Ilalir will instruct in Music, French, rawing. Fainting, &c. TI'O scholastic year consists of two Sessions of about months each. The Exercises of the Hrst Session o 533. will be resumed on Wednesday, the lOili Janu v. to continue until the 7th June, when the second i-ssion will couimence. T Kit MS. Tuition in all studies except in the Ornamental ranches, with Hoard, &c $100 per session. Music and French, ouch, $13.Ou er quarter, or $30. per session. Drawing and Fainting together.... .$8 per quarter. Use of Fiano, $2 per session. For further information, apply for a Catalogue to ic Frmeipal at Orangeburg. Dec. 10. -11 7t Maritiony Female College. rMTE third year will open on the 1st day of Febru. ary, an undivided term of -It) weeks. The bills (main unchanged. $150 for Hoard and Education. in for Music and Oil. Paintinir. 2o for Drawing; French, ic. G for use of Fiano. 1 for the Ladies Library. 50 cents for Mail Contractor. 25 ' a dozen for washing. One hundred-dollars paid in advance, and all bills am on or before the last day ol the term in Governor. Dec. 12?50 FULLER'S 1 HAT STOKE, 8> 23? Richardson Street, Columbia, S. C., NEAR THE STATE HOUSE, j" ATE styles of gent's. DRESS HATS, such ns L/ MOLESKIN, REAVER, CASS1MERE, AND ILK. ALSO. CAPS, of every description; INFANT'S GOODS, i great variety. Umbrellas, Walking Cane?, Trunks, Carpet Bags, :e. The price of Fuller's best Ilat, which is inferior to one, is only FOUR DOLLARS. Dec. 19. 51 ly Cliristtnas Presents! Jufci cpenea at oiKtnan a nrug store, an assortment of Fancy Goods, suitable for Christmas Preents, consisting in part of Fine Pearl Portenianaies, inlaid with steel. " Morocco do Ladies Companions, Pearl Card Cases, Cigar Cases, Ihina and Metal Puff Boxes, Vases, Toilet Bottles, Jups and Saucers, Card Baskets, with many other ariclcs too numerous to mention. Dec 19 TIIE REPUBLICAN COURT, OR American Society in the days of Washington, with 21 Portraits of distinguished Women, 1 vol. to. SI 2.00 Goodrich's'Gems of British Poots, Heads Female Poets of America, Romance of American Landscape, The Pnrabics of the New Testament practically unolded with elegant illustrations. Parables of Krummachcr, with illustrations, Bow in the Cloud, or Covenant of the AHlictcd. Jerusalem and its Vicinity, by Oldenhciiner, roeucai worasoi aionigomory, aioore, jjyruu, iVadsworth, 4c. Chicoraandother Regions of the Conquerors and the Conquered, The Romance of Nature, Gems of Beauty ; Leaflots of Memory, The Amaranth, Keepsake, Magnolia, Cusket, Gar* and, 4c, Southward ITo!; Ida May; The Newsbov. Dec. 10,?tf. A. YOUNG. Pollak'* German Iflatclics! A FEW gross of these superior Matches just receivlx. cd by T. J. WORKMAN & CO. Final Notice. '|"HIE Assignees of Luke Armstrong will put all his JL accounts in suit remaining unpaid on the 1st Fob. 1855. WM. M. SHANNON, Atty. for Assignees. Dec 13 51 * A ONE HOUSE Carriage, but little worn, for sale at a bargain, by 15. W. BONN 15 Y. Nov 7 45 ? * ii?? ???waa?aa?iMaw*ovo the Post 0(flcc,Trecent. ; ]y occupied-by Dr. ilcCaa, for a few days, where he is , now prepared to execute every variety and style of ! rv ( OITl.'BIIC/VPVliP I l^iUIUJ^VlU.UI X X VJ. i Pictures taken at. tho low price of $1.50 ami up, wards, according to size ami quality of frame or case, j All ore invited to call ami examine specimens, j Dec. 5, 49 tf. | j ATTENTION! j "VTOT to any great Military orders, but attention I; t the whole, while 1 inform the citizens of Cum; den that 1 am jvermanentlv settled two doors above j M. Drneker it Co.'s where I keep constantly on hand 'a beautiful stock of .IHWJSLUY, Cutlery, .Spectacles, | Silver and l'latcd Ware, Fort. IMonaies, Ladies Comj panions, Card Cases, Knives, Ac., Ac., which lie will | sell o" the most reasonable terms for cash or to punctual customers. The trade of any oilier kind is re I spcetfullv declined. j EST Watches and Jewelry repaired in the best 1 manner, and all work warranted, i CHARLIES FOFOSCUKN. ! Nov. 14. 4(5 tr A Biwirablc Ketiideisce for S;i!o. ; r g "Ml K Subscriber having ctctcrmmeu to removo 10 i A. ilio country, oilers bis present residence in Can: den for sale. Tito House lias been recently built, and I is in good repair?has eight capacious rooms, a Bath I ing room, I'nntry, Garret, mid six closets. On the premises arc all necessary outbuildings, an excellent j well of water with good fixtures, a large Flower (tardon, with choico Shrubbery, Hoses. See. The location, as regards health and comfort, is unsurpassed, j To an early applicant, a bargain will be given. To those wishing to purchase, the premises will lie shown at any time. \V. J. M'KAIX. Oct. 17. tf?42 NEW GOODSKICZ5 FRE.1CII ITKOLS'fERl. FALL IMPORTATIONS. H. W. KINSMAN & CO., 179 KI\Ci STREET. Comer of Ring and Berrisford Stroets, i MPOltTKUS OF riiptniii llateriali:. TInhn!> slery Goods and l*apor Hangings. INVITE the attention of the trade and public generally to the extensive and beautiful assortment of SATIN DE LA INKS, DAMASKS. LACK AND MUSLIN CURTAINS, COR NICKS, RANDS AND J'INS, Ac. which they are receiving from Europe aud American manufactories, and which they oiler Wholesale and Uetail, at prices lower than any other house in this city. II. W. K. ?fc Co. aio receiving the latest Pans designs tor CUltTAIKS and DECORATIONS, of all kinds, and arc enabled to produce work of the best character and style. Merchants and Families will find it to their advantage to call, as every article in the Curtain and I'pholslcry Line can be obtained at the above establishment, and at terms which cannot fail to give approbation. All kinds of INTERIOR DECORATIONS executed, and PAPERS put up in a superior style by experienced workmen. Charleston, S. C. 50 4t. "\TKW Raisins, Almonds, Citron, Extracts, Cheese, .1. A Sugar House Syrup, Powdered sugar, umutes Pickles, Isinglass. Cayenne,'and Jenny Litnl gold twist Toliaceo, a superior article, just received at tlie "Old Cornei" by K. W. BOXNEY. Pease's Horelivtcad Candy. V SMALL lot of the genuine article just received . Dec. 12 by T. J. WO It KM AX ,t CO iVcw Velvet Vriinniitsgs. J UST received a full assortment of black and color ed Velvet Trimmings of all widths at Dec 3.?lm. 0. MATUESOX'S. Notice. DURIXO my ab?ciico from the Slate, A. M. Kennedy and William Clybuin, jr. will act as niv Agents. " K. S. MOFFAT. * Dec. 5. 48. jVotioo. A LL who are indebted to mo by note or open acZcount arc earnestly requested to come forward and pay. Being coin pel led to leave borne on account of my health, the urgency of this enll will be apparent, as I require money to meet mv own engagements.? Thankful for past favors, a continuation is solicited inmt-mr-ftu-Mia K. S. MOFFAT. Dec 5?3m - - - - ? - -to Keep Your Feet YVariti and Dry. I J" A DIMS and Gentlemen who are exposed cither to ; ji J inn wci or com wmicr-wcauicr, nuum uu ncn iw provide themselves wit It Coik .Soles and Winter Overshoes, which may lie had ol superior quality and on reasonable terms of WORKMAN ,t CO. Nov. 21. -17 tf. At Cost! TIIK Subscriber will commence this day to sell his entire Stock (which is very complete) of Dress Silks and Fancy Worsted Dress Goods, at Cost, for Cash, of at greatly reduced prices on a credit till the 1st day or January next. Ladies arc invited to call at thu "Old Corner" and purchase bargains. Nov. 21-48 K. W. JJONNKY. NOTICE. To tlic Creditors 01 moorc & JiuyKcnuai AND W. C. MOORE, i N assignment of the Stock in Trade, Effects and J\. Asselts of .Moore .t Kuykendal and \V. (3. Moore having been made to me, dated December 9, 1854, in which, after certain preferred creditors therein named, provision is made (before a general distribution thereof*.) for such of the partnership creditors of Moore Sc. Kuykendal and of \V. C. Moore as will come in within sixty days after date of a iid assignment signify their assent to_ the terms of the same, execute re lenses of their respective debts remaining due after receiving their proportionate dividends under said clause. Notice is hereby given to such of the creditors of Moore & Kuykendal and W. C. Moore as intend to avail themselves of the benefit of the said provisions, to render in their claims and comply with llio aforesaid terms and stipulations within the time limited, or they will bo debarred the bent lit of the same. With respect to the same address me at Camden, (? \ JAS. I. VILLEPJGUE, Assignee. Dec. If, 1854. 51 tf Notice* rpiIIC Notes, Books of accounts, Ac., of Mooro k J. Kuykendal, and certain other debts duo to W. C. Moore, having been assigned to me, notice is hereby given to such persons as may be indebted to said parties to come forward and make immediate payment Doc 10?51 JAS. I. V1LLKHIGUE, Assignee. Notice. 1 PURCHASERS at Sheriff's Sales made on the first Monday in January last, on a credit of twelve months, are informed that their bonds and notes will be due on the first Jancniy prox.; they have been placed in mv hands for collection and no indulgence can be extended. WM. M. SHANNON. Dec 13 1*54 51 ,i LARGE portion oftho Notes nnd Bonds of Wm. xV C. Moore have been placed in my hands for immediate collection. Those indebted will save cost by an earlv settlement. WM. M. SHANNON. Dec 13 51 ExectttorN Notice. VLL persons having demands against Benjamin Raskin, d -c'd. will prraynt them duly attested. | and those indebted will make payment to Oct. 3. A. G. BAsKIN, Ex'or. Dr?*s Silks at Cost. i ryntf ui punctual customers. Nov. 14,?If. J. ISRAEL. HATS, Caps, Shoes, Trunks, Guns and Cutlery. l.r j. Israel.A FRESH SUPPLY OF FANCY and HEAVY GROCERIES. Just receiving, consisting of 3 lilnls. New Orleans SUGARS 2 " Muscovado BO 3D barrels refined DO 10 " crashed BO 10 sacks Old Java COFFEE 20 " Rio BO 5 Itlids. West India MOLASSES 20 best Now Orleans BO SO boxes Adamantine CANDLES 20 " superior Sperm. BO 10 4* " Pearl Starch 1 " ' No. 1 Soap. Scgar* and Tobacco. 23 M SEGARS, of various brands 2 boxes Peon's TOBACCO 2 " Young America HO 3 " Willis DO 2 " Crown Imperial DO 1 " Arrow Twist DO Wines aia- y wmaBmmmcmmmstcutjmmmat ^ 'i wnwi mammummggj , WOR-Sfc iyir&tia&i : wokjsk! :: J DR. JJcLAXX'.S V. i.<',van;: riled lo bo tiio brst. icost irifr aid roiiirsl cure for Worms- Vj | Jt is appro* n?i?l roMirowi'-nded I?y ths Medical /jj ! Faculty in ever section whore it lias Leon iutryducid. y ! Jn fact, wliorc i .? known none o'ln r i? used. .1 , ?j Oiit'ofpar :r.o-'i iysilMifiM in spV5fcii!~ of 3 | ;tIV. MH-aiic's \ crn-ino- say : " i's rioiity _ ^ [ over all oilier Y<>n.ili.;r--s Slum lie- (act I.-.a ... while it i? moteretiifacioi.ii than :myotl'er Vt nniftigW. it it perfectly {'fr. f*gB ESPl'jice 25 een's.pCr boilie. 'Dr. !?Ic:ff*Jiesi?.'V> B.KIXG composed entirely of refj&tHe not only -sale, Uil. Ifav.j liycii .lwunil liy njljWfio j linvo used llu-ni. as t!:e liesM:eiiictly.lm all uii eel ions. v I of tlio IActr arid Digestive _ oiynns. ?Jii_ vCljercr '' -j tlievvire used Liver Complaint cannot existl v wj JgTPriec n oettls V?t bo.v. " ' . >? The above valuable-prcj>mati?>iiP arc .fdffjflft bv . j most ol' the Druggists, and.iircto Ufi had;T\Mr#ci?ijle.of . ^ p. >r. coiiKN,&sM Importers and Dealers in Progs, Medicines, . cals, Perfumery Srvy " ' . v No. 251 Ilaynu-strei't.-CharlciSfon.'^o^lB/-.... L; ? . ... . ' *j - - . . - U -rsr . GROCERIES AT COST.' M rpiiK subscriber intending In close his presentl'tirW faB .L noss by the 10.h December next, pliers.h:H.enliro VL stork of Ileavv awl "Fancy OnOCKTUK-S, \Y 1XL?S, ^>'j tTQUOUS TOILVCCO, SKO'ARS. Jo., ? AT COST FOR CASH i or for approved paper at. Collars, payable' at itank ? The stock is' new and Complete, and those Avislling^tv. , "" gains will do well to call and examine, .ill ' &Sk Nov. 7?tr. .1. A. .sguROCK.._ C. A. M'D'CEALD.; 7a:lu;. jjgjBEEMM RIIH KTURXS liis thanks to n liberal public for Ihcff ~ ! patronage am! would inform them that ~ ./ .*, just retnrnc lie also has the Latest French. nntl? American,fp&f ? ions, aud will execute work with despatch and fliine- - " (utility, as. he lias the best.of workmen, Prices accord- , . ing to times. For easb, a discount wilh be idhiwcdb - ' V Oct 2 4 ^ l:: 4 M. k II. ICKNNKPY'S Stock 6f Prcas. Qopds;', J 3l for Ladies' wear. Km broideries. il'oHrr. 1CF Ac, is now very lull, arid ollercd on the Ul'ofit My tcr"i!i- ___ .. - AM. A 11: KENNEDY would call atteiiliorito a large Stock of Cloths. Cnssimeres, SaUndhtt). Jeans. Kerseys, I.iuseys, Flannels, BkiiikeU,to.j 'wl^lF' ' will be sold ut the lowest prices. A."iw. & IMieiinedy ,,v HAVE received and ofler for sale a full asstfrfment. ' of Ueady. Hade Clothing, consisting afcCoeti^' . Vests, Pitms, HOYS' CLOTHING. " ' . .r Coats and Vests, Under Shirts, Drawer*, $ llos&ASefe Cravats, Ac, - ~ Dress Shirts, of superior quality, raadt) tn '^rdopiiMlSrf^" ;.-V'r%itf warranted to lit. . Oct JJcwcIry, &c. * . .'J" r I"M1K Subscribcrdmsjust received, by Express, frOrtP ;' JL New York, a new supply of lino .Golt^ewelty.-v '.1 v consisting of late styles of the following article6i? w-re., . -?,J Plain gold Brooches and Earrings, 1 Pearl and Filagree Eorrngs; Gold and Mosaic PIMr-'. ?, Cud'Pins and Buttons; Gold Xecklace add Crosr; Bracelets, Sleeve Buttons, Seals, Keys, Ac. ' - * i ALSO, ... China Vases. Toilet eases Match Boxes, Cups and Saucers, Ag: ' Oct 24 A. YOEN&t*; ' * ' mt ? 't* ' j^*' vv vm SELLING Ox? - W AT KEDICED PRICES ' rT~MIK subscriber having determined ti> elosfe fjis.fctp^g. " r .1. sinesa in Camden, by the first of January, .wilt' sell his stock of GHOCKRIKS, WINKS, AND-L*%. , >fv.v QUORS, at reduced prices lor. Cash. Ho CHEAPER than the same articles can be purvhiecdfj " elsewhere in Camden. His stock is LARGEv AjffD * COMPLETE, aud well worth public attention. J , '*] L. A. AUSTJ&,-*e - * rl~UlE subscriber lias in store, of his own mbnufac JL turo and importation, an enormous stock ofWIN A*' DOW, SHADES, GILT CORNICES, PAPER JJLANG.7 . 1NGS, MATRASSES, SATIN DELAINES/DAHVj. ASKS, LACE AND .MUSLIN CURTAIN*. TAS.^ SEI.S, io. All of which arc^ered .U-pricegdlmt'flre.-^ . . appreciated by all close bu vers and economical houses V keepers. " 1L W. KINSMAN, & 00. 170 King-st'. - Comer of.King and Berriford, Chhrk'8fon^,_*Jt *" April 3. 14 -ly ; , NOTICE. I- **. ' f|"MIE subscriber respectfully informs liis frienda acd^, X patrons that ho continues his BUSINESS ALL ITS BllANCIlKS.nt AV. J- Gnyerias o)'' or reasonableness of their charges, by any otlfer estiflfc IMimcnt. M J. Wake, AVood-workman, and AV. CoennAxy ter and Trimmer, will-give "tlieir^tidividedaMenttoif.ta^v*-- . their departments,'mm all XJli^feksn>i111_rs work, will bp.^. . done ?o order bv competent workmen. *r 3 vL jSaxii AVA 1H2 imHR3#^T 4 fept. 12. '37 PIANO FORREST.. rpilE subscriber has just Ic'coived ii 8upplyj:^"'|ir . . JL hiid seven Octavo 1'IANO I-cmTES, Rosewjjgtl eases, of superior-.tone and workmnusliijVj tnW^re^,? * warranted equal to any manufactured ia-tin* eodntrjy* from the celebrated house of llullett and Cumston,^ Boston, and will he.sold at wiDnfertOMnf prie^A^v .. Nov 14 . . 'r . "" "To the Rcscne,** ->* "* rpIIOSE indebted to mo for the part, will aid id*pe: L very much'in meetingmv Fall payments, tf they . will come forward immediately nnd settle their Bills. Coming to do 1*0 before Jnntwry will lie thongbt 110 breach of eourteey whatever on tlie portofthoee t?* drbtodMbr the yearn 1851, '53 and '53. Nov Ifc-at* z. J. Pell AY* . Hiokle nntt Preserve Jars. ' f \L.vR(3K assortment wtli Corks to fit, just roeeiv? cd and for solo by T. J, WORKMAN A CO. . Aug.29. r. 35 Taiiow f'/r Sale. ?.? ON band, a lot ot itvimo Tolloxv for snlo. Nov. i8.-tf. WORKMAN ft Ca * ' yr;. V V'" r V" '